Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Mar 1946, p. 1

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r ^'-. <vJ -+• «*" '***I>* ** -7*< .m ' -- "• ~"*a*r' A .V£**n r^3>r*r t"*T~ v" *'*' <v*»** ^ 19 -*t / : <^?-rt^"'.^-f:^ >^<v" *& •Vj&- r'T^W' 'C^Ti* * :?aiSaa sw,w>,,^,v. .. . . --^v" •-.••; ci';,Vc.'•:.",v '"••' '•'$ -~.v ^.^*.«,;s*ay- i'4^ri^4-mr Wvr^' '** 1 A^SiCVt* ..#> , '• ! ^ . s,0' ^/Ti •.,»:*rtf^;. - - « £ > ^ J • $ * »3 •* f t - ' ,U^"~??t gffrwtf» "**&£_V **». a-,,,-# • "a'-.*.:" '" # < v • ** * • . McHMntY, ILLDT0I8, THPMDAY, MAUI 28, 1946 . ..1 UST RITES HELD II SATURDAY FOR AWAITS ASSIGNMENT I Cfcarkrtte 3. Madden, I Rural School Teacher I- S3 Tears, Dead At 88 :.: ;pn a small community such as ; •Its certain people through their; •any years residence in one place,; eventually become such a part of• that community that others come to j •Spect them to always remain an | kjptorical backgrounnd to an ever expanding city. Thus, when death Has them take leave of their old Mends those who are left feel the lots not only personally but to the •immunity in general. Such was the feeling that spread though much of McHenry last Thursday, March 21, 1946, when it was learned that Miss Charlotte Jane Madden, 88, had past away. A JUNIOR AT LOCAL HKH FINALIST IN BEAUTY MUTEST Rose MaAsat Among - Eight finalists In Field Of 5,000 Girls "Her classmates, her family, in fact, all McHenry, is mighty proud of the fine showing made by Miss Rose Marie Matzat of McCullom Lake in the recent "Miss Outdoors" contest which took place in Chicago. She was one of eight finalists in the contest in which 5,000 girls in the Chicagoland area were entered. Schools and young people's organizations throughout this area were sent notices some time ago stating the rules of the contest, and hnndreds of girls from that day forward had their hearts set on the coveted title. Out of the original entries, the NSW PETIT JURY REPORTS TOR DUTY IN CIRCUIT COURT Photo tqr A Worwtcfk. McHenry ROBERT JUSTEN After more than a year of service with the navy, Robert Justen, F 1-C, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Justen of this^ vicinity, she had lived of Green street, is awaiting assign-1 field was narrowed eventually to to entire liftime in and around ment at Norfolk, V». After his forty girls, who were invited to a McHenry. where her many valuable boot training was completed at gala party on March 16., There they aarvices in the early < educational j Great Lakes early in 1945, "Bob" met such stars as Lee Bowman, UDe of the vicinity will be well; attended service school there andI Eleanor Powell, Roddy Mc Do wall, •••limbered by the old timers. j later was transferred to Tompkins-1 Marguerite Chapman and other fam- Bhe was bom on April 24, 18&7, ville, Staten Island, New York, wherev ous folks of radio and Hollywood •aar Barton's Bridge in Nunda he remained- until the first of this j fame. township, the daughter of Henry,year. He was fortunate to be home Eight Finalists and Catherine Madden. She was .during th« holidays for a five-day j Then, each evening from March •Be of si* children, all of whom, leave. 18 to 22, the last eight girls ap- j &LARA DODGE. Rilev have preceded her in death. An Sinwreturnmg t°_W p£ peared for final judging, Miu Matsat CARL F. FER&UBOlJ, Marengo the leave, he was assigned to a PC parading before the spotlight on i ray E boat, which has __ been making short March 20. Last Saturday evening' PHILIP* FOUR MEN, ONfc WOMAN FILE FOB SCHOOL VACANCIES Proof that McHanry folks followed our advice and gave serious thought to the forthcoming school election to be held on Saturday, April 15, was evidenced by the fact that last Saturday at midnight, five petition? had been filed for three vacancies on the grade boarft. Two, a man and a woman, will seek to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of President R. G. Chamberlin. They are Frank Meyer and Mrs. Cynthia Fike, who will both run for a one-year term. For the two posts • as members, caused by the resignations of E. H. Nickels Mid Frank Meyer, three men will run. THiey are C. James Downs, Hubert