•: -v '€ / I vfll 16 Hwinr, m.,to be voted at the City Ooetion to be held ffctaday, April 15, 1917. Yotir aupfoit will be JtS Llrt* alfred TONYAK ANNOUNCEMENT I derive to announce thtt I will be a candidate for aldormanof the third ward In the city o£ McHenry •t the coming election td be held •on Tuesday, ^Lpifl 16, 1947. Your support will be appreciated. •v.'i GEORGE J. PREUND (^r W. H. TMim) tMB Beard of dcctcd cfeatanan «f •oil jwnuwriirti j*nm Cwtiaref _ elected sou alary. Other th* board are: Lester 8 - (rove, Harry Giles of r wd Ilaer Ftedlund of Algongftin. Heir -work teocon ia being developed and will* be published soon. Hike purpose of the district is to brine about a public realisation of the need for the prsaervation and impaojVement of oar natural reeour- *ea--soil, water, forests, and wttd life and to make available technical advice and facilities to achieve this end. . Oscar Brissenden of the Illinois HAVE YOUR OXSSPOOU 8EPTXP TANKS OATc&BA&iNft t•*£?-i , ^nsraras ;Vi, Cleaned By EDDIE'S SANITARY SERVICE EDDH5 HUFF, Prop. TELEPHONE McHENRY CLARENCE'S SHOP Kitchen cabinets ling cupboards made to «rt«r. Full line of lawn chain, swings, pier benches, picnic table sets, children's play pais, nnd boxes, trellise?. picket fences, window boxes, tod houses, etc. Genuine leather men's and ladies' belts, purses, etc. . •- .3$ -v - . clarence smith ,» Tel. McHenry 625-J-l ^jAhnsburK ^$**1. pR. HENRY FREUNO ' OPTOMETRIST ' <Sn w?*j> J®5?- ,. OPTOMETRIST , 8t, West McHenry ?*>. / *2^/ . Stefan's Jewelry Store 1# J ^ (Closed Thursday Afternoons) . ' *• Eyes Examined -- Glasaca Fitted " ) < (-Visual Training -- Visoal RdnUUtitin .;?v „ - ; J : f C o m p l e t e V i s u a l ' A n a l y t i a > / Honrs Daily: » to 12 and 1 to 5--Setarday Eveniaga: 6 to 8:18 »Ji. PHONE McHENRT 452 SEED-CLEANING and 1.3 TREATING - We have completed the installation of equipment permits both thorough cleaning and effective treating with/ DoPont's Ceresan in one operation. This equipment is efficient and the capacity is large. If you wish the job done while yoii waiVeall «r write Sot aapointment. -- ' ~ "" -4;y -f McHenry Mills, Inc. Phome 92-B ' ' Wat Menry M.E. ROTARY TILLERS Motor--5-Horse 4-cycle air cooled Wisconsin; 2-speeds forward; 24- tines, timken bearings, weight, 375 pounds; 16- ihch swath, 2 to d inches deep. JPrepares . a perfect seed bed in one operation. Immediate dilivery, come in and see them in operation. RINGWOOD NURSERY aprawooD, n|t. " JiP 'H i n GS .• TARPAULINS B CANVAS GOODS •/jm. Selection of Material > 'hpntp ifM.f Specialising in Store and Residence Awnings McHenry Awning Co# Phone McHenry 571-W-2; Tfeos. Thompson Prop. T; tw® to mm and hnmM Mit re back. tododGot it?" ^orid War |I, the tor the WhMde - 1 district, Alt the Garden m is new a ton wast* in the early days there an trees. OUve totes 1 one of the chief sc rTtrses of «m cut down tea food income. Ha said France laborers had soil feiidc up tho hill in pails if it waslMa dm. Commnnism stalks the honfty parts pi the world. Democracy can flourish only in a land of plenty. Inquiries have eome to my office slMmt Sequoia potatoes. They are a late potato and have ahown superiority in teats at the Cook conaty station. Certilied rrowers in Wisconsin are: Guenther Potato Co., Walter Parson and Harvey Gwnt)ier, Antifo: L. H. Gtasbaiy, Marinak, Phlox. Perhaps they have some seed left. Results of the state ton-acre corn K" M contest for 1946 came recently. e average yield for the ninetytwo entrants was 120.21 bushels per acre. Seven of the contestants live within five miles of my home; Hieir average yield was 126.4 bushels. One Used to' be conservationist for the local soil conservation district and produced his yield of 127.69 bushels per acre on a contoured field directly across thfe road from the Ried Fkrm, where Ried's dent was originated. We have just completed a household inventory at our house. It has gone into our lock box at the bank 101 On* to Mr. and left holdups tor and ted on 'U. city Getich proved according to aecotn- •ear Bgin. nvst the car, the light as the Its baiidtt trio CAKD OF THANKS In this, manner we wish to AGK» mCLtBB DIES Edward Winkle. 