Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jan 1947, p. 1

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Hv <-P4Ts;-\' -- *- * £-» tst* ^ J '-»**'«. " ' t *--./„ W v If, . »*r- £'*-„ . ; f r ;• a-T^.'- Ji". » * | \" .•*•.*§••?€ £• .f!\ '.<• •*?-£• i. ff .. . *** 3g «ri^ ;t t\A£-.ri'«tflL- - ^ ,.Jt 5 ,S •• -V* *-.#.- v«' •> jW. •• • ••- %iSM MsHOET, nUMOlB, THUSSDAY, JAlfTJABY SS, 1947 Ho. W JkMAUflM AJftfeMfV* M% CICtHT GBOtT IS IEMOOELED AFTER SEVENTY YEARS m -:'?•: I 7J""*' •- *. Called Br* In Modernising Of County Building : l LEE GOONET, WELL KNOWN HERE, D ON MONDAY IK OHI Old time residents of KeHcnry will learn with regret of the death «f ; ~ - who on had years. The deceased was born in Chicago ;ifl in 1887, a son of Thomas F. and o passed Tuesday W. Cooney, 60 years ok), away in Cleveland, Ohio y, January SI, 1947. He- RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED REGARDING CONTROL OF COUNT? FARM, HOME The county board of supervisors adopted two resolutions at their meeting last weak, one opposed to a lessening of home government and in favor of a centralised government, poor health for many and the other management and coff=" trol of the county farm and home. The latter resolution asserts that j!** u "no pemm eligtte or ineligible to ®tta Kelter Cooney. He received; receive an old age pension or Mind . , *"* *d®®*t,on there and in Fort , assistance from the state of Illinois ' . _ . T . [Worth, Tex., and was a graduate oft shall be admitted to the county horn 'iit After approximately seventy years, j the Kent College of L*w, in Chi-1 without the written consent of th j* circuit court of McHennr «^n^ cago. I supervisor of the township, and <Sr • being remodeled into a very mod-! As a young man, Mr. Coonev!ther th*t nn Mru\n rafitijuH a eltgi] rUBUG LRRARY HAS REte l llElfe Librarians To fe Community On odnosdayB, Fridays-- -- - w - . I -- - Mr. Cooney | ther that no person receiving em-1 lie library_ wa« closad, it re-op.e n f« structure. Workmen have been homesteaded m South Dakota andlment assistance shall be eligible for Wednesday, Jan. 22, with quarters in _ _ aBd the City Hall. NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION HELD ANNUAL MEETING The twenty-eighth annual meting of the National Farm Loan association was held in Woodstock, Jan. 18, for some time now tearing i was later associated with Marshall; admission to the county home the old, in preparation for in- j Field * Co- of 5eat'»' *ny inm*te ***0 is eligible may I The library, started here by the "* » ®Qu|P*l*nt. , , , Jj* ••• chairman of the International apply for old age or blind assistance Mothers "l"*> ataay years ago, has Im .?£ f j m"^gfT?nC r tu*" T°* Cleveland_ and but upon receiving the first check, j had a rather turbulent history, not talude the following. . ? ° : Kelter Trust will leave the county home. unlike many other worthwhile pro- 1- Re-wiring of the whole court in McHenry. A genial man with| Chairman Frank E. Beck, wholjects. From a humble beginning i« %ith new electric fixtures. .bu"ne88. judgement, he was recently attended a meeting^ of a a ^ small room in the high school," the, criticlted^highway commissioner for gfie abofe B0AED or SDnSKVlSOBS APPS0VXB IN8PK0TI0H or OOUNTT BKIDOES Hoping to eliminate unnecessary expanse of repairs, in the future all bridges^ in the county will be given a routine inspection. This action J1947. One hundred members gathertoken by the board of supervisors; ed to eat a bountiful dinner served ?