f" ,•; T^yt:ry7.7-ir T ^. " • y y ^--" ' " * * • ' ' f • iV' i ' * ' • ' ^t \ , C- \ ' . t *&K ' * • • ^ ' ' • " • ' t a V- %. , . , ' • • > • • ? . . -X' S * " . i . „ _ . . . . . - : , , , , A , . , • . . . . , . , I t % . , , , t • • • * f K t « * u " > i * - : J » v a « , > •*' k. », • < *}ilat . 3£.^- vat*,. t i" ?"A , '1 ---gsr*^---- FLAINDEALER % * - ' r - ' •„! \ • i-*'- 1 ••'*" t 4 >'0 . i - * ^ . m» -'V <*% • .« « < s > n s - ' • Voluine 73 McHKNRY, ILLINOIS, THOKSDAY, HAY 22, 1947 IPfpS" •#. ?• :- VHENRY AND STRUG 68DVE Dl Twfe^Weeks' nines* lEnds Wtth Death of Mrs. Christina NeU * v ,iteth, McHenry and the Spring Grove community were saddened by deaths of prominent and well loved residents on Monday of this week. Mrs. Christina Nell, 80 years old, passed away in St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, on Monday afternoon, May 19, 1947, after m an illness of two weeks. She had'been confined to the hospital for ten days, where she underwent surgery last week. Mrs. Nell was one of the old time residents of this vicinity who POPPY DAY -- MAY 24 war privilege hospital, while Has it ever , been to visit a veterana* men of World War 1 and Q were busily engaged assembling those little memorial poppies? Perhaps your answer is "no", and you wonder why we say has it been your "privilege" to witness this sight. If you have never seen those veterans, some of- them crippled,some sick in mind, then yon do not know the true feeling of gratitude which cornea to those who * can say "T^ank God, my son, my daughter, or my husband returned physically fit, and I shall dedicate my service to those who deserve far more than we shall evt r be able to give them." Those, who because of the fierceness of 'Jhe battle, have left the greatcV part of their lives on the field, and have returned to us maimed either in soul or body. May we tell you of one veteran of World War II? When we visited him we found that he had had one leg amputated and the misfortune of (breaking his other leg. He was busily engaged in making poppies and told us he' could make 1,000 of them a day, if necessary. And to quote his own words, he said: "This kind of work surely makes the days go by faster." So, as we watch the little red poppies in the making, fashioned by d: sabled veterans of both World Wars, we renew our pledge, and ask God to give us grace to see that no further shadows may fall across their pathways, and that we may help to bear their burdens even as they have so bravely borne ours. We must not fail them. THREE KTT.T.M> IN AUTO-TRAIN CRASH IN GARY ON FRIDAY ------ -.i'VfcSi A tragic accident involving an auto and a speeding North Western train last Friday afternoon cost the lives of two young women and a 'balbyi. The victims were Mrs. Barbara Elaine Kadlec, 22, wife of Frank Kadlec of Fox River Grove, i her daughter Melodie Sue, 7 months old, and Mrs. Helen Exner, 25, wife! of Richard Exner of Cary. The accident occurred at the Main street crossing near the intersection of Main street and the Northwest highway on U. ST Rt. 14, near the PLAIRDEALEB IBSERVES ITS FORMER RICHMOND PHYSICIAN OPTNB^ W OFFICES IN ELGIN v. Interesting Items ' Of Bygone Ymts Are Recalled This Weet '•The McHenry Plaindealer 'iliis week celebrated its seventy-second depot in Cary's business district,; birthday anniversary, having been [shortly before 2 p. m." (established in 1875, with J. VanSlyke ! The train, "The Flyer," was i as editor and publisher. < | traveling southeast at~a>Uiigh speed, j Since it has become the custom to having no schedule*! 