Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Dec 1946, p. 6

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#ana, -- , ^ ^ •X-Z BlW.ft Tifinwl or ttM* •* ^ «l b Mri« gtewt,, Xpt MrWsniT m BALE -- Three pair Johnson git skate*, two gMiVfitki and one 1 ay's pair. Can be Men lit Schwer i'» garage. , 9m Pare** JC, . BOATS JUST fenry Beat Co. ,-- ns 17-ft. «|y ^tettwni » SALE ---Wonder Lake ^oaie; . completely fbrfcisbfd; it: encloeed porch: cu hot •eater and sta beautifully 116 ft; hatf Wander Lake MS. if 1% fci ooet> R.-9. S0B1BSU-Rtih-E1 . SALE--Year-round Maytet and Jotq*-Man- 2»oI taoi j. mmwqiii*i » Mtf 8ALK-Kodern (-nm house, torch, side drive garit KmsmmL emy 1S» Chicago. By "Yardstick" Folka: . Doaeiu isation of Graetii Lait Sondiv the t McCollom Laxet ' Mlin, onoe 100 youngsters at their annual toner party at the Roy-Al Community Center. After a Me-bour program of songs and recitetfons by the thirty youngo# the McCullom Lake Child rens choir, under the personal direction of Otto Pyrits, idf, with a well staffed bar on hi* Santa Mmback, made his appearance , {Ml 10t eager kiddies and their parents then fined op to pass before the enthroned Santa to shake n man sns mifv v iwcnnf uuw to umfcmlm with all kinds of After districting Ms Mr load, Santa departed tarty on his good their parents _ a buffet su^ber ofddUcr pwpiwi meatsind. all tin lilies, and to ton it off all the ana ice cream they &m!d eat. violets to yen J| Otto pyrits, Barney Gr tin, Lee Sewdo, Jensen, George the elm of tin their nntiring aflbtts lb much joy to so many at this Christmas par the other memMM -ef and to fellows for ing so hearts to all grand or. FOB 81, rtoot . at MiHwuj «BJ. 60x150 ft., Mock from Center St. 22-tf ntOBLLAMSOITB for two. Or Sun. or Lane Farm, g2.g LOT EC T ytar davonpoii from lu for mfy $ZS0 6r 5-year |nhsleed psotoction. One spraying or jBetiou stops moth damage for i yoan or Bwioo pays the damage. hBsSgei's Drag Store? 3 2 M 13*. - iysr; ganisatkm we say Merry Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. WiafieM Pietsch have as guaets over the Christmas holidays Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Biddings and their daughter, Ginny, of Vail Lear, Ky. Our good neighbors, Chris D*Vore and Art Nelson, suffered painful cuts and braises last Saturday morning when a car driven by Harry Fredericks of McHenry crashed headon Into theirs on Route 120; about a mile east of the state bridge. Both cars were demolished by the impact. Our belated congratulations to Mrs. Marge JBudleng, R.N., on her birthday anniversary, Dec. 19. Education makes people easy to lend bat difficult to drive, easy to govern but impoesMe to enslave." And so with our very best wishes for a Merry Christmas to all we A.DIOS. Bittvii Thriving Dutch Port in East Indie* DRIVEN I Batavia is expected to quickly re- |Vje sell repair' •ume prewar position as capital Bill B*con, 206 trade hub of the Netherlands ~ ~ ihonel Indies. Six degrees south of the 10-tf j equator, Batavia is in the same la titude as Natal, BraziL Sixty miles " ocean. To Batavia, before the war, came cargo ships from all ovet the world, bringing imports of steel implements, cement, clothing, and European luxuries. In return, tobacco, art work, bamboo, rice, sufar, wiifw and diamonds were lean- AGE (COLLECTING --Let us! ers 00 * long list of exports. Fat, Itf year garbage each week, tittle Dutch harbor boats brought Jf desired. Reasonable i eager tourists who stared In wonder . round route, lat saronged natives, and couldn't •J®- _£• O. Box 274, Mc-1 watt to go ashore and bargain in tin none Mo. tf I markets. Westerners found it a relief to paas from the not, ataaray lower town, to the Dutch settlement in "Bavaria Centrum." An atmosphere of cleanliness and thrift pervaded the bright-tiled houses sitting in the midst of luxuriant gardens. Batavi* had an the facilities of a modern city--gas, electricity, street cars, excellent railway'and airline co»> Pactions. Shops were excellent. Custom-tailored clothes were made almost at a moment's notice. Sitting croes-legged like Industrious Buddhas, workers made fine leather articles, straw hats, and beautiful batik cloth for native turbans and sarongs and for export. Batik Is a unique product ol the Nether- Indies, Its designs worked out an elaborate dyeing Christmas Ttees, Crifa and Ceppi qalkaai trass and cribs, within respective aphane of Influence, proatta foeal pcinta tor Obaarvwnces of tin aaaoon. 