Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Aug 1946, p. 3

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-* ' r " k A* r t - * ~ »'- *g *&1z1** f^T4 rr UlMMHMMMM IIIIMIII Lake* Lilymoor •t 11 !#••< I 1114 »4»41 •!• | title, (By Dick Hyatt) |iIV 'Kisr:"'^ has ntarned ttom hfcr stay in Chicago. Congratulations, to Grandma Harle, who has now become a gnct-pandmother for the second time. Tha newly born child will be christened in a few weeks. He Is to bear the mm . . ... .,w,; , . -V *».' > v. + ! * * .•wtKV'Nrffr**..-! : *" *• % f, W% to * waa's heart is through ld«'ferths niliHalaiiil Mr. mi aa ^ . .a jMaekay anfm and Mrs. Ca^. Oficia] Opposition Marked Spending a Mghtfri «Mion at Surprise visits** an Sonday afte*» the Sehiavoiw home are Mr. and" Mrs. noon were their children and Mr. Enelio and son, also Mr. and Mrs. »nd. Mrs. John Market, also Miss Rin»» the dava vKm th» Ah« Tow Enelio. . «,pl»w t. Hr». V«ni» M«rh tf CMomi.. !nS^«™%Vr^ toSfd3« wS Early Use of Coffee Kirents r. O s*m 5? ™ to bear the Schiavone, who has purchased a home Grandma Steadman, Mr. and Mrs. -nd took •« ,wme nCu. • gIS 'n Lilymoor. They intend to move Frank Bucholzt, Mrs. Lorraine Mat- H ». slPPin8 concoctions ts will be Miss Gloria Harle and ] in next spring as permanent resi- tes and daughter, Carrole, and Mr. ^ , r1® foffee bean in order * ' and Mrs. Bernie Vogh were all week- ™ keep awake Jurmg their long re- Chicken Eyes ) Chickens have eyes which are Eyes of some type* * unable to see very well in dim light, keys have a range at which « Probably one of the tion of 10 dioptera? as • reasons why chickens g» % Sleep J 14 diopters of young chfldreM before dark. • human race. Leary; I dents. ^Season entered our life for this year HJ*d Hazel Flayer, came home from! Normand injured his back while at As the* last month of the summer'I ®uf. ^w? ladies, Mrs. Diedrich We are sorry to-hear that-Charley cnt' guests at the Steadman home. ligious ceremonies, coffee has been lAKmanil joinwAil k*A _ x * Ml*» _and_Mrs. Fox. Jim Green and acclaimed and disclaimed. In Cairo, introduction there in the" its use was forbidden as considered intoxicat- •he National Geographic . places storing or using ; us by but the memory of the Lily; ™ur?ia?|1. Mrs. Sieh^ and daagh-' Mr: and Mrs> Krinn were hon6red mother. unday guests at the Con- the "seditious" berry were ordered -»^Lake Ladies' .L"ecaag?uuec'ss aa"nn"uuaali "diinnnneerr • ^ucille, Tu C tC .-yn1r^ ;j wwiuthn a vviissiitt firroomm MMrr.. and MMrrss.. SSiiee-- ';i'l . hhoomwee were Mr. and Mrs. (^orge. burned. During the reign of Charles hngers m the thoughts of the -J®8®'. ,^n „ •*' managed _ lich over the weekend.' On Saturday -ch*enler, Mr. and }frs. Bob Ehler, u, from 1660 to 16S5, coffee houses • many who a> tended. This event was • t obtain an entire new ensemble -evening a par^y was given at the ai ! Peebles, all of Chicago. jheld at the Lakeside Inn. # ^ ,,SCW-- ,uek s.ome Krinn residency in honor of Vern " ana uon reeoies, bh oi imcajro, A r . , ' , , ,7^ h , v nice picnic lunch was enjoyed late * °ndon were ordered closed beof Vern in the afternoon * tause they not only breved a cup ^ Lake will sponsor a beach party, -to • • ' . - I,. L.IJ lU- It- 1 1 . .. ! lawn party with the usual trimbe held at the Highway bench, iif'ter- Richard Marsh cele-; mings. About twenty-two guests noon and evening of that day. There br^tecl "lB birthday. Among the uvre present. will be Pierotti's father. ' > schlag (h^avy whipped cream) is Miss Mildred Eitefr and Miss. Alice familiar, a statue was erected to Phyle of Duluth, Minn,, were week- the man who discovered the cdfFee v, Wonder Fiteer ' / m ^ISticity and strehgtR^make still isn't too late to make wool one of the most wonderful fiyour donation of a _pri*e for the bers in the world. Most of us probin connection with , -- „ games and refreshments *ue?ts present to neip. a<ia