Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Nov 1946, p. 2

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V* * v ^ i V-* • \h t „j 'C"" '»•***<' •; ">*J X-," i3>-' .".i •, .;i»i . • v.; mmm & Cooking utensils with • dull-Apfched bottom should be used on an electric range, for they abeorb heat Instead of reflecting It - ^^0*0^0*010 KWFInk I SUM urn iwuhi WattrtHdl TAVERN MI NI FIM1 WAX # hi iri • Mb hill ZJLT LAKE (By Dick Hyatt) M-£m New owners of the FTuets cottage d chfl- want Ada '• .'0 at the Lakeaide Inn 'Was a!the The ladies did *p!enespecially in preparing such,1 After dishes, when things are Newman > difficult to obtain these days. On Thursday night the Lily PTA gave a Halloween Come Monday and the ex-GI's at least some of them, will torn out in uniform once more for parades all over the coontry in celebration <rf „ Armistice Day. On the other hand, 1 after which all, including the grownmany a hunter will be out should- j ups participated in enjoying the reering his shotgun, as it is the open-, freshments of the day. Never a dull " pheasant season. Good ~ " Lake 'tor the kiddies. One really had to' be prepared for the worst when entering the Club Lilymoer on this evening. The variety of costumes was enough to startle anyone. Games were played, £***»»*• Lillie Cartan and family are the nkw owners. Therrare three children, Danny, Teddy tad Diane. They in- BIG OAKS FARM fenLS&b 1 iSeM Lutheran ing day of moment in Lily Lake. luck to both, | TThheerree wwiillll "bbee aa meeting of the / As fall comes upon us once more, i PTA on Friday, Nov. 8. This will we are again troubled with numer- be held at the schoolhouse. " ous vandalisms. Last Tuesday even-! We are all sorry ,to hear that Mr. ing the Lily Lake school house was j Szarek, the father of the Ssarsk burglarized and a new radio, along brothers, joint owners of Bernies ^rith a typewriter and a few other Place, passed away Friday evening, articles, were stolen. Is this going .The funeral was on Monday, to continue ? ? ? ? ? It seems we are j A little item I skipped Iwt week troubled with something of this sort'was the fact that, Mr. and Mrs. Joevery fall. ; seph Nagy spent their honeymoon |S5? "eX for .h^'lub" i. th. former Dolly«r«M.R, Halloween party. A unique game «°2jj5 60<>t 27 Francis was played where the winning team church on Sunday, Oct. 2'-, recriwd tWb huge pumpkin pi.s >nd ^®f^ntingtrii in CuX CHARLES LBONAftD. Auctioneer ?K™urh" ^C"^e**«dt<^I he*»t some venison anyway vDj -11 ow__ thejr faces Wonder if some of our big time S2w what I hunters of Lily Lake «t any ducks How about a The undersigned will sell at puMic auction all of the personal property of the late Fred A. Hill on the farm known as the Big Oaks Farm formerly known as the Dickinson Farm, 8% miles south of Hebron, 8 miles north of Woodstock on Route 47, oi| THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Commencing at 9:30 o'clock- sharp, the following described personal property, to-wit. It will be necessary to start promptly at 9:80 o'clock and all small tools and equipment wiU . be sold before noon. * • * Mgcr's Drag Store Green Street McHeary while other "(boys) -now know what a mud pack feels like. Still others underwent evert\nore severe punish- , report. ments. There wa^never a quiet mo- Let s 140 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of 84 choice Holstein cows; 3 Guernsey cows; 5" 2-year-old Holstein heif- , . r • eta, close springers; 6 2-year-old ^ Holstein heifers to freshen in.Ja£ SSt mrtU ^TrS'ySlSr out Iuck °n^ n^t^e in the b«^ | ^ 6 ^ Hol|}tein heife] •'come and U it", lien all was new world. Sorry to say I heard - quiet. The get Lily Lake Ladies League's that you will be staying in Oak Park, Les. A huge dinner party was gjven i pot-luck dinner held last Wednesday at ^ £ q Hyatt home on Sunday of last week. About twenty-two LILY LAKE PIZZERIA Something new and delicious TRY PAUL'S PIZZA " At THE BUS STOP TAVERN LILY LAKE - Abo Italian Spaghetti and Ravioli HOT SUBJECT COLO WiATHERI Winter-weight motor oils and greases, like win* ter-weight clothing, aredesigned to protect. Make certain your car has maximum winter protectionlet us give it SKELLY win-; terizing. Stop in today. SKELLY CHANGE T mflm-l NOW TO _ TANNINE MOTOR MLS Lag-Lift GREASES FREUND OIL CO. Cor. Rt 31 and Wankegan Road WEST McHENRY, ILL. olstein heifer calves; one Hoi stein bull calf; one purebred Hoi stein bull, 3 years old. This is an outstanding dairy of cows. Tlie heifers were all raised on this farm from good sires and guest*, sat around and enjoyed a i are best producing cows. WWee ww ill be delicious turkey dinner with all the pieaged to have any prospective purtnmmings, prepared by Ma Hyatt. £haserB call at th"e farm any day This event was in honor of. Mr».ibefope auction • ct this dairy and Mundorf of Blair Neb., who is the | they so £e wi„ ^ pleased mother of Mrs. W. J. HHyyaatttt,. All. ^ havjf you see them milked. had a very delightful day despite the dreary weather. There was also another dinner 6Z feedi pIgs party on Sunday. This was held; iucluding a number of select gilts. 