1 ' • . Varie* legends claim to ten eU*r -•S(INl ttmt Chiiatiiias actually, esetfieea decor were ao cleeaiy aaaodeted with pagan celebrations that tiny were banned by many eocieslaattos at tHi early church. IV HHVTAIi -- lflBUKKIl FREE ESTIMATES . RAYCRAFT, P« O. Bex 1SS, s MS-R; W. McHenry, I1L 40-tf B SANDING--Reflnishing, vartgjMd waxing; new and old ; nee estimates. Call McHenr> 8-tf WURD TO BUT TO BUT -- Four or five suaamer home, ne%r McHettry, on *r near Pox River. Address Box "BJ," care Plafatdealer. 26-tf or four atorlas, over-aU size of the Ceppo. The whole thing Was covered with colored paper, tufts, tassels, fringes, tiny pine cones, and little flags; a jpaanger ectae wns represented on the lowest shelf, while the upper ones were covered with small gifts, etc.; wax tapers were placed along the sidsn and a large gilt cone ornamented the top. Although the original designer probably never saw a Christmas tree the Ceppo--aided by a little imagination -- bridges the gap between Christmas cribs and trees. Statjjf Bethlehem Phenomenon of Age The Star of Bethlehem has been the subject of extensive research and discussion. Modern astronomers have considered several natural phenomenon theories without attaching too much weight to any such hypothesis. atfeanicrs _ ' <^0and 10*0 WesUurs: "tm On tributed at I la Ite _ theagg. blood olota are wot» bird. _ . : 4*0 te SjOO n. ». TM t* Mi l hb 4i00t» •ev. Wm. Subscribe for The Plalndealer WE0IGARt TRUCKING ^ J. Neidert, pas»sr. St. Fetor's Cathslte - 0&AVKL - mum BLACK DOT -- nvoxarox PHONfiSs 655-R-2or Hettenmmn's Scryice--618-M-2 1 ^ joamBUBo--p.o. n t v^nsntr i-^4' ^ :~M i .njry jj»$i the first oun Jlfsederidt '& RINGWOOD nmn iiitm "Frzi mmm oi. EXTXH08 HOLIDAY OEUTIM AMD BEST WISHES TO)t A AtfP PJU»Pn0US 1947 flMRs a iM on the Something new and delicious TRY PAUL'S PIZZA Need Rubber Stamps f The PlaAaAatar OP LILT LAKK Also Italian Spaghetti and Ravioli FBANT & MAT •Bp* Bkck W-.-'ii Track for Hire 4SB-W-2 R-l McHSnry TD 1UTm i'. - ,baa|' W* .. *aa javar#ly setting tm a Chrtitmas tree tB tdgdnuni 1n Cleveland, Ohkft. SL Vrasds af. Asairi reoehred apodal parnalBslon Arm the pope te praaaM « tableau of tba scene. IUilitub, aet 19 at Greecio, Italy, In 1221, was in fanmedi «te. jMoutioa; tht endowed the cribs with ornate pag easrtsp asadeen^r, the aalb to aouthern Europe and Catholic countries what the tree is to America end northei»Jandar' Eighteenth mN|I|i Italians were fond- of a ,fiinta<tlc decorattoo catted the Ceppo. Pyrantidleal in construatlon, uio Ceppi were made on a framework Of lathea with WAHTXD WANTED -- We nave cash buyers for summer hoaoee, dty property end 'fanpe. List year property with us, Jacob Frits, Main ^ Jofculmrg, Rt. WANTED--Watches and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. I Green street, MeHeqry. (Front part of Claire Bsaely Shoppe.) li-tf ELECTRIC MOTORS . COMPLETE REPAIR SHOP Rewinding A Rebuilding Redenigniiy ipd||rr Hectric Hator Stnke *./• t BBUOK W. KLONTK 102 W. kAOnOAN ED. JOHN F. BRDA ft SON Sheet Metal and Farnace Wmk 101 N. Green St* McHenry, UL Phone 243-R CALL A Spring Grove load' * use a cottan ckdb moistened hi water «afl Castened tight plate. This heaps the pio In jdgae wiring bak- ' mg. Seine eaeia meert a stiff pa. * P*r, ftnmel in the center of the top H . 