Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 May 1947, p. 6

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i > V'V' Page Six r#" YMia FOR SALE FOR SALE--Two com planter* in excellent condition, also ofter itiems. H. F. Zimmerman, RoutePSl, south of McHenry. •52 T 34 * '4 %1"' FOR SALE -- Several swarms of, REPAIRED -- Radios and phono- Ibees. Chancey Harrison, Ringwood, graphs, all makea and models. Rea- 111. 62 sonable rates, quick service. Chester „ rr --- i Anderson, West Shore Beach, Mc- FOR SALE--Old house to be moved Cullom Lake. Tel. Mc&enry 688-J-l. or torn down, on Gilmer-Volo Road, *52 2 miles east of Volo; also about 10,- -- 000 paving brick. Phone or'write TREE SPRAYING AND WEED Frank Reed, Prairie View, 111. Lake KILLER SPRAYING -- Frank W. Zurich 4163. 62 ; Henkel. Tel. McHenry 681-M-l. .. . FOR SALE--Case Model L tractor, -- steel wheels, good running condition., MOWING -- Will do lawn mowing $400. Spinney Run Farms, Liberty- with power mower. Address Charville, 111.. 62 lie, Box 304, McHenry, III *62 V3:< " * • 1 Thursday, 1lay IS,1017 WjHtTED-- CARPENTERS wanted at once for Veterans Hous- Herees' Legs Horses can eleep ing. O. W. Potter A Sons, General cause their legs are Contractor*, Wauconda, HI. Trie- j muscular mechanism phone Waueonda 8281 after # Jh »•; them to lock. 62 isilbt were on stilts. with which cauaea a horae stand WANTED WANTED -- Child's used tricycle. Tel. McHenry 440-R. 62 f?R h?^nd8 dlniM ! FOR SALE--Modern house, fur- FLOOR SANDING -- Reflnishing *5® ran*e high nished; Venetian blinds; automatic varnishing and waxing new and old left hand oven. r'a on¥e£ »n?mXcHne«nrSy | oil ft»™»ce; air conditioned; electric " * ~ ' v ^ K_:«.V I~.SU. 121-J. "V*" • . FOR SALE CHEAP--Eleven brood- 2-car garage; cra and twelve finishers. Peter I storm windows; co] Schroeder, Route 3, McHenry Two (F>ank Reiss, Birch miles south of McHenry on 111. Rt.] Wonder Lake 178. 81. Tel McHenry 617-M-l. 62 *62 i hot water heater; tile bath, built-in' Free estimate, tub and shower; cabinet kitchen; Henry 44W-R. floors; also Kentile, a< lifetime floor. .. Call evenings, Mc- 6l-*S-tf shingles; full >pper Drive. screens. ;FOR SALE --Studio couch; drum | gas table; white oak dinette set; and Tel. McHenry 143-J. baby crib. All articles listed are iSfev. **x:- FOR SALE--Davenport, large Roper, John E, stove and breakfast room set., Henry, .Phone 866. GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us 'phnne! dispose of yeur garbage each week, 52-tf or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. Hill. P. O. Box 274, Hetf 52-2 four ISO after 'room furnished homelake*"front, and install pumps. BiU Bacon, "206 reasonable. Call McHenry j north shore; modern and complete; Main Stre I choice location on Lake Shore Drive. FOR SALE--McCullom WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN. Lake--Six- WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair * 7 p,m. •52 cHenry. Telephone 10-tf "J-'&r-j; - FOR SALE--GE floor stand sun j Phone McHenry 568-R-2 Saturday PIANO SERVICE--Pianos rebuilt, . lamp," one reducing machine, prac-j and Sunday^ or Riverside 8743. A-, repaired, tuned; member of Ameri- • tically new. JF. W. Goodwin^ Lake | G. Elarton. 