trifien we 4e to as. isn*t • gw to to « OR 11 and take «a etf into obttrioa. Class Aestaplaiaer in is tfcat people baft* to think he is I Mttl I is MM ud food is high, bout Uww art no emaciated children i ourstreetst Ton caa baUm|i God or not, Jut u yon plena*, mad you HIT God in any manner roo don V even havo to to Is- I anderstand that Johnny went around telling pfople how to put chickens to dwp. The idea is rently to pat the chicken's heed its wine *nd rock it baek and y6* m fitsalute the ' forth. to IfMost of as are factor thisThsakft. jiving season with mixed emotions. W« probably don't feel as thankfal as we might have if the coal strike hadn't started at this nnpropitioos time. However, most of as are still grateful that the wnr is past Then, it~tf~jettr~r tne young men, once scattered to j thincs. Aiyi I can ait Man and write the four corners of thenar* are whaRer 1 darn well pteaM wiSSS home again. We are thankful for any worry about government BpUey. them. Some of the shortages are There are a lot of things wrong beginning to e«e. And we are this year, and then wfflve many thankful for that. mors, hat me--I am thankfal for Let's all be thankful that this is freedom. a FREE country in which every man has a voice. Not a Voice crying in the wilderness, either, bat a loud and raucous yell. W« have freedom ...... .wu«u. - . of speech to ^complain, and oh boy, last-eenssrs had to be Seated in the . BUtpoee Widen was fool do we complain! We can and do, cloak vooan*. There wasn't s square! ">*.thos* 'pj™] £**1 W* * say exactly what we think about inch of unoccupied space. j chicken to sleep? Or is this a new strikes, the government, .the presi- j Refreshments were in charge of wis mon thmn w«U The chicken is supposed. > be lulled into a state OK animation from which . not awaken for hours. Chairman of the Community Club Betty Selsdorf was trying it before the .Communty Club party on the prise chickens. After winning one of them small Johnny Sirtak «nd his brother-in-law. Red" Wyatt triad it on the one they ran. They rocked and roeked and rocked. The chicken *as diss? but undaunted. Do you WPP" * IP*:£ PHONE 20 206 S. Green St McHENRY In the Happy Birthday department iwe offer congratulations this week to Ronnie Wilhetm, Mrs. Greta Welsenberger and Wayne SartwelL Wayne had an unexpected birthday cake when Roy Noren won a lovely big cake at the Ringwood school on the eve of the Sartwell birthday and decided to treat his Mend. took ___ . each got tt» tgpch and 'i * " t. tie wMAI luck. Apparently!!**. Kubo*y is the good «Sak^ »any residents uded a cranberries, hot , saner kraut; pie and cake. the rsprsssnt Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kohanso of Chicago are the proud parents of a baby boy, born at Wesley Memorial hospital on Monday, November 18th. The young man has been named Keith Ken and he weighed 7 lbs. 7 oz. Mrs. Kohanso is the former Mildred Borchers, daughter of former residents Mr. and Mrs. Edward Borchers, and the sister of Mrs. Mel Sellek. Our sympathy and best wishes to Clarence Wilhelm who was operated for goitre on Monday November 26, in a Chicago hospital. opened eks of * H ^ 0) SKELLY Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Raboin o; their cottage for the two wee! Sheasant season. I understand that [r. Raboin got his limit on opening day, and several days thereafter. A darn good hunter! Esther, Spencer and Melinda Maggs, returning from a three weeks tour of the south, are houseguests at the home of the Roy Norens. Sure...SKELLY Fortified Tagolene Motor Oil is aiwayt rartn' to go. It circulates fast, reaches every moving part, giving maximum protection, fighting sledge, gum, and varnish deposits. It's sure-fire, economical engine protection. Drive in for your winter changc-over today. flap b of At SKOIY SIGN f ~ ' FREUND OIL CO. Oor. Et. 31 and Waukegan Road noire 202 The W. A. P. Transportation Company has issued the statement that they will start a school bus in operation on December 1. This bus will go through Wickline and will go as far north on the County road as the Benson farm. Hie bus will go between 8:30 and 9:0fll a.m. and it is intended to get the children to school at about ten minutes to nine. Arrangements will also be made to return the children to their homes in the afternoon. The W. A. F. Co. will also put evening buses again on their schedule starting Deconber 1. New* schedules will be available for perusal on that date. The Win. Fialas have received a life-sise painting of a tiger from their son, who is In service in Japan. The vov realistic tiger is painted upon nylon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Morsau and daughter, Robert, aged 4, are new permanent residents of the former Axel Johnson home in Deep Spring Woods. Morsau just returned from a hunting expedition in Michigan from which he brought back an eight point bade that weighed 160 pounds. The deer hunters from hers have all been lucky. "Andy" Kuns got his buck when he and Mrs. Kuns were recent houseguests of the