WWW V ^ * " O «*?• JIIIIUH t»OMW ia along ^ , ef the lot take its «*• IW» and un» it wouM ef aH «iw ftt M all to that the bndai are for tMr • stmts w .*i¥' and benefit. fcaaard as well as The bathia tha lake «f, 5t I am Try to keep the » for ; doctor bOb ran t&M *>^V; •iv ^ ' W" beat en tfe P. T, A- bald tke~boa>« af fc». C. a HSntt •leaking crowd attasiil taid enjoyable iwim. tup, and tiieae HHs can be brought crowd gathered at on by negligence at the beach. Tower BuiMtwg on flatteday. |apB was for the monthly meeting Just to pww to you all ho*r much af the Lily Lake Bonit^rqi club.'our community is growing, INr* taken ICUHm; the meeting to order, min- a sort of census. The total number o? the last meeting war* read, of people living at Ltty Lake the ^|0ha treasurer's report was given and year around totals approximately 253 appi the usual problems were persons. The average number of fcused. The coming f>icnic was families is 81. By fall there should on the list, the date of which be a total of 100 permanent families l^haa bfen postponed to August 24 and according to my fist of future resi club also donated a sizable dents. Remember, this does not in* towards the new raft. I elude the outlaying farms in the Now for the usual reminders: First vicinity. the prise* for the P. T. A.: -- dh aasiy, the books for the P. T.; Here's a list of coming events for A- Wnotag library. Oh, and don't you all to remember; as it would fotgst the earning dance to be held take to much space to write each jan August S at the Clufc Lilymoor. up individually: IVa is given by the Tebn-Aga club.1, August S--Tfen Age Dance. The granddmrhter of Mr. and, August 14--Ladief* League Dinner. Mia. Albert Seyfferth, Orrabella Bat- August 17--P. T. A. Beach Party, tray, was married 4u Corp. T. HI* August 24 and 26---I* L. B. C. laao at,the home of her aunt and Picnic. We, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wischhover. { • • IHnkala wore a white georgette Remember, folks, li%time of m ever white satin with a finger trouble and discontentment retaiemveil and a tiara of white pearls. ber this proverb: "Never mind what bouquet was of white roses and ought to be done -- what tan be white larkspur, lite bride's sister, done." J-- ~ her bridesmaid and she TWICE TOLD ' J TALIS Items af laterest Taken From the Files ef the Plaiadaalar ef Tears Age a pink georgette drees over fftk satin made the same as tha Widels dress. Earleen had a bouqoet of pink roses with blue accessaries. The best man was Roy Iflaehhover. They were married at I iJB. by Pastor Whittman of St. :'.iMneiii Eva. church. It waa a double iabf ceremony and her sunt Eda sang ^|aw You Truly." She waa given away by her father, Ted Bettray. TWsre were seventy-five guests persant tor the ceremony and a turkey 'dfaanar with all the trimmings, including a three-decker wedding caka |lr. and Mrs. A. W. Zielen and from Williamsville, N. Y„ are ling a few weeks vacation at Marsh residence. Mrs. Zielen is. , ... T . Mr. Marsh's sister. Richard »• ^ If wiL costly returned from a two-week! H- E- Wfchtm™ "if/ ; fishing trip in northern Michigan ™nt C.h,««*° 1"t With his grandparents. I'm wonder-, ^nes and brought out a new steel ing though just what became of all .steamboat for Mr. Malgren. It is to {See fish they were going to bringtb? used "8 * boat on the hack with them. Another wild goose, rn2®£ an.d l®k®*- . .. . .. hey? It seems you could have ™e sipimg and selechOM by the better at the McHenry Country Universalis* choir last Sunday were isn't that right Mr. kiehl? ° ,* ° . erj .. u -. Two other fellas of our younger We understand the Messrs Shepaet just returned from their vaia- «rd * So.n will early this fall build