4top before recall the interesting events in the | ' reaching Chicago-- Mrs. Kadlec i lives of our older residents on their I ! slowed up as she made a right turn ' birthday anniversaries, this week we i I to cross the tracks but apparently thought perhaps it would be of equal! failed to see the speeding train j interest to view the changes that! bearing down upon her. Neither did' have taken place in our weekly pa- j she notice the frantic gestures of per ih the last seventy-two years. Dr. Marvin M. Dickey, former physician of Richmond, 111., announces the opening of offices in Elgin on May 20. Dr. Dickey settled In Richmond in April of 19S5 and enjoyed a successful general practice there for six years. In March of 1941 he was called into active duty with the army. He spent twenty-seven months in Fort Sill, Ofcia., where he was SENIOR BACCALAUREATE SERVICE NEXT SUNDAY^ ' Marco Buchan, 62, on duty at the | crossing, which" is not protected by ; automatic signals The puper at that early date j seemed to feel that a worthy motto was due its subscribers, for directly' All of the victims were killed out- i under the name, in prominent type, fight in the crash, their bodies be-1 if read ' Pledged but to truth; toi ing severely mangled as they were liberty and law; no favors win usi caught in the debris and carried' an5j. no f®ar shall awe down the tracks. Eva Holland Hamilton Is Given World OES position Since the first issue of the paper became lost in the intervening years,! it was from the second edition that we learned the important . news of 1875 in McHenry. On the front page tliere was con-! One of the last gatherings of the entire Senior class. Baccalaureate service, will t*ke place next Sunday evening, May 25, in the high school auditorium at 8:15 o'clock. To the majestic strains of the processional, played by Miss Betty Long, the graduates will file into the hall in caps and gowns. A short musical program will follow, including these numbers: "Loyal Hearts Will Not Forget' 13 MILLION IS ESTIMATED COST OF FOX CHANNEL "Senior Song" Girl's Chorus "The Lord's Prayer" ...... Marianne Glauser, "Hie Little Sandman" .. " Twenty-six Dams i | Proposed By Statef ^ Under Nevft Project gc - , . . <* W hirteen million dollars is to* T O'Hara.! amount estimated in a state survey' ... Yanda. as the cost of providing a four-fodt channel, navigable for recreational . vMalotte. boats in the Fox river, as part oS. sdloist. a program designed to make the ....'valley an even greater recreationiil' , Arr. by Ashenbrertner,, area. According to Senator R. G. "Spirit Flower" .... Campbell-Tipton; Crisenberry, chairman of the stat* Girls' Chorus flood control commission, a $750, 00f Marianne Glauser and Betty Long, appropriation for Fox river channel accompanists. improvements will be passed sooa The address to the seniors will be by the 1 legislature. In addition^" • _ given iby Rev. Father Eugene Baiim- $50,000 will be voted the state diVm hofer, who was chosen by the class sion of waterways for channel dredgf for this honor. The recessional will ing, it is predicted. j: follow. According to Thomas B. Caseft The public is invited to attend state's chief waterways engineer, the this service and also Commencement, problem in the Fox river valley is which will fce held on Thursday directly the opposite of flood conevening, May 29, on the high school trol. He says dams must be built grounds, weather permitting. TOWNSHIP ASSOCIATION TO SEEK HEARING OUR TBJUN SERVICE DR. MARVIN DICKEY ! ^ Many of the older Eastern Star tained a letter written by the pub-, members in McHenry will foe/happy l'8her of the Harvard paper, who) ' to learn that Eva Holland Hamilton ; told of accidentally picking up q a. 1 has scloctcd to head th? flnr&nd Pl&ind6Al€r and concluding that! t , _ - ~ ..VM« «.