Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Mar 1947, p. 6

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HELP WANTED--Experienced An alytical chemist to do routine control work; steady employment with a growing concern. The Edwal Laboratories, Inc., RingAvood, 111. Phone Richmond 6. 43 mmr* ji v FOB SALE FOR SALE--STATION WAGON-- - 1989 PLYMOUTH fWheels; 7 pre-war tires, all la perfect condition. v. Peppy 23:46 h.p. engtMl Twees a $6.50 license. ' New rings year ago. ' New clutch last weelf ;• Body rebuilt of oak. 8 coats of paint. Mew top; new leather seats. ' f HELP WANTED--Sales lady for clerking in hardware store. John J. Vycital Hardware. Tel. McHenry 96-M. 43-tfj HELP WANTED--Man to clerk ini hardware store. John J. Vycital Hardware. Tel. McHenry 98-M. 43-tf A PHONE McHENRY 43 • -V £ « *f. " • FOR SALE--8-piece oak dining room suite. Phone McHenry 142-J. 43-2 rnmm FOR SALE--Oil burning stove, 4 to 6 rooms; good condition; priced reasonable. Ed Vincent, Emerald Park, R-3, McHenry. HELP WANTED--Growing chemical manufacturer will train men, aged! 20 to 25, as chemical plant opera-1 tors. Work requires ability to learn j how to use equipment and run proc-| esses under direction of trained chemists. Steady jobs; chance to learn skill while earning. Edwal Laboratories, Inc., plant, Ringwood, 111. Tel. Richmond 5. 43 HELP WANTED--Girl to clerk in drug store and fountain work. Bol- *43 £er's Drug Store, McHenry. 38-tf /• V ' • nrm ~»ir J HELP FOR SALR--54-in. fumed oak taMe WANTED--COUPLE EXTRA MEN HUNTER BOAT CO. 33-tf and six chairs; two dressers; library j ; table and two nite tables; oil cook stove; metal bed and spring and mat-! • - • tress- «Callxrat McCullom HELP WANTED--Women and girls Lake, R-l, West McHenry, 111. 43 g^w. Good opportunity for those interested in this type work. Apply I Peach Tree Borer PDB Control Pest Biggest Peach Problem in America By W. J. DRYDEN ^ * Fall is the time to forestall the 1946 peach borer. Material increase it) the average productive life of peach trees can be brought about by the effective control of peach tree borers. S Masses of gum mixed With sawdustlike refuse at or near the base of the trees reveal the presence of infestations. The injury may extend about a foot above or below the ground line. Best control is obtained by applying powdered crystalline paradi LHt tf «tf nwti' TWICE TOLD foBowifcg to a list oI "des" PAINTING HOME DECORATOR 'GIVES GOOD ADVICE; OFFERS FOLK* OF ROOM COLOR SCEMES E2< T^^Ban^teS- V *&£ M^TECX^. PCS ^torE^; <pS£7to *e £0^ springing tered bull, III. George, Slavin, Hebron,; EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY FOR SALE -- Four-room cottage, j AND REMOVAL -- INSURED completely furnished; modern plumb-, FREE ESTIMATES Lot 75x125. McCullom Lake. J- W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 163, Melrose Park 4323. *43-2 Phone 298-R; W. McHenry, III. 40-tf * •* HOUSE FOR SALE--Modern homej with basement and furnace heat; also garage. Located at McCullom1 Lake. Peter Kaminski, Phone 656- Horn M-2. R-l, West McHenry. 43rtf: WANTED TO BUY in the illustration. The ring should be mounded with three to five spadefuls of earth. The amount of PDB to, be used will depend upon the age of the I tree. For trees 1 year old, use Vi ounce; 2 years old, % ounce; 3 to 5 years old, % ounce, and for old- ' er trees, from 1 to 2 ounces. WANTED FOR CASH -- i -- Farms -- Businesses EDWARD M. LANNES I -- . ! * Real Estate i FOR SAfcE -- Three To_g_g enbui* Route 2 McHenry, 111.1 €Pfts' a niother and her f<T?]e McHenry 674-M-2 McHenry "667-R"2 i kids; mottier is 3 years old, the kids Chicago Phone Keystone 2060 I Mother goat milking. Wal- j 40-tf Know Your Breed Jerseys 9 mos. ter Watts, Solon Mills, 111. C i i u w j - „ f # 0 0WANTED TO BUY -- F o u r o r f i v e AAlfMalfVa JIs!e!eldir, $15.00; Hybnd see£dj room summer home, near McHenry, on or near pox River. Address Box! /..T "• 'BJ," care Plaindealer. WANTED corn, $4.00; all per bushel. Alse 26-tf other bargains.. Postal card us today for catalog and samples. Hall Roberts' Son, Postville, Iowa. 41-4 __ AT McCULLOM LAKE 'WANTED TO EXCHANGE -- Five FOR SALE -- One store, 3 and 4- r<K>m aPt-» north side, Chicago, for room flats, 2-car garage; hot water two-bedroom house in McHenry or heat; also store fixtures. Jacob Woodstock. Must be able to furnish Fritz, Realtor, Johnsburg. Phone lease- Call or write Edwal Labora- McHenry 672-R-2 or Chicago Lincoln tones Inc., Ringwood, 111., phone 1833. 