Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jun 1947, p. 1

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VERAL DEATHS MOWED H C8IMNITY tears!•:• Iflhwlmg, Is DMMI «M Kdfaity community loll lit Hs tririr jtoBMr reitdents in li wim Henry J. KlmniA. 94 n «UL naaeed awayi at St TW- » boMvtal onFriday noon,, June *, hadv^een ill for several *:• • Mrs. vu the MB of Mr. S. Klapperich, who in this vicinity after f trip from Germany in IMS the oariieot widinti, they an attractive log cabin in the which is now Rifwitle this they purchased from the? ,»] •,000 SQVASE TTKt SXAftHQ GUBTACK Approximately WjW0 iptn feet of datiof surfaos, A* iwto of every boater, will be a mRtar i|hen ftt JMt For Fon Roller Sink has Hs i« opening on Friday evening, June 1&, The rink, formerly Mi feet by 60 foot, has bean incieeaed to 166 feet by 60. Fortunately, much of the was able to be salvaged through tearing down walk and nos the added at this tfane• FOUR-DAY CARNIVAL XPLANNED BT LEGION P08T FOE JULY &6 With wintry -brseees lingering much longer than usual this season, it is hard to realise that the July 4 holiday is sneaking up on us <wKh amssing speed, fiiere are severnl thoughts that are symbolic with of July 4 and they all spell just one word, FUN. The Legion post is. wain doing its part in providing a Ik four-day carnival to entertain tooth the Mewas made possiblaI Henry residents and the summer riritota. New leoncearfoee and the TWBTY-SIX KIABOATE AT LOCAL SCHOOL A new kited of figkti»g will he' employed when the rink opens after three days in which workmen have luugrsased at top «pW( to complete STiSnfioor. hSSS w lights have teen installed in jna caUing and will provide salt lights off various hues. Another improvement will he the added space for spectators at the sooth en of the rink. Heretofore, this room was limited, but in the future a grant many more folks who -merely wish to watch their more ambitious friends may enjoy this pastime. i A very modern heating system is j employed which keeps the rink at an ideal temperature of between 65 J and 70 degrees, and yet allows for ; more heat in the various parte of ; the building where a warmer j teronerature is desirable. Fans installed near the ceiling are responsible for a complete change of air every five minutes, thus provid- „ „„W1 1UV ing a ^healthful atmosphere for the i young and old had its culmination customary rides are again promised, as well as the very inviting refrethmentstands. tAn athletic ahbw has of and will prove ^ t to the aportsindividuals who • attend. Highlight of the entertainment will be a spectacular fireworks display on the evening of the fourth. For thoee who must wait until summer's end to enjoy that well earned vacation, what could be more timely than a four-day carnival, a time to relax and enjoy to the fWBest extent the wonderful entertainment offered by our Legion post! OLD MEMORIES REVIVED AT SCHOOL CENTENNIAL . will live long gjhlHWi-lTi Bxirciagt JHtld la Chmeh Last At 8:30 Ma* exercises held during the 8:8# o'dodc mass at St. Mary's church on today, Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix ppsssnf d diplomas * I** were Mm* Am Belgw, Rita aid Paul Bnftld, Robert Brennen, Don- Freund, J< Freund, J( Glosooi oan Freund, Mkfr Kay iph Gifanore, Dolores >n, Mary Heuaer, John Knox, James Konnobeck, Joan Krein, Richard Mk&els, Joan Nlmsgern, Richard Paddock. Donald Fsluch, James Sales, BttssMth 8chmitt, Marilyn Schmitt, Ann Etaenere Siemon, Marie