Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jan 1947, p. 3

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"TE^SMSS H'fti twennow will bethe tw«*ty-eeventh a *:jS"- Ms WWllil nandemont laundrv. •ont Down at the bottom, hi italics, I dJ^iM tii eemfcrtiqc wbte "Wait feev H»|Mf tteaihi yew. locality, nt acecimogto these bolletimr Pm rftsdte Had this, Imt really that was what I was going todb, anyway. Has any one any for a sHsrntly used almanac ? that it ^S. W. «||ITH i ttf n 11 ii ii i tin ri iliii (By -Cam" MartkfcO h realty k«d a "bot tW at the UntaPi tome in Wh Lea last Friday. The "hot Htarally. Uii Larson and I "Jk ffTE" •a brok* laa sundry. Hot deads of live out of the laundry. toOtef water Fright water boiling on a large itlon for a tittle bard to get „ " :.tran -The eigftftt and m up to thf present, are jfeh bring suggested HICKORY KXOLL FARM AUCTION CHA& LEONARD, Anemone* - Phone Woodstock 478 The farm having been rented and "wwinir no further feed, I will sell all my personal property at auction . ffcrm situated 3 miles wesi of McHenry and 1 mile south of ioote 120 f Corners on That romance reported between Mary Anne Koesfer, rM<* of the Herbert C. Berry's, and WiU*m Porter of Hebron has eubntnated in , marriage.- The wedding took place | in the home of the groom on Christ-' mas Day. Hie bride will be remembered by the ladies of Die Rod and Guti Auxiliary as the tall drawl- ; ing beauty who assisted in the hotdog stand at-the carnival sponsored ! by the Rod and Gun Club. Mary | Anne came frcm Piqua, Kas., last FBED H. KAHLE AUCTION from the Wonder Lake jCHASi LEONARD, Aactfoaeer Phone Woedetecfc 478 MONDAY, JANUARY IS Commencing at 1:00 o'cOck sharp following described property, to- -Hi; 45 HEAD OF UVE8TOCH I Having sold our rights in lease am} our son has taken other interests, we will sell at pubic auction all our personal property on the oU John Walkup farm at the intersection cf Route No. 176 and Walkup Are. at the north edge of Crystal Lake. Consisting of Illinois, on » Holstein Cows---Many of which fresh; 2 bred heifers; 12 year heifers. TWrh as exceptionally dairy of copra and has recently a Bangs tMt. 1 purebred HohMn bull, 1 year i|d. 2 well matched teams; 1 colt, 2%U n . , s old. | Consisting of 12 Hampshire sows; 16 feeding pigs. I --*16 Choice Dairy Caws • About 1M laying hens. f # which have just • Machinery, Etc. i close springers, the balance :J_Mc-D. F-20 Farmall tractor on good. 1 registered Holstein JBwber with cultivator ;_Mc-D. 2-bot.. years TUESDAY, JAltUARY 14 Commencing at i2:00 o'clock sharp the following described property, to- •wit: ! 23 HftAD OF LIVESTOfc* MR. and MRS. JOB. H. HURMANN , ladies, bundled turned served, accompan coffee. cakes was the work of hostess Helen White, and the other. textured pound member Cath unable make the HaraWeaome sight of •*--! and water. The Lar-; a #ater heater had blown Us1 top! | For a scared second we Watched! the hot water rush toward its. j Some brief seconds later, clad in; 1 galoshes and well equipped with! I Tags, we began the mopping up process. No sooner were the floors a1 little dry, than a fresh spurt of ' j water would start us off again. j Rjght in the middle of this back j stretching work, a friend of Mrs. Larson came ruhning in. She thought I y>e house was - on fire, but soon j found she'd mistaken the escaping steam for smoke. Immediately this kind-hearted neighbor was down on the, floor mopping up with us like a trooper. l Th« »t#am and water subsided abcut fifteen minutes later. Glad that the emergency was over and that the floors were finally dry, we all gathered in the laundry room tnouaai hg aad--yeah--whoseh. S--ttftr teeh'oHSStoW ; However, we did not beat "jS*** (Lmsoo. On the contrary -we ha* i a heck of a good laugh! Bill Adams, our good Aw, ii • gone. In assembly, in studyhall, well mbs j brown eyes, his ever ready^hamor, steam boiched! his sest for life-- c^2?"»