*t ^525®^ followiiw a discussion of; at noon by the American Legion the Walters bridge in Chemung1 Auxiliary. Wm. Meyer of Marengo township, led by the board chairman, was re-elected a director for another Flank E* Beck. , three-year term. Louis Bore hart of E. C. Corn well, highway commis- j Huntley was elected to serve out sioner of Chemung township, pre- j the unexpired term of Clayton Munsented a petition which asked that! $on, resigned. Ralph L. Ostrander, a new bridge fee erected at an esti- secretary-treasurer, in his report Farmers and homemakers of M<s mated cost of $14,000. Chairman pointed out that the association is [Henry county Mill have a day of* .V; Beck, supervisor of Chemuhg, said | in a good financial position and that, learning and interesting discussion, > that Oie matter was first presented; it is expected that the present div- j on Monday, Janiarjr 27, at Woodlast November *nd a committee had idend will be continued and probably stock Community*'high school. been appointed at that time to check increased. He said that thirty-four! Home Adviser Clara Sweeney and S'f on the structure. jnew loans totaling $173,800.00 had Farm Adviser W.'H. Tammeus have t * ^ In discussing the matter for a | been made during the year but that used suggestions made by leading V i second time, Mr. Beck asserted that seventy-seven loans for a total of)farmers and homemakers during the * some of the board members had OBSERVE COUKTY FARM AND HOME DAY ON JAR. 27 Special Features Of J Event Will Interest Local Farm People 2- Retooying all of the chairs used well known m advertising circles ccmmi#sion appointed by Governor if* spectators ^ and InsUlling the for many years. Dwight H. Green at Springfield re- &urch tyv*pew. .! Mr. Cooney was married to Helen garding the abovte action, said that S. ^ Discarding of the chairs used Gibbons of Cleveland, Ohio, who died the project is on the part of the •y jurors and installation of new jm 1019. Surviving are his son, state and federal government to {(hairs and a new ;ury box. William A. Cooney; a granddaugh- take out of the township and county. _4- Raising the court bench and ter, Marjone L«e Cooney of Cleve- governing powers which would rene^ K land; a «J8ter. M«. Frank J. Heck-(Sult in unnecessary jobs and in-1 Housed the library must toe ren * Ramodeiwig the court library mann and a brother, Martin Cooney, \ »pections. He asked that the re- aSlHoined to^Se oW tvnme %ith the idea of co-operating with both of McHenry. i solutions be a amoved * ^'"r? *ng, typing "1be Bar association in bringing this) Funeral services will be held on ^ making one large room library grew both in number of! carelessness ^ in maintainii id i ing bridges, books and in patrons until the space1 ai>d although he believed there were to /SatisfyIno grounds for criticism he was of,. . _ „ r I the opinion that the road and bridge; of Nov. 30, 1946, with an unpaid will be of special interest to alL »jfT mmmittM fk* #nfn«a ek/viiM •» , k«1anAA /\/ €1 A*77 ACtd. AC tl^ J \T O J: _a. Wanch of the court up to date and Friday morning at 10 o'clock from' PflflTTTAWfi /\p*v II/ITH •M which the lawyers of the county St. Luke's church, Lakewood, Ohio, i a will be proud °'* ! with burial in Calvary cemetery, i COUNTY DEPARTMEN TS & the ceiling several I tter the acoustics in JUSTEN WRITES ARTICLE FOR HOME ECONOMICS JOURNAL 6. Loweri to make court room. 7. Re-decorating frt the entire room, judge's chamber and OF PUBLIC ASSISTANCE Robert L. Hunter, chairman of the Illinois Merit System Council, has announced that examinations for thepart of the City Hall. However, this i VET TAKE8 EXCEPTION j following positions in the 101 down- j could not be acccAnplished until new TO STORIES CONCERNING i , modem in every way possible! Friends of Miss May E. Justen, state county departments of the: shelves could be completed to take /jt_» vwatTflV pptmo elimination of aged, repaired and home economics instructor at the ( Public Assistance are now on call: < care of the great number of books. ***8 fiflUUlon dmUEo I (391300.00, face value, had been past year in planning the sessions. paid off during the same time. The All sessions "will start at 10:30 a.m. ; , i Mi fea association members own $75,52S.00 snd will run till noon and will be • fV • « of stock and the reserves amount to | repeated at 1 p.m. allowed was insufficient /(atisfy jno of j $28,800.00. There were 362 loans asi The general session at 2:45 p.m. , • the needs. • r | fjf The school also grew and l»ft cornnri'ttee in the future should in-1 balance of $1,477,466.05. He urged Vernon S. Peterson, director of rc-fe spring the board of education de-i b.rid«fet in _ the county in an, the members to participate in the, search in the midwest for the Do- =-- cided that the small room which!e . 