52-tf can Society of Piano Technicians. ^ Shore ,Drive 'and. Oak St., Wonder ( FQR hot water tank g.anJ C*lhoun, 217 <^ureh St - Lake. _ [and large coal stove. Price $35. Woodstock, 111. Phone 190-W. *51-4 • FOR SALE--Used Zenith radio, cab; j Phone Wonder Lake 751. inet style; good condition. Priced1 J>2-tf WHITEWASHING - and chicken Barns, baseinet style; Re condition. rnceu £ALE--Single phase electric ments hhoouusseess ;; aallssoo reasonable. Wilson Radio bervtce, j tin iLorjn* i_hn spraying with Carbola DDT. *A.l Elhi St., McHenry. Tel. McHenry | motors, ideal for water pumps and Pbannenstill. Tel. 438-R. 13 ""•L" 51U bam cleaners; also 3, 1%, 1 and St., McHenry. %-hp. and numerous small rebui 410 Park 51-tf TT . __ ^ DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash motors. McHenry Electrit--_M»tor p^ces paid for cows, horses and 469. FOR SALE -- Small cottage, near lake and reasonable. Mrs. Brough, R-8, McHenry, Griswold Lake,: Service, Bruce Klontz, Prop. 52 ^ogs; no help needed to load. Day Scheid's Sub. '• *51-2 FQR salE _ Hafld lawn mower, and night, Sundays and holidays. good condition; A-l Hoover vacuum Calls.. Whaling Rendering Works, plMn«r anrf attwh.! r#>asonahlft_ "Mrs.Wheeling No. 3, reverse charges. oo-tf NEWLY CONSTRUCTED MODERN 4-ROOM insulated year-round Country Home, 2 bedrooms, plumbing, gas, electric, lake rights. TERMS. Phone McHenry 674-M-2 or 590-R-2, or stop at office, Tower building, in Lily Lake. 50-tf • *' A Sfe1 ^;t: HELP WANTED cleaner and attach.; reasonable. Mrs.;. Albert Ketel, Wkskline Bay, Wonder Lake. Phone Wonder Lake 446. | 62* FOR SALE 5-room bungalow at HELP WANTED -- Man for local McCullom Lake, near lake; insulated i truck deliveries and yard work, for year-round living. Bain, phone Steady work. Alexander Lumber 62 Co. 52-tf FOR SALE -- All kinds of garden _ plants are now ready at the Mc- j McHenry 570-M-l. nowfy Tef.I^<Senrye404?Ur ° ^SO-tfjFOR SALE--John Deere 2-row corn ' HELP WANTED--Union_ plasterers. planter with fertilizer attach. iFOR SALE -- Registered Holstein Woodstock 1627-J-l. bull calves--Carnation, Pabst, Cur- .tias, Ragapple and other leading Uood lines at farmers' prices. Hickory Creek Farms, Leo J. Smith, mgr. Tel. McHenry 670-M-2. 48-tf FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors and ignition parts for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Sales A Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 615-W-2 10-tf FOR SALE -- 9^4-hp. Muncie out- Tel. 52 FOR SALE--300-amp. Hobart wel- McHenry Plastering. 411-R. Tel. McHenry 62 der with motor and mounted on 4- i Pai wheel trailer, Wood- I Tel stock 1627-J-l. $375. Call 52 HELP WANTED -- Experienced inter; steady work, good wages. McHenry 227-J. 52 FOR SALE--250 pieces Terra Cotta brick, new; size 6x12. $35. Bill's Auto Service. Tel. McHenry 260-R. *52 HELP WANTED--Middle-aged lady or a couple to help share our hpjne and help take care of sick woman. Ray Klein, R-3, McHenry. *62 CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. H. Lessard. Phone 51-4 Subscribe for Thfc Plaindealer McHenry 684-<R~2. WANTED«~Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green stMat, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Becuty Shoppe.) 16-tf WANTED -- We nave cash buyers for summer homes, city property and Carats. List your property with us, Jacob Frits, Main St., Johnpburg, Rt. Lincoln 1338-lSM tf. ttfrlee dally by DR. R. DeROMB -- Deallst -- IM Greesi Street » it a.m. te_6 ».• Wedaeeday. ^|fe8«Mjrjr 2005 Sheffield Aver WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--House or dot- tage located on or near river.. Wrfe Box , "VB," care Plaindealer. 