Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Feb 1947, p. 3

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t x : •%- i IUi j«nr appoiBtiiiiBti now T- ' Ml Wtaiir Ukt By Vanessa Sells 1MB iMk, at a r--tthin with my sisters, w» talked of all the things p W m lsag aco-tnd it wa* fan. Svnuwe wito toothers or listen can recall the little thine* and laugh tenderly in the recalling. But how often we think in terms of, the punialMB nuts we received and did not BMttt* or punishment we avoided, •WA we definitely deserved. How we hn«bed as we recalled to the days when we slept '"'*n CLARENCE NIESEN ; ' ""'v. Iterated at If. Jnsten Furniture McHenry 491-M or U • •• said! three to a bed, and how we always had to be spanked before we settled down for the night I can still hear my dad's deep voice ae he called up the stairs, "Do yon want me to come up there to yon?" That warning was'always to no avail. He always had to eomt--and he made his trip worthwhile! In punishment I frequently was forced to sit at the top of the attic Stairs where I had been sent to suitably ponder oppn my sins. Much of my pondering time was spent, Instead, in feeling acutely sorry for tnyeelf and the injustice of the world tornieh had forced me somehow into that sorry place.' t was always sure that someone else was to blame for my trouble. The other girls, when they in turn sat on the stairs pondered upon pthe same thing. Sometimes I think that being young is only fun in retrospect. Being young- is often an agonising and J heartbreaking experience that some {folks just never do get over. How true it is, as some cynic once " a wonderful thing, hut it is a it on the to wast* A new eervke was MM instituted Monday; Flebruaryl7, at the Woodstock CeaBftnaftly which will ha «f particular interest to everyone in the outlying eoanannitiee. A doetort udang* is being est up, in Hie hospital, which will have on d, m whereabouts of all docwho are oonnseted with the hospital, and can reach them for eaesrpatients. There will he an operator on 24- mr duty to take care of these calls. Therefore, if you cannot reach doctor through the regular . you can call Woodstock 8S, and the hospital will contact your doctor and notify him of your diffi cully. At ths Gospel Center two special events are planned for this weekend. Friday evening, February 21, the Monthly Fellowship Night. Participating in the program are ^Howard Sandlund and Renny Nelsoii outstanding trumpeteers of the Senn High School band mid the Chicago Land Youth For Christ orchestra. Also a ladies' trio from the Ev. Free Church Seminary, Chicago. The Rev. Frank W. Anderson will give a short talk. A social hour will follow the progmm, refreshments being served. On Sunday afternoon, February 23, an. extraordinary musical program will be presented by the Summerdale Ladies' Trio and other talents. Rev. Anderson will bring a brief message. The people of the community are cordially invited to these ana other meetings held at the Center. Khe to write, is 107 Kent street, Rockford. dub met at ths in WicUins •party on Friday evening. Refresh iMping with tha day. Phyllis Burt entertained a group in her hoses en Thureday eveninc to discuss ths "Grant Books" which The Community club sponsored for ths benefit of Harrison will be held this Saturday, Feb. 22, in the. American Legion home in Woodstock. Mothers of the children are being asked to volunteer for. the committees. If you can give Kir time, contact the chairman, or, , ,A, . ve your name at Miibnuidt's store.! lk • natural to Tlckete are also on sale at Mil- \ ^ night. brandt's. Everybne is being asked to give this enterprise their support as ths funds derived are all for ths benefit of the school. et the Har. sths inspire- •MMNH ysBys four, is regulations concerning Valentine's day. Win ids nsig&ors, Dick aged five, arrived with a valentinefor ths Kttis follow reftiaed to taks it. "I don't want it," hs exptainsd, "because I already HAVE a valentine." Upon arriving home hsarthroken, Hdtfs mothsr explained that Kenny was Car toe young to know that people collect many valentines which mollified Dick to such an extent that he put sway the valentine. I shall save ,it until next year when Ksnny* s older," he said. I am told that if you growl- all feel dog Grain