4 Poland China brood sows and 26 pigs; 5 Poland China brood sows to farrow soon; 62 choice feedin at the Lakeside Inn. Fellow employees of the John Kissel from the Milwaukee-St. Paul were out. Among them were John Brock, Mary Daly, Edw. Sowle (who by the way is an S. P. T. of the Milwaukee Railroad), H. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Chytraus, Mr. Finch and William Bert. All had a very grand time while joying the Gilmore-Kissel hospitality. ti wiio On Monday of this week and alfalfa hay, baled, estimated; 60 enth and eighth graders of the Lily Lake school took exams in the high school at McHenry. Attention folks! Watch for the announcement pertaining ' to the grand opening of the newly remodeled Lakeside Inn. Mr. and Mrs. James Krein and daughter, Dolores, along with a certain gentleman friend by the name of Bernard Mudra of Berwyn, spent the weekend in St. PauL Here they visited friends of Mr. Krein. Sorrel team of mares, 7 and 8 yrs. old, weight 3,400 lbs; black gelding, 6 years old, wt. 1,600 lbs.; one Shetland pony, stud. Hay, Grain and Machinery '30 acres of good No. 1 standing corn; 70 shocks of corn; 30 ft. of silage in 16-ft. silo; 35 ft. of silage in 14-ft. silo; 1*200 bushel of Viclani high bred oats; 15C tons of clover tons of alfalfa and timothy mixed hay, estimated; 7 tons of loose alfalfa hay, estimated; 10 .tons of Jbaled straw, estimated; large straw stack; Vt ton of bran; H ton of hog feed; quantity of cow mineral and hog mineral. Farm Machinery 2 McCormick Deering H tractors on rubber with starter and lights; Mc-D. B tractor on rubber with starter and lights; 3 Mc-D. tractors n . .. M „ with power lift; 2 14-in. Mc-D. 2- °n^ Po?nl !? thf f°Jll0rW1Ilf' bottom tractor plows, new; Mc-D. 12- 5««if Ii ? fi Mare5lla in. tractor plow on rubber, new; Mc- f« a firn?atl0n:D. heavy 9-ft. disc; MasUy Harris ?peciu c?nJ 8-ft- disc; 2 Mc-D. 4-sec. steel dragf, whb received ^fo .u."rJ ot*f 9thi e iH?onil y Scea cra- gnew» Mc-iD. grain drill with fert. and rasa seed attach., new; 7-ft. Mc-D. « » J „^yS' 2" power mower with 4 cycles; J. D. 10n' 8 corn planter with fertilizer attach.; Gilmore ,p«,t . four-' J- D- ««• W pL Pft"eni8 hvm1! Mc-i). power corn binder with nlitnn p att€l?ds s?ho°l bundle carrier; Me-D. bundle loader with pS# £ g ^ome for corn binder; Gehl silo filler; Mc-D. h-r CJfS- burr mill: McJ>. 2 wheel tractor spreader fco. 200 on rubber; Mc-D. cago. By the w™ aIyf, wih oa "w °erfe CtAh!e-11 small tractor spreader on rubber; New Id h v i0ader new. vrew Idp' gentlemen from T»--11 -- - a nay loaaer, new, new iaea are Mrs. Lorraine Jones and dren, Jmhos and Sandra. They too are indttaf Lily Lake their permanent residence. Monday, saw tainfaur snout Ladies Aid _of_ tfce Um church of MeHenry at her home. The ladies made' plans for their Christmas sale, which will be held in the basement of the church on December 6 betweeh 1 and 9 pjn. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Sternberg, who was reported 01 a few weeks back, it now in the hospital in Denver, Colo. Remember, if KILROY was here, folks, there sure ought t6 be some news, so why not leave it at the Bus Stop Tavern? y j i Veraeft J. Knex, Attorney ; NOTICE OP CLAIM DATE Estate of MATHIAS JUNGEN, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per* sons that December 2nd, 1M6, is the claim date in the estate of MATHIAS JUNGEN, Deceased, pendng in the Comity Court dt McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be tied against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. FRANK WBHNGART AND MATH B. LAURES, Executors. (Pub. Oct. 24, 31 and Nov. T| Lily Lake and Wonder Lake who "helped entertain these ladies ? That brings to mind that we've seen quite a bit of Wonder Lake side delivery rake;* flare grain box, new; Lindsay wagon on rubber and hay rack, new; wood-wheel wagon and box; steel-wheel wagon and PHONE 202 QUALITY YOU LI APPRECIATE . SERVICE YOU LL REMEMBER txtra Pale DE LUXE frewed with Imported lohemian Hops Imported Bohemian Hops--avail oble for the first time since the for--impart that distinctive fragrance and zesty, tangy flavor you •ow get in Extra Pale Fox DeLuxe Try it today. You'll agre( * >ox Deluxe h better than ev --V hear. ..aav FOX Di UIXH IMNr fcx Imwtaa Ce, CMcafe, JR. ly. What seems to be the attraction boys? Mrs. Gilmore and Mrs. Kissel are honored with a visit from their mother, Mrs. K. Unik, this week. Happy birthday to Joe Gilmore, Jr., who celebrates today. _ Mrs. Altissimo and daughter, Gussie Periotti, spent Monday in Chicago. On Saturday, the second of November, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Marsh entertained at a Bar-B-Q dinner. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. G. EL Thuss and daughter, Ruth Mueller and Mrs. D. Steder, also Mr. and Mrs. Wrublewski. The food was just wonderful and everyone had a grand time. The next day was Sunday and Richard Marsh was invited by Mr. and Mrs. C McDermott to attend the Ice .Follies in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrison spent a very exciting weekend in Chicago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coleman, Hhe occasion being a surprise birthday party given in honor of Mr. Coleman. That was a long journey that Mrs. Dick and her two daughters made over the weekend. They made the trip to Pennsylvania. Here Mrs. IXck's daughter, Nancy, was married on Saturday. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Wegner, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wirfs and family and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krinn gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Krinn e to celebrate Bob's birthday. Now it's about time we welcomed some of the new permanent residents jnto our fast growing community. First of all, Mr. and Mrs. Hienn, buzz saw. DeLaval 40-unit milking machine, with pipe line for 42 cows; meal cart; 3 large hog feeders; 3 small hog feeders; metal stock tank; metal hog waterer; air compressor, spray pins and hose; electric drill; power lawn mower; 3 electric motors; extra tractor tire and tube; hydraulic dump trailer. Milk House EquipoMnt Electric water heater; milk cans; 3 sterilizing tanks; pails and strainers; electric milk stirrer; rubber tired milk cart; Cowboy tank heater. Small Equipimrt Electric battery charger; silage cart; Stewart electric clippere; 6 electric brooders for pigs; 2 hog waterers; 3 sets of harness; heavy garage jack; quantity of woven wire and steel posts; number of wire gate and steel cement posts; pony cart; pon^ buggy and cutter; 2 Ei Also all small tools, forks, shovels, brooms etc., used in the operation aI a farm too numerous to mention. This will t>« one of the largest sales held in McHenry county this year. It will be aeeesasry to starton time and all email tools and equipment will be sold before lunch. There will be no ceiling on any of the machinery at this sale (an ea* tate). There will he a lunch wagon on the grounds. Terms: Usual bank terms; ' HELEN g. HILL Executrix Newton Eslick, Manager Phone: Hehran MS First National Bank of Woodstock Clerking Attention Car Owners We wish to announce thai in addition to our other service, we now have a now department. Have a oomplete stock of ... GENERATORS . . . STARTERS . . . DISTRIBUTORS FUEL PUMPS . . . IGNITION PARTS We rewind and build them to factory specifications! We are a little off the beaten path, but will guaranteo you prompt and satisfactory service . . Call on ns and see . . ! Garage and ^Dealer trade invited ^ Seaco Sales & Service Fred J. Svoboda Mytnoor, Box 416, McHenry, 111., Tel/ttS-W-2 Directions: Turn south from Route 120 at Lily Lake School, turn left at third road (leading to lake), second building from Center avenue. mm OPA CBKLING ;'.y its* ,, v Sises 14 to 17 - « V v Cc^^JSmart new designs and colors. non-wilt collars. fVill , , ^Tailored to fit. Sanforized (Shrinkage fefelt dian 1%). We hare your «u» ^ ^ --your style. And remember: we%- featuring Hallmark Shirts in this sale. Gladstone's \ y V BOLGER. DRUGS + '* '%t? *" the opening-Mf rsL-v*.' • y ART and LEE'S TAVERN and RESTAURANT •. x .. (FonnerJy Eva's Esartapnutt) ' , NoTemb^r 204 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRT. PHONE 38 A chef with many years of experience will handle the preparation of the foods. Special accommodations can be provided'for banquets «nd private dinner parties. Dinners and Lunches Served At Moderate Prices Best of Foods, Carefully Prepared, Await Your Pleasure •j - r^':- COMrANT ne una ox iei«>none service von want. ~ * as irasourrataofoarnmgahaagonedo^ 1940! And have gone up. So today more r' 4- ^ •••: • -«• •' r .r' r ' - * l ' ~."X' ' n-i • „ • *' ^ "...

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