40 necessity of Future Payment plan, which is not! Pont Co., will give his famous leehoused library be remodeled £?.pairs or f«ouilding He added that, offered by many other lending ture on chemistry in everyday Kving. f , room | Chemung is one of the townships agencies. He suggested that they New things being developed for rge room which i *• number of bridges but i make plans now for improvements j America by industry will be shown would at least partially take care of ' • TT? next ^ lowest i and repairs so that the funds will be, and demonstrated. Mr. Peterson is' the needs of that Donular course m ,mPro**d_ highways, having only available when the materials are and' famous for his lectures all over the r t . , ' ~r' (two miles of such roads. , at a workable price. {midwest. club and*the library°committee be-; f ^h* *nd the In the re-organisation meeting the; Home Economics will include a• ,,.,t^ --1-;-- w--l. *-- / granting of the petition, a committee board re-elected John Paulsen, presi- very important subject to the farm .-..j (elected to take charge of the dent, Paul Allanson, vice-president, family and that is the new "quick , ^ Ralph L. Ostrander secretary-treat,- cold" method of pasteurisation of * » urer and Mrs. Lola Ueber, assistant Undulant fever is directly gan Packing books for removal ; wa8 selected to take charge of the Through the generosity of the City Walters bridge Council it was arranged to tempor- * arily establish the library in secretary-treasurer. The other mem- caused by raw milk from Bangs in- 8. In general making the court I lete furniture. General Prograi Information from the county seat | local high school, will be interested Junior Stenographer; Visitor I, which Few people realise today the vast ' to learn that her article, "Via Stage, involves casework services including, amount of work and worry which j Setting," appeared in the January! the investigation of eligibility of j preceded the re-opening of the' tryber of the board is N. S. Weingart. WONDER LAKE MAN HAS RETIRED FROM .... „ ____ _ riw brary. Those few a.r e the member*, English girl rec.e ntly t_o ok exception, ibwiit court room is only the first °mics, official organ of the Ameri-! public aid; and Visitor II, which con-'of the library board and the repre -- -- An ex-serviceman from the Ringwood community who married an | COMMONWEALTH EDISON fee ted cows, thus farm fssttas canrot afford to drink milk raw. Other. sessions include new equipment for i the home and the cotton textile out- • lrok. in a general program to mod- ®*n Home Economics association, sists of responsible supervisory work sentatives of the City Council who araue the entire county building, i The article describes a novel but involving supervision of a number of i have met monthly to discuss progirvising the remodeling program i practical method which Miss Justen Visitors I. ..I ress and the future plans. Board1 p: . i l• _ _ . I*.*. • nasi amnlAvail f/v faaak kaw Ua«ma_ lTn«4kAti Agricultural sessions include jects cf interest to dairymen in par- • ticular this year. Chemical weed and ; 4 so many other veterans have, toj Gvjreeoorrggee Vv.. JJaammeess,, floorrmmeerr rreessiiddeenntt bbuugg control has -a session. The n«w% appearing :n English news-jof 2944 78th ct., Elmwood Park, who soil conservation district and its . . . .. , . _ , _ ., , *s ^5" *s ^ metropolitan is now living at Wonder Lake, re- method of operation will be explain- , 1. press in this country concerning tired on a Dension from Common- »nH firm miniMmcnt will have a is the public