Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Mar 1947, p. 7

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Zurich DeLaval MARCH Froehlfch L m II Luna Wtgon On Grounds Public and high grade consisting of 3 at the Smith on call will Mm*J.*%. ^Swon will is of" the nracnuB. Th* *Stat the hoftae * ^ m ww*t, FST n. . Boii ****** toby 4ghteen* member* and three visitors. It was * very interesting iiiiaUiM ills V 1fcjr ^ttTi3>n' m> •MM. WNB) if theHonmf in gas* hall - a* WonMf gwmty.w ^Thewfiaiwkten, Mm of ^ Ceonty and Harvard w>d, 4 rnOea waat Of Whipple Comers, on » registered G*nwT (Wf, •pi Inters, 2 with fraeh put 60 day*; Mr. Md Mn. fatter Wilcox of with |Mf catoat side, faalaiwe A man's It •; yi Gnetnsey heif- wiijiwiwn era, • to 20 raoe. /oM|; ton wOl be ala|o MmWeldim Andreas heawrinir the bbthdur of their bob, -Dnam, and neiea, Rattray, of Algonquin. thorn to attend were Mr. and Mwk Rattray and t^ro chihtyoQ Mm! • Mr. cows, one soap and water shin care notour, mabcm u •t 12 JO o'ekxJc WliWlil" terthrt propei lj to- Misa Marion Mil of Elgin spent WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO. IHC. the weekend wttt Jtsr tiuwta. Mr Mas. Charioe Peak* Mm Whn. Both of Mi--walls Is . her aunt, Mrs. FtoanMe it HEAD or LIVESTOCK BD. & ARMMON t Oneinsij Mjrtf ccoonw s and Harriaon of lfcHoaty with her SEND YOUR LAUNDRY ?, * f- * - •*'< *n -J? **»: V . j? ;> '**C. ' . "•£ i ENRY LAUNDRY 'if:'* ;:v- \t: oi* aot 'yj" ^ ALL 8KSVICK8 TBLKPHONK 189' MH yk*" »?SM 3'. I-.. 1 CESSPOOLS OATCH HAVE YOUR . v ., ,4 >• »S ' . " r . " ' " Pfy * SEPTIC TANKS UttHUIB. • \ EDDIE'S SANITARY SERVICE ' EDDQE HUFF, Prop. • |ir xf MctiENRY 290 - • We have several used Electric Refriger* ators sale, -j• mc* - . ju*&~* * • <u• * r'w*- \ r r - ^ Claytim girHmn, Mra. J. C. PMnot awl Mm K. B. my Whiting attended £h« ftaMBal. of P * Mrs. Lucy VanHooeen at Aldan, rri. "Ti, and> Mrs./Wm. Heine of Ctt-1 can Md Mr. and Mn. Alw Aingor «M children of Hebron ^ day in the Gaoavo Shan Mr. and Mrs. George were called to Chicago • tlw death of their son-in-law, Wo6er. Mr. and Mrs. Arjin Greenwood spent Sunday afternoon with her paurenth, Mt and Mrs. Obvton Hamaon. Mr. and Mrs. Harvayi Man#Uon spent Sunday the Mitchell Kane hone. Mrs. Reaa Jepoon spent tkt end with to dau^iter, Mm 1 McGannon, and fanrffcrat WMMadk Mr, and Mrs. Bdward Hacvlaan of Elgin apaat Snnday afternoon In *5iFh%.h& om. jfamily of Alien aad Mr. ana Ifia. G<H^ion Poasum of Rjrtwnnnd, (past Sttndav wHh their paurent% Mr. and MrsTEawnath Oriaty. Kennetli Cristy, Jr., spent the woehend with Mrs. Carol Cristy at Mr*and Mrs. Wilson aad BaffMtra Laureate* of Slgin spent flwaday in the Olhrer Uamec home. Mr: and Mrs. Jo* Wagner of Me» Henry mnt Sunday afternoon wiA her mother, Mrs. Bariara Laorene*. Mr. and Mir*. Goorg* Baeon of Antiodi apant Satxuday with hie mother, Mm Jennie. Bacon. * MUe Norma Whiting of Grayalake spent the waslrsnd with her parente, £ and Mm B B. Whiting. Mr. and Mm Phatee flaaid-- of Sycamore, Mm Beram Saundara of Harvard, Mr. and Mm Don Bmait of Waokagan and Mr. and M» Louie Winn and daughter, Janet, of Richmond spent BonSay In the Fired Wtodrkh, ifcThe-~ * STROMBERG-CARLSON w - raaco . i5WNGWOOD i and fUfaiqwUon ^wiiot Also one u8ed Electric Bottle Coole^ Lake Shoe Repair Shop »f MUbimadt't QUALITY WOBXMAM8HXP * -Vi " \b? • - We Ale As Near As Your Fhoafrl OALL WOMDSa LAU •* al waaxrt alMl. :•£ ^Wednesday, March 12 ,4 ,_i rr>" ' X i'. p.m. m <•* ' , 8al« barn located on Stole Route 17 WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS DAIRY COW8 KITHEK OLOSS OB msfr VRt I ' ' f t & t t a o r b y son BIET OATTUi - : OAL1 • B0BSB8 - ' 00H8IQM your stock here for "A • * call m it m f^ ALL 00HSieir0B8 PAID 0A8E DAY ATTtt SACB WB All SOMDID I*-' OAK BUY--YOU 0AM SIEft ' WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES GO* BfC. ILLOtOIS i~r*> t eration PHONB 439-W , AticUoneii' mt., MrrMdln FMl fl)M« PUBLIC AWABQBD TOVKB FLAQV* Jfe' :«ivt f >: ^ . - -f' 1 - * f kk ' " ' "" V if pfera far YOU fi Hot •. ;• - i f* - # r- Kjfi ---- m 'f -ST.'sM 4 ,• *• > ; • w. •. ^ - ' J ' * i* "k ,** ft > ^ _ "<• (For the fourth consecutive Pvfclic Sacvka company eC No Illinois hie been awarded tha den HaqMi of the National 1 Institute, .Inc., for its outstanding reeord in ^paioonra^pmg fMaeeMap* den» and home food pioeei aalloai la «w «f and thir- 3f|ie Undersigned will sell on the farm known as the Sandstram fann looated 8 miles south of McHenry, 2Va miles northt of pKystal Idle, 1 mile east of t% junction tad 176 on 176 o# m •<S^r j ; «:#• during )B46. 