' fty*- " WS \ ; „ - • -^'•-(ffij^1 * ••! * • " » « * ' - * * ' J . ' - i./J iiS.iv.'it'vrti, 1 ;' JH SPRING GROVE ' - ; : . / ' • • ' - " ' (kgr Kn. Charin Frennd) •r. and *r leoige Sander* with her rela- Mrs. Geoi the weekend in Michigan. Kr. and Mrs. S. Hedge are the parents orf a b*by boy, born .weeks ago in a Chicago hos-; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith enter-' at their home on Sunday in of the christening of their daughter. The baby was J Nancy Lee at St. Peter's Sunday morning, with Mrs. Kutish of Chicago and Eugene 'as sponsors. j qr those who entertained on! were Mrs. Bertha Esh, who her guests Mr. and Mrs. i Grain and children, Mr. and . Andx, Straub and family and andHfei Albeit Brits and sens, i family gathering in the .ders home. Those who ent the day with Mr. and Mrs. uton May were the Anton Meyer Sfihinily, Chi-les May family and John -.'Sheets faniily. L \ K Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mr. VJand- Mrs. Bob Lent and Bobby Nelv' lson visited Mr. and Mrs. Mike Degen 3r' in Kenosha on Tuesday. ,l •' Those who helped Mrs. John Sari- ;is|born celebrate her birthday on Wednesday night were Mrs. Lucille Nelson. Mr. ud ltta. and Kenneth Ffa«*__ - guest was presented with a 'Sir. and Mrs. Henry of McHenry were callers teUM Math Nimsgern Wne Among those lw» attended the wedding reception of Mae Miller and Bernard Mar in Mc- Henry on Wednesday were Mr. M*d Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mr. Mid Mr* George W^ May.Mr. wadI Mrs. Frad May, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Hanford | and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and Pauline Ann returned on Sunday from a trip to Iowa, where they visited relatives the past week. The Spring Grove bowling team and Tower Market team were tied for first place in the first half of : the bowling season. They boiled I the game on Sunday, night with i Spring Grove, the winners. | A week ago Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent and Mrs. Lucille Nelson ; and son attended the christening of ! the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Amborn in Sharon. ' Sunday visitors in the Math Nimshome were Mr. and Mrs. Robert limsgern, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nimsgern, Jr., and Anna Nimsgern of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pittges of Chicago and $Oss Edith Stewart of Richmond. &-wm' ! gern Nims Complete line of David ftcfcerts 1 veterinary medicines at Wattles i Drug Store, McHenry. 43-tf-bp (by W. H. Tammees) Now I know where my income tax money goes. We aaw, last week, the grandeur and felt the far reaching influence of our national capital on our trip there. No one could t6pr the capital buildings, visit Lincoln ! Memorial, Washington's Monument, I the Supreme Court Building and; others, without a deep impression of their meaning. I I think that anyone who visits there and stops to realise the un- j limited opportunity our country affords a person with ability, a will to work, and who puts forth a sincere effort and then still has a mind to overthrow our government, is a little nuts. > Opportunity is everywhere today, more than ever. It is a privilege we fiust pay for with a responsibility and our responsibilities include income taxes, hard work, long hours of special training and an honest effort. The most interesting character I met was the old darkle guide who showed us thfc Supreme Court building. He was in his glory there and He says, _he pet shipped the firs Mexico for the i HI In tfcfti . CAftD QF_ h tkisauanertN JOHN hbors H«r T«kX» rock.'. H«. fiS Dmji Itk. lvt Xnu tm on ttw ( ash last year's Xmas tret the "7""" ;thZaT"- - HSU heap. J&9ptnimiilioiVrievs eipevmwmemds to bwe j mile on iktb of red brick tenament houses witt gleaming white steps. We stayed overnight in Wilmington, Del., with friends. He is a chemiit for DuPont. During the war he was loaned to Uncle Sam he pigs per litter. to go. Leo Beebe, south of Woodstock says there is no nuwie in a hag of fertiliser, It tains legumes ana to- -J * TT-1- «««, tation for good tilth first. "For aned to Uncle Sam. best result®, the angle worms most •rsonaUy. packed happy." These am his words. L. P. Burke on the DeKalb county line in Riley township has the firstwindbreaks planted in' McHenry county by Wainscott Winbreaks, Inc. The new service was established at Belvidere this spring. The Busy Three, club met March 21 at the Ben Tonyan home near it Uranium to New first bomb. At Mt. Vernon, I met a cattle man frpm Colorado. Says he sold out two years ago and is seeing a little of the world on the profit. Expects to tmy back in a couple of years when cattle comes down again. „„ uvww TO1 If Washington's home is ttny Ringwood and elected Paul Tonyan criterion of a president's home, as president. Wm. Yung as vicei, a«. of Hvd» Park had d resident. Mike Weiser as secretary DRY CLEANING AT BEST McHENRY CLEANERS 103 ELM ST., McHENRY, ILL. Helen Weber, Mgr. ^ Phone 104-M • UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT - BUNGALOW INN Bt. 130, LILT LAKE # Td . McHenry 690-W-l . O 11' 1. •' Spire Ascendihg 1! Symbolic of the very soul as it ] | aspires heavenward. The