Jerry Kubovy's in Carney, Michigan. Mae Kubovy wrote a neighbor that be» Students choasn to at the Northncil two weri youngster*. "Jooi" Noren. The third, ins, writes the high school. Ivar Fredriekson has just returned from a wonderful trip to Norway. He was gons for six weeks. He new from Chicago to New York, from New York to Oslo, Norway, and from Oslo by train for twelve hours to reach the hone of his mother in Trondheim. Mr. Fredrickson's mother, 85-yearold Mrs. Ehrine Johansen, had not seen her son for ten years. There was also a reunion with a brother and three sister* of that city. On the return trip, Mr. Fredrickson visited relatives of Mrs. Fredrickson in Oslo. Two of her aunts and of her uncles greeted him there. that things are in in that country. Much had expected, and. while there is general Jhtioning of everything, the people were in good The Polly Pigtails Club was entertained on Tuesday at the home of Janet Grill in Wickline Bay. This meeting had been scheduled for the home o# Sandi Jo Monteleone, but Sandi Jo was ill and couldn't have them so they trooped into the Griil two oz ner unen He report* 1 good condition ix better than he Eicture. The squirrel, now consideraly larger, has the ran of the house and ia also permitted freedom out of doors. Tfce squirrel's name is Clicky. John is the son of Mrs. Agnes West of Wiekline ,Bay. Next week I am planning mi tunning the column as a Thanksgiving enterprise. I would like to know what you and you and you do on that holiday and with ..whom you spent the dsy. Also for what you are most thankful. Please write me a note or call me at 128. Notes can be left at either the Handy MCHENRY 1SIGN SERVICE PEONS 440-B --SIGNS, SBO-OARDS, TftUCK AMD WINDOW LETTSRIHO ftfl eg ,;r>3 : NEW ADDED ONVENIENCES Since we began operation of the bos line, it has been a policy <f§ ifw! Ute W.A.F. Transportation Co., Inc., to allow the people's needs to hf- • onr guide in setting schednles. We have been petitioned for additional service, and we are happy to announce that on DECEMBER 1st. we shall be able to three additions for your convenience and necessity. 1. We will institute NIGHT 8E&VICE starting DEO. 1*1, so that night workers, and people attending theaters and _ _ visiting, may have transportation. - V . 2. Because of the over crowded conditions of the bus carrying workers for the Oak's Plant at Crystal Lake, we shall begin operating two sections on December 1st, go we may afford greater ride comfort to onr patrons. 3. On December 1st, at 8:28 a.m. the school bns for BavrifliU School at Wonder Lake, will leave Wickline Bay from Where it will proceed via the black-top to the north-end of Wonder Lake and thence to the Harrison yrhftftl If yon lilave a new 1MB car on order, but must stfll apologise fnf' the condition of your old car, then you can probably sympathise with ns. Hew equipment to replace our present is on order, tat Ifiw yotir 1M6 car "on order" does not, unfortunately, mean available. ,We ask yon to please be patieqit a little longer as our new buaseo will be put) into use as fast as they are delivered to no. We wish to take this opportunity to thank all of our friends fff, Eucaw® j a Fite. Attoneyff, »-Dee. Wmmm 8 ' kCA *V"I i • WTRC THANKFUL WE CAN SCRVT ANO DO OUR 8isr roc cusiom LIKE YOU/ <.r& JEANNFfTE - PADDY • • and the ' * ~ i"v, ^ »K > / < r->' * -• . e- V • • ,* •ii£# ::v; 2jgL .UICKOWS,,^ $$ y.t; iipnlijl Hi, O . 1 1 '-ii • » i • , *• IDICKOW'S MARKET^ QSSSNST. -- PHOHSS -- McHXKKY t «:»•* ^, "-A'kU jm I"- .!-'t B: Vi T-'J- •->' .v - ?" • •* , *»i •rJfj ' '"i }***' f«VJ m minee would seriously affect normal, service to onr gas customers. 1^4: \iv. • ,<t *vi; | •>*£• -4. This is due to the fact that the Western United Gag & Electric <0&mpcuay normally relies in part on coal-produoed gas which mixed with- natural gas to make up the total gas supply for our ens-" 7' ^ r~' tomera. - «-i? •Mm-: c"% • ^.. In t% ^eirg^fey/heavy eotd WeatW diiHafids,^ C5inbfti§lf Iftttr Mle coal shortage, oonld cause the total requirements efoeed the ippeatest supply we can provide.* ."1. ***** * <" I ' • m customers to co-operate in reducing their use of gas. --rp-rr--ry-~*- - * ' - ' , ^ * * In urging , *• ; .-sv. • .Kjc • HERS ABB WAYS YOU OAK HBUEr?;* * "•'! " lj"« ' ' ....... T , 1. If yon host your permises with gas, keep tempe^ tores no Mgfca* than neoessary to maintain beaHfe.*." ' • --i 2, Don't use ywpr gas rango to heat the kiftehtn^ W- ' S. If yon heat wator with gas, don't than is esoentiaL f a?"-'" • • 4_';f . :: •. - a. v--:'" :V-, W. A. P, TBA^5PORTATION CO., INC atr-s TF.T.NG^M v • ,r " ':'urL ttr-ntm r ,V possible the nse of all other fas ^ f . • •* -a!" ' ^ , aa order providing for^ ,'Xf ' • r'fb: ||ws if ooal stocks fall below specified amounts. We are Ifiis emergency , % "1 n I k f * - <*/$ . 1 - /f." r-w. • v . m - v - - 'iSbi ; vtti.. •r .*nt ;i v •M WESTERN UNITED GAS 1UPCIWP COMPANT * T . 1 ~ ' < ' ' ' <" "" t- ^ *" i'" * ~'-J- . :S'tf *' ' 't ' -1^ ^ '-v' - ' 4 ; »*r ^ ^ ^k' *iN \T v». ^ Jp" v3B-U