Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 May 1947, p. 1

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Volume 72 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1947 RURAL SCHOOL 6RAWATWN OX FRIDAY, MAY 16 *: fy- Thirty-Eigbt * or Receive Diplomat following Program MRS. JOHN JAdKSON WILL BE BURIED AT SPKIirG OKOVB FRIDAY FIRST COMNUNKNI DAY IS OBSERVED IN OUR CHORSHES Forty-Five Children Received Sacrament At Impressive Rites Mrs. John B. Jackson, nee Barbara Adams, a native of Jqhnsburg, passed away at her home in Grass Lake on Tuesday morning, May 13, 1947, following1 an extended* illness. She was 66 years old. The deceased, who lived in thl community to the north of McHenry during her youth, had jested in the. Grass Lake vicinity for the past twenty-six years. . : . , , Survivors include the husband1' Annual rural school promotional three brothers, John Adams of Fox exercises will be held -- - • - school auditorium on far, Hay 16> with an atefpram being planned. It is _be- ; Ohio. ~ former, fourteen boys and twenty-i ered broken divided into two parts, the first l The body is resting at the Jack- one girls approached the altar for j arms and legs. being Helpers In Our Community" ^ home until 10 o'clock on Fri- the first time, while at St Patrick's a lawyer by profession, the de-' gested the contest and offered to an^ m*ny ftie?ds 1J b! thJua.y, mor™nfU wh,en services will be the class included six boys and four leased was one of the county's best donate $10 towards the total prize J Survlvors include A tin-American (fiesta Dy tne held at St. Peter's church m Spring girls. * . ,, i known veterans of the first world Robert Winkel " -- _ - Grove, with interment ia the church > Very appropriate music was offer- war. As service officer for the Lines added INJURIES FATAL JtQ W. R. OAIRlfS, SERVICE OFFICER County residents were shocked this week to learn of the death of William R. Cairns of Woodstock, McHenry county service officer, who passed away at 10 o'clock on Wednesday morning, May 14, in Aurora, from injuries received in an auto accident the previous day. Police reported that Donald E. Rich, Birmi(\gton, Mich., driving a double bottom tractor, was travel- ,, . _ j ing east on Route 34 when the Very impressive First Communion j collision with the Cairns car travel CONTEST SrpNSORED BY' BUSINESS NEK New Association Seeks Descriptive Title For McHenry WILLIAM H. KRAUSE DIED SUDDENLY AFTER HEART ATTACK MAY 9 The residents of West McHenry, were saddened last Friday morning! May 9, 1947, to learn of the death of; William H. Krause, 66 years old, who died at the home of a sister, Mrs. j S. G. SpUrling, on Waukegan street.! Although he had been in poor health vp ifdr some time, his passing came suddenly, foltowing a heart attack. The deceased was. born in Mc- , Henry in 1881 and had lived his' en- The McHenry Business Men's as- ™ ^ NEW CHORAL CLUB TO SPRIN6 Solo snd Danc|e Numbers Inc On Varied Final plans are being made the Terra Cotta factory. <• • ] sPIlD®'r. concert of the <J»i4 of manner ,nd of £"*£ a pleasir 5r-9A took, Lplioa ce, svoncriinattiionnn iis. s^pJolnnsanorriinnog. •a contest TtTo ^ma nyx years he was an employee of a *nal ,P'ans ar*> ®emg » err_ Cotta factory . th£ spnng concert of the Cairns was his;f»™l a catchy, descriptive slogan to * y "• " « • • • Snyder, wh^o suff-; identify our town. ribs and cuts on herj At the regular May meeting of * 23, in the high school'auditorium; the association, Pteter M. Justen sug-'8 ®®uFned by hls fam,ly varied program will be given, which ng disposition, Mr. K»~<. % I, wl