Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Aug 1946, p. 9

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i- ** ' ' ' j. . .... , *-- * .< " • iittyosiiit ha heh? at HmbHi door** at Hon1! in foul «w0mt oa evenings, Ant. rf Ha |dM» In aawr: t'r'S* ©• -rarm* > f This andfk am biaflhm road follows: Gay Ninettes Carnival eloaad Suna& y eminf. jMcCullom take Sharks defeat Boomer Girls. iMSerawy Dosen" plan giant "Jttomie Bast." _^The Dan ioi^i hm can trouble, Ghia Ntot. Ifca BkxMMr of spirit and detxrminpradiea «n tk ball Mi a in good stead froatthe very start of the game. Hm lineup for the Sharks «ni Lett JtnciL Jimmjr Sales, Inie Fredett, Bob Degan, John Wurhia, Lee Larson, Jerry Mauruadi, Don Werner, Don Hsnmurgr Don Gattong, Emit Fredett. pitching, and Don Gattone, catching. The Bloomer_Girls^ lineup: Harlot Bran Tjernherg, After enjoying a successful three- •y nm. th. «G.y Ntarfta.' end- -UnmiM- B*M *i val sponsored to the Property Own- Assn. of McCullom Lake folded rsasnt goings-on at Bikini are sissy stuff as coaopared to what will take place oa these two dajrswhen the Screwy Dosen Vsally let Watch for the advertieement in other columns of The Plaindealer for particulars. S(iS(k Sie _ * - la Ms reading his amr wlmn'ha MB to find tin soasae ef hladiecomfitaro. Neighher AM little girl, Patsy, ana Joat a wea bit caniesi whQo harnfc* BOOM papers back of Pa Dooohaevgaragewith the resalt that the buJMhig caught on fire. Smoky Klnaey of to try now methods «i tMr wig bMae teas service in] FALU3 FROM TRACTOR 1M| nad %Jus£t {bZea^n SenSscSaaLrgSedT I^raLn subdivision near" SL ake Zurich sufj ferad painful injuries in a of. dent recently while driving a ir-! as she and her husband wart tUti dtity la aarviee. Dr. and Mrs. George Haherleln Chicago speat Sunday with Us ents, ar, * Pea J NOTICE or Estate af HSJSNA an- acci-; . . ^ -- tractor Notice is hereby gHm to k Mi par-! - ™"*1 "«• husband were excav- ' sons that Monday, SeptemU. and Mrs. G sorgo Bahama. j Jg? • ^••*m™t it the site of 1946, is the data hi the md, called'j thei"r new ho~ me. Mrs. St Cla'i r, who. of oa Bar. and Mia. CaBfaw and other!t r a c t o r t b a c k e d t p p | . HELENA FREUND mLZZw*Mm& SmdM «MBtag. ft*<*?*** »"? J«t before Deceased, neading in the itiHaM Cfatle wffl awetwlth i^Tn Z9** **• she Court of licHen!^ ConMr, Mrs. J. C. Ptarson Thursday after- fSSWjKi,f•» *P°m the sest and and that dahas may he AM id 2 decided i noon. ag. S. putting out {sister ?**••» ** •e>lkd ft* 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lenard and bora to beat it oat with their brooms, j Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr„ and daugh- Their efforts *we successful but. ter, Mary Ana, want to Sycamore to _Now to get to the bottom of the j their brooms took an awful boating, j Peggy and Butchie Lenaitl who „ mJ?* »•«* so tlat they hadjK>d been visiting in the Phelps The Dan Foleys and Mr. mid Mrs.: nothing but the handles to take I Saunders honm. George Wilhelm have enjoyed their • home. We wonder why the guy! The Happy Clover 4-H club and the , . nation* in their cottage for didn't try water? Evinston papers ' Sunshine 4-H dub held their achievertet Brenner^ Ely ^Edstrom, Mjth. tk© past twelve years and nicer please copy. j ment day program which was spon- Thursdav This will be capsule was ^ lodged between the wheels. . Older your rubter stampa at the Plaindealei. ttactor said estate on or bewie without issuance of ANTHONY M: FBI CLARA NELL, Rn t ilMrt. ( P u b . A u g . 