Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Feb 1947, p. 1

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!1947 RED CMSS cownmimu Fr. Eugene Banmbofer Named Chairman Of | Township Campaig^ »' "fte annual Red Cross drive in McHenry county is scheduled to begin ' en Saturday, March 1, according to ;*,Fred T. Ferris, county chairman. A -^meeting of the executive committee s'-f and Red Cross chairmen was held '/ja* the Congregational church in , Woodstock last week, .at which time - • at wag announced that the county - 9»ta for this ySar would be $8,996, approximately 50 per cent less than for last y©ar- Chairmen of the various branches announced their fund chairmen and were given their quotas as follows: * Bev. Father Eugene Baumhofer, McHenry, quota, $660; Mrs. T. Seefeld, Alden, quota $65; George Laxansky, ---Algonquin, quota $315; Mrs. Carol Tkylor, Crystal Lake, quota $1,740; Arthur Frank, Cary, quota $265; Fred Ekdmann, Fox River Grove, . f»ta $265; Mrs. D. T. Smiley, Harvard, quota $1,S(J0; Ed. Kjellstrom, Hshgpn, quota $266; Mrs. Esther , Weltxein and Mrs. Alice Rugh,, Huntley, quota, $265; Dr. John Harris, Bae&mondL quota $265; E. H. Hank- Jnion, quota $130; Richard H( FAMES HI ROAD ISSUE REFERRED TO tOMHTTEE WM. H. VAN N ATT AS OBSERVED GOLDEN WEDDING FEB. 17 Relatives and friends helped two The old controversial subject of former residents, Mr.. and Mrs. W. whether or "not a part of the Paines "• Van Natta of Crystal Lake, cele- HiU Road between Crystal Lake and brate their golden wedding anni- McHenry will be improved with versary last Sunday, Feb. 16, when county funds came up again last! open house was held from 2 to 4 week before the hoard of supervisors.! ° clock in the afternoon. T^ie reabf The matter was referred to the road anniversary date, however, was Feb f and bridge committee which will con-117- for with the state officials in an ef-i The former Anna Wright Thompfort to clarify) the allocation of funds.j son was married to Mr. Van Natta fcw years ago the Paines Hill! in the Methodist parsonage in Woodroad was given a federal grant for stock in 1897, with Mrs. Mort Ritt improvement, but before the south j (Minnie Van Natta) of Crystal Lake, end was completed, funds had been j the Groom's sister, and George exhausted. Last fall a group of, Wright of British Columbia, the persons from Crystal Lake who were: bride's brother, as attendants, interested, from a business point of The couple lived in Crystal Lake, view, in seeing _ t-he^ Wacktop job where Mr. Van Natta was in the toi8^'forP25^v ft*?* %l b°ird j for county funds. This was ^toy aMVich i^gain^ Vin 19u1n6S. TThheye vI Slivded focnhee ^immDprroovveemmeennt tr fo f roads to be con- tthoe rCTr yusntat"l L19a3k7e< when they returned stnicted by the county that had The couple has many friends here, Jm^onntthhs,." Recently, these same pmeoanp.lye . fmoar nyth eyye ars »n this vicinity for fhnii^.t0fn the.!tflif and federal au-! Mrs. Van Natta is the mother of thorifcies lor assistance m complet- Robert Thompson of this city. mg the road and found that it could, * be accomplished by money left over* from similar projects in other townships and counties. When the matter was presented to the board last week ia the form of a resolution. Supervisors J. J. Filip and Harlev Mackeben, supportors ox the Huntley-Algonquin roads ex- PESUL LENTEN CHURCH SERVICES PLANNED IN CITY. Ash WedBflsday Rit|es Marked Beginning ; Penitential Season - ' McHenry's population of