Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Dec 1946, p. 1

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IPr i|: ,v .PI' >¥'T ' •VS.- * ,<7 ' Atflf j»w taft> u Je^K%fjtgjsugtStsn4 r**• ,,„ ,.,. . . . . _ • ".•.•* *$** •J&MB ksr, .» a^. «#M»**»VJiM »*P HHrtKjwHjytqw •* V -*Ff **-* *#**•*« •r "•*> *"* 2- ^*T- •M , ', ' - " ~ • * " ' ; * . „ ^ . ' * , . » •*' r»*" V _ #>» *„ H1*. *•""•%- , RiKsiyE! M- K "->,»-• !vr "*\ vM:ri. '^cfi-fc: ~ "" ~ -,«<V. ** <•, -*4**%)" * flSjiif?*;. V^?T-V-\^-:.-'rl'^S^.f „ , • "•.\ - ;f'e<.?-»f' ^*r ik .•jiWwajrj ;4#i#|^g®| *&' ;. ^1 • •-* v«n| KeHXHftT, ILUKOIS, THUKSDAT, NOBOB M. IMS £ DM. 28 >•;.'*• o ;Vi' ;.:" ^ i%h "i "' ^ inS ! : fte-,! • ».Ci r;J ' ^|g#i -*> *t*.:* 13 , * <* v 1 > /* ^, * i - -V •*,', *; *^* -v., ~ *• ;*4 , - t* i•* ! i: -» ** i .v • <A*-; £ & "v -W-^sS 0, ^ ^ ' ,1 . * . \ *- - . "•* A u 5^-- ,••,"•• ---•««- ,.' ••» 0 •»: «u ihoekid th& w«ek at :>' gbi r*rj Ugh toll in.dMtks taken in •dlBnry dnrinf this bolidm; --S-'^b ny~ hMi M JhiTe been tad o# both old and Vt OCer Ym #. A long period of ill ke»Kh endodj ffLr&^Sh?i»D&tL2S: lr it kb home on north Grem'j Mj. flMith vu flnt taken iH| It riw.« grant ptenrnm to affer a jmt and a half ago, tat biithfoy eongntartattona, along with ao ttat last ranuner | holiday wtohpa, to Wflttam Hay, who wa ahii to take dally walks to:will celebrate Ma aigklieth birthday district. anniversary on Toes nay, Dee. 81. In Mr. Smith was born on the Kenne- fact. it Ms like wa wUl eonttnne *k farm, east of McHenry, on *? offer Om Hay fc»ily oongratnla- 17, 1890, a son of the late tions at^regalar \*Urr%l* ioT *z and *!*-•Kant Smith. ! least a few months. On Feb. 7 Mr. On Feb. 16, l»lt, he waa united in _ with Miss Rose Miller aft{ Mary's (taRd in this etty. Twaj : : rs later, la October of 1914, Mr.] ith Mid Bis brother, William, pur- ; the former Block grocery afterward known as Smith. . the death of ww¥^m # KDKATE NEW ORGAN AT LUTHERAN CHURCH, A long awaited occasion, the dedirmreinT IN GOUHTY WILL Anno--lid VslastioB Found To Bn 9i Fit Cent Of Full V&hie , - v, .7^ ^ ^j^Shased the interest of imser's «14ow ia IMS, mi aiaee tfape ~§m %aen #irrthf Ik* • -'hjr & )SmfB aind " ®o4j(j(^fatlv(6 manner his many years fat baemesa 'or himself many friends ana IS. deceased was a member of the rs and an active member of Country Club. besides the widow, in» three daughters, Mrs. Otto (Ehrira) of McHenry. Mrs. i^JbiiiBa Garafol (Lorraine) ox Wan* and Mrs. James Wiser <E»- of Vela; twe sisters, Mrty. 8teinedoeifWr of GriswolU Mrs. Lena Mullenbach of Minn.; four tatters, Fred r Smith of Jafcnstmrg, Ar- Bd. Smith of McHenry. ^fKSS ^ « iSiH-Jgi lur-wm y) morning, when senrieea | ™^f?tlL.w^™1*„*,IIliTW*arlr» uJ County Clerk Raymond D. Wood* received a notice last week that Me- Henry county w one of iwsnij-nhwa Counties for which 1946 piopettf tax equalisation factors were certi* fled recently by Paul C. 1Tiiseiniiiisl> director of the Ilinois department of cation of the new electric organ of '1®!®0?