?£55,i.JTk,tJ! '• »>' mte tM nalL, that words can express. Farewell, BUI, we can never forget - h thehia Nothing "f'fc-: ff i ne^T^LSlsliS^ a few minutes in soapy water before being used, it win become s o f t e r and more d u r a b l e . ^ , " „ i S ITeary 25 _ __ French Indo-China. Ro^Uj &r^ fourths of them «re Annamese, small, with slant eyes, high cheek bones and straight black hair, Cambodians, Chains and Laotians are other important racial groups, plus a number of primitive tribes inhabiting the wilds of northern and southern mountain regions. Fewer than 50,006 Frenchmen--chiefly colonial and military officers, planters and traders--supervised this vast native population before war broke in Europe. K FITZPATRIOK'S BAR-B-O I, • .AT . 1U.B&OADWAY, •IK. 1|D KM, WX. H. ntstnm plow, extra shares; Mc-D. disc; 4-iec steel dra# with folding drawbar; walking plow; Broadcast seeder; Mc-D. corn planter with fertiliser attachment; Mc-D. mewing machine, horse; Mc-D. hay loader; Oliver side delivery rake; duttp rake. Mc4). corn binder; Papec silo filler complete with pipe; si flame and bun saw; . M en rubber; 2 hay racks on rubber; tight box wagon on steel; electric corn shelter; Case hammermttl; belt; hay fork and rope; elec. hot water heater: 2 sinks. Mc-D. miking machine, 3 single anits; 18 milk cans; 4 pails; wheelharrow on rubber; a lot' of small tools; 2 hog feeders; 4 hog houses en skids* sled; horse cultivator; lfeten Ford track, low stake; brooder •fove, oU 066. 2 hand, garden plows; stone boa4; Mbt of eloetiic cow clippers; electric Jenee outfit; 26 ft of silage; fencing; wood fence poets; poultry feeders and waterers; also smal tools and 6 feeding pigs, wt. 76 lbs. ! Feed, Machinery and 600 bu. cats, S00 bu. earn, 6 mixed hay, quantity of baled straw. ' Mc-D. 10-20 tractor; 2 14-in. AlHs i Chalmers bot tractor plow, nearly new; 8-ft tractor disc: Caae liw ... . . . filler, nearly new; J. ,D. 999 corn -niJ.. Tspilr.e-aia.fe.r planter, new; Van Brunt grain drill, nn<e>a|.rryv nnAeWw . Mc-D. corn hinder; grain binder; Mc-D. bundle loader* wtin power take off attachments; 3-sec. harrow nearly new; Mc-D. manure spreader, goo<i shape; single row cultivator; 2-row cultivator with trucks; 5 sbevel cultivator; Mc-D. mower; sulky plow. Gang plow; walking plow; new drive oeHltt;; ggaaJl vanized stock tank set of breeching harness; set o black pad harness; nlatform scales; Mc-D. corn shelter, new; 3-horse g«& Mc-D. engine; -rubber tired wagon; rack. Iron-wheel wagon and box; dump rake; Universal milking machine; 16 wash tank; Some household furniture includii gas stove, "also many articles equipment used in the operation of milk cans; 8 seamless; farm and too numerous to men- pails and strainer, There will be a lunch wagon on Jfea grounds. Terms: All suras of $25.00 and •nder that amount caah; over that amount a CMdit of six months at • per cent wfll be extended on notes approved bf the dark. Anyone deafniur credit kindly make arrange- proved before purchase is made. No'credit too nu- V • fllit y to he removed until settled ELAND MORSE* Owner in the operation of a farm merous to mention. TERMS--AU sums of $26 snd under that amount, cash, over that amount a credit of six months, at 6 per cent will be extended on notes apby the clerk. Thlise desiring kindly make arrangements National I Bank • Clerking of Woodstock, prior to purchase. No property be vfmoved until settled fcwv , :!n ' FRED H. KAHLE Owner First National Bank of Clerking to 'JW CLARENCE'S. SHOFf Eitchom cabfttets aad <mpbo*rds made to order. Full line of lawn chairs swings^ piar beiKthes, trellpicket frooes, window boxas, bird houaea, etc. Genuine leather \nen's and ladies' bel:s, puraes, etc. 1 CLARENCE SMITH McHenry r i u i -W. " -- """" m- Jjctnuborg MRS. N. family. Biggers*; rs, who made his home here< died on Friday morning in the "Biggers* home. He was taken * to Chicago for funeral and burial. O.,-c- - ljjll.