gaiety i Spendinir the week with th* * r"V"7L'-"x"••"n "*\Z "ia" w"y «»»wverea me coi ; v ,, v among the list of things set up for to the Part>* were his aunt- Mrs- Rogerss are their son and familv • enJ g ? at the Ju-Derw&tt -home, beans left by the fleeing Turks « ' ,'g»¥r entertainment. Mrs. C. O. Chns.tenson, and gnls, also his Uncle Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rogers, Jr. ' sai^Tha't fhis wis voi, Colunn^ inl 16? and ^ho °P^ed the 4rst cafe x;'Hya" is Chairman for this eVem. -^ty .and fiancee, Miss Dorothy A weekend visitor at the Johnson "J*1^an^thir"^ b^be^nri'ntei and u se,cved .the first top 6t_coff*e Dented booth,, colored HgM,. Pl»yl»g.ft Round Lake. ^ it here^ mu" M * ' * ^ v a n d t h e s h o u t s a n d l a u g h t e r o f a . G u e s t s a t t h e K l e u g e n h o m e o v e r . p r o l o n g h e r v i s i t . h m e s f o r n e w s ^ s o v o u r h e l b w i l l b « > ,« '•-IP* .'Kay crowd . ... that is what we ex- the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. C.| We are all sorry to hear that Mrs. .r,-patlv annreriatod to see at the Lily Lake Beauti- J- Vcuntr and family, also Miss Vir- Sansone's little daughter has dis- n ctill isnt too litp living club's picnic.' Everyone is in- Rinia Maye. Miss Maye is Mr. located ,her wrist. Full de'aili? about vonr Hnnatinn of a ^Pi» ^;; •' JS- ,^-v!ted to attend this gala affair to 'Kleugen's- sister.. All had a most the accident are not as yet known, p T A ls beach nartv to 1* held thk °ki8' ^-T,lie ^°r»'a • «• held on the grounds of the Lake- enjoyable weekend and were partic-; Guests at the Joe Yaeger home C(;min* Saturdav If rnS »«' ? y ^ of it 1 5 /"•, . s«Je Inn on Aug. 24 and 25. ularly glad for the cool weather. [during the week were Mr. and Mrs. & £ please^ contact me.^^ its njarvetous wlarmth when woven, ' . Ending the season up with a feanf Frank Heppeler is spending his Kohn, Mr. and. Mrs. Dick Tiltges ' ~ ' the Summer Finale, sponsored by two-week vacation at his Lily Lakeland family, Mr. and Mrs. Werner, 3 J."e Lilymoor Property and" Land sujr>mer home. ' jail of Chicago, also Mrs.^Smith of Owners association. This will be Here's a news item that was sort McHenry and her son, Rc«co. iheld at the Club Lilymoor on Aug. of skipped over: Two weeks ago. Mr. j Mr. and Mrs. Heckman enjoyed a ^• niusic to be furnished by Barbara and Mrs. Keller spent the weekend delicious dinner at Mrs. Heckman's j|> Horick and her orchestra. Under the in Chicago. While here they attended' mother's, Mrs. Guy Surtees, on Sun-i _ - ehairmanship of Orval Maher, this a farewell party given in honor of! "lay- On Tuesday evening there was" dance promises to be a huge success, Mrs. Rose Keller's patents who have I a gathering of friends at the Heck-" - BO come on .out, folks, and see what left lor Connecticut. TKey will stop'man home to help Guy Surtees cele-! . fun awaits you at this Summer off on the way to see some of the I brate his birthday. j - 'Finale.! sights. It will be their first" trip! Mrs. Vachet took time off from her j " 7 ^ Probably by this time our new title to that part of the country in over canning long enough this weekend! I "as hit your thought wave and sent thirty-five years. On their return to entertain Mr. and Mrs. Spachneg' you to thinking. Well, it means they will spend a few weeks with I of Chicago. exactly what it says. After almost' their daughter here at the lake. Mr. I Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mentch of j a year of separation, the two col- Keller says, "If they don't stop off | Racine visited with Mr. and Mrs. tanns ire once again together. I to see Brooklyn on the way, they I Seyfferth over the weekend., Mr. • Mentch is a b Pfcate|HpMng Letters Mfotografhkig letters to lessen however. Fine and medium wools are next to furs in this, respect, which proper cleaning helps to {>reserve. This is because the