one son, should interest many people, tepre- TVT."iClarence, of Woodstock; four sisters,'8*"^ JJ* w?,rk and 4 I ™ Mrs. Spurling and Mrs. W. C. frelta ;*» ^mxatio TBLSBlSan che Thompson wiU be in {cemetery, r -n?y;^e £&£ of West Mchenry, Mrs, George Gray fi^of the year. ^ charge of, the music, Miss Arlene' Durkee, accompanist, Miss Alice Ogan, physical education, and Mrs. Both Mead, art. The following are the eight grade pupils and teachers in the local rural schools ed ty the organists of both churches j minoi, Veterans Commission during the bus lines and the association Mfcw Ruth Woods Is Woodstock May Queen as the leaders {ceded the young ! of the church. St. Mary's , attired in white pre- j It is hoped that all in the commo- the past few years, he gave gener- contributed an additional $15. This j 5* Wheaton and Mrs. J. C. Jolley of " ig children to the front Uusly of his time for the benefit of brought the total award to $25 and ClZsUl. Lake* . _ |S JS^rt whi | the servicemen in need of aid. Last rites will be „ $25 a fifty-ride unlimited has ride ticket The body rested at the Peter M. new group the i kind of support which will enable it to grow and become a source of __ . . „ . . , , . -- held on Sat-{to the winner. The committee named Justen funeral home until^Monday prjjg ^ ^ community if anyone "Die class at Mar> s included the urday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from to decide on the winning entry in- afternoon at 2 o clock, when last {h flowers or plants w^ch coukMw following: Marilyn Anderson, Fran-j the Merwin funeral home in Wood- eludes C. H. Duker. Rev. Father ^ rites were held there, Rev. w*yne nM nower* or wluc* could ** w°1S- r n«r ifv!!&-Sa-.SS± BlalS' Jane, Biake- Jean' Blake, i stock, with the Legion in charge". Eugene Baumhofer, Fred Heide and 1 of the Methodist church of- OS?™1,*?! r.SfJ; S^n!L.?!5kn^^nd^Pv,^.0?„d.8; ®haron F^gerald, Jeanette Freund, Burial will be in oSland cemetery.! C. D. Ouinlan. ficiaUng. Burial was in Woodland ; ^ iSS!? grade Lincoln School: Kenneth M. Adams. Mrs. Dorothy Gfcbs is the taacher. Ostend School: Miss Leta Clark, tweher. Bingwood School: Duane Andreas, Doane Schmidtke, Maryann Wied- AKNUAL MOTHER'S DAY BANQUET WAS A LOVELY EVENT 9 mier, Sharon Grace Sella, Joan Olive j was crowned Queen of the May last Patricia IFreund, Dee Ann Hester) Dombush, Melvin Jones, Forrest W.! weelc at the annual Mothers* Tea Annette Huber, Denise Justen JuadwfTer, Audice C. Clemens and held in the Woodstock high school, dith Krein, Patricia Miller, Mary Jo Boi>ert A. Armstrong. Mrs. Eleanor. Miss Ruth Schram, last year's queen, Obenauf, Ruth Ann Phannenstill, Foley is the teacher of the eighth placed the crown on the new queen. yi0ia Schaefer, Janice Schmitt, An- Rosemane Olson and Joyce Tornow, nette Smith, Dorothy Stoffel, Carol runners-up for the title served as Szarek, Margaet Thurlwell, Arlene m\ir °L J101"' ^ j z , Wijas, Gerald Blake, James Blake, Miss Woods was attired in a colo- jene Freund, Nicholas Freund, -r--™- nial gown of green and white check, Richard Hoffman, Dennis Justen,! D. of A. was held on Monday evening • trimmed with lace and black ribbons, j Rich*rd Koenig, Theodora Krein, An- »t the Villa Resort hotel at Pistakee * M^M^TormnJT o^bhie VCn<^r thony May, Thomas Michelsen,! Bay. About 106 members and guests i The slogan contest should appeal * - " " » r t The annual Mother's Day banquet, sponsored by Court Joyce Kilmer, C, cemetery. to all. Any phrase, or short group of phrases, which convey the spirit, QXJNFIRE CAUSES merits, or advantages of McHenry | v»vww^ will be considered. A little effort DEATHS, INJURIES may result in a substantial prize' and the personal satisfaction of seeing the slogan used on letterheads, in newspaper advertising and On The association hopes TO BHAI.TMAR DOG» Resident of Shalimar who liave Blount or Mrs. Mary Rita Stiffing. Publicity and tickets are being ^ handled by Mrs. Ota Gygis Norbert Mauch and Leon Groaby. Tickets may also tie purchased from other members of the chorus or at the door the night of the coscert. The program will be as follows: Program been either intentionally or uninten- . ^ Heavens Are Declaring that the public response to the con-itionally careless with guns of latej \ hoven ^ rich, Billy DeWolf, Wesley Hunt and L Annette Glauser. Weldon Andreas' is the instructor. Li]v Lake School Harold W^ alter. Alfred K repel. Rich-, « a pu«pg aw WAftvvn m»d Hawkins, Jack Wright, Kenneth ] *AWRBISB AJfcE WAaHSO •assheimer, Jeri ESnspar, Audrey j Kurtmin and Jeannine Pokett. Math- ] With an all-time high farm in- HIOHER YIELDS WILL j?m Moiitor.jOAIN IN IMPORTANCE, tnony may, i nomas jmcneisen, ^ «.,u xu»»i f . wni u* «hown bv a larirp num-' will find themselves extremely un- Jacnes Nimsgem, Ronald Tonyan, s were present to enjoy the dinner of ertrieS. The businessmen are popular unless they discontinue this John Wirfs and Harold Wohlert. |an^ social bour which followed. i ^0jn_ tj,ejr t^gt to put McHenry in ! practice. Early Monday evening Flower boys and girls were Gerald- tg <f hon^w in ^tendance in- the lw,d g8 a KOO<1 p,aoe tQ live and , shots were heard, followed by the Dowe, Clements Wirfs, David .eluded Rt. Rev. Msgr. F. F. Connor, pjay> ^ut cool)eration of every- howling of a dog. The next morn- War8h^S^V Eueene Bau*mhofSr MilSSn of theiOT,e is es8ential to the success of * resident found a l*rge, beauti- Judith Wegener, Carol Schaffer and; Eugene Baumhofer chaplain of the | th ; proermm i ful white dog with bla^k spots lying Marie SteffaSnt.. Patrick s OkwTalol urkceo,u rtF: athFeart heJr. AW. illiVaman dear.- *^nA 11 peron* ms ' s,h ould be --^, ^ i, dead bbeessiiddee tthh*e. rrooaadd . 1Thh ^e oowwnneerr wwaass At St. Patrick's, the class included: Hool. Father A. J. Neidert and Dan Justen, sseccvr.ectoar. yy . "iklcHenry jnot a^e to be located and so the Freund is the teacher. come of 7,500,000,000 forecast for; thes; ""children-" "Bar"bar7~ Con-i^V, Father Clarence Thennes; Miss ! Business> Men's assodation. Riverside . °'j Johnsbnrg School: Ellen Adams, j the first four months of 1947 by Josephine Freund Joann May San- Marie Seanlon, state grand regent. | Dnve. McHenry. 'Hie contest w!ll inouire ^t the Plaindealer Robert Christensen, E»aine Fraund,; the U. SL Department of Agriculture, ].ff^RKh*Tuiikm B<itcT Rohirt : and Mrs. Mort Jowa, state jfnior !«><»- at midnigth. May 31. ' See Sd fi^d ti lo^ti^of Marilyr' Freund. Kenneth Karls, now is the time for farmers to "plow Freund David Knox, Alfred Miller, chairman, of Chicago; Mrs. Estelle ( organization held a well-at-, , , , . . Sally Kvng. Robert Miller, Joan Nell, back" extra dollars in soil conser- Thomas Miller and Wayne Wirfs McGfll. state monitor of Belvidere;, ^"ded, enthusiastic meeting in the * • Jane 5?chmitt. Phyllis Smithy Clar- vation measures that will help them: Fiower boys and girls included *nd Mrs. Ethel Roman, district American Legion hall oa Wednesday! This was not the first animal in ence Thelen. LuHna Thelen, Dolores meet competitive conditions when, Stephen" Milfer, ~ Gerald" Raycraft, deputy, of Elgin. TMpI. Marilvn Turner and Dolores present prices slump. : vr._v Lynn Murohv and Sandra; Others from out of town who were Diedrich. Sister M. Sophronia is The estimated farm income thus yi\r±z 1 present were Mrs. Nora Heslin. the p'pbth »r«de instructor. 