«*«» «w -- chanter of the world as most worthv "from the appearance of the first <*'<* of the medical service at the J group of officers of the McHenry a disitance of 62.2 miles Thia grand matron. She chosen r5- number I have no hesitancy in *«y- ^»»nel would be 100 feet wide, wit|| •$ On last Wednesday evening and improved in order to controlpool levels, improve low flow condi* t ons and conserve water for lockages Only by impounding water, stated ' Mr. „ Casey, can there be enough tti; the river for recreational purposes^ In a report made by Casey's staff* a four-foot channel would be ade* a quate from McHenry dam to Yorkv Photo bv A. W'Twi.-'k, MoTl»nrv MRS. CHRISTINA NELL mnu iimnuii am was ^i.uscn Ic- - ^ ... he'• Township Association met with Maycently to*f'il 'the*unexpired term of 'n£ people oif McHenry that w.as made chief of the medical ser-, or Overton^nd other interested par- jc^s twelve feet wide and foils ™ her predecessor who died in Mav. they have an institution in the Mc- for. t}1®. 315th station hospital, j ties at the^Riverside hotel to hear feet long. i Mrs Hamilton will serve untii Henry Plaindealer that will prove an This unit left immediately for over- a report of progress made toward Including our own local dam, the 'August of 1949 when the triennial honor and be a lasting benefit to feaa duty. The 750-bed hospital was securing better tram service for our'project contemplates twenty-six, of CT1TC AIITA nrD ADTMCIIT; meeting of the eeneral rrand chan- the v«Hasre and surrounding coun- located in Devonshire, England, and community. ) which four would be built or re* JlAlfc AU 10 Ufcl AKIRtinl jte_ wiff be held % Toronto, Cana<£! try." | the unit was given a special award; Members of the groim v^re guests constructed under the appropriation* IAnn Inirnh nAn /lAiiumi i Mrs Hamilton a former worthv The Harvard editor went on to f°r. outstanding service during the \ of Kenley Fngvalson, of the Wonder for the next biennium. The foiSR JOBS ASKED FOR COUNTY grand matron of Illinois attended relate happenings in that city, men- trying m"nths following "D' day. Lake Syndicate, at a bountiful dm- sites have; not yet been selected, as* juoo ajkw run Mwui ZTSa th»t >»t u. tk, mi* u. *"' » i n w a iQ9Ji onH fVmc is very fashionable here just now.jab]e discharge on Feb. 4, 1946. (dining hall. Fourteen Dams i Almost every yard is .furnished for *or the past twenlve months he Following the dinner, Fred Heide,' Fourteen dams are now in exiii the game." has been doing post-graduate work. president bf he McHenry Townshio' tence between Ottawa »>nd MeHenfjr After Comparing prices of 1875 'n internal medicine at the Presby- Association, gave a report of his and at two other places are thia and those of today we have con- terian hospital and oral examine- efforts to date in the all-important, rrins of former dams. Of the foureluded that inflation has probably tions, he has been certified as a, jssue of train service. Sad. but teen, ^nly three, McHenry. Auron| - influenced newspapers less than special st by the American Board of j true, the report left no doubt in the «nd Algonquin, are listed in excefc« most other saleable; items. Twenty- Internal Medicine. minds of those present that the [ lent condition. ^ five years before the turn of the former Richmond doctor re- Northwestern Railroad company does; To date, insufficient water deptfc century the local weekly print was ceived his bachelor of science degree not recognize the transportation, and erratic flows caused -by inter- ARTISTS PRESENTED ENJOYABLE PROGRAM If v Registration of Illinois automobile is remembered by members <rf twendrivers during