FOR SALE PUBLIC AUCTION -- On Sunday, March 2, at 1; farm building; stock barn, 34x60; tool ehod? 20x80; chicken house, 20x60; hoc house, 16x- 20; silo, 14x80. Located on John Larson faun, acroee St. St. 14 from Fritzel's Crystal Lodge tavern, south Crystal Lake. All buildings to be wrecked or moved. Charles Leonard, auctioneer. 41 •< 11 n M MI i n n hut 'the; waa wvittait by WinnDavideon, third ine letter «w chosen by the roan as the neatest. mmm aimisi and Sly had to Wonder IdM the Hoefts to cone and By Vanesse Sells At the Washington-Lincoln ban- . quet held by the Woodstock Civic SWEDISH MASSAGE,-- club at the Grace Lutheran church Arthritis' in Woodstock on Tuesday, one of on the pro- FMt SALE-- Medium Clover, $23.10: Alfalfk seed, $15.00; Hybrid seed RTPFRT 2J*. j*;**;'" „,*{£! Su, hot p.-k. » Mnd. Other bargains. foetal cara us TO a specialty. For appointment the young musicians r rELST1 41-4 in your home, call Sylvia! phone gram was Kenneth Fossler of this ' Baberta Son, Postville, iowa. 414, Woodstock 212-J. 371 f' district, -who, accompanied by his father at the piano, presented a saxaphone solo. Present at the banquet from Wonder Lake to hear John Strom speak on Russia were Mrs. P. I* Cormier, Mrs. M. L. Burt and Mrs. James Selsdorf. nro^rtyr »EAD ANIMALS -- Five dollars is 'A&ssX «&»| && it. wast4 &sr FDR SALE!-- Lady's black sealskin coat, size 15% to 18; $66. Call Mc- | Henry 667-W-l. f ^FOR SALE--1940 GMC 10% ton " dump truck, 2 speed axil, 4 yd. body, 6 new tires; excellent condition. Call Flox Lake 5831. *41 help needed to load. 36-tf. WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN. WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 93-J. 10-tf FOR SALE--Three-piece living room «et, $25. Call McHenry 637-M-l. 41 FOR SALE--Roper gas stove. Good condition. Phone McHenry 90-M. *41 FOR SALE--*37 Ford dump truck, 4 yd. hydraulic dump box; 24-ft. EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 168, Phone 298-R; W. McHenry, 111. 40-tf l¥y GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of you* garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable conveyor;'4-yd. hydraulic dump box. F n*" round route. Phone Fox Lake 3182. 41-2! John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, Mc- FOR SALE--1981 Model A Good condition. Call 124-R. Fowl 41 Henry, Phone 865. WANTED TO RENT FOR SALE--Grey Stork Line baby WANTED TO RENT--Furnished or buggy. Call McHenry 210-R. 41 unfurnished house or apt., for 3 FOR SALES--White enameled cook1 fd"1*- Permanent residents. Phone stove, burns coal or wood. Henry 136-J. Tel. Mc- 41 FOR SALE-- Approximately seven tons baled sweet clover hay. Chain- O' Lakes Air Service. Call McHenry 625-W-2. 41 440-R. / 41 WANTED TO BUY WANTED FOR CASi1t " Homes -- Farms -- Businesses EDWARD M. CANNES Real Estate FOR SALE--1941 Plymouth 4-pass., Route 2 McHenry, 111. Special Deluxe coupe, new motor ( McHenry 674-M-2 McHenry 667-R-2 heater, new rubber, Phone Richmond 845. *41 Chicago Phone Keystone 2060 40-tf FOR SALE Five | WANTED TO BUY -- Four or Ave batteries, also five tier elec. battery room summer home, near McHenry, brooder. H. F. Zimmerman, Rt. 31. Qn or near pox R1Ter. Address Box i. ; : I "BJ," care Plaindealer. 26-tf FOR SALE -- tFammll tractor, F-20, rubber all around, and a "Little Genius" plow. For information call- Charles Martin, Spring Grove, 111. Plume Richmond 824. *40-2 WANTED WANTED:-- To make acquaint tance with you. Call 32 at Woodstock, 111. "MARGIE" Stir AT McCULLOM LAKE , FOR SALE -- One store, 3 and 4- xoom flats, 2-car garage; hot water jheat; also store fixtures. Jacob iFrite, Realtor, Johnsburg. Phone! McHenry 672-R-2 or Chicago Lincoln 1 WANTED Used baby buggy and 6- 1333.' 40-tf; yr. sire bed. Tel McHenry 567-J-2. \: ! 