Smith and Howard V. Collins. The great importance of our educational system jaust certainly be ~ kythe interest taken the April election. IMS FRANCHISE DECISION WR1 IE GIVEN AnilL 23 BRITISH BRIDE Local Witn Testify 4t Hearing In Chicago Tuesday felt, in All candidates have many worthwhile qualifications, so it would seem to he uft to the voters todecide on their choices. The W. A. F. Transportation Company was given a hearing: before the Illinois Commerce Commission in Chicago on Tuesday of this week, but a definite answer will not be received until the final hearing date which has been set for April 28. Local residents evidenced keen interest in the proposed bus line as eighteen witnesses were on hand to testify as to the needs jpf additional transportation. In addition to this number from McHenry, McCullom Lake, Wonder Lake and other surrounding subdivisions, several, Mc- Henryites now employed in Chicago attended the hearing. Those in attendance who thought the hearing would be shori and the path smooth were surprised to find many obstacles to be ov«$come be- MRS. MAX VOIGHT Above is Mrs. Max Voight, the former Isabel Pointon of England, who arrived on March 1 on the Queen Mary with 2,000 other British brides. She was met there by her husband after which they returned to McHenry. They are now residing fore a Certificate of Necessity can i j" an »P*rtn»ent in the Jacob Steffes - home on Jbhn street. NEW RUSMEI NEW OWNERS WELCOMED HERE von Bampus yd Beginning Production Of Concrete Products $0 •Id family record book kept by her ~ " er in the middle of the last runs out of Norfolk. A J?0* £7 selected!^ issued by the Commission. and reported for *uty lest week in Notification was received last week1 „ ' the circrft court of Judge William that the Fox Valley Bus Line had Theresa Mergen Capped At M. Carroll. rolKywL»g »re the county j fifod a petition to cover the same rjonk' flnnntv Lsst fHrfav residents who are serving for the territory as proposed by the W. A. U00K U0Umy iM> Frl(lay present tana: F. Transportation Company. Tnis, of . _ .. ~--__ . „ course, was filed several weeks after _.°T1 Friday ••ming, Much 22, Miss the W. A. F. filing. iThereaa Menen, a graduate of the Attornevs, obviously veterans of; WIt^ class of many a franchise battle, were on | ' Jreceived her cap with twenty- DR. LOUIS STEINBERG ACTING SUPERINTEND'T ELGIN STATE HOSPITAL Marengo f he fi!>PtI?tre^ end at thit I roLlA T. BURROUGHS, Dunham Tuesdav* reoresmtinff the Grev-•on® other student nurses at a candlet. m« h« vrin«,r .nnyncpt 3h« OHAKUtS Ay gURKART.« ! light wre„«,ny .t Cook County was Miss Barbara TreadweU j>f Kl-1AMY G. ST«ritwTS, Chemung United and Cardinal lines. .School of Nursing m Chicago. jgin, charming brunette of 19. who ROBERT E. FINK, Alden was proclaimed winner to the plaur EL8IE FEHRMON, Hartland dits of the more than 17,000 persons | MARY M. STEVENS, Coral who jammed Chicago Stadium to | JOHN RUGH, Grafton Dr. D. Louis Steinberg, 43, of Chi capacit.y for this final -j udging of the B--E RNIC--E KALSW, Grafton cago, has been appointed acting su- Sports and Travel Show "Miss Out- LAWRENCE MEYER, Dorr perintendent of the Elgin State hos-j doors" competition. I JAMES P. CONLEY. Dorr pital, it was announced by Casaius i Judges of international repute F3DITH A. WESTER MAN, Dorr roust, director ef the department (made the selection, among them JOHN C. WIDMAVER, Dorr of public welfare. , ^ I being such authorities on pulchritude 1 ARNOLD POMEROY, Don- Doctor Steinberg succeeds the late as George Petty, artist creator of,JOHN J. HOWELL, Dorr Dr. Charles F. Read as administra-! the Petty Girl; Arthur Will, RKO | HENRY A. FREEMAN, Hebron tive head of the hospital. Doctor talent scout; Estelle Compton, model I J. WALLACE KRUSE, Richmond Read, who died on March 11 at the {fashioner; and Sam Levy, theatrical EARL K. TOWNSEND, Richmond age of 69, had served almost sixteen producer. jWM. J. HILLER, McHenry years as head of the Elgin institu- i Miss Treadwell's awards will in- WILLIAM BLAKE, McHenry * tion. _ ! clilde, among other gifts, a two- MARIE ROPIQ. McHenry Doctor Steinberg was educated