property committee in- has employed to teach her home-! Further information and applies- members include Mrs. C. W. Goodell, treatment of their foriegn born, wealth Edison company Thursday session Chiding Supervisor T. F. Nolan, making classes the art of stage set- tion forms may be secured at any president; Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger, wives. The letter submitted to the Jan 16 A stock clerk in the pur- The 'McHenry county school surEngland very important Dear Sirs: the remodeling of the court Since it will be impossible for ing, Springfield, or 160 North La- Freund. www circuit court sessions ar« being everyone who wishes to read the Salle Street, Room 2000, Chicago; or in the county room. | article to do so, and because hci the Merit System Council office, 985 In vi«w nt the manv' vairo dur-1 story is so very interesting, we will Illinois Buildi Ing foundings, : they should at last be given , - ,. « , •feasant surroundings in which to needed, and-our Homsmaking2 class -.-n-.s«piAM nnr ^ »' pr°'i<H"« ,i IMMUNIZATION CLINIC CLASSIFIED SECTION or PAPSR 8ATISnX8 : QUIT KAMT PATEOKS Install Book Cases James farmed in Canada before com-1 putm ing to Chicago. He entered the j inutility business in 1924. •|r?rs £4^ 'I '; j of the success Here's how. "First wa read the play and studied the chsractefrs, just as we would study the members of a fam- ! ily to discover their interests, needs,; j financial situation and* the type or! has lone been co'n",unit.y in which they live. i parents in this community by Jo-j^ La"ura°»Ierin^ SmTth°wiTl have homesickness. As a matter of flct rt? its^class^^ i'rharact*™* H?viHhw »change, during the ^ternoons, and I™**j;the giris have found ^better The four new, double book cases;, seems that the fable_ published, Mr. James plans to spend much, TT A MPRHTPf YOUTH. 21 are now installed in the left side of |*y.,y°u. concerning the British Gl|0f his new-found leisure time at; utv umr aPPftTWMliw the City Hall, where the voting' bndes is carried by the news com-, landscaping gardening, a hobby which' MAY WIM ArrUiHTMMT booths were located. Certainly ths notary of our wireless radio. Since has mads his Wonder Lake home tO WEST POINT SOON - 1 site of the library is most convenient,' T1 '* a .9' bride and since one of the show places of the com-1 * -if \ Jind those in charge hope that the J noticed that this subject »s brought munity. A hot house he built him- t* F nu-kun Jr '-^5 ;if% focal public will take advantage of to life every few months in England,; 8elf i8 one of the unusual features 9,^ if* t.U the wealth of fictional and infov-! wife «nd I and some friends are! cf the James "country estate." _ !1*™P ^ ' nniinifl imiH ats^snn nmiw tnative material which is at their 1 ^tercsted. -- BEGINS HERE NEXT WEEK dU,-KJalibrary Will &pn on Wed- ^ no«.Tl we° hii7 auTt fiftosn English MADfll At f|MCC |)K|VC nesday and Friday afSSioSns and war brides. Up to date none of MAKUI Uf UIMLJ UKlVfi Letters have been sent to the ^"'5^0 ^nd**?:©©*andMB:^ p.m! more serious than occasional flight MAKING HEADWAY HERE - . . . . , . . . in the four main characters' dividing the annual immunisation program 1 ;.. w;f„ m11 -VT -T'l;kJ." surroundings than they exnected and «rv . w , . SLt^'S; rho^^ of ithe tU*e ,•?.th" "c,h ,TU'd h,VC diptK^ri. ,„d .mill V« | the £if ^ with Xir ^ corrrat M,reh part to the shortage of many items # comer Qf his own. In like manner which will be offered to all child- i ft„ anv homes. Aside from this county mv C t a h" "h2* Id Se uivided o"1",cUs? into four groups ren attending McHenry schools. The^JJ* itrSiJi feature of wife has heard from girls in Mfchi- °KT»%>-s.T!SsS.•thrfX;'± c"ni tSLi*is.„,h«1rs 1«» s&.«.* «co«. time icrtiser ||ary to a party residing many the Wisconsin border. n ineir new paign is progressing very satisfa is county, my torily, according to information r iris in Micht- cejVed this week by the local chai satisfarrechair- Roy Miller, of mile.1 :Z"u S*d.e„HS,?l5ol.nrr*pr M n'miu 'cf «!