spirit- *)ual value of our funeral service . ^encompasses c o n s i d e r a t i o n and ! [courtesy as w cany out your ))wishes. Jacob Justen Sons :: |' FUNERAL DIRECTORS i; Funeral Home Phone McHenry 103-R J Green, Cor. Elm, McHenry Rooscrvelt's home at Hyde Park had him marked for president on the day of fsiv lir^h Hie tail end of Creation seemed to up to he Pittsburgh, with its permanent elood of smoke and black grimy, cracker, box houses perched all -over the -Mountains there. On reaching Ohio, we could, feel «IO W|«eiUVSIV| »? MM* A «H^ sm ? aw president, Wfeiser and treasurer, Wm. Weber as reporter, and Dan Weiber in chargn of recreation. Howard Harrison is leader. Seven were present. CORROSION Eats out water tanks-- Wrecks Plumbing Systems, un reaenmg unio. we couia iwsi 1 MICROMBf Controls Corrosion. See ourselves coming back into the bread |our advertisement on Page 8. 48 basket of the world. The east lives jMcHenry, IllinoU FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Last 2 Days--Must -Bind Ssturdsy In Technicolor Larrv Parks -- Evelyn Keyes "THE JOLSON STORY" _ : ^ SUN. ft MOfN., APRIL 20-21 Ingrid Bergman -- Cary Grant "NOTORIOUS" Plus World News and Cartoon TUESDAY WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Dorotfly Lamour -- Ray Milland (1) "JUNGLE PRINCESS" Plus: , • ^Tom Oonwajr tai (2) "CRIMINAL COUff* M THEATRE * PHONE 82 Woodstock, 111. FBI. ft SAT., APRIL J»4» Gary ? Cooper *THE PLAINSMAN" with Jean Arthur • Charles Bickford and at Rankin. by offered the time of CARD OF THAN&8 I .would like In this mann«r to express my sincere thjurics to niatehbors and frimds for flowers, glib and cards sent to mo during my illness. I am also gratefid to those who visited me. •48 MRS. LOUIS ALTHOFF. I^ratects Aato Hant . An electric eye-operated device , keeps an automobile plant free from a*; poteonous carbon monoxide fumes. Spfln&le WaMHy^^"^ Clothes iron chore ^easfly in! quickly if sprinkled wifli warm tor. wa- Complete line of bavtd Roberta veterinary medicines at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 48-tf-hp 11 r#. Mf7 m«fab m h«f" : ': M< 1 '.-•4*- jo % > 5 ^ -1 • 1 m4* ' ^ SUN. ft MON. APRIL 20-21 •Joan Crawford John Garfield i::- •' in "HUMORESQUE" with Oscar Lavant . " TUESt, WED. ft THURS. April 22-23-24 Rosalind Russell in : "SISTER KENNY" with Aleotander Knox Dean Jagger . "We're glad to get the extra value features that mafct Lee Work Clothes so outstanding. Whin you see .them you'll understand why Lee Overalls lead the next brand 6 to »•" ,T For smart* appearance, longer wear, mors comfort emf Itmndf'vtQ ... buy too. •'••• Specializing in Southern Med Chicken and Hamburgers . •' l.n 1 0 '• ^ ADOLPH and ANNA KIXJVfiR r *'?• -J- •ri\* Pi S LUICKS BRICK FLAVORS FOR APRIL REAL PEACH ' VANILLA TOASTED HAZELNUT CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW SPECIAL BRICK EACH WEEK-END !• I III HH«Wn ,pi nHi^flyilMI" '1 BOLGER'S DRUG STORE raOME 40 McHENRY SOLUBLE y mess' an fssning aD tibe «an gst-«n in one beg-a --. . . -- minstals supplying npopss1 g^ptwnsatalaiii^dsof aH ten vital -Imiwls. iiIim 4fce VKasrfn Pf ^atyay be nsr»sisiyfar nrnTSdT * minrals w w r , v l l "a my one or mart of TEN vHd mv l» m^gym •jmypmwl To do aa*efldsat-jsb of _ and team into sssat, milkTwool, iaasls and pootey most have sslt* Ml 111111111 il II » 111 Mt 1 -Iti '• \ .i Wiy-t- - « •.. . ' *: ' - • p fi • " 1 jppr^-7V • ' : i ' ' ^ atral^ht-cighl Fireball power plant, master of mry horizon. WM^' Why just 'Aa| jUBll MINERAL H|d APPROVED AND SOLD BY YOUR FEED DEALER $3.95 per bag In Larger Qnanttttw MILLS, YOU'RE practically that, of course, the minute you take over any new 1947 Buick. Never before has any automobile so completely won the country by its beauty -- so clearly defined the : shape of cars to come. . • . - h \ ,• ' But really to take die stage and hold St -- to cut a dashing figure in die smartest of smart company -- Mister, just picture yourself in this bold bemarfjr htr*. ; At 19 WIuKJul ^uvVQuu ulC lnOvC ol America's most wanted car. It's wanted (or the freedom that's yours when its handy control swings back the top -- and the sky becomes your roof and the birds your travel mates. It's wanted for die lift and surge of its satiny 1.1 ; It's wanted for bigness, and the dleep comfort of low-set, cushiony seats -- wanted for the floating ease of soft all-coil springing, and die sure-footed stride of a car that's big enough and brawny enough for its job. It's wanted for styling that already has set the pattern for years to come -- it's wanted f<^r fun, for adventure, and for year-round, all-round full family use* ' ', The demand for it? dreal, "of"courie. The* supply P Mounting as fast as Buick's beaverbusy production staff can free up the eupply of the fine materials that go into it. So with patienoe, one can be yours. With o§tience, that is -- and die foresight to get your seder in now, . . . .. •' . •' tmm to HB4KY i. TAYIOK Mutual Mthmk, Mtudu, i tmd ^auMrgowaoer/ ^ itwrnmnrmioM + ^ muinaiw loaoea roaiaiMw ^MUMUiraMM •IWONI + ...11. .<11 1 1. .111 V' ' ^ \ > •v&xx • . .• A * Overtoil Motor Sales ; : St, We«t McHenry. Ul. 222 N.Mam St, Cr^ Udce. lll. ^ ' - - v' - .-r:-----•-- • ; ; . k :