insulting properties of wool fabrics de- It dates back to 1870 when letters P®nd primarily upon millions of tiny V*ta photographed to a diminutive a'r spaces trapped between the aize aa thin paper such as pigeons scaly fibers. Just how many there could a*rry. are is governed largely by the method of spinning and weaving the yarni„ ' and its nap, which is the fuzzy sur- i Caasenration Need face so characteristic of tweeds Would like to apologize to the people aren't seeing anything at all. of Lilymoor for not getting quite all Weekend guests at the Keller home the news this week, for it was rather were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Intrieri, ^ short notice to accustom, one's self brother and sister-in-law to Mrs. Rose to the taking of so many new stops. Keller. Well, the Keller home is For my new people, I would liktf you undergoing quite a change. It is -to know that I gather most of my now becoming one of the many pernews by myself, usually on Sunday manent homes in Lilymoor. This afternoons or evening, also Monday coming year will be the first comevenings. Occasionaly I will phone plete year the folks have spent out the people having telephones. " I here. ' Do you think they can take liope I can give all the attention it?" due the entire community. Mr. and Mrs. Gloppe have decided x The first and last time, so goes to remain at their daughter's home the report I received from those two fMrs. Cederberg) f>cr another week, jpo-getters, Gussie and Gloria. These Really, Mrs. Cederberg shouldn't mind %rere the two young ladies responsible their extended visit for her father is for the free movies that were shown putting up some cabinets in her on the highway last Friday evening, kitchen. The business men of the community Congratulations to Clara and Stef- «*jntributed toward bringing us the fne Szark, sisters, who will celebrate .piovies. Due to circumstances un- their birthdays during this week, foraeen there will not be a return Joe Yaeger also had a birthday, engagement this year. his sixty-ninth to be exact, on Sun- At the home of Mrs. Glick, last day. However, it v^as celebrated on Thursday afternoon, the Lilymoor Saturday 'evening at the Lakesid? Woman's club had its meeting. Inn. That sure was some disappoint- Did somebody say that our comtnent the Svoboda's had when they munity lacked talent? Well, due to heard that Fred, Jr., couldn't come the strenuous singing Bob Mudroch, home for the weekend as he had C. O. Hyatt and James Simmons did planned. Fred, Jr., was quite dis- on Saturday evening, Jim has lost his appointed too. He has just recently voice. Result, the pianist, Mrs. Seyfpaased all his O. C. S. tests. Mr. ferth, refuses to play and the master fcnd Mrs. C. N Jane left on SAtur- of ceremonies, Mr. Seyfferth, (or day for Canada after spending a few should I say modeler of women's days at the Svoboda residence hats) has refused to perform. -- Oh, the lucky woman! Yes sir, One afternoon last week two of Ifrs. Murdock received a beautiful our 'teen-age ladies got together i Watch from her husband. The occa- and baked a cake, nnrphased ic *ion for such an exquisite gift was cream and soda pop. What was all |he celebration of her birthday. this for? Well, that's what the Mr. and Mrs. LaMiere are now! mothers tried to figure out. Finally fcack from their two-week tour of ^ a slip, two gentlemen friends from ^Wisconsin. By the way, this was the lake were invited over for that <tnade in their new trailer. They are evening. It seems these ladies must now parking at the grounds of the have read my column last week in Lakeside Inn. Their daughter, Mary,; which I quoted the saying, "The way brother to Mrs. Seyfferth. On Saturday evening the Seyf- About 100 million acres of land and blankets. This is created by still in cultivation have been serious- "teasing" to the surface -- as the ly impoverished by loss of soil; and manufacturers put it--the ends of about 100 million acres more of cul* ; the individual fibers. tivated land are being depleted of' productive soil at an alarming rate, j Subscribe for The Plaindealer Ktlif G. LAND FUTURE HOME ?