Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jan 1947, p. 1

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m mm m Wwrh vm «? *MS M \ KB ns imr ' $' Of' T^m»1 mdMiWr^""" I Inspiring ToWML 1§m purpose of a home town newsfee. 27, Nov. 1 I ware shocks* OfChariesSL paper, small, especially if that town is to bring its tntrty-nv# jfestt®r «riMve ne >- ployed fay tM lNdn Dkirjr is; Retiring from ttat bos away at on Prifollowsuffered on in Sweden Came to this 1?. He and in Chicago for _ business ten the ! years ago, the eouple fulfilled a dejoys, the sorrows and the stiter hap-1 sin of loaf standing when they penings which concern eiirarivds and'purchaadd a small ptaM north of conducted a chicken , **/• our neighbors. Fortunately, sin the end of the war, that news has teeO in a lighter rein, but even lfM had its share of unpleasant occurrentes which brought sadness into local homes. ^e realize that in 1947 we cannot bring to our readers only events which will brighten days; however, we can make fnat decade they who mourn the -Tospstted and haknei community. Survivors include the widaw Helen; two daughters, Mrs. Myrtle MoHitt and Mrs. Roth Wagsmfcn, both of Chicago; and one grandson, Ronald Moth*. ] lie bodytested at the Peter M. Justen funeral hone until Sunday VALID * * *• MB8.AHHAB.rOUg MID OOUSXIUS BAT ni OHIOAOO HOSPITAL (KING OUT IK QLB, m in mms The deceased was a member of Concordia Evangelical Lutheran church in Chicago. start by beginning the new year a story which should prove not wily ... satisfying but also an inspiration morning, when it was taken to the to eii who would make life more' Edgar funeral home in Chicago, pleasant for others. 1 where services were held. Interment Just a shcrt time ago, one of the was in Memorial Park cemetery, most recent of the many philan- Evanston. thropic works of Mrs. Edward Kelter came to our attention through an j article which appeared in the Ex-1 tension magazine. Mrs. Kelter has ®iven lis permission print the story. I It all began back In the year of, 1942, when Mrs. Kelter's husband! was a patient at the Mayo Brothers j hospital in Rochester, Minn. One day he saw a vision of theBlf seed Virgin in his hospital room apd intm decided that after rstuttiing home would perform some W*rk of charity in 'Thanksgiving. Continued poor1 health and the growing scarcity of materials during the war maoe it impossible for him to «arry out his To aid grocers in detection of countesfsit N|tt ration sti coninmsrs aroadvisod by the cago sagar bvanch office NOT to tear eutstampa from family ration books before turning them over to grocers. , Sugar rattening reguations have always required that stamps be detached from bocks IN THE PRESnot Last Friday, Dec. to investigate two one at Wander at A heart attack have caused the dars, 74, of passed away at daughter, Mrs. at Wonder Lake Th eff lbs. Mr •• ®f sPsHamy, wiU be wri to learn of her deatu, which oownd' on Christmas morning, Doc. 2S* 1MB, at Edgewater hos- FN in Chicag^. SImIwmI been in poor health for several months. Mrs. Poris and her late husband, who died about two yeaa ago, had --* I in the Country Club sobdlfor almost ten yean. ama, Ann* Halama and Olga ribec. Services were held at 1 p. Dec. 28 from the * " revenue to Interment was in'Bohemian i National cemeti WWwillH^ tMMirs mmk; n. on chapel at 1427 »IWy Trinity HIGHWAYS: CLEARED 07 SHOW SOON AFTER STORM OUTPUT OF COUNTV 1r944*0i OcBroMs sIS in DcOoUmBeL E •I has been - announced that Mecounty farm families last year erode and livestock with 1 vatfo.of more than $16,- doubling ENCB OP TOE GROCER at the time the sugar is bought. Thus, grocers are prohibited mm accepting loose steaifeo. By presenting loose stamps consumers mam It more difficult for gtsBOWi to detect counterfeits, the OP*, sugar office points out. Every one of the invalid stamp* that is cashed represents a loss of five pounds of sugar to the holder of a valid stamp for sugar. Diversion of sugar from thoee sharing in the still scares ropply will malm gradual easing of rationing mote dtffanlt, it was said. VETERANS ARE UROID TO KEEP ORIGINAL DISCHARGE PAPERS Priends Murphy anticipating mater 1 state than hs&re the it was that 1a 'July of IMS Mrs, Kelter deridsdi to erect a ing asany pleas for help which she leaned