52-tf WANTED FOR CASH " Homes -- Farms -- Businesses EDWARD M. LANNES Real Estate Route 2 McHenry, 111. McHenry 674-M-2 McHenry 667-R-2 Chicago Phone ' Keystone 2060 40-tf TcL Weader Lake 41S DR. R. H. WATKIN8 Tmeday * Saturdays: 9 a.aiL te 5 M Eventags aad Sanday Merniaga by Appointment! Lookout Point Weader Lake, ID DR. JOHN WAIDZUNX8 , Phyaiciaa (k flargesa 4 TM Jehnabttrg.644.R-l Mala St, Johaehiirg, 10. " •vl r TeL Crystal I^ke 86-11 Office 1 DR. H. 8. FIKB Veterinarian 692 JW. Waukegan Rd^ McHenry, nL Office Hours: 1 p.k to 2 pj *• Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment FOR RENT FOR RENT--Four-room year-round cottage; inside toilet and running water. Mrs. E. Fleming, 5506 Augusta Blvd., Chicago 51, 111. Tel. Austin 1496. CHARLES S. PARKER. Attorney (Joolvn ft Parker) Office Houra: Wednesday Afternoons--1HM-540 OffVe--Kodir Supply Company, 542 Main Street, West McHeary Phone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 1186 P1 cinity Burton's Bridge. Call evenings Wauconda 3521, or write William Dern, Wauconda. 50-3 INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH *52, Fire, ^Aa to, Farm and Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When yoo need inraranee of any kiad Phone 48 or 118-M Green ft Ella . McHeary lafested Pig* Wljen young pigs are infested with roundworm*, they become stunted, unthrifty and weak, they suffer from diarrhea, and. sometimes, they become pot-bellied. 4- Telephone Ne.' 8TOFFEL ft REVHANSPERGBR Insurance agents for all clasaea of property in the best companies. West McHenry. Illinois board motor in good condition. FOR SALE--Year- round comfort and j Call McHenry 641-J-2. economy with fire-proof Johns-Man- HELP WANTED--Girl for general housework; own room, bath, radio. $75. Family of two. Good wages. Pis- 52' takee Bay. Tel. McHenry 662-R-l. 51-4 i •' ; "Blownin"^ wSr^nd0 wUinCT^^Sll i ^ S7Aft.^^°erigerinfriMS raSndea HELP WANTED - Waitress and crn r iNr vSinS' iR year; present pricie, $261; will take j dishwasher. Mi Place Restaurant. LEO J. STILLING. McHenry 18- • $150. A. F. Lilley, 126 Country (Tel. McHenry 377. 61-tf 36tT. /-1..K n.;™ Tel. McHenry 239-M. ---- WATER PUMPS Fairbanks Morse Ejector and Pump types. All slses. Complete and Easy to install. Sump pumps. Take eld pumps in trade. ENGSTROM SALES AND SERVICE TeL McHenry 696-W-l (800 ft. from Nell's Ballroom) McMAHON REFRIGERATION - SALES AND SERVICE McHenry 4lt er Wonder Lake 568 610 Main St., McHenry, Illinois MeHENRY FLORAL CO.' P|ione 404 Oae Mile Booth of McHearv oa Roate 81 Flawer* tor ell eeeaaiaae! ' A. P. FREUND SONS Excaratiag Contractor Trackiag, Hydraulic and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- McHenry, HL QaaMty Milk Healtiiy cows with healthy odden, cleanliness, and quick cooling jpre all necesnary for the production of high-quality milk. Nearly Always Right Predictions of the weather man are correct 86 per cent of the time. Telephone HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid Ir Dead aad Crippled'Bene* Cattle and Hoga -- Saaltanr Power Leading -- leakage aad Moat Scrape Cor aale. Phease ArVutai Baiglrti 116 er McHearv (Sl7-1 ReverM All feraacloe Crystal Lake 111* Of Sewer Work McHsmnr co. SEWER SERVICE Blocked Sewev Op--ad Wlthevt ArHagtaa or McHeary lS3El Charges. Palatiae Rsadsilag