u f* % ^ , . 'm- ,". •;.«v: '• * .• •• ^-..- • •+ > mbf Play* Ball Wifli •SiOther Youthf m Operation Gives Boy, 10, Normal Life; IsJust ' *" A n o t h e r K M . f > J acs*, u i SV-; •V -, ^,v i*W CHICAGO.--To a casual observer, there wasn't anything unusual •bout a tall, thin boy playing ball In the yard of the Richard P. Weinert home in Downers Grove. He swung a bat with a firm hand and laughed with sportsmanlike enthusiasm when he missfeti:-- But on the porch of the Weinert | home stood the father and mother of the ball player, Richard P. Weinert Jr., 10. They were watching their son, a "blue baby" at birth, shout and play with 'youngsters-- and like them--for the first time ir his life. Young WeinerfVjust recently returned from Jofyts Hopkins university hospital whfere he underwent a successful operation by Dr. Alfred Blalock. Tells About Operation. "Dick" paused from his game with Ronnie Billingsly, 11, of 4536 Prince avenue to tell about his operation. Billingsly and several other neighborhood children took up a collection to buy him a ball and bat. "llie best part about it was the plane ride--I want to get real strong so I can pilot my own plane," he declared. "I wasn't scared at •all when I left for Baltimore be- 'cause I just knew it would turn out nniw|VB flsi i Um mm Ten-Fold In 45 years the use at nitrogen fertilizer has increased tenfold--from •2,000 to 611,000 tons, according to the department of agriculture's research administration scientists. Since 1910 almost half the money .farmers have spent for fertiliser has been for nitrogen, a large share of which is chemical nitrogen that has become cheaper as the last SO years brought improved synthetic processes of manufacture into wide use. Wars are great consumers of nitrogen, both for explosives and for fertilizer to promote food production. World War II brought a doubling of plant capacity for synthetic nitrogen manufacture in the United States and Canada. According to the fertilizer specialists, some of these great plants are being converted to fertilizer production in order to assure farmers of the largest nitrogen supply for crops that they have ever had. Among the various states there are striking differences in the use of nitrogen. More than half of the fertilizer nitrogen is used in the states along the South Atlantic and Gulf coasts, while many of the great corn and wheat states use little nitrogen and comparatively little commercial fertilizer of any kind. Florida, Maine and Ohio use most of their nitrogen im mixed fertilizers, and in Mississippi and California most of it is used by itself. all right--anything was be Just laying and watching insure that reproductive failure wa* \fT' ,,bu* not caused by a shortage of calo- U w,thin recorded time, ries resulting from decreased appetite in pantothenic acid deficient rats, a group of animals were fed a diet containing adequate amounts of the vitamin but deficient in calorics. Their reproduction was unimpaired, indicating further that the deficiency of the vitamin was to blame. - This is the first conclusive evidence that pantothenic acid deficiency Impairs reproduction. Other deficiencies impairing reproduction are of vitamin E, vitamin A, essential fatty acids, low protein intake, riboflavin, an amino acid called ^tryptophane, and biotin. Si. better than the rent sf the guys play baH A "blue baby" Is one who asanas a bine color because of a •deficient oaqrgen supply In the lungs '•as the result at a heart deformity. •It Is remedied by augmenting the y'defcleiit supply of blood by severing a food artery and attaching it #2 ite the defective one. , Dick left Chicago by plane June ij. If/; • 4 for Baltimore with his parents aft- 4 'ter they had corresponded with Dr. i t !BUlock and Dr. Helen B. Tausig, t?.; •' 'who devised the heart operation c '.procedure two years ago. The op> 'y ' 'eration, in which an artery from !' •' .the left arm was severed and joined t }to the constricted pulmonary artery, rwas performed June 8 and dedared successful 48 hours later. Ap- .proximately one similar operation . -daily is performed in the hospital. | Father Is Grateful. Doctors ordered Dick to take >: tilings easy for the first month he bfrwas home, rest a little extra during s the second month, and then told his &V; "* .parents "to try to hold him down." / ^Primarily, they said, the main