Mary* ' V . I 7:0®, 8:80, 10:06 ui HslO Edy Days: 0:W; ««ik D>n: 6:48 and 8HU. RrtFrSay: 6:80 and 8:00* fessiens: „„•£ . sturdays: 8:00 P-J*-***?*0 * • hursday befon First Friday- After 8:00 M*w on Thursday; WELDING Uriatcunn and Construct®®!' Portable Equipment H. E. VANCEr--MeHenry 51-1 » South Green St, MeHenry, in •••'*$.;• :W0:: McHENBT CAfi . . . *. V. 401 Waakegan Read <•: - • «r||v • 24-Hour 8errfce : f TEL. McHENRY 472-J. /* hallows ) FRANK E. WEILER PAINTING AND DECORATING i MeHenry 080-W-2 Ptpcrhaaiiif, Spraying Estimates Cheat fully Furnished Q-T TRUCKING CO -- Gravel -- QaM* (Hack Dirt -- Limestone Dinp Trneka Far Hire PkMM Johnslmrg W7-W4 MeHeary, I1L Phone McH$nry 80-W * €. N. FREUN© TRUCKING Live ' • Csei 100 Waukegsn RmI st MeHenry, I1L , AL*8 WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 001 Main St, MeHenry ^Electric Portable Welding Welding and Cutting . WIRFS, Operator •1S-W-1 or 404 M*HENRT, ILL. YoUrs far Nothing m www m ConfwtoM Saturday*: 4:00 to 8:00 p. a and 7:00 to BHI0 p. B. Thursday before First Wjhy- 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. «ai 7KM to 8:00 Rev. Wm. A. O'Rourke, Pastor. St. John's Catholic dluweh, JohnaOwe Masses: Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and 0:00 Weekdays: 6:86 and 8:00 , Fir«it Friday: ^f:85 and 8!60 Confessions; \ ' Saturdays: 7:25 and 8:00 Thursday before First Friday 2:30 and 7:80. Rev. A. J. Neidert, & fc •* 'Vy. Ivl Phone MeHeary 637-R-2 «. BuMMSt Efatating --- NETTS 8AJ9D ft GRAVEL SpoeiaJRatae onRoad Gravel LcrcBifui Grading. J. K. NETT JSbnabig P. Ow--MeHenry --WANTED TO BUT-- Wo pay IS to 82S for Old Horsea leas for down horssa and eattlr MATTS MINK RANCH Jahnabntg - Spring Grove Read Phone Johnstarg SSO-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS H0R8ES Wo pay AND CATTLE phone charges .'--St. Peter's Catho&e Chui Springs Grove Messes: - Sundays: 8:00 and 10:001 HoiyDnys: 0:80 and 0: Wsekdajfe; 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. I Confessions: : v- - I . Saturdays: 2:80 and T3if Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:15. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. Zion Evangelical Lnthoran Chudi (The Church of the Lutheran Hour John St. % block east of Hwy. 81 West MeHenry. III. Frederick C. Fudsell, pastor, MeHenry, III. Services. Sundays--10 ajn. Sunday School and Bible Study Study Group--0 a.m. A cordial welcome is extended to all visitors and vacationists to worship with us. Sunday school children will receive attendance cards for their home-church records. "In the Cross of Christ we glbry And find joy and peace divine. Coaunanity Church Church School: 10;00 a.n»." Wbrshtp Service: 11:00 a,A • Methodist Youth Fellowship. 7:lo p.m. Rev. Wayne Price, Pastor. Ringwood Church Ringwood, III. Sunday--Public worship, 9:90. Church School: 10:80. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday evening Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. director. j|ead the Want Ada . ! m PIMPLE5 • 'OM/ ' Disc; ppea red 0 verniahi J •scttsadstso.HawMBg IS Ye*, it ia true, there la a nfe ogleirn WkhvVt ahar iiUt aTcttaw toe lwoohaoe fno allnodw reedm roivne- pte diiectioDa and appttcd Nlaaraaapoa dTbaetaea Ikaearw a ve nthuaiaaUcally praiae Klam aad and are now tomuo rl anwceirt he mthbeerirr aadeeeadr ™Ma"y cnnHrrkwit Si Wiira U one aptSStSTwiSTJISLrSik E*K 4HC' ^ w BOLGER'S DRUG STORE ®TJbe fundament*] euentitltof food, iMNr, loref' tmfrty 'from /nr, m Imk* tolmljr for (ranted." J**, SuoScftoi?n --,,-- MottottbyTonyan, seconded by Althoff, that the treasurer's report bo approved as read. Motion carried. Motion fey. Althoff. seconded Tonyan, that the collector'* rq. be approved as read. Motion earned. Motion byBuss, seconded hr Itafcysh, that the dene's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Althoff, seconded by Buss, that the following bills be jproved by the finance committee: R. Earl Dowell, salary $161,10 Lester ft. Bacon* salary ........ 176.00 John J. McCarthy, salary -- 140.20 Wl C. Felts, salary 127.90 Arthur J. Smith, salary 140.20 Earl1 R. WaJsh, office expense 60.00 R. I. Overton, salary 48.00 William Alt&off, salary -- Edwrad J. Bbss, salary George P. Freond, salary Joseph M. Regner, salary •••••» Alfred Tonyan* salary Vernon J. Knox, salary Robert L. Weber, salary Earl R. Walsh, salary Edward J. Thennes, specoal police duty Maytne Buss, salary and commissions .................................. >ecial Sewer Fund, sewer-serdlviijhiu reveals . all yearling buck* SatOO peVcaot qt ks have two piece breakfSKst melou the aaVodfDo, Mayan peoples. * ---- -- ^-rnri- 804)0 80.00 80:00 80. 