4.far represents a $1,400,000,000 rise * Cherry Valley: Mm. Gladys Mc- compared with the first four months CQme to ^ observed annually on night of last wek Parking Problem Among the more important issues (Jurwi First Communion Day, which has grand regent of Court Elgin, and I ^cted upon was the parking probj • -i four members of her court: also '-- ™ --1 ol e Andrews, teacher. NEW BILL TO RE-MAB ILLINOIS DISTRICTS HAS BEEN PROPOSED Midlli6W«rtay«Lf Mother's Day in McHenry, is one of : MUs Marion Keating of Belvidere ' Improvement Com- the iovijMt services to take place in! Mrs. Ethel McGee acted as toasti °Ur l0Cml ChUrChC8' -- ilTonoS8, Sestf f^Ha^ worrR 2ith I OCAL MUSICIANS w« . the farmer, who is able to increase' PLACED WHT.T. IN ihia pre acre crop psoduction awl Under a new plan for congres- lower his unit costs. aional re-apportionment to be sub- ; "That is why it is so important •itted to Governor Dwight H. Green to build up a soil fertility backlog STATE CONTEST Mrs. Minnie Scheuneman, who was the oldest member present. She "Was nresented with a lovelv gift. Following the dinner, cards were w'th the following winning McHenry musicians returned home: nr.n, u» Shalimar and the surrounding com munity to be fired on this spring. Last week a farmer's dog was in- ! jured by gunfire and on several . „ „ „ , .. i other occasions shots have been lem in McHenry. Recommendations heard within this subdivision. OwnwiH 'be presented to the Cstv Coun- erR f d are ureed to keep their cil for their consideration A two-, t confin€d to the hoU8e Sr pen hour parking limit in cdngested i ^ntjj jt can be are«* was favored Other announcements will be ma<1e nertii-i^ar to a Dollar Day to be held in McHenry »nd snonsored by the oriraniT^tion. The grout) recommends tractive barga:ns for this day in *he intere«t of attracting buyers Mrs. Mary Weinsrart, Mrs. i *^m a wide area to make McHenry IX Sf°n ToUrCaah^Ce5fU^ Charleston 111., late Saturday j Guffey,' OlTve "Ma v'. MisslthJ. trading Ten^, ^EK3Lr^«n«2? to rfjl-r l.tir c®"*; evening with three first places, rfirol BaUPr. M„ ^ Bohr ,nd j ,The „t this m^etjne went ?°°ne >nd WJnJnfb^ C0nntl,iS,t0 aUH^rs doll,r 1,teV on- ... Jre€ second places a"d one third W ; Mis, Weber in pinoch,e; Mrs.! ->n record «s favorin- the closing of Jmw a new district. The new plan, Trrom now on the emphasis will the result of their participation in Kothrvn wwf« \r«. Ft;**h«th ! «i<m, nn Doeorotinn D*v SSt 0LfTanyi/tiZtin nre.te°ntIdmb? work^bu^on ^ b^hds JSS 1 *** f Thompson and M~. Marie Bemdt in Ud t^ Fourth o' July. Th*v fur- ^ of ™ ™ ^Tl . P* °nlL or*anlzat,on. «„rtion bridge; Mrs. Elvira Durland favored a Han fo- b-<n*ss Jejn Leonard East, Republican of get * part ufT?m here was the girls M E^anor Foley and Helen i nlaces to rema'n oneu on the Thn^- °Sne wouM be grouped with Ken- 1 fn* a?ra i/ \ ^ ^ - contract7 bridge; Mrs. i day preceding och of the two holidefinitely learned who it is that is shooting the animals; SUGAR STAMP NO. 12 WILL BECOME VALID ON SUNDAY. JUNE 1 an- "Lo, A Voice To Heaven Sounding^ --Bortniansky "Pilgrims' Chorus" from 'Tannhauaer'-- Wagner Mixed Chorus "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life"--Herbert ' Adele Froehlich, Soloist "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp"--Herhart Men's Chorus : 5 "Land of Romance"--Herbtti Women's Chorus * , Ruth Barger and Ethel