Stoffei, Eva Unti. William Weber, Gerald Wegener and Harvey Williams. , • Honor Awards Each year special awards ate made to outstanding members of the class, stressing the importance of A large percentage of the members not only scholarship but slso such j jn McHenry Council Knights of virtues as leadership, courage and: ColuiWbus are actively engaged in honor. These special awards were | making their coming dance a big CHICAGO WOMAN 18 KILLXD NR HXAD-OH COLLISION H1U VOLO i Nearby highways again figure tragically in the news during the past week when a Chicago woman was killed and five other motorists which occured in a head-on collision which orcured last Saturday night on U. S. Rt. 12, two miles north of Volo. The fatality yktfca waa Miss Stella Olssewski, 5S. of 8906 George street, who was nding with Mrs. Jeanette Byri. 48, of the aame address. The other auto Involved was driven by T. N. Tronavig, 48, of Round Lake. Injured in the aeddent and taken to St. Itareee hospital in Waukegan were Mrs. Mildred JLendricks, 87, Mrs. Jeannette Doyle, ML Patricia Doyle 1 year, 8 month*, Mrs. Byri and Tronsvig. State Patrolmerf Robert A. Blodgett, Charles Hatfield and 8tanley Weideman, who investigated the accident, reported that Tronavig, driving south, turned out to pass another car and crashed head-on with the Byrl machine. ^ KNIOHT8 OF 00LU1CBUS SPONSOR DANOE TO AID NEW JOHN8BUR0 SCHOOL J. 0. THIES CANDY CO. NOW LOCATED IN NEW BUNJ>N$F IfiOUEH |DAY OBSERVED ||$ LOCAL 0MHTE OttltftnM The J. C. Thies company moved! last week into its new home on Elm; street, and justly proud are the owners of their beautiful new M The large structure, which started fourteen months ago, i«f _ WxlW) feet, which is ample rosin to carry their large stock. I Jack Thies made his start in the! wholesale candy business in Chicago] in 1918 and was located at State and' Kiftsey before moving to Mcltenry, a city he had heretofore tfsrved, inj ins. - i TW loeal tesines. was eetahlished;*"** «• in Week - McHenry in the Btsfeld 'OB* ®» *1" "d Mrs. La beAUng. Inter, for a short time, oc-' **. their bone at IbOflea * * t% copied the 8bn building, and before****- Ahbwfb tly real anaivw*aryt moving to their «sn wareheuae, WM' ^*. *»». fctwday,_ June 7, that located in the former Stoffel build- .leiilnaHd on jhnsday eo fag^n the corner of Main strset ind jthadlK and friends coald be- When the bus! • T. OlMBS, Wttthogftil An opsasian ed grsat j observed too rarely, a I with jnWrtockT*but to"^^^"«eirtSS, a^d'jym take* In svdi ^ eraa Wd from 2 until Thoee who are eration of the Mrs. lilies, Thomas Wilson, EUen Baker, Charles Brown, Glenn Peterson, Donald Meyer and Robert Stilling. in the opare Mr.^i skaters. An «ven\ that _ the_mind,, J ^ of ^ .th® made'as foFlwwa': (success. Highest Averages: Joan Freundl On next Wednesday night, June HOLD TWO JO YOUTHS IN JAIL ON CHARGE OF BUKGLAKY lti thp Mlphratinn of th+ lAfWk ftn_: | xiwrnssi nvng|CB« «van r iouiiu i vu fvvuucDun; iub"^ »»uhv Two Johnsburg youths, Harr„ The"iocal rink, one of the best in|Versarv of the organisation of the and "arvey Williams. 18, a public dance will be sponsored j Ketchum and Howard Ketchum, Jr., . - .L .-- tne organisation oi me, » T--.„ 4 1-. * at the popular and spacious Nell'sjhave been held in the county jail at! •"rooom. ; Woodstock this week on charges of mSm^SkJtffTataS' tor* ££vl Many WCre the anxioU8 fac6s that! Foster . Awards for "Living danc* I ^7!