They ware Ray and torky' *n0»:her clover dryer and storehouse -- - ' - in the west jiart of town, thus douhling their present capacity. YEAR8 AGO A. Engeln had the misfortune to Mrs. Zielen is • and oreak his shoulder while at Boro. The boys spent a few days |a Nevada. j Mra. Edna Bourbon has been rw leased from the Garfield Park hospital and is recuperating at her Chicago home. Babert Freytag ia spending a wee* at the Lake after an extended trip in Arisona. FIFTY YEARS AO® John Heimer is painting his two cottages in this village, ope occuawh ^ pied by J. D. Lodta and the other by He"ex- Capt. Snow, which much improves to leave shortly for Phoenix on 1th^jr *PP®Tran<it.' another trip. Bob is sold on air travel and is . making his trips by T. W. A. planes. Chas. Luts and family have bean apeading their vacation at their home. are all sorry to hear that Barney Klein, mother ol Mrs. »n, is very seriously ill at her in Chicago, after being in the Park noepital, the same time Among the other improvements at the Northwestern depot, in this village, is a bell, at the pickle factory crossing, which is controlled by an electric button in the ticket office, at the depot. When you approach this crossing all you have to do is to 'look out for the curs when .the bell rings. John Bonslett left for Freeport on Tuesday morning, where he nais acaa her daughter. cepted a position with the McCor- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Malone and!Harvester Co. family spent Sunday at the Vachet ,^e understand that some of the home Mr. Malone and his son, Al,™ Rippers from this station have It years old, have been stung by th^ j flying bug for both have been school-'hun™ d°.Uar8 ** dishonest milkh « at the Pahraukee Airfield and men In Chicago, recehrsd their licenses. Mrs. Emma Fruetz spent a week vacationing at the home of the Hyatt fir. On Saturday the folks were ^visited by their son, Williard, and family of Chicago. After his recent accident and peiiad of hospitalisation Harry Gannon haa returned to the ranks of the employed. Bob Murdoch's brother, Bruce, and family of Canada, also Mrs. Murdoch's mother, Mrs. Hack, of' New .Orleans, are staying here for ..the summer. i Mr. and Mrs. Vetter had visitors flrom Chicago during the past week.; Dickie Kissel aqd Joe Gilmore returned to the lake after a brief slay i in Chicago with relatives. The Andree girls are also back again to lake after a stay in Chicago, with their father. Guests at the Sariay residence aver the weekend were Dr. and Mrs. Smulson. Mr. and Mrs. Dick were surprised to have a visit from their two sons, LL Fred, who is public relations officer at Fort Sheridan, also Walter, who ia in the armed forces. On today a large crowd gathered to net'p Mrs. Dick and her daughter, Lucy, celebrate their birthdays. Spending a few weeks at the Haider home are Mr. and Mra. Harder's two grandchildren, Marlyn and Joanne Harder,' also Mr. aad Mrs. Terlow and their daughter, Kathryn. Over the last weekend Miss Beroadine Kinnerk had a .group of girls the Alpha Beta Lamba Baeta »rity, of which she is a member. Tha giria enjoyed fishing, boating, and swimming, while here. As they a--pared to catch the bus for the homeward journey a few of them wandered, and along came the bus. There was a very obliging- driver and .ha waited until the remainder of the party could be found. We can welcome another family into our faat growing group of it residents. It is that etf and Mra. W. H. MacDaniela, aloag with their son. Mr. and Mra. Smith and their live children of Montogomery, OL, are •pendinjr a few daya at the Kiehl Mra. Smith is Mr. Kiehl's FORTY YEARS AGO C. A. Guerin, at one time butter- EVERT DAY NEEDS AT EVERY DAI ^LOW PRICES! Palm Oliv® Dr. Weatt w . .