nearly 2,000 residents this week joined Christians through the world in the annual observance of Lent, which began on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 19, and will end at noon, April 5 on the eve of Easter. The ashes of penf tence were distributed yesterday to hundreds of faithful who will continue to attend devotions planned for this season. Special marks of Ash Wednesday devotions in Roman Catholic and Episcopal churches was the imposition of ashes of burned palms on worshiper's foreheads. Penitential pressed themselves as against the plan, asserting that if there were not enough ffuuin ds to complete the Paines Hill road it probably would erf, Woodstock, quota $2£H>. be taken from the Huntley-Algon- Marengo quota was set at $870 )quin project now under a federal, tot no chairman was named at the sate and county program. Meeting. Present Slogan Mr. Ferris reported full co-opera- Enroll Twenty-two tion of all branches and chairmen In 81ide Bole Glass in his nrooosal that the auota for the county should be met on the a „ , _m w !' day. The 1947 slogan i«' - < unusually largegroup of tWen- ANNOUNCE RULES AND SCHEDULE OF REOONALGAMES pickets To Be Sold For Each Game Undtr New Allotment Plan JOHN PHALINS WED 55 YEARS AUTO ACCIDENT CAUSES DEATH OF JAMES REGNER, 21 Solemn Requiem Snng Wednesday St. Mary's Chi The anniversary of fifty-five yean of married lite will kit tauhtated by ried life were spent on the old Phalin That death is no respecter of. age was proven early Sunday morn* ing, Feb. 16, by the untimely ac cidental death of another of McHen. ry's young citizens, James "Jimmf " Regner, 21. He lost his life whoi his car skidded on icy pavement oa Route 120, one mile east of McHenry, the scene of several previous fatal accidents. "Jimmy" lost control of his car and skidded off the pavement into a post, resulting in instantaeoue death. v. The young lad was born in John** '*11. i NOTE: Coach McCracken informs tin , -- - - , homestead, from where they moved ^ on ,August 17, 1925, only offices were read as the devout pre-(Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin of Rich- to a farm several miles south. There i - . Regner. He pared themselves to emulate the'™?™1 Rpad on Monday, f>sb. 24. The,they lived for thirty years before. ___• g. ^ forty-day fast of the Savior in the celebration, however, will be held the moving to their new home on Rich-, rir, Marjrs-ot. Patrick s school ana desert. In Lutheran and Protestant P*®yious day, when the couple and j mond read twenty-three years ago. °. ow!!M[..^ .*°Sn attended Marchurches lenten practices viry to, *Vht children will enjoy a Their golden wedding celebration mion Military Academy, Aurora, for some extent but the same idea of'dinner at Art 4k Lee's Restaurant, in 1942 was a gala memorable affair, *,ry°w". "f repentance is present. Local Services *13.. i la1*® family and their many Mends, be n>ecial_derbtions wch Wedner-, Both keep in close contact with hap- Mg8 it I lov, I QAninffA in M<»Ranrv aa fkav kova Both Mr. and Mrs. Phalin are in jirith a high imss in their honor be- j 2?u~t,0n the McHenry high i gw>d health ap4 find a great deal!ing aunT«t St, Phtrkk'e church, fol- ShorUXf.«fter,, th®oui^Tk. &T of enjoyment in the visits of their lowed by open house for friends and ^nrA mm^ attempted to edut " relatives. ' in the army and navy Disappointed m being rejected m both branchee ^ *n° I™*? « nw peni,^ In McHenry as thev have MTrsh. eA . PDh.a lFino'lse y, U... children of ,t he, s.e.r vice-, he se„c ured t#h e . There wiU be a sermon each Wed- ^ doing since their marriage in Thomas and George of McHenry, ^ "fnt„of Parents to enlist m the ro®8 iT Howard of Wilmette, Mrs. James i S.