iiHl Y. F. T» Bfejey Outin* A agaet » The Methodist Youth* Felkmhip will enjoy an onting at Rivenrtew Park, Chicago, on Thursday evening, August 29. They will leave from the Methodist church at 6 o'clock sharp. Friends of members are invited. Please notify any member at the latest next Tuesday if you intend to go, so that enough transportation will be provided. Gsnt Soloist At Dessert Lundieea OA August 14, Mrs! Miss Ethel Jones, Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Warren Jones attended a dessert McHenry, minoia FRIDAY AND SATURDAY .. ,i;n • Tfdauk+kr " Merle Oberop. ;y--r 1Ma> Bey "A NIGHT IN PARADISE" Plus--Musical, Novelty and News SUN. A MON~ AUG. 25-26 Lana Turner --- John Garfield -THE POSTMAN ALWA1S RINGS TWICE" Phw--World News A Cartoon TUESDAY (ONE DAT) Double Bill Chute Coburn -- Joan Bennett "COL. EFFINGHAM'S RAID" Pluis Second Feature WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Olivia de Havilland -- Ida Lupino "DEVOTION" Gcwn^ed M 1 \s*«*ley ^Lingerie at its loveliest! 'Rayon pin stripe taffeta tailored to fit. Tea Rose. >3142,..^. $1,40 •m The Friendly Store S21 Main Street West McHenry Authorised Dealer | Geo. Collette, Owner artist, tendered • defigbtnu program of three gxwM of vocal solos, consisting of operatic arias, sacred nuiahtrs and light classics. Warren «as generously applauded and nqwndiid witt eneons. Mrs. Goodell companiment provided tkt fln»aefor her nephew. be jjftNBt These twelve children, their Hunilies and Meads enjoyed the day even to a member of the fourth eration, little Edward John Wi Dinner was served picnic style on the lawn, after whkh cards and a social afternoon were enjoyed. Pony rides for the children and picture taking were included, after which a buffet simper was served, concluding the pleasant day. * * * Party On . / y Anniversary . .J". ^ Mrs. Anna Miller sif'IMil ' tt a surprise birthday party for her son, Jerome, last Sunday. A delicious supper, followed by a social evening, was enjoyed and the guest of honor presented with several lovely gifts. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Plan Carnival For Aagwt SI The £n>rinjr Grove annual carnival will be held on Saturday •vening, August '31, with music, games and refreshments. * •j*-#. Honor Mho Stoffei ~ At Bridal Shower Mrs. L*oai8 otofrBI SM tUHSgtWcT, Mary Lou, visited relatives in Milwaukee, Wis., last week. While there- Mary Lou was honored at a bridal, shower held at the home of Mr. and j Leisser of McCullom Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steber. Cards, air- J Mrs. Ernest Hart of Chicago. Mr. plane bunco and visiting provided and Mrs. Al. Pierce of Richmond, Mr. entertainment* after which Mrs. and Mrs. William Miller.of Fox River Steber served tasty refreshments. Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller: * * * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller and Hold Party Ftor family, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Stoifel Returned Servicemen and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A party was held in the Prairie [ Doherty, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dohschool south of McHenry last Satur- erty, Dick Miller, Jerome, Eugene day evening, honoring the boys from' and Mary Ann Millet of McHenry that district who have returned from;and Miss Frances Glojsson of Woodservice. Dancing to the music of stock. The youngest ^member of the Jack Brennan's orchestra was enjoy- Miller family, Robert, was unable ed, followed by the serving of lunch1 to be present as he is serving with to the 100 assembled guests. Honor- > the army in Germany. ed at the party were William and Thomas Bolger, Ed. Sullivan, George Pate, William Rochman and Richard Toleson. • m 0 m Former Schoolmates Hold 1946 Reunion A gathering1 of old friends, former schoolmates in McHenry many years ago, was held last Saturday at Lake Geneva, where the group enjoyed a 1:30 o'clock luncheon at the Danish Tea Room. Among- those who attended were Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger of McHenry, Mrs. Chancey Jepson, Mrs. Chancey Harrison and Mrs. George Sheohard of Ringwood, Mrs. William Belcher of Woodstock, Mrs. Florence Alexander of Hebron, Mrs. Louis Lusk of Volo, Mrs. Jennie Dillon of Wauconda and Dr. Louise Evanson, Chicago. • * • Nuptial Shower For Miss Eleanor• Clark Miss Eleanor Clark was 'honored at sc pre-nuptial shower held last week at