the past two years is, ty years and more. watched the community with interest approaching the maximum registraas the small community with lew in- tion for the previous three-year TWO YOUNG GUEST habitants grow into a busy resort drivers license series which expired city whose thriving summer activity in May of ,1945, Secretary of State belied its population signs. Young in Edward J. Barrett said this week. spirit in spite of advanced age, this The April report of the automobile kindly ladv reveled in her memories department, he said, shows that 3,- of early days but failed to let re- 097,185 drivers have been licensed in minisc'ng detract from her interest the two-year period from May 1, in present and future development 1305, to April 30, this year. The of her home, McHenry. The deceased was born on Dec. 17, series which expired May 1, 1947, 1866, in this community, where she was 3,099,984. t , lf. _ always lived. More than sixty years According to other word from Kleinman.^ soprano^ and Miss^ Rose- A musical treat awaited those who being sold for |1.50, with an extra attend-e d- th- e concert .he.ld. on W--e d•- c h a r g -e -o-f f i f t»y c--e n7t -s b--e i-n®g a d d e d -i -f -^ o t„a J .u n e o f,. 1 9, 3 0 a,,n d g r, a d u,aa ot eod .»o, «, n«,d.y eveninK. M.y H, ,t the •»» P«'<1 th«e {«•" ttootUall rreeggiissttrraattiioonn floorr tthhee tthhrreeee- yveeaarr Community Methodist church, snon- months. • 7 . . » , by c_rde g >f the w g c g gpec a, items newsworthy enough i,i'^Jt J932 to July, Guests soloists were Miss Jean to maka the front page in those »er* jLu"!' ptt" days included a lengttiv story con- 'an(^ la'k hospital and the Preawjv terian hostntal. needs-of McHenry and its vast sur- ^ it tent operation of hydraulic power rounding area. 1 plants heve limited the possibilities Since all appeals have failed, the of the Fox river downstream from! group agreed to seek a hearng be- McHenry for recreational navigation, fore the Illinois Commerce Commis- P^wer boat operation has been r#» Representation is being sought stricted to the pools above the danil she was married to George M. Springfield, the Democratic con- mary Anderman, pianist of Chicago, 4er*)'r®_ Nell, who preceded her in death trolled state a omobile department toth promising young artists who . j-. - . . . i t , fortvy yveeaarrss aajef-°o* , . ... w^oouul'd ^he "qntrPinPneeda 0o1f mmoosstt oofr iitt*s ga rac_iously presented an entertaining A- funning, who had invented a . ram J 'd rMt)onded to the au- patent dryer which he was having Soring street Mr. and Mrs. Nell founded the functions and jobs under Republican program ana responaea to ine au j . , j . new cure for small pox. , in regard to one Dr- Dickey's offices will be loci ted in the Clark building at 102 Elgin. lie will be and stetys taken at this time. The general opinion of the group at this meeting was --"Let'a Mt qu't." ' but well known Nell's pavilion in Johns! sponsored legislation filed 'recently d,e"oe's . , whi^h^'h'ad'1 capacity sufficient to burg in 1900 and even after her hus-, m the Illinois general assembly. | m** Kwrwu * ^"^jn ^he hand s death, Mrs. Nell continued to Four GOP majority senators pro- ; iati cor,test opened the pro- i Front Page A$* operate the business until her son, posed last week that cpunty officers - wjth th ' u known se^pc. Two columns of advertising aF/r a»n•• k,o tfoaowk voavarear 0tnhren management ; ^bi'eII^asoe t up Ktaoa nahoa nod*\l/eJ fmmio/itlor r navvemhUicflle ft ' 'Alleluia" bv-* Mozart ' "Ave ra.aI nging fro_ *m jc arriage 1 paintian* g• to of it a few years ago. ! titles and license and truck permits, Besides the above metioned son, together with issuance of cigaret stress *"d rol,""°n xz Joseph Nell, who resided with their: The county establishments would mother on Waukegan street, Rev. ,^1}^ Mr. Barrett of control over Maria*' bv Gounod, and "Una Voce the sale of drugs ami medicines, Poca Fa" bv Rossni. These were concluded the "newsy' front page. Delving further into the interesttions on the piano by Miss Ander- '"K >tems elsewhere in the paper , the reader was confronted with a A' surprise treat for the guests J?"