Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Mar 1947, p. 3

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% . ki fli l*4t Encyclopaedia Book of Ami Test. Ural liavahrlndiaae acted m in ae nap* |we ««§• of the marine corgi, their native language. It to be an unbreekable to the Indian office that 4 Indians merited Distinguished Service Cross; 3S, " ~ "-- " PvmMimB A»aMufIt Ij *% Medal, Fifty-two In. were awarded the Silver Star; | II won the Bronze Star; and 72 re. cehred the Air Medal. Many additional awards and oak leaf dus> tors were also credited to Indian GXs. The Book of the Year points eat that a full-blooded Pima, Pfc. Ira Hayes, was one of the six flag on the summit of Mt. Suri- Iwo Jima. Harvey Nstchees, a Ute, was the first U. S. soldier to enter the center of Berlin. LeRoy Himlin, another Ute, was with the rgroup to make contactwitfc Russians on the Elbe. ^ v -;c<, by dtglees. Where )M driHs, the first be done as soon are lecge enough to urdener should make that each seedling stands by itself at least an inch from its neighbor. It is a mistake to discard all excess plants prematurely, since aoi cidents, insects or diseases may de- : stro^many of those which are left. I Bui as the plants grow they should ; be thinned until theyttand at the op- ] timura distance from each other. When bare spaces occur in the row, excess plants may be transplanted to fill the gaps. Even tap rooted i plants such as sheets and carrots art j often successfully transplanted by j careful amateurs. It is possible to ! use the thinnings from many crops I such as lettuce, endive, chard and 1 beets which is another reason why gtis operation may be performed bj^ ' «Mj r « a g e s . , V>?u:'. * . * * Hurricane Warning ^Ordinarily used to track down earthquakes, the seismograph has been found to be a hurricane warn* lag as well. Hurricane vibration on wate* is reflected into theearth. "and recorded on the instruments as i one of the fol as 2,000 fniles aWay. Even Expanding Herds 1 In 1846 the United States had labeut 5 million <mtik cows compared with nearly 28 millkb in 1948. ST, . ,,v \ ...• Kire .Caases Some 200,000 fires occurred in |M«nes during the pest year and the amtarity qf Item attributed to tog causes: Rubbish, defective chimneys, sparks on storms can be located at a 300 , *amnqiable roofs, defective heating distance. ; j equipment, careless smoking end • i . luse of matches, flammable liquids. Subscribe for The Plaindealer | electrical defects. SOLUB Why just guess that . „ you am feeding all the . .... yMWh? New jm «u gat-*!l in on* bag-* aohntifidally balanced bland of utiteseals wwily^"! manse MtekaMaftal aasouts of aD tw vital sdnsmlt* ^ •ha Vitamin D2 that may be necepeiy forjgp tieeaf ealdum ai " £ < \ , i UMS MIN«*Al APPROVKD AND SOLD BY TODS FEED DEALER Leas In Larger Quantities :~nr McHENRY MILLS, Inc. PHOHX H'HXNSY tt-S Wwt McHtwy, ill YOU remember the remark of the barbef when the customer told him he wanted § good haircut--in ten minutes. 'Take your pick, mister/* he said. you want it fast or want it good?** -- Now, we know how important your car l| to you. We know you don't get any fun of benefit out of it while it's'in our shop. But we figure that the most important thing is to do the job right--and now and thef| that takes a little time. You can help if you tell us frankly when it*i important to get your car back quickly. Maybe we can arrange to do the most important tibings first, and pick up the car later to finish up the job right. The best thing, of course, is to call us up or drop in--let us sise up the job estimate the >-• time--and schedule it when we can do the best jolKwith the least inconvenience to you. But we'll both be better off if between us we can avoid making a choice between doing it fast of Mug it Overton Motor Sales taut Street; £ McHenty Hit leg'i tutt Lake 5 L. Watkins. &initials of Or. Carl By Vanessa Sells SM WHtoat lay Waritag is Tfcij S«t TaHdag hi ^^saf aff IPaatai CHICAGO. --'Two persons were killed and two others seriously wounded as the result of an elderly man's shooting rampage to avenge the death of his dog. The dead were Prank Powyczynski. 