^% "he* plin ! ^IrgJd iuh ^avtag ^te^S* tZ : young folkf ^d partis the UtS lc*nne<i c,"ady ' ^d'Richart1 pL'dd(^k ^ i \\ stlare ^ P">ce?ls .with # the Clark Chevrolet Sales on Wednesday ^ « the 1that^j of last week and taking j this part of the country is making J Terra 'Cotta ^hool, District 44, "on! American Legion Awards: Joan K«i,rnn„m | a very valuable contribution in keep- | Sunday, June 8. I Freund and William Weber. 1 oanrooom. I content in KniK^ed^J^n^L neo Jol™n 1fb^rf bridge. MR. h&° MRS*' LOUIS Vil^OEFT some small part in the building; Hearing in the case was continued; of a\new structure. e,„„. . ^ -»» ~ , Safety Patrol Award Pins: Marie j disastrous fire which left the Johns- S48 98^ and a new Chevrolet sedan their Aewui^m this fine. deaS ^,0rdt fai* de8cribe the delight ot: Stoffel, Elisabeth Schmitt and EVa j burK scheet'a jpile ot ashes, the locAl The car was found a few hours later snort j all when the sun came out ^shortly ; Unti. , Knights decided that they would (npar the Johnsburir bridire. Mr. and Mr,. Bob Himkmwl. j 'h* "T * ^'"'i Atteod,«.: J«n Prjund ! operators of th rink, will leave soon' -^bout 11 ocl(K* P^P1^ began .•» j Rita Bolger, Mary Heusei% Man/ for Oakland, Calif., where they will ai»ve, many coming early to visit Stoffel Nancv Siemon. Bljsabe attend the Roller Skating Rink '<Wlt" acquaintances whom they; Schmitt and Richard Michels.v / Operators' Association convention.| bad not seen in many years and to' The pastors of Ute two cjmrches,, .;'~N t«Wpn ue^uV' Photo bar A. Worwlck. XcHsnry ' Upon their return, they expect to!sPfnd 8°™e time in looking over Msgr. Nix, Rev. William O'Rourke,; ^"nC1.1: J, JV1,': enrrymg on IFvnv j WTiAPPVPTrW conduct a colorful skatinr show at oW records and many pictures of i Rev. Eugene Baumhofer and Rev. into the organisation. A c 11 v i y _ IENRY J. KliAPPERICH , conduct a colorful skating Jt the Bchool of Mrly as Wf>11 j. A. Vanderpool and the Sisters of started tc.spring up Of coursetho TApQw OPOWTk IS sponeorea yp tne ^ recency. the school wish to thank the Ameri-. subject, of a benefit for the Johns- l-JUlUfi UKUWIJ IB S ftc.r the boys were apprehended and o'clock for the 150 guests who called With the return of many youn,? piaced jn the jail iast Friday, to offer felicitations to this re* -£ - meiWhers from military service, now ghej-iff Fred Bau and his chief: spected couple. .Tra8vT_®7 ^nSTv! m deputy, Lyle Hutchinson, have been the investigation. owner, who had acquired it from the; RSROA. government. The more than century as those taken more recently. -- . , . ,, . i ...l . _ _.,T, r„„ Shortly after noon, a bountec.u3 can Legion, the Catholic Order of burg school held a prominent spot ! PRESENT AT FIR8T pot luck dinner served on tables on Foresters and the Chicago Motor '»} the list of new and unfinished r#/>igf«wntp nn BVAflAW the lawn, young and old doing justice Club for the special awards offered; plans. _ W " W,llOUn to the many good things provided ! by these organisations to stimulate1 ^b08* attendance st the dance! *----- , by the women at the group. The interest in the attainment of the! next Wednesday will find added | Everyohe in attendance at the grofknups spent the afternoon chat- i high ideals which they simbolise. ! attractions. Committees have worked first frand concert of the season m 'ting while ball games, various con-! With the three local schools hav-|hard in preparation for thw event old cabin still stands on the Klap- METKR8 BOTL^ Jjerich f^s^^n. I ^ Mr. Klapperich was