* history of the McHenry Pickle pleased to see former patients at! Recently Dr. Dickey bought . OUTDOOR HOLY TOtR ' athi,37?.m <ibn^»on i PLANNED FOR MAY 28 Mr»v. Dr. and Mn>. Dickey have two'rLAnWLI' rU" lfl'11 ch'ldren. a daughter, Donna Gail, 10 j v ^nrs old, and a son, Robert Lynn, 10 months old. Father George Nell of Effingham, 55Q regular jobs in the aut^obile was ty,e apearsnce of Warren Jones, factory, which was established tite ?c"17 Neli, of. ty S« fi! department, which is under his juris- tenor, of McHenry, who sang two P£?r,ou" y®ar w,th • capital ol $12, Feneirber Referendum El ctioa On Saturday also two biothers, Frank and Math diction. Numerous additional em- Niesen McHenry, and a sister, p]0yees are also hired / by Barrett Mrs. Joseph Huemann, of Johnsbur^. on a temporary basis during the A son, John, died in 1906. annual rush of license plate is- On» of the most pleasant events Sues/ for Mrs. Nell in recent years was Proposed decentralized agencies numbers requested fcy Miss Bessie Ryan, accompanist for Miss Klein- For leisure moments"-on Sunday, man and also her Vocal instructor, an announcement gave particulars He responded to the audience's ap- concerning a steamboat excursion vto plpuse with a light encore number. 1 Fox Lake which was to take place Two more groups of selections by aboard The Steamer. The ptrtlic is asked to rememt- «r election, which is scheduled for S t<"-,lav. May 24, between the hours f 12 noon, and 7 p. m. Voting will ^"H^y^ame men are t*ke place at the City Hall. The, jn mos^ effective me^uis public will vote at this time on the to bring reKef to ; except during high flows. In spite of this, states the survey report, large investments have been 1 made in summer camps and recrea- ; tional developments as well as fat 1 pel manent residences along the rives. Elimination of the use of water rawer will improve low flow conditions by permiting continuous flow ' over the dams and through the pools, the survey added. More uni- -- j form pool levels would nrovide im- On Wednesday evening, May 28, proved conditions for fish culture the Catholic men of McHenry and ""d recreation and the value of adthe surrounding community will Jaoent oroperty would be greater sponsor an outdoor Holy Hour in enhanced both for lycreational and t he City Park. The purpose of the1 residential use. pecial hour of petition and adora- It was recommended in the roof* 'ion is to unite all in the community that the state acquire -all existing in prayer for the Russian people and 1 dais's and power rightsfor all those under Russian ( Tlie teport concludes bv stntir* tlon. Knights of Columbos, FoiseUss that the McHemr* dam «>n» the water -leTel in the Cham-O'-Lakea, ** In McHanry and L*kc counties, th* $:'J- -{7.$ most intensely developed m«latiof| art ware invited to proposition of raising the educational 0f the world. They invite aU!