06, and Mrs. Mary Sczymczak, 65. Constantino Zygler, 71, whose jaw Was broken by a bullet, and Joseph You will mil--due, my dear reader (and E hope thare are two of you) that the ethere half, and I, daring the month of January, tried to get into Chicago to see that much i ; snow at the Harris; E. Brown in i F. EL Schroeder, who has been living in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Carl Hallstrom of WondefLake, recently moved to Greenwood, where he will reside for a time in the home o# another daughter, Mrs. Emor Doolittle. Opia te Lebbyfats : M t.Th® worf "lobbyist" came from Organfcr the fact that the entrance lobby «f da togsdwr a legislative bulling is opeti to the enabling the public sod serves as a convenient ' the action bf i place for interviews between lecie> { lators and citizens. ?{ Utilities • advertised hit which fytarg. -- --IT." trtct. This ii a new DOU1 )ters League in this cUa- The Wonder Lake Voters was formed last week trict. is political orthat snowstorm, know*" thereafter, as "the anew." However, I do ?f not thinkt tixat folks are quite fair vo**rs in onder Lak^xor a un . to blame the atom entirely on Th* rttfL all political as there were definitely a couple of | .nri KlmAr lowering clouds in the sky Jurors: brfor. w. M go. ! ,s' "r5" VFtSFiJZL* will WeU, anyway, the Jfarns issued take place on March 21, at Horn's now checks" and spun last week tavern at 8K» pjn. At this time this SHOW, which; marl missioiu snow we set out to see _ "Sp^a for AgrieeMere George Washington, in his last to con*ress on December 1 recommended the use of public funds to aid agriculture the establishment of boards to collect and diffuse agricultural information. f City streets would have tohe wtt» ; ened nine timeai their pressat sine If I all the persons who ride ia "sWesf cars, trolley eoeches and boees trav» ; tied in private automobiles , » » n 1111 n n i n i m 11 ni»» , tiine, w*« KrotM nv m nuiiet. ana jmeDn . , .... _ show, which; the road commissioner and the super-1 ^ irith a hV< ?1^ed n * y?*T' ,an<? visor of McHenry township have! Sonowski, M, who •*»PPdJ™ • which/won tha Puhtzer prize last been invited to attend and to discuss; minor graze on his nose, were in year. We carefully &voided all ref-i Wonder Lake political problems with County hospital. erence to our intentions for fear of the members. The public is urged! Without Warning. fu!tt*r J^nter storn» for which the,to attend this meeting. I __ . . . _ . I neighborhood would hold us respons- The Red Cross drive was officiallvl by Powycrynski as they^sat in the j With ,ow cunninK we pretended Mrs. James Sebdotf, chaiman, an-! "®r y«d • roommg n<»ise that the trip was to see my hus- nounced that the chairmen for eachj 1311 Greenview av., where they all taxi's mother, and w» took the1 subdivision were as follow*: Mrs.' lived. children out. of school so that they Josephine Wfcndt for Shore - Hills, Powycxynski thai stepped ihto might visit their grandmother. ' Mrs. Que Wrede for Deep Spring the house and shot himself in the Arriving in Chicago with only ftve!"Wooda, Mrs. ICke Bnrt and Mrs. temple with the gunc-an automatic minutes to spare, we thrust the; Jfalter. Center pistol of Europeandmake. • youngsters into the Chicago theatre, i J}™- Anton Grill for Wickline WoodSj Beside Powyczynski's body police and ran for the Harris. *TENwM found six pages of notes in Polish in which the man accused the others of poisoning his pet choW dog, Topsy, which died June 19. . In the notes Powycxynski dis-' closed he meant to shoot his victims "to show what kind of people they were." Made Many Threats. Although he repeatedly had been heard to utter threats against the three since his dog died, Powycxynski appeared to be peaceful when he walked into the rear yard at dusk, where the three victims-to-be were chatting on a bench. "Looks like rain," "he volunteered. "No," contradicted one of the others, "the western sky is red--there'll be no rain." Suddenly Powycrynski whipped out his gun and opened fire. As the men and woman fell to the ground, he ran back to his room and neighbors heard another shot. Mrs. James