tot hr • farmers. ... AIHOM'I MMIII >MMMMMIIIIIM A riuO piece of modeling day will . « fflmtiaf Notice to aqr quitflntipai km still writ* thia col- pie «M Da 'J&L-2.4 £ir • <C.-j •ipvpiHpipVpwp v*_. <, •ftf - •»* '1 0K0I0SSTXAK8, niXD OHIOKEH, 0TSTES8, '|OALLOPS, BHVHP8, LOBSTEK TAILS. V<"£ . r . " j - / • . # » ' O---- * h J MASQUERADE HALLOWEEN PARTY ^ NOVEMBXK 1ST, IMS - i • ,;v NICK 3ANTUCCI sod hit acobrdion FAVORS FOR ALL Kkv« worked vifli ten ytpai (wax, wallpaper.wrapping pmr and writiat Mir). m<r n&K from the iMMum to tho sublime, the news of tti Pfc. Dob MiHim was wtdmd pass. Sunday he drove to MaabCtt to see Ut dad la tho Don was transferred to Field, IB. Here's .hoping well seejrott more often. 1* itt Bsrtlet was one of the unlucky lads who was caught in the for last Tuesday. It look him fotty- •« minutes to get here from Mc- Heniy. Mir. and Mrs. A. SeytTerth the christening of their i ter, Mearlene Ann VirehhoUr, St. Simone's church in Chicago. The Knrtyum fkmily made the trip the Boy Rogers l» bnMF ef the foliage, tent at agriculthat Croat Is rechanges, but $lwpih Iwfcit cold weather as the treei pnptn for winter. All dnrtng the wing and sumive served the foods necee- •aiy lor fee tree's growth have been manufactured. This food-makh »g tab* place la numbtrleta tiny cells of tttk leaf and is carried on by small green bodies which give the leaf its color. These chlorophyll bodies make the food for the tree by combing carbon taken from j the air with hydrogen, oxygen and Russell.; various minerals supplied in the waon herder which the roots gather. In the (all when the cool weather at; f Ml Hl|| I til IMIIItHIUI Between Classes IMMMHMIHHHHIMIIII to Cfcteago to see Rodeo. Happy birthday to Mrs. also to Tblnnette Wetter fourteenth birthday. JiZ C<,u*e* * "lowing 4own of the vital were served refreshments at Club P"*0**8*8- the leaves Lilymoor. The object of this hike c?n?*s f° *?"• The machinery was to collect weeds for painting. 01 the leaf »ctonr is dismantled; Thanks to -Mrs. W. Kurbyumand;the chlorophyll is broken up into Mrs. Johnson for escorting the gals. various substances of which it We haven't lost one. Mrs. R. Krinn is composed, and -whatever food was unable to be with them as she there is on hand is sent to the body was invited to attend the American of the tree to be stored for use legion Ladies Auxiliary installation in the spring. All that remains in of officers in DesPiaines. the cell cavities of the leaf is a Marge and John Rogers, Steve; watery subatance In which a few oil Vetter, the Blake Twins, ^Wayne and globules aad crystals, and a siftall Roberta Wirfs and Arlene Wijas number of yeBOK, strongly refracwere the local boys and girls who tive bodies dB be seen These eive cession Sunday n.gttt, ending the :familiar ^ ^ %utumnal foliaj£ ' It often happens that there la Hi Folks: | more augar in the leaf than can I've waited long enough to have re,<®F ha transferred back to my announcement in the paper and the tree. When this is the case, the now I'll have to introduce myself, chemical combination with other I'm a new member of this commun- substancea pwdwes many color ity, one tfnonth old, I weighed 10 lbs. shsfles 6 ox., at birth and I look more like - myself than anyone else. I'm in Chiforty hour devotion. MeHwry's Ukrariee--I (Thk t» ,tha AM af two articles which deals with a yrahlem that few MMh are eoaadoua of, and that I tillaei Is important enough to ha Jtaaiti* before the pahiie.) The tfsnsnry high echool libnury could eaaOy ha eaflad a library of extremes aad contrasts. On da sublime side Wa have each gams of literary genlae aa Darwin's "Origin of Spades," Mitten's ^Phradiee Loif and Banyan "PUgrim's Progress," etc. However aa the other hand there are such rldicalous selections as "Socialism in Theory and Practice,** "Morphology ef Gymnosperms" and "Ilia urar(the Moslem bible). If this ware a highly Moslem community I would loud this, last book. If the majority of the high school's enrollment ware scientific wonders 1 might even admire the selection of a copy of "Morphology of Gyntnosprms," but this is, off