™«nc^«nt mannewhen ^>e uMJ?8 Julia Powers> daughter of Mahonev of Chicago, Harold of Mc- 1 only 17 ^ yea" oW- Jlmn>y »P*»* \„ T^I«» the Th®mas Powers, and John Phalin,! Henry and Mrs. Harry Anderson of tvln 'Son. 0 1 e L.Thora" phalins, early Chicago. They iiave twenty-five evening at 7.30 and on Friday even- settlers in this community, were mar-! grandchildren and three great grandlrur there will tie Stations of the r <»i am e» l. : tliu * roing day. us be the first in the state to ^ mr tk. fAn*' !..» V- U. U1 u,e use ol Wlieui The Red Cross con- in the high wiiT b« for the McHenry - Dundee i evening ientw. go over the top. .v., --^--use Henry was seventh in the state to' availed themselves at our _ _ _ spe< Plaindeater that tickets will be sold Sunday sermons in keeping with the ing there will Jba Stations of the ried in old St. Patrick's'church here • children Crow® and .Bened^°^1L Father O'Neill on Feb. 24, 1892. Again our hearty congratulations The PM*or j Attendwits were the late Etta Powers to wiie Methodist church is planning special Last Year Mc- "ie- otPortenity of learning the: and ThuraSay of next week between vices until »-- of the elide rule at classes 12:80 and 1:00 o'clock. These tickets ™ h school on Wednesday, season leach its goal There will be no other serily Week. There will be special Wednesday nervfc*p at Zk>n of McHenry and Walter Keefe of Chicago. The first two years of their maris rejected couple, who have gained new friends with each year of their lives spent in our community. FORMER PLAiNDEALER tributing membership remains at $1, • Jh,s- eaKern«ss game. Kindly look over the follow- Lutheran church. These devotional though larger amounts can be con- ^ indication of the ing regulations so you will under- services will begin at 7:45 p.m. and r|\|TAD DACCCA A WAV SSed TKre S5n?nJ^collJctSSe^^ ™OPe *du,t «»uc«tion alongisUnd the procedure being followed will last till 8-fc, th\» affording all tUUUK rAooLU AWAY in theaters, although "The March Of ,1{<u . .. thi« year. This outlines completely ample Un» to dnv nearer to their; TW produced . movie «. k. ^ Old tim«. wi„ „.d .l,k reer,t BELL TKLKPBOHB ' 946 EASNIKOS BELO# EPRE8SI0H TEAKS (Earnings of the Illinois Bell W- m »dock on Wed-nament starting March 4 in the -**7* All aw> invited ami welcome j «aa witn regret hone ^ ^ f'o r ^lf9l4-6 were sub- nAut« !ll asAt ll«wne eMkv'sn Jrm. eetingll, Atty. C.. j wwef«inLee£d?ayS n2ig&ht thereafter until the sWrvomodnsatsoiuckm . Community high school i»st eaxntye ntdimede . dIubnutn ga sLp«encti al mvitotlon Ii gochnoooonSmnsKaEer,i r_ ?! yv2eaarrss^ ^>olldd^, Vwhhoo^ died ' "tantially beloW^ the worst depression Russell Allen spoke on the origin of Until 11,8 «y™n»«ium. the Red rCoss, giving special men-1 con*p'et»on °f the lessons. Schedule tion tto Heennrrii Dunant, the Swiss a ^ „ tfnancier who started the work in j Alden Resident Badly During the business session, ati^®*^ ^ Aocid#Bt States' Atty. Don A. Wicks i u _ z, W*v Van noozen which •resided, it was voted to contribute I . Roosen, 46, of between $60 and $100 a month for Alde" «gL«?r j£**>ter. Helen, 11, the veterans' pleasure at Downey ^ ***& heapital and also to continue flnan- ^*™>on of GanMs Msrch 4 GmM 1--Dundee vs. McHerily kiit f:lR p. ». Game 