Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Feb 1947, p. 2

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strombers-C411^>n^ yPHILCO r; .TUNG WOOD *'£& % ELECTRICAL & RADIO SHOP Phone Richmond 883 HOUSE WIRIN Radio Bingwood, HL CONTRACTING ice G. I. Homes For Sale also available for civilians ij In || i'i* jttTAT.TMAR (Beautiful Gardens) Located one mile from McHenry city limits. JOHNSON & WILLIAMS, Home Builders^ TELEPHONE 227-J DRY CLEANING AT ITS BEST MeHENRY CLEANERS 103 ELM ST., MeHENRY, ILL. f 1 Weber, Mgr. -- PhoiH 104-M CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP Tefcptabne 251 (19 S. Green St. r, ILU mmm WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO.. INC. BEEF CATTLE HORSES (By Mm. Georrs SfcananD The member of the Keystone Hofee Bureau unit that attended the Farm and Home day VMMting in Wood«to£k Jan. 27, was Mrs. Wm. Harris. Mrs. Strebe ef Chicago spent from Monday till Wednesday evening in the George Haberlein home. Mrs Louis Hawley spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs? Rose Jepson returned home Thurraay evening from Evanston, where she spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Paul Norman. George Whiting- of DeKalb spent his semester vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting. Jay Cristy, Jr., of Champaign Sent the past r. and Mrs. Jav Cristy. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hliiin ze of Cryslarle for Immediate Delivery I SANITARY QUICFREZ I FARM LOCKER PLANTS &.-T: ' With separate freezing compartment fee| r- Wliite, nt the^ast week with his parents, d Mrs tal Lake spent Sunday in the Charles ; Peet home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich arid family were visitors Sunday with his jparetns, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. i Miss Virginia Jepson, R. N., is 'working in the Hines hospital. The Home Circle will meet with Mrs. Weldon Andreas on Thursday, i Feb. 13. Mrs. Andreas, Mrs. J. C. I Pearson and Mrs. Ray Merchant are |on the serving committee. Roll call | will be answered to by a patriotic verse. Mrs. Andreas will have charge of the program. Each member is asked to bring a 25c grift for her ; capsule sister. | Paul Stiadle has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Shadle. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and ! daughter, Carol, spent Sunday in the [Henry Marlowe home at Huntley. | The Ringwood Home Bureau will j hold its February meeting' at the Legion hall in McHenry on Tuesday. : Mrs. Sweeney will give the lesson ou i "Our Children." I Mr. and Mrs. Roland Jackson and {daughter of Richmond and Mr. and | Mrs. Leander Lay and children of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Itneir parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. j Whiting. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W$ldon Andreas ! spent the weekend with her parents j Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ebel, at Algon- 1 quin. j W. A. Collins of Beloit, was a {caller at the home of his parents, ! Rev. and Mrs. Collins, Tuesday, i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lenard and | family and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., | arrived home Thursday from Florida, ; where they Spent the past month. | Mr.'and Mrs. Louis Winn and daughi ter, Janet, who have been staying | in the Wiedrich home in their absence, returned to their home near > Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wicks of Chi- Jcago and Mr. and Mrs. Curly Wil- . son of Elgin spent Sunday with their : parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Laui rence. Dick Kelley and Milton Laurence and Mrs. 8. W. - Hawley and Mr. laSS supper eventi^honotfllit-the'bM^y verSlsrji.of SauMBrie Smith. Mr. and' MrsC nparaon and daughter of Chkegp went Sunday afternoon and evening in the Clayton felOBBO • ^ - Mr. and Mrs. Robert VanDusen and daughter* at Bgin spent Sunday evening in the 0Hver Laurenee home. Miss Marie Ritzert of Huntley spent Sunday in the Oliver Laurenee