>" I»rt. <rf Illinois All .f th«.c . STkSJSf S, physicians ren^ring ^ SS """" Anwng^the latest to^tell_u8^of^his pr°ps); Mrg. Hatter was "nuts about Children attending rural schools; more popular books. partment. believe there may be something to #1 the Biblical adage about everything ' - coming to him who waits. After five years of trying for an appointment to West Point, Dickaoa has been moved from third to first alternate by Cong. Chauncey W. Reed (R-West Chicago). Dickson now an officer in the: army air corps, stationed at Stewart Field, N.Y., was named a third alternate by Reed in 1942 on the basis of civil service examinations " : 4* to rate;._,^f| and An- ' •ucc"s 1 "throuKh L our ads i ,i» ,HarYey dramatWs'r'(KatheVine""3 Co^ll" ap-wiVhin'This "district* and'"pre-scS The following books are among the bridesman riot ^'this ancTthat new chairman has been sp- 1 i*m«. w ose sma c assi e j i„ -j -- *»•- « . 5.j ««,«• ' a few °are° very1 unhappy^ !" wLld h^ve cha^^r^! »«tVrn.ta after the "prir^pal ^m1 lit,. « who will_have charge ol r he fir8t two alternates. He advanced Williams, whose small classified peare(j properly framed on the wall age children are also invited to nicst recently purchased: ad resulted in a sal# reaching in j0 0f her corner); the daughter was a attend the clinic. ! "Eisenhower Man and Soldier." like the figures of the percentage the thousands. His recently com- sports enthusiast (the physical * d..ui:~ «urks^ »• _ K ^ drive _G.I. Jiome wwt to^ the^first catjon department was a great the congressman emplt^s applicants for West Point napolis. \ The Hampshire youth finished ,.. thus rated third " ^ •) the Lincoln, Lily Lake, jater to geconc( alternate and last °8tepd week was made first alternate when edu- The Illinois Department of Public Miller; "White lowers, TJllmai; cf unhappy against the percentage Cu' * Valhiv Harriami a u -*ir-ni ; „ „« w....... _ f,.-- help Health considers it advisable to have "The Peacock Sheds His Tail,' Ho- <0f happy GI brides published. I be- rnson uirer, and Mr. Williams is con - here); and Bunny, the son, was in- every child receive the skin test, bert; 'Dark Sails," Miller; "The ]jeve a great mountain has been tho,-. fksJthe selectee for that position failed T-iu- terested in photography (the locr.I (Schick) every two to three yeare Black Rose," Costain; "The Egg and made of the proverbial molehill. As f-wnship the county a whole'10 meet ^ physical require es which are now under con- studio provided glamour in exotic to determine "whether or not he • • ' t • or I." MacDonald; "Escape the Night.;; things shape up now, the people w Cn assi^n^ a oLta of S4^0 ments' us worked on the she is now protected against *£*•.. •V' En^ probahly ^think thoir Thi, „ certf|n|y ,^t „»ucl; ^ ShouW mn.™! not qylily. neutral zone which was used by the theria. If not, a booster dose of Corbett; j'City of Trembling Leaves,", daughters are being violently mis- Rive ^ hejp in the treatment anu ;;r#) gection of your weekly newspaper whole family tead it today! Maybe you will find .<Each groUt, -- viiiiu u<iwi _ _ miim rtwi Something you wish to buy and pian with appropriate furnishings arc1, who has not been immunized should " Six of Th iaven t been able to find. Or maybe presented it to the class for criticism, receive the toxoid treatment with- farers," Wichenden; "Fountain Head," were honestly published, it may "show fu"8 "kUtnrv"VrHmn' *ou have something which is no "A iocal department store lent us out first receiving the Schick test. Rand; ' Plant Valley," BrcmfieH; a lot of misunderstanding anrf clarl- ° ^;tS n7 longer of use to you but may be SPVPrni H«mnl«s of curtains »nd draii- I , »<t™ ston M«» " .