Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jan 1947, p. 2

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Ml (ly Mm. Gtosn 9nmiU Kn. Lector Carr entertained the it *W club at her honi A 1 o'deck luncheon Prises mn awarded Hn, B. I* Whiting1 and Mrs. BDawley. Benoy of Woodstock called on • , Mis. Paul Walkington Ir. and Mrs. George Shepard entertained the "500" club at their MM Thursday evening. Prises were <*M~ • i- . Colony MeHe&ry, Illinois FRIDAY and SATURDAY •» ;' • ;-"*v ¥ " MB Garfield Geraldine FiUgeraW "NOBODY LIVES FOREVER1' Pkn--Sheet • Subjects v.„> • • SUNDAY and MONDAY FEB. 2 and 3 Margaret O'Brien Lionel Barry more "THREE WISE FOOLS" Phi--Cartoon and World News TUESDAY WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Darathy Lamonr Artaro de Cordova 'MASQUERADE IN MEXICO" Plna--TTiree Short Subjects awarded ot Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, hirh, Mrs. Weldon Andeaa and E. E. Whiting, low. Mrs. Frankie Stephenson returned to her home Wednesday from the Woodstock hospital. Miss Virginia Jepson, R. N., spent Wednesday night with har sister, Mrs. Roland McCannon, at Woodstock. Paul Shadle of Champaign is visiting his parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Wolf Shadle. Mrs. Rose Jepson returned home Wednesday Croin Armstrong, 0)1. where she visited her daughter, Mrs. Ansel Dewey, and family. The WSCS held a box social at Muzzy's hall Friday evening. The boxes were auctioned off by Fred Wiedrich, Jr. One hundred thirtyseven dollars was taken in. Donna J£ae Low returned to her home Saturday from St. Therese hospital, where she was taken suffering with pneumonia. She is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlein spent Friday in Chicago. Mrs. A. H. Jones; and Mrs. Rose Winn of Fox-* Lake were callers at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Collins Saturday. ho"®- . „ Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Walter j Mi-. and Ml^ Elmer Carr and Wilcox were visitors at Woodstock family spent Sunday w?th_ her moth- Monday. Dr. and Mrs. George Haberlein of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlein. Mr. and ibl Al ton l(r. and Mra, and fiunily of nwint with har parents, Mr. Mn. Oltoar Lnufanca. meettaff in tha Gospel church Sunday afternoon. • Mr. and Mrs. Curly Wilton add Barbara Laurence of Elgin spent Sunday in the Oliver Laurence bona. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Smith and aim, Dick, of Chicago wart callers at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith, on Wednesday. Dick Kelley and Milton Laurence spent Saturday night in tha Robert VanDusen home in Elgin. Mrs, Leuis Hawley spent Tuesday in Chicago. j Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and sons of Chicago spent Sunday with het parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch spent Saturday with liit mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Miss Eleanor Pries of Chicago spent Sunday in the Wolf Shadle 7s hm mi £jfv at McHanry art rrtt canter hMMaat~ m uFSr m irmly r, Mrs. Hunter, at McHenry. Frank Muzzy and family and Mrs. Stanford visited relatives at Marengo Sunday. . Charles Carr visited his daughter, Mrs. George Shepard tMrs. Dewey Beck, and family at Arspent Sunday in the Alan Ainger *mJ£°n Jeights, Friday. home at Hebron. The Ringwod Rofcnd-up club met Mrs. Harold Abbott, Mrs:' Laura Murzy E hal,1 Sunday evening. Peet and Mrs. Wilmer Montanye and Games were played and a social sons of Woodstock spent Sunday af- *"?e was sP?nt- Mr. and Mrs. Louis ternoon in the Beatty-Low home. Winn were the hostesses. Coffee and The Keystone Home Bureau uni* ca*® were served. __ , met at the home of Mrs. Howard! Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley Vogel Friday, Jan. 24. Roll call was|sP«nt Saturday in Chicago. answered by sixteen members. Mrs.: Hanford of Long Lake was Sweeney gave a very interesting talk !L j j ,n "J® "• w- Smith home -- -- • - Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nordgren of Wau- By Jaeqva Hopkins weak, deepite the feet that "" " Above, this etftumn _ one of MCHS's , Ann Itofekman. How cotod? Watt, you tML last weak I promised that I woald omenta my entire column to tha Freshmen class because tha poor ktya^jtwt don't get in it enough. However, when I finally got down to writing the column, I discovered that I didn't know enough •boat tha Froth to write my column. I was deaperate when I thought of approaching * Freshman girl for info. Tha girl was Ann Bockman. (lister of the aver popular, allaround gtiy--uh, uh--oh yeh---Alan Bockman.) I want to publicly thank her for the newt items which she gathered for m«. First on. tha list of news is the fact that all seventeen members of the tighth period Latin I class were I cannot. Now with a tear .in oar eye, we leave the Fresfcaftea/class and sty farewell and Ouks to Ann Bockman for har hik Nat weak thill he Sopaomora wade to as to catch up on nil tiie stale news that I have to clean op. Goodby till then. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McBenry. as. su ^ IN THE CIRCUIT C0tJKT EMMA PABST, Plaintiff WALTER J. WALSH, ELIZABETH WALSH AND UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants. Affidavit showing that the defendants, "Unknown Owners" of the following described property: The North fVaction of the West fractional half of the Northwest fractinoal quarter (on the west bank of the Fox River) of Section One on "The Discussion on Children." Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Cruikshar.k of Morton Grove spent Sunday afternoon in the Wm. McCannon home. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson of Chicago spent Sunday evening- in the Clayton Bruce home. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson and sons, Donald and Harold, of Richmond spent Sunday evening in the Beatty-Low home. Mrs. Clayton Bruce and baby daughter have returned to their home from the Woodstock hospital. Clarence Warburton of Cary spent the weekend here visiting friends. Mrs. Ed. Bauer and daughter, Lu- Anne, were callers at Woodstock nt Thursday evening in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Bobbie Smart of Waukegan spent the weekend with Bob Brennan. . Mr. and Mrs. Dibold of Grayslake and Mrs. Clara Deinlein of Libertyville were callers in the Ed Bauer home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders cf Sycamore spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home, i Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer, daughter, Joan, and son, Marvin, spent Sunday in the Russel Nordmeyer home at Gilmer, 111. Mrss Norma Whiting of Grayslake PHONE 82 Woodstock, m. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 RQGERS AND "TRIGGER UNDER NEVADA SKIES" With Hayea Dale Evani ~ BH No. t "SWAMP FIRE" (Starriag Wefcmrilec CraHji Virghaia Grey SUN. - MON. - TUES. FEB, 2 - S - 4 Favorite Boyfriend!!! VAN JOHNSON "NO LEAVE, NO LOVE" ^ With *Mtwoo4 Kettiih Wj Her Cngat and Guy Lomoard and their Orchestras NESDAY audi THURSDA FEB. 5 • 6 ANGEL ON MY SHOULDER With aal Muni Anne Baxter Claude Rains Saturday afternoon. , „ , - „ Granville C.rl«,„ ,™i f.mily cf "* Geraldine and John W. Cristy of Alden spent Saturday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Cristy. AUCTION Miss Edna Peet of Rockford spent from Friday night until Monday morning with her parents, Mr. and On Volo-Fairfield road, 2% mi. north of Lake Zurich, 1% mile south of Gilmer-Volo black top road, 1 mile west of HWy. 63, on SATURDAY, FEB. 