«/ Tooth Bmsh __„ 39c Ipua Tooth Mle 39o Gillette ttivftlg Creui 26c Kirch and Miss Fiats are; their two weeks vacation; at the Kirch cottag*. i Mra. Betty Gray is enjoying the Casey hOapjtality. 1 There were a few distinguished gssata at the Germanier hooae over ilka weekend, Mia. Garmaniar'a pew in, CoL D. H. Robartaon, aad "wife. The Colonel waa an aid to] Gillette Bine Blades . m Son Glasses Alka SelUer 5 for 25c Woodbury Shampoo Special--£&y's Oraam Vanishing Orsun J9e AaMsalySsn i*yltad to attand an outdoor mass to tha purtc an that date. Alderman Frewa was appointed by tha Mayor «• A ONBCB lepwssutaUva en arAliat moved hh hard- has lglt M AUmu «( JSm Welt Heuy SS ef the City of Ifc- A new bridga ia bate put in «r tha aaffl race near die Hanly HI en tha Weat aide. Hankanneyer and family ^aaS^egan street THIRTY TRARS AGO If plane are carried out, McHenry will be in Hne with some of the progrsisiva cities ef the county and enjoy the game of golf this suassaer. Raymond Spencer, a former Hebron young man, has opened a vuP canning shop at Ringwood and forms us that he is doing' nicely. Prof. A. E. Nye haa started his annual work of taking up the school census. Work on the large livestock barn, to be erected on John street by F. H. Wattles, has been started. ' July 15, 1946 The CKy Council met in semi - monthly meeting with Overton preelding. Aldermen j invery tFBNTY YEARS AGO yl,^ Drinking fountains have been put in Centerville in front of Pries' meat Contractor lCsrrick is . aid HM far the conviction -me M. At preeertt be ia mc his maahiliwy and other equip from Brerett, OL, to McHenry, Otty Qmuidl Prooeedtags Council Room regular rith Mayor , „ len present: Buss, Freund, Regner, Tonysn. Absent: Althoff. Motion by Regner, seconded by Buss, that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as read. Motion earned. j Motion by Regner, seconded byj Buss, to approve the plat^of Millstream Addition Unit No. rxto thai City of McHenry. Motion tarried, j A request was granted to Fred Meyer, as representative, for the use of the city park on August li [when Msgr. C. S. Nix will celebrate j 'his 25th anniversary as pastor of ' St. Mary's church. The Council was | . ha will ha unsMe to in audi cspntilj at tha preaM tito due to ctehg* ef residence, --, he Jhas fulfilled hia duties aa Alderman in a capable and fair NO< SOLVED that BE IT RECity Council of tha City of MeHeniy go on record as recognising the foes of an abjie member and, further, that the Council express its appreciation for ser-t vices rendered to the" city. I move the adoption of the abova resolution and that it be incorporated the "hBtaa af thia meeting and a c«*y maOad to Fred FerWwrda. George P. Ffaund _ . Alderman f(SSsSAiLi )v *®4 •p»*wr^ July 15, IMS. Attaat: Ear) R. Walsh, Citar Clerk Awproved: R. I. Overton, lUyor The motion pertaining the above resolution waa seconded % Alderman Tony an and unanimously approved by the Council. Motion by Buss, seconded by Freund, to approve the application of Mra. Clara Fitxpatrick for Class "A" Alcoholic Beverage License at 411 Weat -Elm street. Motion carreid. Motion by Freund, seconded by Buss, to adjourn. Motion carried. R. I. Overton, Mayor Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk \ Subscribe for The Plaindealer # resul* at rssearch . BEAUTIFY TOVX H0HX WITH AM -ASPHALT BLACKTOP DRIVEWAY1 A fflffaw Smooth. Permanent Finish Also Crushed Iiimestone 8proad and Leveled Satisfaction ChiaraBl66d STEFFAN BROTHERS 853 Prospect Street Elgin, HI. PHONE McHBHET 1254 MCHENRY ? PHONE J OUTDOOR SIGNS -- ii ', Truck Lettering a Specialty , Window Lettering •)' o y- Prompt Servioe^ -- Reasonable