<U»r"Draeon: - K county took _care of _ thirty-five patoxoid should be administered. group worked out a floor Any child under 10 years of age tain " From SCasti le," SSfniellllUsbeSrgeeri-, tfe8ted' 8fter 1# eradication of. this dread disease. of your crimination. If the truth Last year more than 25.000 per- Them," Newman;, The. Way- were told and the percentage figures gon8 were 8tricken with the disease, 'Try And Stop Me," Serf; "Dragon: fy even more. |I Tiwee!tnh,»," Sinclair; i "GhoIlden Grsir. "• "Ooncerning the statements vI" rhn^n " ^laieme^is of Qf the disease. More than $30,000 Ber^lin ; Otizen TTnonm, PPa.1innep » Fast SmeiTstrae atment^t e Jb!yn haftihPey KRe*d '1?Cbroosust. was spent in the care and treatment of ^Henry county oolio patients l (' Dragon Harves . Si™» r'Par£ eve^ bride 1 ve spoken to has noth- in 1W6 Nine thousand of this a 1 * v. ** ek * • • tb!enree'd., „ Hilton; .LHereX s Yuourr wWarr. ATmg eri•cUatn PRpe'dj e oC ross th.®tr eaTtefd/ atnhd! amount was raised in the county and, tu_ »Vpmmi>nt fnmUh«4 ' r* Almont Knott, 55, former resi- Pyie. »firave Men," Pyle; "Tor cared for them from the time they maind^r ^he furnished the retients, two cf which died as a result | ,anger but^ several samples and drap- |ust what someone else has been eries which we experimented with npvQTAT T AW maw Wanting. _ an(j discussed as to color, type and Vfiz. ItA.ILIa «LATI The classified section has satisfied jengths appropriate for various types ABfiAIGNED IN COURT * gr«At many people. May oa Wt windows and rcoms. iVTVP ST A nnTNrL wiVV «an do the same for you! , «We decided on a large picture DlABOinU wir" ' over the setee in the neutral zoi e DELICATE1 PROBLEM on the stage setting. We had fun ---i" •ct"' •" ij"' ryie; Dr»»c men, «j«»=, »«•-• careu ior mem irom ine tney mo;nH»TVi» imrm» ««t Mrin* A delicate problem for all con- choosing that!f It had to satisfy the dent of Elgin,_ was j>e«n|r neld in Years In Japan," Grew; "Earth and left their English homes until they Una «emed arose recently when four fisherman, the dramatist, the young ti'«? county jail 111 Woodstock the past High Heaven," Graham; Yankee were united with their husbands - - p-ient 18 accord,nJ* {Mckson will be uin. ' Births 1 M m: ghildren of 3 and 4 years of age sportswoman and the photographer. \'ef"^ on a charge ^f assault with a prom Olympus," Bowen; ' were discovered in the. basement of One of our class members brought dt acly weapon as lesult of his ar-. Decision," vigils; "King's the Park Row Lutheran church in in a set of eight large prints bv ven at Crystal Lake last week. Dy Maurier; "MacArthur and the iished the word of the majority in- jn the county gV€8 to the national T. . . . . j . . . . . t o J . L . T o w n s e n d o f W o o d s t o c k . ,-npr.i 11 " ,.bel'e);ed ^&t .,f county chairman of the drive. Fifty Lr th* ,^VesV8vtted and-t pulw per cent of the amount ccntributed _ _ _ - „ , „ „ . , , - hur hshed . l*ke Geneva, breaking dishes in the American artists, which provided us M.. and Mrs. Knott had been War jn Japan " Hunt; "The Family 8tead of the minority, a lot of mis- ul_HnM«r+] iithchen and damaging Sunday school with variety in subject matter and rooming at the horn? of the^ K. G. 0n Maple Street," Gladys Taber; underttanding could be averted. The " 5„ .w looks and hymnals in the. church suitability. Fiesmans in Crystal Lake for the «Arch Of Triumph," Remarque; "Be- public of any country would rather county. parlors. The doors of the church "After the pictures --* -*"1 -i-- -- -- -K - - -* uunnv are always open and children entered eye level, the and conunited the destruction ignor- proper length ant of what they were doing. It is ranged, dustei reported that when one of the tots stotxl back and was asked if he did not know he not for long. -- -- _T - - - was in the house of God, he an- were mad! The cast and directcr of police, arrested Knott, and Mrs. cf the White House," Starlin; "Suocarried on from there. Fiesman signed a complaint against ceB!, 0n the* Farm," Hayden; "Thii "But the girls were happy. The him before Charles LaPIant, police 0f Innocence." Caldwell; "Four, stage looked beautiful and the class magistrate. The arrested man was Great Oaks," McNaughton; "Lettef rated mention in the school paper transferred to ^the county jail at to pjve Wives," Klempner; 'VAngel and on the play program. Evaluation revealed that learning had taken place and •Si '4 swered, "No, I didn't see Him. Among the Sick A Yank with a British Bride. COMING EVBNT8 Mm. Earl Gilk««o„ h., b«n . ."tud.nts^ !»