Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Oct 1946, p. 2

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hfi mm ' «1S mmam RINGWOOD (By Mrs. Georr# Shex»ard) m junday afternoon, South B|li mM m )M. Owk |*i*«nsed hossefliursday Kelley Saturday afternoon. ,-jfiom a visit with their son, James, Miss Alice Cut istunisd to her ttd fkmily and daughter, Margaret, work in Elgin Monday, after a two- end husband in Wisconsin. weeks' vacation at her home here, j Rev. Collins and Robert Low spent Mr. and Mrs. Ffcul Wfclkiagton and: Saturday afternoon at Fox Lae.< son, Jay, and Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell! Mrs. Alan Wagner, Mrs. John j Mx. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and Kane attended a party in the Alan Hogan, Mrs. Clayton Bruce and | family of Greafcwood spent Sunday i Ainger home near Hebron Saturday I Mrs. Harvey Ackerautn spent Friday [afternoon with Ms parents, Mr. and afternoon in Elgin. %•. Fred Wiedrich, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, Mr. and j Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wiedrich* Jr„ Mr*. S. W. Smith and Amos Snitii returned home Sunday morning from *fW Mitjf MrK Mayme Harrison of McHenry spent Sunday with her daughter. Mis. J. G. Ptaraon. Wr. Mid .. , at Mr. amf Ml. jbe Sehur ter of Waukegan spent ' Mr. and Mrs" Ed Bauer, Sunday The Bunco club was entertained In the home of Mrs. Mildred Mun- ____ ihaw in Elgin on Thursday. A chick- j evening. en dinner was served at 12^0. ®^ i Mrs. Charles Peet, and daughter, which bunco was played, with priies Alice, spent Thursday afternoon in a w a r d e d t o M r s . N i c k B . F r c u n d , | E , . ' r » • • Thompson, MMrr*s . NNi,™ck ^- attended a blooded Shorthorn sale Mrs. Lizzie Thomson, • , ; Mr and Mrs., Frank Collins of east of Antioch, Sunday afternoon. Young and Mrs George. bhenarcrWilmetu t WwhlMdi,y nifhA Mr. and Mrs. Lyle E. Hopper and CuesU from EJgin were Mrs. lx>uw parents, Rev.- and Mrs. daughters, Dbrothy Ann and 'Dm- A bend roth, Mrs. ^n u/a Ml™uyhaw, Col,. nor Jane, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Smith Mrs. FaViny Udall and Mi's. Jennie! Mr ^ Mrg c L Harrison and and sons, Billy and Dickie, of Chilfc- own. _ daughter, Carol, spent Sunday-after- cago, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hoffman Mrs: Thomas Doherty and , MTS. NOON JN the Henry Marlowe home at and daughter and Mr. and Mr*. 8. - Nick Y ling of McHenry c^ed ,on i Huntley. W. Smith were supper guests Sunday Mrs. William McCannon Tuesday, .Edward Harrison of Elgin was a in the Andrew Hawley home. - afternoon. caller in the Harrison-Feet home Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rawley en Mr and Mrs. K. E. Cristy enter-! Saturday afternoon. j joyed a trijk to Duboque, Iowa, Suntaincd the '*500" club at their home j The Rural Youth held a miscel- day. Thursday evening. Prites were Uneous shower, honoring Alice Mae! Mr. and Mrs. Rohut VanDttsen awarded to - Mrs. Weldon Andreas Low at the home of Carol Harrison and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. , mud E. E. Whiting, high, and Mr., Sunday evening. "Curly'* Wilson of Elgin spent Sunahd Mrs. B. T. Butler, low. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard iday with their parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlehv1 spent Sunday in the Alan Ainger, Mrs. Oliver I^frwice. Wnt' FriHav in Chicairo c 1 home near Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and sons > w Mr and Mrs. Granville * Carlson j Mrs. Viola Low, Mrs. Lester Carr of Chicago, Miss Norma Vhiting of and daughter of Maywood spent the!and Miss Mae Wiedrich attended a Grayslake and Miss Marjorie Whit- ^ikend in the Clayton Bruce home, stork shower for Mrs. Floyd Freund ing of Crystal Lae spent Sunday / Mr ^nd Mrs. F?ank Va^Dusen of at McHenry, Sunday afternoon. ^ with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. - Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collins of Ar-E. Whiting. lington Heights spent Friday after- Mrs. Wm. Klapperich and son of noon with the former's parents, Rev. j McHenry were callers at the S. W, and Mrs. Collins.. Mrs. Viola Low attended the Legion Auxilliary county meeting at Harvard Friday evening AUCTION Located on Kelsey Rd., being %" •Mile west of Hwy. 59,' 3 miles south . -|>f wixueonda, 6 miles northeast; Of j • Cary, on . ,1 FRIDAY. OCTOBER 18 1 AT 12:30 O'CLOCK o CATTLE--18 choice Holstein cows, | r consisting of 4 springers; 10 cows fresh in past 60 days, balance milking good; 1 Holstein bull, 18 months --old; Holstein bull, 7 months old; 2 Holstein heifers (5 and 7 months ©Id). Practically all 1st, 2nd or 3rd itnlf HORSES AND HARNESS -- Roar. 8elding, 9 years old, weight 1,600 >s.; Sorrell mare, 10 years old, •weight 1600 lbs.; breeching harness. POULTRY--45 mixed hens. MACHINERY--J. D. Model-B tractor on rubber; J. D. 2-row tractor [ Cultivator; Case 7-ft. tractor disc, • (with hydraulic* trip); D. B. 2-bottom i 12-inch tractor plow; 3-section wood t drag; Keystone 8-ft. grain drill; 5; ft. Buckeye seeder; Int. com planter;. Int. Big 6 mower; Mc-D. push type hay loader; New Idea side delivery j take; 7-ft. Int. grain binder; Ward's r Low Load manure spread" L ber); rubber tired wagon and basket rack. FEED AND FERTILIZER -- 550 bushel oats; 250 bales first cutting alfalfa; 10 ton alfalfa hay; 3 ton mixed hay; 300 bales oats straw; 25 ft. silage; 5 acres of good ripe Standing corn; 25 bushel old ear corn; 4 bags bran; 4 bags malt; 4 Sags 16ry dairy feed; 150 lbs. stock tonic; 5 bags of fertilizer; 5 ton of barn lime. MILKING EQUIPMENT--New fiin- ' man (2 single unit) milking machine, complete; 19 milk cans; Primrose cream separator, etc. MISCELLANEOUS -- 75 gallons : power fuel; new wheelbarrow; new 180-ft. hay rope; 2 grapple forks; I> 20-ft. cedar posts; electric fence - Controller; 25 4-ft. steel posts; barb .wire; smooth wire; poultry netting; 'barrels; Ward's washing machine; "large etove; chairs; boiler; tubs; etc. USUAL TERMS STANFORD WIEMUTH, Owner v Chandler and Elfers, Auctioneers . PcMic Auction Service Co., Clerk BERNARDONI AUCTION Smith home, Saturday Mesdames J. C. Pc , Harrison, Roy Harrison ! Smith attended grand afternoon. Pearson, C. L. andr Lonnie chapter of Miss Marion Peet of Elgin spent the Eastern Star in Chicago, Wedthe weekend with her parents, Mr! nesday. \ and Mrs. Charles Peet. Gerry Tonyan and Robert Low Mr. and Greenwood Mrs. Ardin Frisbee of called on the letter's went With the militia to Rockford parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton • Harfor the weekend to a recruit dri\e. rison, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton .Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and AQUELLA H« HMOC HUH «|A Th* Sensational Mineral Surfact Coating LEAK-PROOF.. SEEPAGE-PROOF.. DAMP-PROOf rod CELLARS • FOUNDATIONS • •tllLDINO* NCTAININQ WALLS • SWIM Ml NO l»0«LS A war-proved development for --above or below ground--bono dry. Use Aquella for interiors; Aquella Na 2 for exteriors. MOWD WITH WATCH MAKES ONC QALLON John J. Vycital Hardware McHenry Pkone 98-M Mrs. S. W. Brown #as visitor Wednesday. Mrs. JLsmwth Hopper of .Crystal Lake spent Tliursday afternoon with Mrs. Hoffman. Members of the Keystone Home Bureau unit, who attended the meets vacation at Lexington, Ky. ing in Woodstock on Monday, were and Mis. Jack Leonard and Mrs. John Hogan Mr*. William Har- Mary Ann Wiedrich j Mrs. E. E. Carr and Mrs. Roy Signing in the Phelps Wiedrich. children Sycamore. George Bacon of y evening with Mr. Antioch* Mrs. Charles Carr jwent Thursday with his daughter, lm. Dewey Rack arid family at A«jlnj|on Heights. Mr. aad Mts. Willard Blackman Mid family of Kenosha ipnit Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Black- Mrs. Was. McCannon and . Mrs. Steve Ingalls attended the Thompson- Messman rec^tion at St. Mary's hall Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs.' Jack Leonard ani family and Mary Ann Wiedrich were visitors at waukegan Thursday. Mary Ann stayed over the weekend. Mrs. Blaekmair and Mrs. Bowman, Sr., spent Wednesday at Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shuetse and daughter, Ruth, of Wauwatosa spent the weekend with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer of mong those tended lae Ringwood by the pledge ffk# )«(] tyw Jaim sal? the gtf Girl Betmt pledge, lens Amneas took tha treasnrer's report, Chariotte Hogan took the secretary's report and reported three fifem here that at-, na Bureau unit meeting at the home of Mrs. Grill at Wonder Lake were Mesdames Thomas Kane, Raymond Harrison, M Harrtson^ Ed ftest and C. L, Harrison. Mn. Sop#* Mrs. Eppel and-Mr*. Lindsay were among those from the Ringwood unit of Home Bureau