1 -- at 12 o'clock' ited their other daughter, Mrs. Ralph CATTLE---9 bred Shorthorn, Here- Clay and family in Rockford. exempt from quarterly tests. And (1), in Township Forty-tour (44), I do mean exempt from all their!North of Range eight (8). east of subjects. These Frosh are really j the Third Principal Meridian (exgeniuses this year; of course it could cepting and reserving therefrom thebe Bliss Taylor's influence! [west 27H acres thereof) in Mc- Ann also has written on her notes [Henry County, State of Illinois on that the Freshmen class struggles! due inquiry cannot be found, so* that with participles. I believe she means j process cannot be served upon said that in reference to English I. And defendants, having b^pn filed in the from what I remember of it the office of the Clerk of this court, nopoor Freshmen have my deepest; tice is therefore, hereby given to sympathy. Participles have made i said "Unknown Owners," defendants life dismal for me many times in i that the plaintiff in the above enmy existence. Of course, it couliI titled cause filed her complaint in be that Ann means that the Fresh- j said cause on the 13th day of January 1947, and that said action is now pending and undetermined in said court, and that you, the said "Unknown Owners," defendants, must file your appearance in said action on or before the first Monday City Council Proceedings add to their "glammer." The current hair style is bangs. Notice upperclassmen: these are guaranteed to make you seductive and bewitching overnight. (Ask Marion Conway.) We must not forget to mention that four of the Frosh girls rated dates for the Senior formal "Winter Wonderland." One even trapped herself a Junior date (Mary Buss and Ray Thelen). The other two wen., with Seniors, no less. The couples isj r> . . - . , , . . were Marcella Szarek and Richie S i to°k lwr back Margh Nelda Hay egcorted by Gene ^ on Monday. They Y*®" Warner, and RavaHv ^kwArman niiH jford and Angus cows, due to drop 'calves in spiring; 2 choice Shorthorn yearling heifers; 4 good Shorthorn iheifers (short yearlings); 2 Shorthorn steers, 6 mos. old; Shorthorn j heifer 6 ipos.: Hereford steer, 6 mos. old; 1 well bred Hereford bull, Chankm farm breeding, Grayslake; 1 red Shorthorn hull, 9 mos. old; One of the Shorthorn cows i> registared. HvskSES -- Grey team, smooth mouthed, wt. 3000 lbs., gentle; 2 sets breeching harness. *•::*«»: H0G3--10 butcher hogs, aw, wt. 200 lbs. POULTRY--125 mixed heavy henb. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family spent Sunday in the Ernest Andreas home at Mundelein. The McHenry rural teachers meeting was held at Ringwood Monday afternoon. The Ringwood girls and boys basketball teams will play nt Algonquin Friday night. Mrs. J.' C. Pearson and sons were visitors at Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. Ardin Frisbee of Greenwood spent Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and daughters, Pearl and Henrietta, of Call •FEED--20 tons hay; 400 bu. oats;'donia spent Thursday afternoon in 20 bu. spring wheat; 15 ft. silage;ithe,Frod Wiedrich, Sr., hCine. Har- 2 tons baled straw. j old was over for the evening. MACHINERY--McD. F 20 tractor j Mrs, M&yttte Harrison oi McHi men are struggling with participles in Latin I. If that is the ease, the only thing I can recommend is anesthesia. Now Ann, not the one to miss any opportunities, also notofied me that a remark was made by a number of Junior and Senior girls that the Freshmen girls were too good looking? for comfort. I know that we will all be glad to know that because now we know why Pat Briggs has contracted a case of the nervous jitters overnight. (Knowing Hank Heuser, one has a right to be nervous about his faithfulness.) Ann also reminds us' that the