60.1 80.< 106.00 ^ 78.00 S' FRANK S. MAY Tracking Sand -- Made Dirt -- Gravel Cinders -- Limestone Track for Hire i Phene Johnsburg 085-' R-l MeHenry JOHN. F. BRDA * SON Heat Metal aad Farnace Work i#H IL Green SU MeHenry, IIL Phone 248-R WATER PUMPS Fairbanks Morse Ejector and Pump types. All sisee. Complete and Easy to install. Sump pumps. Take old pumps in trade. ENGSTROM SALES AND SERVICE Tel. MeHenry 696-W-l (900 ft. from Nell's Ballroom) HIGHEST CASH PRICES pall Dead and Crippled Hones, Cat and Hogs -- Sanitary Power Loading -- Tankage and Meat Scraps 116 or MeHenry 659-J-2* Revert*, for aale. Phones Arlington Heights Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. DR. JOHN WAIDZUNA8 Physician ft Surgeon Main St., Johnsburg, IIL ' TeL Crystal Uke S0-M Office Honrs: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. to • p.m. Sundays by Appointment fefe. Telephone Xll Branches Crystsl Lake 1119 Of Sewer Work McHENRY CO. SEWER SERVICE Blocked Sewens Opened Without v ||y Electric Metor^Sole and Root Cotter _ Crystal Lake. Illinois L^Nejoon 1S8TB. Crystal Lake Ave. CHARLES S. PARKER. Attorney (Joslvn ft Parker) Office Hours: Wednendsv Afternoons--1:90-5:00 Office--Kodir Supply Company, 642 Main Street, West MeHenry Phone--McHennr 486 Woodstock 1135 -----VERNON J. KNOX Attorney-At-Law Cor. Green and Elm Sta„ MeHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointments Phone MeHenry 48 MeHENRT GARAGE 608 Front St. (Route 81) General Repairing Welding--Are and Acetyleno Light Blacksmith Work NICK P. MILLER Phone MeHenry 108-R A. P. FREUND SONS Ezeavating Contractor Tracking, Hydraulic and Crane 8ervico »-ROAD BUILDING-- TeL 204-M MeHenry. IIL INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Jftve* Ante, Farm and Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When yen need insurance of sny fcN Phone 48 or 118-M Green ft Elm MeHenry TeL MeHeary 248-J^ ' HAROLD H. BELL* Painting, Paperhanging, Romoving Old Wall Paper With Steamer, Spray Painting 106 N. GREEN ST. .MddAHON REFRIGERATION . SALES AND SERVIC MeHenry 419 or Wonder 510 Main St, MeHenry. Illinois DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street -J. JieHeary" Office Honrs: 10 a.m. to 6 daily except Wedneedsy. Eve by appointment. By KATHLEEN NORMS OME time ago our town sent crat&s and crates of clothing to stricken Europe. Probably your town did, too. We stripped our closets of everything warm and wearable that we could spare, and of some things we could not spare, for the sake of shivering women and babies overseas. Our thanks come principally in the consciousness of a good deed well done, and the knowledge that many a shaken, forlorn mother is grateful to the God to whom she prayed for help, and whose ministers we were privileged to be. But sometimes a little trickle of personal thanks creeps through, too, and such a tribute came to me this week from an unknown friend in Poland, whose small daughters are wearing my granddaughters' coats this winter. This woman lived in America for several years, and writes in good English. She has one room in an almost • destroyed building, windows have recently been put back, she says, and running water is only a few hundred feet away. • • • "Water is such a miracle," says the letter. "And to have this wbole quiet room to ourselves seems to us a miracle, too. Food is scarce, but •thanks to the Quaker And-the Red Cross it is sure, and fear is gone. If yoy could know what it means qq| to be afraid! Kin Starved fa Death. "My husband, both brothers, my father, were starved to death, or died for the want of water. I hid With my children in the ruins of the tity for msny.wfcekS. Now all that is fever. Now vm walk tiw streets freely, we. can talk, we can make friends. Now t can get up early .and watch the sunrise, and stop in church for a few minutes. And now with spring beginning. What beauties on every hand! We have a jar of wild flowers, the hew potatoes are coming along, soon we will have beans and cherries -- every day some new delight. Someday, we say, we will live out on a farm, for the farms need hands, land } am familiar with dairy work. "In the old days," the letter concludes, "I wanted so much! My husband and I had a well-furnished flat, a car; I could buy china and