Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Nov 1946, p. 1

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IT, IUJICOIS, THVB8DAT, NOVEMBER 14, 1946 RUBUCTO WTE mm INJECT To Call For 4-H RECOGNITION BANQUET NOV. 8 The 4-H • held laot Friday. 6:80 p.m. in the We llity high school) IP# merchant dhriaion tl Chamber of Commerce. ing 4-H club members <«fceivmi phiee in recognition of the >p] 4-H dub wprk done during the of the We trothat of shopping days remain until Christmas, it is little wonde* that each home has a harassed father and a weary mother. Of course, Junior greets the news 4 with enthusiasm as he begins to form in his imagination a picture of the yuletide season at its merriest. We can't promise that this year's shopping can be done- without reachthe past several years the l ing at least part way down into your school board of "education has j pocket, but we can assure McHenry discussing the need for addi-; folks that if they shop at home they sliding facilities, and at a; will be eure of not being disappointed beef. on Tuesday evening of this!with their purchases.- Local stores; Earl Schultx, Week the first step toward relieving! boast far larger and more attractive animal. _ . ' , A the situation Vftas taken. A contract stocks than in many a year and; Jeanette Pagles, style review was made witlfc*a Chicago bonding compare most favorably with mer-t Ferol Martin, style house for the sale of bonds, to be chandise viewed in Chicago stores. | Mary Ellen Evans, VOted upon by the public at an early j If one will only spend the time team. . date. A conditional contract was to make a survey of various Mc- Margie Salsman, demonstration EXPECT STATE Gordon Donald Bernard TO BECM M '47 Legality Of Act To Be Determined S Court Test PLAINDEALER OFFICE HA8 UNUSUAL AND LOW PRICED GIFTS CONVERT TO FARM OWNERS * • '"r--- 'Tii It ffi'-'- BY ACT OF CONGRESS The Farmers Home Administration Act was passed by the seventy-ninth PETER NEBS DIES AFTER LONG ILLNESS Come in today and see the Plaindealer's selection of fine Christmas cards. We have in stock boxes of j Congress' amending the Bankheadlovely miniature oil paintings, etch- j Jones Farm Tenant Act of 1937. ings and assorted cards. Otjker cards. j Representative John Flannagan of, may be ordered in designs to please 1 Virginia, chairman of the ..House' the most discriminating taste. | Agriculture committee, listed the In the line of gifts, we have bo* passage of this act as an outstanding stationery as low as $1.21, of high accomplishment of the seventy-ninth grade stock and ripple finish. In Congress. . j the newest floral stationery, we' "I do net think any legislation % . . . . j . . . . ( h a v e b o x e s o f f i f t y d o u b l e s h e e t s e v e r h a d m o r e t h o r o u g h a n d p a i n s - • . " -- ; « • p"jwbably a good thmg^that an4j fifty envelopes selling for $1.89, taking-study and consideration," he AUtllness which had its start talk is cheap or there would likely including printing of name. . said. "The government can well af- whitein service with the army dur- , bUIfoldT^i^nyclcction"Sday1 ArPt> ^ mn*t hr>ni«r*d ford to take a few losses if in so »»g World War I took the life of ' ments and friendly discussions Mourn Passing A Of Former City Clerk, War YtuHtit'" Aram* ' attractive bordered note; ~ - -- - V" " p'i0 v ,-q , „ . . smce ^toon day Argu-; ^ lately are selling for doing it converts tenante and share- _59,_ early Saturday I the future effect of the trend toward •<JO although in McHenry count wit; luwiie wcvv, urnu «i.»5 for. i*>x .f jift,. JteSz WW..U en*raved ~ ~ anchoring them to the soil. Tenancy predictable fate that decreed that he COP rule could_be heard everywhere,. -f. . . . | will first weaken, then destroy, any should die almost on the eve of _.Pt,y the out-!. For * speoal gift Uiat is unusual, nat ion 0n the other hand, farm Armistice Day, an occasion which come was regarded favorably by the j1**6 y°u considered giving your ownership is the best guaranteeof held even more importance to hira great majority. 