Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Sep 1946, p. 3

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(By lbs. Gmrt Mr. and Mrs. Haidd Peiren and urttnr. Cntkk, sad son, Dennis, ef Starcis, Wdu ipnt Tuesday and Wednesday morning in th« Roy Ned home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rimaktr of Jefferson,- Iowa, and Dave Ramalcer m ,, _ ^ _ cam Wednesday to attend the Mil- Forawrly of West McHenry ler-Ramaker wading. #11 j i j Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ramalcer |g ( vMMMd OA Tnftfd&yi . and daughter retnrnad to their home 111 I Hit > I H* I at Somen, Iowa, Thursday after a BAftBEQUEB Home-made Piea .Best of Coffee -•.•I ; •£..> 'r- ^Mp-, CLARENCE'S SHOP Place orders now for bird houses, lawn chairs and swings, picnic tables, pier and park benches, picket fences, trellises and pergolas, window boxes, etc. ' ' ' . . K . Full line of leather belts and Mil folds. Barn ^hd house brooms, etc. CLARENCE J. SMITH, Johnaburg. in mtmU Mlili Wfomk MM VM Mrs. Altrt Eaeher and chlMim of Chkafo «Mnt the past week with htr aoUMffin. TumVaiDanooart. Mrs. Huson of Elgin is visiting with Mrs. Rose Jepeon. Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlein spent Friday in- Chfeago. fred Wiedrich, Sr. and Fred Wiedrieh, Jr., and Bob Brennan attended the Elkhorn Fair Friday. Mr. tot# spent Mrs. Jamie Mr. JMei- BBtborn Fair Leuis Abendroth of with her mother, Robert VanDusen d. Mrs. Barley stayed is. as secretary and Grotto Knndsen remalnea as treasurer. The men elected to fill the positions as trustees for the new term were Mr. Esser, Mr. Fast, Mr. Hoppert, Mr. Kans, Mr. Murdoch and Doc Sarley. Another election took place on Monday afternoon. The Teen*Age clubs's election, originally set for October, was poshed up a few months ... vfy. Beck to enable the spmmer members to children of Artngton Heights spent vote. The new officers are as fol- George and Nancy Aiilger of He- Sunday witfa her father, Charles lows: President, Richard Hyatt; went Saturday with their, C*J7- and dAhn.(i Jkin spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Laurence. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner of McHenry spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Barbara Laurence. Mr. ami Mrs. Dewey Beck and *5 W •"d bvUdfaig fond. Come on and help «s out. All persons! news handed in to m« for this week will be held over for the next issue of the Lily Lake-Uiymoor column. 1 There will be a P. T. A. meeting this coming Friday evening. All b spoon water or egg. MOk may separation. Bresident, Jean Milinac; secretary, telen Rogers; treasurer, Herb Roeshke; activity chairman, Gertrude Hyatt. I , The summer finale sponsored by the Lilymoor Land and Property | GrnnM^ Bemt Drafts wHh Honwsuard WEATHERSTRIPPING Homegu&rd Metal Weatherstripping is the modern way to eliminate drafts, cut dawn on dust and make your home really comfortable. Ga«ti^ed The Friendly Store Authorised Poolor Phone McHenry 45f GEORGE COLETTE* Ownet Main St, West McHenry TARPAULINS CANVAS GOODS HOW AVAILABLX Specialtiing la 8tor« and SwMenee Awning* McHenry Awning Co. Phone McHenry 634-W-l Thos. Thonneson, Prop. bron spent _ „ ... grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. an<* Mi*. Jack Lenard and Shenard. {children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rose Jepson returned home; Mrs. Bob Lensiid at Lake Geneva. Tuesday from a visit with friends! Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wicks of Chiat Owen, Wis. | C*S° 8P?nt, Saturday night and Sun- lIlc Miymwr ^ Mrs. Gecrge Martin and sons, day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Owners association was a huge sue-. Tommy and Lester, Frank Mussy 0,"J*r Pr r cess. Orvil Maher wishes to thank and Tom Walkington spent the week- Mr ^ Mrs. Granville Carlson members of his committee for. end in upper Minnesote. ; •»} 'd^£*V"ITnf**I their splendid co-operation and I Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sevick and " % y ,n the C1»y-. think he, too, needs a vote of thanks, son of Woodstock spent Wednesday to" wa x. T 'The club would like to thank the evening in the S. W. Brown home. ..Mr «n^»rsf*rea w1"™, Jr., following merchants of • McHenry for Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and ^ ' their donations for this affair: sons attended the Elkhorh Fair Sat- J* ®dr'ch- Sr-» •ttended the Elkhorn Agatha Shop, McGee's, Claire Beauty urday. -j * aunday. _ , , Shoppe, Gladstone's and Kleinhans'. I Mrs. Lester Carr and sons, Chas.' ^my Pearl Laurence daughter oi winners of the waits contest that; and Joe, attended the Elkhorn Fair Mr_and Mrs^ Oliver Laurence, was evening were A1 Maher and Florence j Saturday. ited ' W•The Jitterbug contest was ! Misses Alice and Marion Peet of -5f ^.