to attend the meeting at Woodstpek, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Granville Carlson of Maywood, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton, Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan attended a birthday dinner honorific Harvey Ackertqan, at the Axel Carlson home, 9aturday evening. * Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family attended a birthday party in 1 the'Ralph Rattray home at Algon- j quin, Sunday. , Ringwood Girl Seouta The Ringwood Girl Scouts , held j their second meeting Tuesday, Oct.; 1. The meeting was called to order l ANDREAS, Reporter. Jttagwe^ 8dwl Holes , Charlotte. Hogan's p<^ter Was chosen as the most outstanding1 Fire Prevention poster by Miss Walkington, our art teacher. Darlene An* dreas' poster was chosen . as second best. Roy' Dudd's pester wjas^^wsen as third. v ' Ringwood teachers will attend a teachers*, mmting at Joliet on Friday, October 18. Maryann Wiedrich was absent from school last- Friday. Betty Feltes was absent Monday. Some of DIBB AF IKJURIBS the ^r wi^l afTt^'Sithhis^ motorcycle eoUided in m* omsli the death that night in hospital of Melvyn ~ 17. Mel v in suffered severe injuries, fractures of both legs, a trashed pelvis when he wss beneath the rear wheel of a Bswof rural roots 1, Bfflpr ,Greve. mnch ia ths Mia it ham XWiKv KM scsrf worn by the Croatian soft! diets. " .• MILB INN :: (Formerly Barnard's Mill> ^ llorth End of Wonder Lake at the Bridge : : o- p : ST*AKS! »0ASTS, CHICKEN, LOBSTER TAZb -5- RADIOS H0WAW) SOMOBA yt'i itOA ; - TRAVELER v •, Elecric'Otoelii ILECTRESTEEM RABIATORS § WILSON'S RADIO SHOP^ " 206 1. Elm St. o-.'v HONE 469 McHenry, Illinois Dinners served from 6 to 9 p. m. daily except Mondays r: 6 to 11 b.m. Sunday: 1 to 7 num. FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY "v i eOOKTAIlfi -- LIQUOR WIN* BEER We cater to partilT -o- FRANK J. WIEDEMANN, Owner TeL Richmond 312 CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer On account of ill health and being, obliged to move to Arizona, I will! ontinue farming and will sell all1 imy personal property and real es-j tate at auction on my farm situated 4W miles northeast of Woodstock, 31 miles south of Greenwood and M mile west of Charles Corners, on i TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15 | Commencing at 12:00 o'clock sharp,- the following described property, towit: 27 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting' of H Choice HoVttein Milch Cows t Holstein heifers, 2 yrs old,! about to freshen; 3 Holstein heifers, 1 yr. old; 3 Holstein heifers, 6 mos. old; 1 Holstein bull. All of the above have been calfhood vaccinated. Team of good work horses. i 200 chickens. ! TOO White Pekin ducks. Quantity of household furniture. ' Hay, Grain and Machinery j 30 acres good hard corn, DeKalb 404A; ton of baled clover mixed hay; 6 tons of clover mixed hay; 7 ft. of silage in 12 ft. silo; 400 bales of old straw; 1,000 bu. of Vicland oats, j good; quantity cut stalks. I Allis Chalmers tractor on rubber; I Allis Chalmers tractor cultivator; Mc-D. tractor disc; J. D. 2-bottom 14-inch tractor plow; 2-section spring tooth harrow; 3-section drag; horse. disc; Minnesota mower. I _ Mc-D. grain binder; Mc-D. corn I binder; Mc-D. Broadcast seeder; gan<r plow: dump rake; heavy duty j Mc-D. steel wheel wagon; hay rack; grain box; New Idea manure spreader. i Steel hog feeder; 2 wash tanks;!, PapeC silo filler; electric 1% H. P. motor; rotary hoe; wheelbarrow: i milk cart; 2 single unit Universal { milking machine, motor and pipe I complete for 22 cows;*pails and strain- i' ens, 9 milk cans, electric water heat- j er. 80 acre farm will be sold on the same date at the same time and will be sold in the following manner: Farm including buildings will be | sold as a whole in one unit or in | parcels of 15, 25 or 40 acres. All I modem conveniences, electricity, etc. Terms in the sale of the real es- i tate 50# cash on date of sale. Ar- i rangements can be made for a loan! on balance to suit purchaser. Terms: All sums of $25 and under! that amount cash, over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent w® be" extended on notes approved the deck. Anyone desiring credit, kindly make arrangements before Purchase is made. No property Ip.jlBiievsd until settled for. .. ' A. BERNAEDONI • l'- CNnisr ATTENTION ALL VETERANS! AMERICAN