1 - i the perpetuation of this republic I than to his more fortunate comrades. . ™~«,v w-- Now that the vgtnous candidates > «i Or know o£ Anchor our tenants and Mr. Neiss' health began to fail altered into for the sale of $?95,- Henry stores, they will bte sure^ t^> A colored motion picture film oil have been more thil adequately dis- ^ , f sharecroppers to the soil under farm sixteen vears ago and he continued MO worth of bonds at an interest find items which have been conspicu-j the 4-H fall festival was shown cussed for their praiseworthy as wellj With prices so high these days, it ownership and America will become to grow worse gradually until his ygtf of approximately 2.45 per cent.|ousty absent frcm shelves for a long,during the evening. las less virtuous qualities, yoters be- • is unusual to find such attractiyc immune from communism and every deat;h last weekend. He passed At present the interest rate on,time. Most folksy through necessity A total of 103 4-H members were gin to give more twught to some of articles at suth a low cost. Come ether 4ism.' The Farmers Home away at Vaughan hospital for vet- Mhool bonds is at a very low point, j as well as patriotism, limited their present at last week s banquet and the issues which wefe decided at last in today and see these many items. Administration a well thought out erans at Hines, 111. persons were als*. COMPETITIVE EXAMS hit it is rapidly advancing. The j wartime purchases to their very ur- other interested contracted rate is half as large as j gent needs. Certainly these folks. in attendance. was the rate on the original issue are entitled to enjoy once more, durnoeded to erect the present building, j ing this peacetime holiday season, Thus the board felt that the com-; the pleasures of pre-war years. j FOR YOUNG MEN ARE amity should take this opportunity1 Begin visiting your McHenry stores; . wAmmvn bv Iff A17V of securing its money at this low today and avoid that last minute AWJIUUllwBU o X HAVI sate of interest. * , rush. He board has stated that it does*, " not intend to build immediately. Un- i farm AdvifMT TainmeUS If 1ms new conditions develop, thev • _ . Plan to postpone building until Speaker At lAA Convention res begin to go down or level off.! is generally felt that after six; County farmers were Bv ordering now of week's election. One of the most important of C these was the soldiers bonus, which for Christmas, received more than 1,882,000 favor-j v yoi getting your girts able votes, 216,000 more than were McHEN&Y KNTRY IN "'MSm^p^SSTundT th. plan! 1946 INTERNATIONAL will be $60 for sixty days' service.] LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION The navy announced this week that The maximum Daymen t. will be $900 i the first nation-wide competitive ex- to survivors of veterans whose amination for its Officer College deaths were service connected. Other Training Program has been scheduled payments will be determined on a for Jaunary 18, 1947, and will be basis of $10 a month for domestic .