Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Dec 1946, p. 7

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InrlMd ». V«d*Md M& and Wm. • party in GUmio, inf. - Mrs. John, • PHday aad met.her husliaiid «in came from Skin Field, Florida to •pod the holidays hare with his ' »ily. , The main street birthday dob Id a party on Mrs. flora Surtaoii George Shepard readme tk Thurs- *7 . at the WoStock Mrs. 8. W. Brawn vai a vu at WoolilaA nMay afternoon. Marion Feat of ~ visitor Xwy hospital are that fifm bar gall i Them were IB A nodal evening was spent and a pot tack supper was enjoyed. The WACJ. mat at the home «f Mrs. Roae Jepeon on lltureday afternoon. The usual business meeting ; wa« held and tlie women spent ihe afternoon serving. Mr. and Mrs- John Shadle and A silent auction will b» held at the home ef Mrs. Agnes Jencks Friday afternoon, Jan 8. K goad w»d ia looked for. Come andbrfrtg an article to Jbe anetioned off. The proceeds will go to the W.S.C.S. A Christmas program was held in the school house Friday evening. Old Santa was there to greet all the boys and girls. School cloeed Friday for the holidays. llie ponUs elf the Methodist Sunday school held their Xmas -program at the Methodist church Monday evening. Miss Virginia Jepeon returned Saturday from a vUt with <Mr holiday here with tiAr parents, Mr. and Mrs. wHInlv ffl9l» Mr. aad Mrs. Ted Kooiatra children of-Sharon, Wia^ sprat day with her mother, Mrs. Anderson. Mr. aad Mrs. Henry Hins« and Mr. and Mrs. KKrchoff of Crystal Lake spent Sunday afternoon in the Charles Peat home. • Amy Hanrieo* LN. of Madison^ Wisn ia spending the holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mrs. Mayma Harrison of McH^ry spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. J. (XjlWaon and fhm|ly» Mr. indf Mm. Paul Collins and T;.::£ m ^ 8IXTT YBAR8 AGO This first six inches of snow IbB on Tuesday. W. E. Colby shipped to Chicago last week, aeven hogs that weighed ds section is neW enjoying the Weighing ef the aaaaanT About inchee lb& S^v at ^ s- - YBODT IHVITBD .... -**4 '• uff - V.!; • , -1 s»*; " '* May Christmas fari&a joy. V and P*ao» <md Conteefr y . V-- ' y.*i , their The' Ringwood Methodist choir sang Christmas carols in front of the homes Sunday evening. The Youth Fellowship sang oaials at the homes Thursday evening. Mr. and Mr*. Walter Low and family spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thomas at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox spent Sunday afternoon with his father W. Wl Wileox near Hebron. Mrs. Joe Miller of Richmond and Mra. AL at Elgin Thursday afternoon. TIn Ifctapoo Indian Medicine company, who jure now heldinar forth at in tills Village, are drawflifcr crowded houses each evenj avertge of $1 pilfer paying an or poultry. FIFTY YEARS AGO Henry Seijap has been ousted from the postofflee at Lake Zurich and CL W Kohl is in charge. Walsh A Reynolqs^are putting id an engine at the nlBl tins week to' aseist them when the water is low. Hiey will thus be aide to grind at all times and gat work out promptly. John Evanaen £ Co., have Just put in a new cooler system, in their cold storage house an the west side. Mrs. M. A. Seariee will sell trimmed millinery fer the next 20 days regardless of coat. to drop a turkey egg t feet to a concrete floor and Sattw the shell completely, yet the cootents will not leeV. fAU ftMXKpLcApoNnPu, Mr St.'MoM N mooa»9ocntm Mm/ YOU'LL GET MORS FOR YOCR MONEY--ALWAYS--AT HBKTKK OILS. FORTY YEARS AGO I HESTER OILS A new cottage ia being erected at Howell's Villas. An elegant new organ has been placed inSt. Mary's Catholic church wave shoppers | and wttl pea! fsrthr He music for teraoon. the first time on Christmas Day. Mat and may the Year be on* filled wHfc;- f r -- i n f l ^ T * " * tinue for many ymh le 'f~. _• • "MILL INN FRANK ft JERRY WIRDEMAHN* North end of Wonder Lake at Attention Car Owners w We wish to in--wot that la iddftjoi to Mr other servioe; wo now hare % cew AapaffeMtit Km a oemp l e t e s t o e k o f . . . OENSXATOS8 . . . 