41 FOR SALE--All kinds of hay and Straw delivered. Will A. Johnson ift Son, Sugar Grove, 111. Phone €171 between 4:30 and 6 o'clock *38-6 POR SALE -- New GI year-round tome; occupancy about March 1. Phone McHenry 2£7-J. 37-tf fOR SALE--Will be able to furnish tiew beautiful, year-round home to civilian family if acted upon at once Occupancy about April 1. Write iBox X, care Plaindealer. 37tf ®*>R SALE -- Used phonograph rectfds. 26c each. A good simply of tthe latest records. Steffan's Jewelry, .Main St., West McHeniy. 35-tf FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors and Ignition parts for Ford and all other Seaco Sales ft Service, Lily- Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel. lenry 616-W-2 10-tf W * Jp • ^ ^ IFOR SALE -- Generators, starters, Jfaei Maps, water pumps, radiator I/,,,, «nd heater hoses, fitted floor mats f if or Fords and Chevrolets. Motorola L •' %•*' . ^auto radios. Gamble's, West Mc- ' Henry. Phone 469. 28-tf fOR SALE--Year-round comfort and ';V (economy with fire-proof Johns-Manfl* ille Rock Wool Home Insulation -va-- "TEHownin" walls and ceilings. Call v XEO J. STILLING. McHenry 18. i. 36tf. WORK WANTED--To clean offices and light house cleaning. Phone McHenry 130-R. *41 CARPENTER WORK WANTED-- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. A. Lessard, phone McHenry 634-R-2. *41-2 WANTED TO EXCHANGE -- Five room apt., north side, Chicago, for two-Jbedroom house in McHenry or Woodstock. Must be able to furnish lease. Call or write (Ettwal Laboratories Inc., Ringwood, 111., phone Richmond 5, or Graceland 1325, Chicago. 41 SEWING--^Available for sewing and alterations. Tel. McHenry 650-R-l. 41 WANTED -- Ladies to sell spring drcBPca and nylon hose few hours daily. Will average abort $1 per hour. Write P. O. Box 993, Rockford, 111. *40-2 WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 16-tf WANTED -- We nave cash bnjeis for summer homes, city property and farms. List your property with us, Jacob Fritz, Main St., Johnsburg, Rt. 1, McHenry or 2006 Sheffield Ave„ Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1888-1384 tf. ^ LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 6Ux350 ft, X «n Route 31, about two block from . -V'---^epot. Inquire at 716 Center St. m McHenry 278-J. 22-tf HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS MARTIN * SON Carpenters Rt 1 Ringwood Tel. Wonder Lake 661 Building and Remodeling Efethnatee Cheerfuly Given HELP WANTED--Cook wanted at Big Hollow school. Must have own transportation. Call Fox Lake 4211 HELP WANTED--Housekeeper, 4 to 5 hours a day and to assist with cooking; good pay. Call McHenry 67-R. 4*tf The Smelters bowling teem of the ARC--Electric Auto Lite .. League, which is1 captained by Chuck James of Wonder Center, is still way out ahead of the eight teams of the league. Their rating now stands at 46 wins and 26 lost. Roger Hansen, a member of the team, has recently taken a job in Long Lake, but remains a member of the team due to the fact that hie mother works at Electric Auto-Lite. (Just on those apron strings again!) On Thursday evening, Feb" 20 a banquet was held in honor of the Boy Scout and Cub Scout personnel of the Kishwaukee district of the Blackhawk area, which comprises Boone and McHenry counties. More than one hundred persons were preeent in the Marengo Community Center at MatfBpgo. 