•••! V".-" ' Si Now is the time to buy the location you have dreamed about in beautiful Shalimar, one mile north of McHenry. Large wooded lots, restricted . », . high and dry for year'round homes with basement# . V . also a few river locations. , ^ City Gas and Ele^ci^ Beach Rights" 1 Food. Milk, Laundry and Cleaning' " \ ;> ^ - Vi' ft deliveries to your door - These lots will increase 50 per cent as soon as building is started- Only eight more lots available. Will build to suit as soon as materials can be secured. Buy direct from owner --:• Model Year Terms to reliable people Home ..if' fully insulated . . n for inspection in ttie near • ; H. B* WILLIAMS Shalimar Tel. McHenry GrfMtnMed ' FENCE CONTROLLERS Bring your old fence controller in to our store during thii sale and regardless of its make, model or condition we will allow you up to $3.00 on it toward the purchase of a new one ... All our fencers have the controller mechanism hermetically aeaied. This assures weatherproof and trouble free operation under all condition*. Come in aatii inspect this top-ouality Hue: STANDARD MODEL-- ELECTRO)IN IC lT<£VOLT equipped with self-wiping AC ALL-ELECTRIC kmnr points and adjustable current control. Reg. $11.96. With Trade-I* AOowanet of «•«> $10.45 SEALED POWER MODEL --handles up to 15 aulas of i on either storage hater dry ealL Filtered Reg. 919.96 WSk 1 MODEL--Compistely automatic with no moving parts. Radio shielded. Rag. 919775. With Trade-In Allowance of woo $15.75 DELUXE COMBINATION BATTERY-ELECTRIC MODEL--operatee on either battery or ni-line current. Trad* -In Allowance of ^$16.95 , ' Special * 'Kay-De*' Stml Kitchen Utility Cabinet* 4 shelves for efficient kitchen storage .. High tensile steel, baked-on white enamel finish . . Packed for easy self-aseetnbly . . Single Poor $12.95 Double Door $15.95 Authorised Dealer Ge*. CeOstts VwVr|pa4r$Mi S21 Maaa Street Wast McHenry m o$$oms „ the IF you're inclined to fret because the good news hasn't come that jrour Buick's ready, just remcmbel* -Ibis: ~-- The best is never easiest to get. And lop-notch goods always pull the biggest buy-lines. So it isn't just parts and material shortages that keep our waiting list long, though they have plenty to (III with it it is also the plain fact that Buick stands today as the most wanted cif kt America* it's wanted for style that puts ytw right out in front of the motorcar lashion parade. It's wanted for the abundant power "of big Fireball straight-eight engines, built to precision standards hot even Buick ever achieved before. it's wanted for the matchless con|» 4»rt of BuiCoil springing, thre% person seats, Foamtex-covered cushions -- and for the good, husky, time-defying bulk that means a car that's It's wanted because it's a car that is solid Buick character all the way through -- a standout performer that's right to the last fine detail and complete in every way when you getit. V: ' • Fact is -- every new Buick delivered seems to bring in more orders. . x i,l • .Demand is actually growing -- not just because new cars are needed, but because this Buick is so far, far ahead of what people expected. So it's smart to act quickly. We can t deliver cars faster than the factory can make them -- but the sooner your name's on our order sheet, the shorter your wait will be. ten5*2 lAs»'»o ACr'Oit Front Street WEST McHENBY, ILL. R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES I " . ' c JORYSTAL ULKS, IUL r-, -V-- - „ - - , ^ * * ' _ | i •«" • • . / •" : '-S-'i: r k '] ' y-- ;' cA % i- r* - *! i .( 'i '• Cl M i .t [ J * ^ •- - * . f . j .if- j i'i' v' % Cr',^^r's' 0 * I i v1,

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