Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Nov 1946, p. 4

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Is"'*-..<,J. ** ,-. "V" 'r "• "- ' ' ' •* «.." wmnruHta gg'• ••* M Mm peetottei'it McHinry, DL, Km Ml ef Hay S, 1ST*. Om Year .$2.60 CDHORIAI-. a with v«y kinds. PrwHinf «t j vers were Mrs. C. W. Mrs. George Johnson. After the tasty supper, Warren Jones favored the group with several vocal selections, which were much enjoyed. Cards followed, with prises awarded to Mrs. Vale Adams, Peter Roche and Mrs. Harry W. Barr. Jr., in contract bridge; Arditi Frisbie, Miss Margaret Larkin and M. L. Schoenholtz in auction bridge; ,Mre. Walter E. Aeverman, Mrs. Robert Thomp- Mn- •%» Membra of next tr 6 Imn Plaj Get*t ogether Party The Alter and Rosary sodality o2 St. Patrick's church will hold a pot* and get-together party, of tne parish : in ths hall p.on 8anday, We cannot accept news after Tuas- j Cox in pinochle, day afternoon at 5 o'clock. Please -- turn your items in before the deadline. _____ luck for church at 7 m. November 17. The only admissiot will be a dish to pass. Meat will be furnished by the committee. Cards will be played following, with prises given to each table, as _ . well as special plttiK. The evening's son and Mrs. E. B. Ward in five-bun- i entertainment. will be entirely free dred; and Mrs. Prank Kempfer, Jr., j of charge. The success of the party Mrs. Albert Vales and Mrs, . . Lillian1 depends on the support of Mie parish | ioners. *-• The committee in -charge of ar- j rangements for the party were Mrs. | wme-Te-Be C. J. Reihansperger, chairman; Mrs. Honored At Party * Robert Weber, Mrs. Roy Miller, Mrs.. A pre-nuptial party for close A. I. Froehlich, Mrs. George Kramer,! friends of Miss Elaine Heimer was Mrs. Arthur Smith, Mrs. William i held last Friday evening at the home Green, Mrs* Elizabeth Pich and Mrs. of Mrs. Edward Gitzke, Jr., In Cary. Thomas Phalin. , ! Those present to enjoy a social even- * * * ing were Betty Regner, Betty ^Blake. Maureen Doherty, Mi enter- Mati*£ firoi Minnesota this Honored Thursday Mary Lou Stoffel, lAt Linen Shower Lorraine Frost, Margaret Michelsen. Achievement Program { Miss Mary Lou Stoffel was honored Hazel Knox, Mary Hirschmugl, For County 4-H Clube at a linen shower given last Thurs- Elaine Justen, Virginia Williams and McHenry county 4-H club mem-jday evening at the home of Alice Madeline Freund. hers will hold their annual achieve- and Betty Nelson of Crystal Lake. miss Heimer will become the bride ment program Friday night, Novem- Bunco provided entertainment, after cf Erwin Laures at St. Mary's church ber 8, at the Woodstock Community which a lovely lunch was served. on Nov. 20. high school auditorium, beginning at The guest of honor was the recipient j « • * All members and parents are , of many beautiful gifts. - - • • Home Bureau Met invited. ' « " \ " At Watkina Home countv achieve- Mrs. Leslie Guest ^ i The Ringwood unit of the Home At Farewell Party . Bureau met at the home of Mrs. Geofte A. Mqr host to Rev. John DtMdm apd the ushers of St Pater's Plrish at hia home Tuesday night. A meeting was Ijpbf and cards ware played. Refreshments ware served. The Pinochle Club met at the home of Mrs* A1 Schmeltser in Round Lake Wednesday night. Prises were won by Mrs. Albert Brits. Mrs- Harry Myers and Mrs. Charles Freund. A delicious lunch was. served by the hostess. . Mrs. George W. May, Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs. L. L. Kagan, Mrs. Arthur Kattaer, Mrs. Ray May and Mrs. Edward May attended a club meeting at the home of Mrs. Arthur Klein In Johnsbttrg, Thursday afternoon. Games of five hundred were played and prise winners were Mrs. Al Schmeltser, Mrs. Norbert Klaus, Mrs. George W. May and Mrs. Edw. May. Ray May was the guept of honor and was presented with many beautiful and useful gifts. The servimg of lunch brought this