°odstock on won by Gertrude and Dick Hyatt. Ele n spent Sundav and Labor Dav Saturday, Aug. SO. The ceremony o j T., with their parents, Mr. and Mrs performed by the Rev. Urch at °L n 5und*X *{terno°^ ^e Lilymoor I Chtaurnleess Pi-eeeeti . , the Presbyterian parsonage. They »lso held a meeting. This was Mr. and Mrs. Lena»d Brown of, were attended _by the bride's ^sister fhi jVnce waf^iver a^smn ol Pal.tine^spent ewni^t i„ ^ i »600.00 h.s b^» ,ppt.»«i for the where they purchased a homo. j rePalr of the roads. Robert Shueberg cf Chicago was' Now that fall is almost upon us, a visitor here Saturday. i don't settle back in that dP rocker. Miss Norma Whiting of Grayshake Remember the teen age club's second sT>ent the weekend with her parents,' annual caid and bunco party. The Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting. j new officers will also be installed at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shuetze and this event. As an extra added atthe S. W. Brown home The Home Circle will be entertained in the home of Mrs, Louis Winn Sept. 12, Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low, Ray Benoy and Esther Jean Orr spent Saturday at the Wisconsin Paul Stephenson of Dorset, Vt., is, . . .. .. ... visiting his mother, Mrs. Luella Ste- dau*hter- of Wauyautesa, Wis., spent traction they will present a variety phenson the weekend with her parents, Dr. hour. The club is asking for dona- Mrs. "Gertrude Ritter of Kenosha*"?.. Mr\ Williani Hepburn jtions of refreshments and prises for spent the weekend with her father m,8« APes, of Huntley , this event; all proceeds to go toward Prank Fay. spent Sunday in the Oliver Laurence Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley home. _ spent Saturday in Chicago. I_ Amos Smith attended the Elkhorn Mra. B. T. Butler and daughter, Monday. Muriel, attended the funeral of Har- .*5?. Mrs. Ralph Smith and riet Strever at the Gilbert funeral £°n of Chica*o tpent the weekend home at Crystal Lake Sunday af- here. Mr,. P„„k Hawlev Hawl^y home. ^ uUly Lake- Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Saturday AUCTION afternoon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine of Chi-' cago snent from Saturday evening' until Monday evening in the George] Shepard home. They and the Shepards attended the Elkhorn Fair on j Sunday. 141ymoor n < 1 1 1 1 n i » i » n 1 1 1 1 M I nn (By Dick Hyatt) Another day, Dr. and Mrs. George Haberlejn of another column. Chicago spent Sunday and Monday this week, the news will be limited' mouthed; Black gliding, coming. S in the George Haberlein home. j to club and items of importance only, years old; Bay gelding, coming 2 Mrs. Ray Merchant underwent a There will be no personal items as years old. ' gall bladder operation at the Wood-'space will be limited. PIGS--2 Chester White brood sows, stock hospital Tuesday morning. Labor Day has once again passed Chester White boar, 18 months old. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart of Wau-jus by and left us by ourselves for POULTRY--3 mated Geese. kegan spent from Saturday until the winter months. The summer; MACHINERY -- Case 22-inch steel Monday night in the Fred Wiedrich,; folks, or at least most of them, have bodied threshinig machine, good con- Jr., home. packed up and returned to the life ofjdition; 10-20 Mc-D. tractor; M. W. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brennan and the big citv for the winter months. 