'S ' •• h---X / • ' -v. l"»'j tMi a»;v MUMdM fr-ty-tet, dale LAHS MMMW net to lot iRSw teriTl plain* An, Chicago, IU. SALB--IMS Cbevwlet condition. Call MeHonry 1! iKLB-KmlOM era J n.m.: 2.5 tana. Case and John Shadla, Ringwood, DL Richim! ond Hi Call •9 FOR SALB -- lttt scooter, ltt-lLp. •10-R-l. Etc Nft 8ALB S7S-R Qnf mixture tweed times, sise St; also plaM shirt rise HH. TdL MeHenry 5 pjn. FOR SAUMUl also mattress and iptagi. M MeHenry 6M-R-2. 9 EST, • ALE Targe, marble-top table .. dreeser; round kitchen table and six fthairs; rounddining room table; wooden ted; metal double bed; rat four antique upholstered Baity. ft-S, WHl'lliAMM --- BUM, -- tntats ' and chicken houses; ilM whitewashing with CaiMaTDfo. A1 Phannenstill. 1U. 4SS-R. 7-1# LiTBnxx wicnra - M Raycraft, WW«e etMcHenry. PhonoJ ig Henry 1«J. KBLLBY SANITARY Clean uptk dstenr and kegan Ontario ajn. and 12 pjn. uinuAsi e tawkti ST 55," PtoM mil. •M wox- Henry IS. 9 Tj£rt*viii. ISIA lift. FOR SALB -- "Water witch" fitfVS i «!!Z Wo. 12 Johnsbarg. *»FOR SALR--Best LAKE COUNTY SANITARY CO. installed. Phone Libertyville 1S46. 50-tf offer takes ap-tWELL WORK-- Order your driven proximately 2%-acre* standing cer- w©u now. We sett, repalr and instoH a ow vwwr bh»CT. *w. »*«««/ '»• oacon, zw main invCt, West Me- 9 o „ »-tf m£3ne, &*^VeSST*St 4ST.m 3 i ^ 5 2 ? i--T| ® Henry. TU. 9S-J. FOR SALE--42-inch electric bottle '-j-... " .•' -- ^ ~Land'l Tel. MeHenry TOR SALE--Johnson '32' outboard 8BPTIC ' g motor, **s- J J~ • -- -- j tion, ^ FOR SALB -- Funk A Wagnall's Co., MeHenry practically r. J< R-l. TANKS and Cees Pools or, Big Quad, in excellent condi- cleaned. Fred Wells.128 BUsworth , $260. Inquire Peterson Boat St, Crystal Lake. Phone MS-M. MeHenry. *9 40-tf Spanish record course, new: complete, $80. Call MeHenry FOR SALE-- One 75-lb. icebox por- 67S-R-1. • • *9 celain lined, one bottle gas stove with ID oM articles ti Drive, TO MJY--Private in Mad wd car. Phone MeHenry «74- M TO BUY -- Four or «te McBwRfi Addrees Mm M-tf #« Hhftr Fox River. Plaindealer. - a mMmmRgr ••MSS MLlS*e ®MB" VPMW'M **** Oil Wednesday to all trip to 8tarvad visited (rinds la D4^E^ AD ANIMALS ---- Fj ive• • d~ o--lla rs iiks I i}n h' ufSw SawSnruf^o p• wMviv U•ii^»hiwekSp ssrss Co. Phone Wheeling No. Kobersttoe, and Mrs. A delithe chargea. No W» 14-tf PERSONAL 87* Mr WM(i_ mwm wn sm *ad Bdb«rt BnfWL «ious (nndt was served to complete the party. The Pinochle clttb met at the hoow of Mrs. Albert Brits on Thursday night. Lovely prisae went to Mrs. -- Hmtrv Myers, M«. Charies Ftem»d >^ hra. jaw also etand Mrs. A1 Sciiinekaer. Following I tended St Joeenh's ganrivaf in Rich- Mr. and lba Jpe Pittges of Chi- Baa&y TiiUtors in the 'BBSONAL--To women and girls who like to sew. We will train you' ^ ^ft^hments wen served?"jjgw* Aaw#Jlwiit LAWp9C^^ri^»8WTOM1T mJ., mS west of MeHenry on Route 120i/; bMlscilk. j cclUasms ccoonndditiitoion.. CCaallll PPiissttaakkeeee 664411- J* ^BL tt^jf on cement mk^g!nTwa;Ty.; 1id*e2a,1l !R