1 - 8 - 1 6 ) sored ors its tents and other paraphernalia last Sunday night and on completing this task the officers of the above organization immediately began making plans for next year's carnival wfijeh they hope to make Hggw at McDonald's and better than ever. With such 1 rr'* _t~" .Y' zrvr1 «e pass *weive ana T "a*wtU, JWly j folks we have yet to meet. H»is the Foleys invited Miss We heartily welcome Mr and Mrs. at the of Chicago to spend Riv (Wt*rhv Mni Erlin* Oliim >*' nine. fir popu Post day program whidi by the Ringwood He > school hottM s Wedi Barbara Loew. Harriet Brenner djd j a few with them, a swell job on the mound while Elly Now nttle Mary is a very Edstrom ' " --1 --"1 - her on Mwry Madden Ray Osterby and %1ing Olsen as ning. Mrs. Sweeney was present and < permanent -resi lty. These ' Home Bureau Wedneaday eveis pi enjo . U Ht na.t!, , / -- - " C" ivy. imt iwn lasi wiucn reiresmnenu wei V* 'lar «aL °vt Ch,c*f°. and Post- Sunday from Chicago and will raise Mr. and Mrs. Clayl reason to believe itnWat HthiPe mcHa?iff,i-n or M>rv'">P ffn«ne ncmedai l diniftAfic ulty Ath- e. liTpwofpLu lation *o f itLMmmc Cullom Lake i aj re ve.n-jlo y*in#*g ao . visit to. our commun- a fine program was enjoyed after moved out last which refreshments were served. ton Harrison | with their.; r^OI|« « MVy'8 ,an into the to eighty-three families. daughter, Mrs. Stanley Thomas, and j Girls on SundaVy afternon at 4 p. in. j things easier for our postman. ! Green of Evanston, who hj»s _ M^ a^^Mrs. ^R^ert Van Dusen ield. Dan Foley's jilana called for a fereaight and determination McCul- i At last Sunday's regular monthly ; ^SetSSleti0 nluk ^n^nd^e!!1 ii8iti"« „,th® ^reen fsmily. [had a home at McCuDom take for *nd daughtera of Elgin spent Sun-] the past fourten years, is D A N C E - •'JftlKl - • • 'i*"' j * - Channel Lake Pavifioni (2 miles west of Antioch on Route 173) ^ " FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS to Jack Casper's Music Admission Free js " * •*,., '-i Wednesdays and Snndays > :• ^ ^ 8 to 12 p. m. . . r^y popular reoordin^il 4DMIS810K: 35e PEE OOOTLE 5 \\ \ V CANVAS NOW AVAILABLE , SpedaMng in Store and Residence Awnings ling Co. ne McHenry 634-W-l Thos. Thonneson, xaaa OABB mi Tous BBvaiosaaTOBs or hot "Fp^W wmpartingnt trm of dngt, eto. often, each week. deep fregser every PHONE MeHXNRY 439-W TRI-VISION A I I - P u r p o s « cur .. .losoBKiira aajsm $2g?j Here's a sensstional portwsr devdopment. Gives jrou moce napshots per roll of film in color or black and white. Or, takes twin 3rd Dimension Kodadiromes... a realistic effect that will amaze jrou. Designed for the amateur... so simple and easy to operate a child can * ' Saa k demonstrated. iy Slaidarrf Ctoor»Vtolo« 1flewrer# |7J0 I WORWICK'S STUDIO m Siverside Drive Telephone 279 r ,,, ^ . HcHENBY, ILLINOm - . 4.^1- again day in the Oliver Lawrence home. _ Mr Mrs. Clayton Bruce took her hus- . Hfan. . mn'iS 91 years oid", in good health to Belvidere Monday after ananddls ^ ^ here h,S posited it at the location, and then, QMiimtaUtioMi To . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer and chil- Wei!itSUL^ UX Erling Olsen on his 18th i»irth- dren. 8P*»»t Sunday in the Pred Eck- ' fnr SL »11 ir«w ^ daI anniversary, August 6, ert home at McOallom Lake. from now on, for we all^know how. ^ Walton on hia 26th on the e Mr- and Mrs. Earl Kane, daughter, hard .it is to get lumber these u e j__ Sarah, and son, Melvin, of Mundelein # *' George' Cable on his 21st birth-! |P«nt Swday with Mr. and Mrs. Mfc Tfca' daX» August 12. Mitehelll^ne. o4v! E*rl Whiting. This guy's age has . Mrs. Ed Bauer spent VWnesday to Sf guessing. Anyway, our best to m the Marvin Arsneau home at Crysto the propertyon the mad box you*Eari* August li tal Lake. ^"hlTlet^ ^ty her 18th on Mr. and^ Mrs. Prank Walkington ana tney let Mrs. roiey know ox ^ called at the home of his parents, tiieir objections in no uncertain n^fy-itleus Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington, Sunotfucrtm lso.o kiRnge mfeomr bleurm, bMerr ? Foley was DUeebbuuttaanntt*a . A bbaarreebbaacckk wwiittha *grreeeenn-- day» evening. They were on their a in Wisconsin °.'