««" » 0« Woodstock uted the r£^. Mb. t nt Rihny ! procedure on several plays since COUNTERFEIT 8UOAR CT^a mJedr i.c a,l patient a,t S^t. Ther e se " T™h e M a d H a t t e r s " a n d e a c h t i m e g q i i v p g IDS TTTD.KTNA f , experience of STAMPS ARE TPMOW Janoarv 23 and 31 home talent keen a nospita Too £arly To Tell," Weidman; - * *» •Und of Promise," H.v.nehunjt- 0J. g Me,tin J*'"*r' 17 Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce of center! Ringwood are the parents of a daughter, bom at the Woodstock on Friday, January 17. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin rt-- telegram from Chula Vista, , on Tuesday evening. Jan. 21, nois, Division of Service for Crippled telling of the birth that day of a Children, to give this treatment. 5 lb. son to Mr. and Mrs. Loren Mc- On the last day of the annual Cannon (Patricia Phalin). The new drive, it has been customary to con- baby is fortunate in having, bedue t dances and parties throughout sides two sets of grandparents, three the nation^ in connection with the sets of great grandparents. They . William Spencer John Phalin oi and Mrs. W. Mar- John Boppart cf «>vent Ringwood are the parents of a .i w.nir;MH has found the practical experience .. ___________ _____ AI J' whTw ^r V 1. MeHgnrv. »Ul* m,,lu*b1' " .m rMQPEWTLY Hiu has been confined to Sherman hos- ' 1 i" Pavilion of Women," Buck; * to - li. T Xf.MM W W Di [Roosevelt I Knew." Frsnc*. Mins. F,m 4 Homt"""wjod.tock Hich' MdltoriJm. pai iven on Jan. 29 and 30 in the daughter, born at the Woodstock 1 * ' ^ L!-'- L tspital on January 21. A girl was born at the Woodstock oodstock Community high schjol active biddino McHenry, underwent su Sherman hospital, Elgin evening. Richard P. Schmitt underwert surgery at the Woodstock hospital last week. urgery at AT PUBLIC SALE , Saturday Qp RUEAL SCHOOLS EDWARD J. THOMAS, A great number of counterfeit VQSMEE RESIDENT OP sugar ration stamps have been turn- * „ _ JL ,l ing up in northeastern Illinois, it THIS VICINITY, DIED has been noted recently. The situation has become so serious that scores of Edward J. Thomas, who formerly January 30 East River Road Pinochle Club--! Miss Rose Huemann. I February 1 hospital on January 21 to Mr. and MILK PRICES Mrs. Robert Gardner of Scion Mill* All producers under the Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thennes Federal milk marketing order will announce the birth of their first retail stores, restaurants and other made his home on a farm southwest j rv i Benefit Dance for McHenry Volun-1 receive a uniform blended price of child, a son, born at the Wbodstock teer Fire Department--Sponsored 34.81 per hundredweight of milk of : hospital on Wednesday morning, Jan. by Residents of Lilymoor--Club 3.5% test f. o. b. 70-mile zone for 22. Mrs. Thennes is the Icrmtr _ _ - _, Lilymoor. ALL of their December, 1946 deliv- Miss Marianne Diedrich. There was active bidding at all places of business dealing in sugar Qf McHenry, died in Woodstock last ( February 2 ! eries, A. W. Colebank, market ad-. A daughter was bom on Jan. 16 a* w«^». sights recently when five rural are liable to forget their rights to Friday morning, Jan. 17, 1947, fol* K. of C. Installation--Woodstock. ministrator announces. This is 35c to Mr. and Mrs. George Koltx of Mrs. Elizabeth Lindsay underwent schools in the Woodstock area were sugar inventories because they will lowing a stroke suffered a week pre | February 4 . lower than the November, 1946 Naperville. She has been named an appendectomy at the Woodstock sold at public auction. Sales weie