pleasant afternoon to a close. Mrs. Arthur Kattner joined a group of friends at a Halloween home w Mr. and Mrs. Ir*!n SatWdayi Mm.C. i. Rsinfried and Mn. WDHaat Beliiftled of Wis., called in the Herb rger home here, enroule from a vacation trip in the Sooth. Elimer Freund, Miss Alice Savin of Hebron and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Weber of Jobndbtirg, Minn., were Chicago callers on Sunday afternoon. Mr*. Margaret Gillis and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zoia of Woodstock were McHenry callers on Monday evening. William Powers and sen of Woodstock visited in McHenry Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sullivan of Woodstock visited relatives here on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Holden and Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney of Chicago were local callers.the first of 'the week, where they attended the wake of William Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting and Mrs. Eleanor O'Neill of Lake Geneva visited relatives here on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Kramer spent Friday in Chicago'. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Baur and children of Chicago spent the weekend ± ] ^ checking accounts, depositors pay by carrying a . > sufficient balance which, party at the home of Mrs. Cecelia; visiting in the George Kramer home HcNally in Fox Lake Wednesday here. night. Among those from here who en joyed the Fashion Show and Music Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. Charle#' Michels, Mfv. Rena Smith and Mrs. Andrew Steinsdoerfer are visiting At that time all •sent winners will be recognized and all state honor winners will be announced. Agricultural 4-H club members will receive their prize money won at the county show held Aug. 5. presented by the Woman's Auxiliary this week in the home of Mr. and for the benefit of Woodstock hospital ] Mrs. M. J. Mullenbach in Adams, held in St. Mary'Gym at Woodstock Minn. Mrs. Louise Leslie was guest erf Gertrude Watkins in Wonder Lake | Friday night were Mrs. Math Nims-1 Mrs. H. Olsen and Mrs. Vernon honor at a party held at the Robert i for an all-day meeting and a pot* j gern, Mrs. Bob Lent, Mrs. Lucille j Freund spent Monday in Milwaukee, Knox home on Sunday evening. She i iuck luncheon. There were twenty-1 Nelson, Mrs. Dan Miller, Mrs. [ Wis. left the first of the week for her five to dinner, but many more mem-i Charles Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Anton , „ _ l, v ' home in Los Angeles, Calif., after berg arrived later in the afternoon {Meyer and Mr. and Mrs, Ford HanColor movies owf twhe 4-li fraainl res- s«pr»enpndHiinri<gr sseevveerraall wweeeekkas with ffrriieennddss ,/f/>o«r• tthhae nprrAogorroamm . II ffoorrdd,. tival held October 5_will be here. A bazaar was held and many lovely There was a good time in the old After the m1 dt^i KalPn " Those who enjoyed a social evening j <|onations_ were purchased by the; town Saturday night when the Fireof Elgin will lead the group in games an(j refreshments at the Knox home en the gym floor. |Were Mr. and Mrs. John Phal, Mrs. At 6:30 p.m. that same evening j Eleanor Foley. '-'Mr. and Mrs. Paul the Woodstock Chamber of Com- Doherty and Mr. and Mrs. gliomas merce will entertain all club mem- Phalin. bars with an A project rating at a1 * * * dinner in the school cafeteria. Busi- District COF Courts ness men of Woodstock will be their To Elect Officers ^ hosts. At this banquet the Chamber The newly formed Northern Illi- fi'eld* was capably "and' most interestof Commerce will give trophies to nois district association of the Cath-; inelv oresented bv Mrs. Mitchell the grand champion winner* in the j olic Order of Foresters will hold its; Kane. ladies. Roll call was answered by men threw a party for the Veterans a Thanksgiving thought. of World War Two. The