Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 May 1947, p. 2

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• ,f. ' - V,- , v " %?5v I , , ' ' •••ia Lake; On Parade fSy Yardsttak) j Greetings Folks: • ! The flagrant violations of the •peed laws by the many motorists i •n the McCullom Lake road has t been checked, thanks U the Jid co-operation of Sheriff Fred, and our newly elected road commissioner, Chuck Miller. In the past it was not uncommon to see the : cars looming down this stretch of road at speeds in excess of 60 miles per |»our and in many instances pass a stopped school bus without reduction in speed. Considering the fact that this road out of necessity< M also used by pedestrians, mostly •ur youngsters, one can readily see that the action taken by these two elected officers was to protect the people of McCullom Lake and to promote safety for the motorist as well. The many accidents on the McCullom Lake road in the past year have all Sbeen attributed to high speed driving. We were all aware of that fact, but no one would-do anything about it. , It was the Screwey Dozen, headed by its president, Jerry Cermak, who finally brought this hazard to the attention of Stwtitt Audi©* of Commissioner Miller vitt the remit that ttye road through our community if now posted with speed limit signs and will be patrolled. At the first offense the motorist will be let off with a warning and his license number noted, second offense will result in arrest. Our survey for the three days sines the signs have been installed proved /that the average motorist to 4 law abiding citizen, especially, the tmCkdrivers and the pilots of the W. A. F. busses who take the instructions they receive from boss Winkle, to obey all traffic lawtB to heart. <£ Otter' Ebert and .George Harlcev were two pufclie-apirited gents who volunteered their services last Sunday morning to dig the holes and install the signs. Tftie third individual who accompanied this hard working pair wfes none other than the Hugh McDonald. Hughie took it upon himself to see, that the boys had plenty of spirited refreshments should their spirits get low and be-" lieve yoju me he too was a very busy num..' ... ;; There has ibeeri a 1st of dftt inp: between .the Thorpes and the Matterers this past weekend and, in spite of all the mud slinging both families are happy* for while Mr. and Mrs. John Thorpe were trying to solve the problem as to. what to do with the dirt they were digging lota and Mr. sad Mn. Carl _ Carl and Mirk of that ettjr were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Barteldes. W«r next door neighbors %er® . _ where they could get dirt enough to build up ther new lawn. The U. N. O. could take a lesson from the Thorpes and the Matterers. Miss Bdith M»txat, lovely daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Felix of our community will name to Mit. Vernon Wegner on July 19. Thbir romance hegMi when Vern Wegner of, Chicago £«I for her at a roller rtnkl in the Mg city way back in '45, at kast that's the storjr Marcine Harmon jsnd Trudy Gertsch Edith's weekend guests rdaytd to us and Wll Just bet that he did It on purpose. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Austwick enjoyed the company of Mr. and Mrs. L. Lb Osbtyrn over the weekend. Their daughter, Ardith Osburn, who has enjoQfed the Austwick's hospitality for the past week, accompanied her parents on their journey home on Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Sawdo were guests of the Lee Sawdos of Fountain Lane last Sunday. Emery promised us some big news from his home grounds in the near future and judging from his diligent efforts to" bring down that bay window of his,, we deduce that his Tux will once again be brought down from the attic for a /march' the many things that have transit _ neceesary, my dear--the water is mmtii* ^ • ADI08 A U C T I O N he used to be. That job he just NaMumson has the old boy If. The spirit u old frame is getting t's by his own admit- On India* Trafl. . KA bdng t% miles southeast ot Waueonda, « miles north of Barrington, 2V4 miles northwest of lake flnrlch, 1 mile east of Hwy. No. 68; on ftATURDAT. MAT n Mike Schmitt and son, Micky, Jr^ left for Spooler, Wis., where Micky hopes to establish a home for the whole Schmitt family and also do a bit of farming on his newly acquired estate. Ma Schmitt expects to join this intrepid pair in a few months. Sorry to lose such good neighbors and with them go our best wishes for a happy future. / Mr. and Mrs. William Meyers have a quiet ttiro weeks getting acquainted with Lt. Col. John Fox of the Army Air forces and his charming Mrs., who have returned from Germany. Five years of separation from your loved ones is a long time and thd days were all too short for At 1 o'tMk-A&T, CATTLE--t Holstein and Goerri cows, dose springers; Holstein . calf hetter ((wwHrnck); 6 open iteln and Guernsey heifers; Hol- •> v \y* •i. it*' * K \ am • - j**',, jSb' . 