2--Woodstock Lake at 8:30 p.m. March S Game , a--Elgin vs. eWjiid to the Arts and Skills corps t?eil" car after it j whuier" atV*^ at Downey, M'HENRY DfVITED TO JOIN iEW CHORAL CLUB pHmged down a 10-foot embankment following a collision with a stock to Harvard Community hospital, but Game 7--Winners Woodstock, h." j®*" '»"»>" -ifih'srsB M ^ & dJZ. of ^ i 0)d Gospel-Truths will but have t°r and co-publisher of the Genoa neRS 'a"t yea^ the M«npany s ex- V». Crystal |the n##dft|, pre#ent day Republican for that long period of Tenses rose <apm jrafiidly than rev- ) applications, that humans may beita,"e* j 8""r3'i IS.? PalatiM at' he'Ped the better to understand and j Mr. Schoonmaker at one time: Palatine at ^ them in their daily lives. editor of the McHenry Plaindealer, * , *•, ^ revenue rose mm n;.i.iii« I The senior choir of the church came to this city before the turn of; j.y 13 ,per «f. Ulstnct ^ ^ services with!the century, on a bleak) March night! Operating expfnses Appropriate anthems.. Every effort i rscolle " s been made to present not „ the members of the congregation, were not nattering .... The accident ""75 a" but also to all who cftme to seek he later grew to love. Spending his in wages. Operating taxes for 1946 m j <^IWo!Sfr ga®es three, spiritual guidance and comfort, a fiwt to $18,422,1 * . tru]v uplifting and helpful service, ni red last Monday 6;16 p.m; they were pinned in . Game ^Arlington "" &. m. larch 6 JAMES REGNER wihi ; »uv v«iivw« vii m viaaai m»w iii^ub . - r » - » « " • " i , (ffort | in 1898. His firat recollections o f ! taxes amounted to $182,422,000, "n; thirt.%_Villl in thu c , IM.0 ™ w „„v only! McHenry, as he later told friends, increase of $80,421,000 over 1946.! ^ °" U^£^1 Rout 1f 14> *<>«• mTlS! anSafTo game# 0n® A* tte tun^r to the little town Four-«ths ^f5Uf2J »nd rsnk. His tours of duty took | south of Woodstock. occurred during « snow storm. fon_ o.«|v _ %th were unconscious when taken | M«ef *7 of duty •a aaa *{1*- *-v. him to the four corners «f the I. Story's", he ing into conskleration a refund ot M°ri u A"d| LhLLi^it „yTis covered river, $4,006,000, arising from the so-called1 •rmv#i- a ^ fiiwt night at the Riverside House, amounted operated by the John Storys, inK The ftrst sermon topic will be: later recalled the ice covered river, \ travJs""and experieneeJ[Fbot Tn o Jesus' Conditional Surrender to His the snowy ground and leafless trees tax » Liif!! casional ungarded moments it wi •M I wwus v>vnuiuviuu ^urr^iiucr vu ms i>iwo '--:,A /. . ...-- , . « rAiiontl unfli th.r.for.-hKh^ud „,m from hU h„«. -ft*, .»id.„t toT. «toral c1^ recently organized here ed critical. She suffered n ekull 9f "®rry Bjrr, a resident of, fracture and concussion. Waukegan Road, McHenry. The club was started about two mnoths ago, ANNUA T. PTTRT. IfftT * «nd has twenty-one members. j Sir Mrs. Barr, who directs the group, WEETWQ SXPB0TBD Is a graduate of Ohio State College,1 TO ATTRAflT VAWV majoring in piano and voice, wherel AHftAUl JBAMX ahe was student director of the! -- women's glee clutx She was a solo- . llle. twenty-second annual meet* Friday afternoon, j 14, and drew up Ri»j and Athletic direc- ££1^ ' lei"th£e~Zo Window" «fter 1946 under prosent tax laws. | niml Bchnol* mpt at ™ "rr'--iet JP»* ... , | , ... I horrors and experiences he encount- 5??. p . The Confirmation Class will meet This impression was soon dispelled! Wages were 72 per cent of the ered on his many trips to war fronts. flL «l«r 'ron1 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. before the j after taking over hm duties as fore- i company's total operating expenses- F-.nio_.