Bsrik*. M am. to 2 p.m. Mb Hears to • DR. R. W. DONNELLY Chiropodist -- Fett Specialist 108 Sew Riverside Drive Phone 417 McHeary Office hoars: b®> appolntawnt Daily and Evenings Closed Wednesday Catter Crystal Lake, Hliaofa L. Netaea 1 immgrnp SERVICE Ml Mala 8L I Blectrk PertaUe W< 0^.. ae tlf-W-1 er 464 M'UENEI, ILL. VERNON J. KNOX Attorney-At-Law Cor. Green aad Elm Sta^ McHeary Tueeday aad Friday Aftrnooaa , Othmr Days By Appeiatmeat McHeary 48 A % ilea Weber Says: - » «s j » ::Afid from the compliments fire get--Out cleaning must be good. . Why not try us now! ' . MeHENRY 103 ELM ST., Phone 104-M r, ILL. Heleii Weber, Mgr. "m- FOR ICE DELIVERY ;V:£: aCALL - Mcl^^ 117-R or "TORCHY" KRAUSE LOTS FOR SALE--Lob, B0I350 ft., "on Route 31, about two block from depot. Inquire at 716 Ceater St. Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf I:? r*., ip0f V ' FOR SALE--About 100 acres, nineroom house, other farm buildings, 60 acres plowland, rest pasture, part subdivided, % mile Nippersink frontage, near Pistakee and Fox Lake. ALSO-- Year-round home, gas heat, Fox ,river, north of McHenry; also summer homes on Fox river and Pistakee Bay for inspection. Jacob Fritz, Realtor at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 672-R-2 or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 50-tf FOR SALE--Modern home, seven Club Drive. 52 FOR SALE!--A few Guernsey springers, priced right. Frank Ehrdt, Rt. 1, Round Lake, 111. 62 MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED -- Girl or woman for plain cooking in private home at Pistakee Bay; small family; no cleaning or washing; come and go every day, six-day week; transportation can be furnished; top wages. 1 Address Box "HL," care Plaindealer. 51-2 * TYPEWRITER SERVICEr-Typewri- j HELP WANTED--"Snuffy" wants a ters and adding machines repaired, wajtres8- inquire at 126 Riverside and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon Drive McHenry. 51-tf paper. Frank J. Immekus, Jr., 103 1 Main St., McHenry. Phone McHen- : HELP WANTED -- Waitress, Sunry 203-J. 52-tf i days and holidays. Landl Country- Tel. McHenry *5!OS side Inn, Lily Lake. NOTICE -- I am equipped to take ! 680-R-l. care, of plowing, disking and wood I - sawing. Herman Dowe, 208 Rich- HELP WANTED--Laborers for conmond Rd., McHenry. Phone 241. . struction work. Ivar Fredrickson. 4-eow , Call Wonder Lake 221. 44-tf rooms, 2-car garage, five acres land' ALL BRANCHES OF TREE SUR- HELP WANTED--Girt to clerk Lion Fox river, near McHenry, Jacob! CERY; also spraying for scientific drug store and fountain Work. Bol- Fritz, realtor, Johnsburg. Tel. Mc- ' weed control. Anderson Tree Ser- ger's Drug Store, McHenry. 38-tf Henry 672-R-2 or Chicago, Lincoln vice, McHenry. Tel. 113-R. 50-5 , -- . : 1333. 60-tf! On the average a man's daily shower takes $7.50 worth of water a year, while a tub bath uses up only $? worth. WE Bl'Y AND SELL USED CARS! --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES,, McHenry, 111. Phone 277. 49-tf j SEPTIC TANKS AND GREASE TRAPS cleaned, built and repaired.! modern equipment; competent engi-. neering. Lake County Sanitary Co., 1 Phone Libertyville 1346. 