• «icnc»j v . v^uuiiiy pleased to open to high school seniors or grad- service and $15 a month for over »nths or a year, building conditions hear that Farm Adviser W. H. Tam- uates within the age requirements, seas service, lime in Jhe ^servico will improve, with materials becom- meus has received an invitation to Successful candidates will be given a is computed between Sept. 16, lv40, fay available once more and prices appear on the Soil Improvement con- four-year college education at gov- (and Sept. 2, 1946. returned to a more normal level. In ferance program at the IAA con- j ernment expense and will be corn-. *"m" either event, the board will feel vention in Chicago on Tuesday, Nov.. missioned officers of th# regular, -Jwtffled^iintMtiitrne-tsiittd at^flar^ m ' ' time. i McHenry county/lias been a pio- The second step in getting tha neer in the field off applying himian- Average Payments person spent *tt™ctiyc death Como 'ism.' nwav Vautrhnn ho< y ou can be sure an<j co-ordinated rehabilitation and The deceased was born in McHenry m ample time farm ownership program and in time on Feb. 26, 1887. a sen of John and will become one of the landmarks not Christina Neiss, and lived his entire only of our agricultural progress but lifetime in this community. As a 'in our national progress." j - - - . . i The act provides for the merger 1 of the credit facilities and the ser- , vices formerly performed by the Farm Security Administration and After a war-time lapse of five the Emergency Crop and Feed Loan years, the country's largest agri- Envision of the Farm Credit Adminis-1 cultural show, the International Live-, traiion. This merger took place stock Exposition and Horse Show, and the Farmers Home Administrawill be held in Chicago from Nov. tion became an agency of the De- 80 to Dec. 7. > partment of Agriculture on Novem-. It will take place at the Chicago stock yards in the International Am- The new agency is authorised to phitheater, which for the past four ™ke Production and Subsistence ' years has been occupied by the army loans to qualified farm families !* . . th* fnllnwinr tt*errmm!s»:r Loans for feed, fertilisers, farm Mblic's reaction to the proposal will alysis fertilisers to crop lands 11 M the circulating of petitions re- large quantities, resulting inbigge --•tin* !,rthtt th. N.™; ftSSnr.;j Di«k (R) o t Oriy, of the bond issue. These L. A. LaFond and James Fyfe, all i Offi<*i» Training Corp* (NROTC) the commission which ill £ in tha^Mmis of Wood.tock, E.rl /ohnnn, or A^Um. Cdly Pro- pu... questing all an floating petitions •aeretary some time today (Thurs- Huntley, day). Someone will be asked to cali' navy or marine corps, or of the re- * between thoee two dates overseas, j JLj ^ militarv nurooses ' the followim serve, upon graduation. Application his bonus will amount to $892.60., ^ livestock, s forms must be forwarded in time for If the tall period was served in the *b® fir8t„ fP i1?1 fr , ^ equipment and family subsistence ! United States, the bonus will be county w« Milton Dowel 1, who farms mgy be made up to a maximum of r; these com- $506. Average payment has been! n*ar_ Mc,Henry' IJ® wl" $3,500.00 in any one year, with a ~ ,t$S96 by Senator Frank j Percheron draft horse classes of maximum total indebtedness of lands in | receipt by December 17. eri Students selected by in petitive examinations will be offered estimated at $5,000.00. The unpaid principal bears Entries, which are the heaviest in an interest rate of 5r/r and borrownon the voters for signatures. Of, MoCulloiXl Ltltt II|B •siiaarrasee "it 'is hoped that, w--hen-- com -; «--j 1.r|reJ- W--i th* F--o rtforr plated, they will bear many more vnrT*®a W W1 Mimes than are necessary to make ^ . . them legal. The more names secured Victor Radtke, a painter residing normal mm the petitions, the more certain McCullom s Lake, has been in the bond issue will be to carry. The McHenry county jail on a charge board wishes especially to remind of torpiy. He j v^s arriugned the public that ttw^mtion g)l5«^ « continuance years on active dutar if commissioned the people ^fiI after bond of Upon completion of these