f t . '1.!'k; miTCK VT Aura •sfcitl Dai imh aigai, Jr„ f, of wis Injured roeently *hm h» s£ Chicago Metal H«m Corp. The injured Joseph* and cf w to St. toWMhwu a broken laf, braises, Subscribe for The Flaindesler f; f-; IMMEDIATE DELIVERY a ; kokx amd TASM minis : Q0KKKft CONLON WASHEK8 SPEED Qunor ft CONLORBONKS 'f tranmmoosi laottoeomats OM AMD TABLE MODEL EADldjf TAPPAN OAS RAKGE8 N 8ERVZL OAS RKTEIGKRATORi MAU.H0U8EH0U>APPUAN0XS 13 MONTH TD$B PAYMENT PLANS -O- vWi:H r' ELECTRIC SHOP 119 Green St. HX,, PHONE 251 i it 111 n f ti in m 111 rii ><>i Wonder Lake Wl *»>•»<<«« !>•<«> By Vutesse Sells With only throe more weeks to go schedule, two of the sponsored by rill are facing the end on with rejrret. The nrRnc six months, liiiiil and fit, they report that thejr In a wonderful vacation, and snjoved splendid weath" er tkran«Bt their tour which took them to New Mexico, California, Arizona, Mexico and IjOOisiana. Small Robert Moreen, 4H, is the victim of chlsken pox. Mr. for, the on their three bowline the Rolaine Gi of the Grill women's team, bowling in the Schaefer lsague in McHenry, is comof Florence Dean, Elisabeth n, Ethel Hansen, Betty Ptvtik Mid Elly Viola. Mm. Viola is taking the place of her niece, Doris Bedosr, who recently moved to Chicago. The Women's team, all new to kegling, have valiantly tried to get out of last place all season, and, as of last week, they made it! They are now seventh instead of eighth. The men's team of the Rolaine Grill.- bowling in the Tavern league in McHenry at Schaefer's, is coinposed of Bob Davis, Kenneth Joyce, Jimmy Widen, Walter Dean and Arthur Wright. They are now in fourth place. Another Repan and Rolaine sponsored tesm battled in the G. I. league at the Palace at McHenry. They wound up their season last Thursday in sixth place. The jmen of the team were A1 Repan, Sgt. S. Duttko, Orville Tronsen, Jr., Paul Marke and ! Jack Phalin. i A deep bow to Repan for again j sponsoring a much loved sport inj °tup8 n^11 Iour district. Through the summer . h* was instrumental in maintaining A. • «... . ; Moreau, chkke _ _ and Mrs. Robert MorSau tisve their hands fall with the care of a sick chfld and in the effort to keep their newest addition, aged only six weeks, from getting tide disease which Roberta insists "she got' from the chickens." -****** h f $ £ At Friday, April 18, the Rev. Yoang, pastor of _ the Evangelical Mission ondi be the at Crystal Lak*, will A choir from his , will furnish special music. There will be a social hour with refreshments. , . three of girls from Harrison school, Shar- GrSce Sella and Geraldine Cormier of the eighth grade and Peggy Sebdotf of the eeventh, conducted a round tsMe discussion on Columbia McHenry chapter of the American Legion Auxiliary. tttf yr be entered against you any day Woodstock, Illinois. LESTER EDINGER, Clerk of said Court. Plaintiff's Attorney . DON A. WBCKS, (Pob. Apr. 17-24-May 1) SOLVES SHORTAGE „ i . n ,, Reading of the print paper short- iw P*P«*< A i n ' u _ " >n t h e Elknorn Independent wJek t? t £5.^! "SrSS newspaper recently Miss Lovina HHeellnpeerras^. iLLtdl tar Mrs. James Sels-!j Bb*mrn *wBa <ifP hpoanpeedr atos sthueg gDesati lyth Cati titsheenys J5®. On March her Henry Banes of 8a» Dtego, played for a San Msgs The paper was published while ~Geaijraj Grant's men were leejli^ ; VicbAnrg under siege and it J printed on the hack et »r " The fundamentals of weaving fei *<w! Uh i M «» "Daanilyy CUiUtiMsenMs II Guuuaatmemnaalua twoduaayy aarree aass aannccMieInI t as 2?