* . . the Zion Evangelical Lutheran' The local ccuntv's equalisation feechurch, will take place on Sunday tor » ^ which means that th« evening, Dec. 29, beginning at 7:16 state department, in accordance with o'clock. Hie dedication was oti|i-1 B"tIer 1 P«v e^jt assessmert nally scheduled for earlier in the ^ ^ound.t^"t„tl* 1946 ******£ month, but because of other pro-1 •»lu*tion of McEUmry was on|r 24 grams which had been planned, was i .<* Tah>*- . 1 postponed until next week. j Employing this Certainly the Christmas season is^"county deA wfll now most timely in which to dedicate assessed valuation hy4.1W7 to this beautiful Minschall-Estey organ. the a8^M®d *^21 JJJ *n»e evening's program wiU include cent*.J However, since the an organ recital, numbers by the provides for a 60 par cent choir and solos. m tax rates after the new ^ Presiding at the ornn during the tio1 bf3 » «*" recital will be Erich Basse, or*mist P®^ *•* here ^ *>• •*- at the Lutheran church in Marengo. "«ted only slightly. Many CampHcatiaaa He will play various oiffan selections _. . ... _ . appropriate for the (%ristmas sea-' n*wJ*T." PfOT1^n> *OT*1?*; son. Miss Gertrude Henker, soloist m«ny .completions ft»r CM Woods.! of the Zion Lutheran church inTho flnd».1»nit^SlJH» **9*r:i Chicago, will sing several solos, ac- jonce in this lm# » P"* companied by Miss Anita Lich, an l^P m complying wUh the new sya- : organist, in the same church. Miu tem set up by the stato. j Lich will also favor the audience More than tt,000 tranrfters and y.j cwhUohir woyilwl atnh »nS e11c1t1i0o n--s.• •••!T h«et ii«loMca l Pnine 1co^uno^es w^eant nEsen tvo fsmL vbl j choir will then sing several anthems, Hectors, accompanied by the church organist, Mrs. Pearl Pa tike. list «f twenty-nine^ All music lovers in the community cf . equaliytion^ fsctys are cordially invited to attend this c,udea: Alexander, 4®. Boeae, S»; long awaited musical event. pastor. Re1r. Frederick C. F the choir and its president, W. E. Aeverman, assure the public an MT enjoyable and cultural dedicatory McLean, a, -J. service. There will be no admission 15' 2.'. v}^m t Th« Champaign, SO; Clan, S: Cotea, Zl; iuJLn DeKaJb, 28; Fayette, 29: Vultim, »; Gallatin, 25; Henry/M; Mom, 21; Knox, 36; Lawrence. 24; charge and everyone will |i» wel- £^^1 9; and WILLIAM HAT 8U00188FUL DRIVE OP JUHIOK RKD 0E08S * with burial in the Klein, 74 yean old, son s# Jahn aid Baibara Fwiftd 1 her birthday annivarsary. I Qur octogenarian waa born at Otxrnjhorch, Johnsbarg,; ~a« i j ' ~»uiMiiU „ morntnr 1 to IBas VHUeeE Schaefer. The, DX, ^ bSn oTFS0«;! and ta ia Tahnshnra asd ----^ in!"14 Spring wove community, st^atanearly agT^oSjrfy: Abort twento jma^ ago they he was united In marriage purdiaswl the William Althoff home wM XatiMitoa Freund, who survives, j on Washington street, where they - ii liilna are four children. AT-I still reside. Mr. Hay remains very * ~ In <rf Pox LalML Mrs. John active, spending much of his time (Mary), Mrs. Lea Michels in caring for his chickens and his ~ Art Adams {Clara) garden. During the summer and fail 2 two dates, Mrs.' months he also spends his spare time . and MtiMa Blak* inftshing ami hmtfeg. two Imthers Nitk and For ten years Mr. Hay carried mail ji SaringGrave; and from the train to both pootoffke* "grandchildren. One sister, Mrs. during which time he added neatly s * Roderick* and three brothers, | to