tiro years, about probdUy b& was set by State's Attorney • they may appgr for a permanent or pnhapa " in the neceaaair exponaes incurred A- WW®- mad b« SSmTwill 'eSoJ8" ***" ' °n a rrant obtained by 3. j _ Thoae Aviation Steady Growth y, a member of it^18 ®vent. drew up thej j the forty-six year history of this may be required to pay in one The earlifct nossihlr date for mail- ev«nt, represent twenty-nine breeds, year or allowed up to five years dr- . _ in- chocks ia payment of the bonus comprising four breeds of beef cattle, pending on the family's need and the fifty-two colleges or universities js believed to bo aaxt June or July,1 eleven of sheep, nine of swine and the type of operations financed. A having NROTC • units, where they Wu;ie Mm authorities expressed the ^ve of draft horses. There will also local committee of three farmers !I1 * • A, • i •••!. . i i t . _ * . . . . . , I._ _1 t 1 1-- keai nla«a. Ml M gram (NACP). Those selecting the former program will attend one of will receive from the government onjnian navmonts would begin • be several hundreds of the best pleas- wiH certify families for eligibility fot the ooat of their tuition, books, and e{|en j ure horses and ponies of the United these loans and the borrowers will fees' and $60.00 a month Th* atsmblin* block in States and Canada competing in be required to certify they are unable • • J •'! .1 PETER NEISS keod issue is one -1 it. Such a teat will be brought Junior Livestock Feeding contest in |0an8 for farm U about probably ba a friendly suit, I which farm boys and gins will exni- guarantee such ownershif loans an he engaged in painting father, and in lator years worked as a carpenter with Ms P. Weber. He retired many years age because of ill health. and to! Mr. Neiss maintained an active in"# » • ** . m « r/w\ _ ^ i, L, jwpibiwv by pri-' tiefrrecsjti iinn cciivviicc lmifee aanndu fiwori nwij .a. - - > ^ -a trw.--y- bf jb, suit which it at upwara» ox lt5TO steers, lara!» vate sourceg 0f credit Farm Own- mrg wmB |ieHenry*s able city cktfc. present pending^ Am Illinois i "wi1.?!! ofnSl!!r,0WT,i^i!lrf!U«-i1»1 e™hl.P ,oan8 HP ^ 100^ long time fr^thu" position^ he made asany t» void tWmoslTss to daefala. f6r it is the until wovnaaw i», ai*er wna m «i«» «•• - s n A t " -- ' i S sJSL s t s _ _ itionai iacuities wmcn tneir Qn & warrant opined by Anthony J.i Thoee selecting the Naval Aviation: Iuuance of application bUnks. i>ea«iet scouano, nas Deen namea as. the locai committtees Loans m Paluch, who charged that he cashed, Coltege Program may go to any prob«bly through veterans' offices al- J«d|e oit all the steer classes at the milde lor developing farms, _ . . ., . . 'a check for $128, drawn on the Mr- junior college of their choice, pro- ready established by the stat?, will 1946 exposition. He has officiated in Urging farms and purchasing part "u""5 Those who have been able to keep, Henry State bank on September 17.jviding they are accepted for on- be the next procedure. After ie- this capacity at twelve previous In- time or 8peciaiXed units for disabled ® !. L - • to.uch the educational situa- The checi£> on which the signature trance, and receive the same govern- ceipt Qf the applications, they must ternationals, from 1920 through 1936 veterans where the pension and ,ta. ;* " tion in our city realise the had been forged, was presented to ment benefits. After two years of be screened befcre they are granted, and his father, James Biggar, judged fttrm income together is sufficient ^ more adequate building facilities at,Wm Radtke, Paluch said. study they will be commisioned as A11 this must take place before the, the same classes at the 1902 show. o«r high school. The school has en-J ' " ~ j officers and serve a year on