18-ft. tractor disc; 8-ft. tractor disc; family visited a buddy of Jack's at Back to school for the kiddies and M. W. 2-bottom 14-inch tractor plow Bredhead, Friday. ithe older ones will trot off to catch (good condition); New Case corn Mr. and Mrs, Webster Blackmail the bus a little earlier than usual, planter (fertilizer attachment and and children returned to their home due to the change in schedules. |check wire); Kentucky 16 row grain in Chicago Friday after a week's On Sunday afternoon the Lily Lake j drill; 2-row cultivator; 10-inch Int. visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.! Beautifving club had its annual elec- feed grinder; Deering 6-ft. grain John Blackman. j tion of officers. For quite some binder; Deering corn binder, with Jack Brennan has been enjoying a time now the people have been re bundle loader; 8-ft. spring tooth: two weeks' vacation at his home questing a change, and it seems that | eultipacker; 3-section wood drag; 5- here. is just what they did get. Farewell ft. mower; steel wheel wagon and Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman vis-! to the officers and thanks for the | rack; steel wheel wagon and box; ited relatives at Antioch Monday splendid leadership in the past. Wei- 8-ft. horse drawn disc; buzx saw; 40 evening. ^ come to the new officers and may I ft 6 inch belt; New Idea manure Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart, Mr. and God give you all the success you de-; spreader; Mc-D. 6-roll shredder; Fly- Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and daugh- serve. Taking over as president for j ing Dutchman hay loader. Yaeger, who FEED--1,200 bushel Vicland oats, fit |for seed; 30 bush«l spring wheat, fit j for seed; 200 lbs. timothy seed; 136 acres of good standing corn; 273 bales of hay; 450 bales of straw. MISCELLANEOUS--1 h.p. electric ' motor; pump jack; electric fence : ccntroller; new 100 ft. seven-eighths j inch rope; oil burning tank heater; ; g r i n d s t o n e w i ' . h p u l l e y ; f o r k s , i hovels; etc. | MILKING EQUIPMENT -- 10 milk! cans, pails, strainer; electric wate I heater. ! FURNITURE--Table and 6-; chain china closet. USUAL TERMS PHILIP J. WAGNER, Owner Chandkr and Elfers, Auctioneers Public Auction Service Co., Clerk Xocated 1% miles south of Lake Villa on Hwys. 21 and 83, 4% miles' north of Grayslake, on SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 8 AT 1 O'CLOCK (D. S. T.) CATTLE--Guernsey springer, 5 yrs. old, due October; HoUtein springer, 7 years old, fresh; Holstein springer 8 years old, dM'teon; Holstein cow, fresh; 2 Holstein heifers, cowing 2 years old, open; 4 choice Hereford steers, average weight S2S lbs. , , HORSES--Bay mare, 10 years old; another week and;brown mare, 10 vears old; Bay mare, Due to the holiday 7 years old; Bay mare, smc HEADQUARTERS FOR STEERINfr SAFETY .>§?%?• Vis ' "t £ OoaY pat ep with shimmy, wobble er wander at yarn- front end. These are dmmger signals. Our scientific test will give U» cmm and toned aire! * See Oun NEW MANBEE SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT FOR BALANCING WHEELS AND TESTING STEERING. NOW AT YOUR COMMAND {on Safety* Sake Our MANBEE equipment .; . dedicated to your safety . . . is the newest, finest, most scientific way is. test and correct faulty alignment or balance. Stop by and see it. Don't pat it off ... for. safety's saket* . •' > .• . 1 IF YOUR WHEELS WOBBLE, SHIMMY OR ARE HARD TO TURN . . . SEE IIS NOW I CENTRAL GARAGE. * FEED J. SMITH, Prop. 5 Phone 200-J Vowimr jfthnsbarg •'•5: Vt*! . '1 BUILDING Louis n n ; t h e new y e a r i s Let mc give you a tip, my friend-before you buy Storm Windows be SURE to see ALSCO! REPAIR HOUSEHOLD REFRIGERATORS PHONE 439-W Over 23 Years on Riverside Drive POBCf' K REALTORS ILLINOIS ALUMINUM WINDOW CO Through booms' and slumps--always affording the same dependable service ' of superior facilities and experienced 523 FOURTH STREET, WHJHETTE personnel. WILMETTE Mil GoinMei WORK CLOTHES FROM GAMBLESI 100r«~ wool shirts m a g r a n d a s s o r t m e n t of , _ plaids, checks and $q AS colors. Sixes Mi to 17. IDotit rAtdbl* Work pants cut from dura b l e h e r r i n g b o n e t w i l l Easy to wash. Sun tan in sises 29 to 40. Roomy, easy fitting work shirts cut to the army pattern. £ | 15 and 15*. MEN'S til The Friendly Store Authorised Dealer GBORGE COLLETTE, Main St, West MeHewy Fine count comfc ed cotton undershirts. White in 3?c sizes 36 to 44. Vt 'i •mm sac i PLAN YOUR HOME OR GARAGE NOW! I WE HAVE THE NECESSARY BUILDING MATERIALS 4 Room Cottage low rs $21.67 per mo. 2-Car Frame Garage low as $5.00 per mo. Get our low prices on the following-- ENCLOSURES ATTIC ROOMS ° ADDITIONS SIDING Wood, Asbestos or Insnlbrik OVERTOP GARAGE DOORS COBCBINATION STORM AND SCREEN WINDOWS y REPAIRS AND REMODELING EZ TERMS PHONE WONDER LAKE 486 and Salesman Will C*U WRIGHT BUILDERS AND SUPPLY CO WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS K *. - L-- . . . . .• ' A-' :.

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