40-tf Richmond 5, or Graceland 1325, Chicago. . *43 Originating in the Island of Jersey, the Jersey breed of dairy cattle first was imported into the United States about 1850. Jerseys are said ttf be more evenJohnson wy AANisTrrEaDn -- Cr-vh,i;c™a™go. manufacturer,1 ^^ di stributed in the United States any Qther breed FOR SALE--All kinds of hay and straw delivered. Will A. Johnson . . , A Son, Sugar Grove, 111. Phone desires to purchase^ one-story build- They pos- ^71betw«m 4:30 and 6 o clock *38^-6 ing >viV^uTW square t^et! * a great degree those qualiotf floor space. FOR. SALE -- New GI year-round chasing vacant home; occupancy about Phone McHenry 227-J. March 1 37-tf Will consider pur- j already zoned for j FOR SALE--Will be able to furnish new beautiful, year-round home to civilian family if acted upon at once Occupancy about April 1. Write Box X, care Plaindealer. 87tf manufacturing, preferably close to transportation or town. Write Box ' P," care Plaindealer. 43-2 WE SALE -- Used phonograph rec «rds. 26c each. A good supply of latest uMrAk Mrffan's Jewehy, Main St, West McHenry. 86-tf POR S A LB--Generators, armatures, fe? ftorters, AMI pomM, distributors and N- ijanion parts for Ford and all other r 4 v * tm- Secri<*» LUyh! >•' ** 10Te-tl-f 4 S;}1 y»? r H v SALE -- Generators, starters, VS CS?'J2SrD^maM, ^uO?Or^ Q2UStlS far Fords «nd Chevrelets. Motorola jto rafios. tftoMe'i, West Me- > , Henry. Phone 459. 28-tf " FOR 8ALE--Year- round comfort and «eon6ny with ftro-proof Johns-Man- •ille Rock Wool Home Insolation 'ul "Blownin" waHs and ceilings. Call HO J* STILLING. McHenry 18. S6tf. v: • . * CARPENTER WORK WANTED-- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. A. Lessard, phone McHenry 634-R-2. *41-2 WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 $o. Green street, McHenry. < Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 16-tf WANTHD -- We nave cash buyers for summer homes, city property aad farms. List your property with xm, Jacob Frits, Main 8t* JohnsVorg, Bt. 1, McHenry or 2006 Sheffield Ave, Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1S88-1SS4 tf. FOE Enrr FOR RENT--Room in private home, single or^eoujile. Address Box "V," care Plair *« FOR RENT--Chicken coop, 20x40 ft., with two acres. Apply 196 Country Club Drive. *4S WANTED TO RENT , LOTS FOB 8ALE--Lots, 50x350 ft^ " «n Boute 81, about two block from ^epot. Inquire at 715 Center St. D „ Ujnu_ . ^1. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf i McBlwiryy III WANTED TO BENT, with of without option to boy, about 20 to 40 acres of land, vacant, partially wooded; need not be high quality soil. G. S. Andreen, Oaknurst sub., - ~ " *48-2 MttOELLAKZOUS LOST equipped to take disking and wood NOTICE--I am care of plowing, cawing. Herman Dowe, 208 Rich- r ... . ^ mond Rd., McHenry. Phone 24L #2tf Ulldiay' 114 John ^ IX)ST--Person who pid^ed up flash light near theater Friday night, please return to box office. Mrs. ties ideal for dairy types. Alert, clean-cut, angular and refined in conformation they still have large barrels. Their milk test is right and cost of butterfat production is low. Average butterfat content is 5.36 per cent, highest of all breeds. Fall Versus Spring ^ ^ ,. Fertilized Pasture* It is becoming tocreasfrigfcr evident from tests at New Jersey station and ether states that esccpt on very sandy soils fertilizers containing nitrogen for giaseland and pas* ture sods, may be applied in late summer or early M. Fertilizers containing phosphoric acid and potash oofy. such as the mixtures usually recomnnended for alfalfa and Ladfao clww fleMs, can M even more efficiently