PraUbvt and cereals are for energy value. They contribute If there are ten little girls #ho| more J**" * fourth of ffie protein raid like to learn to shoot/ a " M ^ "ttonal formed for them. ^ amount of protein in these 's have wanted to' food* almost as much as the national diet gains from meet, poulclub was formed that the committeei try, fish and game combined. would rifle club will So many of ths girls belong to a club since the boys' j in charge is seriourfy considering or- j though the protein is of poorer qualfjor thai ity unless it is, eaten with milk, Elmer Murphy will J be glad j mMt or nth*r hiffh-aualitv to tell you more about it NOW AVAILABLE! "Upright-dx* Home Freezer $269-00 Formerly $28M| Tkrffty Fmymmnt Mm Designed for rtack-in convenience-- this new Oobohabo. Idssl for ths small family, it takes up no more apses than your refrigerator. Has fajriM andTetsrsfB spsce fbr~about 300 pound! dT ftoses foods. Han4y Coronado Home Freezer $269.00 , Formerly $SUM Vm our Thrifty Fmymnont flm An eaosllsnt m family that wants to stars food and economically. lids of cheet type foods.*Hotds up to George Collet te, Owner McHenry 459 West McHsnry Authorised Dealer S2t Msia Strsst That little chipmunk, who livea in Urn Axel Raedel basement, finally got tired of storing his winter supply of nuts in the coal. Hiey kept disappearing into the furnace. What be doesn't* know is that his new place has also been discovered. If hs could read, he would know that the box of eoap flakes is also a nplace, and that reserve cache-- ie hack of the piano--is also in a poor spot! The Wonder Lake Knitters were entertained at the home of Mrs. Brika Fransen on Tuesday evening, the name is a little misleading as some of the ladies are crochetng instead, but each is making a garment of yarn, anyway. Patti Doyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pick Doyle, celebrated her fourth birthday last week. A gathering of friends helped the little girl oelefcra Honest men arent so hard to find. Betty Fiala lost her lovely jeweled bracelet last week and was in dispair about it as it had been a Christmas present from her fiance and has a matching necklace. Sha thought she migfet have lost iton either the Chicago train or on the bus. Inquiries brought the return of the bracelet by one of ths WAF bus drivers* She forgot to find out just which one, but they are aU nice boys. is on a Besides Young Ardelle Kreuger busy schedule these days. pofag to high school in McH is teaching dancing to the little girls of the district. Already there are twelve little girls learning tap, ballet and acrobatic dancing. Mrs. Vera Curlee of Moline, for merly a resident of Wonder Lake, was a visitor in the Arndt home over the weekend. Mrs. Curlee's husband has been a patient in Hinee hospital for the past two weeks'. During Mrs. Curlee's viait, Mrs. Louis Schroeder was a dinner guest st the Arndt home. Leslie Mason has taken a position in TVrre Haute, Ind., with the Quaker Maid Food Products company. Hs started on his new job last 8aturdsy. If housing in that city psrmits, the Mason .family will move to Terrs Hants in the nesr future. Beriberis SMlek, ©olio victim of last surtmer, has been moved to a convelescent home in Rockford. Her new address, if her friends would m only a fraction!" club last Saturday _ evening. His ^ tfad! meat, eggs or other high-quality protein foods. British flour has cslled (or 8S per cent extraction subject was evening "Multiple Toning." Our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Arline Durkee. music teacher for Harrison school. HWr husband. Dr. H. C. Durkee, died last Sunday, Feb. I diet. 16, suddenly of a heart attack. Mrs. 1 ' flour but in America the need for this is not snticiprted because the more plentiful supplies of milk,, milk products srit! greer vegetsbles her# sllow for much more cslcium in the A W N I N G S TARPAUUNS CANVAS GOODS m Luge Selection of Materials ORDER EARLY Spedilltinf in Stott and &M^de«ot' Awningi McHenry Awning Co. Fhon* McHenry 571-W-2 Tfao*. Thonneson Prop. GaMMUM Bsa^y As avery woman knows, under ths dim light of candles even a heavy coating of make-up appears softened and subdued to the eyes of friends. But in the bright light of electric lamps excessive use of make-up is readily