8TAETB8 ... DOHnUBUtOEa Weafo^ttttle eCT the beats* path, bstjttiiniiBtN yon prompt and satisfactory Mrrke . . . I3a0 mt m " | - ! Oarage and Dealer trade inrited . Seaco Sales & Service ;--t;^:^ed J. Sroboda^ Lilymoor, Box 416, McHenry, HL, Tel 615-W-2 , Directions: Turn south from Route 120 at Lily Lake School, tnrn left at third road (leading to lakej), second building from Center avenue. Dr. and Mra. Charge Haberiein •SSgr" of Wm. Mead haa pukaeml land in Texas and will maw there with his family hr the mar folate. Mr. and Mrs. Geerce Racon of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hanly, who Aatioch speotliataraay with his have hasn making Texas their home durii turn<a the jpot two years 1 to acHenfy to reside. THIRTY YEARS AGO mether, Mrs. Jennie re- • Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carr and family spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Hunter at McHenry. Mr. aad Mrs. Lester Carr and. . .. . Mrs. Fmnkie fHenhenawi were viai- ^ The W. C. T. U. will meet with tors mt^SSLSSrSR aSrnoen. Mra. Alma Thomas on Thursday of next week. While a few have taken advantage of the excellent sleighing, the majority of »«r people are satisfied with the wheeled vehicles. Mr. aad Mrs. Ray Conway will move fkom ~ have resided will occupy Mrs. Margaret residence on Wjjnfcmiastroet. A new postofltee wuaing for the city of Woodstock may soon become a reality. Nitrogen Fertiliser Use Increases Ten-Fold •< In 45 yeara the uae of nitrogen fertmxer haa increased tenfold--from 0,000 to 01,000 tons, according to the department of agriculture's research administration scientists. Since IMS abnoet half the money farmers have spent for fertilizer has been for nitrogen, a large share of which is chemical nitrogen that has become cheaper as the last SO years brought improved synthetic of Ware are great consumers of nitrogen, both for explosives and for fertiliser to promote food production. World War II brought a doubling of plant capacity for synthetic nitrogen manufacture in the United States and Canada. According to the fertiliser specialists, some of these great plants are being converted to fertiliser production in order to assure farmers of the largest nitrogen supply for crops that they have ever had. Among the various states there are striking differences in the use of nitrogen. More than half of the fertiliser nitrogen is used in the statea along the South Atlantic and Ghilf coasts, wbtie mamr of thefreat ttse little ni. i comparatively little -fertiliser of any »rM, Flosida, Mate aqpi Otto nee most emf dth eir attrogwfc Jn mixed fndlicere, to Mtaalsaippr aad 0"**nta •mat ef M Is ueed by itael^ mrs. nay i^onway wiu Crystal Ljkka, where thev kl for the #hst year, and Bonslett's TWENTY YEARS AGO Emi( Geier has rented the buildsi> street owned l)y John |U|f Hep an anatwU Caesar, Attila, Char- Mapolean moved to the region, which aaw heavy martial traffic in both World wars. The Saar ia credited wMh having pTodwced one-tenth of Nasi Hoe and atealandona sixteenth of Nasi coal during World War IL Saar industry is intensive; its forests of chimneys are almqst lost among surrounding forests of oaks and beeches. Metropolis of the Saar and hub of several international rail and highway routes is Saarbrucken, city of 135,000 people before World War II. Rraa, where he will conduct a soft drink parlor. N. P. Jensen of Fax