be forced to replace counterfeit vious. ^ Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A. Mended price but $1.58 higher than Judith Karen. The little girl was tesvital last Thursday. as follows: Cold Springs was pur- stamps with gcod ones. | The deceased was born on Oct. 13, i February 5 i the Wended price which producers borr. on the birthday anniversary of : chased by Kenneth Fiske of Wood-1 The only way to make certain in Millard, Wis., after leaving St. MaryVSt. Patrick's School PTA. received for December, 1945 deliver her treat uncle. Robert Thompson. TRAPS RBD KMC iitock for $2,500; Lucas school was that stamps are genuine is to insist McHenry he moved to Woodstock,! February C _ Jes. ;of this city. Mrs. Anna DeMicheie, residing purchased by Leo Zimmerman of upon the householder producing the where he had resided for thirty C. D. of A.--Business Meeting. 1 • ; Woodstock, last week reported Woodst** for $3,550; Maple Hill ration book when making a su$ar y«ars. February 16 NOTICE | "CONSIDERATE** BURGLARS * _« - i**-- -- - " " ~ * ' Under regulations, a report must! "Considerate" burglars entered the be made to the county committee on McClure gas station near Harvard i or before Feb. 1, 1947, of all eonser- last week, and took merchandise and that was valued at I11S. program. Failure to1 The taievea took four new tires, make this report by the deadline: nine tubes, a battery, and a hydraaidate will result in forfeiture of i ic jack. "They could payments otherwise earned. All! more, bat they i farmers or landowners who have not, choosy,** Proprietor reported the completion of approved | said. " 194C conservation practices are urged i More ttwfai 80 market events and to *> so immediately. trade shafai held in Chia^a < i larty eadb year attract av«arda 41 |."Ja that she trapj^d a red fox on her school was purchased by LeRoy purchase^ This is also a stipulation Survivors include the wife, Mr*.1 Public Party--Sponsored by PTA-- farm. The fox had been destroying Clark of Woodstock for $1,665; of the OPA which does not permit Georgia Thomas; one son. Earl Parochial School Hall. Pheasants and rabbits. Mrs. De- Cocney school was bought by Charles loose stamps to be accepted for; Thomas, of Aurora; and a daughter. Ifiehele was quite dated ovlr her Swanson of Marengo for $2^75;. sug*f rations . I Mrs. Elaine Donakbion, of Chicago. » Achievement because of the menace and Dep Cut school was purchased All stamps surrendered to whole- Services were held at the Merwin Woodstock for j salers for additional sugar supplies funeral heme in WV>odstock on ~ jare credited to the individual dealer's day, Jan. 19. st 2 o'clock. Rev. - ^achievement the fox was around her farm. by Vito Delia of fori Woodstock Sun $2,030. i>re Albni RENDERS DECISION i The great interest shown in the account and any of the stamps^ found Tavenner officiating. Burial was in Jadge William M. Carroll, in Mc- sales was due to the current housing to be false must be repUiced witn Oakland cemetcry. snry co. circuit court, on Dec. 16,ishortage,, the structures being sold npUee the pagar invantonr. February 28 2X' handed down a decision in the for dwellings, jmvt action of Leretta M. Jurjena v:"eft-dghicagesr W Bruno Jurjena, dismissing the- Miss G«ry Carey «P««t Satarday "wmm for want «f,a«uty- •>r'- ft: ||>4i|| Want Ada --j ... unuj'/ •'/ « ^ ^ it * Chicago has over 8^009 -wholesale i after a long period of poor health, establishnsent*. ,THair cemhined A former McHenry anorney, Mr. aalea volume in 194ft approximated j Hayes moved to Califamia many Immunization Clinic--Grade School, vation practices carried out under equipment vah the 1946 ASP to' thieves, , am have got aneh iwawstn were JoimllcChBe i tlS^l sha4ra Im FRANK HATES DIES Friends of Frank Hayes, formerly of Woodstock, will be sorry to learn of hie death, which occurred in San Diego, Calif., on Thnraday, Jan. 16, - 4 \ I - .1

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