bom 84 years WORKING WITH LAW •go. on September 18, 1862, on Uie mtfttfllllfl ASENGIES nomestead where he lived his en-. tiunred^wuntry those"eariy days" McHenry folks will be interested' tests and the playground equipment! ing graduated 114 stadents duringi hope to carry through to, a .. th?: Uwthe contents of a recent article provided ample entertainment for! the past two weeks, formal educa- highly successful conclusion ^ ftommunitv became a thrivimr sum-1'""ch nppeared in a neighboring the youngsters, prises being awarded tion for most of etDr yfmg folks is I .. - ' • tner resort area, marvellin^in the nen^per concerning the four sons for somo of the games. taking a well earned holiday until STATE GRANT OF • Various improvements which trans-! °f *'• end Mrs. George H. Meyers Near the close of the afternoon,! n*xt oepeemeer. J formed a wilderness into beautiful Woodstock, former local residents. Vernon Knox announced the awards, | T--^ v •ountryside. j M Th® hpY^ »n u ®f which were made as follows: Oldest ny A/f -r The deceased engaged in farming Marys high school in Woodstock, person present, as well as being the UillttAP VA1I i? !~™iJl of his life and was unusually sue- . now aniliated in. various ways director who served the longest term, i WW K 1/IIKI I ll|l ' *ssful in this pursuit. Last fall, wi"» l*". enforcing agencies. 1 twenty-four ,years, went to John M ! - , When he observed his eighty-fourth ni? Fhalin, 87 years old; oldest person $47,000 ACCEPTED BY SUPERVISORS of supervisors In birthday anniyersary, his health was! % office^ of Sheriff Fred1 C. Bau present who attended the school, after serving four years in tije army, j Michael Knox, 88; earliest teacher, •^out his farm. mo*J* that time in the European Wayne Woodburn, of Rockford; per- "One of the outstanding memories theatre. Roy is » deputy sheriff | „OR -^o came the longest distance, iTlte# MAAnf vmm fnr lip VannApirh \ ® WWDWr OI WOOdltOCK I VOi- Ifite WlifK If Kfthl nf FftH Aflrin. Congratulations! The board I session last week reconsidered ! the proposition of setting up a hous- | ing commission of five members and i to accept a $47,000 grant from the {state for housing improvements in j the county. V recent years for Mr. Kapperich "n° a memoer oi wooosiock s to- Miss Edith M< Rahl of Fort Atkin-1 Supervisor Todd Nolan, supported was January 25, 1988, when he and unte*r fire -department and is also gon< Wis., a former teacher; the Just one year agb this past week ly Assistant Supervisor A. B. Mc- J»is wife the former Mary Freund, ef,plJ^*d Lee Dittman ^as » youngest child present. Frai}ci» the Plaindealer's Birthday Book was Council, moved #br reconsideration pnd her brother and sister. Stephen Jl}un»fr\ George is a member of, jfichael Schepers, six-weeks old son inaugurated and the first guest of of the resolutiW tabled at the last p. Freund and Katharine Klapperich. the Woodstock police department and of Fr,nk and Marie Knox Schepers: honor to have her name entered was meeting. He moVed for^the adoption celebrated their golden wedding *n- '• coun^ Red Cross first aid chair- an(1 t>,e teacher serving the longest i***- Gertrude Jus ten. Mrs. Justen of same ind it passed by unanimous tiiversary. The two couples renewetl J1® *®rvea two and .poriod of time, Mafcel Knox Wyman, spparently was enjoying as (rood vote. •inedding vows of fifty years pie-1 ^ n, ^5 Jr ?». who has 'just completed eleven years health when she observed her eighty- Reconsideration ot the