of through the Xtetensioa magnaifte, the need for a place of wonMp in WinieM. La., seemed most appealing. The city, with a population of 6,000 persons,.had no Catholic ehurch, the old one having been burned down by the Ku Klux Klar. Through the help of the bishop of that diocese and the priest in the nearbv city, plans were made for, -electric lights the immediate construction of a I from 2,114 to tJKO. County Census World cil of With every industry wall .tile manufacturers alone expect here to triple in the next; In this <*meectfc*, veterans who have left papers with county recorders to sure to ptek up their original papers after they haws besa roessded. «t»dy shows tint wany fym ; the opinion that Un'oNB^Psoowier improvements were made even during holds the original discharge papers the war. Since 1940, for example, for safekeeping*." Bradnev said. "This the number of farm homes reporting ia not tree, of eoS^Whonowr » has increased | v#tewn leaves his Heavy demand j f or recording «iH coeuaty church . which would withstand any, for such modernixing as installation j should not fail to pick up ttw orig> future attempts of the Klan to des-iof running water, tiling of bath- i eopy." * H^vhy Htchen layouts; Service Officer William R. CalpM % SI LAST DAT rOK RDS TO FILB t TION FORM 3 troy it rooms and Bricks were obtained fey the towns- has already resulted. I in the Murphy Block, Woodstock, #01 people at a low cost) and iflost of i Farmers in the county today hate assist any veteran who tee not it the work was done by faithful par- 800 more tractors than in 1940, pc-i ready had his discharge ishioners who were happy to be ""cording to the Bureau of Census, *nd corded by his county. realizing their di^am of a new the number of trucks on farms has' church. The structure, with a seat- likewise increased substantially. j ing capacity of 200, was completed -- . ^ earlier this year, made entirely of CHRISTMAS MEAT. bricks except for the pews and « mmm altars. The ultimate e*»t was f8,000, SALMI IN I^bHENR-Y although southern contractors eati- COUNTY TOTAL S7j633 mated that, without the help of tho1 > ' ,T< oeople of the community, it would' . 4is- f ! be,w*en MM0# Our Lady of Lourdes, named byt r**„,Ihfr'nWii.!*y«' iSJSr 2SS: JSLSSTn&'ti • SftRS^ssZhz way sang the solemn high mass, and contribution to the Christmas seal thTMost Rev. Charles Greco, Bishop fu"d; w^}er ^ cf Alexandria, officiated at the dedi- ^ K°°d ,JS* cation rites. At Mrs. Kelter's re» Mrs. Lang. Those who have not yet quest, the mass was sung in honor returned money or seals are asked to rooesiiur tourist Wtene- & itors of hotels, irding houses, motor courts in Lee, DeKal> i eounties have not >ntal registration statement, ir A. Thorsell, area rent dtreehas announced. Deadline for ling is today, Dec. 81. Mr. Thorsell emphasised that landlords of house and aoartments «ubi believed to of Otto Zen- Mich., who of his Tronson, Jr., time during in ^M^NMfeKkn^^sior^^ May we start the New Year with Zendars aninSf week previous f*®"1 of praies for the very fine to j ChriatmaflTwith hia daueh-i j°® done in clearing Sunday monitor. Tbe\jpS«ln suffered Sm «5s^djp sn^falVTrom city street* chronic asthma an4had contracted a 1 highways in this vicinity. Snow Old man 1*49 wi his- leave, OTtegdf hand to young »4f. V the poat-war problein eotttfciiO b^^remt " ' selves with ttte^M^Ml trai^dity as in the paat fpr, tei foungster will] undoubtedly Mgh| to age comparatively yoing. Uvtmm, most folks believe that the Station's trend is toward more normal living, and even the more skeptical hope this will be true. The old familiar phrases will soon proclaim the turn of years, and with that turn we realise that this . can be a happier New Year than < needy citizens many of those behind it. The im-| nium. mediate problems of war have long The budget was submitted been settled and at least part of the state budgetary commission, severs cold whicb condition. Besides the vivud by a son, Chicago, and a CSarl Olson, of Funeral servicee in Whitehall Merle Merle Bobart, alone in TUhbiaw in bid Thursday Lester, of Lake bora, who forced residence. | aggravated his who resided is fouild dead by a brother, and neighto the pkms worked continuously on the side streets in MeHenry, making driving ii pleasure