Hansen, Soloists ' For I'm Falling In Love"--Herbert Mixed Chorus Mary Rita Stillin? and Wayne Price Soloists "T.ifVnstraum"--Liszt "Rustle of Spring"--Sinding Vi»-«rnia Monteleone. Pianist . "Dry Bones"--Arr. by Waring Mixed Chorus Pound Effects by Harry Barr "Give A Man A Horse He Can Ride* --O'Hara Harold Jones, Soloist **8re*k Forth. Jo Beauteeaa Hum. 1v Liriit"--^Bach beautiful' Saviour'^--Christens*®, . Bemice Blount, Soloist 3 "Psalm 150"--Franck, Mixed Chorus Mrs. Harry Barr directs tha^diarw snd Mrs. Joseph Monteleone acta.Wi accompanist. J & daH*and WiTf DaE^ge"county,"now'in , yield is high or low. judfeXw^ded10 them"0^* f^"plaw KinsaUth?n&fl^^undmiM^andH|fM.! ^CaHs reearding solicitors of funds £neeM"HTOrydiSl^l,1w5oM"£ »n5 <lairj piSt< bunco' . I""" to,«» member. Th«« western •wke a new district. j obtained through good »oil manage- j f jnaj8> wh'ch brought together the TV primary purpose of the pro- -«si . thirteen best girls' choruses of Class srM1I,I iIB, Wt» riT..&vwoka cwohuamnt/, i JJJ « other metropolitan area counties go®® a« ilia I --i--l i n r iit . nl W these days. Success fifteen of the twenty-six dUtricts.« »nd the state is entitled to. j Fmmn.? faCrflSnV^ ffr" ! trombonist, and Frances Barber, So-ne of the country towns on the I Pui ^ T eonntv would also i T. . .V* field of contenders to bring honor to Kaao^Kandall-Will roUtion, Zplorwiiwng dundeJr 2cropT rsa!l-it h^« ir Th® clarinet quartette, anaMIAiiy fin« Kroup, was also C schools from throughout Illinois. REFERENDUM ELECTION «.?TSf ^.«.flreArop,uH'.rri^:T0 BE HELD ON MAY 24 aouth side of Cook he included in the district under this pwywal 1 dues and returning barnyard L*ke county would be combined unh Equally important are lim Mftrthern Cook cwmtar^ incfad- ^ the use of plenty of mixed in the first division. Second hoMMi ware awarded to Robert bass, and to the .girls' sex- a rtig xstrjr&fcsssz- rtiSTttSr would be divided into twelve compact p|m pUnt food drained away by baritone. Placed third la a • j it« of equal population. Icons*"*4 --.»!•>> wni»•» - • - - - -- i class of seventeen soloists. t county cont opposition to thia plan as able irsssiims have been made in dowi dbtricts of In Kane coun is population. (constant cropping. Whim necessary, it is reported there contour cultivation ia another valu* j conservation iMaaare that slow* down the runoff of rain and thus ftvor of a new district which would saves losses of precious topsail aad ••elude Kane, McHenry aad Lain fertiliser eletnents." counties. i In McHenry county there has been < ich comment in favor of hooking! Wjnnebago. Attended By 600 PeriO|| were in at- OOM1NG EVENTS ^l=tT«^k5 Annual V-E Day Dwce m with Lake, Boone and Winnebs Ivii would seem to be a Tnatui because these four counties Wke up| ^...A 22e v3T MeHM^v^ak^'aiT^i *t the Bridge ballroom on Th«r«day evening, May 8. EntertairtaMnt un- May 15 W. S. C. 8. Luncheon--4 pja.,--Methodist Church Hall. May 1< Rural School Graduation. May 19 Johnsburg Forester Fest. May 21 New McHenry Home Bureau-^-Arnold Rauen Home. May S2 East River Road Pinochle Club Miss Rose Huemann. May U Club Concert-- Rice W. MiHer, Hfllsboro, IUfaieia. *5*^ Scho®1 Aud^om_ Republican, which would rive Cook *n£ * rfSfaJSJTif! C*urt» C' *' ZTlMke counties IS of t£ 2« dis- tor Meeting. F.