*.°bl*rt°r'l cSd Diner: A' ymng lady *ho> "".I;™ in UWrtl.. Their folio win* note: i j.^ ^ buy-buy son, Gilbert, who has been staying Shape: What a bathing;, suit takes her* ^ were «°n«. accom" when a girl's in it. panied them home. • Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and . Our parting shot for this week:! *r- and Mns- George Shward left "There « a difference between imi- Wednesday morninr for St. Louis, tating a good man and counterfeiting attend the wedding °r «oward v.:_ " Shepard and Miss Gertrude Wendling Mrs. Foley sent the following note "Dear Mrs. Blank -- Why do you object to my huaband's can on your lawn? Well, on second thought I don't think I'd care for your husband's can on mine, so let's get together and talk things over -- Mrs. D. Foley." Needless to say that the girls got together and settled things amicably while Dan is still looking for a post, and the Foleys can just sets. ~~~~ a • August 7 is the day whe» our Eleanor Schaeffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaefer, will say the words that will make her Mrs. Alfred Miller. Last Saturday Mir. j Elmer Schaeffer held a bridal shower at her home at McCullom | Lake at which our Eleanor was 1 the honored guest him. which is talcing place today. They will make their home in Memphia, Tenn., where Howard is employed by RINGWOOD Home nplo. .the Chicago and Southern Air Lin P1 July 25, Mrs. Arthur Merrell of Solon Mills Mr. Thorpe of spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Orchard Drive was the only mem- S. W. Brown. ber present among the thirty odd; ladies who gathered to Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family spent Sunday with her parents at Algonquin, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Eckstein and family have moved to jt place they Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan are the purchased in McHenry arents of a son born "Thursday, DO NOT WORRY ABOUT , HOSPITAL "I t * " ~ " •> -' •'* ™ .' v. •' " " s 1 af',?* IN AMERICA'S *Q 1 HOSPITAL AMD 8PB0ICAL INSURANCE--PAYS HOSPITAL EXPENSE for both SICKNESS AND ACCIDENTS Benefits paid by world's largest underwriters of Individual and Fanaily Group Hospital Insurance--'For information call Jacob Fritz, Realtof *UEG, McHenry St 1, Phone «724tf Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1333-4 -'II : f" i- New Higher Pay for th* Army! (By Mrs. Georre Shenard) Wetting Weakens Bayag* All rayons, no. mattex by what process they are made, have one Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and' characteristic in common; they lose shower daughters of Chicago spent Wednes- considerable strength when wet, but Eleanor with gifts which will prove day here with relatives. to be so useful to her in the days to! Mrs. Joe King and sons of Chicago j • follow August 7. Had we enjoyed spent the past week in the E. E. {the same privilege Mr. Thorpe did Whiting home. our Eleanor would be richer by one| Mrs. Earl Young of Fox Lake camti | dozen safety pins. j to the Collins home with her son. | Mrs. Siegfred Stevenson, tha re-' in-law, Lt. Charles Ward of Cali* cently thrilled great-grandma of fomia, on Thursday afternoon for Fountain Lane, made sure that a short call. | gTeat-grandpa Siegfred was well on Mrs. George Haberlein, Jr., and i the road to recovery from the in- Mrs. Harold Weber and Bon of Chii juries he suffered in a recent fall cago snent Thursday in the Georga before she left for Chicago last Haberlein home. Sunday to meet the new arrival in I Joe King and mother of Chicago her granddaughter's > home that1 spent Wednesday