flight cheeks""are^written. AfteV'This is joyed a steady growth since its in- MILK PRICES duty. Upon completion of thU duty, done, it is expected that paymenU T.Aftfllll AND FEWE& M * community high school, class prices for milk delivered they are eligible for a permanent' w|}| be relatively rapid, continuing ia 1921. At that time there were during October, 1946, for the ChicagA. commission i--n t--he- ^ regular -nJaivv£ya or through 1949. ^Ottt ninety-two students, while to- milk marketing area were announced marine corps and, if accepted, will be dBg 286 pupils are attending the this week by A w Coiebank, ad- sent to a designated school for two'HARVARD WOMAN institution. i ministrator of Federal Order 41. years of further professional educa- ______ ___ . nl|lA One teacher has no home room jbese prices are $5.10 per hundred- tion with active duty pay. If they STRUCK BY AUTO, qnd is compelled to teach in any, wei<fht (io.9c per quart) for Class do not wish to remain in the regular TTT.T.TT1 ON SUNDAY room that happens to be vacant. j |4 72 for Class II milk, $4.40 service, they will be given reserve; " The prospect for an increase in jor clans III milk and $4,207 for oommissions and released to ' attendance during the next several class IV milk. ~ " ' * years seems certain. There are now more than 800 pupils in the grade , ^ schools which underlie the high JUNIOR RED CROSS chool. If all of these pupils attend caPacity. o£ t the farm fnends"be<iu"8e"of his pleaaing maa^ L1 , Tad,e *PP',c»t,ts approved by ner in 8erving the public %nd his blanks,!beatlie, Scotland, has been named the local committtees. may be capabilities. en- ^ - *--A war he served in the United France. Rigorou* under adverse condi tiotis to make a living. Loans are S :n amount to the average value of a»d Ne^ss was hospitalisedIovmj economic farmng units in the com-! fj- was arain nntir I munity as determined by the Secre- ^L"/.fT; rate on these^loanris 3\f^ ,ntereat | treatment failed to restore his health. loans has been authorized but will not be X , r™" . Avi»ti«n ,ow_r inaugurated ui.til funds are provide! £,r" at ^ lar^e fu acre*^. \ C n-ress. When such funds are Jorman. stat.oned OorMH Chriab. under wartime conditons, the sire of ^jlhl' it . anticinated that farm Texas= one tret her John Nebs, Mcfarms in McHenry county increased ^nershVUns ^ Henry: and two sisters, Mia. Pat-^ ^ .k. -- to 90% of theyre7onfble v.S »ck Carrigan of Mount Ple««,t. FARMS IN COUNTY NOTED IN CENSUS With more farm mechanization, and farmers handling larger acreages active duty and provided an oppor-' „ Mrs. Kathryn Cox Miethke, 8S. of substantially over the Jputfta yemn. tQ wr. of the resonat)ie value •_ -j- "Vwini,m."rf tunity to return to coUege for two Harvard was killed on Sunday nigltf The area of the average farm in J the farm and improvements. Such a"d Mrs. Joseph Williams of more years with tuition, books, and wh*" *|}e. wa8 - - mobile driven Kb y Fred vE . Bn"o s»tr3Uu m. ^m 1i<0C3?5c , wy'e nt up tow a1R3 71.63 a3c*res loans mupp t meet the same general ^ t,M«*.- high school, our local institution will PROORAX OUTLINED have 480 students in 1950. Everyone IN COUNTY SCHOOLS forecasts that many more people will awve out of Chcago into McHenry within the next few years, and if this is true the attendance reach a point far in excess foes and 1100 a month fnrniahcxi hv mowie Dy r reci t. do strum, iu«k>, went to io<.o acres m other Tirm 'owner! The body rested at the Jacob Justhe naw so that they mav comnlete *6' ot 4515 N- •*«•. Ch«- 1940, and increased further to 140.1 |?9 i, anj' bear SbiVr interest 160 80,18 funeral home' wher* Uiei"coil^^ ethication. ^ ;«««. The accident occurred 6n U S. acres in the 1946 U. S. Census of f^Xh