at week all-expense trip to California, EDWARD R» SUTTTON, McHenry the University of Illinois, graduating * screen test for RKO, a modeling I LAiURA A. WEBER, McHenry from tht 4CB00l9i ihedical school in course and instroctfons in the art oil JOHN A. GftBEEN, Nunda 1930. He (ttpfbed at Francis E. Wil- flying an airplane. | ARTHUR W^. OE2IMKE, Algor lard hospital in Chicago and joined Yes, everyone's proud of Rose; MARTHA OLSON, Algonquin ! the Elgin staff in 1931, remaining Matsat, who made so fine a showing EMMA C. WIIJBftANDT, Algonquin there until 1939. He served from and came so close to fame last! ' 1935 to '39 as senior staff physician. Saturday evening. Rose is a pretty (He then was named assistant super- member of the junior class in the century tells how all of the children ^hi*h /CtiVe in, f" received a Christian baptism at the S" t? Rl^f M l!'s,?ant exce.llent_,dancerdutch settlement in Nunda. 1 g " ass,stant terested m music. She is completely Miss Madden,s teaching career 8"^"^*"^- . vBmr . . unspoiled by the great amount of began at the early age of 16 *nd publicity she has been receiving of continued for thirty-three years, when J* *r™y medical corps dunng the late, which is just another good reaahe retired. She tought at Oakhurst last war> , »on for her popularity. school and also at Barreville, driving VA1>r * v*in ---- ' in a horse and buggy the distance -EAKL. 1*. JXLEAD, DFCIJNE IN TOTAL OF «f five miles each day. | FORMER BUSINESS T I COUNTY T-B PATIENTS United and Cardinal lines. Bob" Winkel, president of the' Guests and relative* attending, in- W. A. F., withstood the grind of a, cludii two-hour questioning in able and ad- were mirable fashion. Other witnesses and a close friend, Mjss Mary Mcalso presented their stories in con- Auley. both of McHenry; a sister, New Homes, new businesses, faces-- all are part of McHenry and the surrounding- community during post-war days. No doubt old timers making a visit to our fair city would find it very much changed from even so short a time ago aa ten years. So many excavations are being; made and so many new buildings being erected that it is difficult to keep in touch with everything that is strictly "new." However, the following have come to our attention during the past week: After many months of preparation, von Bampus and Sons, specialising in concrete products, have producing, operating on the tc Cooley property just north of egan road, near the water tower. The three men, father and two sons, are using the same building that warn employed by Mr. Cooley in similar work but are carrying out the bos* iness more extensively. Specialties are building blocks* standard blocks, dry well blocks and septic tank blocks. They have installed new machinery and other equipment and are just now ready to start production. uuin^ Waul? vincing manner. Ask Temporary Franchise With sll testimony presented in the Examiner's court on Tuesday, , , . Winkel was again called to appear daughter, on Wednesday morning. This time, " . _~ a reonest was made by the attorney ^ for W. A. F. for a temporary fran-1 SUSPEND DRIVING S ,Tfhv,Xtdu,,£^<,p:riK mohts1 or m state final hearing. i MOTORISTS IN 1946 Residents of McHenry township j are vitally interested in the proposed The new owners are Raymond von Bampus, his son, Richard, recently discharged from the army, . , _ , - and Robert, who has been released nr several from out of town from navy 8ervice. her mother, Mrs. Emms Reed The von Bampus family has resided at Wonder Lake for .twelve years, where they are well aouainted. Hiey are now taking orders for cement products and may be reached ty calling McHenrv 245-J. s | Miller Gang* The New McHenry quonset type building, recently and is n iness, owned and Miller. While the new, it is only a re-of business itself for Mr. sted a garage for three ysars entering service in the wwnmsi of fa lanvary Mrs. Charles Jones of Cicero; an aunt, Mrs. Joseph Viskocil, and a close friend, Miss Colleen Kelly, of Chicago; and Mrs. John Burg and Marjorie, of Downers . . .... , Driving rights of 267 Illinois ^^ i-xunaa ,bus. no} competitive or- motorists has been suspended for r ,\i VT" ARTHUR ,W. OEHMKE, Algonquin ^nixation to other bus lines, but faiiure to meet requirments of the llrtlSlt? a a n.