7«, of St.! floor of hk hotne iast wekBWed^! SSS OUr "incer® ttenka for floral nesdav afternoon to Police, Who | bouquets, cards forced an entrance after .twin* called , , m.*ny kindn< •< „ apptoxiatototy entruiee by neighbors who aged recfuse since Monday. Winkle is Mind to have died r^HSSFT-tSgSZZ err,. tal Lake eootrlb«tot« gwTe $4,464.60 in .the recent hauss to house campaign for the library fund drive con. ducted ih that eift. .. seen the Van from a . heart Attack, collapsing and falling from a chair. He had lived alone for years and often locked himself in his home for several days at a time. JOINS COUNTY 8Y8TfeM Marengo police will soon be a part of the McHenry -county police radio system ctft of Woodstock. An application was aigned last week by Mayor Clifford Echternach, and; sent to the Federal Communications I Commission. This, when accepted, will authorise the new police car to1 aperato as » sending station. I fended during the illness and at the time of the death of Weeks •W < NOTICB Ettato of p ceased. Notice is sons that _ Wesley Guffey. ccllaaiimm -- ddaittee iina the MMt sa Bn We especially wish to thank Father j V. Baser, Deceassd, psfafli (yRourke for his sympathetic ser-. County Coult of Mfll--1| vices, the pallbearers, the American Illinois, ad that data* may belli Legion and donors of cars for theiir^M^wt the asid eatato on er Milt help on the day of funeral ritea. Mrs. Irene Guffey, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Guffejy Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Muldoon, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Pope, .said date without | mons. OLIVIA BAUER, Exaeatar. [ (Pub. April S-10.17) Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johansen. *46 lv "IHbscribe for The Man h» alwaj dependent upon the i basic needs;. fund, shatter. and still is I for his three clothing and Baad the Want Ads or reference in case we have a fire. Insurance adjusters respect such action. The McHenry county home bureau office luis University of Illinois inventory blanks for anyone who wiahes them. Riley Ramblers 4-H chlb met at the Riley Grange recently and elected Maynard Gustafson, president; Earl Schults, Nevel urer, AUCTION •ell at publocated ft ve and H on i 5is,vV^ I vke-nresident; Wilda el, secretary: Wm. Zierer, treaa- , and Arnold Dahlman, reporter. Ml Ik auctdoh on mile west of mile east of SUNDAY. APRIL 13 Beginning at I o'clock sharp, the foUowingdeecribed • HBAD OP LIVESTOCK CmsMbK tf 8 Holstein all bred, to freehen in Soptoasber; one white face old' 2-sec drag; tractor^ disc; rubbed tired wagon; S-whaal trailer, on rubber; one Iran saw; one spray taSU weld criMMag wire; 96 rods bsufc wire; 5 rolls chicken fence, new; one roll small mesh chicken wire; one roll ^4-inch mesh screening; 50 birr qak fence posts; 20 steel fence • ppooeettss;; garden tools, All are Marengo except Wilda "Nevel, *nd nauMiout SMlII work tools, who is Garden Prairie. Paul V.! ' 300 ft of quarter round and mould Whalen, former vocational agricul- BOOM 2*4, 2x8, 2x10; and ture teacher at Marengo, was se- " lected as leader. some firewood. Terms: All aaam ef $25.00 and under that smeant eaah; over that amount a credit of alx months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes TRIAL LAWYER DRADfL Benedict J. Short,' 77, veteran. . . trial lawyer in Chicago, who has I approved by the ebrfc. Anyone debeen associated with many cases injuria* credit kindly Make arrangethat city, died laat week at the Alexian Brothers hospital after a lonr illness'. Mr. Short was born in Hartland, attended schools there, and received his law degree from Northwestern University in 1808. He successfully defended Car! Wfchderer from conviction for the murder of his wife in 1920, in one of the outstanding murder trials in Chisago's history. His laat case was the defense of Hans Hanpt and others accused of treason in 1942. before purrhaes is made. No property to be imiwd until settled Not respensids for sqiMents shanM any occur. LOUIS A. HUFF *ato Bank af tiBhund, ClerUag. FOR MEN AND WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS AT BOWMANxBROS. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS f e ' : i •>: i% i 'Jkih, 1 A*- Best molts art obtained at 0 to 5 degrs-- T. U Micro-Organnttm dangerons to health will not grow tfHoW 14 degrees,?. Botnlinns toxin has ne^ Veen x known to develop below 40 degrees F. ^ Thie approziinate length of time yon can store frozen foods without loss in quality is: fft Fruits--Beef--Vegetables ... ; , Poultry--Eggs--Lamb--Mntton Veal--Pork--Butter L . Ground Meat, nnsalted ^r Fish ---- 11 monthi ) • ft «' / , ' 1 1 - - •> 4 •• m!-. ' 312 KLM ANDERSON TREE SERVICE Vv^ ? PHONE McHENRY 113-R ' 'V'* l' 1 » '• <4- Gamble's "End of Month** Clearance _S«le> stilly in pr^frees. Bargains . galom. Wast lenry. Another Thorp Sale AUCTION CHA& LEONARD, Aactlonoor The undersigned, having decided to quit 'forming, will seu on tta fam formerly knonm as the Vaaay| farm located 4 miles southwest of Round Lake. S miles west of the junction of State Routes 88 and 69A and 1H miles east of Volo on State Route B6(A, on f ^TUBBBAY, APRa 8 • y | Conunencing at 12:00 o'clock Mttir. the following described property towit: a HEAJD OF LIVESTOCK . Consisting of 18 Dairy Com 18 • .7 Holsteins and 12 Geurneeyt,, ,7 of these cows are close springers; Holstein bull, 18 months ola. 2 hogs, wt. about 125 lbs each. Feed 8 tons of mixed hay baled; 7 ft. of silage; 4 tons baled straw; 100 bu. ear corn; 1)6 tons 2»i8-6 fertil iser. * ____i Machinery McD. T-20 tractor; McD. Model B tractor with 16-in. plow and cult.; McD. 8-6ottom tractor plow; McD. 8-ft. grain binder, neDr; Gehl field ensilage cutter with hay chopper attachment, new last fall; Gehl en silage Mowter, hew; JD corn bind er; 7-ft. tractor disc; 3-sec. wood harrow; corn planter with fert. attach.; McCormick mower; 7-ft seeder; New Idea manure spreader; steel wheel wagon and rack; dump rake; drive belt; 50 steel fence posts; pile of wood ftosts: roll of woven wire; snow fence; pile of wood; steel land toller;; 12x20 brooder house; 16x16 brooder house. 30 gal. barrel of oil; 10 gal. roofing paint; hay rope ^ and fork; 2 25-ft. lengths of hose; set of breeching harnape; 2 hog feeders; hog waterer; 2 electric brooders; 15 chicken feeders; 10 Doughboy electric chicken waterers; 10 steel laying nests; 7 roosts; automatic electric clock; electric fence control; 6 can milk cooler; 18 milk cans; 2 wash tanks; 2 single unit DeLaval magnetic milker; several sheets of •wall board; double set of socket wrenches; portable electric drill: 12 guage Remington pump gun; .22-cal repeating rifle; boy's bicycfc, new; *39 Ford fc-ton pickup truck with rdbuilt motor. Ftupitare, Etc. Skelgas kitchen stove; breakfast set; davenport and chair; bedroom set; bed ami chest of drawers; Coxwall chair; 8x10 rug; 9x12 rug; laundry stove; 2 portable radios; dozens of other items. FOR RENT--the 80 acre Bieschke farm. This form has exceptionally good modern buildings and the farm is nearly all tillable. 45 acres fall plowed and 20 acres seeded to alfalfa. Renter may have immediate poasession of farm land and barns. The house will be available on June -•; Vv*% * ' -.vr* . sjmC< > * " ' •f- •** i • |l' • '.If' I, Si'- 15. Ike lease to this farm will be put up for bids on the day of the sale. Usual Thorp RAY K. BIESCHKE Csqp, Clsrkfaig J *L ^ * * 'jr ^ * ...Ct./ . " .sr'*r,«d.*.>.wv«' sa-r-r the lighting 2a jWr home . • today! You ll find many little untho^ght-ol i for dad's tired eyes • ; i jomof'f Of homework... and sister's reloo- Mto scw on that new dress she's mtidng^ Empty wrong-sized and burned-out 4 bulbaplay no fevbrites--they rob every member of the fismllyof adequate light. today thievery socket In your home is filled -> ' # with the proper-sized bulb. A home filled wid| warm, cheerful light makes the evening hone* leisure hours together--the most ^pleasant part of the dafr_ TAKE ASVMTMi Of SW IBEtAl HNIWU POUCf Ti *11 customers 9* light Mb exchange service there is m chmrgefe*/ replacing west sixes ef stnmlsrd, hmrmd emt imJh msrhed "PS Ni" or "toemeurt Service.". - J pHIIC SSRVICl COMPANY Of r-tr -'S*.ar . A- --. V--*' tut. .*la-kn>L! .ih&f .