course, not the case. , Granted that Darwin, Milton, and Bunyan have written some of the finest literature of the ages, but they do not have their place in a high school library. It also seems such a shame that such K-eat books as "Waiden" by Henry avid Thoreau and "The Divine Comedy" by Dante are lying unused in the dark corners of our library. I am not pointing the finger of accuMtion at the faculty or school koara. I am. however, making a plea to the taxpayers of McHenry for a well-balanced library - for McHenry high school. A well balanced library would not only provide entertainment for the students but would aid greatly in their studies. I am sure that with the support of the public, McHenry Community high school could finance such a library. x Chemical Weed Killing Experiments oq the use of chemical weed killers began about 1895. lh World War I between ApriL 1117. and December M, Mil, bank expanded by 8 J bfflkm dollars.' In World War V bank depoaits expanded bp 893 Millions between June 39, ^39, 1M4. Do not un aad December SI, Hybrid Citrus l»a whose parents were the pomelo and the tangerine. The fruit of the tangelo is smaller than that of the pomelo which it resembles in appearance but it suggeats that of the tengeilus hi the looseness of its skin aad it peals like a kid glove. The flavor of the tangelo suggests both the pomelo and the tangerine. cago at present but expect dad will a Jt f bring me hero any day, just so he UTtrCraW®™f ot *-hlck» can pass | CotAf hk Poultry Raising KONALD FULLER, j Overcrowding at growing chicks is one of the most common and most costly errors in the poultry back to Chicago. Bob has all the business. It not only lesds to waste it AMT-FREEZE O.P.A. Catling PHee, $1^0 Gal. Now that Bob Einspar fixed Williard's car, the latter will drive it cago. Bob has all the . . , confidence in tne world in his work P°®r growth, disease and but accidents do happen so he has' cannibalism, but it may also be the attached a net under the car to' Indirect cause of weakened stock, catch all screws, nuts and parts that Avoid loas from overcrowding by may come loose. With tne prices, starting only as many chicks as as they are now, you can't afford to your brooder house will accommotake chances. One of my ardent date and by providing room for ex- (M"ve one) 7MU to kno1 Pension as the chieks tto*. if thst's the reason I wear a net • . .. . , . . * . around my head. Otoe never knows, rL ^ 4 ?°°* brooder house will does ene? . take care of from 250 to MO chicks. Also headline news, "Einspars Hit! ® ertralght run chicks are brooded, ater." Mrs. W. Einspar remarks.! the cockerels should be removed as WJUI1 DmTI UtUTILAC •i Water, "No, we're not par remarks., getting the water aoon aa poaaible to provide more room for the pullets. If sexed pullets are brooded, another house should be provided for them when the pullets are six or eight weeks from China." Jeri's only comment is "Gosh durn it,* now rll Have to wash mah feet!" (A girl after me own heart.) A sensational game -of ping pong was played bjr Radar Man, Third I Class, James uem and James Krein, / wire Aoared aim porch, the sise Jr. Results of the game: The navy of the brooder house, is an excelwins. Junior, youll 'just have to j lent means of providing extra space tor growing chicks. They may be fed on the sun porch where they will gat the benefit of sunshine and fresh air. youl prraacc tise a little more to beat your dad! If you're coming to the dance Saturday night as a colored boy or girl and you don't know how to blacken your face, just ask Mr. or Mrs. Johnson. Their answer would be to justJ let your furnace backfire. Theirs .did Castoeser's Container iktbftliifhly poi throughout the country, proof denatured alcohoL NEW VARCON WINTER OIL "CleMM as it Lmbricmtm*' 19c qt. \ Plm» Tmm iiiuiMMr'i Etuy starting on coldeet days. Protect* againat engine damage and battery drain.JProvidea dean wnginea and free acting pietona and ringa, because it. and as a result thcy*re still trying to clean the nag* and furniture. The Lilymoor Property Association cordially invites you to attend the