l- Mrs. Louise Herman, Cowi Is- ; < j pistake* R*v B for roadside stand; $150 per "8t>KC<> "*y- " immediate possession. Howard Watties, 510 Main Street, Phone 162. MeHenry. •» HELP WANTED KHNTILB FLOOR TILDfO A range, 4 burners with . large ivory and black enamel; one naall Vktrols style coal heater. For test offer or trade for outboard or other items of value. See Oakhurst subdivision. Bate' s white and yellow cottage, with fence; second cottage from Duraaeal lift GONDBK BB08. m tier nome mine, uau Mrs. Kuby, phone Mc&enry 610-J-2.; Washburn Sfc, Woodstoek, m. TsL; ^ |HELP WANTED -- Woman to do _ . FDR SALE OR TRADE--Oni fuo- j laundry in her home or mine. Cull BirlS2Ah^« minr Peter's Parish. met at the ^ W Brwn >H>me Thursday night M^^ArdS?* o^tir K^ifH .-T-lhi- for their regular meetfng.^K IteU- SJakffiS Sr^irT. . i , y are capab.e. in>f WM ^ a .oeial evening -w» Saturday Lw ork. Come in for Nano 1j at cards was enjoyed. Refreshments Mr«ML interview or call MeHenry 89. River-! «. , . . , . u , - - Cn 900 k liiwMiaJ T*1® snnwsl carnival and chieken MrTTiiun' dinner will te held it Sfc Peter's Mctteniy. j parish groinlias on next Saturday and ^!&nday, July 20 and 21. There will | be a delicious chicken dinner served i ; on Sunday at noon and' a supper in the evening. Come and enjoy the many games arranged for your entertainment and meat and visit with old friends, fiverybody welcome. SPRING GROVE 9'Woodstoek 1S1. 1 . -- ----T I FLOOR SANDING--Reftnishing, var WANTED -- Man to work in iC6 niihint and wisfioc: new Aid old cream plant. MeHenry Ice Cream floors; free estimates. Call MeHenry Co. Tel. MeHenry 302. 9 206-R. 8-tf of lajnon ~ *9 HELP WANTED -- Two men for GARBAGE COLLBCTENG--L«t us : | laboring. MeHenry Plastering. Call dispow of your «rbage Mch weak, -- White procelain-Iined MeHenry 692-R-2 or 678-M-2. 9tf °r ofteoer if desired. Reasonable rates. Hoguiir year roond route John E. mil. P. 0. Box 274, MeHenry, Phone S65. tf box, full-size bed with bed, breakfast set and 32&E machine. Call 653-M-l. 9 HELP WANTED--Men mechanically inclined, for maintenance and general work, or maintenance man now employed, who wants to work several hours each day or evening. Snow White Laundry, 13 Woodstock street, Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 120. 9-2 Keefe 424 f)«k St w.„lro HELP WANTED -- Pin boys for 1I111L , onrf ^c«ailil Richmond 917. o9-o2 tion, Gwroerekn. - SAtp.,p lyM aetH ePniaryla. ce Recrea9- FOR SALE--Two flat building,' five rooms each; in Spring Grove. Modern conveniences, bathroom, electricity, chicken house, 20x40 ft; 1% of land. Reasonable terms, WANTXD TO KZMT HEU> WANTED--Woman of girl to WANTED TO RENT--Modem river cottage, furnished: in vicinity of Johnsburg or MeHenry; two bedrooms; wanted for balance of season or few weeks. Mrs. R. Hunter, ! Marine Route, MeHenry. Care of IR. O. Munson. *9 (by Mrs. Charles Freund) at the Edwin Freund home in Crystal Lake on Tttesday night. Mrs. Edward Nist entertained members of