applied ip the fall than in the spring. Mineral Hopper fur Hent§ EKPEBT SWEDI8H MASSAGE,-- with hot packs if desired. Arthritis esses a specialty. For appointment in your home, call Woodstock 212-J. Sewing Needle t ai<1)„umilllll If yout sewing machine Sylvia! phone "itches, the needle may be , 87if to° sma11 tor the thread, set too • I high or too low, incorrectly thread- DEAD ANIMALS -- Five dollars is ed or too short or too Iwf Oil on the least we pay for dead horses the needle or too much on the shutand cows m good condrtion. Wheel tle race will cause the machine to help needed to load. 36-tf. - "M** wlHWELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN ! Prolific Sows Fay BcfftW WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair1 Q_e nrolific sow wi+h enoueh ndand install pumps. Bill Bacon, Y06 • Main Street, McHenry. Telephone •^£S? 10 10-tf " or more pigs, can produce . 1 litters with as much weaning weight GET A FREE ESTIMATE on roof-, as three average sows. Such recing and siding ; lyiaterial or labor, ords were found Frank Gai», 300 Riverside Drive McHenry. Call or write. Phone Mc in the Michigan Sow Testing project, conducted in „ _ 11945 bj H. F. Moxley, Michigan gStoct^'.. FtS*SdWeryy ^'^,1^""°° "lm*1 •"» SEPTIC TANKS AND CESS POOLS i Records on 189 sows show the 10 cleaned. Fred Wells, 123 Ellsworth; high sows produced as much pig \^l|t's the P the consumers' goods . to A* United Sates is htfiM^by jobbers or ^Hbblesal* ers. il^froximately 18 per ant of •11 the industrial goods is also sold through Jobbers or wholesalers. Thaw Frizon FM4I With OaTo ft ProMrvo Natrionlr The preparation and - serving of frozen foods, like othe* culinary arts, are Subject to a wide play of personal preference. By careful thawing and serving at exactly the right stage of defrosting, it is possible to prepare attractive servings of products that would be rejected if served with no thawing or if completely thawed. The list of fruits, vegetables and juices that may be successfully frozen may be con* siderably extended as the art of serving is perfected. Frozen products should be served so as'to keep as much as possible of the natural or fresh flavor, taste, color, structure and internal juices^ Care should be taken that no more food is thawed than is needed at a particular time, and refreezing should never be practiced. Nutritionally, legally, and otherwise, frozen foods are considered as fresh foods; and are consequently highly perishable. Vegetables, to be. cooked should remain iff* the closed containers and allowed to thaw either in a common refrigerator overnight, or at room temperature foj several hours, or in luke-warm water which is gradually heated. Immediately after thawing they should be cooked in the water or juices that come from the vegetables during thawing, adding only water enough to prevent scorching. Cooking should be just sufficient to tenderize the vegetables and overcooking must be avoided. Item of Interest Taken From the File* of the Plaindealer •f Years Age Civ '•I*: SIXTY YEARS AGO V. Shepard has purchased 'the stock of hardware and store fixtures of E. M. Howe, in this village, and will hereafter run the same at the old stand, opposite Bishop's mill. Purvis cigar wagon took a lively turn through the streets of West McHenry on Monday morning. Ford's running ponies being hitched to it. We learn that in the yard of our puMic school there is an old, un used and deep well, which is only protected by a few loose boards thrown over it. Rev. and Mrs. Brunning have removed to rooms at Mrs. Stcbbins opposite the Riverside House, and take their meals at the latter place. FIFTY YEARS AGO Northwest Territory Ceded To U. S. 100 Years Ago One hundred years ago, the United States and Great Britain signed a treaty establishing the present boundary between the Pacific Northwest and Canada. Two years previously James K. Polk had been elected president on the cry "fiftyfour forty or fight." This slogan meant that United States expansionists wanted all the Oregon region", not just part of it Since 