affair was The major lesson, given by Mrs. I held in St. Peter's Parish Hall. R. B. Hoffman and Mrs. Kenneth j Dancing was enjoyed and there were Peterson was on the making of arti- plenty of refreshments. Much credit ;cles for the home. The minor lesson, a book review Ion Pleasant Valley by Louis Brom- AugusyS show. / jy • * Mrs. Keck Hostess To Circle 1, WSCS Mrs. Irvin Keck members of Circle 1 first formal meeting at St. Mary's! Visitors were Mrs. A. K. Parlouf hall next Sunday, November 10, at|Gf Wickline Bay, Mrs. George H. 2 p.m. This association of courts j Johnson and Mrs. Elizabeth Michels in the Northern Illinois district was j 0f McHenry and Mrs. Lee Larsen •. . |decided on at a sectional meeting 0f McCullom Lake. in McHenry on October 22 by j The proceeds ot the bazaar, $80.61, WSCS, at their dele?ates from Johnsburg,' Wauke-; win be iS*1 Tw'^Sll01!^*^!! da^Te^ *an'&North Chicago, Grayslake, ¥uff-\ their "buiEg"^Hid^ 4 H T<m" 12. This will be an all-day meet-^ai0 Grove, Highland Park, Marengo,; Mrs. George Schuebert of Mcing beginning at 1! lvidere and McHenry, with William; Henry, who was in charge of the pet-luck luncheon at Large fkijojret noon. rge Crowd fiijoyed Reception For Faculty , disting Lovely fall decorations and flowers I address the delegates were in evidence in Legion--hall last1 Chief Ranger George Althoff, speaker of St. Mary's court No. 594, presiding. Among distinguished speakers to were State Pfaff, State week Wednesday evening as the i Treasurer Frank Blaschke, State Sec- Mothers* club entertained the faculty i retary Richard Tobin and State Field members of the schools at their ann high lual i and grade reception. At j Representative Joseph Wiedeman. bazaar, and who also presented a splendid recipe for apple strudel, is 8:00 o'clock, did an outstanding job and there COME, was much commendation of her effort. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Chauncey Harrison. is due the Firemen for showing, in this way, their appreciation to the veterans. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Huff and daughters Joanne and Dianne of Chicago spent Sunday with Mike Huff. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders of Rockford spent the weekend in the George Sanders home. A card party sponsored by the Ladies' Sodalities pf St. Peter's church will be held in the parish hall on Sunday night, Nov. 10. There will be games of pinochle, five hundred and bunco and many prizes will be given. Free lunch. The time EVERYBODY WELMr. and Mrs. Pai|l Brefeld were dinner guests in the Renard Blum home in Chicago oh Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kosinski visited his parents in Chicago, on Sunday. Mrs. William Funk, Mrs. LeRoy Smith and Miss Eileen Smith were Oak Park callers on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Vincent Wirfs and daughter of Rockford have been visiting in the George Wirfs home here. Miss Christine Adams was an Oak Park caller on Monday. Anna May McKenzie and Mrs. Ray See and son, Harry, of Chicago visited Rose Huemann last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frisby and daughter, Lenore, visited in the George Frisby home in Elgin on Sunday. William Mahoney and sons, Joseph and George, of Chicago attended the wake of William Doherty, Sr., on Saturday. At the gar stacost tion, you buy 1 gallon or 10, according to youx wishes. At our bank, ---4 on a similar basis. You ^ draw one check, or many, alid you pay fair our 11 service according to the ' amount you receive, fust as you do for gasoline the checking services rendered, or by the payment of service charges. InthiBway each account stands on its own feet As a means of saving time, simplifying money records and having an automatic receipt for every bill you pay, a checking In the 6ase of regular account* offers you a full meas ot convenience. We Cordially invite you to start your checking acwhen invested.