-i Af ai , .. - . - | lenten service in the church proper, man of the mechanical department ,111 1946 an<* took 60 cents out of| wpioyea t Mar*e| lahons for the Tournament. All members of the class are re- of the newspaper and coming to meet every dollar received for telephone! Following his discharge, Jimi Each game will be considered as j tod to remain for the service. the local populace. At that time he ""ice. (wa* employed in bis fathrti a seperate session. Reserved Beats. was employed by M. P. Walsh of "During the next several years the market and since its sale will be sold for each stntnon. The-; Wonder Lake Resident 'Harvard, who owned the paper with company willhave to raise approxi- November had been a trusted «- auditorium .w i.ll. .b e a--fte r s--es - i v™ • , .u mm> n s. m. wu,o uv Sseenna,ttoorr Gurraannvgcerr,. Jjuudog^ee DLMon>nnneslulyv oofi mately $^6w0,,w00v0,,v00w0 avniinriuwaluliyj owf new | pleyee -in Dickow's Market. sions No. I, III and V in order to Injured In Accident Woodstock, V^ill Cristy and 6thers capital, to enable it to construct the'^reat i mske room for the reservations for politically bound, the organization buildings and provide the equipment a business of his own. . . _ „ . ---- . etessions Nk>. II, IV and VI. Admis- Two people were injured taut Pri- Qng known as the McHenry Plain- to meet the public's needs," the re-1 J,"*"S_le*W8 to m®urn hls tat in the churchesi in Buffalo, N. Y., Inff. Pure Milk Association i sion for sessions I, II, III, IV, Vj,. morning at 10:30 o'clock when dealer Co. | port said. 'The additional money in^. besides his parents, one siste*^ Airing her residence there and has' 3? ^®ld L on March 15, Arthur! and VI will toe 60c per ticket. (the automobile in which they were u. SohoAtimaW»r «• later needed will be forthcoming only ifBetty JaneRegner, s nurse at the ianght vocal music, piano and organ g- Lautertmch, general manager of VIIth and final session will be $1.00|riding ^uided with a truck on State Pointed edito?rf 5»e k£?l nlS- iSd inve"tor# beIieve that telephone se-! Woodstock hospital, h* grwdfathefc in schools in the east i the association has announced. |per ticket--tax included. Rt 120 near Lily Lake. The injured Jw curities offer the prospect of a steady John Renter, of £stakee Bay, an# wWch is expected to I The state Fire Marshall has an-|were Mrs. N(orn£ Porter and Arthur later •*Cd *de?uate "turn,"the report em- his grariteother, Mrs. Stephen Smith. ?1'^J*,r?men from.the Chi- proved the seat ng capacity as llBO pinley, both of Wonder Lake. Both hi£ hero^ie was extremely P11""1®*1- ^ ;cago milkshed the area withrn 150 for the auditorium. There ^ were shaken up and bruised and 15 deJeloS^r iS! . Hl' happy dispositioin «»d witttr •IS* °Mi^e city wh,ch ""PP11®8 it* no chairs placed in the aisles. Ticket treated at a doctor's office. 'JfJJS thecal s«h«S^ani i PK1I3MHO LBOI8LATIOH won » !*>•* fnen* ™ill^u,ni?