, Afm X S. Oil btck flu petals1 making sure pilai are not Nrfi to break I® •• tk lut Al| ny>i> PARK PUB: 100 tmakl sr. '«'v;: Si ..*«L »• to look --to fatfibr who'll data • point aay day to civ* us all the fth|» «« want... who pral .tea hard and jrat I alert bocauo Turkey HiliM In Tot Bmt IS.00 per bein by Dm. #- • Celebris mmxim W & AT MI NE WOHDlft LAKE 'ii -bj%' »J( >•*> • *7> V & ?? ••f. 4! ,A!9 Aooordtan Kirie If. NICK hronftrill LAKR 6S1 r. ao^ erdarW FOX DE LUXEky^t F* P9K DE LUXE Em P*k ** Jbqpe. m « beer--i JSKtitnt9 Wirfyt • ? • ' . - C**^, +m>- NE CELEBRATE IHTJK U8 OAT QROWD TAVERN ^ XOHNBBUR0 •% -4'^? TURKEY, CHICKEN Plait Dinner, $LS6 Steak Mate Dtoar, .M •Jk PHONE RESERVATIONS: McHenry 640-W-2 or 382 •«a Confetti "sr •jw ID A im HETTERMANN to tea i ChrM. K. B. 'JfX Oat your children afaaest u goad Miittor gat for iA diantly ahaad aad --itonbl •dj has tfaa bad fgd hwoioOI time of Ktrrj Chiletwaa feUa butcher, tha bakar, (ha m m C jsr^n&l for yoori. yen by chum ntdn two or three of anything, I hope they aft1 that )w tonaudy wanted, th» tMac* that you be I* that am da ill bo ehcriahad. I hope M «not Had undo, rat a Una Ipteoent from some ftr whooa fan forgot to rnta card. consiatof thing* *fl3M5iM* ig^tiea t of Ma day, may t that yoa r God that --wy vmnav putm ww MW in oar district ' Tba Christoaas oibH has tnrir heeu with at this yaar. Tha Wonder Lain Ctond dab haU Ha CarMlfhtb party oaMeturday #faalM Ha MMi» Mho alt pailhlpoiaf A1 to MM UMfea folks of the The Keyboard dab of the Weed •toek Typewriter Co. gave tkob aaal party en. Saturday arodiff. dr. flUTfe* nil float to H mmc ouneeo fv#. tha Want ><>niii i ii ttitiiitimnmu at .Mm of ipartha. by tha rhlldi mi ai -Haw, iHtttn aad elab party held • started off tho A plav was pro* i of tha appor dinged, Sells, of Christmas song*, aad presented gifts aad candy* aad coffee ware •u* Of lbm. 5Jones, Mrs. fa. of a committed ones, Wau Martin, His. Peal Renter, Mrs. M. L. An open • borne ofMr. all day Saaday, Dwaabor St. . it be ia colobrattoa of tha MA if g ctfit poand aaa to tholr aad Mrs. WL ^C^HM«a witt ba hold JWBt tfc (MM i CT of Mr. and Mrs. JaaMs sat Street la Shore the faririloaMy tmm of moadsr lala aaa iavHod to MImiI AmI Joaa Bay wiU aet as hoatoas. Thora will ba fills and refroohmoata We woald nka to extend tiag hand to Mr. aad Mrs. V* *•«*» cherish k Krnst Msyer, boasa. Mrs. Siaslahrs oeosiag ana in. w. w. ^riseyst I Woafar Oaaiai. Thay haae py- & M. I, tin Mrs. QMriatmaa *-to 'MM dnMoaoa-ia h halblaj dw had . who coma to our partiaa « ah# by to laave.a giaas of astra olapiat )aUy or mk trigt nal pchratoly Swrairtad idldLMany Chrlltmaa--to ouraalf, tor ty an n put aa modi aro0k ai and loving gatllngraady tola It for ef course wa all gat ant of Christ birthdnr party laid at Janet dtChi h wad Mrs. birthday. Those aha gha thaiMolvoa fraw richer. The kindly orord, Mm spontaneous smile, the thoughtful de«d -- those are outward eapaaaaiona of Ma gaodneas inaida MM hearts aad minds of men. 4 Those of us in the newspaper business must record the little things that make news day by day. Often we wish there were lass pf pettiness