home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and children of Greenwood wore callers at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane spent fl* MM. Otealte feetad) . May, Mrs. kT" KaJSi Arthur Kattner and Mr* Charles Freund. Prtass wen awarded those achieviiup hich scores in five hundred. Mn.Hdred Johnson was hostess. A delicious lunch was served Danny Miller, Mrs. Albert Brits and Mrs. tactile Nelson spent an evening at cards in the home of Mrs. Charles Freund on Thursday night. Refreshments were served. There was a large attendance at Sunday with the former's parent*,! the funeral of Edward Bauer at SStt.. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kane, Sr., nt Peter's church Saturday morning. Mundelein. Our deepest sympathy is extended Among thdse from a distance to! to his bereaved family. , February 12 1:30 Sales barn located on State Route 47 ; ; WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer DAIRY COWS EITHER CLOSE OR FRESH WITH CALF BY SIDE CALVES STEERS STOCK BULLS HOGS I f' * CONSIGN your stock here for top prices. - CALL 572 or 499 PAID CASH DAY AFTER SALE . WE ARE BONDED : ^ YOU CAN BUY--YOU CAN SELL Iff#: ... Attend the funeral services of Ed-1 The Firemen's bowling team* and ward Bauer were Mrs. Clare Dein- Morheisers's* team had a bowlinelein of Libertyville, Mr. and Mnl. match at Siftaefers's alleys in Mc* George Lohse of DesPlaines, Mr. and | Henry Sunday afternoon. The younir Mrs. Joe Schur, Mr. and Mrs. Eliza-'fellows beat the firemen. Everyone b e t h W e b e r , a n d f a m i l y o f A n t i o c h , ! h a d a l o t o f f u n i n s p i t e o f t h p Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer, Ber-fact that the firemen were called nard and Martin Bauer, John Her- lawav to a fire right in the middle of sing and son, Herman, and Ed. Dob [it all. It proved to be nothing too ner of Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Rus- i serious and the firemen were back sel Nordmeyer of Mundelein, Mr. and j in less than an hour to resume howl. Mrs. Frank Merge of Evanston, Mr. ing. and Mrs. August Kattner, Mrs. Geo. Th« fir® „ , . Wagner, Helen and Marie BilsteinJ the Gr^rv i, Mrs. R. Bro-vn, Harvey and Elmer day tE Freund, Carol Miller and Marie Dein-! bJHt lein of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Joe ^telv anrf littlp H«m^ !K Diebold of Grayslake, Mr. and Mrs. m? ,nd Mn L Frank Bergsma and family of LeW children of Geneva, Mrs. Joe E. Miller and sons, jn the Charfes FVtmnri h!>m» Qnn* Marvin Arseneau, Mr. knd Mrs. Har- aftern^n FreUnd home Sunold Wirch, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mil- i *** after"°°nler of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Al- L,Mr- a"d Mrs. Arthur Kattner and fred Kattner of Solon Mills, Mr. and Mr- aH? ™ra* Joseph Koberstine Mrs. Arnold "Kattner, Mr. and Mrs. 8P*nt_. Saturday evening with Mr. Fred May, Jce Kattner and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Miliar of Spring. Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund of McHenry. Yield OU Menhaden, fish are first steamcooked, then pressed to extract the oil. A billion menhaden will yield more than six million gallons of oil. Used in steel plating processes, leather currying, linoleum making, Ind as a substitute for linseed oil generally. In addition, they will yield 70,000 tons or more of meal for feeding poultry and livestock and of nitrate-rich fertilizer. tmd More Food j Mf#itf|iuiiisM ahrtid tMs year' Is Mttte Outstanding in ti%a MBsf gregram is the tags 4usnllty at com axto be moved in the next six mongii. aO of whfck Is ~ ' Volume wOl greaUy on a driers'operations and transportattoa to ports* . . Virtually aH com will b^Uln-«ried. it is believed, to avoid spoilage, aa moisture content ot tihis ctod continues to run blsh. . . . Inability to make wheat available at seaboard points advan is responsive for'the decision to us* corn.. . . That cereal will be from Atlantic points, whereas wheat will be hsndled from gulf and Pacific ports. . . . About SOyBMMMO bushels of cereals are allotted for movement in March, qf which SBsfllftflW will be corn. A total of 500.