1818 the United States and Great Britain had ruled Oregon jointly. American claims rested on the discovery of the Columbia river by Capt. Robert Gray and on the later land explorations of Lewis and Clark. In the early 1840s settlers from the states began pouring over the Oregon trail and demanding that the United States establish organized government there. Fever pitch was reached as attempts at compromise failed. Polk's "Fifty-four forty" was caantetad by England'# insistence ^ .CMlim' dery. SbdiS^tiie^^Sjes'eSi ed. A treaty drafted by the British foreign minister was Accepted readily by congress end signed hy ME. This treaty extended to the Ftciflc the already-established 41 Canadian boundary of the with the exception that the swerved southward to give; »B of Vancouver island; Faatty Bteakfasts One study aflMiiif tsrtory ewlus showed that o|dy 12 per cent el the men workers snd JO per cent sf the eromen had included fruit «r firuit Juice in theif breakfast. Seventythree per eent of the men and 30 per cent of the women ate breaklasts containing eggs or meat hot not fruit. A good mhny women and some men had nothing but n eap ef coffee for breakfast. The social party at the McHenry House on Monday evening drew out a good crowd. Our merchants1 are clearing out their remnants of winter stock preparatory for spring business. Noah Pike and wife of Che'noa 111., are looking after their Pistakee Bay property, getting the cottage ready for the summer. Dr. H. T. Brown and wife started Saturday morning for* Somerville S. C., where they will spend a month or six wgefkjs. FORTY YEARS AGO lot prbpet piano care, sure tibet your piano is toned each year by an experienced man; keep the room uniform changes In temperature and moteture are damaging to the piano; hang a bag of camphor inside the piano case, or better still, have the service man spray with a reliable moth spray at intervals of two or three years; help control excessive humidity by placing an electric light bulb inside the piano case, and use only a slightly dampened cloth and mild soap to clean piano keys. Don't place your piano near a heating unit; don't allow the direct rays c$ the sun to strike the piano; don't permit oils or. cleaning fluids to come in contact with ivory piano keys -- two causes for discoloration; don't place a humidifier near the piano, and don't neglect thorough servicing anj tuning, especially during the first yea* aApr purchase. ' v": ! : The1 price of "butter was declared . firm at 32 cents on th# Elgin board j which dissolves over of trade Monday. Chas Heimer returned to his duties as railway mail clerk last Saturday morning after an illness of five weeks with quinsy. Anton Schneider has a gang of carpenters at work on the new addition to his Water street grocery store. Martin Stoffel who has been workmg in Chicago during the winter months, has returned to McHenry and can again be found in the C. G. Frett meat market. .J • ' ' " v' Use Penicillin for Mouth Penicillin is probably the most effective agent yet developed for the treatment of acute oral lesions and for the prevention and treatment of infections in operative dentistry, a study at the University of California College of Dentistry indicates. Describing the results in son>e cases as spectacular, the dentists say they had treated a number of oral diseases, including several forms of gingivitis, Vincent's angina, and various ulcerative conditions. They administer penicillin simply, in the fo/m of a lozenge, placed between the gum and cheek, a period of from one to five hours, bathing the injured area constantly with the drug. Ability to keep ^constant high concentration of penicillin in contact with the affected area is probably the greatest advantage the drug offers in this form. Another advantage is simplicity of administration. The Crystal Lake Paint Store s wishes t o% announce that Betty Moore, welt, known decorator is, again on the air every Saturday • morning from 9:00 to 9:16 overstation WXJS. in her program, "Your Home Beautiful." . As usual, Betty Moore gives