--Regugeneral arrangements for the dance, tricts in the state. which was a huge succees. BEOWN SWISS SHOW AT COUNTY-SEAT ON KAY 7 OUBAT SUOOXSS Th* first shot ef Canton 1 of the' ' Mr. and Mrs. Morris Powell, Jr. of Brown Swiss Cattle aiaoee- Elgin announce the birth of a MM g. E. S. BirfKii eeeeo' > > »*««*» sea* V, W. May >ppy Day--8 and Legion Auxiliariaa. Referendum Election. Tox River Valley Camp, R. N. A^ Bake Sale--West Mcflenry Lscker. May » May : Vdters are again reminded of the referendum election, which has been called for Saturday, May 24, proposing to change the maximum rate for educational purposes from .50 to .51 per cent. It csn be seen from the change of only .01 per cent that the purpose of the referendum election is solely that of removing the local school from the handicaps of tiie 100 per cent assessment law. When the Batler Bill was passed two years ago, it wss quit* generally understood thst in 'shifting to the 100 per cent lew there would be a five-year adjustment period. During this time, tax limits could increase only a total of 15 pempent. Tliis increase, plus the incroaSpdue to inflation, would have beew sufficient to finance any ordinary schools to run. However* the bill was attacked and when the supreme court handed down its decision, confUsfon reigned. It has been pointed out that several news releases were made following the decision. Each release made a different explanation of the supreme court decision. It is now claimed that the county e1«rks of the state are using four different formulas in calculating tax limits. This confusion has brought about the introduction of a numfcar of bills In tile present legislature the purtinea of which is to clarify the Butler Law. The bills as now written ar*> radical and would not leave •fuMTicient funds with which to operate schools. These bills may not peas, but the local school boon! felt that it would *he beat to take some action to protect them next will ask solicitors to register I vith Dan .Tusten. Secretary. A proer committee will then weigh the -n»ri*s of each registrant. This new organisation is enjoy- °ng fine cooperation and shows promise of being a great benefit in the T>rtMrre«s and further development of McHenry. School. tfam was held in the new Woodstock on Monday, May 12. Mrs. Powell is> Ma«r dty park west of town last week and the- former Miss Katherine Adams of, Commencement, was regarded as very aucceasM., McHenry. , J June 5 Bencdale Farm of Lisle was awarded i Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nist of j Annual Fashion Review Bcneit St. the prise for junior champion fe- Spring Grove are the parents of a j l(ary'»-5t. Patrick's School P. T. A. .wr •ale, senior champion female and Jon, born on May 7 at St. Therese, Jane 18 | All local citizens are urged to grand 'emale champion. Dr.J. W. i hoarrttal, Waukegan. _ | Knight* of Cohimbus Dance at N«ll»to the polls on May 24 and Ovitz of Sycamore was awarded the' Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Connor are. Ballroom. Benefit the Johnsburg their oninion. arize fer the junior champion bull the parents of a son, born on May and grand champion bull, and L. J. 12 at the Woodstock hospital. Janata of Lombard received the j A son wus bom on Mav 10 at award for senior champion bull. ! the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Counties participating were Kane, Mrs. ILeander lay of Spring Grove. Lake, McHenry. Boone. Cook, Du-' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kawpes of Page and DeKalb. Daniel Weber was Ringwood announce the birth of a the only McHenry entry. j daughter on May 11 at the Woodstock hospital. go SPRING DANCE An apen house and gala spring dance will be held at the Illinois National Guard Armory gym at 1600 Glen Rummaee Pale--S p o n t o r t A IOilled Out Christian Mothers and Altar So- Twice During Week ciety. OLIVE PARK DIES Mrs. Olive Park, 60 years old, died Flora avenue, Waukegan, of. *pn eu.m onia on May 8 in ~ * w % en Saturday evening. May 24. There A^nJdMt c^WaukagaiT L?T?