Us acqmsfatsncsship m McHenry. J<dm and Math Klein, pre-1 Always reliahte and punctual, pa- Mrs. U1Um|, JUmi, county dialrman efweJWilorRed Cross, asserts Veterans in this community that the drive haa closed and that i be happy to hear that a MW the response, both financially and j hns been offered them. In wU^andicraft, was unnsnsHy high, with the Vetenuw At (J^Mei nut cope for the hoe-! policy to briar Us service as pitalised servicemen at Fort Sheri-1 as possible to the veteran, aa dan and the veterans at Downey. erant contact leaiesantatlve hospital. Great Lakes, for Christmas, McHenry each Thursday dinner, will be taken to those in- • assist veterans and their stitutions by the Red Crass motor who seek inferasatio® • track Saturday. The nut cupe %re, or who .wish to apfiy tor, made in shape of Christmas trees laws admit" covered with bits of bright colored1 Harry J. circles, sleds, decorated with tinsel War II, is Ota and snowmen with hats tipped at s representative Jeanty angle. These are filled with < He also serves Christmas candiea, ready to be placed I Maasngo and Qtyatol will he ia Scott, 44; Warren, Samson, 28. ItspEmasTAWva or VISITS OTT WnXLT 'hsSdfran . - j . - . . J, m wUliftl i neuritmm! iraiihli which b gMMiM, rmptm the nation onr. fa teth; dM • Ig°?aLMlJg'trt" '°5 TUL "'""'• for tto ml- ~l ~lt> U~ h. th. th. ChdMM. M. with H. ^ . »•» they..eo?^ * o' getting and bwttea are tired, it Is the one sincerity of friends. *' body reetod at the Jacob Jus-1 their mall iaatnediately after the _k_ __ M t. «KI.^ ,M ... •W.~ee « «• train arrived. Mr. Hay waa foreed ^ U there on« of M on trays to let the hospitalised know ski s that the children for whom they; f*om 8:S0 fought, are not forgetting. | The " Another carton of 78 Christams | veterane a feeling of' always live on, continuing to thrill boxes for children overseas was; concerning shipped thia week making a total1 out deligM la hearts of childrsn of their own age, over* responsibilities, to, in the softly falliag i be considerate of .to the joyous carafe, „ the time when the tursd the Christnum apMlT of soinsapa dsa are appah;witl littii to girt Miirmin, his eightiethHew Tear's E^e. M»y »oat in our minds. Ida moat pleasant. j Just stop when services to relinquish this position stout three ^ow great < St John's ^e*r»^ ego, when he was in poor rwusmbor^ a In .. _ hejfrm be nlnnlag . i i * ' w i i M w n t i ipd tlttNli th# annual a tnlttl Kav contsliis cfnvons .t~l *** *** tn«A. Kght SHd faUr S' ^ .y1, iWr*yiLP*Tt pencils and pads, face cloths, jackjSuL spiritual side of Christ- at*aw« and mas. After the excitement of prepa * """"IISS SFi.OBSMSS oOiraKKVATioH TO nua aas *o ytde HiiiiHij A** Bug, 4% It be imong pleaaant. " j for a moment xrs aferartt-JTaf s EiESttafta?