Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1947, p. 3

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CM •?"*» "5V A- ' >>t^. , * »' i :\,i» ' 1 •» '! • , < > v • mp mi,s 'm «*S VV* - W*i,-/.;..';- :i lii 11 ill i i»Mi i miiiiiiMiiii By Vanessa Mb week, on Thanday, W'lf the and Stentinel ataffs, lost People h«mbwit», «*n a nmpaptr show, thai IMJMMM a printer'* appratotfci at tlfc age M fUtasn, and m nwd for seventy-fire years. Not all ot .tksM sixty yean «tan spent in Some of them iter in Wood- I years were devoted to aoua kind of pdbi ic service. The "BIS Bm»" -was not a young man when I first mot him. Mine was not the pleasure and inspiration Of wMi MB through his moat ve years. That I shall eterwho www lone time sasidanta,! natty regret. However, I found durseareeb Tomerahsr when Charlie injr the time that I knew him that i wasn't in the news_p a_p er lmsi-1. there was a who was only KeHcnry comity. Tins is physically old. His was an eager when the records mind, young with ideas and plans COMPLETE RKfAm SHOP Rewinding & Rebuilding ; ' Redesigning Service BRUCE W. KLONTZ 102 W. WAUKEOAN RD. PHONE 181 ittii lor the future. And his mind dwelt, a* thooe of old men on the pest end the things of the rL Each day he planned the things intended to do. King aad aaaar a artad should have n contained in a body that had grown old too eoon. Tliat future, for which he «o wanted to live, will now haw to get along withost him, hut the days to come, without him, will definately suffer Aram the loea. The party held ft the Mill Inn on Saturday night by the Auxiliary of the Wonder Lake Rod and Gun dub was attended by such a tremendous crowd thot standing room only waa available. Host and Hostess, Frank and Jerry Weidemann, however, handled the overflow crowd with good natured aplomb. Gordon Possum and Johfi Body provi music ana Howard Christianson acted as caller. mud, Idea Bigfers a* forward and mttji Smith as guard. Mr. and Mfs. Juaefh Riegel of Ind|an Kidge were heats to Mr. and wasou an and rack. and rack;, steel wheel wagon H«w sad it waa that so fine an* Mrs. Ifelbert Jacoba of Chicago over this past weekend. Last week when listing new members of the Rod and Gun club auxiliary, the nanm of Glors Stcnhenhagon waa omitted. Mm. Sfeanfcenhagon was welcomed into the chsb at the March 7 meeting. A1 and Minnie Sonuner of Wonder Mere*TTPaar m on the west side of Wonder Lake celebrated 31 yean of marriage on March 15, 1947. Daughter Bernice Coulthurst and her husband of Winnetka, and sons Oscar and George of Wonder Lake were •j . . . , , present with their parents at the Rod vided the barn-dance ;and Gun p^y to help celebrate the On Monday event! board of Hsnrison DDaayy.. Sonhe. wwoouullddnn"tt say Also Happy Birthday to »tlsliJUJi M«N«ALS 3W« « ram aOUJBLT' fcrfte kmHi A»a. it roek;UBfkm 1Mb To 66 aim>M 'fob of into asset, mflk, wool* have salt. oobaK,oopband Feed oomd ptoportioas oi oodciupi* ptwt|'h^riii bbqb* cobalt, copper, iron* i. dne and bonee in a farm eo completely solubla mirnirn m" YseHe 00 o__ MA VlMHMI DBo yUBU MINiltAl KtD tfXZtfiGSSZ APPROVID AMD SOLD BT TOVf . FEED DEALER 'Price $3.95 per bag In larfvr Q<uatltl« "'V'. • . McHENRY MILLS, Inc. Mom K'HKmT 92-K _ Wwt McHeniy, 111, ; general meeting of the district to; present to thepdblic the pressing 1 J™* ... ». problem for additional space. Board! p i w members, Kenneth Cristy, Mel Sell- £d J* ek and Mfte Burt, after having in-; vestigated all available types of tem-' . porary buildings, recommended a two- Paul Reuter who admitted that he room type which can be built during!??" ^^.J!^?ma\a»s this coming summer and which win I celebrate at Fiala s. be available by September lsjfc be- j • , " _ , . _ fore the influx of all the new Voung-! "• E. Jacobsen of the Wonder! sters who will start school this fall. L«ke Syndicate presented a plat for; Before it is possible to build any! * sub-division, the first to go under kind of a building, it is necessary for tl»e county zoning ordinance, The I the legal voters of the district to matter was referred to the lands and! petition the school board for action -lots committee, Frank May. chairman j in the matter. These petitions, cir-1 also to the enforcing officer eulated toy the Community club, will j George Jedlicka. reach all residents of the community' >/vs^r,^'v~s'>/ws'"v*~VVVA'vww -within the next few days. When the| JL « required number of names is secured V |I*T|(1|M on the petition, the school board will i ^nw call an election for the passing of thej proposal for bond issue for the pur- ] ' Located 2 miles northwest of Long; pose of building the required space.' Grove, 4 miles southeast of Lake j If you are interested in adequate' Zurich, 1V4 miles south of Hwy. 22.1 schooling for the children of this 3 miles northeast of Quinten Cor-1 district, your name should go on this: nera, 9 miles northwest of Wheel-1 MISCELLANEOUS-- tOO ft new snow fence; 7S ft 6-in. belt; wheelbarrow; grasa Boeder; acales; woven wire; 40 ft extension ladder; 180 ft hay rope; 2 lS-hole neeta; emery wheel with Vk h. p. motor; poet drill; pomp jack and motor; fanning mill; 14 d|inkiiur cups. MILKING EQUIPMENT-- Rite-Way milking machine, one doable and one single unit conmlete; Losee water heater; 2 sterilising tanks: 12 milk cans; etc. BUILDINGS-- i New 8x8 ft brooder house; tx8! ft farrowing house. ( FURNITURE-- Some household furniture includ-! ing cream and green enameled combination coal, wood or bottle gas i kitchen range; heating stove; chairs; beds; etc. { FRED GRAFF. 8K, Bstat* 1 Raymond Graff, Adm. 1 Froelich, Wick and Chandler, Aucts.' Public Auction Service Co., Clerk i If you are storing potatoes, don't let them freeze. Frozen potrtwi' spoil. Estimated loae to New era from woodchuck i _ more Oaa a mfllkw doOate emmaHr. 7 SO MANY FOLKS COVE HERE TO BUY OUR QUAUTY'S THE REASON iWHV / • *- -•vl 'M RUPTURED? mm (-SKID EXCELSIOR TRUSSES Complete Line RICHELIEU, LIBBYS and DEL MONTE QpUty Brands, Priced ^ > WE DEUVEE ^^v-. j # DICKDW'5| W A A O Q U r C T * W petition. •• Walter and Marge! Troxell entertained Kenneth M. and Minnie Berninger of Mattoon, Illinois over the weekend. Mr. Berninger is Mrs. Troxell's brother. Judy Troxell really made the occasion gala--she broke out with chickvn pox. U}«. SATURDAY. MARCH 29 At 11 O'clock An amusing and pathetic story is that of smpll Susan Watkins, sgedi 3, who is now sharing her beloved; randovother with a new little sister.! L A M . L U N C H WAGON Watch for Auction Arrows at Quentin Corners, also on Hwy. 22. 50 -- HEAD OF LIVESTOCK -- SO SMufaetion Guarantee# ryrrSIDE of • surgical operation, a good v-' truss correctly fitted, is the only tafa relief for rupture. Visit our 1 ruse Dcoaitittent and team more about these wonderful trusses. • CXir experiencec. fitters alsc serve vour needs for Abdominal Supporters Elastic Hosiery Shoulder Uraccs etc. anJ our reasonable prtoas will surely plaasc you. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE M A R K E T Mc MENRY 5 Green St. McHenry CflllVOU BEAT THAT/ consisting of CATTLE- 22 Holstein and Guernsey milk Jhe told o neighbor, "f cows, consisting of 3 cow with calf buy that baby a grandmother of her;*x , ' sjpringers; 6 fresh past own for $60.00, that is what I am1«? , *oodL v 6> : going to do. That baby can't have Ji°}^!n tel,?erS ^ rn?.s i°i ^' MY irrandma*" Holstein bull, 2 years old; Holstein * ibull, 11 mosr. old; Holstein bull, 6 The Left Handera club held a din-1 HORSBS-- ner and party at the Grill on Fri-! 0 nM day evening. This is the first party j xsoo^. Grey maA, 10 years oW, by the club and a record turn- 1400 ^ Breeching harness. PIGS-- 2 Duroc Jersey sows, due to farrow by sale time; 12 Berkshire shoats; average weight 75 lbs.; Berkshire boar weight 800 lbs. POULTRY-- 200 Barred Rock and Avstra held out marked the occasion. Accordianist Nick Santueci provided the music. Twelve of the Wonder Woman met at Fiala's Lake View ice cream parlor on Friday to hold their regular monthly meeting. Mrs. Fiala's special home miade cakes and Icolackys i White hens; 2 ban turkeys; 2 Muswith ice cream and coffee were served j covy ducks; 2 WWte Pekin ducks; as refreshments. Peggy Alletag was! 1 goose. a guest at the meeting. On Saturday evening the Ringwood Camera cltfe mat m the Edwal laboratory lunchroom in Ringwood-. Dr. £. Lowe, president of the Edwal Laboratories presented, to the club, pictures in xodpehrome taken on mountain climbing trips through the Wind river and Grand Teton mountains of Wyoming. The Camtera dim will hold a photoinores 12 to 6. That winfiing team! spreader; McD. sulky cultivator; M had three Wbnder Lake girls playing.jH oil bath mower; corrugated roller;! !They were Esther Martin 'as fbr-'portable buss saw; wood wheel! How yea can h*l|r*"" YOUR ARMY PART FOR PIACS WITH the President's proposal for the discontinuance of