^'n *' the puMic grade school. u the result of a fire which fee no admission charge to the « SXrf IL cSSSTS ^ * .n? ^?pi!! "tarted wh«i the carw* parked PLAN FOR POPPY DAT Saturday May 24, will be Poppy, Day in McHenry. with the auxil- J WrM of both the Legion and the; _ V. F. W. in charge. A meeting in. p«.^;™p5,,iikei'"Ba"y, ca reerard the sales will be held at: to ^ Monday af< a telephone construction was almost completriy demo- The local fire deparment was called out twice duing the past week. On Saturday noon burning leaves 'odred beneath the garage the Lindgren estate at Ragner • reerara to ine saies wm we nem »i; w-hT • * o'clock on the afternoon of May n7t%h a' i ,20 .i.n. th_e. room of Miss Margaret I. . . " Juice, whtdi ii Md undo* the spon- ITHm„ ambip of the forty-fourth dhrWaa headquarter company D, 129th infsntry. Or*t yei HahMleekr. she waa an aunt of Joe Connor of flaitkes were assignments to strsets at S o'doek in Waukegan. madei Only thoee from the ^ ^ •I 1» .Drug Statu, Haeef Dr. David Ruhwts wQI be aiedicinea at Wattiea I fourth through the empbXwl only tan feet . . ear, but the fire gained dgfcth grades ^ that little of the 1 4Mf-fjp. Subscribe fin; The The EF7ICIENT SERVICE 07 McHENRY NUE8E IS LAUDED BY MANY A group of women throughout the •ounty who are to be congratulated for the good they are contributing to soe'ety are the district or school xirses. Tliese women are going along, performing their daily duties without any fanfare or any of the The Agriculture Denartment nnunced on Tuesday that sugar ration stamp No. 12 for individual -r>^o.j7viers will become valid June 11 nstead of*5 July 1 as origionally j in>T«MTIft' WTfllTT ilpnned. It will allow purchase of _L 10 nounds. WAS OBSERVED Bf . . The department said that sup-1 LOCAL OES CHAPTER < "lies rom this stamp must last un- ,« 5 SI Oct. 81, when price and ration- _ . . , ... ~ ing controls will expire unless ex- Friends' Night was impressfW ended V/ congress. ! ^*eiTed„ ,"LM°Bd^ e^nl"f J? Consumers' ration stamp No. 12 is j £C*SIB ****) jf. the O. the second to be designated as a j?- S ™*Joli?wing held office : Lil- 1 •0-pound sugar stamp. The first han Gilbert, Nund^ worthy matron; April 1. I George Johnson, McHenry, worthy The June 1 date was set for No.' P*tron; Jean Naff, Woodstock, aa- 12 in order to expedite movement of ®<Jc,*t« matron; Thomas Mwrsrin, super into home pantries while rail- Woodstock, awociato patron; EHnway transportation is available. Jacobs, Officials say they aspect a short- I"V • mH»<i age of freight cars for sugar after ^«^^e^, Waueood^ e^ this bumper winter wheat crop starts ductress, Hsael Wliaa, Maronga, aamoving to market late next month, i >ociate conductress; i. «ihw w i. S5SSd?tSSJ?*5S!S Other actions t^he government has ^,on^» McHenry, organist ; ^ T h " w ^ d ^ t b » » > Industrial users may apply for Reid> ilrft thiiVl quarter allotments June 1|™'ywytff/, g a*g?; I~ym> instead of June 10, the date set j w - ' oritur v/i*o®®t A regulation limiting inventories I jfL of industrial users to thirty days , Kramer, _ Miisniiy, _ nag • sentinel; URiaa uNldty asaociated with irgani-- j ^l7T. s«p^. Th^h^era tions of other kinds. may obtain a full quarters' supply i ho"or- , M ^ _ Since there is one such person in,afUr their MW allocation is deter-, A very lovely Mother's Day triis community who is a fine: minMi. bute took MaUria Attacks Knit Be Reported By Vtto place later