^ 2E„ t*^r foro^y Each of us is^eelebnSng today, MaLfOfiShnu cards, ^j^e SMdmore Farms, McHenry, i for Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, is may be nothing but a piece of colored "cart the Christ Child. | ^^rin^ita^on ^ tte'.tory of TO01D BY BID 0B088 The spirit of Christaaas la also wise men and shepherds, of Mary and dtol^ein Saturday afternoon, Dec. 2i! always one of the happiest of all paper, the sentiment one that has'the spirit ctf Santa Claws, thati Jose.p h and the infant Je.s us, which The Red Cross is urgin-g .th.a ,t .w e . . Mat^TSreae hospital. Wau- days. At lesst one McSenry resi- bain retold for centuries; neverthe- binsUon of rsal and flctionwfceee has retained it-inspirational ^mal-, a^ept the slogan. "Be ^hankful tor a^pCTmisrio ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 - - • F ' -• >>«- «-• «!- «-- j--vi- i-- I*. -- i„ heart-'jolly nature and hearty laugh will ity throughout the centuries. ! the food we have, and do not waste bus service. He aeeenMa nm mum The Burgs have two other dent, Thomas McLaughlin, has double less the i **"* They suggest that we eat less to be used thwughoat tta m0< reason for celebration, for he will it conveys benefits office. Robert Wiakal theW ^ anu r; is (Taaaiisjr) afternoon, when services . "Tom," as he is known to all of SHOULD BB APPLIED are beiinngg Md from the home, with his friends, first """k .J11" yP**""; • FOR MOW BY in Union cemetery. ance in the world (and in McHenry); * Uft «vw »x Svlvia Welf Cra^fetd on Chriatmas Eye in 18M, whteh . VXTKKAH8 W00DT00K HAM, #6, surrsxED exposuks ouxmo COLD WAVX PETIT JTTRT OHOSSH : TOR JANUAKY TSKK I ST CLEKX KDIHOES I . i rear floods, and more of, Winkel announced that the new is plentiful in the district! was an experiment and that ou five. i time to time the routes wee ts Sylvia Crawfetd . . . . .. «»u«Md to means that he is celebrating his _ «y nwtaieu naiqsari^nw a0s1 an. syivia eightieth b„irutiidJayj.. ^The day kius . sure f» s who haws not amppmli, ed »fro«r Lw:aia.i taken to :~th..e. All enlisted of the armed. Jack Leonard, % «f _ >n the WooLw^^«w ••. - . , - . , Cnirford. 87, who died on Sun- t9~ be an eivjoysMe one for'him, for their terminal leave ^ pay were1 pitml in a serious condition as the the January term of circiyt court, ly ^scarce of the scarcer that which in Which you live. j' , There has been much inquiry of changed to meet demands. the Red Cross as to why we nave not} The matter was referred to _ been sending more potatoes, which street and alley committee far study _ Circuit Clerk Lester Edinger last are plentiful here, to Europe, rather and report. ftftdafrwtk hos- week drew the petit jury panel for than the flour, which ia comparative-!' PURCHASES NEW TAXI ^ J . 1* ^ w M IMA In Cki- he is being'entertained tar his niece urged to make application without J^uit of ftosen feet and expoeoro The names were drawn from the " In checking up on tins, the Red , A new and modern taxi service to f/j? fnliii* • Slhii • in nn n rh rVlth »d famil^, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, further delay. IsufTered during one of the sero county voters box in the prasence Cross discovered that, in onier to now a part cf oy community. Ce«l g ^ - •_ 8hVT Kralowetx. j The call came from the Hlinois nishts last week when he atumbkd of ^ CoJSJ"!y. 3ud/*i?