Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Dec 1946, p. 4

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.tf f " w « r a w ( ' j r w w * » f * 1 . . . Tvr_--, .f?n * -'•-%?:';."';*>'•";.;~i*t|!SSai Mailgiiiiipi^i^iiiii^ ;w*- «* • & *» • . - '$^t£L . Jr •-* Y „» „ .« ' \ • I ' . /V ; \,„J* ' >£j^ - <!• t »f !.J KSWNb^ ^f?1. « -i '- •v- ' * Wl> •sS^fSNS- :tff . 'Vf* ;c Vfi -^"^V f» •- .1 • '• i * - ;.^ ' "* J"* -.- itfg?*! ^#••^4 it'jii m -i* ,j*-< *. >?•" *"* <•*!* *»"k»«SfeM|,-«**< ^ *v* ,*f\'«* *f^.i i- *** •"• »-*- 1-;-^r' II tf good old-fashioned Christ* mas and the best of everyj- W--*y'}- thing for the New Year.. 1; AWHENRY STATE BANK i :f: Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporatioa A * * •;• < i n i l l l l H I H I I I I I I I I I l l l l l > H l l l H I I I I I I I H I H M M > » THE IfHENRY PLAMOEALER Cattish** iwry Thursday at Meflwwy. PL, by Chutai F. Renich. A. B. M08BBR Bdttor sad Mtttftr fctmd aa seeond-daas matter ' %IM postoffiee at McHenry, IlL. «M act «f May 8, 187». One Tear ...*2.50 We cannot accept news after Tuesjday afternoon at 5 o'doclb Please ^ luu youriteins tn before the deadfine. PUfeLISHXK OF PLAUTDEALEB OH BIRTHDAY AMNTVKR8AST : Employees of the Woodstock Sentinel and the McHenry Plaindealer offices enjoyed a turkey dinner at Shady Best, near Woodstock, last ^Saturday evening. The occasion was thci nwTontj) fifth birthday annhrar sary rf Chtritt F. Renieh, editor and piAlisher of the Sentinel and publisher of the Plaindealer. The Cecil S. Skater and Mary A. Hattan Wed Friends of Cecil S. Shaler, eoowner with Ralph Boyle of the Crystal Lake Herald newspaper, will be interested to learn of his marriage last Thursday evening, Dec. 19. Mr. Shaler and Mary A. Hattan of Here* ford, England, were quietly married in the home of Raymond D. Woods, Judge Charles F. Hayes officiating. The room was attractively decorated for the holiday season, with a large Christmas tree at one side of the room. Serving as attendants were Baymond D. and Helen Woods. Others attending the service were the groom's mother, Mrs. Ann Shaler of Crystal Lake, and the Woods' daughters, Pat and Ruth. (Following a honeymoon trip, the eouple will reside with tile groom's mother for the present. m Athletic Club r __ Has Xssaa Party "dining room gaily decorated in keep- i. The Young Peoples Athletic club ing with the holiday season, the|he,d "• """P?1 Christmas party in party was festive, with one excep- connection with the regular evening's iion the absence of the guest of S^. !es 'D, „ e. gymnasium laet honor, through illness. However, his F°Uowing a few hours of family was represented by his wife, v°l^yball and basketball the group his daughter, Florence Mathias of *«thered about the decorated Christ- Tennesee, his two sisters, Miss Mary I m.i? tree in "** hall and exchanged Renich of Athens, Ga., and Miss *1"8, • * n * «*Katherine Renich of Wauconda and L, . ^ „ * : * Woodstock, and a brother, Fred G**®1, ' « Renich, of Milwaukee, Wis. At Br^l Shower " • Following the dinner, Mrs. Mathias' Ldfe™ w^in^t 5 ho«Jt SOI2 l a 1 ° f 1 ; apology for having beJn unable to ,M,Uer at her home on 8treet •contact their many friends at the Yuletide season and at the time offers greetings to one and all! one evening last week. Present to enjoy a social evening were Mrs. same j Clara Schmitt, Mrs. Clara Miller, Mrs. ^George Kiddelsen, Mrs. Betty ^ '• "Publisher and Mrs. Charles F. | Krickl, Betty Lou Krickl, Nancy SSS °f their Rudin, Dorothy Doberstein and Mrs. friends for the fact that they have {Robert Rudin. Lunch was served not found time to write, address and; at the close of the evening and «'•« mail holiday greeting cards this,Schmitt presented with a variety of y®**« lovely gifts. "On account of Mr. Renich*s ill-1 * • • insss, Mrs. Renich's time has been so West Shore Beach completely occupied with the re- Neighbors Club Meeta sponsibilities of her duties as. nurse! ,The West Shore Beach neighbors' and the care of the household that c*ub held its Christmaa meeonr at she has been unable to give any! the home of Edith Martin on Dec. tin* to the preparation and joys of i U. Members in attendance were mailing Christmas cards. | Lyall Andersen, Rose Ternberg, "During the past week Mr. Renich i S,el.en 1^a 1 uber8f» Kay Stendebach and has been confined to his home. andlHaire Joh"son 2 a. 2 ^ a a • • ••• .A I IMIt was A - A CAh ristm~a s grab iMg was the center of mueh attention, with each member pulling from it some very lovely gift Renich that friends "do not telephone 8erVed ll?* or call at this time, as it will make IfiX ™nged, with a just that much, more work fnr ifn ! celery in the center of the it is probaUe that this will conthra for a wedk or More longer. 'It is the wish of Mr. and Mrs. *:l. / • ' ju*t for Mrs. Renich, who by reason of her own physical condition is unable to respond to the calls of the telephone or additional duties other than she now has. Mr. Renich has been in the grip, _ St a psoriasis (a »kin outbreak), for; a Christmas the past several months. These Shady Rest, conditions are often long drawnout, but not otherwise serious to the patient, but he says it is the most miserable thing that has ever hap- ; pened to him in the seventy-five years of his life. He is receiving most capable and efficient medical attention and service daily. 'A recent reference by him to the platter representing a Christmas tree. This Was topped with whipped cream and cherries. * * * Evening Bridge Club Ekijoys Xmas Dinner The Evening Bridge dub enjoyed party and dinner at I oimuy Res,, near Woodsttek, on Wednesday evening of last week. An exchange of gifts followed the delicious repast. Mrs. Thomas Phalin will be next hostess to dub C. D. of A. Holds Christmas Party The C. D. of A. held the second • i V ; uy mm w vne partvyj i»n« twhree cvuururecniat card tuojuurrunaammeennvt Book of Job recalls the story of the an^ •I80 their Christmas party last patience and submission of that an- j Thursday evening. Prize winners cient patriarch to the will of God throughout his suffering and desperate trials. 14•Jvoub "h»aud buoviilus,, aannda Mnrr.. RKeenmicchh '. thinks that Job's boils were nothim; bridge j more or less then a psoriasis. He j S*1,""1*/ Ir*ne Cuffey had faith, and his Lord brought him »,,n. P"»o«hle, Phannenthrough, back to good health. ! ?tlll K^thryn Weber and Anna Fehs ^ in five hundred. were £l eanor %e, Kathryn L. Freund and Gertrude Wefcer in auction bridge; Helen Dobyns, Marie Yegge^ and Mildred Kinsala in con- Eleanor Young, Clara , e Guffey ana Marie Vales in pinochle, Laura Phannenu u ftith and patience that Job showed, Mr. Renich believes that he, too, eventually will enjov a complete recoveiy. "We wish you all a Merry Christ- S2U*!Si ^ !?py New **ar- and 2*"VJ *®r the many expressions 7"^^J.n w£c fom ot cards' ^Friends wishing to make any in- 1C2? s*ntinel office' 3BL F. and LUCY H. RENICH. Following an exchange of