Lake, 111., has rented the east half of the Brefeld building on Main street, West McHenry, where he will open a retail bakery shop. Mrs. W. D. W^entwurtli has moved her household goods fntm her home on Waukegan street to her cottage on the east side of Fox river. The ice--cutting season dommeViced this week when Math Baur started work on the mill pond on Monde' Twenty-three men are employed getting the ice which is now twelve inches thick into the ice-hou||| ?n Early American Indians Used Rafts Extensively Ferry boats were a gradual development. Early American Indians used rafts made of Iwf^M of reed*, twigs or logs. Yuma Indlsns fettled goods and children across the tower Colorado rivar in lain el pottery pushed by a Colpwial America used barges, though many coaches were fer* tied across rivers in parallel canoea, ride the horses swam. h SN greet western trek in the late IMOe, aa many as 100 wagons might be lined up at km crteetofla. Except for London Bridge, ferry boats provided, the English capital's only connection with the south bank of the Thames river until 1747. Two thousand small boats, upholstered and canopied, took passengers acroas the thousand-foot river. Need Rubber Stamped The Plaindealer. Order at -The Beat Far Leef ^ FURL OIL ; v . OAflOLQTR • LUBBI0AHTS West ef C. ft N-W. R. R* WEST McHENRY, ILL. TELEPHONE MUftNRY Ml Kasy to Apply Makes Floors "HIKE!" Lottoij nfah sft a that yields e large too^i wear and prat •ssdfcrevarietyefl won't scmlsl* w|ilto er torn whits aadsr 7S0 egasm *st psr .wm'.emL' Drfss to flrn «Mh a aim 4Mb fji M Down goes the price for m very Merry a Happy Mew Year! Look over oar -save money. * W »i* *1* ' f r ,i ROMA, PRTRI, F. I. and ^ITAL SWIKB OOLOHT Muscatel, S h e r r y, Dry Sherry and Fort. •1.1$ i W k ' • • ^ •. . 7;' ,'K& , ^ '4 ;'y ROMA, FRTR1, and ITAL. SWISS OOLOMV Fort, Muscatel, Sherry Mm %-eaL ITAL1AK swiss ooloivt Burgundy, Cjftttite aad Rhiae ^ •'Tr#» "Tn'y • n "i ;-r~iiiTir oARRtrrs vnfconviA HAU Ught andRed RIRI4IMJI - light aad Rid- SPECIAL rUEftTO MICAft V ilAMXOOA. WOHDO, DOH Q, KOH 80KBA ami tamo . ¥omr Choice r- IUI tm • ' V; ' • • • i' - . f. vi .. _ KOH HXKITON, Puerto Kieaa tu : . $1.76 ~ . :-:£M pint * 1 «vV. - !-*•-«» COCKTAILS Dry Martini Cocktail Dn Bondiett Manhattan Cocktail . Da Boachett Martini Cocktail Ml] sir AFTRR D1MMRR LIQUORS De Xyp«r fifth WHISKEYS TO aav v iSiWt ' ' SOHXSLST TERES rSATSBSS 0ALVEET SKAOKAM'S T mitm old ta; PHILADRL CALVRRT Rttlftn mm CRYSTAL LAKE PAINT STORE Exclusive Deelers ef Benjamia A Moore Paiats Phone €Yystol Lake 11S0 Located across from depet Crystal Lake, 111. meat ran fats on meats grease tor oooldng mEN'S SHOP Phono 19 516 Main Street McHENRY CLUB LILYMOOR EVENING, DECEMBER CLOCK PHONE 20 206 S. Green St 00KZALBS Very fin* brmadj, B ymn ol< CORONET W. 8. Q, ** J. BAVET '.I 'SiJSisSi fifth GINS Fleischmann's, Qihey's, Kinsey's and Dixie Belle : $ : ' : ' •' -.vf '- ' • . • B££R By tli« Crm BUDWEISER. PABST, BLATZ, SCHUTZ. KRXLK1 HALF AMD HALF. Your choice at $3.40 per caM. (plus deposit) TAVERN PALE, ATLAS PRAGER, MBRtK RRAH AMD FOX DR LUXE 9119 fir (plus depeeit) CIGARS White Owl, Van Dyke, Pfcillicg Box of 50 dgaxs at es We also carry a full line ef all popular Camels. Lucky Strikes, Chesterfields, Old Mfe PfcflRg Morris, Fall lislls aad Herbert Tail j una « Carton of 200 cigarette* for only McHENRY ICR CREAM Cream of Creams The Best ia the Chocolate. Mew York and maay other We have the largest stock ia town of and domestic wines aad liquors. See Qm Were y< :rJ » I: •i:" ; -M * • f * .-i 'f £;• • ; ; l-:- - * Ai Corner Gtc«b & Km „ --i-v^r oes inm, tnp. t _ . . v . / r ~ a * * - . . * ^ H A - M

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