9 Present from Wonder Lake were Mr. an<T Mrs. P. L. Cormier, acting representative for the Wonder Lake Troop No. 164, and Scoutmasters Richard and James Doyle and Mrs. Jantes Doyle. An outstanding speaker. Harold J. Homann of Rockford, Chief Scout executive of the Blackhawk area, told the assembly of building program of the scouts. Party Prattle . The School benefit dance, sponsored by the Community Club and. held on Saturday evening, Feb. 22, in the American Legion Home, Woodstock, was attended by more than 200 persons. The dance floor was filled at all times and the busy kitchen committee was kept jumping by the demand for the wonderful ham sandwiches, potato salad, weiners and saner kraut and cake *nd coffee. All of the committees did an excellent evening's work, but it was that kitchen committee, under the co-chairmanship of Mrs. Elmer Murphy and Mrs. P. L. Cormier, that turned in the biggest job of all. Mrs. James Selsdorf, chairman of the Community club, is grateful to all of those who contributed their services. Baby Myra Franz was the youngest dancer seen on the floor. Myra, under a year old, was greatly pleased when she was danced around by her dad and by Harry Davidson. Mrs. H. Davidson baked one of those fine big hamfe. Mrs. Myra Marshall of 9916 Vincennes Ave., Chicago, was a weekend guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Riegel, and was at their table attending the dance. Mrs. Marshall. and Mra Riegel are sisters. Mrs. Henning Widen of the Wonder Food shop was unable to attend the party because she scalded her left arm severely when pouring off the water from a huge pan of potatoes--made into potato salad and donated to the Community club. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Grosbiy of Ringwood held a pot-luck dinner at their home and then, with their entire perty, were present in the hall. Those of the Grosby group were Dr. Edmund Lowe and Mr and Mrs. Harry Barr, all of McHenry, and Mr. and SErs. M. L. Burt of Wonder Lake. The Selsdorf house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Vardaman, of Evanston and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Andereon of Lombard were present at the party. Dick von Bampus, looking fiine after Ms lecewt major operation, and his wife, watched the dancers. Tbo soon yet for Dick to try a light fantastic. Many of our summer and weekend residents made the trip out from Chicago to attend the party. Among those were ZeDa and Carl Reeee. Guests of dta Bill Hoefts, Mr. and Mrs. H. Schaffer returning to their home in Mriiose Pull, and Mr. and HELP WANTED--Girl to clerk in M,r s. E. Moscheroecb of Libertyville, dry .tore .nd tow,tain work. Bri- j ,.*eer«Tn5„2» *40-2 &er* Drug Store, McHenry. 38-tf ,nvoivea I HELP WANTED--COUPLE EXTRA I MEN. HUNTER BOAT CO. SS-tf AUCTION . • • | HELP WANTED--Women and girls CHAS. LEONARD and ED. VOGEL, }o sew. Good opportunity for those Auctioneers mterested in this type work. Apply -- {Riverside Mfg. Co., McHenry. Phone Having lost my lease and unable 39. 20- w; • USTK to find another farm I will sell at §ublic auction on farm located on iurnett Road, North side of Island, _____ Lake, 3 miles West of Wauconda, and 1 fDH UAII DfATTUAT/ I S miles Southeast of McHenry on JCHIIVUUPtHI IHHf/ [ THURSDAY, MARCH 6 . Beginning at 12':30 o'clock, the following property. 16 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of 16 milk cows, mostly Holstein, some Guernseys, 2 being first calf heifers, some close springers and three new milkers. Holstein bull, 14 months old. Team work horses. Double breeching harness. Feed and Machinery 6 ton baled Alfalfa hay; 7 ft, •ilage; McD. manure spreader; McD. corn binder;; McD. com planter; 3- aec. drag; sulky plow; side delivery rake; cultipackier; cultivator; Walking plow; Slip scraper; McD. 5 ft. mower; Deenng mower; 1000 lb. | HESTER OILS have nothing to hide PROMT SERVICE GIVEN ID JOHNS-MANVfllE 'j HONE INSULATION CUSTOMERS The^ place where this accident occjwted hi the same corner where the Keener boy was killed last week. , Mra. Marie Mllbrandt has a lovely silver bracelet that someone lost at the party. The owner can call for it at Milbrandt's store. It was a big thrill lut Sunday when Barbara Howarke talked to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Chedgie, of Bridgewater, Somerset, SMgland. Barbara, British