evening in the E, caused her to earn the title of E. Whiting home. "great - grandma." Congratulations Mr. ana Mrs. Roger Collins and1 to both of you, Mr. and Mrs. Stey--daughter, Lynn, with Mr. and Mm onaon from yours truly. {Paul Mareno and son, James, were 11 • {pleasant visitors in the home of Rev. Wa are happy to report that our and Mrs. Collins on Thursday after, good neighbor, Ed Do ran, is back noon. with us again, after being hospital-1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jepeon and ised for severe burns incurred some family of Dundee and Mrs. Allisoit: three weeks ago. land grandson. Gene Rook, of Vernon, • I Texas, spent Sunday with Mrs. Rose At last Sunday's Ouewj Doaen Jopoon. * meeting Mr. and Mfek Wlnfield | Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wfelkington and Putsch wera admittod tO member-: son, Jay, attended a family picnic ahip while Mr. and Mrs. Frank at Veterana Acres Park 4t Crystal W voted a* aad won . Lake regain it on drying. 4kn thwf ^ *EW NIW PAY SCJL1B mMDcmoMToajonmm,fooQ,LODam, Mostor Sargoanf or First Sorgoont Technical Sergeant Staff Sergeant • • Sergeant . . . . Corporal . . . « Private First Class g| ABOIBON TO COLUMN OMW1MAM J0% hewn fcffcwtoftwma l%huiw b Nr hrtmk $ fmil! awn* 3mm toy JO VWs' hnte $165.00 $107.25 llNil 135.00 S7JT5 isiii 115.00 100.00 74^5 65.00 iiul 9000 5S.50 101.ll 00.00 52.00 moo 75.00 4S^5 >M0 found fawtsble. Sunday. Mra. Lea ter Carr Ckariaa and Joe, and _Wo adah we eodd Ml jw asore Wiedrich spent T\ieeday evening at afawt thaUarha oar Otter Ebert' McHenry. restained when he waa bitten hy Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr and Cam Manrandis' dag en the baa eh when fly spent Sundav with her mother Olar sm Mag hia Wt at the ehtt-tot M^enry. $*•» haach partar last Wedaeaday.1 Mra. Clara EL Foster of Richmond 8af(lee it to aay timt Otter hae haenjand Mrs. George Sbepard gtfag msils standing up for Thursday ia Ogm. tiia paat week. What a peach won't Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlein do to protect the natiu of his! were visitors la Chicago 8atmday. aneeators! You're right. Otter wasj Mr. and Mra. William Heine of dishing out the hot dogs to the fifty Chicago spent Sunday in the George odd Idda at the party. 8bMp«Sd home. „ Mrs. Lena Hendricks is visiting, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sales had as her brother in Michigan. She expect* weekend guests Mr. and Mra. J. H. jto return the latter part of August., McNamee and daughter, Don Marie,) M3sa Jacoimon is visiting with of Spnnrfield and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. William McCannon. WilKam_Lortie and' family of Chi- Mr. and Mrs. R T. Butler are cago. Their son, Jack, who is at visiting relatives at Morton and Bath, present serving with the army air 111. forces in Langley Field, Va., and is I Muriel Butler, Ferrol Martin, Mary soon scheduled for overseas duty {Ann Wiedrich and Dorothy Smith in Europe, has been recently pro |are vacationing at Camp Aurora, moted to corporal. Brother Boo, a: Lake Geneva. recently discharged veteran of Uncle [ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and Mr. Sam's navy, has gone in for draft- and Mrs. Raymond Harrison attending with a Chicago firm and likes ed the funeral of Elsie tlinse at his work very much. | Crystal Lake Thursday, Mrs. J. C. Pearson, Mrs. C. L. Mrs. Helge Davidson suffered pain- Harrison, Mrs. Luella Stephenson and ful ft juries when she fell down a Mrs. Louis Hawiey attended the flight of steps while visiting her Eastern Star card party at the Villa sister in Chicago last week. We are Hotel at Pistakee Bay Thursday, indeed happy to report that Mr*.» Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowo and Davidson is now well on the road family of Huntley and Mrs. Etta to recovery. The Davidsons' guests Watties and son, Glen, of McHenry for the week are Mr. and Mrs. Mike spent Sunday in the C. L. Harrison Seigh of Chicago. jhome. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCauley are Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon, Anenjoying a two-weeks' vacation at tioch, spent Sunday* with Mrs. Jentheir cottage on Orchard Drive. I me Bacon. Mra. Sohpie Koati Mt for a week's I Clarence Dates, Chicago^ apant visit with relatives in Rock Falls, Sunday in the Oliver Lawrence home. !«*•,, last Monday Mr. and Mrs. i Mr. and Mra. Joe Wagner and Joeeph Freea will look after things grandchOdreti of MaHenry spent at the Kodi manage during her Sunday with Mrs. Lawrence and son, Joe. Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. son spent Thursday in Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinse at C tal Lake spent Sunday evening 1 Japabsence. "Two-ton Rudy" from Brookfidd was responsible #or tha tidal wave that hit McCullom Lake Shores one day last week. The guy decided to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. go in swimming but there was sot Sgt. Harry Fritz of Nebraska much of him aad so little of Mc- came here from Ft. Monmouth, N. J_ Cullom Lake and wa all know what to Ft. Sheridan, where he received happened. Why don't the guy stay his discharge Thursday and spent in Brookfidd? the remainder of the week with , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lenard. Mr. and Mra. Fred Edmonds have Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., as guests in their Maple Hill home spent a few days the past week at Mr. and Mra. G. Greenholdt of San Darlington, Wis. Diego, Calif. That's coming a long1 Mr. and Mrs. R. Stettler and Miss way to enjoy^ a week's vacation at F. Miller of California were visitors McCullaaa Mr. and Mrs. Chullerstrom's weekend guests were Mr. and Mrs. Postal of Chicago. Mr. Poetal operatee the world-famous muscle factory in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Rohloff are enjoying a two weeks' stay with the Walter Schultz's of Fountain Lane. If tha dealers in McHenry exl* th.iuiL a jiic in hqsama Oh wedr they can wall blame Smokeater Kinsey of Sqfuad S Evanstpn,fu* departin tha George Haberlein home Saturday afternoon. Clyde Carr went to the ti at Rodcford Sunday. Miss Mae Weidrich and and Joe Carr spent Wednesday' evening at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman and family of Evanston were supper |uesta «f Mrs. Rose Jepeon Thurs- --isnalgii Larry Collins and brother, David, of Beloit stopped with their grandparents, Rav. and Mra. Collina, BIKE MOTOR L gall• Itot lHt 1 « 3 „ m. (Om-imt nHilaiili r» MM far aaa aew ia teAnv wMi § er Mfe anOi si Mrvlc*) g Wi ll eas fcea 1> U U <17 ) MMat far •• asw ia pravieea euies MAXES TOUE BIKE zrsjrjiXmwsrssz strrnji Iwt sawy tme wrws^jseeiasaje. AMNOLD . aCMWINW Fmt-War, Ballsea The B I C Y C L E S HMb 1HB CONTINENTAL lOUKIST Lite-weight Saa Them Now at BICYCLE A SERVICE t. Mwfclaa out pay (bi-i wo-- U. S. Army |M«tli at MniM) to *U aia «*e 28 N1. Caroline St. In diiclMtpd to «dM or rmlhl Crystal Lake, Illinois A F T E R N O O N S O N L Y 7. Option to ntiit at half |Mj (City Hall, Red Cross (2nd floor) Woodstock, mi A H H sT* NEW HOURS! HEW MENUS! Open 7 a.m. to 3 p.mM 6 p.m. to 2 aon» Closed Tuesdays •erviof Bmkfiit ui Lnncheoos and Oar Items. Tto!! Genuine Hickory Smoked Barbecued Ribs Golden Fried Chicken - Spaghetti • Steaks - Chops French Fried Shrimps - Fish $ Bar Service . . . Orders To Take Out Outdoor Porch Open ... Private Dining ^ DOUG'S SPEEDBOAT RIDE HEADQUARTER8 ue s. aivxKsms d&it| .. . ~*m.. d:.

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