clothes, there were dinner parties and wedding feasts. How fast it all vanished! Our home gone, our securities in the bank confiscated, Ipstrangers everywhere, my husband's job lost, himself a prisoner, and my dear father, who would so gladly have helped us, gone in |)is turn. There was no work and no help tor me, the wife of a patriot; we-begged, we starved, We crept out of sight. My younger child was born In a shed, with an old shepherd and sheep to keep us company 'in the bitter winter. *N§w we are so rich! Every little new home that is being built or rehabilitated seams to belong to me. The moon, shining down through the old trees, the church-bells ringing, the newly-plowed field--bow beautiful they all are! When I see work and restoration beginning again, and lights in houses, and hear women calling their children and laugh- TAKEN FOR GRANTED Even thm poorest Americans have much to be thankful for, compared to people in Europe and Asia. Such simplie things as water and plain food, a tight roof and some kind of heating, ore often difficult to 6btain over much of the war-devastated countries. Warm clothing is very scarce. Medicine is hard to get excepting where the Red Cross or some other agency has a station. All sorts of plain, everyday necessities are missing. It is particularly hard on women with young children. The story of a Polish woman is told in today's article. She had been accustomed to a luxury level of existence before the war. They had a fine apartment, a car, good furniture, money for' travel and social events. The war changed all this. Her husband, brothers and father are all dead . . ; they starved. She managed to survive by begging and scavenging in this ruined city. One child was born in a sheep barn. Now that hostilities have ceased, conditions are better, but there is still much suffering. She has learned to appreciate ordinary things rfrat all of us take for granted. Special vice George Steilen, labor on St*.. Frank Holt, 'sidewalks ............ Frank Thomber Co., election lies 76.00 1&00 29.86 87.96 f 86.16 18.49 116.26 supplt Buss motor Sales, oil and repairs-- pc£ipe car Alexander Lumber Co., eoal .. Ruddy Bros., deaning sewers Buss Motor Sues, reimbursement -- expenditures, water and street depts Oarey Electric shop, supplies.. ft Weber, sidewalks Stilling's - "66" Service, gas--> police car and trucl$............ W. S. Darley ft Co., police stars and signal Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe, snow shovel -- Smith's Service Station, gas for trndc The MeHenry Plaindealer, printing r. H. E. Buch ft \3on, cleaning boiler and pipes Thennes Oil Co., oil [Western United Gas and Electric Co» gas service I Illinois Bell Telephone Co., telephone service Public Service Co., power and light - - SPECIAL SEWER FUND: Fred C. Feltt, salary 185.00 Mayme Busi, salary ...... 20.00 Public Service Co., power and light 41.18 Freund Oil Co., fuel oil 29.26 Motion by Althoff, seconded by Buss, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. ' R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk. 18.96 1.86 22.40 69.22 16.16 1.79 2.68 .66.70 4.40 8.82 9.90 2.51 J216.74 ing -- it seems to me that life is too beautful to be borne. Now I can say of our enemies of yesterday, as <ny poor father did, dying, 'forgive thent. They know not what they do!"! 1 *-•' • • This letter , has made me see my own environment with new eyes and has made m# wonder how much we appreciate the miracles that are all about us. Sunsets and sunrises, the glory of spring, moonlit nights in summer, and the first tinv id flutter of snow, these are all ours, if we will but claim them. Clea^r cold water, a snug roof over oyr head, books to read, meals--however plain--to enjoy, a smooth bed dt night and deep slee|>--let these things be taken away for a while, and we begin to know their value. Worry'over Trifles. "If we can see one meal ahead for the children we feel rich," said a French woman a few years ago. "We look no further ahead than that." And nere we Americans are, fussing about the cost of spring clothes, about summer plans, about the shortage of butter and mayonnaise, about the babies' college career hi the 1900s, about the lost letter and the embarrassing invitation, about the slowness of the dry cleaners and the non-delivery of the Didy Wash. The fundamental essential* of food, shelter, love, home, books, light, water, safety from fear, we take calmly for granted. It is worry