%,Srd 1S&,1ttTSnSrof8®!dld at Vlcfa>burg' Mi»»- on July 2, j the history of Mayan culture. : president, Gertrude resident, Shirley Bar- Jack Graff of Wonder Center is confined, to Htnes hospital where he recently underwent an operation. Ifir. and Mrs. Carl Hallsstrora spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Halletrom'a sister, Mrs. Almar Aavang of Greenwbod, where an open house and a potluck dinner were held in honor of the eighty-ninth birthday of Fred C. Schroeder, father Of Mrs. Hallstrom. Mr. Schroeder was horn April IB, Ml 1858, in Mecklenbetg. GermaSy, and th#n 400 '4 H came to this country when he was 8 years old, traveling on the first steel ship to make the .til new club are Smith; vice-preei cnac; secretary, Lee Bart; reporter, Mar, Ann Martin and recreation chairman, Betty Jo Wright. The club choee cooking u their project. _ The senior 4-H club, the busy Bumble Bees, has not as yet elected their officers. •Aitcrosstimngi that time were all wooden. The crossing took seven days. The Schroeder family arrived in On SaturAy, Sharon Grace Sells j and Geraldine Cormier of Wonder! Lake, Charlotte Hogan of Ringwood, Carol Ackman and Mary Jane Deneon of Marengo accompanied Clara Greaves Sweeney, McHenry county hom« adviser, to Kankakee to the state camp located there, to commemorate Alter Day by planting two green ssh/trees donated by the 4-H Federation/ of McHenry county. More .•L. and girl* from throughout the statiKwere present, each county planting two trees. Representing the boys' 4-H clubs of McHenry county was David McConnell of Woods toe BABY CHICKS ALL BREEDS ALL GRADES mge up to two weeks ' Phone 92-R nc. s West McHenry . -- „-- Following the ceremony of tree the high interest in yachting by do- New York harbor just at the close ? li"1*.'. the_gpoup ^^s addrwsed nating beautiful trophies for which i of the Civil War, and they were de- ^ "•••dent H. Blair of the. Univerthe local boats vied. On last Thursday evening, Mrs. Jed Alletag-of Wickline Woods was ... ..... rw. hostess to the group studying great j tone, when he Was grown, he married nrtrtk6 ^ 'I'nO nAAir ismmaw yliMtiaatAM T • nA _ . i M a. _ . «• • tained for four days as they had^o s ^ °' Nhnois. wait until all of the soldiers disembarked from their boats first. • i COUNTY OF McHENRY, Settling in Will county, near Peo-; In the Circuit Court- CoS!S!2lnt in Chancery for d^Torce, The book under discussion Louisa Stender of that district and 3^9e;,.1 „ . ; The Prince by Machiavelli. ; came to McHenry county about fifty n M>les, Plaintiff Nationwide^ Displayed by a nationwide network of dealers, the CMS emblem is roeognlasd by thousands of truck wesrs as a "ntfO sign" of the beet in sonlus, parts and equipment. As a CMC heodqtfartesot wo oflw tntsk trampert In this area a threes fold servioei 1. CMC "Army Workhesee" powered trucks. S. CMC genuine parte and •eeeeeeeiee. S. CMC adentiftc Pr#» sentlve Maintenanee for all mahee and medsls. We've truck of pulling VXMCflne R. I. Overton Motor Sales 6D3 Front Street MoHenry books. was _ ^ ^ Judv Troxell, 6, is a patient at I hf* retfrement^ln61919 ^arme<* unt'V Robert C. Miles, Defendant. •Woodstock hospital, where she isi Besides Mrs. Hallstrom, there are showing that the defendunder observation. Judy has been i five other children. Mrs. Emor Doo- ant" ?obert c- Miles, has gone out ill for several weeks with an inter- little, Mrs. Amel Heider, Mrs. Aimer of t^1's State and on due inquiry mittent fever, the exact cause of i Aavang, Edwin and Benjamin all of cannot ^ found, so that process canwhich has not yet been determined, rural Woodstock. ' ! not be served upon said defendant, I [ having been filed in the office of the Mrs. Dorothy Powers took her £,erk«°f ,thiscourt- notice is therevacation at the wrong- time, it seems. ;?