LEGION; McHenry Post No. 491 Dear Qomrade: . McHenry Post, No. 491, American Legion, welcomes yon back to the commtmity. We are proud of the service you have rendered the country and community. We feel that we can help you to obtain some of the benefits due you as a veteran, and we need your help to complete the program we have outlined for your enjoyment. To you 182 members of 1946, we urge you to pay your dues immediately. Your Post is definitely going to make some real progress in the immediate future. We want to congratulate you, "the old gang," for the grand job you have done for the past twentyfive years an<| solicit your counsel in the development of our program for 1947. " . . To you, the hundreds of returned ^ets who have .not yet joined your buddies in the Legion, we want you to "get in on the ground 'floor." During the war years there was a lot of talk about what would be done for the" returning heroes. You know-- fa's toQ good for the Bovs," and so on. 1 * 7 *i • * of good management) Comrade, perhaps No. 491 made some of those promises. Okay, No. 491 stands ready to fulfil those promises to the limit. Of course, you have a part in the procedure, sq we are taking this opportunity to tet>you know what it means to you as a Legionnaire aid a citizen of the community. 1. Twenty-five years of organizing experience and honorable activity in the community, which has justified your Post's standing throughout northern Illinois. /; 2. A-l financial status (thanks to twenty-five years makes possible any program of expansion you wish to undertake. 3. Regular monthly meetings to transact the necessary business of the Poet, join your buddies in . an evening of pleasure to -your taste--cards, refresh^ ments, etc. " - . 4. Here's the hot tip--a Legion Home, complete with bowling alleys, cocktail lounge, meeting rooms, billiard room and grand ballroom---a real Community Center in McHenry. The guy who says this can't happen doesn't live here any more. It ean ami will be done if you want it and are willing to do your share. We are going to offer you a definite plan of action i«t onr next meeting on ber 14, 8 p.m., at the Legion Hall on Green Street, McHenry. \ If you think this is idle propaganda, attend this meeting, assert yourself, join the Post and let's do something besides t>£llk /. | - DON'T STAY HOME AND GRIPE--COME OUT AJJD FIGHT! Yours in Comradeship, Vice-Commander, Post No. 4&1, €HH>AOO PHONE --all departments-- KEYSTONE 2060 # 0 0 Business Opportunities Immediate Possession HOMES %V» ROOM PERMANENT DWELLING -- Ineulated and furnished. 50 ft. lot on channel to lake. $1,540 DOWN--*35 MONTHLY Hf^ROO!# COTTAGE in beautiful Lilymoor -- Insulated -- Full bathroom -- Completely furnished in every detail, beautiful setting. Lot 100 x 100. $1,500 DOWN--$35 MONTHLY 5 BOOM HOME --«AU year 'round dwelling --• Comple^riy furnished--Gas, electric and re- $2,000 DOWN--$35 MONTHLY f LARGE BOOMS 9 LOTS -- Beaatifally land- •esped -- nice garden -- chicken boaae -- _ • DOWN--$35 MOKimS $4750 $4250 FARMS 85 ACRE RESORT FARM -- 2 milea out of Meh «"T food Wldhv, S-reom heated house -- eosaplete bath -- prirate road -- Terns lit ACRE FARM -- 2 silos, 8-room furnace heat -- baaement -- all with splendid bam milea 4o McHiary. 55 ACRE FARM -- No buildings, 100 srilee N. W. 7 Bounded by trost stream -- sand and gravel pit -- good roada. $, balance $25 Monthly. ljM ACRES -- 100 Acree tillable, 20 acre laVe and trc*it stream -- 100 milea N. W. Will let CI 1 AAA you write your own ticket on Tern*. <fli VrUv $18500 V^-^34000 $2500 | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TAVERN -- On 1 acre of ground -- good '"•'Minr « -- money maker -- near McHenry. ~ RESORT OR INVESTMENT S BOUSES ON PISTAKEE BAY -- Coon Islaa# f-f 1-10" room and room -- all famished -- gas, el refrigeration -- nace. 1-3 ' Master 7 with lent and fur- APIARY -- 130 Hives -- 65,000.000 bees -- 80 acrea of ground -- good outbuildings, house fair -- on traveled State Highway-- ---;--Brand new equipment and sajppUe*. EDWARD M. LANNES ExdnsiYo Agent J. AND CONSTlifrifTOf 00. SINGE 1920 66T-R-2 674-M-2 We can sell your merty sn an exclaeive haais at the Pfj**8 obtainable. Liat year premrtJ with na. We hava hundreds of customers waitmg fee goad hamee, lae reaert property and larga farms. WBOtoUlOS HA

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