47-tf ; SHEET METAL AND FURNACE) WORK--Gutters and furnaces re-! paired. John McDonald, Regner Rd.,! R-l, McHenry. Phene McHenry 650-R-l. 44-tf ^ HELP WANTBD MEN 1st, 2nd and 3rd SHIFTS WOMEN i - let and 2nd SHIFTS SEPTIC TANKS AND CESS POOLS cleaned. Fred Wells, 123 Ellsworth , St., Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 543-M' or 716-M. 42tf i NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY TOP WAGES PRODUCTION WORK INCENTIVE SYSTEM APPLY IN PERSON AT PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS GOOD TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE GET A FREE ESTIMATE on roofing and siding; material or labor. 52-tf Frank Gans, 300 Riverside Drive i " / McHenry. Call or write. Phone Mc- \ .'a-ir. u ... • Henry 106-W. Guaranteed by Sears, HELP WANTED--Woman for sales Roebuck & Co. Free delivery. 42tf work, ladies' ready-to-wear, soft Spring Fever Has You Down? Just Read On! < Last Saturday McHenry experienced her first real spring weather, that glorious day mSSrS^ATco when everyone Stored away combination screen and storm win-j""8* • ^ BOAT 00. winter coate and stroUed ^;^ Durfe,! aroond the home premise rev-! 1 HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND Alincr in TKTT amra QW n.flrf I » A unor A niMf rrnpp QIIDRPDV GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPOR' warm, geJnStl®e VbrTeeTzeLs . ITt4 ™was I AND RIMOVAL.--^ INSURED TUNITY FOR THOSE INTEREST (ED IN ^ TYPE WORK, AP a day when outdoor enthusi- J. w. RAYCRAFT. P. O. BOX 168, RivEsiwiD^^^RWR^Mr^NR? Mto began to dream abontjphone 298.R; W. McHenry, 111. 40-tf G&GSRS: DRiyE. McHENRJ. vegatable gardens,; LANDSCAPING AND TREE SERCALL ROBERT E. KNOX--Phone good dept. 691-R-l when in need of Insulation Gamble 8 Store- West McHenry. 48-tf 83-tf snmmer Phone| . . . 51-3 1 frosted should not be refrozen, at • ! thawing and freezins san "ualitv. From wherel sit... 6y Joe Marsh ^ 1 1 »jjj» Industry Looks at Our Town beautiful SySS58^u!»n'111640Phine Frozen foods tSat'bBve been de» flower beds. . Crystal Lake 326-W. Even the most zealous gar .dener, however, soon realises that even lovely weather can't make gardening fun without the help of good equipment. Just ask the old timers what a new hose, cultivator or lawn mower will do toward making gardening easier and the finished product of higher quality. • . Speaking of quality our equipment in this line is right at the top, along with our grass and vegetable seeds $id fertilizer. ^ Ifickels Hdwfc ^ • Phone 2 St, West McHenry Maybe you read hew a grenp ef Industrial experts have decided that the small town is the place for industry-- not big cities. Reasons they give are better housing, pleassnter living, and more opportunity for wholesome recreation. Well, looking around oar town I'd say that was about right. Most of us own our homes, and keep them looking nice; we enjoy each other's company: and our recreations axe mostly simple outdoor sports, and in the evening a mallow glass el beer with pleasant company. . As Doc Walters says, that aort# life just naturally sets you up for work the next day ... whether ifs in office, mill, or laid. And Dec should know. He works fourteen hours, bat never missee his morning "constitutional" or Ms evening glass of beer with friends. From where I sit, any industry could profit from being in a town where wholesome living, temperance, and friendship are the ndt. TeL 204-M f : \ Iff, ifaftirf SISIM Iwssn ftmnimim W^rz STAYS FRESH • • DAYS LONGER ; "irr 'mrutimaxM a fT 1 -Wai.,...*-, ! ! <k. •- . . . . . . . . . ; . • '• . • ' . - H -• v ' • T - . - . ' i

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