<iA» ai_! p M rather for local transportation and new Drivers' Safety Financial Re- st^ed work on J^h* The garage, which is located on NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN as a feeder line to both the long sponsibility law since the act went I distance bus lines and the rail read, [ntoeffect January" 1,"' the Safety; J^t |uS,w2idilSteS g*nerml *•***?. Responsibility Division repoDrrteierd to I Palace Recreation Secretary of State Edward J. Barrett last week. The suspensions were aa of March 15. MAGICIAN WILL BE CHIEF ATTRACTION ON F. F. A. PROGRAM I _ . , . 7-r0 .. . . motorittl who "later ^ *" I The date is April 9. the place is financial responsibility in the form!®**0' (or "ver*1 y®*" * !: SC^ the of proper bond or insurance, that their ^1'. automobile* had been stolen, that1 A partnership of nine years exists ing between Herman J. Steffes and Of the drivtiv' licruM .aspendti;JJ„Bu,d 1!" SV however, 122 have been Restored to' * MAN HERE, DIES CITED BT DR. PETTER fei McHenry residents learned with McHcnry county has paid $65,000 d^edicated a few years ago she was ™ V>Tard -the c*™-of its pstients at tl/j ;« k«. a# wl Li. Mead, 79, at one time owner Lake •l^ amv arthTWa^kl!ln 4rrnH" P- f p m- the attracHon-- aiitomobile" that ..Th* ,^rmer K.CTKM®™ Tsh w *"5^ at the Waukegan recruit- P,erce. the magician, who recently they had been the victims of wrong th»n* th« for ,ts pm*ro?afe aLS, « . C0.n}P1Lt?^. a 'onf \our of Pacific license numbers given by persons i »Pd wls^ the new owner luck in Jeek. Five of the with Eddie Pea body and Bob Hope, figuring in accidents, or where the ihls future business. I^ven were former The F. F. A. chapter (Future case was settled or where releases n. . \ ^r*Il ^akes Orer^• feisrane. Kalpn Farmers of America) is sponsoring were obtained from aggrieved oar-1 Kichard F.. Justen win take over M. Justen of Mc- the evenine's entertainment and pro- ties. , j management of the Standard Henry re-enlisted c^eds will be used to defray expenses The division said that in the two-! Serv»ce L Station operated for many for „another eigh- of the annual F. F. A. t^nuet, and-one-half months the new law >'fa« fcy hl» father. Nick P, Justen, teen months m the which will be held April 2. Tickets has been in operation, 1,417 motorists; i4. the intereection of Elm street and grade of staff ser- will be on sal<» next Monday and have been certified to the secretary Klchmond Road. The change wnl geant. He is the can be purchased from any F. F. A. by the State Department of Public be£2me elective April 1. son of Stephen mrmhtr. Thev »re thirty-five cents Works and Buildings to post security] elder Justen will remain on h. u^ ESS5.= ^p"iodwiU>,ta~ a Dalton of ur^lMiKK'. ^irlk c0^nt? residents were found to be, Dick Freund received hts Mlesae, model*, will be ovne of the specialties. 8nce to \ov> i damages. suflr«n"K {T°% tvterculosis at the fr0m service at Great Ukes last and there will be many other at- aa mages. Spruce, Mich. He was jweceded samtonum. Today, acprding to I>r. week. . He is the son of the Nick tractions on. the program. Watch ty[RS NELLIE LARKIN for detail^ in next week's issue. Oldest at Reunion In the old Volo school she also I Instructed the little folks for many, years. Wlien the new school was proud tfLnd happy ^i^he/^emoi^of ®*rl L\ Mead, 79. at one time owner Lake County Tuberculosis Saniearlier days as she attended^^the t0r^m at. W^keV^n since 1941, acaervkes as an honored guest. She ^ ^r ,,Pharles, K' ^etter' and Clarke Houston, who has since to Oak Pr,"arrKk _s8eevve!rr^a'l_ y,ears ag0' chief medical officer, who s_p oke a_ t died ™;rthe'Void"st t^"he™p^S ^ 5 at the reunion. Following her long period as teacher, Miss Madden engaged practical nursing at intervals for few years., Until, ,ghe broke her hip in a • ... . . --'* --™ -- "«»• » mc nh w m fall seven weeks ago, she had lived j ^ari Mead brothers, William Petter, twenty-seven of^ these are Freunds of Waukegan street. «n the same