*l «*• of its sise in Illinois. . . | J . • * » . ' I .' j 1 1 i v p v o v u u w v i u i a u i i c u n ^ v u v i v a 1 w u i n u i c ^ 2 U I n c i c v t i u u s u j • w w i u * u v w v * - » n i v iCe , io f rkt^Li^L would also absorb less extensive Miss Kleinman and another by Miss j Lovers 01' line art --«# - - u_,if ka •_ *1 --- ... - --»• birthday anniversary last^December, automobile functions now discharged Anderman concluded a well balanced the residence of O. W^Owen to see tax rL\f f 10 j°in them in thiWic tribute and when her family gathered to enjoy ^ the Publk Safety and Public pr,tram. The enthusiastic applause the fine oil paint ngsdf his eldest f®"1 T „ ?ul^-i kiS I Prayer 10 their ®*>charistte Lord. Dav of ^«C0Pecti01k For i. ot pAf„_ Works and Buildings departments, which greeted the beauty and even daughter. According to the story the to Jr? 'oc*.1' Men of the various onnnisations Reniors Tft B. ff>U Mmw ?jR if W ^th code divisions of the state tone of the singer and the agility young lady had a choice collection, Uw i wiU assemble in St. fiaryV-St. »eDl0» »T M. Justen funeral home until 10 . and sureness of the pianist testified included among them a painting of cent assessment^ law. o'clock on Friday morning, when last government . „i-,„c„«. rites will be conducted at St. Mary's , According to §enator Homer But- [° the Pleasure ^h ch the church. Interment will be in St. ler- one of the "bill s sponsors, the brought to McHenr., music John's cemetery, Johnsburg. consolidation *rould save taxpayers ^ _ fJWTT Tl T ftfiT Pallbearers will be Joseph Hue- "farly $3,000,(K)0 in the two years CARY CHILD LOST mann, Fred Huemann, Clarance starting July 1 and would eliminate LjFE jjj MEYERS Niesen, Henry Nell. Jr. and Chester confusion and duplication of effort. Cooper. 1 .-VV V VV+'.'VVV*".' * John Miller i . ... : Vmonir th«» SirW BAY LAST SUNDAY concert a horhe for Newell Colby; one of a lovars. dog for the Fidelity Bank df Chi- ; cago; and others of rare merit. There were contempt ible people in , ' 1875 just as there are toJay and they, too, made the news. We recalled the shooting of dogs in this j vicinity last week when we read the ' following: "We learn that some of the community are urged to ex- PaWd*'8 school yard at 7:80 p. m. press their opinion at the polls. FORMER RESIDENT'S HUSBAND CITED FOR FINE BUSINESS RECORD •hatto. Cars are not to be parked in' Th* *nna*1 Dav.of Recollection fc# toad and down Pearl street to the ^>ring, will fce ojwerved at St. park. The procession of the Most ch^^h on Monday Mav 2C fR*1. TTie Spring Grove community was saddened this week by the death of • John Miller, 61 years old, who passed awav on Monday noon. May 19, 1947. after an extended illmss. He was a retired farmer. Survivors include the widow, two V daughters and several brothers and we Jolm Brefeid was a staters. Krk. The procession _ L ^ ^ essed Sacrament will commence JJ*V;. •^eP^ Burns. O. S. A. of lrom St. Mary's church at 7:46, Rockforfl, who conducted seme* p.m. The Rosary will fce recited in"*"* aeain be m cMrjre. J procession. 7?* day's P£*;r*m will beg^ T , ^ ,iTOll article from Frater; All others attending the Holy and Holv Common'on John Stinesprmg. .2 years old, son scoundred entered the barn of Pat- rracazine. a publication for em- Hour are asked to assemble in the 8-®^. oMr>"ed bv breakfast 11 the of Attorney and^ Mrs. Harry P. rick Falen, who resides in the south DiOVees of Consolidated Freightways City Park, taking care to leave the ""hool hall and v*noi'<* exercs^a, Rtinespring. Jr., of Caiy, drowned part cf this village, one night Ixst jn 'san Francisco, Calif., carries a space in front, oi' the pavilion clear ^routrh^ii^ ^he^ remamder of thi Sunday when he fell into Meyers wesk, po soned his horse and cut a «torv of interest locally The article for all men in the procession. un!'J ^:30 o clock, when Benedia> Mrs. Margaret Porten of Rt. 3, Bay on Pistakee Lake. It was the vountr colt so ibadlv with