ob> •>;' / -Jective was to allow him to tackle jaew tasks as soon as* he felt capar* v jhle. At present his greatest difflcul- JV' tty is the operation of his leg mus- «cte*. which he had never used. Wck experienced hit Arst shower Yesterday morning. Previoushe had been bathed in only a inches water because of his heart in taking a noon, he went out with his sister, Betty, 19, for „-- sitting up at the table for the £rst time without becoming exbaured. ;1 "The best part Is that I can sit \ and stand up for more |? p* * than live minutes without huffing \ 5 * SS ®«h,M the youSersaid0* * Wck'i father, a telephone engisupervisor, who returned Baltimore two weeks before boy, couldn't take his eyes off son. Words of grateful a ppreflowed from his lips. He exd his wonderment with the k: i 'I still can't beUeve it. I atart- ,ad to carry him off the plane thi| {morning and darned if he didn't right into my arms." If-5. • HE. SuMtag Lstsst Ttsknlq*#'--^ j la Dryisg Wot Ditto If you are an average homemaker, you probably wash six tons of dishes te a year, estimates Mrs. Ethel Self of Kansas State college, who recommends some shortcuts in this Cinderella task at the kitchen. Dishes may be rinsed In scald* tag water, placed on a dish drainer and allowed to dry by themselves. It is only necessary to dry silver and glassware. A tall tomato juice can which has had the bottom pe^ forated toward the outside with small nail holes mains a handy drainer for the silverware. A wooden disc with small holes bored over its surface and slipped into the base of the can will keep the silver from being scratched. Tills can, containing the silver, can be immersed into the scalding water and lifted out again, saving burned fingers. Tongs may be used for lifting dishes out of the scalding water to place them on dish drainer. Plenty of good hut sudsy water and bait tag hot" rinse water will leave your dishes actually much cleaner than when dried with a towel. Selecting Lamp Hie Rural Electrification administration offers the following tions in choosing a good lamp for the home: Choose a study lamp or Size floor lamp tall enough a shade broad enough to spread a wide circle of useful light; select a lamp with a diffusing (reflector) bowl under the shade to reduce glare and soften the light; choose floor and study lamps that use bulbs which give three intensities at light; select broad bottom shades that are deep enough to conceal the diffusing Mwi and have a white lining to reflect the light. White or Ivory shades provide about 50 per cent more light than dark ones. Saccharine used for sweetening preserves may give the fruit to unpleasant bitter flavor. vitamins. Is nscssssry for tion. It Is indicated In animalapM ments of the Unlvarsttir of Cul» nia. Dr. Mariorie Nelson and Dr. Herbert II. Evans showed In re* cent experiments with rats that a diet deficient hi pantothenic acid resulted in failure of impregnation; resorption, the rat equivalent of miscsrriage; or defective litters. This result held true in the experiments for rats which were fed on s diet deficient in pantothenic acid for a period from 23 days before mating down to as late as the day of mating. The female rats were maintained on the deficient diet, while the males with whom they were mated were fed on a normal diet. Care was taken that the diet was deficient in no other way. To lb avoid mtVUw 1ft dresser draw. * tea ve the drawers a}ar on dr& »>^ te provide ventilation and MM ftam in moist weather. Air, M0kt aiad dryness keep clothe* fresh id prevent mustiness and mildew four huge Atlantis Baa Atlantic has hastes. These extensive low are separated by the mid-Atlantic rise, one of the longest' mountain ranges in the world, but completely submerged except for the Azores and Ascension island. Modern knowledge of this ridge in the Atlantic helps keep alive the legend of the "kwt Atlantis," which Plato described es a populous mid-Atlantic continent that sank beneath the waves 12.00C years ago. The ridge once may have been above wadoubt . A ntffcljf reesntty wtlSB •wI tiIj ru jBiffV ago appealed at the John ham towueh... ~ --, Raymond Mmwms entertained Sural Youth In the £11*1941, titer ««* the crowd on- a hayride. On ratarning they drove Into the barn aril the hay «aa thrown off: Evelyn missed her watch at onee, but hours of hunting availed nothing, nor did three