Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 May 1947, p. 3

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pPFWBpi ' p-LMJip' 1L4II is^cpiiMipipi i yfe^^gjfc ^,.w j-- JK J0|^ . .«*< W ^W*A- •.•:• iWfflll /" \ ;*••*•'^ ' --Spf---*»•." "*<»** *%.. <#| fflBSS '• ""•'*'v H ;' •r-'~,-' '^*V ' tV*.*" .« ^ ** v * > *'>.«>;* * <*r *•»*«•«•* >ii>miiMiii> ||»IIIM>UMI»II>HMH (By Yardstick) 'J** • ft k interesting to not* fbe dean fresh air of McCulkcn lab has on omr army fliera. (hi May 1, Lt 1W Olacn, of the traqr air forces wtomd to flMRmaito, Califs after enjoying his 80-day Wave feeke. Juat three days later he inarched the lovely Ife-Wave Cant. Doris Springermm til* aisle of the Jt. John's Lutheran church in that city to make her his'n. This big news we know will be a big surprise to his Haay friends here who have always taken it for granted that- Lt. Olsen was immune to the leva* bug bite. The new bride is a native of Portland, Ore., had studied journalism sad was a reporter on a lofal paper there. She has also written many short stories far national aaagAaines before enlisting in the WAC at the outbreak of the war. She at present holds a position of responsibility at the Bureau of Reclamation in Sacremento. Their romance began four years ago while both were in service and we still contend that it was the fresh air that Lt Ted Olsen inhaled into his lungs during his month's vacation here that was Yesponsible for breaking- down his resistance. To Lt. and Mrs. Olsen go our heartiest congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy married future. ". v;; (J-i:- CLARENCE'S SHOP • • . ' . . fitohn cabinats and cupboards made to ordar. '•-> M Hne of lawn chairs, swings, pitr benches, pic- Ho table sets, children's play pens, sand boxis, trellises, picket fences, window boxes, bird houses, etc. ^ - Qemdne leather men's and ladies1 belts, parses, etc. KL Hcfcenry 625-J-l CLARENCE SMITH * enry And why not? Fortified Tagolene H. D. damns . itt it b$brkmt*tt cuts corrosion, increases power. _ It's the ideal motor oil for busy engines. Best Of all, it's M«My-b*ck gudrmnUodf Try itl FREUND OIL CO. PB0NS 202 McHENBY, ILK t J- V*. 4:- i " ' •• .. ' „:U-* At your service ALL WAYS i'S popular vacatioa railroad ones again is happy to < i train rnrla to ssaay of America's .finest regions, all fasaoas. r their scenic treasures a«l recreational facilities. These inducts: HAVE YOUR IW8P00L8 - SEPTIC TANKS CATCH BASINS -- CISTERNS : Cleaned Bf : .v:.. . EDDIE'S SANITARY SERVICE * *DDIB HTJTT, Prop. ^TELEPHONE MCHENRY 290 Your vacation begins the moment yen board a North Western train. It is rtttfal and pleasant --a fining prelude to the pleasures e| your snmmer outing. See your local C. ft N. W. Ticket Agent, or mail coupon for complete information. . •I S-7-f *fW...WfTH Paul Struck anjojed a delicious fish, fry at the Rouriea on Tuesday. j Pa and Ma Freisinger were two very busy people over the weekend! getting their home in shape for the, arrival of the famous Leo Freisinger: Trio next month from their ten months tour with the Holiday on lea Carnival. Congratulations Ta John Scharff, Sr., on his S2nd birthday anniversary, May 13. Clem Wirfs on the 85th anniversary of his natal day May 16. ADI08 Thaw only enough fruit for one meal at a time. Fruit quickly loses freshness after it has been thawed. "To the sweetest Mother on earth" > Need Rubber Stamps? Order at was the message enclosed with a beautiful bouquet of carnations received by Mrs. Harry Reimer from her son, Cpl. Jack Reimer, of the army sir forces, now stationed at the Pentagon in Washington, D. CM last ^Sunday. Only a mother could fully appreciate the sentiment exin those words from a lovson. The Plain dealer. Spattering Fat fs keep fat from spattering when meat is fried, sprtnkls a little salt in the fat ' '• --'SI Testing Stainless Steel "Stainless" steel knives can be ' Buckeye Ariz. tested by putting two or three drops j west of Phoenix, 'Wars ma a^^m of malt vinegar on the blade and j the state from which the feataX allowing it to dry. After washing in j tiers there came-Ohie ~ hot water, if no spot remains, the ; rigation canal in the 1 really stainless. j vu constructed there in 1ML j Subscribe for The Plaindealer J B-J thm t 1 . ' • . . . . . w 'i'ii' ^ ^ V. " v: » " '•'•***•, ,h< ?; * ' • ^vyyx/xixfxji ' FRANK 8. MAT pressed mg son Saad -- Mack Dirt -- Cinders -- r Track far _ Gravel! 