1 t&J* » / -• .• *'•Sjg v-'-, / £"' !*" i«r* K " ' OUR STORE IS WHERE FOLKS COME TO BUY BECAUSE WE AIM fUNSO -- »32c STRONGHEART Dog Food 10c 1 Al HILL6 Coffee 49c S lb. SPRY $1.39 No 5 RICHELIEU Grapefruit Juice 23c 9? SCORE JPresii Butter--Cartons * Special Frozen ASBIS Applesauce No. 2 RICHELIEU or LIBBY Tomato Juice ..lie 4 V, oz. Jar RICHELIEU Baby Foods 10 Jars .59c No. 2 OCEAN SPBAJ Cranberry Sauce ...... .. .25c idc i n>. Box | v D I C K D W 5 M MA A nA nR Ku r EC. TT W; . Mc MEN RY 3 down the aisle, this time with his favorite daughter. iLet's all be ; patient and await future deVelopements..' . ' ! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomsen en- | tertained at their manor on Maple | Hill over the weekend, Mrs. Gunda Hjorte, John Johnson and Herman mnVOU BERT THAT/ s. < r "i- IN CHICAGO TV&te. 15 A *25, FINE fOR ANV WOMAN ORMMFI wrtvi A HAT THAT . COVERS AN CVB.' a ©or; in H^STTER biLf "The Best For Less" FUEL OIL GASOLINE -- LUBRICANTS ~ West of C. ft N-W. ft. WEST McHENRY, ILL. TILEPHONE M'HENRY 240 ired in that period of separation to be related. To add to the pleasure. of Lt. Col. Fox's sixty days leave from service, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Troxel, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fox and, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kotzum paid them a surprise visit last Sunday, and as was the custom in bygone days when this crowd got together, the paste boards began to fly on this day also. It was penny ante, and as usual all the members of the weaker sex emerged victorious after an all afternoon session. God bless them! I Roy Blake and his lucious Lorraine returned last Thursday after spending their two-weeks honeymoon touring the southwestern states. Their tour extended as far as tljp Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico and after spending an hour alone j with Roy in this underground paradise, Lorraine decided that it was high time to nose the Chevy in a northeasterly direction and head for home, where mother Chelini could advise her on what to do with a husband who gets thai; gleam in his eyes. In ,the next weeks column j we hope to give you the low down i on the welcome the Screwy Dozen j arranged for' them, as well as the ] house-warming A1 and Jean Blake \ who have suffered the miseries of six months of marital bliss received from the above group last night at the Roy-Al linn. Coming Events Saturday evening the Sc] Dosen's regular monthly bi: party at the Roy-Al Community Center. The Screwy Dozens annual married folks dance at the Bridge in McHenry an Saturday, June 28. • • Nuts and Butts The smallest of all packages is man wrapped up in himself. Our Otter Ebert has a pair and a half of pajamas. They're all different in color and size, so don't sey first Holstein stein, heifer (3 mos. old); Guernsey bull (8 mos.' old); Swiss bull (14 mos. old). PONIES and HORSES--Grey mare pony and bay. mare pony (woke to ride and drive); 8, good farm horses (wt. 1400 lbs, each). 2 sets breeching harness. harness. __ * POULTRY--100 fi&tvy mixed hens; 12 geese;, 4 ducks, 't . i MACHINERY -- F. F. tractor on rubber and F. F. 2-bot. 14-ip. plow (like new); tractor*disc; 3-sec drag; manure spreader; 2 wagons; and a complete line of other machinery.' MISCELLANEOUS--Tractor fresrio; SAFEGUARD Yo\|R CL0T-HES • , ! 