property, on Park St. almost continuously since 18 6 6. She lived alone since her sister, ^ 79«"t Mrs Mary Green, died in 1936 the funeral home at 728 ^"ke street, T-B After her return from the hospital four weeks ago, Miss Madden had ® been making her home with a nephew, u.mrpv D*amvwn<a William Green. - The only other MCUBH JtY KE8IIJJEJN IS alive and well. The other ten are, Funeral services were held on Sat- still being treated. Nineteen other; -r- ! urday afternoon Sit 1:30 o'clock in patients were sent there from this! j • "2"-,* WP° h?", b®en CHICAGO TITLE-TRUST the funeral home at 728 Lake street, T-B by other sources. Fourteen of !tfi,on?d Manil» »">«• >•»* Oc- IftUOl ^terller'retora'from^he'Wplul 2nL?rk' ^ bUl1al *l8° to' ST'cllSI Pro0,oted to Private HAS BOUGHT INTEREST SUFFERS FRACTURED LEG IN ACCIDENT corps. Stolen Car Of Visiting Couple Found On Snnday IN COUNTY COMPANY It wasn't enough, that last Satnr> day night was rainy and dreary, bat [one young couple visiting McHenry relatives | had double trouble. Mr. and Mrs. surviving relative is another nephew, GOOD USE OF • regarding tuberculosis. than Lake gjbert G,c«n. residing in ^ WKATHEK "Hie body rested at Jacob Justen' Sons funeral home until 9:30 o'clock T. •n Saturday morning, when last year to date was last Monday, March , .f081 Pe.r ^aY, nas increa rites were conducted at St. Patrick's 25. Either that or it was the time the ongmal _three dollars disease and the others died at the ^ Dr. Petter said that McHenry in^a^eave^it^hi^DarenL^hlf^n" The board of directors of the Mc early ,ast Thursday evening when find their car stolen. aPP^^Jn hfu"61" ton Blakes. He is sUtioned at Nor- Henry Title company last week an- ^ struck by an automobile at, . Knowing that nothing could ha McHenry friends and were sorry to learn that Mrs. Nellie j Carl Hya'tt of Kenosha emerged from ' Larkin, 68, of Elgin, was injured an evening snack at Mi Place, only ' county, with its 100-bed sanitorium The figures for this county's totals folk, Va. nounced that the Chicago Title A the intersection streets. Births uni i ii »»»»•»•»•»»>•• -- oS Chicago and! done at that late hour, they took a Trust company has purchased an in- t*ibe?y K 8t?e&. M J r8, *nd ^ind^J™",of ^ whole "»*' . TW...U KennoK^ok l». v terpst in tho rnmnnnv «i,H p m her husband. Edward, were crossing ter and started for her mother's Probably the loveliest day of the ar®,w»tl" "1°^ing. , . fered from Camp Picket, viT to Wienke has resided as president from the northeast to the northwret; home After a four block trek in - - .cost per day 1ms increased.^ York. , U^Vj^yd^a^riSt ^ Paul BonsletV Jr., Arrived home of' Woodstock, hu been elected Pres- ^d«altbo,";t d ,t°" punVshmSt w^du^ S°m€ last week from New Orleans, having ident to succeed Mr. Wienke, Richard T-rkin striking Mrs.|P Ab<> o'clock%und«v made the return trip with his grand- Duff of Waukegan has been elected ov,~ " _ i-l.. f. o*. ?«.»«»,»- i.^. * rail mm* Sunday morning brents Mayor and Mrs. R. .'over- J-Wjjj". ^ShTLSSllS l^n' ^ thT returning from ad Harold I^^R^ve, general coun- examination revealed that her left Johnsburg with everything intact, Ii 'THittll®e &A TTVruirsft Lcomfpnan»y, %ihaa. ?hbe!e!n! le|1 was fractured between the ankle I including some important papers. and knee ghe aUo 5uffered bruises! Th* drarch. Burial was in the church of year when folks felt it was not $4.50 at the present time, cemetery. too early to take advantage of the invigorating air and warm sunshine. Thoughts of aching muscles and backs on Tuesday morning was no deterrent to enthusiastic gardeners, who worked feverishly with rakes and spades, some from early morning to late night. Happy even in the ftllMK VETERANS who Florida. ..M. orris :C rouch_ leVTf t byv p.l ane M\ ' on- enl ectedii s:eiic retary. Judge Wi;lljiiaumi :•_•W_j inOCIi day evening for New "York, where Carroll will remain as vice-president |' his ship, the "Enterprise," is docked, and H. T. Cooney, president of the.l -- Stste Bank of Woodstock, will re- j Mr. and Mrs. William F. Doherty main as treasurer. Mrs. Helene; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Roche