|r r . ' J- * • * ' fcukBUSOKR CHSSSfSOBSSR " Wt' HAlt CHILI Seven new pupils were added to the roster at Harrison school on Monday following the two-week holiday. Three little Reinhards, Ettn and Jerome in third grade and Barbara in second, two little Olson*, Gerald in third and Eldora in sixth, and two little Serenacs, Gerald in first and Shirley in fifth. The Rheinhard's are new residents of Wonder Center, on the County "eye ide in a new home only recently completed. The Serenacs were resident* of Wonder Lake three years ago prkr to the induction of Mr. Seretiac into the armed services. \ - Served -- 11:30 a.m. to 1 pj|,: Seryed -- 11:30 p.m. to 7 pj| -t" FISH. FRY EVERY FRIDAY road next to Meyer's, and the Seren-; acs are new residents of Indian Ridge < Worn 01oj«d AO t&r Tmtkf Tavern Open Every Day I would Kke to register in the "Is my face red" department an apology to George James, the most absented-minded man, etc., etc. In relating a tale concerning this fine gentlettan, I mentioned nis wife-- but Mr. James is unmarried, he lives with his sister. I promised him that I would list him with the divorces this week in order to rectify this error. I "Bud" Schau was home on a visit ' over the New Year. He left on Tuesday morning saying that he was glad to have been home h<it that nice army camp where he is stationed is a lot more comfortably) climated these days. Bud's new address is: Pvt. Henry R. Schau, 4W€917 Co. "C"' »34th Sqn., Bt. "SEP" TAC, Greenville Army Air Base, Greenville, So. Carolina. ! SNOW PLOWING BPMPR) CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer ' The sale cf all in'areata in the following five one-room jjchool propertiea have been legally authorised and will be beld on the respective premises on SATURDAY, JANUARY 11," 1947 Cold Springs Sdbodl in Bull Valley, Dorr Townahip, at 10:j00 aon.; Lucas 8chool on Doty Road, Dorr Township, at 11:00 am.; Maple Hill School, south of Route 176, Seneca Township, at 1:30 p.m.; Oooney School, Alden Road, Hartland Town p-'f5p, at 2:30 p.m.; Deep Cut School, near overhead bridge. Hartland Townrfoip, at 3:30 p.m. In addition to properties, there will be |ange, heating plant, piano and other nptteroua articles for gale at each site. MR. AMD MRS. WM. OEFFLING fall to live with her aunt and uncle sisted by Dorothy Jones. Amcnt? here. - • 1 the adult guests were Mr. and Mrs. The young Porters will make'Fred Buck pnd Mr. and Mrs. J. their home in Hebron. jHommley of Crystal Lake, Mr. and * . ! Mrs. Richard Doyle, Mrs. Tom Cash- The many friends of the Harold in/ Mr. Be^dahl and Mr. Fran*, all of Wonder Lake. The Ringwood Unit of the Home Bureau met at the American Legion Hall in McHenry on Tuesday. Jan. 7, 1947. The lessen was on "Making Lamp Shades," and was given by Miss Margie Vander Mey, assistant home advisor for McHenry county. A book review, "Spin a Silver Dollar," was given by Mrs. Paul Walkington of Ringwood. Those attending from here were Mrs. Betty Selsdcrf, Mrs. Walter Troxell, Mrs. William Martin, Mrt. E. Dombush, Mrs. Loyld Benwell, Mrs. Victor Milbrandt, Mrs Armstrong, Mrs. J. Nixon snd Mrs. Gertrude Watkins. we are now equippea with snow plows alia ready to take care of private roads and subdivisions in need of srch work. We intend to plow early in the morning so that people can reach the bua or trains. . *•/ Make arrangements by calling 0? If: SAND & GRAVEL CO. 606 Front Street McHenry ass"' /fj r i t \: rs1 Our best wishes to Gladys kins, who has just returned the Woodstock hospital. many friends of the Hoffmans will be glad to know that they are, at long last, out of quarantine fcr whooping cough. Young Richard has returned to school iu McHenry, and baby Sharon came home Tuesday from the hospital in Chicago. • i Mr. and Mrs. Morey Cameron Greeley, Ccle.