niatter Vious. after which 160 guests joine.i Charles, is the ^ peace ©f „ervice. The Phalin and Knox ninth anniversary on Thursday, June came after a group of Woodstock them in the celebration of this happy * in ®lectrical a?phance families had sixteen and seventeen 5 as on her birthdsy last year, citisens, representing veteran's orevent The death of Mr. Klapperich f bw^ness. ^ - i mpm^er. nre.ent resnectivelv and1 Neighbors, friends and family called ganirations. Chamber of Commerce, nit short plans to observe together th^ ve^^th^I^l^s the families with three generiitions] throughout the day and offered best "f^slime their sixtieth anniversary m esent were the SUrritt, Henry Mc-1 ***h«s to this very lovely lady wl}o ^^ ^^ ""d ^ked for same. J»uarv. Bell Telephone Co. I Millan. Phalin and Knox families. remains charming and young in v-rf ^Doke atainsrfhe plal? at Besides Miss Kahl and Mr. Wood-(»P«"t despite advancing years, the iaTt m^Unr fsW he woEld nSt b»m. other former^,,.: Our jh^ £(»" ^ " 'ho^hTi LaNette Covalt Iandd MMr^s . EEvreell'yvn" £r* o^n^ S'. tli the opinion th.t the «»n,r at a wed. such things are taken out from Assisting in serving at the dinnei| were Mrs. Charles Nuei, Mrs. Georg«§ Loring, Mrs. Lillian Schuraegerman» Mrs. Theo Witthoeft and Mrs. Wat-* ""•fter Witthoeft. Mr. and Mrs. Witthoeft were mar* ried on June 7, 1897, at Lamfbrechf: church in Chicago. They came to Mo* Oullom Lake to make their per nent home after he retired as piano maker for Adam-Sel the city park last Sunday evening j «.ompany, 6 year* ago. He si was in agreement that the band was, forty.wven years with that concern,.^ • 1 ^ in unusually fine form, a|the la8t thirteen years as a superin*^ V .4 * variety of numbers to satisfy the j tendent. • desires of all The first four con- ^ ;oopie ha, ^ .ons, Waltef « certs will be held in the park and of Rock l8jand and Ted Qf Chicago^ the last four on the high school and tfour yr.ndehildrei,. grounds. All four programs begin Mr and Mra. & T. ©hen at 8 o'clock sharp, January. Survivors include the widow; five _ children, William J.. Joseph and FOX River QroV© Tou|| Frank of McHenry Mrs. Clarj MMr- Drowne<| While WiOdluf or and Mrs. Rose Weber of Milwau- i w "• kee, Wis., one sister, Mrs. 8tepehn j , Bohl Peters of Crystal Lake, Mrs. H. Freund; and several grandcliild- The. Fox.J?,ve^ another Nellie Newman McDonald and Mrs. nieces and nephews. u Marie Jorgensen Boncoskv of Wowl- The body rested at the Peter M. D<"1a1J Martel 17, son of Mr and^^ Ml^ Gertrude Klein LuecKt f mBnV of ^ actjT,i" learnedTwouW noti Justen funeral home until 9-30 o'- H. Mnrtel of Fox River Grove, - p.. • r. „ lrw-.Kw ties of the young person since she 'far 11 j ' * rlork on Mondav mornin». when last fel1 into the water and sank whil.? Kuntsman* 'nf Batavia and Miss the seventy mark. Included the proposed farm to V fishing off the pier. It is thought , >i t . | in her pleasant memories are an (Pr°^ - . - __jj k_ h that the youth suffered one of the u " ^ a rplane trip after her golden wed-! Chairman John J. Filip said he .H»ir. w. and oresent. in attendance were,..