Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Feb 1947, p. 7

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PPIPWIP ^ ^ e"* % * t » v ^ ~\ -^^*' r jhfcw-ao*^ fytpstfaifa* '^P * .:£k'~jf*r •?*•¥>•** i Thursday, *eVmnr 27, >-j^...««*iVV* -» / • * : ^ \ \ •; *&* • - 4 ^ ^ «K.~-V •*" <Vf. . ;;gp' ;^j • ' . - * : • • >.;r,'i> Between. Classes •Miiiinnimimimiii By JaeqM Hopkbn •: Xihourh "Between CW«m" bears the by-line "Jieona Honfltina.** tiu> _ nu had no part in the writ-1 putting the current events of all the of tidi miik'i eahann, wlueh is classes bv, school hi your colomn, I to the senior class. Harry livelier, senior, has written the following letter concerning the activities of his dais for tha past four years. Dear Jacque: Have Yon a Drinking thought I'd write and tell you all about as seniors. (This bring a difficult task, 111 roll up my sleeves and get to work.) The fall of . ,43 brought a sorry bunch of freshmen |4o the halls of MCHS for an educai tion. Most of us were unable to Ji!l rMeaUd oUrI wWrI iltiee buuutt s6l*tuUggfgfl ed throug_ h jand were (the year iollowing) placed ,«*%< ?v*. v4, •>- W.AiWntAt.Kl ••441 • come out with something. "Yeah," j she said, "Mrs. Meade is back." Mrs. Meade is the art teacher who comes to the Lincoln grade school are working mural. South American | Come spring, when the members of i school, instructors included have! IAe On tha Bay I I I H I I I H ) artickO Pat Nixon end course8 and to work on her master's y0*1^1 probably hear a r " t , " degree. Now she's backhand the!. 8un&~"w»th Americ r went skating kids are happy about it! !t Away." H < H M > I • < M tfHHtl once a week to instruct. For a while| gott®n their fill of drawings, discuss- Mrs. Meade discontinued some ofjln.£ an<* singing things connected (By "Cam" MartickO her classes in order to take some art W1 coun tries South of the border, On* day last week . Jerry and Tom Miller in a class called'sophomore. P This in • fi€,d behind the f»«nhouse on They're especially Iproved interesting, (as we could all Regner Road, "just for the heck of .the South American M* am help ya*, as w* helped ourselves aad each other, if yau wish. No cost. All inquiries aad contacts held in strict confidence. Phone Woodstock 1618-J-2. 4 *';V ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS . ; . ' " ">"• ' (Clip and Save this AdforaFrfond) new song be- Take happy pleased about, ^ . » "Bye projects their j •% -• j read and write now) and we actually it." For those of you who've won-' teacher, Mrs. Gibber, music instruc- . -> , ^; did learn things. The year following dercd at times whether an ice cover- *or' Miss Thompson, and Mrs. Meade Each vear about -inn this we became Juniors -- "Bi&!ed denression in a field would be are work,nR on with them in prep- y ™ut 300 bllll°na of Wheels/' (as the slan* has it) We good &r ic€ skating or not-it isn't! aration *<" th,f1^ut}) American fiesta j ^ ^ U. S. were able to scare freshmen out of At least, Pat and Jerry and Tommy,proKram ^ 11 ^ gmngr this spring. aJone or 830 millions daily. This their pants by threats of getting didn't have such a good time when The children are learning Spanish "ieans that on the average. 600,000 set on the fountain or having their they tried it. Guess you'll stick to sonKS and word and the upper classes es are started every minute, shoes worn on the wrong foot all the lAke or pond from now on--huh, iday. Hie more mechanically in-'kids? clined boys took Trades I and really jn" Bare Baagyy Management specialists say er bend to do any Job If you ca* stand straight. Handing uses more energy, about 43 per cart mora. So if your sink is so low that yog must bend over to make a simple wooden rack to the diahpan. Expe-ts also say aot* to stand if yoy can sit. When iron* ing flat pieces, or getting the vege£| tables ready for canning, dQ^tt sit<»v tia( dowit. ." . * ; I "• t f Butter- Aectent l*rodMet -:im Butter is known to have beaaf -*ade 2.'VfO vears before Christ. f had fun. desperation (news around here basketball we enjoyed many parties hard to get as aut .mobiles and Aside from football and and dances during that year. ; Well, that's enough of our past ; history, now for this year--1947-- the biggest year for the seniors ing )ME quarters---Vou kn<<w there are, to be had--but, try and get Vrri) -- Anyhow, in desperation 1 asked my (the onfs that fortunate ^ough whether she'd h.ard any - news lately--J RCA\'; > .ST^OMBERGCARLSON • •• : PHILCO ' . RINGWOOD * • li "v 1 , : , '. ELECTRICAL & RADIO SHOP Phone Richmond 883 V ": r ; ' • - / " Eingwood, BL HOUSE WISING * CONTRACTING Radio and Refrigeration Sewice i. WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO., INC. 