Freshmen girls are not content with •being just good looking, for now COUNCIL ROOM they are concentrating on becoming January 20, 1947 more beautiful. They have now re- The City Council met in regular sorted to changing hair styles to • semi-monthly meeting with Mayor Overton presiding. i/Qdermenn present: Buss, Freund, Regner, Tonyan. Absent: Althoff. Motion by Regner, seconded by Buss, that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. Monthly reports of activities in various departments were received from appointive officers and employees of the city. The question of permanent housing for the public library was discussed. Mayor Overton instructed council . members serving on the library board to determine the estimated future space requirements of Last, but not least, we must men- the library and report their finding? i 1 '• m \ 1 <<* ' VH * • ' ' ?: tifs:*•- 4i&- ' ••; • -V* ' y \* be to jum^ of the opinion Upt Am year* twitge prion for ppodiutt may ttmto torn (httt of UH. Ibi following taUt tbowt nvevagt prtett of a Urn war, at of the OPA hoUday, the ptaks ef the OPA and at sod of laat A».Mn MMW .$ JN , .711 • Wheat, bu* Xanaaa Ot^r Wheat, 1ml, MinneapoMs Oocn, Inl, Chicago .......... .441 Bailer, biu mmwapoHs .... .457 Butter, lb, Chicago JD1 Hogs, 100 lbs., Chicago MM • Sleets, Iblk, Chleago .... 9J061 JimM, NakMv ^ mm iamirnHA'm $ urn $ sit 2JH Ui l^t 1.410 ' ' MO ' JM • 14J80 " MJM »J0W NJN THIS COLUMN IS SPONSORED BY MCHENRY CO. FARMERS Co-op. Assi y' 'A •- PHONE 29 523 Waukegan Rd. absence from the city, Alderman j Tonyan, to adjourn. Buss, seconded by Alderman Tonyan, T^*. Motion . moved that Alderman Freund be in the month of March, 1947, and g^ted Mayor pro-tern during the in the event you fail to do so de-1 fault may be entered against LESTER Clerk a Herbert O. Kreni A Vernon J. Knox, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Crystal Lake, Illinois. EARL R. WALSH, City CM R. I. OVERTON, kayor. period of absence. Motion carried j Invented Paper unanimously. i Paper was invented in China ligr- Motion by Freund, seconded by: Tsai Lun in 105 A. D. L Let Us Give Our Estimate WEINGART TRUCKING •AND -- GRAVEL -- - BLACK DIRT ~ LIMESTONE TRUCKS FOR HIRE •"HONES: 655-R-2 df Hettermann's Service--618-M-2 'JOHNSBURG--JP.O. Rt. 1, McHENRY '-V Wagner, and Beverly Schwerman and John Strever. tion the coming- of a new Freshman girl to McHenry high. She is Brline Gordon and we all welcome to the City Council. Following Mayor Overton's announcement of expected temporary fin new rubber; F 20 2-row trftctov cultivator} McD. 10-20 ti-ftctor; McD. 2>bot< li*m. tractor plow; J, D. 7-ft. tractor disc; horse drawn disc; mv nure spreader; McD. manure spreader (fair cond.); Peoria grain drill (grass seed attachment); Janesville corn yjaoter (with bean attachment tnd cneck wire); t^ret mc. springtooth; 3-sec dc«t; J. D. mower; dump raket My loader, etc. MlSC.^-Fbrgii; 2 ster. tanks; gas heal^; Irtrdten hose; churn with elet.. meter; 2 10-gal. milk cans; Jatitlifc power lawn mower; Stevens vtev H>ad. rep. .22 rifle; Rem. single shot .22 rifle; dou. barrel shotgun, ll2 gauge. JOSEPH BRSAK, Owner Chandler A Etfers, Auctioneers Public Auct. Sales Co., Clerking enry ipent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs.' J. C. Pearson. . . Mr, &nd Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and sons, Kenneth, Jr., Nelson and Jerty, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon FbSftttlA were Sunday dinner guests in ,.th% John Cristy home near Alden. They celebrated the birthday of Kenneth, Sr. GUHRKE AUCTION CffAS LEONARD, Auctioneer Phone Woodstock 478 G JL* Homes For Sale ' Homes alto available for civilians -- . A * r * " 4 j* l V ' r V;" *'r- ^ °SfiALIMAR (Beautiful Gardens) Locked