^ wvW v count here at pur , McHENRY STATE BANK '& Member Federal Reserve Syatetii Member Federal Deposit Insurance Oorpor^tlbn , T7. i 11M t I »111111111 >>• ll»* »A«*H I ill! •«' 1111H 1111IH ». want to keep a party wide awake and rolling, take Mae's advice bring an alarm clock and set it to go off every five minutes, l^afs exactly what she did and' as a result, they all had a hilarious time. From there Wally and Jewel left for Wisconsin for the. weekend. A new discovery--Herbie Roesks,. the boogie woogie kid, not only can j was revealed last night as he beat it out on the ivories, but has I "Souvenir" on Arlene's violin, a good singing voice also. ) convincing her mother, that it Mrs. 8. Mann. In the mean her hubby is not only interior ating their home but also doing fall planting of bushes. New Addition*--to the E' family ia that frisky little pup red fur "Rusty" and also running water. Mpsic--F. Weiler's hidden Sports--rn the highlight this week is Larry Bartlet, who bowled 601 for a three-game series. ' Travel -- Mrs. V. Bassi left for;. Miniature oil paintings, Detroit, Mich., to _ visit with her j etchings and other lovely Xmas cards daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and | can be yours at a very low till HM I 11 Colony McHenry, Illinois H* M. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY John Hodiak -- Nancy Guild "SOMEWHERE IN THE NIGHT1 Plus--Cartoon, World News and Speaking of Animals ;pr At next Sunday's meeting, election cf officers will be held and by-laws drawn up. Future meetings of the Northern Illinois association will be nymT a w/ivn apt on held alternately in the nine locations Ubl. oU named above. J IN KENOSHA CHURCH WEBER-BLAKE VOWB A very lovely wedding occurred A Halloween Party at the Town Hall on Thursday evening, Octobei 31st was attended by approximately seventy-five young people and parents from Spring Grove, Solon Mills and Johnsburg. Under the able direction of J. C. Jepson, Sup't of the Sunday School of the Methodist church and with the aid of a com- Lilymoor »••«»» 111IH M I HI"! IMH (By Sara Nade) Reporting from Ghost to Ghost* The Warriors came through this time. There was little opposition from the other side when it came to refreshmit ™"of'i«di«r'he^<i"by Mrs" V.™jtal'J Scuffham, the hall was decorated at- • V" «fir J rl tractively. The costumed children | ^yered e * after a fumble, the violin that sounds Arlene's playing^ talent S3 t isa\ so bad, ifs the Pepsi-Cola from R. the Entertains rh'ertred. on ytam street°lart ThursdaJ «?«-! grTAlten'for and WM two ^u«hnut> «"d P»P" the charming bride approached the irs. Vera Scuffham and Mr.^Jep-, devinely over Dick Wilhelm's altar attired in a gown , of white son* The Committee wishes to ex flUN. ft MON., NOV. li.ll la Technicolor Dana Andrews -- Susan Hayward fCANYON PASSAGE** PLl»-WorU New* ft Cartoon ffUESDAY (ONE DAY) The Bowery Boys (1) "SPOOK BUSTERS" Gargaa -- (2) PhiUp Reed "HOT CARGO" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Pat O'Brien -- Ruth Warrick "PERILOUS HOLIDAY" Heme of Fine Entertainment k MILLER • THEATRE • Woodstock, HI. SATURDAY ONLY -- NOV. 9 No. 1 "HOT CARGO" William Gargan -- Jean Rogers Nik 2 "DING DONG WILLIAMS' with Marey McGuire SUN., MON. ft TUE&. November 10-11-12 The Magic or CMe Poker . . His Story and His Musk "NIGHT AND DAY" in Technicolor Cary Grant -- Alexis Smith Monty Weollejr -- Ginny Simms Jane Wyma* Via, fBUISn NOV. 11-14 HUMAN BONDAGET ^wtth rlHII -- 1M*I IBt C••• IMltlllf J Somlb Bright red, blue or green Gabardine caps for boys, laid corduroy trim. 6% to 7.t»_««,»• •«... •«»«* /r « Ooat sweater! in smart two tone styles. Assorted colors. Boys' sizes... Sno^?aiAl Durable snow pants reinforced at the knees. Adjustable straps, elastic back. Siz« 4 to-10. ..... j 5 QQ The Friendly Store Authorised Dealer Collette, Own#--^ f 521 Main Street Weat McHenry, I1L STRAYED OR STOLEN From Fox River. Century 14-ft. outboard, solid mahogany. two decks, inside navy gTay lacquer, spruce green, bottom and floor boards? white stripe on water line. Tofp with black paint trim; chrome hardware. Reward. Phone A1 Wetle, McHenry 878-M-l. ribbed faile, with full skirt, sweet- gratitude for the unsolicited donations from the business men of ' Spring Grove. Mrs. Gertrude Parfrey, Secretary of the Board. mers ontm heart neckline and fingertip veil, the latter lace trimmed. It was held in place by a tiara of cut glas>s sequins and seed pearls. Miss Weber carried an orchid and white sweetpeas on a white prayer book. Her only jewelry was a rhinestone necklace a gift of_the groom. n of Kenosha, cousin of the bride, acted as maid of honor, wearing a pink taffeta dress with net overskirt. She wore a matching headpiece and carried a bouquet of yellow roses and chrysanthWi «.mSv<.ro ah , . . . I her parents, Miss Vera Allen, friend of the|Crj8ty am?n e'™wL SH chose Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger • 2 , ^ ™ n . e t o v e r " s p e n t l a s t T h u r s d a y i n W e s t C h i c a g o , hefdp,ece and, where they visits! his mother, Mrs. John Reihansperger, who observed Roy Blake, brother of the groom, her ninetieth birthday best $^rles !on that day. 7 gBrloaokme,s maanno. thTeTr aVibo^r.o ther, actei--d ;j_a>.s. , ,.uGuo.rrduoonn Soccnhoolulee, cousins Callahan Mise Patricia Cristy, who is attending the University of Wisconsin at Msidison, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jay anniversary who la attending m^Ru^8h«li^er.e n?lew?i?e'H Northwestern University, spent the R of'lM wu"*m Music following the service was furnished by Miss Alice Stankowski. who sang the "Ave Maria." The bride's mother was attired in a brown suit with yellow and brown accessories and wore a corsage of yellow roses and mums. The groom's mother chose an orchid-colored suit and blue accessories and wore a corsage of pink roses and lavender mums. After the wedding, a breakfast was served to the bridal party, and at 1 o'clock relatives antf friends were present at a dinner served at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Andrew Yorton, followed by a reception from 2 until 6 p.m., also at the Yorton home. When the last guests had left, the bridal party drove to McHenry, where a reception was held for 200 guests in St Mary's-St. Patrick's school hall. The couple left late in the evening on a two weeks' honeymoon trip west, the bride choosing as her going away outfit a fuchsiacolored wool drese and black accessories. Upon their return they will reside at McCullom Lake. The bride has 'been employed in a jewelry store at Kenosha. The room is owner, wijh his_ brother, toes, that Bumble em (out the door) Dick, you did a spendid job on the' party. Every one present had a1 good time, even the football hero® i with the nainted tee nails. | Boy did we have fun! You can | still near the Lily Lake students say- i ing. Thanks to Mrs. Simmons, chair- i man,'who so well and systematically conducted the PTA children's party at Club Lilymoor. There were games played and refreshments served. Prizes were awarded to the following: "Dumpling" Wirfs, as pumpkin; Kathleen Hyatt, old fashioned girl; Judy Freund, cowgirl; Carol Sxarek, boudoir doll; Jean Steadman, Aunt Jemima; Arlene Wijas, liberty; Buddy Wins, Dimmy Dim Wit; Lois Kurbym, gypsy; and the three bums portrayed by Jeri Einspar, Arline Svoboda and Audrey Kurbym. At the party there were two ghosts who didn't talk to each other, why? They weren't on spooking terms. Someone brought a frankfurter skin because it was a hallow wiener. Hubba, Hubba, look who's walking in now none other than the four O.L.A. students from Iowa, and do they look sharp in those navy blue and white school sweaters. They're Pat