€n9f, k 9?" !n P?uto*8 ow»?s «*d to insure Ballowe of the McRewy i_ KeKmrv Mr. Laughlin has lived all his Veterans Commission which reported j *nd fell, unconscious, In the doorway and Deputy County Clerk Karhn that they keep under any and all pany having parchased a Ik# deceased was born in MkHenry Hfe in licHenry. Because his that only approximately 60 percentof hi. bo,^ Hecht cireumsUnces. itis to«ic- ti.c sedan for his bushies rs here, late father died when young Tom was of those eligible for terminal leave ^ who Hv€> j, be- Th«y sre: Floyd Austin and hydrate them. Even on a la^e Mle. ing designating It as * taxi husband, only 12 jmars old, hTimit to work pay have bade application. The ^ B ipped oTa patch Marion Sharing. Riley; WiUiam A the cost of dehydrating potatoes » has not as yet nusDano, A * _r_i„ v_i_ * " »- - # • "®Tea i10 "r" . n..b ni.j« r^u« r^.. T^n< between 20c and SOc per pound. will be finished _ _ Flour ^can be processed for six- Anvone desiring farm work and aad Rved her early years 1 •whg to CUeago. ' Shi»Ivors include her •t'ui early help ore for S^dBaa'tor auUif nation V« SLI iJTre" SVrk," L."*i 4%^" 20c uid JOc Mt ^ . 1 turned home at night. When he fell. „ ^ L . . . his head is thought to have hit the lUth Weber pectod, Cwsnlmioil^said, since renderinghim aaconscioas. He hi.%u^y aylw rirt«r.. thi, rq •• .. .. > 'homeVt H fiMdwl.a rd Book, Dunham; . , . Kg*. »«w. ~».,u «• ^torrr>ari. m th. gd.» Me8*"T' a Qausmlssio# said, since JJ"r^^^r:nJirjm He Porry Jones, Chemung; Oscar H. be shipped in s much naaiier space. -- ,® later the first big warn of applications has 1" Vf t^olhm- A Id en; James lUllisy, Hart- It la therefore apparent that even if Qg. 1. TfcOMM BTttd f f wden been cleuwL llie anay and navy|^*8wiflSmBaffley^^atato »»«>: Carl W. Bieike, Mable L Wil- .rare the potatoes away, they _ . ffauManlv 1W « I for the : m have a big staff sat up to Items, Seneca; Edith A. Miller, 1 would be too expensive for most re- Dwa BndflSWy M*C. » forsa Bdletenainalleava payments. S^siSTnT Wildns, Coral; Margaret l^f ^irpo^s in terms of their natri- ---- who wants was«-s istance; JfcSi is loeatod mmr Conle>, Grafton: Dorothv Tayk>r,tioaal value. Word was received at thePta^ 1 chine Shed wnicn m toeaiaa near Thomas, Qara Geske, James! -Idaaler odea m Monday aeea et Mr. and Mrs. Wolfof gj^*£*1 *°IWol2Sik;M,Ld four ^ JjS>lS ,mJt^k1ssshAM^ body is at rest at the Jacob man C®-« at 8ons funeral home until 1C y*"- , .. , ^ eVJesfc on Thursday morning, when ™ SmJlf^ain he in <^nr plant at Greenwood, then not Service Officw William R. Cairns in -- - -- - •- • g«y? ^ in operation, and dismantled the the Murphy Black at Woodstock, Thr* Slightly UjWM ltoXfSLaider building. With the material he boCt --; HM-Ob OoIBsta 87 yean old. a new l»me en his *• • -- • * , A'w?A"uL, riwJrtwfi^^lw! !M.,atnh .M toil. . la MM 1 i- in nmlrfng application for his termi- j ottare. nal leave i^MeaN the aid 0f Lw>n*rd« Dorothy Taykw,;tioaal value. Id^w o«ee en Mo«tay • StotiTaJ Mwvin nrhniil r » nome wa property east of Hrft. Lona BOfST Died In thia cosamu^wheee ^ rijsj^^o«jlad V the l^tar^ QhieafO Od Dm. IB Three local persons tajnries in a headon lfn> lima Rmw. viik a# the lata aatoa last Saturday Chicago on, accident occarrea on tatorastod Meoming rly spring taking P*rt '*Q<iiet of manner, alwaya with a ! Park, to Oak Ridge Abbey. chapel at 7819 Madison street, Forest pitel for treatment Westerman, Elmer Sahs, Irma Aldridge, Woodstock; Loo