1 .iaiastona - i Hire' -II' Pfceae Jehnsbarg 685-W,-2 . } R-l McHeary '. I It will be Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sund after next Saturdav when Vern Stand and our Jean "Toots" Schmitt say their "I do's" at the Lutheran church in McHenry. Pop Schmitt and brother, Micky, arrived home from their expedition into northern Wisconsin, where they are building their future home, to be on hand for the ceremonies on Saturday. The youne couple will make their home at McCullom Lake aftar a Wief honeymoon. * Mr. and Mrs. Wkltet daughter Adrianna and Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler and son, Jackie, wejrie weekend guests of the Phil Bratitigams of Orchard Drive. Mr. and Mrs. William Schutts 'of Fountain Lane gained a few blisters on _ their tender hands spading up their vegetable garden over the weekend. Joe Crick informs us that the free movies will be held as usual this year but the site has been changed from McDonald's field to the property east of Crick's grocery. First movies will be shown on the first Friday after Memorial Day and for the next sixteen Fridays thereafter. Remember the first annual dance by the Screwy Dosen at the Bridge Ballroom in McHenry on June 28. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kaminski, two of the earlv settlers of Knollwood, have sold their home and will soon move to Wisconsin to establish a new home there. \\\ .• . • 1 v • • wv' - *.' ' - *. V * ' r- "11 * *. ' . . - \ \ • " » I j T "'" ' v• • < ' . • " , •* .• s * i v rt*, * I Last Sunday Frank Rourke enjoyed a successful lesson on how to Sit the big ones from Prof. George arker. As a result Mr. and Mrs. PAINTING HINTS COLOR IN fRE ROME Where there are- two or three exposures, tones or neutral tints are suggested, such as French gray, tan, straw, rose tan, Delft blue, old ivory, chamois, etc.1 An interesting departure from the common practice is to paint one inside ^jrall a I different color from the other walls. | This method has practical value in j making a square room appear longer and more attractive. For those I who wish to break the simplicity of! painted walls, a decorative note may i te obtained by papering one wall' with a pattern having a background \ of the same color as the painted j walls or one that is in harmonious combination With the color ef the paint. --- 7 - - - - You can Paintyoiir only *045 wtth- (mtcoacomts nuenahcl; NONMMkKS Carey Electric Shop 119 Green St. McHenry, 111. Phone 251 J - tyf *; ; -;; ' ^ \ 'hi;*,* ^ < -f [ }4 > ' .f 'tip. • •#' 44 . ri • i • A r $ * " Illinois Bell tincertfy regrets the inctnventence t$ tie public caused by the recent telephone strike. fVe thank ytu fir ytur cmperahon which enabled us t» get the emergency calls through* Customers served by ntn-dial exchanges will not, aurstt bt c&aeged£trt$d lisr Afl®/ ariav saf interrupted* ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Crystal Lake Plaint Store Use Moore Paint * Phone 1160 Across From Dtpjt CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. JOHN R. JUSTEN A U C T I O N CHAS. LEONARD, Auctioneer I B. L. hffci, hinajif Trdb MaMgar | Okimft ami Null wiilw i)Hw 'i mi w. Minn su aiN« s. nL I am iatsrasaad in a vacatioa tri tin I tH'CAGU and NOHlH vVtbltNN btM 2 miles north of McHenry on St. 31, then turn west on private road Mi mile--follow auction signs. SUNDAY, MAY 25 Starting at 12 noon. • . •£ 2 HORSES--*1 sorrel griding ag«' 7 >Tears, wt, 1600 lbs.; sorrel mare, age 8 years, wt. 1600 lbs.; Shetland pony, age 8 years, very gentle. Set of draft harness, 2 horse cellars. * Feed 4 tons alfalfa hay, second cutting; 8 tons mixed hay; 400 bu. Vicland oats;* 400 bu. corn in crib; 8 ft. silage in 14 ft silo; 2 tons fert. i Machinery McD F20 tractor on rubber; Mc9 tractor cult. 2 row, new; McD 2- bottom, 14-in. tractor plow; McD. 7 ft. tractor disc new; McD. 8 ft. disc; McD. manure spreader on rubber, new; McD. hammer mill, new; McD. j silo filler; McD. corn binder with! bundle carrier; Hoosier grain drifi,! 8 ft.; McD. 6 ft. mower, oil bathj with steel truck, new; McD. 4 see-' tion drag, new; 2 M. D. single rowi cultivators; McD. ctiltipacker, new; | McD. 4 roll corn shredder; McD. hay j loader, new; McD. side delivery j rake; McD. dump rake; McD. high' speed wagon on rubber, hay rack: and steel box, new; McD. steal wheel wagon, roller bearing; John J Deere corn planter with fertilizer j attachment; Case 22 in. separator; j 2 V* h. p. electric motors; 5 rolls | snow fence; 7/8 in. hay rope, new;! 1 50 ft. drive belt1, 25 gTain bags; 1 w»lk:ng plow; 1942 Dodge 3/4 tell pick up truck, new motor; fork!, shovels, etc. Terms: All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No roperty to be removed until settled or. JOHN R. JUSTEKj For many years there has been oply one standard for comparison when motor quality is the topic of dipciMBion--and that standard is Cadillac. This great General Motors leader represents all that is good and fine in an automobile^and is used throughout the world as % yardniac lor measuring and evaluating all others ot its kind. Naturally, there la no substitute lor such a motor car. U A . I T Y Dwmamd is s* groat, Aaawver, that w> dalay tu dtUmary it tHU tmavUdbla. But M4 t» four purptuj Thara Is aa imstitmt* far a Cadillac. OVERTON " JH403 FRONT STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS t .r> -i "• i 'A V- *$*•'& f ^ * F rV /•-, 'i n- V ;:'s£s& -r,

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