Elliott for Wiktwood ami I#: Lookout Point. No Chairman has •• *)«en appointed for Indian o.f .th. e st. ar, J,o e «E . -B rown, ,t5h.i. s per- : Ridge. If thSerr*e™ is anyone who would n^ArtK.rT,r. rXr. formance baa been cancelled!" j Jr"; « ® S~ Tour comment, dear reader, was | ours! There was a big sig the box office. "Due If you are a regular commuter on the WAP Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moreau of Wonder Center are parents of a babj buses, you may have noted,g• irln, bj,o rn in the Woodstock hospital 9a 10.» the youngest of those who regularly 0" ^ ^ 1947- Members of the community met j^h^mniminir at Harrison school on Monday even- 5ST ^ a , t t e n d ^ i n g , M a r c h 3 , a t 8 : 0 0 p . m . t o c o n - ^ arnl *i™Br wa>'s ^ means to help the W W They <** "» f im ust sm:u ggle her on 1 never see! _ . _ . . . - < • her paying fare. Mrs. William Robrt Rietheimer of ! !No more mortal tribulations beeet] \ [those whom the Lord takes away.j; ; | In that thought find solace. And) > i >in our complete funeral servie*) 11 find ease in your mourning. iy'< • -- ' , , Jacob JusbNi Sons :: FUNERAL DIRBCTOM Funeral Hea« Ph^ue McHenry ISt-R Greeei, Cor. task, McHsary baby the marriage, on Feb. 28, in Wau- L]i * kfgan, of her daughter, Gretchenj rnc D/NMAM f/\ Viluratwl „M r. and, Mrs. Aa 1ll1eanm DnifLtn n of9 -Wnr es.t ' Chicory Hill, Woodstock, announced ^ ob s- w... McHenry are the parent^ of a W' ^"1 ®n ^fb; 2*< 19^7 at Rogers Rietheimer," to Edward, Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Dimon, the Ch„rie, Wenxel. son of Mr. and Mrs. Sri. OE^fn.d name<i iPa^id A1len' Among the students listed who! u V}*1 • m"n w f ho»s Pacing^^are enrolled in the McHenry count-! _ . i ? n < j ^ ! > r£Li n ••w . , ^ ° 8" co-operative extension center of the Pohce found his body sprawled,piUl loaded down with a tricycle, a, Uniwrsitv Gf Illinois, located at on the floor. j machine run and boxing /l^es is CrystR, Uke u Beniard R. Davis,! * Police questioned a sister of | Grandpa Lloyd Benwell of Wonder gon 0j- and Mrs. Ben Davis of : Powyczynski, Mrs. Helen Krolikow- Lake. j Wonder Lake. W appointmeata mm ; '/• for V spRmo HoussoLEAinro i T' \ '• Coverings; Located at' Peter M. Jasten Faraitare Staee Pbeass McHeary 491-M or it ski, of 1790 Armitage av., who told them her brother had once threat ened her life. She said she hadn'> seen him for two yedrs. WANT IT FAST OR 1 Soa sf MsIIsr Dsnatts Milltom for Oilliti NEW YORK.--A $4,900,000 donslion for s new liberal arts college, made by Paul Mellon, son of the late Andrew J. Mellon, was announced recently by Stringfellow Barr, president of 8L John's college, AnnapoUs, Md. Barr said he would head the aaw institution. The fttt for aa endowment was made through a charitable corporation feundedin Ml by Paul Mellon. Barr said. Barr declared that the aew college would plaee emphasis on e curriculum of the type Inaugurated at St. John's, which is based on a nonelective course of study of "the 100 great books" plus classes la Isboratory science, mathematics and foreign languages. Slaytr Mtaaks Tffislyf ^ Thai Trias t* Kill Salt OROVILLE, CALIF. - Sheriff W. H. Ponsprd disclosed recenUy t|^t Albert Jtosfcs/ 14-year-old confessed murderer, tried to strangle a jai) trusty and then attempted suicide in his county jail cell. A deputy sheriff found the jroufh hanging from a noose crudely msde from strips of s blanket and tied to the heaW wife screen of his cell window. He had been hanging "about five minutes," authorities said. A few hours eerlier, they ssid, he attacked Tony Gonzales, the trusty, who had been painting the barred doors on the inside of the youth's cell. TwIm Fraad ia Oaart) eaa't Ba Taltf Aparl CHICAGO. -- Because the com plainant could not tell them apart, Pete and Jerry Renieri. 17-year-old identical twins, went free in Boys' court. James Cliff, 17, told Judge Joseph J. Drucker that the Renieris were among a group of boys who blocked his path at a street crossing. He said one of them, he could not tell which, struck him in the mouth when he refused to walk across the street. Judge Drucker informed Clifl that prosecution was impossible unless he could identify his assailant and dismissed the disorderly con duct charges. China Ratfa fraa T Tarts, Repart Marias* Unbanaatf TIENTSIN.