about the non-essentials that keeps us from ever seeing the breath-taking beauty of sunrise, the light of cold winter sunlight on mow, the lilacs that begin to toss and blow in the spring wind. Our own quarrelsome, complaining, discontented voices keep us from listening for Shakespeare's rain that whistles in the April wind, or sharing the im mortal wine of Emily Digk^nsoa'a September. , Freesing Chicken is an economical food to freeze and very desirable to have on hand. First, choose a good plump bird. Even a fryerNdiould weigh around two and one-half pounds. Select a good bird-to begin with if you wish to have a choice frozen product. Next, semi-scald the bird, but be very careful that the water isn't ao hot that it pre-cooks the skin. Another precaution is the chilling. The bird should be .chilled thoroughly immediately after scalding. After chilling, it is ready to be wrapped in freezer paper and put in storage. ^ * Iran Diagonally Bias-cut slips and nighties should always be irbned with the thread of the material, that is on the diagonal of the garment. Excavating and drano gerviet Black IMrt -- Band and Gravd r & BoadCh-adinff . UH r Plowing ^ <3 ALL IfcHBKEY §t£ < & u ib:.l T-Z: fe'- ."/f. •40, DR. HENftY FREUND OPTOMETRIST |At 514 Xain St., West MeHenry yc „ ,41 *3^ • SteiuTa /s'walrTstore - -------- •• • Eyes Examined -- Glasaes Fitted ; / ^Visual .TniUfaig -- Visual Rehabilitation . .. . .. Cpmpleto Yisttal Analysis ~ Hottrs DaQy: 0 to 12 airi 1 to 6--Saturday Evenings: 6 to 8JI m. PHONE MeHENRT 452 . CLARENCE'S SHOP Kitchen cabinetg and cupboards made to order. . Full line of lawn chairs, swings, pier benches, picnic table sets, children's play pens, sand boxes, tHBllises, picket fenoee, window boxes, bird houses, etc. "v. ftenuine leather men's and ladies' belts, purses, etc. CLARENCE SMITH Tel. MeHenry 625-J-l Johnfbtirg COMPLETE REPAIR SHOP Rewinding is Rebuilding * / Redesigning MeHenry Electric Service BRUOE W. KLONTZ •'* IUgiiltn4~Pnf«ned Auto-Lite Distributor 102 W. WAUKEGAN RD. PHONE 181 'P-: \ ' *;sr AMAZING NMT MSCOVKY NOW NBNO USD M WOtUPf SMAU1ST WAMNO AB . . ttOTHERMEL ELECTRIC SHOP Beetrieal Contractors Radio Repairs res estimate that next electrical Job of yours. s LEO G. ROTHERMEL. Prop. ^ Plmie MeHenry 272-M ' 804 Riverside Drive fUephono No. 800 fTOFFEL * REIHANSPERGER fasersnrn agents for all elanRes of . property In the best companies. West MeHenry, ItHnois TeL Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Honrs--^ Tnesdey & Saturdays: 9 CAttlfdi | Evenings and Sunday Morninga by Appointment! DR. H. 8. FIKE Veterinarian 602 W. Waokegan RdM Phone MeHenry, III. Office Hours: 1 p.m. to 2 Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment. * 11 ill*-* Tki beauty of mudight on me." Epidemic Fighter# Four emergency aid units now are prepared to help public health authorities combat poliomyelitis epidemics, the' National Foundation for- Infantile' Paralysis announced recently. Each unit consists of a physician, an orthopedic nurse and two physical therapists/ When called into epidemic areas the teams will help to set up facili> ties for patients, assist in their treatment, and instruot local physicians in the latest techniques. WILSON'S RADIO SHOP | Use -- Records -- Applianeee Repairs on All Makes Bene A Auto Radios 400 S. Mai St. MeHenry, 400 V MeHENRT FLORAL CO. -- Phone 404 n q)|e Mile Sooth of on Route 81 Flowers for sQ „--Y Mareh CMdr> Chickens are being Wired cessfully every month of, the )rear, but tlie e*perts say if jM tft raising one brood a year, yon probably will find March chicks m moat deetertde. They can be pi*-on the range following the broiling period. Generally they witt lay torough the following whiter wMNHl going into a molt. Migrating Butterfly Migrating butterflies that winter tn Pacific Grove in California protected by city ordinance. Need The Rubber Stoape ? Ordar at ReUktooa cross has religious symbol a&ce the dawn of civilization. Crosftft of various deaigns, some datiiic from the stone age, have been found in nearly fvery part of Europe as well na »• dia, Syria, Py»ia and -Egypt- PHONE 20 206 S. Green St WISCONSIN MAime AID CO. McHENRY 101 W. Walla at HQwMkM, WlK, Liberal trade-in eUflwanct on year present UutrumsnL VP* m Yoiil • \ok or (mi by Maftig Valentines to these you H» wales those you lov«w Wo hsve a Gibson Yaientmofor ovevy dsgioo of olfaction. Vhonyw ssnd thsss qoslityGib- &, BOLGER'S DRUG STORE VJhl f : 4 t