'The seven companies in ty-fivo in the nation to receive the 19M plaque aad on* of nineteen In the nation to he cited four years to suceoaaion. The award, highest honor Of the national inaAitnte, is baaed on nunaber of ceaapaag aad heane gard--s, siae of cemjaaiy pftsta, acreage, SUNDAY, MARCH At~12.00 Bharp the foRe wing listed .property: ; ^ or rn MUKomY ust*d is or i-i oomi- A1TO ttAO^WWBD 2 SBABOHB Oil LIBS. . Model H. Tractw on rubber with lights and starter; if fJAl D^BK Model A tractor on rubber with power lift culti ' Vatorj- 2 power lift tractor cultivators; McD. F14 tractor on r .^rubber with power lift cultivator; McD. power mower;'McD. | . #ide rake; MoD. 8 ft. tractor disc; McD: 10 ft. tractor disc; |* McD. 10 ft. power grain binder; McD. power corn binder and < bundle loader, new; McD. 3-bot. tractor plow; McD. 2-bot. trac- .'tor plow; Mcl) 4 sec. steel harrow; McD. 6 ft. mower; McD. 10 ft. cultipacker; McD. tractor corn planter with fertilizer • attachment; McD. 4 row corn planter with fertilizer attachment ; JVfcD. ^0-can Milk1 cooler; Jolm Deere 15 ft. tractor disc, * with 18 in. discs; Oehl B40 silo filler; Gehl hammer mill with cutter head; New Holland hammer mill, newj Bradley com nlieller; U. S. corn elevator with electric motor; Oliver steel liav loader; U. S. 6 roll corn husker; Colby rubber-tired wagon and steel grain box, now; rubber-tired wagon and rack; steel wheel wagon and"flare grain box; 2 rubber-tired feed carts; platform track; 1,5001b. platform scale; 2 electric brooders--> (ikickea feeders and loiterers; 2 barrelk oil; steel water tank; gaaoline pump and 500 gal. tank| 4 A hog houses; 2 feed htjnfcs;- 3 hag feeders; hog troughs; air compressor complete with electric motor; liay rope iuiid fork;-3 unit Surge milker outfit complete; 2 electric water heaters; 10 milk cans; pails, etc.; cream seiparator; power lawn mower;, dozens of Final 1 itlesns; 2 sets of IsMliiMps; team of good work horses; 15 tone baled hay, mixed; 15 toua loggd hay* mixed; stack of pounds of feed grown, coat of Operation, angl promotional and advertising support. More than 2JOOO ee nearly H of the --planted and harvested gardens on company plot* neighborhood vacant lota and la hack yards qgdar the tility'a IMS garden prograttL wUe raa directed by Arthur F. Boador. BETTERCARE LOftGER • " •• > t I • * * 1 t i J ^ '• J ' Ut % • -iJy • :1 . . r_ » , • • , *9 -v~* * * • iM*. •«! *' k- ' • %!*- ^M/a r t ?9r.. ^ ^ ^ ft I* .•m. - vK I; Tew cMhaa *IB reward yon with attractive sppiarsaaa Ssr a leaver ' tiaa* wheat, pan h^v* em way. Usual TUbip W. F. "BILL" POWERS (HyyHMgj jt, *vf. ^ " ' Wtif ^ ^ ^ «... • • ,'J -*• - Jf, , ,1^1 m- I) f -km,. : #OiNipiu*\ 1 Ha rANKS W tnt 35»vve.' boys pikd girls who are members of Illiaofc 4-H Onto is a pletaure and a privilege for yoaag aad old alike. Membership io this world-wide rural orgaaization provides both parents aad children with aagy advantages. It provides aa opportunity to partidpate is diWork that teaches skills and knowledge of permanent value. It teg^hes community leadership, gives them experience in democratic living, and flls the nei^d for wholesome recie* atioiml aad^sodal aaivides. _ Another National 4-H Qub Enrollmeat Week is here. Parents are urged to encoirage their children and other chi|4^en to join die local 4.H Qub. If tfc&eis no local dnb» a group of ive or more it all that's needed to stait one Perhaps you can serve at its leader or help secure 4-H for your community. Don't miss this chance to vohutarily act a* (ricad awl counselor iy • f*w*r ftolr iBUMalle proiearirt jgW :av v a * -.A--. . -4- t»*t f 4 lag. nhhh *4|mM •» refeter MetveliJJy aad Sieir nenrty 170WKK) Sm USnBo Cewwty w . / V' \ V ' X-V* Hwdeca Meet.'hural hoys «ad gbb ones of 10 oad JO, is • froep of 9 m SATI0KAI. 4-H CtUI WEEK v\ '^"*v '%* ^ . - :>v • «€ <7*

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