Prides H. REESE Pox Street GALL WONDER LAKE 668 POE HOUSEHOLD AND *' COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION SXPABS AMD MAIHtSNANOt Of ALL HAKES • M : . ? r : ' McMahon Refrigeration Service 24-Honr Senrtoo Route 1, Ringwood, Illinois DO NOT WORRY ABOUT HOSPITAL BILLS ENROLL NOW IN AMERICA'S NO 1 HOSPITAL AND SURGICAL INSURANCE--PAYS HOSPITAL EXPENSE for both SICKNESS AND ACCIDENTS Benefits .paid "by world's largest underwriters Of Individual and Family Group Hospital Insurance---For information call " Jacob Fritz, Realtor JOHNBURG, McHenry Rt. 1, Phone 672-R-S Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1333-4 0 r SO. BASE 1UMHER itevdop Rag. 5c ar. ea. A. MACHINE OIL hrwwla) w»clSna![\hS!^ 0C ale. Re«. 10c :igiaSs EXHAUST EXTINSION T streamlined desifn.Re^ ^ Constructed of hesvv , 9*119* aluminum that will CQ. not rust Fib most can. «/TC MEASURING CUP Ref. Se l^gll nn0o(|| |pj||| kf cap. Ihfee poerins ftp*. Giadasa*d in e--csi sad (V cep fadfem. 90 BELT LACING R«1. 45c 1 lb. assorted high quality Af. leather lacin?. Varioaa (l\ widths and lengths. w I f < j. LEATHER GLOVES Split cowhide leather gloves in attorted ««d tie colors. Band top, AA. driver style for all-around O SSI Mala Street Weal GMMIUM i. ti • ' -- % WITH OUR BEI^ Qaart Masen Jars 69c Strong ahouldar M«aon jarm. Pn-- >* original food flavora and vitimli Complete with caps and rubbers. Plat Mason Jars . .59c per dOa. Complete with cap and rubber. Regular quality Maaoo Jan. No. "tt" Jar Lids ..9c per daa. Narrow Mouth Fits common sue coffee jar. Treated with acid reeietant white enamel toe your protection. Benardin's No."6J" Two Piece Cape ... 2Ucperdoa. Carrie* Good Houaakeepiag Guaraa* tee aeaL Complete witii acrew ctjfk Pita the oommnn rise coffee jar. Reaearch in tha pertment'a aontliei- _ eearch laboratory ka 9m, showed that batter i can be made from eottae varieties aelacrtad for thif pm on tha, basia of thair phjeieal ertiea. Liaht track rtws, selected varietiea of eotlea, used in rear arhael poaMeil^ 300 per cent mora ntfima tires made with rapilai cial cotton. Pasaenffer car made from both standard aB_ mmmr-m proved cord ran nearly 70.000 mflatfV at 60 miles an hour on highway with one recapping, and the c was still in good condition. The buckwheat plant is being In the Eastern laboratory at 1 moor, Pa., to produce rutin, a m which can be extracted from the leaves and blossoms of the plant in trj conditions arising from pressure associated with fragility. Experimental Hons in the Northern labor at. Peoria, 111., jngicate that from _ » gallons of liquid motor fuel be produced from a ton of corn coba or cottooaeed hulls, and that about half of thia ia hi tha form af ethyl alcohol. Early Did yen know that the nodal i» believed to be the earliest type of shoe known to man with at 4,000 years of style hiatory it. Its long story started when prim- - itive man wrapped a piece of leather hide around his foot to protest it from thorns. • 1. Read the Want r *; • / M. m •* Jelly Glass ... Mold ahape ala equat type, ... 39c per daa. H If «pe«*r with cap. Jetty Glass 43c per da*. H piataap. Td glaa that eaa be atfltssd as a Cnaplata with cap. 4 % • • Ratter Gleves "•*«?" ON SAU 29< Sed Al LM» omsau.^7< J a r H s | i c M H o u r « 1 < Psniwes iltiT aoMour«»T 3( 2 «jt- siie Masas Jars «£{£!?-ON IAIS The Frisndly Ston $2.79 to $7.95 A mid Humai sale of colloml A gmidi aaodaaal of tey prinli and cawal soMk Sitas 12-20. - 38 to 52. $1.25 to $4.95 Cool washable blouses in solid colors. Assorted styles for women end aliases. 32 to 38. $2.98 to $4.98 ASSOftM COCIQn liOnCi) HQPH weight for summer or (aU. Cdors-broMn and blua. 0 ' 4 ^ ikh GvaenMaA 1t*e FrisaJ^>e«a I) -- I