•?' h«re»>y given to said Robert C. A telephone company employee in ®?ues, defendant, that the plaintff in Woodstock, she took her vacation Mr. an<i Mrs. Wiliam Dec4card have returned from Vincennes, Ind., where Mr. Deckard recently underwent major surgery. Now recovered, he was able to do a little gardening that one nice day, (repiember it?) Mr. Deckard is planning a flower garden around the home of his daughter, 7»lrs. Agnes West. Ridge Improvement association met at the 'home of Justus Kellner on Sunday. This was their regular monthly meeting and plans were discussed to start work at the beaches of Indian Ridge. Plans are also under way to put street signs in the subdivision. the above entitled cause filed last week right at the start of the caiise on the 10th strike, when she would have vaca- d°y of Apn,» 1947- and that 8a,d aetioned anysvay, She went back to ' work?" Monday tion is now pending and undeter- work 7" morning, to join -j" the tired pickets who sit in a car in ^'ii C. Miles, defendant. front of the telephone office in must file your appearance in said The Rod and Gun Auxiliary met at the Mill_ Inn on Friday evening, held their bkisiness meeting, and then enjoyed a fish fry whicn is a Friday feature at the Inn. New members welcomed into the club were Mrs. James Selsdorf, Mrs. Gerry Weideman, Mrs. Ruth Raedel and Mrs. Marguerite Stensrud. Visitors at the meeting were Mrs. Charles Karr and Mrs. Ed. Dean. On Friday afternoon, Mrs. Hasel vonBampns was hostess to the ladies of the Wonder Women. The Cub and Boy Scout Council met oi| Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thorns. Present were E. R. Murphy, P. L. Cormier, Anthony Audino, Alan Armstrong, Edw. F. Cannon, K. B. Richlards and Bud Elberson. Ernest Bohn of Woodstock disicussed the financing and equipping jof scouts, and plans were laid for the financing of the local troop and den. The council board will go to Wooditock this evening, Thursday, for infraction in the scoutmaster training jeourse now being presented at Woodstock high school each Thunday. Hie A. W. Wint^/ens are home after a vacation which lasted almost VAlUi t. Woodstock. Tired of the strike, I ?ct'°.n on or be^re the third Monday think* ' i m the month of May, 1947, and in ! the event you fail to do so, default Small "Coricy" Franz, who is just about 4, is as busy as little boys of that age are always busy, but this week, he outdid himself when he found an old key in the road and tried it in the f ront door. It locked the door just fine--but it wouldn't open it. FV>r hours, the Franz family were locked outside in a raw wind while Daddy Franx scurried around the neighborhood looking for a skeleton k cey. Recent visitors in the home of) Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dean were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schmidt and Ethel Goss. Both of tils visiting ladies were old school frisnds of Florence | they had not seen one another for fifteen years. v A very amusing stsry has reached irning • the garl the Ted Leckoands. me concernir KS3T, garbage can of ft was a good I can, they say, and well; at the time of the big storm | and the wind just picked it up and < carried it away. The Leckbaiids recovered their can, finally, but whatever became of that gaitiage is still a mystery. Gone with the wind-- the memory is only a whiff. The Charlesi Karrs of Deep Spring Woods are taking advantage or the telephone strike to get some spring: decorating done. Mrs. Karr, long an employee of the telephone com- i pany in Chicago, is doing her picketing with a small paint brush. Mrs. A. W. Price and daughter, Nancy, 3%, of Chicago were visitors all last week in the Wayne Sartwell home. Mr. Price drove ttnSTfet them over the weekend. A baseball team is being formed, to represent Wonder Lake. The organization meeting will take place this Sunday at 2:00 p.m. on tlie baseball field. Those interested are asked to come out and try for positions. « J'i . H 3 And you'U find this new star is the brightest of all! * For, this year, we Standard Oil Dealers ars offering Fmnfr lube in our 10 Star Spring Spscial. Yes, an oil change to fredh, grade Permalube, that great new tndiiKlsuuic Permalubme .. .. the/tnest motor ofl ever msds by Standard OB! And on top of Permalube's premium-plus lubrication, yew pats 10 