bride of young Heibert Howarka, came to Wonder Lake to live last May. It helped that homesick feeling to hear ------- ! her loved ones' voices. Both are well, On the sick list are Joanne Resh- suffering too much from the eeke, suffering from a sorethroat, £ard winter which has beset all of BobWe Cormier with the same com- < England. plaint and young Kenny Audino, who1 is down with the chicken pox which' * A near tragedy was too close for bis brother and sister have just got-! comfort wihen small Judy Troxell, 6, ten over. j fell out of her parent*' car on Rt. Mm Bemice Blount, the primary 120 last week. Driving at a good teacher, is 'still very ill with an acute clip, Walter Troxell rounded the •ore throat. Her mother, Mrs. Stein,' curve at the big tree just before of southern Illinois is here taking "Treetops" when ne saw his daughter care olf her. fly out of the car. The lower room wrote a letter of' Questioned at the Woodstock hos sympathy to Mrs. Blount this week, ] pital later, Judy said she wanted to signed by everyone in the room, • throw her chewing gum out of the bad accident Al's White House on route 120 when their car was struck head-on by W HCR eOWMg- SHC OOULO K GftUD THE BEST 0RCSSCD . UNowseeo wowui/ 119 platform scale; 2 wagons and racks;; --"ain drill; land roller; 8 milk cans; j .i' ^ g r i - double unit portable milking machine; electric water heater; wash] fjinkt, pailB and strainers; small | fools. Some household furniture. Model A Ford sedan. . Terms: All sums of $25 and under that amount cash, over that amount • credit of six months at 6 per cent wfll be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit, (daily nuke arrangements before purchase is made. No property to (a iciweved until settled for. JOVDf GEARY HESTER OILS "The Beat For Less" • FUEL OIL GASOLINE LUBRICANT! Wsst ef C. A N-W. R. WEST McHENRY, ILL. * Home owners living in Northern Illinois are fortunate to have avail able in this area the oldest and largest Home Insulation company ii the world. We have the Johns- Man ville Type A "Blown In" Rock Wool Home Insulation with 18 years experience; 15 insulation trucks working day after day blowing Johns Manville Type A Rock Wool into the sidewalls and attic of home after home; at present we have over SO,• 000 "Blown En" jobs done. Stop and think what this experience meant to you who are thinking about having your home Insulated. Our crew men do no other typ of work; they are expert insulation workmen. They do not put on roofs or asbestos siding, day in day out, year after year they Blown In" Type A Johns* Manville Home Insulation. That is w$iy Johns Manville Type A Home Insulation is not put on the open maifctet; therefore, in all the greater Chicago area including Lake, McHenry and Boone county no other company is allowed to Mow Johns-Man ville Type A Rock Wool other than the Wall-Fill company. We can give you prompt eerviee on any insulation work you have been thinking about. Why should anyone <wbo ooeS not know the differenc^ Mn grades and types of rock wool take a chance with a substitute when we have available Johns-Manrille Type A Home Insulation. For nee saHmatss, write the Wallfill Co., 200 9. Ptaarl St. McHenry, Leo J. Stilling, Dist. lZrr., Phone 1% or call yovr local BaBftf Mater* lab dsaier. r. v. SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO THE McHENRY WE CALL AND DELWJHt ALL SERVICES TELEPHONE 189 BODY AND FENDER REPAIRING WELDING 413? 