52? •• **•* }^ «»y rise in It fe:-: wtthout overflowing. Juicy fruit pies V8i' °®*n "run over because the lb "t* !2ftLt,S? •• put toe much fl)£g bdjo the tie. Because of tbslr high quality, high yield, and adaptability to cool HBgifeer, goldigr widely in nor&ern sections. It is ode af the best beans for Saturday night baked heans. r Subscribe for The PMndeeler GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE Skeptics regard the whole thing as mere invention, colored with Oriental imagery, designed to honor Christ; and faith accepts the star as the supernatural phenomenon which proclaimed the birth of Jesus. . The first chapter of the gospel according to St. Matthew begins: ~ "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the ion of Abraham ..." And confirming Bethlehem as the city of Devid, the angel of the Lord declared: "For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a SAVIOUR |diigi^is CHRIST the Lord." St. Considering tradition, which accepts that King David's shield farmed a six-pointed star, the Star of Bethlehem appropriately " .. . atood over where the youne Child wes," St. Matthew 2:0. P T U R E D ? "•. y», bat I suffer anymorm. I webr a Non-Skid, Spot-Pad Trust? WW don't: SUd, WATER PUMPS Fairbanks Morse Ejector and typee. All eisee. Complete to Install. Suaqp pumpe. pamps in trade. ENGSTROM SALES AND SERVICE TaL McHenry 000-W-1 (M0 ft. from Nell's BaBnam) Telephone All Branches Hrystal Lake nil Of Sewer Work ENRY CO. SEWER SERVICE eked Sewem Opened Withont DVfbc r By Electric MotOr-Mole and Reet CUtter Crystal Lake, Idlneis VSTc ' MeHENRT GARAGE (Rente S|| W-.V. NKZf: A. P. FRBVMD CO4& <"" Excavating Trncttig, end r --BOA1 Nelson 138 Crystal Lake Ave. T*t 1>4'M Vis*-*- McHestfy, "c&avigV* to thn Noo- 'nd Truae? Thouwnda, who aufFored, now sajoy grader comfort, with our Tnus, dasigapd. for ell forma of radacftle rupture. Coma in now. Export fitting, ayapathotio wadaratundjey right hero in own dty, whero set site la et all (fam BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Green Street McHenry T Used As Good Lnek Charm Rings of mlstietoe were worn •round the naak in flnsOan to provent alckneafc CLEANERS Ceveringa Flbor ooverlnga reoehre ^onstent use and accordingly should bo given constant care. Kew your rugs clean with daily demtag rt tr%£5, traveled areas with a suction cleaner. Pile wears off If dirt b allowed to be ground into it. Remove surface litter wth a soft bristled broom, always brushing the nap with the lay of fee pile ao that H wffl all incline in •MtST the same direction. vroBE Mocms -- mm Subscribe for The yasi ki " MiNlsti'nf : ^ # -^7^ p|r|r^ Year? Experi^p f with All Types of ^ ^ R6FR1GERATING MACHINERY ISO WASHING MACHINE " REPAIR ARLES S. PA1 Attorney (Jeelra Office Honrs: Waduepday Mtaneana 1^0-5^0 OffWe--Kooir Supply Company, in Street, West McHei cftdhry 4Mb Woodstock 11SS lenry Td. McHenry 240-J HAROLD H. BELL Painting, Paperbaaglng. Bi Old Wafl Paper With Steamer, Spray Patottag 10S N. GREEN ST. SIGN PAINTING Any Kind -- Anywhere -- Any Ttaae Window Lettering--Track Lettering EARL LAWRENCE 12S Main St. Phone Crystal Labe 10 It DeRQME -- Dentist -- 110 Green Phone 20X-J. °®*» M a. m. to dally except Wedneaday. ky McHENHV if« McHenry INSURANCE EAi|: B. WAIM Fire, Auto, Fnrm and Ua Td. Wonder Lnfce 41f DR. R. H. WATKIBfB ANIBS „ otnny Und llS-M ' McHenry Far SERTKS U V; Can J. WONDER LAKE 808 ROTHERMEL ELECTRIC SHOP MAtrkal Ceadinaaia Radio Repairs Let aa eetimeto that .next ihihhal Job of years. LEO G. ROTHERMEL, Pk* Phone McHenry S7S-M 004 RivereMe Drive DR. H. 8. Iftl Veterinarian 001 W. WnS __ HL Offke Henro: 1 pjt to 1 Escept Thaipdays Evenings by "rir^nni A. WORWigL PHOTOGRAPHER Psrtraltare "f" CemmsHlsl 175 -- ill 1 ei side Drive McHENRY/lLL. •fiif^ v No. MO 8TOFFEL * REnANSPERGER •aeianto ageats for aQ property in the beet comi West McHesuy, nbeh McHENRT FLORAL CO. Phene 404 8ontb of on Rente 11 for aB lv

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