Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jan 1947, p. 2

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(By Sara Spring it here tlx ran is ris, f| wonder where the birdie* i»? SUt least spring must be around the corner according to this tag's mail. Received all sorts of catalogs on how to, plant flowers and tMM. •8peaking of China brings ua pretty dose to Korea, where Pfc. Fred Svoboda Is stationed. Prom his letter* McHenry,Illinois FUDAT AMD SATURDAY In Technieokr |3udwtlt TayWr--Frank, Morgan upd "Laaafa" • -COURAGE OP LA88IE** ' ftlse TTrriftj' and News SUN. AND MON., JAN. It-* Darnell -MY DARLING CLEMENTINE" WHM Atwl CLOSED WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Bart lanrssfrr -- Ara Ganbwr . THE KHXERSP Jan. If. automatically fa two Man old. Edna Wallace Hopper's ^*Haw ttf Stay Young"11 mast be a stllwr* While on the subject of birthday s» Seyfferthe family) monopolise January. Mn. Leorra Seyfferth, Jan. 5; Clarence Seyfferth, Jtn Jan. S; OrrabeQa, Jan.. IS; Alfred Seyffarth, jSk li-Happy The coming and grand young bride, AJttae, » aM had qufte v AS fte children including the and her huaalso Mildred's births ,da y . Hiey all sat down to* big 1 turkey dinner--There were twentyone in all. It was the first the? were all together, thus making it a very hpapy occasion for Mr. and Mrs. AlSeyfferth, Sr. There will be a hot time in the old club that night. Wheat Satorda; February 1, U47. WkneT Lilymoor. What ? A Dance. benefit? For the Firemen's Fund in McHenry. Admission--Me. Chairman, Frank Keller. Come and bring all your friends and help make this a grand success. The. firemen did much in this vicinity and now it's our turn to show our appreciation. Thursday afternoon crab was held at Mrs. R. Beicker*s residence. Mr. and Mrs. W. Einspar and family spent an enjoyable Sunday in Lombard, in. It was the party JA J. M. Femmea. - Mrs. R. Krinn spent the weekend at DesPlaines. Mr. and lbs. W. Malecke took their granddaughter, Ariene Wijae, to see the Sons Henie show and now the Jack Benny of the violin can be mostly seen on the ice. Oar annual drive on Infantile waq* •'After aA, mother!" was the fHnrher several skimpy hands to attach around her bony little chest section. Bands which she thereafter referred to as "my bratopa One (fay last week, ducking her lieed and gifgttag/ fa a high voice she presented for. my approval her very firstleve letters. Written in the ciursnt langnagn of ton, it says, oa the oataide, written fa a wavering "f» slick chick, font Wta? can smU "slick chirk" without 'any difficulty, hat thatword "from" has been making trouble for turd graders for years. The fanner portion states, % love, do you love?" and there are two little boxes labeled YXB and NO far her convenience fa replying. She has obligingly written a small X fa ike Ttt Max. Down at the bottom fa the "admonition which Idlers of this age have been writing en their mfailes for centuries. It says, "Do net show acker, piece ales jleessl" heshe is vara if that fa important I have assured her that it doeant matter at alL What I know ia important is that this small wide-eyed lad has given her something tthhaatt i* s the precious thing any woman, even one is here. Mr. Yaeger has'®f only eight, cut possibly possm*. the containers at *he knowledge that she fa adored-- Cot Me OX. Hang Me Up. Oar Program For Jan. IS, Threagh Thura^ Jan. 24 MILLER THEATRE * PHONE 32 Woodstock, HI. PR -MY WED. THROUGH SAT. Jan. 15-18 DARLING CLEMENTINE" Starring Henry Fonda ' Linda Victor Walter Darnell Mature Brennait SUN, MON. & TUES. January 19-20-21 "HOLIDAY IN MEXICO" fee Carnival Cetar " t • Featuring Walter Pidgeon Roddy McDowaB Jose ItarU Jaae Powell Dona Massey Kavier Carat and His Orchestra WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY January 23-24 THE SEARCHING WIND" with Bebert Yoaag -- Sylvia Sidney Ann Rkharda Paralysis i distributed all places of business, so please contribute your dimes. One doesnt know what . the dreadful disease means until it strikes home. Mrs. W. Kurbyum just got back from Neillesville, Wis., where her neice, j 14, has been stricken. She is confined in the hospital where only her ! parents can see her through the glass. Dick Hyatt started quite a dramatics class at the Teen Age club. The fact that he hasnt found Washington vet hasn't stopped hiin. Dick, you'd better find him before he crosses the Delaware for it will be tough sledding (no snow vou know). What Dick wouldn't give for "The Life of Washington." Anyone having the book please help him out. Sunday night is usually concert night. At least it was at Club Lily- I f r l i l '.