apparent Some street lights contsin ultra-violet rays which change the color at make-up pigments, causing s heavily made up lady to take on a sallow qpmptauon. A woman living hi a town with such tricky street lights should watch her make-up. tar. They can be if ussd in marmaladss or and addsd to sanest, wich SparkHag Glassware An added Sparkle in glasswars can be obtained if a few drope of ammonia and bluing are to warm sospfuds. Castor oli, drsted form is dsgrse in nisb products, is now duceJ in Cuba. Actual 1944 was sstimated to be betweeB 2,000,000 and 2^00,000 pounds. Total oil yield is reported , to be 41 per cent of the weight of the castor beaaa. • • • ' - ---- SOLUBLE NUNERAIS v r, Why Jaat w that eB As : Htm yea eaa get si ia eas bsg--a ! sckntificslly balanced blsnd of nhmb saigilyiag propsrS. ;SS5 suftiilsMitsl sainsnli TT r" 1 the Vitsmia Dt thst assy be nsosssaxy for proper tiosof« i than this thiswew Mtoeial Feed** has snwrttei It la GOMPLETKLY SfMJUBLB ha ths «lsM •elds af the digestive (met. Fst SSM of this Mineral Mmywrsn tsagwa. YWD see that It melt* easspletely--leaves M Try tkfe same test on the tr--*«»g part of year aria thst won't dissolve? 3Wi a reason why this new, umpnmi siSaerei fminMUBa*d SOLUBLE" is att ut assWr farm. It contains ae bom meal, aojAoqiMi roc*;iUpkM' phattt art in th* mm* $olmbU farm mttkomi* blood* miilmyrtk. ytf/M. Al>PKbVED AMD SOU) BY YOUS' FEED DEALER Price $3.95 per bagt Less In Larger QiuntitiM McHENRY MILLS, Inc. PHOHE M'BEintT 92-K Wwt JUBmj, VL rm .1 A (tone car made finer ..'1 ;-:^l his may surprise you. But your telephone instru* |»ent is only 1/17^ of the equipment needed to provide you with service t The other 16/17ths includes wire, cable, switch* equipment, trucks, buildings, tools and ma* •hines. All these things are still hard to get in the quantities we need. That's why it takes time to complete all the ser* • vice extensions and improvements we're working an, and why some people are still waiting for telephones. > Despite shortages and handicaps beyond our I Control, all previous reoords are being broken. And iMule there's still a big job ahead, we want you to know we're doing everything we can to give yoil ' ?-£>e kind and atnount of telephone service you want ilLINOIf Bill pVUPHONK COMPANY A Pvtdttct tf Ctmtrmt Afsflm Hetcfs our picture for '47! We are prand to present for 1947, the finest car Pontiac has ever produced. In the new 1947 Pontiac, now in production, all of Pontiac's traditional quality, dependability, trouble-free operation, ease of handling aod downright goodness have been retained. These qualities have made more than a million friends of more than a million Pontiac owners. Added for 1947 are appearance changes to enhance Pontiac's beauty; mechanical improve* mants to uphold Pontiac's known reputation for dependable and trouble-free performance. again offers two outstanding series in ten body types. The Streamliner is on the 122* inch wheelbase; the Torpedo on a 119-inch wheelbase. Each is available as a Six or an Eight. Millions of people have learned to expect an out* •landing value from Pontiac . . . and the 1947 Pontiac fulfills their expectations in every way. The 1947 Pontiac is a fin* cmr wutdt finer. THE SOONER YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER ftr s Mtw Pmtiac, tbt tsrUtr jtm will gtt h. S» place your trdtr now jtr future dtltvcrj. Turn Is HMRY J. TAYIOC m Ik* efr Mm wwHy Features that Merit* PONTIAC a GRKAT Car! swasawci Distinctive Silver Screak Scjrliog . . . New massive and harmonious front end design. COMPOST--Bin, roomy Body by Fisher, Triple- Cushioned Ride, Luxurious Interiors, Shock-Proof Knee* Action, Fisher No-Draft Ventilation^ AH> Weather Engine Temperature Control. r--Smooth, powerful L-Head six or eight cylinder engines, Full-Pressure Metered Flow Lubrication, Permanent Oil Cleaner. SCOMaMT--Scotcb-Mist Quick Warm-up Manifold, Gaselector, Vacuums tic Spark ControL SAfirr--Multi-seal Hydraulic Brakes, Uniscee! Body, Tru-Arc Salecy Steering, Clear Vision. ' *1" ;• \ v R. L Overton Motor Sales ijf #- it- M£' - « ' 4' *. , *'7.. -.-a. .. . .itLs. .. ^ *... 4 i i 403 FRONT STREET •V 14 McHENRY, III,. 'V. A ' « .1 V A,Jft K ' i » i»,h • ' / : ,-M

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