Star Spscial that's packed with one car-ssving i fee ia f^t er another. You'll gat a chasris lubrication job. ofl in tranamWon aatf • canM check of battery, thsa, radiator, its... everything to and gat Company. ptum Styliets i si oawnsnd frequent cleaning to help year clothes retain their beauty longer. We are famous tor ine quality work that always tatis flee. Let m eerve yea. Pheae 2t--2M S. Green St. McHENRY am? ' smM I^^RIlUvCS IHC |HlQ Impfoves the 10 fltor spnng spmai People wbo live in the cwMfy really need and appreciate food tela* phone service. We know duu-and we're doing our best to provide mora and better rural service as fast as possible. We're **"«»more lines... adding more equipment... in the cura|r areas we serve. At the present rate, we expect to complete in two years out goal of 21,000 installations - originally scheduled as a three-year job! We're improving rural service, tool More customers have fewer rings of other parties 09 their lines. Last year over 3,000 magneto telephones Were replaced with modern crsnldees instruments. Soon thousands more families in Illinois Bell's rural territory will hsvs 1 fast, ® ,.v - , . " " •• '• V. ... ...... IUHMHS SIU TSUmONI COMPANY ;.l«i <|" •••' •' On Saturday evening, the election hold at the school brought out an all time high of 134 voters. On the bond issue, also voted upon on Ssturday and for which voting went on from noon until 8:00 p.m., 141 votes were cast. The bond, issue, was presented in the form of two questions. The first being whether or not another building should be added on the school grounds, and the second whether or not w bond issue in the amount of $10,000 should be passed for the Durpo<"» of building such an .addition. On the first question there were llfl voteH "YF$" and twentysix voted "NO." On the bottom ouestion, there were 110 votes "YES" and thirty votes "NO." On the later question, two votes were spoiled. In the school board director race, three well known "men of the district. were running. Anthony Audino, Walter Troxell and Frank Wendt. Audino won, with a, high vote of 61, and will take the place of Kenneth Cristy who hss served as a member of the school board for eleven years. Following the election, Mr. Audino spoke to tiie crowd, thanking them for their confidence and support and promising that he would at all times try to represent them in the best manner possible and to always try to do what is best for the school. Following Mr. Audi no's short speech, an ovation waa given to Mr. Cristy, retiring member of the board, who served so faithfully and so long, giving of his time snd effort soley as a public service to the community. It was with great regret that the community ssw Mr. Cristy step down from the board, but his duties ss a member of the high school board, as well as those on the school planning survey, are heavy tasks, along with full-time farming. Yoi'd bt SURPRISED! To Know What Lime Seal*, Corrosion and "Rod" Wator aro Costing You I „ * MICROMET O Prevents Ume Scale o Gontrols Corrosion o Clears Rusty"Red" Waferlinos. You need no longer tolerate clogged up coils and pipe , corrosive decay of your water tank, heater, pipes and . . ugly, discolored water. Dr. Carl R. the Free Church Bible Institute, Ch At the rigtit is the efficient, inexpensive ilicromet fssder that requires filling only once a month! CsU us for information on this remarkable new scientific method of wotet correction, that costs onfy # few cents s dtffi Descriptive folder mailed on rsqpsst. -- DEALERS WANTED WE SUPPLY PLUMBERS AND DISTRIBUTORS AT USUAL DISCOUNTS FEEDER *16.60 MICROMET S3.0S THE LBUP TO 60S0 GALS. OF WATER PER MONTH CONDITIONED WITH % LB. MICROMET. hm- J"; FRED F. PRELL CO. WATER CONSULTANTS CHICAGO OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE - HI W. Unse at. -- AM 6RANCI OFFICE -- Big Ms« At Lahsk It 1, . t, ;• ' , W' %,v<. "V