prmc-. tical and economical directions for decorating each room of the house.; Betty Moore's detailed advice is expertly ^dramatized by a well known New York radio cast including Vicki Vola and featuring also the romantic • singer, Johnny Thompson. A special feature is the offer ef a folio of detailed; full-color illustrations of each room described by ! Betty Moore. These colored pictures 1 make it easy to follow the decorating suggestions which Betty Moore offers. The folio of illustrations can be obtained without obligation from your local Benjaujii Moore * Co. paint dealer. :"'4 ":\ free l?rop a penny post card for your ee folio by- return mail to tfti < % Crystal Lake Store Use Moore Paint Phone 1160 Across From Depot CRYSTAL LAKE, IH* ANNOUNCEMENT I desire to anounce /that I Will be a candidate for the* office of highway commissioner of McHenry township, at the coming election to be held on Tuesday, April, 1, 1947. Your support at the polls will be greatly appreciated. 41-5 WM. B. SMITH TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AG<0 The interior of the West McHenry State Bank founding is being repainted and decorated. Supt. Oswell G. Treadway of the McHenry schools, is this week attending a convention at the National Educational association in session in Chicago. ; The heavy rains of last week cut up the ice m the river at this point to such an extent that the stream is agvfrr free from its winter coating. H. E. Buch, local plumber and electrician, has been awarded the contract for furnishing and installing the new- pumping outfit for the municipaf power nouse. Annual Incomes Industrial workers receive, ah average annual wage of $2,300; while the average annual income of farmers is but $1,545 per year. Meat Flavor Monosodium glutamate fi limj by food packers to give a meat flavor to soups, sauces and canned foods. It is an extraction of salt from corn. / ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to announce that I will be a candidate for the office of highway ! commissioner in McHenry township, | the elcetion to toe held on Tuesday, April 1. Your support at the polls ; will be very much appreciated. . CHARLES J. «CHUCK" MILLER ^ 41-6 Need Rubber Stamps f The Plaindealer. Order si Trick Bogs K:'?I Performing dogs which indicate the correct answers to arithmetic problems by barks get their cues from very slight movements at their trainer's hand er jaw. Since dogs haVe great seiisWtity to movements, they can detect a signal which is eys. i Subscribe for The Plaindealer Cigaeett* HUM Thirty-one states now have cigarette taxes that vary from two to five cents. Seventeen states are listed levying a tax of two (cents per package of cigarettes while eight states collect three cents per pack. Florida, Massachusetts and Mississippi collect four cent* and Arkansas, Louisiana^ and Oklahoma collect five cents per pack. In addition to the federal and state taxes, 27 cities are cepuatcd levying cigarette taxes of one or two centc per pack. • Laying hens and glowing chicks need a constant supply of calcium in form of oyster shell or limestone This hopper may be hung so the wall of the chickei Crystal Lake, or 716-M. III. Phone 543-M' weight at 56 days as the 30 low pro- 42tf; ducers. Similar results were re- 1 corded by G. P. Deyoe for 120 sows GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let dispose of your garbage each week, . ...... Or oftener if desired. Reasonable; m W^ch»gan. rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 366. tf us in Vocational Agriculture projects CLEANING -- Again available for washing, ironing and cleaning. Old customers welcomed. Christine Adams. Tel. McHenry 130-R. 43 HOTICE--We will not be responsible tor any debts contracted by anyone aoccept ourselves, effective on and after this date, Thursday, March 13. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Springman. *43 PK:; IPHNTER WORK WANTED-- and repairs of all kinds, phone McHenry 634-R-2, 43-3 IPRAY1NG AND. WEED ; SPRAYING. Frank W. m McHenry 681-M-l. -- Befinishhw new and old a lifetime floor. McHenry 407-R RTJBLLC NOTICK Nottct at proposed change la Schedule m. c. c. 6. -T "7 To iMtrons of Western UhttM CM aad Electric Company. Western United Gas and Electric Company hereby gives notice to the pub* 11c that It has filed with the Illinois, Commerce Commission on February 24, 1M7, a proposed chance In Its Rate IB, prepayment meter gas service. Bate IB Is an obsolete rate. It requires the use of special prepayment meters which are difficult to maintain and parts of which are practically Impossible to replace. The only customer now on this rate can be served advantageously on a standard rat*. Because ot the above (acts, the Com- rIY proposes to cancel Rate IB. copy of the propoeed change may be Inspected by any interested party at any business office of this CaMpany. All parties Interested la may obtain Information thereto either directly " Conquering Flax Wilt By Resistant Strains During the early 20th century the flax industry was faced with a serious problem. Flax-sickness" was making the industry unprofitable. It was found that "flax-sickness" was the result of a flax disease called wilt. This wilt fungus was introduced into the new soil when cropped to flax, where it lived and multiplied ready to attack later flax crops. The remedy was the introduction of new wilt-resistant va rieties of flax. this natter Double-Crots Corn Not Fit for Reproduction All plants in s field of corn plant ed with hybrid seed of a given strain are related--first cousins. The seed coming from such a field definitely inbred and should not be saved for seed, points out the USDA. Reduction in vigor and grain yield is always the result of inbreeding in corn. The alternative is to plant each year the freshly crossed seed of tested strains of hybrid corn. Unflitr Mlrthites Ninety per cent of the mistletai on Christmas markets comes from Oklahoma where many rural poo* pie make a part time business of gathering and shipping. r Helen Weber says: Spring- birds and Just around tbt corner. Clean, sparkling fresh clothes wilt pst jw in tune with the season. Try ns for thai unsurpassed McHENRY mi' CLEANERS w 103 ELM ST., McHENRY, ILL, Selen Weber, Mgr. Phoifc 104-M Rom where I s\t~.Jy Joe Marsh Mystery of the Rocking Choir Plastic Colorful raincoats brella covers and umcan be . Bis strife fblo for shower curtains and Utehsu curtains, and it will maka an Ma Hoskias has a favorite rocking chair that's wora aad shabtqr, with a noisy creek, fa BosUas has listened to that sqaeok for thirty years . . . ani he decided to do something aboat it. So he bought a new rocker, aad hid the other In the bora. Ma allowed as how grateful she was ... tat when P» nrisssd her one afternoon, he heard a familiar sound tha* lsd him to tfes barn. There was Ha rocking happily in her old chair--squeak... sqoeak. NeaeoffcuayeahewPafeK. Quick as a wink he hid the aew. rocker aad |hea brought Ma's ol4 chair hack te the house. Now who* he hears that sqasak, he looks at the BMHOW glass ef beer he's drink* lag aad says ft hhaseff:"arti jas| as eatitled to her sanfl pleasares as I aai* From whsre I sit, that's one of the reasons the Boskinsss are the happiest, oldest-married, fulest foiks in our town. t:. >'"*• HUPPY & LEO'S GROCERY and MARKET CALL McHENRY 179 For Daily Deliveries M Line of ' ••• t f. E A T S ipd all vegetables in season HUBERT and LEO SMITH, Props, Formerly Smith Bros. Store on Green St, McHenry I:' REDUCES PRICES *SO.OOI MTHOUOM production costs aie Mill high aad anaar of our Jeakcs ate still waiting for deliveries, the SsniUry Refrigerator Co. is glad dealers as our mutual normal and stable x levels. WL BMVI the pent-up dcsice for Sanitary Quicfiez represents a steady and kx£ tens market, which should be served at a sensible price. IT IS HOMO that cufteut shtrttus which now hold back ef Sanitary Quscfrez will sooa be a thing of the pest so that the WAS yttCw fOOOCOMb e Sm A SANITARY $UKFRBZ--TUM* ft dWw Smtp VtUrmf CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP .n. • . - k'l0

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