are the parents of a 6 lb. 12 ox., son, Peter! knowledge that leaves from the < Thomas, bom at the Woodstock hos-! yards of their less energetic neigh- j pital on Monday, March 25. Mr.'bors would probably replace those! Itoche is the new science teacher at being raked up failed to dampen j 'Hang on to your government in-(received a call this week from their, Brewer, an employe of the com the high school, having come to Mc- their spirits. Isurance is the advice of every in- son, Phillip, from Gamn. McCoy. Wis., pany, has been elected assistant- Henry in Januiary. ' Mothers and their young offsprings j surance expert to the veterans who1 advising them that he expects to treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartrum of; *ortunate enough to be under school j are returning home. It is a bargain,' receive his discharge in the near Route 2 are the parents of a son, | age, packed their lunches and; since all the expense of handling is! future. He recently returned from the horn at Victory Memorial hospital, i started for the nearest fishing hole (met by the federal government. ia long service period in Europe. i since 1938. After a well-earned, rest Waukefran, on Saturday. March 23. w'th^ poles over thei£ shoulders. | Since the veteran has eight yean' -- lin (Florida, it is expected that upon COMING EVENTS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary of Island! '"Peggy" Feltz effected a rescue Lake are the happy grandparents of i which should have made him proud a son, born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene! of his good deed for the day. A Geary at St. Therese hospital on youngr dog was clinging to the sea Wednesday morning, March 27. ftrst State Fair In Four ~-- Years To Be Held In August **all just east of the Centerville bridge about one o'clock in the after- March 28 East River Road Pinochle Club--Mrs. Mr. Wienke has been president of Thonneson. e McHenry County Title company ( *dara s Court--Regular Meeting. March 29 April 1 Altar arid JRosary Sod April 2 Banquet. The general consensus of was that perhaps someone wanted a ride in the rain. ' opinion had just »•»»•••••«•••»•••»>$i||- Among the Sick in which to convert, Service Officer) Floyd Covalt, Jr.. has received his his return he will announce his fu- WiUiam R. Cairns, at Woodstock, in j discharge from the army and is once ture plans. I . the Murphy block, suggests the vet-'again back in McHenry. He served Mr. Snyder, Mr. Duff and Mr. v B » * eran continue paying the war-time for many months in the European Reeve have all spent years in the i * r* „ p m a rate until his income is stabilized, j theatre. 'title business and are thoroughly!KIVemew <-amp, fj- «• a. He has remittance forms for mak- : experiencd titlemen. The new man-1 , . _ noon, unable to pull himself to ing premium payments. Glen Glos is residing in Woodstock agement contemplates no changes in; or ^ Business Meeting a surgical patient for several Shore. With "Peggy s" assistance, he. Congress is now considering]following his discharge at Camp the personnel^ of the present or-1 ' Mrs* wull*ni j William Marticke of Pistakee Bay Mrs. LeRoy Melsek has been con* fined to St. Therese hospital, 'Waukegan, as a medical patient. Mrs. Joseph Stilling, who resides on the blacktop, Johnsburg road, ia improved following a week's illnrsm Mrs. Robert Schaefer returned home last week from Passavant hospital in Chicago, where she had i •MX' was brought to safety, his big brown! amendments that will permit pay- ' Grant recently. eyes and wagging tail saying 'thank you" to his rescuer. Predictions of rain had no affect The Illinois State fair, which was an annual event until the war, will •pen for the first time in four years ; on the spirit of McHenry folks. Monin Springfield on August 9 and will j ^ay was a beautiful day and resicontinue through August 18. dents took it for what it' was. , TTie ever familiar gay crowds, -- -- -- . • pink floss candy, carousels, barkers i 1 ADDRESSES OFFICIALSand huge balloons will be in evidence Attorney General George F. Barto dispel the somborness of military 1 r,:tt will address