one mile from McHenry city limita. . JOHHSOK ^ WILLIAMS, Home Builderst • V TELEPHONE 227-J i fl WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO., INC. DAY AUCTION Wednesday, February 5 ' 1:30 p.m. Sales barn located on State Route 47 WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS OHABLBS LEONARD, Auctioneer nilldiiiii mn in - ' i ' i • - DAIRY COWS EITHER CLOSE OR FRESH WITH CALF BY SIDE STOCK BULLS HOGS BEEF CATTLE HOR8ES CALVES STEERS CONSIGN your stock here for top prices. CALL 572 or 499 GNORS PAID CASH DAY AFTER SALE WE ARE BONDED YOU CAN BUY--YOU CAN SEI^ ' " WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO., INC WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS ifj fi&i.3X ,"i • Due to the shortage of help, I have decided to discontinue dairyiiig and will sell my entire herd and feed on the farm known as the Martin Perenchio Farm 6 miles southwest of Harvard, 3 miles south of Chemung, 4 miles southeast of Cap ton and 6 miles northeast of Garden Prairie on MONDAY, FEB. S Commencing at 12:00 o'clock sharp the following described property towit: 71 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of . 44 Holstein cows--Fresh or springing, 28 are first and second calf heifers. This herd produced more than 400,000 lbs. of milk in 1946 and at present are producing 20 cans daily. 7--2 yr. old heifers; 2 yearlings; 10 head of 2 to 6 months old heifers; 1 registered Holstein bull, 3 years old. From the Fox Home Farm at Sycamore, registered under the name of Foxhome Sir Beechwood Ormsby. All cows and heifers excepting- 6 have been calfhood vaccinated for Bangs. 2 Horses: 1 sorrel gelding, 9 yrs. old, 1700 lbs.; 1 roan mare, 12 yrs. old, 1600 lbs. 5 hogs, 180 lbs each. About 75 chickens. Hay and Grain 40 tons alfalfa hay baled, SO tors mixed hay baled, all 60 tons jmt up without rain; 2000 bu. gooa hatu corn in crib; 2000 bu. Vicland oats; 800 bales of oat straw; 86 ft. sllago in 16 ft. silo. Farm Machinery _ _ McD. pull type one-row corn picker; Intl thresning machine, 28-54'; McCormick Deering 22-36 tractor; 7 ft. Mc D. disc; 4-sec. steel drag good as new; rubber tired wagon, new; hay rack; grain blower: Grain Buster hammer mill} 28 mik cans; 2 double unit Universal milking j machines; pails and straliner. | TERMS: All sums of $25 and under jthat amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per. cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit, lpndly make arrangements before MEAT fOTRONS KNOW THAT VERY WELL/ •O lOCAt IMCMMAh.. QUALITY MEAT at the RIQHT PRICE |DIC KDW'5 J W MA i rA* R* Ki v Er ~ ~TT ~ W Mc WEN RY 3 BRIDGE •« . M'HENRY, ILL. ,' " a- UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Serving1 tbie Finest in Foods and Liquors • Jj NJ;" ' _ 0. I n'en- • . • COMPLETE SUNDAY DINNERS' Y 'Including ' ^; ;; . Relif-hes Soup or Tomato Juice ' Chefs' Salad Bowl Mashed or French Fried Potatoes Vegetable Bread, Butter Coffee or Mift Chpice of Large T-BonPStealf Club Steak Koa^t Pork Bioa^t Beef -t- Lamb Chops Pork Chops ; French Fried Shrimp -.i..--.--. Fried Oysters -- .,.,...$2.00 1.75 .,:2" 1-50 ^••>50 .... 1.50 1.50 1.75 1.75 Krchase is ma^s. -No property to removed until rsattled *or. ; RAYMOND 8. pwner HRKR MO. WM1PPIT V, MH NOT ie M PUAVKO WITH. TUT' MUST NOT « ftOTMMO NKIMMMI flMOWT OPEi 1p noon--business mens luncheon Served Tuesday through Saturday Soup to Dessert, 85c --ri or . , • • , • SANDWICHES OF ALL KINpS ^ Steaks, Ghogtt or Clidcken served at any time at reasonable priced fcET "84 Richard Ja<2er MY MOMMY ALWAYS BUYS ALL OUR BAKERY 000(5 AT Riverside Bake Shop E SHOP RICHARD JAGER PROP, Fir* V>*nk Chvlitac ' . ' •' : -.s'- %' .. 'Oi' l (:, : ret ot (Ju r success t'W«r$e

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