goe^ great number^who called last Clarenc? Angeae, teacher at the. 14where Mrs. Agncultu.e. ,11 loans, " McHenry Community high school is Miethke 1^' preference. Speaking in McHenry and before .J0^1 cl,vlha" JfrtBal 2,000 other high school and junior repi^aentative, and will be pleased ^ goes .veterans will be given She met death on her but more acres under cultivation: ^h^ew organization will be opmight f*. . .'tuden tT across Mc He n rv to" provide specific information about Mr"- Miethke had left the home of BUS. .. offices *nd 5J**" o£ 400. coun^ last week on the Junior r3 program including, the place of Mrs. Iannis Shisler, TboJ,604 faiwiintho county_as flce8. ?f the two. agencies being St- M^rys cemetery. this is the story from the new cen- erated respects testified to 'the high esteem in which he was held in the communew organization will be op- ity. \A requiem^ mass was sung at through state and county J,® ,SISS fa! md the present regional of- f 8 c boriil b county last week on the Junior Red McHenry'must bo prepared to meet Cross* nromn^ Assistant State's a£ ^ «>mmpetitive examination, appli- I" late and T'8^fd l a nl*r" in^he merged will be abolished. Qualified tki. i^w. .. , ! tomey C. Russell Allen asserted that Cc*t"i°oin11 ffj<°«rmSa r.fn/Ld "fc^aary MP* .nd S!», •••.« p.r»nn.l of th. .goKie. -ill There are «everal _ departments «THE J JUNIOR RED CK>SS organisation "holastki qualifications. which are very urgently in need of t j offers to the youth of Amer-! a#*##### ••ore room. The study hall has • . ' . ' to serve' wwwwwwww several periods eac^ day w!?tn. those who have *>»o wefl protected { act large enough to accommodate the their freedom, but it also offers to! ^udents. The band must either the ^uth of ^ world the ono and j Uant its futuregrowth or secure a onjy chance to estabUsh a just and! larger room. The library ldhg ago ]a8tin^ £or *]] time to coma." j reached its capacity. The trades jgr pnfaeed his remarim' department is just one more which on ^ junior P Croes program must be given room to expand. The ^^h a resume of the origin of tha vool music department has never Cross and its founntr, Henri! had a room especially designed for Ourant, a Swiss financier who used j its use. With the present large au 0f the yast power at his command' choral groups, a _special room ij ^ make hi^ dream a reality. needed. back to the Shisler home when she; the 230,549 acres now under culti was killed. >MI>IH>IMM«0« J An automobile driven by Bostrum, acres cultiyated in 1940. ... . and containing three other passen-; The greater use of tractors and Births > gers, was southbound. Bostrum told other farm machinery, enabling one ' the state highway patrolmen that farmer to handle or manage larger personnel 01 the two agencies win --, .. .. o/vo oo" be used as much as possible to fill vation is larger than the 203,987 ^ p0aitions in the Fanner Home ...«>* m 1940. ^ Administration. >ling a lai VALUE REAL ESTATE^ PERSONAL PROPERTY IN COUNTY AT The total assesed valuation of per- I fee did not see the woman until she number of acres, has contributed to 4 ^ HOMECOMING The Johnsburg community is spon- gonaf property and real estate' in , . - .. !,UIHUr[ «».