a meeting of the commands and drilling soldiers that McHenry -county township officials prevailed on the fVir grounds during the war years. Even the politicians will have their day.. with officials representing both parties on hand to "present their case." Democratic Day will be August 14. Republican Day on August 15. MaV« him proud to have YOU beside him in the Easter Parade by wearing one of our charAing flower kits so popular this season. Elixafceth Pich. Green Street, McHenry. at Crystal Lodge, Crystal Lake, this /Thursday) evening, March 28. Mr. Barrettt, who is chief law officer of the state of Illinois, will tell the officials of the powers, duties and ac-. comolishments of liis office. A Republican, he is now serving his second term as attorney general. ment of the insurance in a lump ! sum, with other proposed improvements which will make the veterans' i happy -personnel organization. The directors of McHen-' ry County Title company are Spencer insurance desirable. even more valuable [cHen-1 _r ,P®ncer_ „ . „ _ _ , ! underwent an appendectomy at St. Judge ^ elcome Home Party--M. E. Church Therese hospital, Waukegan, last The Wolf Shadles of Ringwood are William Carrell, H. T. Cooney, Judge _ . ^?r".?. _ ippy over the arrival of their son, H. L. Cowlin, David Joslyn and Dr. Legion Auxiliary and John, who arrived home last week Henry Sandeen | after serving in Japan. McHenry. APPROVE AIRPORT . -- ^ 2,500 War Veterans Axe Now In a ruling handed down last week,, * • * A- Clla»Hir i2 the Illinois Department of Aero-1 Apni 12 nautics approved the application of Mothers Club. s» . the Elgin Airport Corp. for the! - _ .. April 15 Our colored Easter chicks will arrive about April 16. Be sure to order yours. Farmers MAI. . 45-3 Read the Want Ads EXTINGUISH GRASS FIRES ti^^heTpUnmng^"' ?n°EmpIoyed Instate Offices Mmehovr^muia^eif0to^have^two mSl It i« interesting to note that the riijht to eonstroet and *oi>|>erate a "Play Ni?M" For County Home Bu occur at almost the same time in I total number of veterans now em- class I airport one and one-half miles; r««® .wooastocK. ----. the same vicinity on Monday. I ployed in code departments and northwest of Elgin and stated that a I , r ST 1 * n-t- They were called to the Adam independent offices under Governor certificate of approval would be Claras court--installation. Koch home on the Bay and to Pista- Green is more than 2,500. This forthcoming when required conditions' _ .... _ ' . week. Meeting--j Miss Catherine Schwerman suffer- 1 ed a cracked bone in her foot last . April 9 'Thursday afternoon while playing Evening Program -- Sponsored By {tennis. Vincent Tonyan of Ringwood broke a bone in his foot in a fall an Satqua Heights to extinguish grass fires (number was released last week after .are met. The decision follows six which had gained considerable head-1 seventy-eight former GIs began weeks' deliberation over testimony way. No damage was reported. [duties for the State of Illinois. taken at a public hearing at Geneva • J Exactly half of this total,or 1,256, February 1, at which a group of Maybe you favor an off-the-face are new employees to the state ser- property owners from Elgin and model, or perhaps it's a wide brim-1 vice. The remainder are former, vicinity voiced objections to the Wat*-en med hat. Whatever your choice, > employees who have returned from project. we can serve you with J^hg very (miWtlary leave. Riverview Camp, R. Party. N. A.--Public RESIDENCE CHANGES newest styles for spring, 19JHT Eliz-1 abeth Pich, Green street, McHenqr. a» for the Plaindealer Order your Plaindealer. Stampa at Tfc* Holly and family have moved from Meiroee IM mto the upper flat at Holly's Service Station. He Is now in partnership with his father, Joseph C. Helly. urday. > Donald BoUman has been a medical patient at St. Therese hospital, Waukecran, this week. George Thall underwent surgery at St. Luke's hospital, Chicago, on Wednesday. Mrs. Pauline Nimsgera has been a patient at St. Therese heapital. Waukegan. Our colored Easter chicks wffl arrive about April It order yon. Fkinil

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