the, home of Mrs. Stanley Charles near Woodstock. An interesting evening was spent in rooms attractively decorated for the occasion in green and white. Miss Clark was presented with a lovely gift from those present, who were members of her card club. Present besides the hostess and guest of honor were Mrs. Allen Diand Mfcv Mrs. i Jurkat «f Marion, days recently with lelette of Houston, guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Warren Jones attended the Chicago Music Festival luncheon which was held in the grand ballroom of the Stevens hotel last Friday. Following a delicious lunch, there were talks by many of the most eminent musicians from various parts of the United States, also a beautiful musical program. Mr. and Mrs. Math Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diedrich and daughter, Barbara, and Mrs. Stanley Died- Mrs. John W. Mr. and Mrs. George Patton and son, Jimmy, of Chicago spent Sunday in the Qmai fciker honfe hero. Mr. arid jm.VYed Schoewer spent Sunday in Cheage, where he attended the Legion eoiNention and she visited ' in the Hubert Schoewer home in Oak Park. George Wickstrom, daughter, Marnne, and niece, Joan, of JRoaelle visited Milton Pederson on Sunday. Mr. and Ifts. Richard Hester have _ vacationing in Washington, D. C., the past week. Mr. and Mrs. George Stenger and family of McHenry and her parents, who reside in Waukegan, are mm oved to lifcileatv 6wa and are living at the ho«ae at Hehner. Pete is again the Benka fwtery. A small mm was dnMlred af the electric Hgfct plant Tuesday evening, caused by a spark from the smoke stack. The school board is again without a princttoal. -They received word last week from Mr. Beatty that he had accented a position etaewhere and would not teach in McHenry. Mrs. Alice Simmon has improved her place again by adding to it a fine large cistern. THIRTY YEARS AGO spending this week at Crivitts, Wis. Carpenters went to work on the Mrs. alia Kehney has returned to G. A. Himler house on Waukegan Chicago after mending three weeks street on Monday morning.' in the home of Mrs. M. J. Walsh. Geo. Smith has moved his fam- Jules Gonseth left by plane last ily. from the F. J. Karges cottage ~~ in the north end of town to the second flat in the Searles house on Elm street. L. Eisenmeger, Jr., has installed a brand new up-to-date electric computing scale in his market on Water street, which insures accurate service. Excavation for the new home to be erected by John Carey on his Main street property on the west side has been completed and work on the foundation vdll be started ftt at once. ' ' TWENTY YEARS AGa * week tor Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schroeder and three children of Palatine were Sunday visitors in the home of her parents, the Jacob Steffeses. - Mrs. Maria Muldoon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Muldoon and Mrs. Florence Smith, of Whiting, Ind., spent last Thursday visiting in the M. J. Walsh home. Mir. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger, Mrs. P. M. Jus ten and son, Dan, Mrs. H. B. Schaefer and Mrs. George Worts were among 'those from here who attended the Chicago Music Festival in Chicago on Saturday evening. There they saw James H. VanSlyke of Waukegan lead the Illinois rural chorus. Mr. VanSlyke's mother is the former Lenore Stevens of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Roy. Kent and son, David, left Monday of this week for a two weeks' vacation at Evergreen, Colo., and Colorado Springs. Miss Betty McNeil of Mount Pros- Pect spent last week visiting in the home of the William Murtaughs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago were weekend guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. Mollie Givens. Mrs. Carl Hyatt and daughter, HiH 8P€nt Th"r8day at HoIy Mrs. Arthur Olsen and daughters, Darlene and Gloria, of Chicago spent the past two weeks at the home of the Gerard Schons, north of Johnsburg. Mrs. Olsen is a sister of Mrs. Schons. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Diedrich of Volo and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schaefer of Johnsburg spent Sunday at the Milwaukee State Fair. ing several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon. Among those who attended the wake of Mayme Aylward in Elgin this week were* Mrs. M. J. Walsh and guest, Mrs. lEUa Kenney, Melvin Walsh, Miss Florence Carey, Mrs. Thomas Doherty, Mrs. Mollie Givens, Mrs. Nellie Bacon and Miss Ann Frisby. Mrs. Harvey Rapp and daughter, « r, . , , , , | Carol, of Arlington Heights spent Mrs. George Adams and daughter, Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Zena Kathryn, of Elgin, formerly of Mc- Bacon. Henry, and Mr. and Mrs. J°hn j Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Xandgren j McHenry Shamrocks Sunday in a i ft t aii n' a. . °* 1Ul»1 spent last Saturday in Chicago. They I very exciting game and won by a left Tuesday on a trip to Los | -were accompanied home by their! score of 5 to 4. This game was for The many friends of Miss Helen Marie Justen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen, were pleasantly surprised to hear of her marriage to Andrew McCarrolI on Sautrday at Waukegan. A large gas ball, technically known as "Morton's Sphere," will soon be installed by the Western United Gas A Electric company on a part of the Jacob Justen.farm, just south of tl\e city limits of McHenry. Spanish green olives, jar, 19 cents; shrimp, large size, 2 cans 29 cents; tomatoes, full pack, 8 cents. National Tea Co. Rev. Father J. J. Haekett, former assistant pastor of St. Patrick's church, now of Fulton, 111., is spending a few days visiting friends in McHenry and vicinity. ^ ** ' W AI K 4? 'V, MAKE AT _ •* » «_ :-f.v v-v • bucket of palnt.^. and repair jobs '2';,';^ a® kWs often begin with a tow loan at our bank. Max we bdlp il-^r, Srs^V; v ^ yon finance repairs or inaprorements? r ^ - MCHENRY STATE SANK Federal Reserve Systeii ~ ^ Federal Deposit Insnranoe Corporation 7nHt 111 III in in in it i 111111» m i n t m », y. n- JOHNSBIJRG (BjK Chit and Chat) After bringing the 1946 baseball series to a sYnashing victo'ry, the mighty Johnsburg team played the „ - _ - to Los mon, Misses Alice and Leta Clark, i Angeles. ,1 daughter, Elame. who will spend" a ?r,r' an4 ^™rs- .Jo?n .J"s^,c® j three weeks' vacation from her duties children of Woodstock visited in the as student nurse at St. Elisabeth's Alfons Adams home on Saturday: hospital evening. I Mr. and Mrs. Jpseph Adams and Mr. and Mrs. James Hoyt, Jr., are vacationing in northern Wisconsin this week. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Freund spent Mrs. LeRay Miller, Mrs. Fred Fuchs, , Mrs. Ed. Hettermann and Mrs. Arnold Larson. * * * Entertain Sunday At | Anniversary Supper ! Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Larson eh- ! tertained members of the family at j a picnic supper held on the lawn of ; their home in the Country Club subdivision on Sunday, honoring her mother, Mrs. Edward Nordin on her birthday anniversary. The real birth i date was August 20. Present to enjoy the day were Mrs. ; Nordin's mother, Mrs. Anna Ekstrom, Mary, Margit and Gus Eks- ; trdm, Miss Margaret Kniebush and last Thursday visiting the Wisconsin! Dells. | Mrs. Jack Walsh, Mrs. Eiarl Walsh, j Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton and Mrs. | George Miller and daughter, Maryi Elizabeth, attended the wake of Miss Mayme Aylward in Elgin on Monday afternoon. Miss Marjorie Duker, R. N., of TWICE TOLD TALES Mrs. Karen Nelson and family of I Chicago spent Tuesday with her C--rys tal Lake", Mrs. JTo h" n E™k st" rom parents, the C"3.. HM.. iIshuikkie rs. and son. Roland, of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Freund, Mrs. John N. Mrs. Edward Nordin and Mary Lou'Freund and daughter, Anita, were j Stonel OI McHenry. Kenosha anH WVnilrpiran ahnnnora r»n ItMna of Interest Taken From the File* of the Plaindealer of Years Ago SIXTY YEARS AGO C. D. of A. Holdis Social [And Business Meeting Frank Quigley, Jacob Hauperish, v . . n. , John Simon and Tommy Curresn, Kenosha and Wfeukegan shoppers on done some lively work gravelling on Monday. the river raod the past week. With ; Ray McGee is enjoying a two •week?' vacation from his duties "as A combine^ J>usin«S8 and social i postmaster. of tne C. D. of A. was held Joe Reed of Portland, Mich., an last Thursday evening in the K of C old time resident in the McHenry I hall. During the business portion, plans were made for a Stanley demonstration, which will be held on I October 17. Members and friends are invited to attend. A social hour followed, with prises ' in bridge awarded Mrs. Anna Button and Mrs. Margaret Simon, in contract bridge to Mrs. Elvira Durland, and Tn pinochle to Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson and Mrs. Helen Heuser. Refreshments were