her club at her home on Tuesday night. Five hundred was MRTFND Ss. ^SELIMIDT LILYMOOR 16-foot; 102 h.p.; Chrysler: dodeanine onTIav a week K WiH I WANTED TO RENT-Modern. two- engine; owner moving *to Cali*f orn•i a; i a^o1 1 "clfeoanri'nIsfr nonnreo mduaiyr v a wMemek - KnWK,wU 1 bedroom cottage on water; until Oct. £^d for «to. iW McH.ng t "t!!ne MCHCTg 6To^J-2. ^ 1 FOR SALE--60 x ft. from Fox River at Johnsburg. to private beach with pier. Gddin, 1640 Major Ave., Merri- 7S10, Chicago, 111. IKK * w i^ HELP WANTED--STEADY RELIA- 155 «. lot, 150 BLE WAITRESS TO WORK 6 P.M. Phone Devore, MeHenry 171. *9 WANTED TO RENT--Small house for year 'round living. F. B< Randall. 1236 Nelson St., Chicago, 111. 1-tf FOR SALE -- Electric meat slicer EXTRA HELP FOR WEEKENDS. I Call MeHenry 190 RIVER SIDE BARBECUE (TOM-! ^ U J IRA'S) TEL. McHENRY 422. 9-21 , Saturday PQi^unday! Inquire1 HELP WANTED--You^ fellow TO 2 AJL GOOD HOURLY RATE AND SPLENDID TIPS. PERMA-! wavtkh -m bpkt no MTV NENT YEAR HOUND JOB FOR !lS!LOB Te, •8 *9'21 RIGHT PERSON. WE ALSO NEED £anoe Ir, conditii?n- . EXTRA HF1I.P FflP WRTOTPVns i Henry 651-J-l WANTED FARM WANTED--Private party de- Horn's Grocery, M^ifuom"^kT. i t<:reilted in l*6™ e^nments or b^. ] sires to rent or buy 80 to 120 acres Y«! ginning radio to contact or write! n«*r MeHenry or Crystal Lake. Write - Richard Shaver, Lily Lake, Route 2, description, location and rental *8-3 jor purchase price. MeHenry PlaindMler. Write Box MR, •8-2 FOR & frigera' tion. I SALE--14-ft Thompson boat | MeHenry, P*rteCt c0n<^'t'0,rV HBLP WANTED -- Do yon h.TO - - ' I snap? Two attractive routes now) WANTED --We have cash buyers SALE--Seven-foot electric re-; open, Excellent salary and com- for smunor homes, city property and rtwr; cor $75. Tel. MeHenry 610-W-2. tor; good mechanical condi-! mission. Experience not necessary, j forms. List your property with us, 9 Snow White Laundry, IS Wbodstock; Jacob Frit*, Main St., Johnsburg, Rt. B . . _ _ . , j St., Crystal Lake, 111. f®R SALE--Buick 98 special, 4- - -- door, trunk, radio, heater, two spot- HELP WANTED--We are in need of ughts, white-wall tires; perfect con-1 « on* oUer car S*» trade, girls or women for pressing ladies' 8ee at Bills Auto Repair, Front! it, MeHenry. 9 apparel. Apply Riverside Mfg., Ce„ • DO NOT WORRY ABOUT HOSPITAL BILLS ENROLL NOW t&mm. •f frVf't: i f f : . / . ' ^ A-^,J nr AlOEICA'S KO 1 HOSPITAL AND SUBOIOAL nmnUNCE--PAYS H08PITAL EXPENSE (or both H0KKBB8 AND ACCIDENTS Benefits paid by world's lfrTffii&f tiltd^ywriler£ Individual and Family Group Hospital Insurance--For information call ::l ;' * •> .. Jacob Frid, Realtor MSRBUBO, MeHenry Rt. 1, Plume 672-K-2 ..iiii .. v .CUcsgo, Phone Uaooln 118U 8-2 1, MeHenry or 2006 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, Prone Lincoln 1888-1104 tf.! .Fairbanks-Morse ejW 200 N. Riverside Drive, tor water and samp pomps, fn* <•» %te delivery. Engstrom Service, Tel. MeHenry "69 6-W-l. 40-tf 5®* 8ALB -- SAND, GRAVEL, BLACK DIRT--Charles Herdrich, •W' Waukegan St., MeHenry. Phone MeHenry 147-J. 52-14 FOR Henry 89. Gall Me- 1 7-4 HBLP WANTED -- Girl or young woman for store work; steady position; Bolger's Drug Store, MeHenry. 