Selective Service on March 31, America will rely onk Toluntary enlistments for the maintenance of the Regular Army at authorised strength. In view of world conditions today, this is a step of the gravest importance to every American citisen. Nevelf before in history has any nation raised and maintained a million-man army by tne volunteer system alone. Our Ideals, our belief in individual freedom, our safety and •or duty to promote world peace -- all are bound up is this decision. This is your Army, and voluntary enlistment is your choice. It must not fail. With your help it will not fail. The Army must continue to provide adequate occupation forcea overseas, to anpply these forces, and to help m keeping America strong and secure. Your lielp and understanding can do much to en- •onrage a steady Bow of 3-year voluntary enlistments, •ecessary to sound training and the efficient performance oi the Army's task. When you discuss this subject with your sons, brother*, lmsbands or friends who may be considering an Armf career, bear in mind the advantages offered by a S-ye« enlistment. Among them are the choice of branch of aervice and of overseas theater where openings exist, and the opportunity for thorough training in valuable skills. A job in the new Regular Army compares favorably with the average in industry, and has more opportunities far promotion than most. You ««• help by giving your respect and support to tlw man who enlists voluntarily -- to do his part in carrylu out your eountry*s world-wide obligations to buiug Apeace that will eaoure. ^ROBERT P. PATTERSON SBOtrrABY OF w its •AUL a U . S . A r m y "-•vs.». - •: Faad 6 t6iar %fckd md- Wv mt m* - mixed hay. MaSkiacry is UNKNOWN IN WSUMM McD. Modal MH" tractor on rubber (lilt* now), with sfhrtsr, wheel weights, power lift; McD. 2-row delayed lift cultivator^ new McD. 8-ft. graphic exhibit of the members' re- tractor grain drill (with fcrt. and cant pictures. gram seed attach.); M< in. tri The all-girls basketball gamsa bald on Friday evening at McHenry high school had a winning freshman team for the first time m several years. *n» freshmen won over the sopho-! corn [cD. 2-bot. 16- tractor plow; M-M 8-ft. tractor disc; S-sec. wood drag; S-sec springtooth; J. D. corn binder with bundle carrier; new Papec alio filler; Deer-! ing 8-lt. grain bfodqr; J. D. "999" planter; New Idea manure Taint so with HESTER OILS hera. HESTER OILS The Bast For LW FUEL OIL | OABOim | ' LUBRIOAMTi J Wast of C. * N-W. R. R, WEST McHBNRY, ILL. , ! TELEPHONE M*HENRY 24t 1 matter what yan 1MM ted to your naads omi OL CMC bolMs I 6MC enact kind ot ftrask yav nspd tmjrom Jab. aaa CMC. y ^Tha TVwsfc ^ Vdhm^ -- WMAC nm Mm Anpss Wsa e# §m i ( a ^3 ® *] Vv2 J .. I. Overton Motor Sales 403 Front Street rm M.E. ROTARY TILLERS Motor--5-Horse 4-cyde air cooled Wisconsin; 2-speeds forward; 24- tines, timken bearings, weight, 375 pounds; 16- inch swath, 2 to 9 inches deep. Prepares a perfect seed bed in one operation. Immediate delivery, come in and see them in operation. RINGWOOD NURSERY RtNOWOOD, ILL WOW LAKE VOTER'S LEAGUE invites yon to meet |he CANDIDATES for • 1 McHEKRT TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY COM|IIpqpi at an informal gathering at HORN'S - WOMDKK CSMTSa--WOHDia LAS* FRIDAY, MARCH 21st, 8rl».M. Meet your new Township Official's in ptrson f ' 11 -• -L1 : WONDEE LAKE VOTEM1 ^ "Tk* Yofaw «r r<-rA : i iiS' i" v, T ' - ' - K .-li'... -"ll1 • v * d Zook Jimmy. here comes our Telephone!" LAST YIAK, more than 10,000 famfllea !n the Illinois Bell rural areas wdoomed the telephone into their homea. This year we hope to connect even more new telephones in rural areas we serve. As fast as we can obtain the needed equipment, the convenience and protection of telephone aervice will be extended to all who want it. So rapidly has installation work proceeded that, at the present rate of speed, we will accomplish in two years our goal of 21,000 telephones--originally scheduled as a three-year job! We're improving rural service too! More customers have fewer rings of other parties on their lines. Last year over 5,000 magneto telephonea Here replaced with modern, crankleas instruments. We intend to make our rural aervice the beat 4a the world. w TIUHHIHINIT . - > i* (v- , ik ' 4 -v *'V . i< _ •T *5$' si'-* ; ,t *. l%'r: %.k: . - .. a. .v- •'v i •«*«• 4, r}-> riS'-if*-: • v <4 * ^ ^ "• .V

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