served at,ing. the close of the evening. •. • • vicinity, called on friends here last weekend. Mr. Reed left McHenry many years ago. He stated that he found it difficult to contact folks he knew here in the earlier years. Misses Dorothy and Louise Walsh were Chicago callers on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe May and Mr. and Mrs. George Freund spent several days the past week in Indiana, where they attended a C. O. F. meet- Hold Family Reunion Sunday nA. mmeeumioorrBaDbliee flaammuilv reunion WaS held last Sunday at tne farm home of Mr", and Mrs. Clarence Young and sons, north of McHenry, when his iss Lois Wfeideman spent Sunday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Freund of Dubuque, Iowa, visited McHenry friends and relatives last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin accompanied their granddaughter, Ann Smith, to Chicago last Thursday after, Sandra Lee, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner at Milton, Wis., Sunday,. Mrs. Earl Turner is spending several days in the Russel Turner home in Chicago. Mr.and Mrs. Ben Kennebeck and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kennebeck attended the Milwaukee State Fair this week. •>. Pvt. and Mrs. Jim Freund of Scott Field spent Sunday in the Joe I«. Freund home. Mrs. Mamie King, Mrs. Tena Lay and Mr. and Mrs. Herihan Kreutzer attended the baseball game at the Cubs park, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller of Richmond were Sunday visitors in tjba Stephen Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. James Adams and Mr. and Mrs. James Hoyte are enjoying a couple weeks vacation in northern Wisconsin. The birthday club hdd picnic at Fox River Park _ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hiller and Mrs. Albert Schmitt left for trip through Kansas. Monday night, about twent seekers enjoyed a hayride t the vicinity of McHerny, under supervision of Richard May. On the front of the wagon was a sign, "The Old Bags," but they all loosed pretty young to us. * € | mother, Mrs. Catherine Young, herjter the latter had spent the summer four surviving sons and eight daugh- j here. Mr. and Mrs. John McGlave ters gathered to enjoy'the day. In- returned with them for a fewJ^eeks' I visit. I L. H.* Owen and wife, Miss Allie! spent Sunday i was an Oak Smith, Miss Jennie Chapell, A. A. King home. y, . Chapell and Ben Getzelman made up I Mrs. Jerry He1 Air-Conditioned MILLER Woodstock, HI. FRI. A SAT„ AUG. 2S-24 "CAPTAIN TUGBOAT ANNIE" with Jane Darwell -- Edw. Kennedy Plus: Co-Hit No. 2 --"SUNBONNET SUE" .Gale Storm -- Phil Regan SUNDAY THROUGH TUESDAY August 25-26-27 Two of the Season's Top Hits on 1 Gigantic Program! ONE MORE TOMORROW" I Dennis Morgan -- Ann Sheridan I Jack Carson -- Alexis Saith Plus: Feature No. 2 "CINDERELLA JONES" Joan Leslie -- Robert Alda WED. & THUS. AUG. 28-29 Another Doable Feature Attraction f MASQUERADE IN MEXICO" Dorothy Lam our--Patric Knowles Plus: Hit No. 2 "AND THEN THERE . WERE NONET with * Harry FiUgeraWl Walter RUston fxHiis Hayward -4^4+4 .JweJPSfcrii visit. Miss Christine Adams Park caller last Thursday. Dr. and Mrs. C.'W. Klontz 'spent several days ;the last o^ the week in Wisconsin. Mrs. Bernice Muckler of Oak Park visited in the Floyd Cooley home here last Thursday. *• Mrs. Ed. Holle of Oak Park spent several days the last of the week with her parents, the Martin Conways. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schmitt enjoyed a trip to Minnesota recently. Mrs. Ed. Young spnt Monday in the home of her daughter at Island Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson, daughter, Marguerite, -and son, Frank, spent last week vacationing in Michigan. Fred Karges of Kenosha, Wis., a former resident here, spent several days last week visiting old friends here. N. C. Klein, Mrs. Mildred May and son, J. C., of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Wagner and son, Edward, of Island Lake were recent guests in the Ed. N. Young home. Dr. and Mrs. J. Eugene Sayler and Mr. and Mrs. Homer FitzGerald spent last week vacationing at Land O'Lakes, Wis. Mrs. Eveline Larkin and daughter, Margaret, and Mrs. Gertrude Hitter were luncheon guests of Mrs. Norton in Fox Lake last Thursday, where they spent a very enjoyable afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Graham entertained Mrs. Graham's brother and wife of Elgin, her daughter and son-in-law of Woodstock