'cf] located on State Route 47 WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS CHARLES LEONARD. Auctioneer DAIRY COWS EITHER CLOSE OR FRESH WITH CALF BY SIDE STOCK BtJLLS HOGS BEEF CATTLE CALVES STEERS jOONSIGN your stock here for tbp prices. CALL 872 or 499 ALL »R8 PAID CASH DAY , . WE ARE BONDED • "• ' •». ' • ' i- <• • TOU CAH BUT--TOO OAK SILL WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO., INC. trOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS :to graduate!!) Every class must have an "Alby Adams," or there wouldn't be any fun in going to school. Then, too, there must be entertainment, such as the "Polka Dot Pour," "Monk" Felse, "Fritz" Mueller, j "Mike" Svoboda, and "Torchie" Epert 'provide. In case you haven't heard, | they sing Baiter Shop Ballads. In the line of females^ there is : quite an array, with "Cam" Marticke, ' Jerri Niratz, P»t Brigfrs, Ellie Edstrom, and Lorrie Larson. Don't fret guys, they're all taken). The ^Trades II boys keep the school in > good condition by their repairs and ' the re-organized student council keeps \ the school in good running order. Our own fair "CaiA" Marticke was ! chosen to represent the senior class • in the council along with Les "Loverr i Boy" Kreiger. This council is a good thing because it helps to create i a better understanding between ! students and faculty. • "The Warrior," the school paper, (provides employment for at least a {dozen or so Seniors who like Journalism. 'IFYitx" and "Cam" were elect-= led co-editors and "good ole" Doris Smith does all the work. "Sonny" ; Miller and Gene Wagner write up, j the boys' sports.Albina Samec does! ja neat job of writting inj the girls' j | sports and our "Stoolie" O'Brien very I sarcastically writes up the feature; Kge. He calls it "Confidentially," i t confidentially 1 don't see anything confidential about it!! The dances that are given here in 'school by the various classes really j bring out the couples in the senior {class. I don't want to be like1 i "Stoolie" so I won't mention any names. Nothing exciting ever happens to us Seniors, except Leo Smith coming late for assembly, or Albina, jfSaniec losing her lunch. j The "Pep Club" (a new cheering j club, brought together for the better-1 ment of cough drops after a game j where every one yells themselves 'hoarse), is run by three Senior cheer-' leaders; Capt. Jerri Nimtz, Lor Larsen, and Cam Marticke and that vivacious JoAnne Andreen, a junior. It really makes the old gym shiver when they all let loose with their j noise. I They tell me that the student j council is trying to raise funds to I buy a juke box for school. This; lis a swell idea, it's just what the school kids want too. The council i& truly grateful to the teachers o| our school for the basketball gamcl they played the night of Feb. 17 You see, all the money taken inffrom tickets and the sale of refreshments was donated to the council by the teachers. The annual yearbook of the school '•really going to town. The seniors (bless 'em) looked at the "ibirdy" and had their pictures taken some timef last week. I think by the time youread this the class and club pictures will have been taken also. Well, Jacque, you know what they •ay in German (Thfcy say a lot of things in Gennan) ha! ha! j 111 have to close now because my little toe is giving out.from all this writing. Yours truly, HARRY MUELLER actu lily AMAZING N!W DISCOVERY NOW BBNG^tfSH) IN WORLD'S SMALLEST MARINO AJP . . , WHU Mq IW (M IllfllMii WISCONSIN MAUN* AID CO. 10S W. WaOa M. Wis, liberal tradt-in allowance on your prtstni instrument. 18th Annivernary Specials This Month Only flill Line Pre-War Oil Permanents 16, 25 and 35% discount on all S rinanents startfrom $7.50 |25 com* lete yn'th free aircut, steamer oil treatment, special shampoo .and hair dress. Grade and Hi-School Girls' Permanents Reg. $7.50 up for $5UP Swedish and Turkish Baths and Body Massage by John Stompanato Sr., and Mile Sara Utush (Mrs. J. Stompanato Jr.) in your home or our salon. STOMPANATO'S Beauty, Body Contour Salon 226 Main St. 227 Benton St. Phone 641 Woodstock, 111. TO OUR PATRONS Because we are starting to receive our new equipment, we are again able to announce additional service for your convenience. We have received many requests from clerks and office workers for a bus-to reach Woodstock Cor those starting w$rk at 9:00 a.111. . ~ TOWARDS W,00DST0CK TOWARDS McHenry . ," 8^)5 a.m. ' t Lv. Woodstock 9:40 •Cv. • AfeOullom Tjake 8:13 a,m. JjTi: Wonder Lake >• 9:53 a.m. Lv. Ringwood • 8:18 a.ti. hv. Ringwood 10':0.'5 a.m. Lv. Wonder Lake ; 8:27 a.m. irV. McCullom Tjske * 10;08 Ar. Woodstock 8:45 Ar. McHenry 10:18 a.m. Lv. McHenrv 11:25 a.m. Lv. Woodstock 12:45 p.m. Lv. McCullom Lake 11:35 a.m. Lv. Wonder Lake 1W p.i#' Lv.' Ringwood 11*40 a.