««, "". goring a servicemen's homecoming McHenrv countv for 1946 is $36,- was directly ta front of the car. increase the average size Illinois farm fo ^ held on Sunday> Nov. 24, ^ acwrdiL to the abstoact ^JPe said he swerved to one 'ide but from 136.9acres in^ 1>85, to 146.4 at the yilla Club resort at Pistakee ju5j by the board of review was unable to avoid the accident. A acres in 1940, to 154.9 seres in the ggy Reservations must be made at ^*1. County Clerk Raymond D. mf accidental death was re- moent the Central garage, Johnsburg, not ^oods This is about the ««"« * U t € r t**11 November 16. There will ^ouni as assesed in 1946. m be dancing to the music of a six- The total asSesed valuation hy irerdict of accidental death was returned by the jury. greatly The necessity of All schools in the county have providing a modem cafeteria for the signified their intentions of co-oper* pupils has long been felt, but this, ating in the program for makinjf too, has been put on the ' waiting' articles and filling boxes for oveiw list pending the public s reaction to seas icbcol children. the expansion program. The auditoriam cannot accommodate the crowds ' * • COLLEGE YOUTHS which have exprmsed a desire to. Tife percentage or high school in Evergreen Park to Mr.'and 'Mrs. attend public ^rfo,7^a"c*a- graduates from DeKalb county who Jack Hart. Mrs. Hart is the former out not least, the school must nave go on to college cr other schools is \fi88 Evelyn Justen of McHenrv more class rooms. approximately 15 per cent. The re- They have one other child, a boy. One phase of education in which cord of Genoa township high school* John, 4 wars old. juany of the school supporters are graduates for the last four years Dr. and Mrs. Lee Gladstone are especially interested is the athletic runs from 16 to SO per cent. rejoicing over the birth ef .a 5 lb. department Probably at no point 14 oz. boy, born on Armstice Day, Ata tnheew c,r omwoddienrgn mgyomren aacsuiutem thisa nh ihgehrley. wa* "«e yaiue territory has n- at Mt. Sinai hospital, Chi- 01 ine territory nas u. u_ u <-i_j COMINO EVENTS recent census. t In the United States as the area of the average farm i grown twenty-one acres in the rp"a"svt pj|i^e ce orchestra. ive years, from 174 acres in 1940 your t|cket before November 14 !to 195 cares in the new census. ^Co^COF^'o*n^ mJnODEMOX THOMSKH, Initiation--St. Mary's-St Patrick's RAY RESIDENT FORTY Sch0°' „ TEABS, BUWED HOV. 2 Don't forget to townships follow: November 17. Rjiey w.'tssr P1*1'_HW, 8dwol>' Among the Siek »#i*********************** Marengo Dunham Chemung 1 Alden -- Hartland Seneca Noradber li Keeyyssttooin e Home Bureau Hall. Maential Next week the basket- almost doubled since the organiiation cf»° Mr.. a nd Mrs. Maurice Gladren ,he M' Ci»b-Mc?r„",s»b,r 21 readily be seen that some most miss games in order t acted adults are accommodated. it almost no room for storing equip- . . eiannnn ment, and shower facilities are in- ^JU n adequate. There is probably not an v,ew the above figures, it can be individual who follows school ath-! * 5L a!I!!l^n .JTHIl i Two future voters, a boy and a . , . Martin Conway has been ill at his Coral ..s=s; The Plamdealer received word home on John street. West McHenry, Grafton - shortly after last week's paper had tj,js wee)c. Dorr Richmond gone to prees of the death of Fred- Robert Doherty has been a pa- Greenwood erick W. Thomson cf Chicago, a re- tient at the Woodstock hospital. Hebron .... November 17 sident of Pistakee Bay for about Mrs. Ben Bauer has been under- Richmond Pot-Luck Supper and Get-Together forty years. He waa well known in going medical treatment at St. Burton Party--St. Patrick's Church Hall-- that vicinity, where he had made Therese hospital, Waukegan, this McHenry . Sponsored by Altar and Rosary many friends. pagt week. Nunda -- Sodality. . Survivors include a daughter, Em- «Toddv" Engeln is a patient at Algonqqpia November 18 . ma; a son, William F.; three grand- Augustana hospital in Chicago. j Business and Professioaal Women * children, Nancy Thomsen, Suzanne | Walther ™d Mary Jane Burger; SELLS BUSINESS and four great grandchildren. J The firm name of W. T. Dough- $ 1,029,496 2,114.115 1.004356 3,131,686 1,167,786 1,193315 1,074,646 1.31W86 1318^25 4JBS&3M lJ82,»4n 