gifts, Mrs. A. Henn and her committee served a very tasty lunch. The next business meeting of the f r°U 2. ^ on Tnursday, Mare Trees Wisconsin . times as many forest trees last year as any other state in the Union, the U. 8. forest service announces. The Wiaconain Conservation department's nurseries produced 13,- 000,000 trees last year for *f-|r in all counties. The second lOghaat forest tree producer was New Yozk with S,910,000. Other high produoing alulat wete Wchigan, S.7IM00; •0«Djrjp^ ^J^J.100; and Pennayl. of the forest trees put department last year OA Cms. «>XU,900. farm AQNC8 MOOBEBBAD for audi comedians as Phil Baker, Fred ABen and Jack Benny? She's alwaya refused to' be typed; after that beginning she switched to dramatic arctiftg? siiSoe then she's alterthxtt dhuna> and high Nice going around the Charles Laugh ton home at prsaent; he's usfaag « heavy Oerman aooent for his role In "Arch of Triumph," and Elan Lanchester, his wits, is perfecting an authentic Rusaian one for her performance as a Russian Baroness in Republic's Nelson Eddy- Hona Massey musicaL Their own broad British accents are frequently submerged in the interests of their art. Jndy Garland's signed «p te stay with M-Q-M for a long, long time. Following her next starring role with Gene Kelly In "The Pirate' she'll Join up again with Kelly and Frank Sinatra In "The Good Old Summertime," a baseball romance, produced by Arthur Freed. "Hutnoresque," with John Garfield and Joan Crawford, brings glory to Warner Bros. It was chosen to be shown at the Opera house in Paris tor the benefit of the underprivileged children of France, the first picture ever shown there. --*-- Name it and there's a movie Star who collects it. Jane Withers likes anything made with a heart design, but Ann Doran favors owls, because once when she was out of work she found a pin with an owl figure on it, and that afternoon a studio called her. Bette Davis collects fans; started with one that had belonged to Sarah Bernhardt. Bing Crosby collected horse racing photographs, Alan Ladd and William Hoiden like rare guns. Eddie per Jr., spent right years tn Hollywood and made •ere than tS pictures, bet was M >ver really appreelated. So he beadi id tor New Yevk, where ha atade a terrific hit an the stage In "The Bed Mill." At enea he was snowed a •darby*. fers from Hollywood. M ha Isn't Intereated. Offers to da a m air shew alt* feared In, and' en Jannary 8 he'll start en what n sad te be the Bing Creeby shew. m ••• • *: seconoi aan ivev the 'Hs' •rippsifiLi AGNES MOOREHEAD, * * who's hssurd frequently on the CBS "Suspense" series-- she was brought back four times to do the thrilling "Sorry, Wrong Number" -- has been signed to play '*the other woman"ln opposition to Lauren Bacall in the forthcoming film, "Dark Passage." As Lionel Barrymore'a housekeeper in "Mayor of the Town," she's made eo many friends that she now gets more fan mail than any . other radio actress on the coast. Who'd believe that she began her radio career as a stooge Osnrggt'-iira* aeoond in its "Juvenile Jury" has certainly hit Ha stride; there's bean terrific interest in the program since its Mutual debut last May, it's only recently made its debut as a sponsored show. Universal Pictures will soon releaae the first of a series of short subjects on t^e program. And there's a tentative arrangement for the youngsters to make a week's personal appearance at New York's Winter Garden. --*-- 7 Several months ago, in cooperation with