- 000/iM bushels of all grains is wanted hy June SO. The need for animal fMs and meats rates seoond only to grains. .. . Da fact, the report states, it is not possible to estimate the magnitude of total demand. . . . Wfceluding Germany, slightly more than S^OOjOOt tens of imports are required to attain goals. . . . World export supplies # 1947 are not expected to exceed 3.QOOJMO tons. Corn quotas and acreage allotments fie out of place In a situation such as exists now and which appears probable in the next year or two. of Agrie " " * ' v That is why the Department Agriculture announced last corn, including food and feed products hot not pr rl oils, was removed from the list of sgricultural products m short suiviy. THIS OOLUMM 18 8PON8ORKD BY : MCHENRY Co. FARMERS CO-OP. ASSI McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY aad SATURDAY George Brent - - Lucille Bal' ;fp)VER COMB BACK" Plus Desi Arnaz • Etfcel Spith "CUffAJf PETBT. Plus--World Ne|i^ SUNDAY and MONDAY February 9 and 10 Van Johnson - - Pat Klrlcwood "NO LEAVE, NO LOVET* Plus--News and Carts-- CLOSED 4 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY an• d THURSDAY Evelyn Keyes - • Keenan |fyni THRILL OF BRAZIL** Plus--Cartoon and Novelty AMAZING NEW DKCOVWY NOW BONO MSB) IN WOMO'S SMALLEST HEARING AID , . . WISCONSIN MAHNO AID CO. 1« W. WrtU M. IIUwankM, WK Ub*r*l iradt-in tUowanet on year pwmt UutrumtmL av B and Mrs. Charles Gillespie, in honor of their fifteenth wedding anniversary. A large crowd from here attended PHONE 29 S2S Waakegaa 81 the March of Dimes dance held at Memorial Hall in Richmond Saturday night. Remove Garden Grit To simplify the removal of grit froth greens, wash spinach, water endive, etc., in slightly warm • Fate ttii OUs Fats and oils supply about onefourth of the energy in the American diet. In addition, they raw materials tor soap, other products. Need Rubber Stamps? Hie Pltindealer. Ofde**t BATH TOWELS WORK SOX WORK SHIRTS 20x40 MSN'S 'Large .:f.- Colors % : • Heavy . for '75% Wooi.;,.^:^fe^^gp Heavy * ;r io toia ? Khaki v:^ ,./? Combed Yam Siaes # 14 to 15 y2 * ; PILLOWS COTTON DRESSES LEATHER MITTENS 16x24 GIRLS' HEN'S f^icken Feather Filling V Heavy Ticking Slightly • Soiled ' Broken ' 'Sixes- " , ^ WarmLined , Knit Wfiat ^ Luge JK|. Sixes MILLER THEATRE * PHONE 32 Woodstock, IU. FRIDAY and SATURDAY February 7 and 8 |-FAITHFUL IN MY FASHION With |Toss Drake Donna Reed Plus--Walloping Action!! THE CHEROKEE FLASH** Witih Sunset Carson SUNDAY and MONDAY February t and 10 |Hubba, Hubba! What A Musical Treat! "DOLL FACE |Vivian Blaine • Dennis 0*Keefc With Per7ry Como - • Carmen Miranda New Smash Song Hits TUESDAY ONLY--Fefc II "RAGGED ANGELS" With loel McCrea - - Andrea Leeds Walter Bkennan • Jaaeha Heifetz and His Violin K COMM. SALES COAT INC. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS WED. - THUR8 - FR1 Feb 12 • IS - 14 ,TIIE BIG SLEEP" Starring phrey Bogart uren Bawl Humphrey \ SHE USCO Only a brush and comb This sensational cream shampoo leaves hair obedient, pliable, gleaming, and so /re$h and clean. Easy to || qq use. A jar laats a longtime X Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry vV*: vK mm: *. A . . ' ,T * * lis ' J • . 1V >' •// " 'J :*• RAYON BRIEFS ontur ;s' .: : v Tea Hose Excellent Quality % for RQCKFORD SOX MEN'S Heavy Brown Bine ^eamlees Tt# FLANNEL SLEEPERS BOYS' BLOUSES OBILDKEN'S S?ifhtly Soiled BUm 2 to 6 Plains * : CHILDREN'S ANKLETS,- C Cuff Elastic Top All Sixes RUBBE Sleeveless SWEATERS BOYS--KIN'S Slipovers Brofe """ Siscs 1 HEAVY AttMYTTPS * 1 •-# *' Gladstone** M'HENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE m * V:?' f# WOMEN'S 4 HOSIERY &AYOM TOLL FASHIONXD w mi »p Pin \ 1 K[iil.T "B4 Richard Ja^er MV MOMMY ALWAYS BUYS AU OUR 6AKERY GOODS AT Riverside Bake Shop • 4 "V*"-' s WMV DO X WAVB TO BAT WITM CMOC« ON WHIN WITW MY HANDS MOMMIB/ MURRV/ YOUB WAKWT

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