1.524.136 1^82.825 460,740 4.470^66 3^75,860 4,925,515 $36,221,535 In Plul Loganoprt, Mrs. Achor is the former Miss Dor; seen that while the amount seems ot^ H®1"" °* city. ktics who would not be pleased to ||££t iJSSdili^ta^! ^ ^>rn J?n fb*twnd*y, Nov «ld his endorsement ^ t^ program ££ ^ ^ to the^v^ual tax-^ ui Wc^^^ital to Mr! I ^r aecuring additional athletic facib- (bSng iid j Montgomery ofj™ I Territorv "or- j Kingwooa. Skating Party--Sponsored by Sunday hia automobile was h.t tar a tnjek. - - '• The matter of modern educational | FIKl'T 1UUET8 MISSlNtv T Nighters. ! at the intersection of DesPlainee, GIFT DONATIONS Methodist Funeral services were held at 2 erty*~ last week disappeued from A tetel of 288 cans of fruit and o'clock on Nov. 2 from the funeral §tate street Marengo. Mr. Dough- vegetables were taken to the recent home at 1458 Belmont ave.f with in- erty sold his drug business, effective meeting of the McHenry Couaty " ' November 1, to A. E. Shearer, his Legion Auxiliary as donations for tile employee for the past twenty years. Woodstock Industrial home, aataer- Henceforth the firm will be known ine Cainstack. department ^wUat, as Shearer's Pharmacy, with Mr. will te the ruest at the Decamhor Shearer its owner and proprietor, meetinsr. which w,»' be nem^a* Mr. Dougherty--"W. T." as he is Crystal Lake. Members are asM more familiarly known--established to take to this meeting gifts Jwf his store on August 15, 1895. kthe veterans at Elgin State hospital. 9 p.m. Social Meeting November 24 • terment in Rosehill. Servicemen's Homecoming Party--- The deceased was a member ol Villa Club Resort--Sponsored by the Masonic order, the Order of the Johnsburg Community Cltfb. Eastern Star and was president of December 1 i Leasing Building and Loan associa- PTA -- Card Party. jtiea. Dceea^r 4 | Meeting. | DIES OF INJURIES December 5 Injuries suffered last week when n W%ile the amount needed to finance', oi mooem euucauonai| FIFTY TURRETS MISSING , _ „ J _ ^ _ nrniie uie it facilities for our young people h| Over ftftv turkevs are missinr December 8 avenue and Tweflty-second street >n _ , , ... .. -- IS ' noon on Nov. 6 in McNeil Memorial pourL.a*re«t^t? ^ ho?»*. The rod Mkd RESIDENCE CHANGES, UNUSUAL THEFT , An unusaal thaft recently at the Elkharn HaiMitOa fa beinr raised over an area of sixty "riZZfZLZZt •ouare miles, much of which is resi- ^ P®®"® give it senous thought. Jrntisl territory. It must be noted that Lily Lake, John^ur^ Ring- 'McCullom Lake_ the Fox River and Pistakee regions, aa weU as -MJiwmy.j part of the high school iMriet. fhMe eoaraMAMoo aad lyoorts hav* inpoctaat roaidoatiM aroaa NOTICE December hoped that ]and township after someone shot a o^edT off or^drove^away^ a *Irol»d Mid-Winter Choral Conoeat -- High hospital in Berwyn. Long suffered lata William Quinn oast of tha ^ share of the rest of them recently, j School Auditorium. ^ a skull frwture a «ncMsion and ---- )wMt 1 RnrL. MnnrtMi that thev heard I other injuries and only alight hopes _ iwnta in thedirection of the Miniature oil paintings^ beautiful were expressed for hia recovery from _Th* Cent**? <••*•••* Okha turkeya. and upoa investigation it etchings and other kyvelp Xmas cards the outset, waa found that aome of the remain- can be yours at a vary low eoet. ~ * see them today. fa the past twmrtr wmn. _ flguring accurate^, tt iroald ing (mi had htakea winga or logs. Drop in and {Between fifty and sixty of the flock Henry Plaindaaler offeo. were found to ap tha biffe thay, tha Waa* A4i 'i •?. . , Mci Ml Plaao day Bar wiH be win ^odooodaB te Tit.*.. *.wm uniwat uwap, nswimw* k Hgg Garage aad the Otto Adaasa Ganii, . w lo clooad all day Thaakagi^^ eaitty la

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