# Ringwood 1:13 p.m. Lv. Wonder Lake 11:50 a.m. Lv., McCullom Lake 1:18 p.m. Ar. W°°dstock 12:08 p.m. Ar. McHenry 1^26 p.m. < vt-i This service addition will be made on FEBRUARY 24, 1947 on a trial basis. As more new equipment is made available we shall institute more •arvic*. REMEMBER: H is our patrons that formulate our schedule, suggestions will help us to give service where and when you need it. Tour We thank you for your past patronage, and look forward to serving you in the future. #. A. F. TRANSPORTATION CO., Off*..; ; ' 1 *\ §' % ' ; ' >'1 4' There's a plate for YOU in the 4-H ptirade! 9? 4'notke/i Jiuylp & CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer The undersigned having sold his farm will sell at public auction on the Eckert Farm 2% miles soi4kwt&i, of wood and 3 miles northeast of Woodstock on , TUESDAY, MARCH 4 at 12:30 sharp the following pei*sonal property: 5 Shorthorn cows 2 Shorthorn bulls, 12 & 14 mos. old 1 Holstein bull, 15 mos. old-^-.^M^- FEED--120 tons baled timotfiy hay; 2 tons 2nd cut alfaUhl; 5 tons straw; 12 ft- silage in 14-ft. silo; 1,500 ear corn; 300 Violand oats. MACHINERY--R. C. Ca^e tractor on rubber with cultivator, completely overhauled; Ford-Ferguson tractor ob rubber with starter; Ford-Ferguson tractor cultivator; Ford-Ferguson tractor plow; \ rubber-tired tractor spreader; rubber tired wagon and rackf; McCormiok-Deering hammermill; 10 in. hammerniill, new; Hayes corn planter with fertilizer attachment; Mo-D 42 combine; Mc-D. rotary hoe; John •Deere corn binder; LaCrosse 8-ft. grain drill; tractor buck rake; 3-section harrow; tractor snow plow and scraper; cream separator, table model, new; Sharpies cream separator; electric churn; forge, 1,000 platform scale; 50 ft. drive belt: 2 oil pumps; set of harness; 200 hens, White Rocks and Leghorns. Some household furniture including Leonard refrigerator; Heatrola sfove, kitchen stove and other miscellaneous items. Usual Thorp Terms mm St yzi'-- •^X : Iswardi far 4-N Work ore many and varied. Picnics, comps, trips and outings are only a few. Each year state winners, like the group above, are chosen to attend the annual Notional 4-H Club Congrew lb Chicago where 4hey vie with winners fro|H other states for Notional Honors. TOOK 7Z YEARS TO BUILD THE NATIONAL CAPITOL IN WASMWGTQN •V A". • ECKEftl" FINANCE CORP ••creation amI RMpoiuiMflty come wHh the social activities ond business meet* ings which are held at regular intervals by the 4-H Clubs and Mr nearly 1,700,000 members. Here the happy Sandy Ford in. display a lew of Mieir domestic protects at the LaSaMe County Home Economics Show. JOINING THE RANKS of tiit 3S,OO0 boys and girls who are members at Illinois 4-H Clubs is a pleasure and ft privilege for young and old alike* Membership in this world-wide rural organization provides both parents and children with many advantages. It provides an opportunity to participate in clubwork that teaches skills and knowledge of permanent value. It teaches community leadership, gives them experience in democratic living and fills the need for wholesome recre* ational and social activities. Anothet National 4-H Club Enrollment Week is here. Parents are urged to encourage their children and other children to join the local 4-H Club. If there is no local dub, a group of five or^more is all that's needed to start one. Perhaps you can serve as its leader or help secure 4-H for your community. Don't miss this chance to voluntarily act as friend and counselor to Young America. 'i Livestock PujlHl ore favorites wMi thousands of 4-H'ers fee Ml Firkin and his assistant dub leader, John Olson. Competition at 4-H Gub Fairs provides fun and frolic . . . brings about Kve stock improvement ... helps establsh business contacts that wfll be of help In ie Mure., S@ team up to make on unbeatable combine tion wherever 4-tfen Kke the Fiona gin Hustlers meet. Kurai boys and girts between ages of 10 aad 20, in o group of 5 or more* perform specific farm and home duties under the supervision of e lecel 4-H CI)# •dult leader. ' . C " ' ' X'S & fAarch NATIONAL 4-H CLUB WEEK G«t complete details on dub membership and ' organization from your farm or homa advisor now! baeitfcii ••••••*--> V IS vs.:- ...

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