*' vrbuld announce . the names of the ding celebration. ' under government control the sooner Mrs. Justen is unusually lively, *be country will get .bach to normal. - - - Mr. Beck also ssid that he had interfere with pinned the seventy tne Drooosea iwm w market road The following program will be given next Sunday. "Hie Star Spangled Banner." March, "Raleigh", Ricllards. Waltz, "When Lights are Low'*, Dunham. Overture, "The Crusader", Buehtel. Fox Trot, "Haywire", Higgins. "The Lost Chord", Sullivan. March, "Salute to Washington", Smith. Overture, "Hie Elves," Kiefer. Walts, "Alpine Sunset," King. Selection, "Beauties of Erin", arr. by Lake. Fox Trot, "Southern Scboas", Jones. "Every Man for Himself", arr. by Yoder. March, "Kiefer's Special", Kiefer. Finale, "God Bless America", Berlin. IIIMMMHIMWIIIMIHM Births Mr. and Mrs. Ben T. Olsen, iun|,; mer residents of Riverdale subdivfcP sion, near Johnsburg, for twenty years and of this communi for fifty years, celebrated t golden wedding anniversary Monday, June 9. Approximately 1 guests sssemMed at the Edgewa Beach hotel in Chicago to offer toes wishes to the couple. Among present were/ their three childr* Winard, B^niice and Ben, all ChicagO~ariia Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Olsen were marri at the Centennial Methodist churc at Sheffield and Wellington avenue#v ir. Chicago on June 9, 1897. BotiK are in good health and Mr. Olson remains the very active owner ofe; the Union Linen Supply Co. of Chi-^ cago. W-. The Plaindealer otters 'eongratulalfl tions to the Witthoefts and tba^ Olsens, with the wish that they mayf| have many more pleasant lions in the years ahead. GOMINQ EVENTS Si"® A MMMMIMMIMIIMHIH* Mr. and Mrs. George Abel of, June 14 Island Lake announce the birth of Worthy Matron's and Worthy a son at St. Theresa hospital, Wau- j tron's Night. kegan, on June 4. j Jane 18 A daughter waa born on June 8 at1 Knights of Columbus Dance at Ndl*i ------ Ballroom. Benefit the Ji " School I •• : Clock on Monday morning, when last rites were held from St. John's S^y,n"mrat "" ln CbUreh |'«^ - which b. •WSST!^ 55?!**. .V i"". iV. the the WodJ^ek hoyiui to Ur. ... Pallbearers were six grandchild- pnK,rt ^ k t »!,. i rv McMillan, Arthur Shales and | twenty- houging commission to handle the | Mra. Howard Dittrich of Ringwod. f ren, Wilbert, Lauwrence, Delphir, e fi.h aMark McMillan. Pictures were taken moments are snent i- nutter, in the near future. j *r- end Mrs. George Koty of West j p June^ It, l» aad »_ ^ ^ .M^an and John Klapp^ich and ^ ^pi^dr^^f in te £nd °f the various groups. . | s^s' T»nl " ^«1 to be the. general| McH«ry became^^P^nt. ^..ISjj^Sponsored ^ v^i w , tne boy's clothing caught in the More j usually proficient. Her excellent re- Nkbolaa Wagner |«.k k»»ir register; Besides the nuuiy [ cwd «f nrodoction whila working Ithve0" #fo llo^win g na^mes appeare^d on the, ^ tie* Red Crossb e druerminegm btheere dw aasr «£££. v?.. w.™ - •cktoTO~nt whkb Nicholas Wagner, wegner , TO, a .. . fi«h hook. resident! Beside* Ms parents, Donald is sur- Wng^ood for the put year, died T;ved ^ flVe brothers and three June 10, 1947, at his home, following s five weeks' illness. A native of Glboon, Wis., ho moved to this cOm to Greenwood FAotkcikllSMOrIdIt; WMrit. .,a nWd iMyrrtis . WEOarMl JMacnoi bOst, j Aim vymeuohnmgmerp np|ewovpnl]ea ccoouuMw ffetmltlluiflfa te. f ^ wiwr vw Rhown ^ es soon as resti*Jtions u aewnva w w mw i ------- ~--.