1-tf WANTED HOMES AND FARMS In and around MeHenry and Lake counties. We will get you top prices on an exclusive basis. ED. M. LANNES; Agent Hines Realty A Conatruetiea Co>. TeL MeHenry 674-M-2 or «t7-M-2 •-tf FOR RENT HELP WANTED--Laborers and car- FOR RENT -- Four-room flat with two bedrooms; also five-room flat with large porch .and three bed- 8ALI^Yrr"rOUn,<1 ^ ^for^and I Wraa trade. Fredrickson, Wonder for occupancy with fire-proof Johns-Man- Lake. Tel. Wonder Lake 221. 48-tf " Vule Rock Wool Home Insulation j ---- "Bknrain" walls and ceilings. Call [HELP WANTED--Couple extra men, LEO J. STILLING, MeHenry 18, (Htmter Boat Co., MeHenry. 89-tf 86tf. August 1. Joseph, care of Floeaum Farm, ", wiwt MeHenry. Florence Rt. TeL 668-J-2. *9 LOST 1 HELP WANTED -- Light factory LOST -- \ftiite envelope containing SALE--Montmorency canning! work, steady employment, age 25 large sum of money. Finder con- «. Pick your own. Contain-1 to 35; day or evening shift; 5 to 101 tact Mrs. Richard Preiss, Care and equipment furnished. Or- P-m- Top wages for conscientious Horn's Grocery, McCullom Lake, or ' open to pickers now daily and workers. Cellulose Industries, Rich- j call Seelty 7750, Chicago. Reward, ys from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. until mond. 111. Tel. Richmond 885. | *9 is harvested. Orders ttaakkeenn.. ! 82-tf Bros., Cherry Orchards, located 10 miles northeast of Elkhorn, Wis^ On U. S. hwy 15. Telephone! 1 ET-558, address R-l, Troy Center, WHITEWASHING -- Frank Henkel, Wis. 8-2 Volo. Tel. MeHenry 681-M-l. 4tf fOR SALE--AAAA puUets, several ROCK WOOL INSULATION blown mundred White Rocks, White Leg- j in by WARD'S. Experts with com- /fcorns, New Hampshires, range grown, plete Modern Equipment will do the imostly wing-banded. ROP register-! job the Right Way. Satisfaction ed, 3 to 5 montl^ old. Reasonable! guaranteed. Roofing, Siding and Inf rices. Foxdale Farm; Route 59, sulation at MONTGOMERY WARD'S Ingleside, 111. Tel. Fox Lake 5214. Woodstock, 111. Free Estimates, (By Francis Edward) The Parent Teachers issoeiation. at the meeting Friday evening, voted Arthur Nimsgern, in company with upon a beach party to be MfAapst Art Schueneman, attended the auto 16 in the evening. More details in . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and races at Soldier Field in Chicago, » later issue. iSf B?r-. *"1 -,charies Freund called Sunday. | The Lolymoor Ladies, Thursday --* --L"' Mrs. Frank Sanders of Bockford club will be entertained by Mrs. spent the past week ait her home Powers and Mrs. F. Keller at the here. ILilymoor Clubhouse at 2:80 p.m. Miss Gladys MSsyer and Miss Juan-' Bunco and cards will be played. All ita Stanfel who are in nurse's tr*in- summer residents and their guasts may attend, Mrs. Guy Surtees and Mrs. David