1 609 Front St. fiBmNo Wreck Work a Specialtgt-- 20 years in the Trade McHenry HANS FLACH Phone McHenry 244- R HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS CATCH BASINS SEPTIC TANKS CISTERNS Cleaned By EDDIE'S SANITARY SERVICE EDDIE HUFF, Prop. " TELEPHONE McHENRY 290 (at CENTRAL MARKEt) We fere equipped to give yon a complete Locker or Home Freeser Service including cutting of Beef, Perk, Veal, Lamb, Etc.; wrapping, freezing, curing hams and bacon, making Salt Pork, Dried Beef, Corn Smoked Geese and Turkeys. FOR SALE Wc have several used Electric Refriger* ators for sate* Abo one used Electric Bottle Cooler. iteration 312 ELM STREET PHONE 439-W MMMami Rom where I sit ... £y Joe Marsh mm. Bert Solves the Labor Problem. I f ' Tea hear a lot ah sat capital ait* labor nowadays, as if the two coaM never get together, fiat look at Bert ChiUlsts who has HI acrsa ef prodoci^i land, a fair-eiaed heri el cattle, and two farm hands working for hiak If you called Bert a "capitalist" ha wouldht know what you meant, ai# neither would Spike and Sandy, the hired mea. Bert works sida hy aids with both of them; anrfin the evenings thsy sit I dont say all labor problems are as simple as Bert's. But from where I sit, the bask principle applies to any farm or factory or business: A principle of confidence and mutual respect, of daily talka together in a friendly and congealal rtaosphsre. . &;, Mm. a, ."^9% PAINTING HINTS PAINT HELPS tt ' TO PRBBERVE GRAIN Tha porctvtoe, eltef of many, quffla. Tha tail quitia, come looae in their sheaths and tihe alightest contact will release them. have demonstrated that painting grain bins white or in a light tint to reflect heat helps to retard the activities of insect life in the grain. Grain which is kept warm is a more hospitable breeding place for auch undesirables than grain which is kept cool White or light tinted paint reflects the heat of direct sunlight. DS.&8. FIKE lema. -i • t • Crystal Lake 0 Paint Stort Use Hoere Paint Phone 1160 Across From car and pressed on the door handle instead of the window lowering knob. A careful examination ' revealed only bruises and Judy went back to school this Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Willig from Chicago, are new reaidents of Shore Hilla. Two children, Richard A. and Betty Lou, are still at home. Two other children, James A. and Mrs. Leona Stibeck, are married and reside in Chicago. Mr. and , Mrs. Frank Corido of Indian Ridge are' thinking of bringing a steel tile business to Wonder Lake in the spring. The Corido family are "permanent residents, arid are parents of three sons, Charles, 7, who is attending St. Mary's - St. Patrick's school in McHenry, Josenh, 4, and Lawrence Wayne, 2 years old. ,Louanne Howarke has been forced to abandon her second semester at Norhtwestern undeik her doctor's orders. A nervous- condition is responsible. Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Watkins are parents of a baby girl,' bdrn on Sunday, Feb. 23, 1347. . National 4-H Week; starts on March 9. The Busy Bumble Bee 4-H club will again start its- season at that time. Another 4-H club will be sitarted this year at Wonder Lake because there will be so many for one club. Any little girl, 10 years of age or older, is eligible to join a 4-H club. She will be welcomed into one of the clubs. Sometime during 4-H Week, the leaders will call at the school and take the names of the youngsters who plan to join for the season. Shakespeare once said--"He Jests at scars who never felt a wound." Insisted on isle Royale Tradition has it that Benjamin Franklin, at the Treaty of Paria la 1783, insisted on a border with Canada that would give Isle Royale to the.United States. Though maps of the day showed the island farther south than it really is, its inclusion in the United States marked tha only deviation in the middle-of-the» 'akes boundary line with Canada. W. P. BROOKS & SON Painting and Papering All Material At Coat Tel. ,131-R til Washington St. ; MeHenry, Illinois HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid fa- Deed and Crippled Horses, Cattle and Hogs -- Sanitary Power Loading -- Tankage and Meat Scraps 116 or McHenry 659-J-2. Reverse for