*Ve " ^t speaker Has- allotments will be as follows: According to state police, who in- £ ' ImTWIMi?e!S? mourB h" al Schenck, prMidrat of th. Indju. Cme No. I »Urt«l t. ^ 0 MT*0T 111 1M* just .. h. n»d, . left hud tun. to S"gSi,^ru?ciSSir"2rd accountant in Rockford. HELEN DAVIS AND WALTER S0HR0EDE1 HARRIET) FEB. 16 A quiet wedding 4 o'clock on Satui solemnised farm bureau. The all-day meeting will be demarraige in the double ring eere- ^ •tony were Miss Helen Davis of o'clock on Satardav, Feb.16, at ^oted to a review of milk market home of Rev. Henaiee. United in ing problems of the last * raar ani situation for the year H2?SH5S2!L of the William Schroeders of VOWS EXCHANGED AtSU, fri«ndi of 8AT0EDAT Dundee 725 McHenrv 325 Woodstock 100 ear and Game No. II Crystal Lake I Woodstock 575 Hlame No PII enter a driveway. H v ' Palatine 275' Woodstock 100 . Game No. IV Arlineton 625 Diet. Winner 425 ichin. hit V„d""^ r»TwkiS Frt: 'l5.";t JCl o.^ ee«ple, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Shnyth. . , , " The. attractive bride wore a street A very lovely mid-winter weddinu lngtli dre^«s of soldier blue, with T*8 aoletnnised at 10^ o"'clo ck last gloves Elgin 825 alatiT APPLICATION BLANKS FOR BONUS PAYMENTS NOW BEING PRINTED Mr. Schoonmaker paid his last visit to McHenry friends several months ago. Survivors include the widow, Cora; one son, C. Coleman; and a daughter, Mrs. George Godin^. Application blanks for'payment of Services were held on Mi a state bonus to World War n vet- the Cooper chapel, Genoa, with in the Genoa cemetery onday in irith W Her corsage was of _ white sweetheart roses. Mrs. Smyth ** marraige Miss Miriam Buensli, was attired in " * " matching accessories aage of white carnations. The groom and his attendant wore dark blue suits and white carnations as boutonnieres. eranc will be ready as soon as the ial printing presses can turn them out., fn,;,.-. • ine anormenis ior umm Jfe. V Printers have been instructed to and VI Will be made when the Win- start turning out 3,600,1 iuiKr of 5T 0«;' oi I, li. HIIII .ann<d IV are These will be placed i uj--^--j--^ ^€ivenpn marriage by her father, Part,c,.nating m games I, II, III and received by the veterans the radiant • tv --n kthe veterans as soo the schools i The first bonus COMING EVENTS February M bride's home, with the ming bridal trig?' J&rZhJZTTS: IV will be sent to the respective July 1. altar attired m a Vwff^^o^sch^for s^ in their communities The bonus taw, approved by the The tickets for gsme No. w. & c. s. Febrnarv 14 O. E. S. Meeting-^PuNic Auction of Gifts. Feb. 27 {10 a and $15 a month ^ _ for each veteran three-tjer wedding cake iritiT'minii- by her m<>ther on TiJErtl*No"^Vl^will .5 s?xtyUdTys>b^en0Sei. ?6?T940, Neighborhood Club. , . streamer bouauet «f velW ^ be given to the Principals of the for domestic service _____ „ and immediate f^imilios ,«,H -Won, .S .?« . 1 • i'tV*! f.11™ 'fL*?*'-.:?!?™ Immum»tkm Cliri^-Gmd. SeM. E. R. Sutton. February ture bride and groom served centerpiece on the table. The couple will for the present ^Mmiiss^sB Duueennzzlu^ wwaass aatuteenndaeeda obvy *M*1iRsSs _b e. given t.o • the principals iofff the, anAd Smepint.i m2u, m1 94n6a. H th^ir Helen Merges a friend 7ho se££d ^bools winning games No. Ill and A minimum payment of M0 and at^he Davi. h^f u rnid Thono .nd her siJJsV IV on Wednesday evening, March 5. j a maximum payment of $9<H> is at the Davis hone. ™ Z hS The tickets for the final game will P^videdjvnth avei^e payments of games No. $400 expected. Relatives of service y evenin*. men and women who loet their H I M I i M I H I I H M M M * March 3 V. F. W. Meeting. March 14 Mothers Club--Special March 16 Pioggam BirtKft * ' Adeline Buenzli, who acted as brides- . . maid. The former was gowned in given ^the winners of . blue taffeta, with net skirt and a X 'P1', ^ on Thursday evening, . headpiece of matching color and ?