9nee IndbxUed AttttPTS A nprraodduuccttas ci ontinue. M-i. el But tt appeals to - i «f be for the fact some EMS in the n«st | the leesBt period of markets because of the recent ptlee for greater Cuts--and tttat soon a si In both industrial and sgricultural One a argument against .whole economic'structure of the country has moved to a higher price level; that both the city woricer and the fanner are able to j?ay each other's high prices, while a iHr comparatively smell groups at* getting squeesed. ... it is polnteZh^out-that, in 1SS9 farmers WMS making proportionately leas than city workers but since result tt a It Is wtthbeld fMm the prapaganda force win be felt K4VKW1 »*VM»W.a/ MW Will W4V/ WWI WU» WIWP farmers' cadi receipts have Jumped 200 per cent, while nsthmai -r" Income Is up 133 per cent, with the big pay increases, percentage-wise,: ^^. going to persons in the lower-paid I n d u s t r i e s . As a r e s u l t , a whole 0 '-: - new group of citizens Is consuming good quality meat snd wearing '. high grade clothes. 3* \ No one is sure how and when a price crack will come. No one ^ : Is even sure that prices may not go higher before they go down. v But most economists expect a price drop eventually. They hope tt ' will come gently so adjustments will not be necessarily drastic. THIS COLUMN IS SPONSORED BY - / ' Go. Farmers Gd-op. Assi PHONE 29 523 Waukegan RA. wheelbarrow; 50 rods cyclone fence; poultry netting; cream seperator, etc. FURNITURE--Drop-leaf table; old artn chair; 2 kerosene kitchen stoves; coal heating stove; dishes; garbage burner; etc. TRUCKS --1935 Chevrolet truck with 16-ft. body. , Large pile of wood. 2 large piles manure. , - HERBERT KAMPERT ESTATE FRIEDA KAMPERT, ADMX. FRANK MILLER, Auctioneer Wj ' . " -f Delicate Floweri Gladiolus and dahlia bulbs not winter-hardy and must be up and stored before hard occur. PuMic Auction Service Co. Clerk- . =1 Sensitive Poet At least one man has died a typographical error, Carlo Alosandrb Guidi, Italian lyric poet, was on his way to present a poem ta Pope Clement XI when he found a serious typographical error. The poet took it so much to heart that he was seized. with apoplectic fit and died. Stunning appesfrance depends up* on smart clothes. Keep your clothes smart longer the Local ^Cleaners way--the sure way of preserving the woolens and silks you cherish. S. Green St - McHENRY 5K^ • • ?•1 >»• ^ ^ m, £ 1 ' '} • $•, • - * A G> YOU CAN INSURE YOUR WATER SYSTEM AGAINST DWINDLING SUPPLY-- RID WATER FROM RUftTY PLUMBING - NEEDLESS, COSK^ PLUMBING REPAIRS ; SULPHUR in your water supply is usually associated with iron. The sulphur compounds lure of the organic bactferia group which feed and grow on iron salts dissolved in most well waters-- this iron bacteria must ber killed to rid your water 4>f this unpleasant sulphiur taste. Bend for our folder on Sulphur Bacteria Control .with MIOROMET. CO TO 70 Yi WOULD BE COUNT TO A M AT RATE OF ONC WORD A SCCONO, 12 HOOK DAILY. Announcement We will serve dinners from 4 p.m. to midnight om week days and on Saturdays and Sundays from noon until... Sandwiches at all hours. We Cater To Private ParUefAnd pahquets ART & LEE'S RESTAURANT Riverside Drivi McHenry, Illinois ' PHONE 38 t Closed All Day Monday'^ FOE ODE GRAND OPMtftTO $3.00 the 111, fREVENTSSCALE ^NTROLS CORROSION \ "'"jCLB^RS RUST^WATER » p^r111' -- s -- -- -- ^ Your Dealer Ca wot Supply Yom i*H0NE, GALti OR WRITE - F. PRELL CO. % , -- WATER CONSULTANTS -- 400 W. Kinxie St ,Chicago 10, IllsT All Phones--DELAWARE 5996 4#- • ^ "/ stum IN m rume THIS COMMUNITY!" *We hav^^lot heyf w b* ^proud of, ^Md^co» commnaity. ' MI know the stability of the people here. I know the business and agricultural possibilities here. That's why I, believe in the future of this com* munity, and am happv at the opportunity to do all 1 can to help build it. "For this reason, I strive to operate a modem* efficient, honest-value service station. Stop in soot and let me service vour car. You'll profit by using toy line of SKELLY products because they're afl jojd on a money-back guarantee of satisfaction - you're the sole |udge of their quality and service." 0 :<tf .• : Ut V /f >1.. FREUND OIL CO. ^iHOHS 202 McHIKEY, Hi. ' # .*• •* * || Residence and Briich Office Bi? Hillow Road--Half Mile West R-12-59 At Lake ofrthe Hollow Reside,' Illinois--Phone Fox Lake 5221 WE SUPPLY DEALERS AT USUAL DISCOUNTS FEEDER This modern Micromet method of water conditioning (so successfully used in homes, industrial plants and municipal water works) consists of feeding automatically a slowly soluble form of food grade vitreous phosphate into water linee at the very low rate of only a few ounce* per month. ™ MV MOMMY ALWAYS BUYS AU OUR BAKIRY : GOO WAT ravera'de Bake Shop 'Cbecffr AKESMOP ' R :!-f ARD j ACER PROP n' , . v - . ; . V Vv. . . ! :t" • i

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