--Seven*U. S. marines who were captured July 13 by about 80 armed Chinese Communists were released to a special executive headquarters truce team. They were unharmed during their long confinement. The marines were seised by the Chinese at a village 22 miles southwest of the port of Chinwangtao, on the Shantung peninsula, wtos they bad gone to obtateicC Late Greens Endive Is s late summer or tell green. It jnay be transplanted to a cool cellar in November for late fall or early whiter use. It is blanched by tying the leaves together. WMo Carpet ^ , tt i, the width of It dees as* ia> The teachers of Harrison school Mrs. Eleanor iFbley, Mrs. Bemice A wonderfuT^party was held last! Blount and Mrs. Jane Richards, were «venfog at the ^Rolaine hostesses to the teachers of the Mc- ^n'J; ,wol"en' most °* ^ "1 Henry District on Monday. Miss «hJolC«.ri; i*^lkr„n'uSeu«S ItSnrabhi1S5 Wind. Mo! ".^1^ MS!Vid!*^T«rr Crfert, for the district, gave a lesson on iSf^Si- !r«» • (Int., paiitiw U which By the sound of all the laughter, _ _ _ -eiy< prreesseenntt tried out their talents. Your Wonder Lake reporter reviewed book. "I Sew the Russian 'People," by Ella Winter. they surely had a wonderful time. Good luck on your recovery, Raibhael! Congratulations to Sam "Red", At the mguUr meeting of the Wyatt His twsatyseventh birthday. • b»«r<l ef directors o* the Wonder which occurred on Monday, was! »** Gun club on Sonday. celebrated with his parents In JoUet. March 2, it wae voted to build, fn j Wonder Lake a community hall. The The Program committee of the! •»* Gnnnew plan to^meet with Woodstock Doe dob of committees for the next six the neer future to lay plans for go- _ The committee ing ahead with this much-needed, for August 11 is composed entirely but difflcult-to-achieve, project. of Wonder Lake women. They are r Mary Jo Berry, chairman, with a - A sign m a tmy office: -ommittee formed of Grace Kuns t You are not paid for havhir a Florence Dean and Josephine Wendt. heed and two hands but for using That new little baby £*rl born to Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Watkins has been named Carol L^no. Born Feb. 28, she weighed 2 oz. Collective Bargaialag _ the term "collective bargaining" D"r" was first used «n London in 1891 by Watkins prmented^ hii wife with a Bcttrice Webb and was promptly combination "Sank you" tor hi "new daughter and :a coniroep^ration of oe' n" - m W i I I I AM S OIL-O-MATIC HEATING neighborhood. But gee in early--as no more PPA's will be accepted than we are sure can ba filled before 1947's heating soeeon starts. Don't delay on PPA! LOW MUMUBff MUNCtPLt insa-- tear .> Cast, Completely AvMk Has#*: for fyry Howe... OiD or WfWff. Unlike ordinary or high-pressure burn- . ers, Oil-O-Mstic mixes air aad oil, at low pressure, wiAkt the burner. This " method enables it to burn smy oil without clogging ... to give **y sixe home ; : automatic heat of unmatched economy, efidency and dependability. In and got ffc# Mf dotmlkt THENNES OIL CQ* |QUAIJTYTinai8Sf un visa MiaQnwSt. :$f*l am now equipped to da Prolong the life of that car, truck, farm machinery, or construction eqn^tment by having it steam cleaned this spring. This process removes all dirt and cakedon greaas from moton and chstiia. - - • ^McHenry Hk& P. WlWr • eoe Front st^ s*. a*. » ' *r. l-jy * ^ '• MaHaauy, Or ' - • r ' f t v ' i- MV i. •?»- v-. * ^ * p . - » • » * • -»»•» -"IA •-> 4 H x* j y&fhat HeBmrj 10S* JfamMiA CRIST DELIIXi SIZE 6.00x16 $14 80 PLUS TAX «Pt* AmOabU on Our Thrifty , For unbeatable quality aad na ' your car with Crest DeLuas < Crest hes a , actu sefe, 1WH.t tkesl Aad We have all sixes of AUTO SUPPLIES Hydraolkt Jack, 3-tons Tire Pump, 20-in. baml, reg. 11.98; drill Guard, double rail type Varcon Spark Plugs, aeta of 4, each Tow-chain, reg. $1.39, special, White Sidewall Rings, set Appleton Chroma Spotlight BeLnze Hot Water Heater iM t.V . • MM I 1 Ike Msadlr Stew ^ t ::

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