sale. Phones Arlington Heights Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. M2 W. Waakagaa IL FImm It ( McHenry, m. . * 4 Office Haara: lpja. to I pjfe*.. L; Except Tharadajra Evenings by Appointment f 1 McHENRY FLORAL CO. ; v %r One Mile Flaweva far all 4M eff MeHear# WELDING ; l i: Maintenance and Caaatractkjpi Portable EqaipaMBt H. a VANCE--MeHenry Mft Senth Green St, McHeary. n. ' MeflBMKT CAB • 4#1 Waakagaa Road > 14-Hear Service MeHBNRT 47W CECIL, BALLOWB • If 'I'll" FRANK & WBUBt - PAINTING AND DBOQg^llMi Phone McHenry Wl-V l T Painting, Papcrhanging, Sprayfftt Eatinuites Cheerfnlly Furnished TRUCKING CO. T.1-- Gravel -- Black Dirt -- Limestone Damp Tracks For Hire f^hone Jehnsbnrg 677-W-2 .McHenry, IB. AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main SL, McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and CuttlK ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 M'HENRT, ILL. Phone McHenry 637-R-2 -- Baaement Excavating -- NETPS SAND ft GRAVEL Special Ratoa on Road Gravel and Lot FDIhff . . Black Dirt . . Power Leveling aid Gradiag. J. E. NETT Jehnabarg P. O^-McHeary --WANTED TO BUT-- We pay «• to H8 far OM Hs . leas far dawn heraea and cattla. MATTS MINK RANCH Jehnsbnrg - Spring Grave Read Phone Johneharg IH4>I CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS. HOR8E8 AND CATTLE We pay phone charaaa FRANK 8. MAY Trucking Sand -- Black Dirt -- Cinders -- TTnck for Hire Pkana Johnaborg 685-W-2 R-l McHanry Grnvd JOHN F. BRDA ft SON Sheet Metal and Furnace W«fc Ml N. Green St, MeHenry, IB. Phone 24S-R " DR. JOHN WAIDZUNAS Phyaician ft Snrgeon Main St., Johnaborg, IH. TeL CryaUl Lake 36-M Office Hours: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 pjn. Snndaya by Appointment VERNON J. KNOX Attorney-At-Law Cor. Green and Elm Sta^ McHenry Taeeday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 43 McHENRY GARAGE 608 Front St. (Route 31) General Repairing Welding--Arc and Acetylene Light Blackamith Work NICK P. MILLER Phone McHenry 108-R Opt** ft*. A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Contractor, Trucking, Hydraulic! and Crane Service . --ROAD BUILDING-- TeL 204-M MeHeary, IR TeL MeHenry MM HAROLD H. BELL Painting, Papcrhanging, Old Wall Paper With Steamer, Spra^ Painting 10S N., GREEN ST. McHENKT DR. R. DeBOME -- Dentiat -- 120 Green 8treet Phono 292-J. McHaaep Office Honra: 10 a. a. to f daily except Wednaaday. Ev« hy appointment. 9-m. ^ l-i'i TeL Wonder Lake 41S R. H. Dentiat Si 1--Office Tateday ft Satordaya: •aja.tol i, • i '-1 . ' • a- ^ -t.-, • . , . Ari WATER PUMPS I Fairbanks Morse Elector and Pump types. All sises. Complete and Easy to instalL Samp paips. Take all pumps in trade. ENGSTROM SALES AND SERVICE TeL MeHenry 606-W-l (300 ft. from NelTa Ballroom) Telephone All Branches CryaUl Lake 1119 Of Sewer Work McHENRY CO. SEWER SERVICE Blocked Sewers Opened Without Digging By Electric Motor-Mole and Rum Cutter Crystal Lake. Illinois L Nelson 138 R. Crystal Lake Avol CHARLES S^PARKER, Attorney (Jeelvn ft Parker) Office Honra: Wednesday Afternoon*--1:00-5 M Office--Koehr Sapply Company, .542 Main Street, West MeHeary Phone--MeHrary 486 ^ Woodstock 1135 INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Ante, Farm and Life Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When you need insurance of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M Green ft Elm MeHeary McMAHON REFRIGERATION SALES AND SERVICE ? McHenry 419 or Wo 510 Main St., McHenry, Illinoia Lake 568 ROTHERMEL ELECTRIC SHOP Electrical Contractors Radio Rcoeira Let aa eeHmete that next electrical • HCuCiirf i72aN 304 Riverside Drive Telephone No. 300 STOFFEL ft REIHAN8PERGER tnaurance agents for an elasssa af property In the heat companiaB. We* McHsnry, TIHnsli WILSONT8 RADIO SHW en All ft Auto j J' j " -, • ' Affiv-.ira» "