Hollywood's Actors' Laboratory theater, Benedict Bogeaus established a scholarship for a deserving young actor. Winner for 1948-47 is Rusel D. Johnson, former member of the army ifc, corps, holder of four medals. --*-- David O. Selznick hay scheduled "Sarah Bernhardt," budgeted at five million dollars, aa one of his most important 1B47 productions. Saya he hopes to bring Garbo back in it; if unable to purauade her to do it, he may star his new ^Italian find, Valli. ODDS AND ENDS-^Jmm MAMIM Mttr* mctnu, at b*r big brisk im ifimg fir tb* "Hw/jaiewrf rbiytri" «ir sbmw, wM ia#isrtfaj relw pUftd by Grtxory Ftck, jfpb Ctfn, /its Cmjjtlm mmd G*m» KmS.... Tbt wwU tonmkr •/ ft* si# pictmn, "T4» Bgg mmd I," it scbtdmltJ wir CBS tbttrnf ijMMTf If wtib CLlRd0$$0 C#jfcfVt HP 1rV--lBJ ImW ,H |W|t„wirV „f M^P #iWftnSlIrr VvvDM•I jy^l $if0 dkr* Ami/* CMy rttwtiy M btr btdtb tb*cbml %dd MM btr X«#vtft MN hamMml.... H«MJT why • bat Hmmld Hmbtr. •/ "Mytftry ef tb* Wtsb," 0*cb 4«y» r--ds s puigg ml |LA |G|G|AEME ^TAAGINML Lawn weed . plantain, ohickweed and other common lawn weeda are destroyed effectively by one treat- OMUt with the weed killer known m *44). p Before ttwougUy wQl *Ibe for tiw a»h afcfll lug water and this odor of raw fish the hands. After han»d s In ZZf'VW if ^ . "' < t-f i&i S i^'i •• :i. ripij, «<rtr 4 ' ' *.* J rtHMari Si w \*MJ£ • ^ ; -••• ;; ; * ^ -rn :• DecembeC 16 thrdUgh Tariiiary S • • • - - w ' ' •» ^ I . '>' t'l •la""1, #. • . . ... ...... ...... • .. -- . ^"- ^We-VE GOT A LOT OF SHOPWOMI, SPAVOTED STUIT THAT'S BBXK OSTTDfCHH ; ?;« ?0TO WAY ASOUiro THX STOWS Ulna SXO0SK W OTBXK wosos, A LOT or AMD DOO MBROHAMDISB TfikT WS #A*T TO fflST OTT 07 M* /'.j,, '\,1STOKS BKTOKK 1MVSSTOBT. IT TOD DQI'T "'Tv" •'ii BE Wf OAK MAKE A DEAL SAY SO^ICAY^ • &: •Mii m W 'i* *4».: •life BOYS If =M* 2 pieoe Si*e 9 to 14 $11.90 .rff H •Cv _ ,»st.*i »J i " I Is. y$,AK ^ i-f w"i " 3. V . : ' ' mm reg. price $2.19 tmxk 11 Ladies' Diduys, reg. price $1.95 T7T mmm- 17 Ladies ^Tee Shirls, ref, $1.3#, 23 Ladies' Tee Shirts, reg. $1.19 59c 11 12 Men's Melton Jackets, sixes 36 to 46, reg. $4.95... 3.69 33 Baby Bonnets, ng. 29c 'Pu.\ W 13 Oiris' Sl^xnm* Sweatert, reg. 15 Oirls* Cardigan Sweaters, reg. ^.98 ^ Boys' Coat Sweaters, reg. $2.89 ; ^ f lien's Mackinaws, sixes 36 to 46, njg^WM r~rrrri ^ P R E S S E S I WashlViissM, reg. $2.79, special _ 18 Wash QnAea, reg. $2.68, special 27 Wash Presses, reg. $3.39 special 13 Wash Presses, reg. $4.98, special : ^^kssorted Prints and Designs ^ Sixes 12 to 50 I' •* $-4-- : • Ztfr W:J VXLLOW TAd *.~.4 iw 14#:' * . V 458 i % Ju • '• n J- <-!• """BILLOW TAi i> QUAST CAHB ~ HITE ENAMEL Begnlar 98c 76c • a» '4 - V4*P^ Cans t; «Alf»T. Assorted Y" - Keg. 17c te SPECIAL 11c Siaes and Colors1 ^ Eeg. Price 196 OLEAEAIfQI •fwi 4-. * hlV/V- 'M ODDS tod ENDS •8 pkgs. Steel Wool, reg. 5c eaeh 13 Lemon Reamers, reg. 10c 94 Tumblers, reg. 5c each ........ 87 Spark Plugs, reg. 35c 187 Flashlight Batteries, reg. 8c . ... 68 Padlocks, reg. 35c .. :_r, 34 Syrnp Servers, reg. 25c 19c Svery Clearance Item Drastically f Many Otfalars Not Listed In This Ad; ^ . f f Qeorge Cellette, Owner Phone McHenry 486"'{ W.;. i- H * * ^ " v* The Friendly Store Authorised Dealei '* ^ itkmrn 'i' • %> tf J , *•«» I. * H H-J^ -* V ~ y^-V" $W$fi . * j: . \ i * j** :V-4-4 U US' • i<>-' 4i^V: ^' v- r i • 1 J j-i: • f'> "r: ^ ^ k I j",, ijjJt, zt' ••{_ - <9 7*>V. mi Main Street j West MeHeaiy, 'Vf •x.-

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