years, of watting produce it. The watch was found to be OK and is running satisfactorily since being found. Bath Aid Here's a way to use up left-over slivers and scraps of toilet soap. Put them into a small turldsh tow* eling bag when taking a bath; tills bag 'ull of soap can be put into the tub and you'll have washcloth and soap In one. Sunflowers \merica. • _ lowers Native are native to North : Tynfil i"'ln Purp•le a ly prised and expansive 4brostabff of antiquity. First made in Crete about 1000 B. C., the purple dye is tracted from shellfish Fatter way to BanisH Clothes-dinging odors I BOLGEJVS DRUG STOR^ PBONB 4# MsHBNRY my sincere Bead the last Adk HeBenry. Il!inaii SATUKDAY tSBTB KHKNTS Pfaa News Mt SUNDAY AND MONDAY March 9-10 In Grain -- Alan Yeamg "MATCH" FRIDAY •TTME, THE PLACE AND THE GIRL" la Color with Deauiis Morgan CLOSED TUESDAY SATURDAY ONLY, MARCH "DEATH VALLEf In Outdoor Color Plas: Laurel ft Hardy "BOHEMIAN GIRL WEDNESDAY (ONE DAY) Lewery--Baitenra Britten SUN. ft MON- MARCH 9-lf •VLACK BEAUTY" A ppiieettnneree ff oorr aaUll ttee tol ove! wM Bi^a AiSwa Richard flDghland Dale flfTAirriNG vm, MARCH Raft in "NOCTURNW aTiny Bend Is Created ,, Ljhii Witt Soak Up Water NEW YORK.--Creation of a tiny that soaks up moisture like a le in everything from battlemachinery to fishing tackle and family salt shaker wss anby Socony-Vacuum Oil as one of a half dozen new industrial products and processes. I Dr. John C. Dean said the prod* >»ct, to be known as sovsbead, already is being used to assure machinery maintenance in the laying VP of reserve. American merchant jaind naval fleets and that units are Ming developed for warehouses in which furs, grains, cement, and tex tiles are stored. Company chemists said each bead can faf >ld up to 40 per cent of its own weight in moisture. When sat torated it can be reactivated by putting it in an oven for a few minut**, SP1" G.I.S Ordered to Keep Girls From Nazi Rocms 4 i FRANKFURT, GERMANY. - General McNarney recently prohib ited all United States army person nel from entertaining women in oth er than designated rooms. Four girls have died violently recently in soldiers' quarters. The American v commander said the amy also was considering screening every German girl allowed in army clubs Headquarters also disclosed that military police had been ordered to take disciplinary action in Frank, furt against aoldiers caressing or holding hands with German women J* til* s'reets. "Purity squads" are 0o cVteu up Frankfurt trysting spots. « « ' Flavor Egg Peaeh For poached eggs with a piquant add a tablespoon of wine te the water in which Minegea be added to the soil manure the form of nitro- The former, growlegumes, is generally moot economical. YOUR HAT IS IMP0RTA * p*otiir«rlA A lot big-'n'-beautiful Buick -- r> / \ c i The picture olthin^8*to-come In mutpmobile styling -- long, follow-dirotigh lenders, slfifik broad-fliid flflJidi lookii" • U V; - The picture of dynamic action, with its bonnet jam-packed with Firdbal| power, equally ready, equally willing for creep-speed jaunt or quick-paced emergency call. The picture of perfect poise -- plenty of roadweight for solidity cushioned all around on soft springs for jarl , |%y wait for someday - wins tint someday may have to be followed by SiKMre waiting between order and do* livery? everything from rear-axle strut rods to water pump seal all tidily buttoned up to give you the best to be had today. You don't have to be told how eyes loUow ^ when ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ You can sample for yourself sure your future will be the great ease of this gallant traveler, •ndhamivP the comfort, the room, the thrill-of-a- , . lifetime lift that answers every nudge ^e'll take your order any of your foot on the treadle* 1 what's wrong with right nomt. •V'-rj* f A- i * • [You've probably even told P0RT1S HAT The picture of precise and exacting manufacture, with engine tolerance# often closer than in airplane practicf -- bodies floated on new Silent Zone r New doors, both in social life and business ore opened ti the man whose appeony is correct. Try on o new PORTIS HAT todoy . . . ond x s e e t h e i m p r o v e m e n t i n y o u r . appearance. fitzGarald's Mcs's Skm It wm & Ri L Overton Motoir Salei Pnmt<Sty Woit McHenry* liL 222 N«Msm - * 'Avi m "i. .4 is,, ' ft J jt >\,A \nxt. J! s*?.*