„ aad their two m Jack aad Valdan, ha«s just to fiteir home after a holiday viait in the homes of .Mr. ami Mrs. Issftih Kegel and Mr. and Mra. John Bates. Mrs. Cameron and Mrs Riegel, who are sisters, are both daognters or Mr and Mta. Ratea. Th^ma Mardtell, a third had the misfortune to lose h< band, James, last week. Mrs. Riegtl stated Aat Mr. NGarshaH had ttoen ill for some time prior to his death. The MsrahaHs were residents of Chicago. Among the current "fla" victim* R^e Bin and Mrs. WVight of the Randy Pantry. Mrs. Wright just returned from Chicago, where she underwent a seres of observation teste. Here is s proverb from Confucious which could well become the golden text of any life--"It is better to light one small candle than to the darkness." A holiday dinner in the home n Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 8mith was well attended, with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wensel and family, Charles Rowe and Mrs. Marvin Smith snd Mrs. Harold i Donald Smith and' sifter, Vernon Smith all fl This past weekend Mr«. and Mr. Mr. anil Mr*. Mr. and Mrs Keep Bees Basy The honey bee will not do ite best without encouragement, say department of agriculture bee experts. Bees will not gather honey or pollinate crops in the most efficient manner unless the hive is large enough for them to develop a large family. The minute bees fill a hive, especially a small one, they start to swarm. A swarming hive at once divides its working fore* into two parts, neither of whicfc can da the job of gathering a full crop of honey. Swarming can be GOLDEN HAMPSHIRE SWINE Wood- Mr. and Mrs. Jrsenh Smith and daughters. Bette .... * Gertrude, son, Vernon, and wife,' controlled by increasing the size of the hive. This is done by adding "supers" in such s way as to keep in step with the number of bees in the hive, and with the quantity of honey they have gathered. Bee« should never be allowed to see the end o' their *ob. Journeyed to Albert Lea, Minn.. f«> visit in the home of son, Guy Smith, and family. Another recent visitor in Minnesota was Mrs. Vicitor Milbrandt and aon. Bonnie, who visited in th* home tamdurai deed ia delivered * r„ . The lint V aby born in the stock hospital in 1947 was Lake child. Judy Anne, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. John Lockinger. was of Mr. Milbrandt's parents in Minneborn at 4:20 s.tti. on January 1, 1947, sota. If your car gets stalled these* -;nd she weighed nine pounds, .two <»avR. don't he too discouraged. Mrs.; ! ounces. , MHhrandt reports th^t her train was i The LocVngers have two other held n© for hours unaMa to get out-buildings, I children, "fihnckie" a«red • 8, and through. 1 Jeanne who will soon be 6. t • *' " * • * - The Lockhnrers mcved to Wondor The Widen hcusehold was an extri L«ke last fall, having been Wood- happy one over the. holidays when stock residents f<h- many years. their son. Jimmr, returned from army skrviee in Gennnny- The holiday party held at the homo » of Mr. and Mrs. Jaasaa Onyle for the The W< ytMmgsterA of the distefcl w it- and Gnn First Automatic Taaster The automatic toaster was Invented In ltlf. rv> of the Rod Frtday eeetir- X * . . , 9 . "J Fat Te get the best use from «~«""g as: wen as save It fl again, heed the "no When Cat is overheated point, it starts to To heap P* . Uj-ii nan iijim vow meat at compete -Dispersal Sale, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24. 1947 ~ '7'- 7'^ 10 ajn^ shaiy 35 HKAD OF SOWS, 50 TEARLINO CULTS, all bred; ISO FALL PIGS, HERD BOARS. The finest herd of purebred Hampahire Swine in HOO XqUIPHXNT uQioc in forcsoo|L " V 70 indiridnl hog honaw, 142 sow-type hoc, sdf-feadwa, . waterers, electric brooders, crates, fencing, 3 stoves, breeding crate aid many other items too numarous to n«tkNh • ATJCTIONSSRS -- "Ois" Shu# and Panl Wood, Hogs; f Oharlea (Duffy) Leonard, Kquipment.

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