in the evening, m feaa crop, t reduced readiing a seaaeml hamat pe^k,^ TjJty J* _ Tin No. 11 stamp will continue to bo valid after No. It becomaa good. ATTEND SSRVX< The stamp is the one called "spare when the ration books were example of these social service woik-i The department explained that with each mother present Wag in- >rs who give se much and demand . supplies from a big Cwua csva. now troduced «nd presented witk^flowerm. o littie; there have been several in >ur little city who think she shoqld- -eceive recognition. The lady is Toanne Rulien, who recently spon- 'ored s speech clinic in the same efficient manner that she carried on •luring the war days with the Junior Red Cross. The parents of children throughout the McHenry area are fortunate ia having a hea}^ guide such as Mrs. ~ ££d. FOR VICTIM 07 >**! HIT-RUN DRIVER Mia. Jeppe Jepaeu, 1 Pabner and Mia. Lata Caaaro, the I Mrs. Christina Nell has been * they attended funeral services for patient in St Theresa hospital,. Mrs. Jepasn's great niece, Beatrice Waukegan. : Lee Wilson, t~^uar^old. Vetetans who are drawing com- Mrs. JJeeppppee CC.. JJeeppeeeenn ooff JJoohtonea-- jhe child, daughter ef Mrs. PeaH pensation for malaria are warned by^burg had the misfortune to faU and p Wilson, was ldUod by a pasainfc Service Officer W. R. Cairns of the | hretk her left arm on Friday eve- m0(0rist in front of her grand- Illinois Veterans Commission, who j ning. perents' home in Eldon, where the has offices in Murphy Block, Wood- Mrs. Helen King of Route 1. Me- fam{]y had been staying since the stock, that recent rulings of the I Henry, is a surgical patient at St. death of ber father. Oak Wilson, last Veterans Administration provide that: Therese hospital, Waukegan. December. Beatrice waa crossing the disability payments for malaria will | Mrs. Kathry" underwent highway at the time of the accident be cut off at the end of a year surgery at St. Therese, hospital, a(Kj before reaching the doctor's without a physical examination, un-! W«"ikeg*« last week. otfice. less medical evidence has been sent1 Mrs. Mayme King of Johnsburg The state highway patrol con tinin to prove the veteran had suffered . is a surgv-«l oatient at St. Therese oed m March for the driver invtrfved a relapse or recurrence during the | ^ M , jn the accident, who was reported to twelve month period. -- » 4S! Veterans are advised to report to j home oi Green street, a physician every time a relapse Oe-j L. Allen Blomgren William Tcsoh has been iQ at his, driving a black 1941 Ford. of curs, securing the doctor's state-! Way t»as a surei«*al patient at the ment indicating the attack was Woodstock hospital last_week malaria together with treatment records *hd evidence of a positive Mood smear. Affidavits from other persons who have seen the attack w4Il also be helpful. AU this evidence should be submitted to the VA immediately following each attack. NOTICE Mi Place Restaurant will he evevf Thursday, aw slag " dlnastu, until further m 45-fp Pi«tak»e NEW HOME BUREAU The next meeting of the new Me* Henry^K laoneri'h '^RouVe"'l has H"jry Home Bureau unitmlli ba been a medical patient at St. Therese hoanital. Waukegan. fl- at 1^> p. m. at the « Irvin Steinsdoerfer is a patient at Mrs. Arnoid RaOen ft ^stakee Bay. Hines hospital for veterans. Mrs. Jack Walsh is a patient in and a demow^aoon on <»•» |cSTwIfl^^HMserS favorite • *. • sugarises reqlpa. Anyone intwseUd ^ ia jdbaing ia covdWBy invited to at- NOTICE < ton^ The meeting of St. Clara's Cvait, C. O. F, has beei May B. to

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