very soon after our heaviest snow of the winter. It's not only a good start on the new year but also an indication of a very definite improvement to keep our roade in the very* best condition possible. Edwaril Morpfy Moderator Of Radio Difctusioft Qrovp . Incretseg FroBt 35 To 37 POT Cfcjl Ow 1M6 tte Illinois pubBe aid comjfieS6S lsst weelr announced a propoeed'bodU get of between <2Se,000,000 aqi 1250,000.000 to care for the Istatw^s -J ~ during 1M7-49 Mento thi whickf related problems of peace are in the makes recomaModataona <m appro* ' process of being adjusted. Coming to {priations to the general aasembly. . us an heir to many of the world's; The commission's rsausst repre^ worries and ills, 1M7 can come; sents increases ranging Item 25 to S7 through smiling snd strong only if per cent above the $18M*M2S apthe people who live in it work for1 propriated for the cm tent biennium peace. : ending June 80, 1M7. Even with good resolutions we can Raymond M. Hilliani, director of hardly expect an immediate end to th« pablic aid commission, said the strikes and nots in the world. We incrM4Wi funds were needed to cover can expect a happier y®ar however, contemplated boosts in assistance for even with a few of us resolute narmnnta ia mm a 11-- a awtnto make this old glebe a better place, million persons on general relief, oldiij which to live, many more persons ^ pensioners, dependent chiktatn. will find life a great deal more and blind residents. P Let's ring those bells at midnisrhc rnsmif and give a big welcome to 1947; to- iz?,J! morrow let's remember that the Kttie fellow needs help, and all the ^J£22I2L other tomorrows throughout ^ tmanis oi gcrami n year*. --« **---- that the greateat ' in old figtrs HDHCW or WOOtMMQK HXK WAS KIIXBD WfitS survived _ Allen of and Mrs. (H«to Cols of Huntlsy. Funeral aervices o'sleck on Saturday Own funeral home, the intereeted to hoar him in_» «ms| to STRUCK RY AIRPLANE coast broadcast over WBBM last 8at-, y g at 10 o'clodc. ; modwator in a university sta* k mumSvu«snSy.^ ttfucelj . TM KWO CminMn^lT, # 0. /. ... .i A returned , 26, a city last Thursday when he l^jWUTIW IIW of general age^iwdftance. and aid to Hodall, incrsasea wen payments and , State Qste AM federal ftaanefal ald in . !'z $m In CM- nu»«io« officiating. Richmond. Burial held at 1 at the Lester RRIDOES WAS S-ELEOnp HEAD Or RIOULTUfcE GROUP RED CROSS ANSWERS PUBLIC ORXTICISV OP" 4' SUPPLY DISTRIBUTION During recent months, people have been prone to criticise tb« American Red Cross distribution of Red Cross supplies in Russia. Therefore, a! statement has been releaed from was killed the government^for •truck ance, blind relief, and aUstane. ;pend^t. cbil^. v tau, 47, pas- Hilliard said the eom: tor of St George's CathoHe church nod -no increase in the . nemr Bourbonnais, I1L, atiot cf the j ceiling for old age siriatsnrs. tattli: plane which struck Cairns as th« f avsrage noonthly paymenta are «*• electrician was repairing a runway light at Municipal airport, told Deputy Coroner Lcuis Nadhemy that ne was Minded by the sun wlflo taking along a runway and failed to see him. Pather Cousbteau said lis had been given an all dear stgnsl. from the control tower before lending. The oiane struck a wing against a truck ived by Cairns sad swting: He noted Ant to , a month ia Sflll to filld a tneiit> ir Deeessber of this year. Further increases fro eenteaiplated, be a^it. He said cosfcef«ttrinr , Bert Bridges, Harvard, was reflocted i lisll of ths McHenry wuitar AgrieuHural Conservation aseieiation at a recent mooting held in Woodstock. Jobn L. Slavin, He- ... , -.. .. bton, was re-dectod vice-chairman representatives the U. and Howard E. Vogel, Richmond, re- Great Britain and the USSR, iloctod a regular member. Stanley & Chunhv^MMlley was elected first alternate and Sherman W. Brown. Woodstock, second alternate. . The following committeeman from tfs community have been named. |McHenry: Clinton E. Martin, chairman; Jobn Preund, vice-chairman; Pstur A. Frpund, regular mem- ! bfer: Ben Tonyan, first alternate; ' Arthur Home, second alternate^ Nunda: LeRoy A. Wlngate, chair in!around. The propeller caught the h and cut him on the right sids. county headquarters which read*, part, as follows: "The American Red Cross pro- nearly severing