annual Costume Dance, Saturday night, October 26. WVH do our best to entertain you, and of course there will be prises given. for the various costumes. We're fortunate to have in our midst a good reporter, Dick Hyatt. | After his report on that successful ! dinner party at J A K's there's little I can add to except a few fashion notes. I, myself, looked like a fugative from a rag tag and the scent of Schenley's No. 5, the rest of the crowd comparitively looked their finest. Miss Evelyn Lavin, our former Lily Lake reporter, looked stunning in her maroon velvet. Mrs. Sarley wore an exquisite evenng dress. Mrs. C. Normand's hat was admired by UntUdterW--• b giving first aid care In ti severe wounds which are later i to receive medical treatment, do nal use soap and water, for, as has hem said, this cannot be done un- 4er the conditions in which this first aid is usually carried out without introducing germs with the water itself. If the physician later washes the wound, he will do so in the dispensary under aseptic conditions, and this is medical treatment, not first aid. It must not be forgotten that first aid is not the same as medical care, and no matter how well versed one may be in lint aid, he should not assume the responsibilities of the physician. Need Rubber Stamps 1 The PJaindealer. Orde^ at JUST UKl THAT. •S SUeOSSTIONS ^ "KAY DKE** Steel Cabinets DOUBLE DOOR *$• % $15.95 Limited qaaatity available immediate delivery FAMOUS "FIELDCRE8T* I AH Wool Blankets Sise irx99T $12.95 Csloea: Blue, Daety Reee, Green and Peach. The Friendly Store AUTHORIZED DEALER -- A HOME • OWNED STORE - G BO ROE COLLETTE. Omar 521 Mala Street West McHenry Pkee McHenry 4C8 010 CAMS WAKE UP SKELLY^QASOIM! Thaw's no doubc about it... your aging »«lo urill ieeah hade to life when the tank's filled with Skdly High'Octanc Gasoline! Yes sir... here's thrilling new zip* power, and pep in tatting, in traffic* and on the hills! Skdly High-Octane Gasoline... it*s sold on an unqualified money-back guarantee of satisfaction. Get # tankful today! FREUND OIL CO. Cor. Rt 31 and Waukegan Road PHONE 202 MbBXBlLY, ILL. r,>; la general. plant fbr In small a leng, moisture, a very ous attention to control. Its fbod Three or lour good duce enough for a family, gardenera are disappoints! 'suits. • •1 ^ ^r^%vv^Ariri_n|r> 1 * nuc a i! qalck ijh| » anal <a» * B» M|l ON* MM 4K«M t--a-- eawsanaliti VIIACwayt Mteeiiwsdb sslssefceeiteil Tea CRYSTAL LAKB PAINT STORE BltMrc Dealers of Bsajamia A Meore Paiats Phaae Cry«Ul Lake 11M Cryatal Lake, III. Located across frei - - > You get premium-plus lubrication ' • Here's why there's mango to your car when the "goo4 % (} ^ Is gone. There are no gooey depoaits of aoot, varnish| - * ' *"£'* - carbon, and sludge. There's nothing to intofere witi| : Valve and ring action and smooth, powerful |mtoi|i>vV^7 • ' ttrokes. You get a sweeter-running engine... a batter* ^ Rubricated, longer-lasting engine. , f ^ Standard's great new motor oil, Permalube, gives yo« v r,«4 > *1 this premium-plus lubrication. It not only thoroughly ' -a luluricates. It cleans your engine >nd keeps it dean. ^ So, remove the "goo," improve the go! Change to Permahibe, Standard's finest motor oil, 35c a quarts HfMIMMl **Oaadl That shews Psmiahhe'e bee» laMag •«!« • - , • , Jha 'gslfr •vt il STAND SERV Chsiiyc to PsiirsMic fiv pctitiM)*pbs MrksHh most important of all cars to you are • -I THE CAR YOU'RE DRIVING NOW and your NEW CHEVROLET JK» IT WILL SEtVICH) by bringing ft le ssr Ii$T ASSURED x THAT WTU MAKE DEUVBIY el y MMf ChtvfMit jvtt M fprfddy M V% hwpMifth It |bi • ^ - WHewwiy WWa ' VUVe aeMnn our fair shore el Chev ant tranepertaHea; (2) avakl Ilia ears in ceM weather; (3) by preventing serious treuMes and ••pair bills; and (4) maintain the resale value of your car. Remember--ww*re members eff America's foremast airta* motive service organization; and motorist after motorist wiH toll yoifc OUt CAR-SERVICE IS YOUft BEST CAR-SAVER. Come in--today* - when you take pessassian of this csr, COST! SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES Routes 31 and 120 McHenry, Illinois