in tha world and more a( the spirit of ChriateMia acattered throughout tha yaar. But the day that marks the birth of Jesus briags with it a rebirth of faith add hope and a realisation that deep down inside each peraon there are Christ^lika qualities of unselfishneas, loyalty and devotion to the highest principles of God and man. It is those qualities which make Christmas the moat joyous season of all. Truly, there ia "Joy to tha world" in abundant evidence of self-giving, of hands clasped in friendship, of hearty good wishea. How insignificant are tha little troublesome things of Mm world in the light of the Christmas spirit that pervades the world! And so we again Jain in tha gladness of the season to wioh all our friends and subscribers A MKRKY CBftUTMAS [»» "Pe Oftou «6eU Cfeftttmatf Bap Among Ma happy customs of Christmas iathat of drinking a wish for health apt happinaas to the assembled glMUs Ma early name ia a contrac- English "waaa Ifcou waO. " prepared in a Tha baaa of MM cider, waa placed aMMr lagradionta ng. It waa Man hi front of a log ware Mad above. Aa to reast. MM Juice The name Here hi cruahed of milk or |f>(aimil a inoa *uo£aj JO tfjqwj pa*ap nui n M| m VP" ipaapi ams afan o» nao aiaiadaa a 9iqin> •qaaaiq qsp ».uoq If** m* -map saq aappi asnaoaq paaooai eq ),naa samnamoe *uaap o). pjaq aaa siods mapnui ouoqqnia pio at the as party af tha Dea Woodstock had twa an fanterestiBf faagiam. The dinner held in Mto lounge >11 Talophnns XwUpsny w oodsteck for Ma girls, of the excbaage was also well attehded by years old. Other newcomers aie Mr. Thooaas 9. TMa^e wrf two BOiy. Mad 8, and Johimie, three toteths. They are the owners of the former Wiggins home on Lake Shore Drive. There will be fear generations to ceWbette at the Ghristaaa diwar at t t a f c y ^ , h o a i a . ^ H S^holldays. iC ihwe^ children will also be present aad the three grandchildren. i BOWLING LA THK MAJUOKMEXT iad ttc Mtin TWiMiMfsaf^ ;v>nm iW" tiM DECEMBER M Many of the yoaag folks will be home from the colleges aad will stay OttAlLSB LKONASP, . w9 DR. -f^NRY PREUND OPTOiamtZBT ft 51«||ain Bt, W«t McHtniy '• Jowibry Store (Olbeed thvsdaj AfterBoonsI aaiaed -- Glasses fitted^ Jag -- Yleaal BihaillatMi ^saplete Viaaal Aaalyais Mb: I to ftJiad 1 to I--Satarday Bteaiaga: I to Idl #HONB McHKNRT 1»-J LETS SPEND; dedded to quit fWrmimg ^ ^ ^ ^ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28 tc^mmMeing #t 10:00 o'clock Sharp the tollewing deeeribed paepftt|. 32 HM.A& OF LIVESTOCK 32 . . CONSISTING OP 10 RioiQSTSREb HOLSTEnr 00WB For which It Grade Cows, I papers and transfers will be jUg. Molsteia Heifers sShj^aifet^r i toSsiSi *• < amathe aU. All tttf4aad vac CONWAVS TAVERN LUNG* The best in * BOXED DRINKS. UQp^S AND BEER PHONK 36U Order yaar rubber CHRISTMAS MORNING SPECIAL jxcsmmM - year old. 1 Grade Heifer, of I'tot of the (. .CV mSL"-- «*• P.1n^Ton!SbJ H?£T ~ '"*» O--• 0"1"- aJSS^t ^*ern --Si**. TW Corn Factor; Dam, Starlight Speck Clarkdsle Master inks Princess--Sire, Dankggin Master Mara* ft-- Princess Inks of Clarkdak. rnvmr man, Factor*** ^ ^*c t o r--Lexridge Wias-ard; Dam, Starlight Lady Sarc«^lcS '?