«- : r .. , opinion of the board members that' glrl. born at the Woodstock hospttel tnsy are not against a housing program, but that they would like to see government' restrictions lifted so that people can do some building of their own. Mr. Beck said it was Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Luecht, Mr*, msmwif VR flTjOSEII James Mahoney and children of Chi- TAVWtH IB UMJMD ••unity with his ffcmily from M- homestead, moving Crosse. He was a retired farmer, three years ago. , ___ __ Mr. and Mrs. Wegner celebrated Survivors include the widower: | Mf0; Mn< Ira McMillan, U tt FOR VIOLATION OF their forty-fifth wedding anniversary two children, Mrs. Floyd Carr and j Eleanor McMillan and Hbw*rd Ja-1 frr nema PTTT.K8 bat May 90. I Floyd Peatt. both of GmmWnod; and I ^ dM^hter of Elfin; Mr. and' Mr. Wegn«r is survived by his «isters. Mi^. Mamie Harrison of ||n< Walter Davis of Dundee; Mr. widow, Marie; thirteen chidrsn, MrHenry and Mrs. Kate Cropley of |(n. Watson Lowe and George linusof Woodstock, Cyprian and Oar- ; Chika«o. Low« of Carey; Mr. and Mrs. Gvsc MUUS of Ringwood, Gerald of San Funeral -«rvices SI* bring held at »nd son of Huntley; Mr. Mego, Caltfl, and Victor of Wan- the Me* win funeral home at 2 ^ George Knntsman and son kasha, Wis., Mra. C. R. Perry of o'clock this (Hiuraday) afternoon -• Algonquin, Agnes Wegner of Ehrin,! with burial in Greenwood. Mrs. J. R. Dawson of Wauhnaha, Otis PhilKes Wis., Mrs. George Howell of ftfch-j Otis Phillips. S4 years old. who mend, Califs Mrs. E. M. DeWane I ruf*ered smputat^on of his left leg Maribel, Wis., Toni Wegner of i in April after injuries suffered when Kverside, Calif., Mrs. Themis a log he wna sawing into firewood •Phelps of Elgin, and Mrs. William Aickett of llgin; also nine brother* and sisters, JMU and Joaepb of Two Rivers. Wis^ Edward of Mishicott, fell on him. died at St. Thereto hos- Wmnkesran. on Friday. June 6, ^«M7. He liad been taken homo after his lee healed hut was re-admitted V Wis., Clarence of LaPorte, Ind., Wal- ' t o +ve V««ttl on May It. tor of Manitowac, Wia^ Mrs. Nickl Mr. PhlBipa was horn in Wancon- Sehr of Mishicott, Wis., Mrs. Harry! da township, on Rente 2, McHenry, Burns of Mayiwood, CalU, Mra. Sam! and farmed on the shores of Secern Xeimer of Manitowac, Wis., and Mrs. (jriif Johannes of Two Rlvars, Wis- The deceased was s member or Brocks, '•'th whom he r*. Lrke his entire lifetime. '•"vhrwi include two sisters. Mrs. s*ded, and Mrs. Ella Parks of Park Ri***e. and two neohews. St. Mary's church and of the Holy Name society. The tody- will rest at the Jacob Josten Sons funeral home until 10 o'clock on Friday morning, when last rites will be held at St. Mary's church, with burial in the church!conda. Burial was in Waucona eeraetery. Mrs Nellie Peatt Mrs. Nellie Fsatt of Greenwood ied on Monday, June 9, 1947, at the Woodstock hoenltaL jzutz £SE^-IYF%2S of Batavia; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Me Donald, Mrs. James P. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Skinner. Wallace Woodburn and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boneoeky and family of Woodstock, Frank Fay of Ringwood. who taught the school about 1895, and1 Mrs. Cteorve J. Wegener and granddaughter of Lily Lake. Those who enjoyed the centennial celebration are grateful to the many people for assistance and co-operation contributed so much to the success of the day. Those who deserve such mention are as follows: Mra. Philip Hoffman, who gave much time in contacting former residents of the district and in collecting pictures ard ertirles of interest; Misses LeMette The McHenry county Ml commission last week ocdeiwd Albert Lea bio. proprietor o# Way* side Inn on Rt. ITS, east of Harvard, to suspend operation on til July 1. He was charged with falling to close his tavern at the regular closing hour. LeaMe was called before the corntaken