Heckman of Lilymoor, attended the funeral of the formers uncle, J. C. Bowe, of Woodstoek Monday. I have been advised thai the aninual dinner party of the Ladies M hMd on August 14 . at Ui^Lakeside Hotel. All members in good standing are invited but must make their reservations either j by phone or post card to Battle Einspar, chairman of this affair. Those that wish to call, phone MeHenry 680-W-l. Manjfc of the older residents of the communUy wee happy to see Mrs. Mary Klabough here after a few years of absence. With her were her daughters, Kathleen and Mary Edith, and a lady guest from Canada. Mrs. C. O. Hyatt is holding a parent and teachers social at her residence Thursday evening, July 18, at 8 p.m. Refreshments are to be served. Bunco agd cards trill be played for entertainment. All are welcome. Sunday guasts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Surtees were Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maynard, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Maynard, Mr. and Mrs. Earl JKoper, Mr and Mrs. Arthur Schuls of Bockford and Mr. and Mrs. Jack White, Mr. Mid Mrs. Gerald Maynard Mid two sons, 'Dick and Danny, of Chicago,;- and Mr. and Mrs. David Heckmann of Lily Lake. The long talked about r^ft that our young people (the teen agar*) have so anticipated is now under construction on the grounds <xf the [clubhouse. A gift ei $86 from Ladies League made ita begil Kssible. The youhg folks are >king for a few more donations in order to complete the job. The raft will be placed on the edge of the deep bote of the lake, where the water is about 80 or mere feet deep. The reason this is mentioned is because it is a timely Warning to the children of younger age who csnnot swim or. are not used to deep water. No responsibility is taken by any one or club for any casualty that might occur. Those going upon the raft do so at their own risk. Aside from this bit of warning--have fun and enjoy yourselves. The sise of the raft, I'm told, is about 16 x 10 feet. . It is with the kind co-operation and help of all the Lilymoor folks that this column is written." All news that is turned in is appreciated by those that wish to shara knowledge of what goes on in our community at all times. This, my friends, is your column, and it is your news and events that make it possible. News that -concerns Lilymoor may be called in at 689-W-2. 'tf MISCELLANEOUS Come out and watch the Plaindealer Newsboys play hall! MILL INN t: : (Formerly B&raaftTs Hill) of Wonder Late t ti>« M4(« m STEAKS, ROASTS, OHIOKEN, LOBSTER TAIL Complete (jinnem served from 6 to 9 p.m. daily. Saturday: 6 to 11 p.n. Sunday 1 to 7 p.m. Fish Fry every 0OGKT .-f *4* WIN* nf •'fiSfe;' We eater to partic| IntORB, Owiwr 8-2 Phone Woodstock 992. 49-tf -K -.