*rn ®arcMt*e~-®ip#» Lex ride Wissard; Dam, Starlight Ftoa Jtu liaR Oyrkmcrs?bgvt £NueHt»he rOlarnmds bEvc--hoS.i.r e, Rence Sir Aaggie Johanna' »P«ri«f*e,. ««. LoIq^cyiaDu^118 ^ Independence ColaaMras Cornllowar; Pant. LsdvSe#erh?nI25da,d L*dy Gerf>on--Sire' Wissard; Daa^ Stariigh* -, Tl»» b withont deabt aae ef the best herds ef cattle that will be said this winter. Anyone dasiriag ta add >oao registered cattle to their head will make no miateke aaUag their aeiectsoa from the Marftara Acree herd. CffiAXN AND XA0H1NER1 <r _ ii M* • f r mmmm 'S TAVERN" MAIN STRKST "•>. " '&rJt t'i, .. ...... ». WEST KcHKXRY Poland oats, 900 bu. esr corn, 20 bags Balb^'^nit, carSfted seed, 850 bales first cutting alfalfa hay, GOO bales second cutting «lhM» hay, 160 bales timothy hay, 460 bales straw, 16 ft. silage ia 14 ft. silo. 32 ft. silsgre in 12 ft. silo. New Massev Harris Senior tractor on rubber with starter and lights and cultivator, New John Deere Model B tractor with starter and lights on rubber with cultivator, John Deere Model 4B 2-bottom plow. 14-iach. John Deere S-bottom 14-inch plow, John Deere Modd JB 8 ft t»wA>ai Ak, New John Deere tractor fower mower, 6 ft cat No. 6 2-aec. spring- tooth harrow; 10 ft double cultipacker, S-sec. steel drag. New John Deere No. 290 tractor corn planter with fertiliser rft*** new Johh Deere power corn binder with bundle loader and wagvn hitdi. new 4-roll Boeenthal corn haaker on rubber, Lets combination --«M and silo filler No. 140, 10 ft Oliver grain drill with power lift and grass seeder, John Deere tractor side rue, 4 bar new, new John Deere hay loader. New Lindsay high spaed wagon and rack en rubber, new Fat ear Friend grain and hay elevator with wagon hoist, 1%-toa 1MT Chevrolet truck with gnda box, new motor, good tires, new UtcbteM traitor manure spree dor on robber, new BSC liaae aad pheophato Deere No. 124 combine an robber, 6 ft 2 rubber tuad whedl wheelbarrow. wheelbarrow i, 1 sled 2 stock tanks, galvanised, 2 tractor wheel weights, 76 ft. belt, 24 good milk cans, hot water heater. 2 wash teaks, alec, stirrer, pails, strainers, 8 single unit Surge milker, new rubber tired arilk can cart 8 alec, fence controls, oil burner tank beater, 4 rolls snow fhnta. 10 60 get barrels, 2 reds woven wire, 1 aet deheraers. quantity of shea teals. Two sntamatie hog waterera, hoc feeder, qaaatity ef dsMkea equipment electric aaotor, grinder, 4 new steel stanchions, 10 cenr halters, l«m tarpaulin, 00# chick suae electric brooder, Meptuae t horse motor, 1,000-lh. platform scale, 2 large feed bunka, large hay rack, 100 new steel poets, shovels, forts and mahy acMdue toe n to mention, good 12x14 portable hog house. 125 high bred high-line pullets, new variety pldadng tS per cent aft present time. ' . . . Aa this is a large sale aad aa chiaery snd igtoa it will be aeeejwary to start piaoaally at 10^0 a*«M and feed will be aali hefare luach. . THERE WILL BB A LUNCH WAGON ON 1MB Terms: All sums of 8S5.00 aad uadar ttat aaaaa amount a credit of six months at 6 par cent wjB_be the dak. ia Anyone daolriug . Na nopuii to ba ^ • TL *» , u 1 'i. '• 5 -** Av ^ MARLBORO ACRES ar.