-'liraiiiriTlM zr~' -ym$ A HO*BAM> Zfnm <nw wriqIBO4 AIM " * WW OTMBR MlKMnf YOU'LL BE PROTECTED IF YOU INSIST ON HESTER OILS! HESTTER Best For Lamf on. ^ GASOLINE LTJBBICANTS Weet of C. Jk N-W. R. fe* WEST McHENRY, ILU TELEPHONE M'HENRY MI Before the assembled heads of the subdivisions and many of the parents of Harrison School children, Roland McCannon, county superintendent of schools, spoke last Wednesday in the school and explained in detail how the* school districts are set up and the methods by which they are taxed. Hie meeting was called at the insistence of the subdivision heads because of the intensely crowded condition of the school and the immediate need for relief. The 8chool Board, Kenneth Cristy, Mel Sellek and Mike Burt, working under the great difficulty of an insufficient widget, pointed out that the district is several thousand dollars in the rod at this time. The budget Dor the district was set up for a much smaller school and many lefts pupils. ^ During the, past four years the pupils in the school have risen from eighteen to seventy," and another teacher has been added. Mr. McCannon did not recommend any building at this time, due to over-inflation in building materials. Also, he felt that the true answei lies in eventual consolidation with the McHenry district so that the upper grades from Harrison would Einto McHenry, and the building. re would be reserved for several of the lower grades. The consolidation would not help the district at this time, however, as McHenry also must undertake a vast building program before such a step tttignt be advisable. It waa .decided that the school board here would try and find another teacher and rent a building where classes might be held so that, at leaat temporarily, the situation might be alleviated. * Johnny Widen left this week for South uaroiina, where he will take a poeitkhi with the Pure Oil Company. Johnny, who was the local Boy Scout leader, will be hard to replace ia -that poaition. Do you know of any young fellow with scouting experience and who likes boys who might be willing to step into this breach? The troop ma/ have to break up if a scoutmaster cannot be found. anyone wanted if Y knew the (I dent ) , they _ found me at th» Last Tuesday to find ma to population of we why aUy grade schooL , As I sat fa lflncSchoenhotts's room awaiting my keatnees, I noted the crowd stir when tfce news was nailed on tint a boy ted actually Wised a gMlin tfaehalL Ah,thonglrt I, this flavors ef Oeear Wude, no leas. Mr. 8choonhoKa ahem-ed and affixed a moat Jadlrial look on hia face. Timlin walked the culprit and Ufa girl. He was a Kg hulkfaf brute all of ft feet S inches tall. The girl, to my surprise, was a head taller than he. (He mast have been Motivated by impassioned love and leaped from atop a locker.) So, he wr severely reprimanded and deprived of his teething rinff for three weeks. (No lenient maiOhis ftfhoenhojtal) 1^en I aaw fAttl I cfuna for." To start the ' Inflinfli Paralyeiednhre for funds. a movie was shown Wed* needayTrhfa Atat is called MA New Horfaon" and >toeribes the In the core This % _ therapy consists of heat, light, and electrical treatments, and oaths in tatfa . of water. These physical treatments in merely one of the many cores fir polio supported by yoar contributions. So, give that others may live. Another item of interest qlong the medical line is the announcement by MVs. Rulien, the school nurse, that the Shick tost iter diphtheria Will be given all students. If, upon receiving this test, a student shows susceptibility to diphtheria, he will receive a booster to increase his immunity. Hub test is extremely important because of the many cases of sickness in Waukegan and surrounding vicinity. * At last, the class officers <of the Senior efass have chosen a name ti>r their winter formal. Through a rather complicated process the name chosen was "Wfafar Wonderland," and a Junior, Bon Ins Freund, Teceived the prise Mdrxor naming it. (Ah, there's the girl for me to ask.) 'fijir the aMfaftin. Lawfas, air theee di and he Ms it almoat fanto get Ufa Mt aa fast 4a Mediciae company at* few, hot their msdteinss can he fonnd at the drag store of Haaiy Colby. ... . FIFTT TSARS Harry Wfahtasaa haa been rati* eating in Chicago and vicinity the and wife trip on Thursday Sc. Mm tMr evening laat. The lMudi iMtel at Fax Lake, with Ma contenta. waa deetroved hv fin ew ilaytist «m The & M. Oma Dam, adjefaing thfa village, has been rented to John will take thrown from a wagon while hauling wood on Friday tad ew wheel pawed over the elbow fa sneh a maimer as to corncrush the FORTY YEARS AGO ;jsis A moat bountiful weddbyr was celebrated at St. Join*! uthoKc ehurch, Johnsburgh, at nine o'clock ay nonrfnt, ^Hiea Mr John and Miea Anna 8tUling wwre united in marraige by the Rev. H. M^iring. The price of butter dropped to 29 cents, steady. The out pot for the week waa 570,900 pounds. Local sportsmen are bagging many rabbits these days. Fetch fishing ia aaid to be exeeDent in the river just above the dam. C. 8. Howard recently purchased |96 worth of pelts from "Freem" (Foster of Crystal Lake. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO The Pen club is now selling orange and black pencils with the basketball schedule printed on them for only 10 cents. Also, for sale are stiacers which can be pasted on letters, papers, over wrong problems in geometry and over tKriay pupils' months to show patriotism. At 15c a pack you hafta be plenty patriotic to buy rem.) Having beaten one mighty fep- , "The Newsboya," The M. C. 3. "Kiddies"--Heueer, Hagberg, Miss Kathleen O'Reilly is a . enq>loye in the office of the McHenry garage, having started work then laat- week. Having secured a permit, the Mc- Henrv ice cream factory will start tomorrow making the newest iced delicacy known as Eskimo pies. Miss Helen A. Freund and Mr. Joseph L. Bauer were united In marraige by Rev. Charles Nix at St. Mary"s church in this village at nine o'clock on Wedneeday morning of this week. The Wilbur Lumber company's property including the lumber, coal and feed business, waa taken over this week by the Alexander Lumber company. Raad the Want Ade SmM of m-- GOLDEN BULL FARMS HAMPSHIRE SWINE A complete Diapei^l Bale, 200 The Auto-Ute Recreation Club Bowling League is led by an outstanding team of huskies who have, to date, won thirty-four games and lost only twenty. This particular team is important to us all of the boys on the team are Wonder Lakers except one. Captained by Charle* James, the team consists of John Lockinger, Roger Hansen, Robert^ Linbaugh and Jack McCafferty. YoiP will probably immediately recognize that Linbaugh is the "furriner." W are glad that we are so well represented, but then we might have known they would be good. Mr; and Mrs. P. L. Oormier and family returned this week from a fine trip to New Orleans, where they spent the holidays with the parents of Mrs. Cormier. DR. HENRY FREUND 0PT0XXTOI8T At 514 Main St., Wort MeHtvry SMKikft's Jowehfy Store .: (Ckoed Thnndaj Alternooiu^ Ryea Examined -- Gfaaasa tamal Training -- Vfaaal "Camplele . ' Vfaaal Analyato Hoars Daily: 9 to IS and I to 8--Saturday Evenfaga: I ta I'JI fja* PHONE McHBNRY 12S-J •. ^ 'Jy 1 W ^ ^ '4 t 655*^2 Of, i Hettermaxixi's Scrvke--618^^ ^OHNSBUXO--P.O. XI t WSBMnr BSMI JhM iwW Vi V ^ RfariMlRfli Me Mky Ml BOLGEEv firm 8tml 'DAM" DANISL8 LAKE SHORE CLU^; HZLICIOVS STEAKS, OHOP8, OHIOKSK, 8BBDKP AMD SAMBWIOHES • «ie Liquorf and pt course "Dan" at tlift orgafK Bob Boran, Mgr. Phono McHenry 0674-1 Route 120-Lilj Lake ytr. -m •W FRIDAY, JANUARY 24 L Starting at 10 •.m., sharp HXAD OF SOWS, 50 YEARLING OILTS, all bred; 120 PIOS, HERD BOARS. Tho finest herd of purebred Hampshire Swfiie in Aflligdtoi. V §!00 EQUIPMENT selling in forenoon. 70 individual hog houses, 142 sow-type hog, self-feeders, Watenrs, electric brooders, crates, fendng, 3 stoves, breeding crate and many other items too numerous to mention. fAKmonSBft -- "Gis" Shaw and Panl Wood, Hogs; (Duffy) Leonard, Equipment. McHenry State Bank, Clerking. Lnnch Served at Noon. Wauoooda, UL, one mile north on U.S. 12. Mary Ann Martin entertained the members of the Polly Pigtails club in her home last week. Mrs. Martin plied the little girls with ginger bread, covered with whipped cream and topped with cherries. New officers were elected at this meeting, and Helen Tronsen w unanimously voted back into the presidency. The new vice-president and treasurer is Ann McQurk. A special how to Mrs. Ruth Raedel for her great kindbees of heart. Daring a recent fraaiiing day. ahe found a Tittle sparrow with his foot eaufcht, and apparently frosen into a crack. In his efforts to free himself, the little fellow broke the leg off at the knee. Mrs. Raedel administered first aid, tied up the wound with many thicknesses of thread and finally stopped the bleeding'. This week, the little one-legged invalid, now apparently fully recovered, fiew away. Mrs. Alyee Horf entertained the ladies of the Wonder Women at a dessert luncheon laat Wedneaday. A bountiful table, laden with five different kinda of- eafaea and cookies presented more than enough for just dessert. Even fate comers--me-- were able to saaaple four cookies and moat of a fifth without making dent in the heaped up daintfaa. and daughter vJM/B Birds Bye Frozen "Sea Fresh" Haddock Fillets Lake Tront Filtete WMteflih Fillet. Fancy Frosen Halibut Steaks thnokod Ofambs Oannod Red or Pink flafanoii - Anchovies and SardiaM Mra. James i /"l p r vigour) a mkvto wumry MV MOMMY ALWAYS SUYS AUOUR MKERY 0009SAT RiwrsideBakeShop •if " * XW&r.'M tj-.vr.. •• M, '>•>"¥% ...

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