an arm. Cairns had gram was i MUgnrated in 1941 fol-1 parked the truck alongside the runlowing the Three Power conference way and had stepped out tb repair in Moscow sttended by government the light v- " 8.,' The victim was a nephew of Wil» Its liam and George Cairns of "Woodwas to formulate all plans stock and a grandson of Mr. and to Russia, including Mrs. John Cairns of Elgin. te state to not covetpi COMING EVENTS Nunda: Wlngate, chairman; Paul J. Djherty, vice-chairman-. Nels Pearson, regular member; John1 ** accorded t*0 _ EL Lindsay, first alternate; Albert H. t*in,ng its personnel in Fbaraon, second slternate. Many realnrM Plaanad •, For rami iifii Hdme my mass waa of those people who had faithfully helped .in the erection of the church, j Banquet for Benefactor 1 Following the service, parishioners! and their guest of honor drove to ( Hodge, twenty miles distant, where a banquet was held. Mrs. Kelter: started her long trip home later \ in the day, her car filled with a variety of gifts showered upon her, her heart filled with the best wishes cf several hundreds of new friends whMi die had mads through her; generosity. I In connection with this act >f another which came to our ' at ths saase time. Bo-! cause ef her reluctance to tell of her deeds, few Mcllen*y ssothers of j veterans realiae Art Mrs. Kelter was! it sponsible for dm building of one' of ths finest altar* ia Africa during { the war. I Early in IMS, through a plea re ceived from the sry Patters ia money for, the erection of in Africa, do so in order that a final check can be made. n * » i » » o i e i » e Births Alt WHI our boys erstefm letter Kelter Chrittteaa Eve meant special celebration in the home elf Dr. and Mrs. X* B. Marphy, foe* on that day they became parewti of a girl, born at the an altar j Woodstock hespHaL They have two of; other dangfitme, Mary Lynn and _i,,, ^ . a th» I death of Reinhardt be located. A vary teceived by Mrs. later, in which a missionary priest s»pm<iid the satis- j Mr. I faction whfeh he was receiving i« j little being able to offer services for our i name of ,boys, and «f the groat spirited sas|.|1k 11 which was being ffiod^rsagh kiT tec, ~ charity. I birthday llfiilteriagy on Dec. 27. Don't be the person who reads the and Mrs. Albert Tales of this city above stonr, shrugs his shoulder* j are the grandparents. snd says, "Nice gesture if you can; Mr. ami Mrs. James Weinman of do if Tfue not many of us can Spring Grove are the parents of a build churehci and altars for thoee son. born at 8t Tbsrssr hoepital who have no place of worship, hot Wfeukegan, on Friday, Dec. 27. there isn't one of us who canT do! the Itendrnds of sssafl tilings which ject to the" hoDsing regulation need not f i l e the a d d i t i o n a l d a t a . I •• • ' ^ Landlords of the following eetab-; NatiYe Of Ringwood lishments are reqtmed to fill out the »_ r> i.. registration form in duplicate and;W "6lt UUDflN ^ file both copies at the Rnckford Rent i office: Roorlis located in a hotel, j Residents of. Ringwood ware eerry rooming or boarding house, dormi-' to learn of the death of WiU Beck, tory, residence club, motor court, a native of that community, who died tourist and rental or trailer camp. "We will gladly aasist any landlord who requests aid "Mr. Thorand American Red (Jroes national headquarters in the evaluation and transmission of requests for adai- ! tional assistance. This first consignment covering $6,000,000 worth of supplies was entirely for medical i^jaJsatassNSt* Funeral' seivites were held on ^ * Thursday aflternoon at the RuM fail hmna in.Dundee, the Rev. Earl Edwards of the Methodist church Lend-Lease, to strengthen the effectiveness of Russia's war effort At, the request of ths American government the American Red Cross then undertook to sma as a channel for this procureaMK^iMA-jjilipniont of _ . „ _ ... . , .. medical »umS3rmMBZ handled: FA™.*nd I Ho™ ?*•.JSJ >>v the Attates i®®esa and on Monday, Jan. 28, in the Woodstock tsW%iEBHd^ tho high school. Of interest to women Tirntr TriMiBn sVrtTl will bs "Pasturisation of MUk in ths sSlSSP"«4A*tBKS#-ftl USSR to assistant, also the Textile Outlook," observe the distribution made and *> *0 discussed by Gordon Lowell of also to serve as a liason r^reeento- Sippson Co. Other feative between the Soviet Red Cross tur*s wUl bo^^afU, refijdsWng of January S C. D. of A.