A. Beats,; Mary Shales, Greenwood; George W. j Peterson, Berniee Simes, Hebron;, Howard Thomas, Rkhaaond; Alice; Wagner, Barton; Marine Jackson, Anton Schmitt, McHenry: Loads parents of a Blodc, Martha Tseling, Lyua Gumprecht, Kunda; Alexander Russell, Ethel Beard, Frank W. Schreeder, Algonquin. ^ Births IMS, in Wflaaatta ef Dr. j Brand. Sr. Baaud, H, a phjaklaa ha WuadaHirk yuan, died aaddaady of a aeai Mr. and Mrs. William Hay are the tack at his hoase in Wflmatta. ri, barn at the Wood- The My Uea at rest ijs the on Saturday, Dae. 21., faamral heaae on Gnanlasf ai r was born en Friday, WQamtte. Funeral aeiwkaa Dec. 20, at the Woodstock hospital stB hmsmplste last evealag. teM?r VtifiL.' (BM Levee) of Shalimar are the stock hospital AJ-,- i"ThaBdec«saed™was associated with jmfie. he remembers_ ^ ^eariy -IM . , r." ll at hardships and is ever ready to lend INSTALLS RACK TRACK _ M4 c£U£ "S3S5 h«d t. tv~ i-- . B^uinr. .~i ««!,»«« « the street, their place of business being SANTA GLAUS LSTTBB8 aaaaaa Ammur tht PROTEST CONTRHIUTION UrenU of a 6 lb. 10 ea. eon, born At a special meeting of the Board M Dec. 10 at the Woodstock hoepitaL of Directors of the Crystal Lake.^ Httle feUow has been named M Chamber cf Commerce Tuesday Alien HarohL Mr. and Mrs. Joe f " _ •fteraoon, unanimous action was and Mr. and Mrs. Harry J- ivSz? _ taken protesting against the' con-. Reemer of Chicago are the proud struction of two oil tanks above grandparents. Arthur ^ ground at the Edwin Bauer lot, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wegener . ^ w»*«i YaiielJ atoi comer Main and Brink streets, ft ann. o_ unanc a the" birth of• • a 1Sd a1u^g hQtearn, *> mj. wa w» t* m**. i South Side Race track, owned by Py a hag*11** Sc^!IIrf2ll',tSUEtiier Jo- Nw >Year ^"^©"""lIcLa^rb^ been^^d8^ An^'nomato mM yd an »ro^.»g ' bookeiSs" v'oll,d ^""titute hazard, grandchild Survivors include the father, Jo- ul> mm arrnrdinr to Rav Lush, seere- some beads to string, some bookends, property valuen and raise in- Waganer, formerly af J. COMIHG BVUITS . . ' was stated the tw6 tanks would each Joan Frances, born Dae. 12 in San t q. . hold from 15 to 20,000 gallons ot KSdscTCalif. This is the first gg/* St* to "Tom" McLaughlin, been sold to Anton Domato of Chi- "f oil and would constitute a fire ba«ard, rrandchild of Mr. and Mra. Ben ""S-L an. » *•*- . u „hmne,, u8" we«k cf the passing of one of track. The auto track will be a •h!- we? nronjrty an4 ;.V ^ 1 *, ^ their neighbors, E. fesenmacher. nuarter-mile oval and will run ™ tanks would have to be underground. f 4 rTi i I ^mThlrr who died at his Chicago home on the preeent surface for only a I have ^ f JJ*5* ^ *• 4 -cainatwry^ . * jw. 17. 1M6. Funeral aerviees short distance. Only temporary bar- bring me an airplane, a big one. a ASta uL^S^Sw^ wS; Md « PHdw * t o«V*k. ri«, winJ» ««..*. Wi- nd . riok. Auk yo.. With * - . n,,|M . amnla- Mr. (Ww*Hw wm, . llipiwr. mil. Wdi » that H will b. " - v: j converted for horse . iUSIKh .spend the hclidays. ,.Jh* . i •"« I- . 1 &" 1 . . r. ,r.. Ovaaftaa Ouh, RJMk I\»na'd Doh»rt^- "rri"*<) h«*me l*st Altar asd Rosary I from CoHhla Barrackv fa.

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