•I" : LOTS FOR SALES--Twelve lots, 50 fcy 360 feet. Inquire at 716 Center St. Phone MeHenry 278-J. 8-tf TREE SURGEONS--Pruning, spraying, cavity treatment and tree removal. We are insured. J. W. Gustafson, phone Crystal Lake 826-W. Neeo Rubber Stamps? Order at *7-4 The Plaindealer. sc! ding hOM ay It may also be left at the "Tradin; Post" directly opposite 1 house on Route 120. Thank you. Arlene and Bob Svoboda and mother and guest aunt, Mrs. Fisher, are planning on a trip to Kentucky $3# 3 lead m tasl Ade CAB m 24-He«r Servfee TEL. McHENRY 4 CECIL BALLOWE FRANK E.< WEILER , AMD DB00RAT1NG MeHeary (B-W-l Papeehaagtag, 8prayfa^l ". - Chesi faHj Faraiekad c .. V"* "i WALTER P. RROOCS Palatiag aad Dacaratiag g; Wallpaper aad Psiat at WhahMp ttt WaehiagtmmJL. MtMmmrw f •: TeL 1S1-R "I •Wephsae Haatley M%. RAYMOND J. KBLUar Atteraey at Law ri HUNTLEY, ILLINOl# 1 <^T TRUCKING CO. hfei -- Gravel 2. \ CUsj Dirt -- Umeate*"^ *h '*>•• Tracks For Hire aim Johaabarg fT7-W-2 MeHenry, IB. Pheae McHaary 88-W' C. N. FREUND " 4 TRUCKING Livestock -- Lima . - -m lli Waakegaa Bead West MeHeary, IIL m. AgB WELWjG OT) REPAIR \ "jll Mala 84. McHeaiy lElectrfe Pettehle Weldteg Aeetyleae Wejtttg aad CaMag; ALEX W. Wq&S, Operator " nL MeHeary IS7-R-S Exeavatiag -- NBTTS SAND * GRAVEL a» Raad Gravel ~~ ' Wrt ..PMTf\ gaaehl Rate STraSTT '"H J. B. NEXT P. O^--MeH« --WANTTO TO BUT-- W« pay^ft te y far OM UAmmSTr "- CALL^T1BBcil'cJl1DEADHOG& •NIB AND CATTLE :,M T nr i GARAGE-* ••e PMSI 8L (Raate Sl> Csasral Repaiilag sldlag--Arc aad Acetylene light BteckmlUi Werk NICK P. MILLER Pheae MeHeary 1M-R £ P. FREUND CO. * Bxcavatiag Ceatractor Trackiag, Hydraulic aad Craim Serviee --ROAD BUILDING-^ TeL 204-M MeHeary, H. ^*mr- NO INCREASE IN ; u-rq Due to the additional cost of delivery service, we find we axe unable to maintain our standard of workmanship and still operate profitably. Tfathw than raise ovr prices, we are discontinuing delivery service. This will enable us to maintain ovr excellent standard of drycleaning.' * Our most pressing needs are for permanent homes and river front cottages in and around MeHenry. We assure you $ - fast turnover at prices which probably , have reached their ultimate peak. Take advantage of a seller's market and cash in on your investments while die time % ripe : SIGN PAINTING Any Kind -- Anywhere -- Any Tbao Window Lettering -- Truck Lettering EARL LAWRENCE 122 Main St. Phoae Crystal Lake 10 * INSURANCE -W. EARL R. WALSH ^ Fire, All to. Farm and Life Inauranco rbuasSS^OSVANIES of any kind 48 or 11S-M 'ft; J > $'• • ?i mm" MtmGBMATKgl SERVICE p Cfel WONDER LAKE SM ROTHERMBL ELECTRIC SHOP 103 PHONE MoHENKY 104-M LEO CL Route im McHENET, ILLINOIS STOFFEL ft TeL MeHenry 248-J,;>--. 'I HAROLD H. BELL Painting, Paperhanging, Removing Old Wall Paper With Steamer, Spray Painting 105 N. GREEN ST. lIcHEN**^ BR. R. DeROMB € ? -- D e n t i s t - t ; ; . . ; ' ' , IM Green Street " Phone 292-J. McHemr Office Honrs: ie «.•. to S P.H. dafly except Wednesday. Evenings by appointment. TsL Wonder Lake 41* DR. R. H. WATKINS .-St* --Office Taesday ft Saturdays: •aja.teSi L B. s. NN VetertesrHa : St. A. WOBWKK Y, ILL. MeMBNRY FLORAL 00. j -- PhsM eie-R.i -- ' *1 ^maSo«lh,aC m .. a