--Bushnss Meetiag. Bast River Road Pinochle ~ GoorgeOloa., ' ttmmnt- "4 Altar & Rosary Legion Hall. January S P.T.A.--Tea and Book Review. JaMMpy 9 Psst Oraciee Club, R.N-A. School TAVBRN8 in completing the forma, sell said* The Rockford Rent office is located at S12 No. Wytnan street % ' WOUNDED ON William 8. Aasendt, ^ Springs subdivision near Cary, is in a critical condition in Sherman boaptal as result ef a ahotenk wtfhnd in the right chest aaffsrstT Christesas afternoon when his wesson was accidentally discharged. The aeddent occurred in the yard near the hoase ef his parents, Mr. and Mrs. WiHam The dosaased was a iPsidsnt of West Dandsoaf jate, aiiia ha aarved p«Ueo amptois for aiaay years. CHANGES AWAITS ARRB8T When Emil Duttenhofer, 44, of Chicago, is aUe to leave St Thames hospital in Whukegan, he' will bo arrested on two, and possibly tlqw Kathleen. A daughter was born on Thurs- •ts. wtiuam vales, rne (nf Walter Sersassn, which occurred Chtfpb mas night on route 41 north of Win kegan in Lake county. Complaints cfcaTffiiMT Duttenhofer wnk Man* slaughtCT, reckless driving, and drfrwhile intoxicated, have equii "mibsequentlv as the war developed and as relief needs of the Rue. sum population became mors acute, requests were received for additional medical saaplios of all sorts and for relief rMntngi particularly for children. Supplies furnishsd by the American Rod Cross included emergency drocs, bedding, hoepital, surgical and dmkal equipment, Red Crow chapter-produced clothing, blood Warn, prsductien nmchinwry. dis- ^ . infastation, supplies and laboratory 'ana near upriag equipaisnt for local production of Sduaitte^ are new ro-1 "The 9m& Cross did nat^t UR raisr.-® •" haa been vacated , ben and Mias Margie Vender Mey's cloipdng class exhibits. ••»»o»aaa»ao»»»»oo.»a»a»eoe Among the Sick RAID i; Kane county 1 their drive last , ty of slot machinee two Carpentersville ; fiscated four machinee, two (cent play and two for ten cent ] Floyd Fideee of Caipsn«*rsvilla» jaa» prietetf of fkqrd*s tavern. Mat j Grillsm. proprietor of Raiihwa Master Roy Aim haa been a surgi- Woodstock hoii* JJ^top. tomi, Eugene Jadot ia the ^ b ra< Kiv*niH* Driv*. auff- operation Gfove to the Park a latter farm hi by the Joseph 8mith faarfty. .An BURNED vaporiser, ing signed by L. Gelling State Patrolman Donald and George Larson. in the Hugh Mur- James and Cath- McNtalty students at Miss Hayee Loyola University at Barat ooQage, ; . :** Fridsy _____________ : phy home --- _ a^22SrtyCLc"Bb! MSlaU^S teonthly meet- 7, 1047. The en the eommittee: . fUlft, Leo Hater. FATALLY which i3Tbom 'arranged to'reHeve his c^d, caught firs and fatally Mrnedi 10-montii-<^d Steven Paul Andersen. sen ef Mr. and Mta. fc*r»ur 8. Aadereen of Rodcford, last week. The child died without seeing a small toy dog and other presents which his parents had plaeodpSroynd the Christmas g«te fWwn Canta Claus. cal patient pitaL who resides house on Riverside Drive, suffbroken ana in a fall on the last wesk. Bit AHber underwent sillsctomy at Sherman on 8atunfayr. Martha Page baa patient at Victory MoMliii WianhaMn. Agnaa Malone has beaa a at VktoiT Memorial hes- Wsukagaa, araca Sunday NEW BUDGE APPROVED With the Grass Lake by the county FIND lANDSMK At In Jaaaaiy" reeBy had He tma bratten lUW d ia fan Mosan at dm Ma£* Dae. 26. penditinaa hinds." 1 CONVKT8 THANKS Mrs. Lola Walsh of Los Angele*, Calif., has written a close friend it. MeHenry of her very deep appreciation to the many residents here wfto remembered her st Christmas time. ., ,, , ' She is unable to thank all of them to,attend tno ^ ^ter and so is taking th's means the bridge's R. M- Lol superintendent is plMwiag Hnprovemsnt ef Wadswsrth iC •"»»-* *» %mpQW vimSV* ) Rbcrivbs Found guilty of the court and denied . art Bartholomew, It, of Aurora, waa aenteneed te serve a term of one te three years in Httnoie penitenitiary at noon Shturd Judge Chance A. OVaaor In esurt at Geneva. He waa c there far a c City of i vioualy. the steeats ertar cleersd if t v AUTP> fiiaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaiia^iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiawibh •h 1,%' * "i * :

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