Gilmore, Virginia Alexander, Mary Gould and Joan Fielder.' ! Hi ya, Pat, I know your reading! this because Jeri Einspar sent it I to you. | No, Hazel it's not time to get up,' it's time to let someone in. I know | you heard an alarm clock, but after j all it is Haloween and your door ibell maybe out of order." At least' Mae Simon, dressed as a clown, had, some reason as she and Pete Simon j as a colored boy broke into what started to be a peaceful party. Pres- Let Us Give Our Estimate WEINGART TRUCKING SAND -- GRAVEL -- FILLING BLASE DIRT -- LIMESTONE TRUCKS FOR HIRE PHONES: 655-R-2 or ^ HettermannV Service--618-M-l ' JOHNSBURG--'P.O. Rt. 1, McHENRY Miss Joan Reihansperger, a student at Beloit college, Wis., spent the weekend with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Freund of West Waukegan street returned Monday from northern Wisconsin, where they visited in the home of his son, Earl, and family at Fall Creek. They also called on friends in Eau Claire and Mondavi, Wis. Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Freund were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Weber of Minnesota, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Freund of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Diedrich of Volo and Miss Alice Slavin of Hebron. Mrs. Simon Stoffel and daughter, Lena, Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger and Mrs. Herb Reihansperger spent Monday in Miwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Weber of j ent were Mr. and Mrs. Kasup, Mr. Johnsburg, Minn., and Mrs. Stanley and Mrs. W. Kurbym, Mr. and Mrs. Diedrich of Volo were dinner guests i J. Szarek and Ernie Sunde. If you All the Diapers You Need For Only a Few Cents a Day BQSPITAL* v V PHYSICIANS * NURSES •otacribe to'Oui --* V ; - • C a l l v w " ' " ' ROC-A-BYE DIAPER WASH Tel: Crystal Lake 1244 oy, of the Roy-Al Lake. at McCullom SPRING GROVE (by Mrs. Charles Freund) Mr. and Mrs. Ford Hanford celebrated their Silver Wedding at their home on Saturday of last week, October 26. The aay began with a high mass read in their honor by Rev. John Daleiden at St. Peter's church at 8:00 o'clock. Many relatives and friends gathered at their home to congratulate the happy couple and wish them many more happy anniversaries. Refreshments were served and everything was done for the pleasure of the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Henford were the happ' recipients of many lovely gifts. Th best wishes <of their many friends are extended to them. m The gills of the upper grades of St. Peter's school ana some hfarh school Party at the en Wednes- ANNOUNCEMENT Starting Noveinber 1, 1946, the . McHENRY ACCOUNTING and AUDITING SERVICE has been organized to furnish complete accounting, bookkeeping and tax service to the business men of this area. " For a small monthly fee we will keep all of your necessary records, make your financial statements, prepare and your monthly statements and file your t§*£fturns. * I will be pleased to call on you and give you an estimate on your particular businen without any ^ligation on your part. ^ VERNON PRISK 138 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. •" l*hone 422 " . ->.v SOMETHING NEW! . 111 1 m#'" " " .• We have just installed a new machine for testing watches which is a great time-saver in regulating these time pieces. This Paulson Time-O-Oraf records on a tape how the watch is running, in five different positions. Now the customer does not have to be without bis or her watch on account of regulating. Do «k Alarm Clock? We have just reeeived a shipment of Westclox. They are priced at $4.82 and $5.44, including tax. We aJso have a few kitchen clocks. * Christmas Suggestions: Diamonds, Watches, Parker. 51s. Use our lay-away plaa il Steffaris Jewelry Z I MAIN STREET WEST McHENRY ~o o ,"'v ' - ^ -v

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