a knile 1^. ^ |Ti ~ n , j„ nr.an tion will close the service. McHenry, underwent surgery at St. first drowning in nearby waters tbat »,e wju be entirely ruined Mr c?"cern® ^k^»ia wif* thJ "O " Father Dinne<- at noon will be served bft Therese hospiUl, Waukegan, last this season. The youngster feH into Falen offers a reward of $50 for Yorme^ Rita Bacon of McHenry, in 'cSKJJe Thennes will lead the a committee of senior mothers, wiS " the water near the home of his the detection of the villain." Redwood City, close to San Francis-. prefers and Sister Andreella will be Gr3c* Murphy as chairman. surgical pa- grandfather, M.- J. Marty, president One could read on at length and co. I In charge of the music. . Father | I « 2 « ' N E*' s ^ • J iv'tad,• .t th. Miller 2 C°" * J»P«r ?f " Th. MM. eited Mr. Ulrkh tor J«M._Vinderp«»! will 8i«..th. «r »t "ih'ild m'isslnir for .bout 1875 ,nd lhat of tod,>»- ^ot only ouUUndi'lig " •»!<»" and Mriiw work mon. Tl» hour will clOM with Sol.mri two hours before his body was found have *reat improvements been made since joining C. F. in September of Benediction of The Most Blessed two hours peiore nis ooay was iouna in ;n whi<>h • n.n«r i. Pieviou^ly |he headed the Sacrament, the Divine Praises and FORM SPANISH CLAM S%uno'cUk!8 i2rSs)icr,S5McHenr^ is K a rtient *"l' complet. ohitu.ry »iU ap^.r'0 . °" Tu"d*r mon,in8 thAnMffil.t™^«d TS .ummonH L?d p^r ^th«T ^t'rttht ^uafor the Mrikra"During W Th« fhrtdM^as h.M ATTFNTJON IhSSfuf 'Elgi^^hae0 fisitora^ire 'Attorney 'stinesprrng who has "law news and man-v othfr jt*mg which The article goes on to state that went will be returned to the church f. kas given up this territory, will all JJJeph* clement of Rt. 2, Mc- Harry «HI and Susan. {which have hrng, out of movement o^swaljhousand 5^,™^ «acrament is r*- eor customers who wish delivery or H^^hM^beerf a" medical patient at htve errnty bottles to return, please j oitt . Therese tsH Olympic 8800 and reverse j charges. Give us your name and ad-1 dress and we shall be pleased to' make arrangements to serve you. | King Juices, 5788 W. 26th street, Cicero, 111. • i-fp, CHORAL Tfie Public is the sT>rin«r concert o* the MeBanry Choral dob. whi"h will b« oracnt^ •'n the high school anditorinM en Friday evening, May 2S. have bet n on sale from any of the ch«rus fop the oaet week and rer^^s indicate that a large crowd will be in attendance. hospital, Waukegan, We Offer Yout CONCERT vv:. again reirWH of existence provided evei^jajr talk to car(j tables from Salem to San Fran-1 waved. Models To Take WILL ATTEND CONFERENCE ! PRst generations. cific0i which the company Secured. In case of rain, the Holy Hour will p&r+ vn ef.1. Mi«. M«v JiiKtMl local hom* eco-' °ne thing, however, remains the According to the story, "typically, be held in St. Mary's church. , 7 linmim instructor has been honored.8ame--human nature--as we dis- he wasted no time since that first { Committees representing the var- , . . ith an invitation from the Northern co*BT 'n * following place appear- day and already he is acquainted (OUg organisations will meet in the Final plans are being m liiof. Sut" Te.'h™r, ™f£~ .t in« ««tioi.: ; with .11 Jiipper. locttd i» SM ^fcool t«u*ht (Thond..) .t 8:00 "• ™««t ..*«lv .w..t«i "iblb to DTtSrow in . 'Kde", "Bdittog . p.p.r i. . .io. bu.i-1Pr.nci«o" |p. m. to compl.U pi... /or th. •>. .-rl» •••o,TOr so;,.I aching conference beginning June ness. If we publish jekes people say r*n a vt I9S in MA MVS m and extending through June 17. « are rattle headed. If we omit _ CHAXdS A-cordine to the letter sent to |liss I they say art an ^ fowd. .