and her father of Long Beach, Calif., over the weekend. E. M. Russell left on Monday for Long Beach, Calif., after spending the past three months in the Ted Graham home in Oakhurst. Mr. and Mrs. George Graham of Lake Linden, Mich., and Mr. and two teams and two wagons,* in three and a half days they hulled and spread two hundred , and twentyeight yards of gravel. Men's unlaundered shirts, good, cash price 50 cents, at Fitxshnmons ft Evanson's. Our Chicago Market Report--Batter, creamery fancy, 16 to 17 cents; dairy to choice, 13% cents. Ejggs, 12 cents. Poultry--Chicekns, 18 slnd 15 cents, turkeys, 18 cents. About thirty tickets were sold at this _ station on Sunday for the excursion to Milwaukee. All report a good time. FIFTY YEARS AC$ Nick Winkels will start his Cider Mill next week, and will mike your apples into cider on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. E. B. Perkins is painting the outside of the new store of Mrs. Spaulding and daughter, in West McHenry, and we must say that the front is one of the handsomest in the county. | daughter, Sharon, of Morris, 111., ~ in the Mrs. Emma the benefit of the St. John School. The new school will have a gym which will enable the boys and girls to partake in more sports. Although Johnsburg has not had a gym or the gTounds for football and all the" other sports school children would be interested in, they still have the material that makes a good * base- ] ball team. ^ The entire Community is behind the boys and appreciate their efforts in helping make the kids dreams come true. Mrs. Ben Kennebeck and son, Art, were Oak Park callers, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Art Stilling and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Freund attended the Milwaukee State Fair Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Frye home after a two weeks vacation at Wabash, Ind., where they had been visiting her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pell, and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William Martinec and children, Dotty and Billy, spent Thursday in Chicago in the Henry Martinec Sr., home. Mrs. Clarence Michels and daughter, Elaine and Mrs. Art Hergott of Spring Grove were Woodstock visitors one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scheafer and daughters of Chicago snent the weekend in the Ben Scheafer home. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hettermann, children, Bob, Harry and Joey and Mrs. Cora Herdrich of McHenry spent Tuesday in Chicago visiting in the Andy Straub home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young, Miss Evelyn Michels and Cletus La Fontain of Fostoria, Ohio spent Sunday it Wisconsin Dells. Miss Catherine Althoff of Elgin spent the weekend at her home here. Mr.' and Mrs. Sonny Smith and son, Larry, of New Munster, Wis., spent Sunday in the Peter Smith honie. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Klinker and CLARENCE'S SHOP Place orders now for bird houses, lawn chairs and swings, picnic tables, pier and park benohes, picket fences, trellises and pergolas, window boxes, etc. Full line of leather belts and bill folds. Barn and house brooms, etc. tinin CLAEtarOK J. SMITH, Jolm»bni» r Hettermann and daugh- - NOTICE - I am now prepared to do watch repairing at my place of business. Located at 100 SO. GREEK ST, *1- ---- Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe STOP FIRES FYE FYTER EXTINGUISHERS - 3P0B HOME, FARM AND COMMERCIAL USE 1quart - iys quart - 1 gallon Vspdrising Liquid (For elctrical, oil, gas and grease fires) ... also ... 2% gallon Soda Acid and Instant Anti-Freese Tjft ' Approved by Underwriters' Laboratories! FOR GRASS FIRES In ... Indian Fire Pump Tank ... 5-gallon sise , ATTENTION! Shop# . . Cleaners . .'Garages . . Theatres . . Hotels Laboratories .. Boats and Airports use the Extinguisher! USE RANDOLPH »*»»»» DIOXIDE RAT SMITH SALES AND SERVICE Write P. 0. Box 42, Waukegan, Illinois Phone Ontario 6188 - Mi All the Diapers You Need For Only a Few Cents n Day HOSPITALS * PHYSICIANS to Our Jervios . CALL «v •' HURSES K & M DIAPER SERVICE TEL. CRYSTAL LAKE 1244 -n.|iim- .' 7 BOA, MOTOROLA, 8ZOTIOTI., KMMKR80N, OXNSKAL Wood and plastic cabinets; solid walnut; whits; brown; etc. Sonora a uuuu^i api| Radio and combination table model, $62.50 ^ Venice Park Subdivision Take Read East From City Hall Phone 303^ , m. mm la . t M m. # mm,. ^ V - » . '