• « - * TT TTf . Sa^nuim^nf tflOO receive a j March 23 material Miss Buenali wore a pink ' Jh? tickete for «mes ^1, III a^ of $900. Business and Professional Women** - - " u ^ Krtatives of veteran* wtio died; nah_n;-tHct No 2 Ttea INCOME TAX RETURNS ! day morning at : solemn reqmem Nigel D. Campbell, collector of in-(St. Mary's chureh, with bnrial fa tft* teraal revenue, has cautioned tax-! church cemetery. payers not to confuse pending *ax| ••• „ .. , -- legislation in congress with the 1946 j INFORMATIVE TALK Si3~n^jrsL"S£u-Tf &IS2255 'JSSHSS& every person who had $590 or more 1 BEFORE SUPERVISORS income last year. I ______ The collector pointed oat that, if Superintendent of Schools Rola an changes are made in the tax laws, > McChnnon spoke beftoe the board the changes will apply only to 1947, superriira at last wedR meetr and therefore will not alter in any in^«firet of a series of informative !3rvtht,fii!5*. 5* lMt ^ rrtnrn talk*. Bis talk was centered around due by March 16. the ui»i»SM ahortasre of tsechers fa* m ^ taffeta dress and headpiece, fashioned TV will be on wale afer Pnday FA.! Rrtativas jJgJ i Club--District No. 2 11 to much the same as that of the maid .21, until 12 noon on the Hay of the being 8®Per*J®J ! Henry. Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Drake of West of honor. Both carried bouquets of All tickets not sold^by^ noon ^ April 13 McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonald of ribbons* pink carnations, with interwoven blue the day^of the wme will be re- i<lAT3S!SJSlor,,*?rMS "pyrf :«W> OribtrtreCowlrt. I turned to Woodstock for sale at the _ - shortage teadiera (of Fol a return is required by elementary schools, the mat amount ' , ~4~| 16 ,rom fvery penan $">*** of work earned on by theee instw * - $500 or more income regardless of tors ^ the difficult of manf > 4: * all other circumstances (except, of school districts. ? course, members of the armed forces Regarding the teacher shortage be f _ i'I still overseas). Returns are re- asserted that during the war imii i quired ev«i though part or all the 350,000 instructors quit the teachng ; ^ tax has been paid by withholding, 'profession and few returned, due for k .i __ „„ the most part to inadequate salaries. ,* 1VDIS CLUB MEMBERSHIP^ , He further added that at present Curtis G. Newman of West Mc- out of eight people desiring to teach <; f Henry, salesman in the J. M. Mc- js preparing for the elementary Clenaghan Elgin agency of the schools. He said also that in th# * >; V ^ Bankers Life Company of DesMoines, next six to eight years, because of • j ' la., won membership in the $150,000 the increase in the birth rate, there •** ervice Public St Patrick's Party--Spor.- Clf> for J^6 as a result of his ex- wH, be 80,000 more children in the 1 M" {] llve8 sored by Altar A RoearySodaMty.!celIent P™^tion record 1 ast year. fi„t gnde for each of the years. | • ive a; M.w4 S3 1 •••o»e»»»»eeotoeo»»eee»»»«' In explaining the work load rei^ *• quired of a rural teacher he asn» , serted that she must be janitor, keet j : records, instruct in physical educai* , , ^ . tion and institute a hot-lunch pro* *; „ crram Some of these instructor# Tsa -- Me- Among the Sick Woodstock are the parents of daughter, born Feb. 16 at the Wood stock hospital. Jerome Miller served his brother, door. the veteran's report of separation i as best man. while another bother. The tickets for games V, VI and ££"2? "rvic®. /l?rin Mr. McDonald was ChaTK iTi friend, PhUip DoherSl VII will be on sale &t the echools «*?bhsh the vahdiy of the veterans served as ushers. gram. ooaie ui mrsr msuwwif ^ George Brda was a surgical pa- are with teaching forty-twa ' NOTICE tient at the Woodstock hospital last P"Pd? and some only five nup»l% The schedule tor the McHenry week. jhowii^: a great ine<mality. Ifo prert, Washington's Birth-j Mrs. Matt Laures underwent sur- *us reniarks with the lnformar formerly a resident of McHenry. -- . ,. , . .