^e aummer Khedule of BMges '{Justen, "the college feels that you j }* we poUish original matter they wdl ,'nt® uLor^..? BirtKfl !i*v. m.d. . finite rontrib.M«. I ** , gjfft °.S Sf Uo'd^T " , , j|o its teacher education program ftons- W publish •shctlwu folks Our very sincere good wishes pnd your services in this con- **y w® are laty for not writing Mrs. Allene Silliman of West Mc-jf w woQ]d be highly valuable - Henry, who fn Monday, May 19, something they have not read in! th* •-•»i«*ed this year on Thursday evp» nmr. J»»«3 R. at the Colonv theatre «-v>n«ored by the P. T. A. of Sa> ~T",-v,s--ct. Patrick's school. Mrs. Bet^r Nielsen, who is |i MARRIED THURSDAY In a lovelv wedding iiwltu eolem- ?vy. -i*1. t (Tliursdsvi st„_ |K 'wHI: Jeanne Hay j>ecaase tin Mi* ft Donald Schaenrv concerning the . ,w is met week's |a«B% "it dealer. Attractive m Mart of many Come in lection today. S street, MuHeniy. v< , -* * 1M7, celebrated her e'ghtly-fourth birthday aniversary. Mrs. Silliman {resides with her daughter, Mrs. Eva 1 Eppel, west of this city. I Mrs. Silliman has two children. the MERRITT BROWN DIES Word hss been received of the death of Merritt Brown, who died ^ _ _ following a heart attack in Jack-' eater to the wishes of the iiMlies the Silliman of1 eonville, Fla. He is survived by his paper is not fit to make a bustle. If i * ofth* itmKts beenhm? i NOTICE I Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Died rich an- -~'cctln« lovelv models to show Mesome other paper. If we give a man | , McHenry stores will be closed all rounc the birth of a son at the w*iry ladies (and the men who ani a complimentary notice we are cen-'day Friday, Memqrial Day. and July Libertwille hospital on May 11. interested also) iust what the be* sured for being partiaL If we do not' 4. They will be open all day on the Mrs. Diedrich is the former Dorothy ^"essed women will be wear>n«r du»> ^ give complimentary notices folks Thursdays preceding these two holi- Freurd of Johnsburg. ing the summer and early rail , g -j say we are a hog. It we do not j days. f .1 A daughter was born on May 14 son of 1947. It is hoped that by ;; v. ^ - - ' ' n .. «• j •- u- w«^k the Plaindealer will have a ^ if the models for the revue. all «f McHenry, and a daughter. Ella May. MMkda;funeral services-were held on Sat- 1 unlay afternoon in Jacksonville. :er^^Xv VSKP STOLDi CAR fee bo frond to mingle with 4m fellows. If wo |o oat my sajr «• never attend to oar bmiM. ft ^we do not pay; ear Jhflle inilteiais say ww are B«t % ke IimM, If joe pay «e auto fceWigh^ was feoiSTsHghtty b bad. If thqr .eay we aovar paid : them. Now, what are «t to do? being Harry of sonvme, in. "«7,Te« °7 n« fit I ELECT OFFIC1 six aiaaduhUdien and ^ former Celia Kane of, m r«aain in our efBoo «ad attend* The annual election of officers of " •«- 1 * • ^ Woodland Cemetery association will be held on Monday evening, June 2, at 8 p. m. at the Masonic lot owners are purged to at the Woodstock hospital to Mr.; and Mrs. Paul Pitaen. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Docan of to oar hasinsss folks say we are too Lareg~ e hati ta -aJl-l 1c olors, lagl•a - d-ing tvy and lovely wMtee in all Unheth Ml Om atrai McCullom Lake are the parents of ]>BPAULT DECREE a son horn at the Woowtoek ka^| a dafealt divene Ctal on 8atardav. ^I»e little frilow, entered by Jadge William M. Qotf is been naaMd Robert, Jr. ' roll in eireait coaart last week ea Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bhspswl e# behalf of Irene H. Iismt. CiJB>il Messphis, Ttaa, aaaoaace th> Urll Ud% agaiart M K Kramer ea ef a son op Iter IT. Mr. aad Mrs. daifea s< dssirtfia. Geoige ghsaard ef Riagwed are tke> ptood gTsaitparoaf j Complste Mm of Ln% i ..ofjfiL ™ ' .SijSraJfeJSM?UL ...tT-.l uhM