„ . Mr. and Mrs. Roland Jackson M». IGller wore a black dress, ets not sold by 4:00 p.m. will be of the teams'participating. All tick- claim for a bonus payment. , Say, Feb 22, will be as follows: gery at St. llierese hospital, Wau- tion that the U S. spends only twfs ~ ' will be open from 7 a.m. kegan, on Thursday of last we<i. °' three percent of ite national in*. tnd from 5 to 6 p.m. There1 Wesley Guffey entered the Hines coi*1® for education, while Great Brr> - J man rvF th. mint M,M nw Ihm.. ^ window service, no rural hospital Saturday for medical treat- j*ln.,pend8 slx There will be no passes issued delivery and only one city delivery, ment fourteen per cent. Henry been named Richard Lee. 1 The couple came directly to Mc- follows: the Press, Principals, Super- ISSSt^erted ^til^nort*mmdL**1 I Henry ana their newly remodeled internments, Coaches and player of, collected until next week. Those from here to attend the apartment above the Jake Stoffel the schools participating in the McHenry County Businee|s P rotosinnnal Women * meeting in Woodstock last Monday Rrter M. Jnetan, letts, Mrs. H. A. flehwerman, Ifr* C. W. SnS" and Woodstock Re"jsJSmiSrd ^5n^ihital3»ePUH.k uneyMon trip until a later RtonaL atM^ie di^,ho~ WkmmSi Pask. Mr. Funk '***"* ChtaMto. that the people of their rcepegtive . Miss BnensH was emef Hslens CnrtU! Mail will be dispatched at 6 p.m. (Vivian Whiting)' of Richmond be- white trimmed, while the bride's returned to Woodstock for sale atj SUOCBMFCL ^ v am. ana irorn o w o xnw wysiey uuaey enwreu im nines and came the parent* of a girl, born on mother chose a brown suit. Both the door. ^ mjm of thf r^ent Ma"h^f Di^ will be no ^ cent ,nd Feb. 15 at the Woodstock* hospitaL wore corsages of white carnations. 1 J™^oT the^ rewnt Mar« or ^me» . .. ner Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Smith are Following the service, breakfast for any session. AU oeople entitled 2"T« J" the parents of their fiiwt child, a was served to the bridal party and to free admission will be required a UrgT^int r£ ay • • Mary Ann Karis of Johnsburg is! again a patient at the Lake County. sanitarium. FEB. M MEETING JOINS FRATERNITY ~ i Wjord ha* Vf** keceiwed «hat Math Wiora has been a medical »"t"ct of tj^ .I|l«ois W^are «5o- Richard Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. patient at the Woodstock hospitaL $**tion. e2TiifH«r^'- E. B- W\srd of Richmond Road, re- J Mrs. Sue Rinkin ha* been a modi-1 Kendall, Will,^ cenitt"ly i "b ecame a member of "Om ega > cal patient at the Woodstock Chi Beta, a new fraternity at Val-lpital. wQl held lenry land Lab* SMMheBMSi praiso University, Ind., where he is Mrs. George Worts was a medical; a Freshman student "Dick" is a patient at the Woodstock heepital charter member of this fraternity, the first of the wnek. the eighth to be established at the school. Mary Margaret Bus *nfend a broken ant • a. fhll vftfie reBer . Store ]; MsM naa. «n«M iM 1 et this sseeliB* '•••i b;Ji'. -,4.;!* i.jrv.-.

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