off meat and other articles they came back on the market. OPENING OF BIDS The school hoard of the Harrison 8chool, district 88, of Wonder Lake, announces the opening of bids for the new addition to the present schooL Plans may be had by calling at the Walter E. Troxell Farm, % miles east of the school. Bids must be sealed and are to bo returned by Saturday, June 14. Opening of the bids will be held on Monday, June mission and Don A. Wieka, state's ( jj 4 all--lis jr. to answer chargea of I staying open after hours bn WWW occasions. County taverns are • allowed to remain open until 1 a. m. J AflMHlf iHC SUCK on Sundays and week nights i until 1 a. m. on Saturday nights. »••»•»•••»•••••»»••»••»••• Hie county commission eonalati of John J. Ffflp of Algomprin, chairman: Hariev Mackaben of Huntley, C. Perry Wright of Marengo and Math N. Schmitt, McHenry. £5*' ° Hughes1 "n* May Ames for items of , *L£lZ Mrs. Clvde starrirt. Mrs. 'Mnerr.1 hon^unW 2 oclockon Sun- Fr^v Mrs. John Dietrich tu " Federated 'S-hSutach . wWIauS-1i ' nd Mrs. Gordon Schwwnm, as well m oth^. Iadkw jB the district, the PrS'rie Grove schoolr Mr. AnderdfioS Blsron of Chicago is h two weska' vacation at bare, . . 1 -r-n of the Almndar Lumber Co., £*££1 for the uae of himber for the tables and benchee and the men ot the up. The BOT SCOUTS ATTENTION, All 8eouts who are planning on attencSng Camp Lowden this s are requested to meet at no «"*de school Tuesday evssim 17, eg . 7 p. m. Pease he ^•va jwtur if islratlon t* tfp TROOP cor Dad ikk. a fill from neighborhood who set teaSer and Mllealeo Jwjgw. . •Xfb share of credit. The mafias depic- ^^iting the community and old and |h| Rainbow lnn. located at Mand «t 178, t mSm McDonald, she was married to Wal-) - ... lace Brown Peatt on October 10, Comnloto line rf Ue]i poultry Glass Bar Gifts for Dad at on June 8. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hackman of. Christian Mothers and Altar 8o-||^ - ciety. Jane 18 Woodstock are the parents of s son,; Best River jaaa i *«* 1 Mrs. Albert Vusa. Pinochle bora en June 4 at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Hackman is the! _ former Miss Ethel Granger of Mc-j^cHenrr Home Bur Henry. School--1:80 pj*. A daughter was born at the Har-1 * _ _ _ . vard hospital on June 4 to Mr. snd, Dwr of RecpUecthm For CD. of A.--^ Mrs. R. E. Lloyd. Mrs. Lloyd is the St. Mary's || formM1 Miss Gersldine Kennebeck of _ _ _ . _.J«v 17 this city. Besides the parents, the i!«w baby will be welcomed homo by a SH year old sister, Sharon Lee. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Keitnebeck of Park rtM?" snd Mrs. William Meeker of Woodlawn Park announce the birth of a son on May 81 at Evunston hospital. He will answer to the name of James Edwin. Mr. snd Mrs. Tom Harrison are C IX stf A. Picnic and C. D. of A. Meeting. Aagnst 11 - It Rummage Sue--B u c h Sponsored By P. T. A. RSSIDBHOX CHAHOli George Brefeld has been a mod*. COLLEGE GRADUATES cal patient at the Woodstock, Amoag the local people to gradubospital. ate from Illinois colleges this sum- Mrs Bergetto 8kjoJdagsr under- mer m George Raid and Jessie a t S t T h e r e s a h o s p i . . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hart sad family have moved fStom Chicago to .-- . . .. . the Hubert Freund home here. IW^ the parents of «^daughter, bo™ <«», Gaotgo Waapis\ who forawriy occn-0 June 11 st the pied the Fteund home, have aM«ei|t She has been named Janice Mane, i ^ Wa8p{ fana ^ Spriagl--: The Harrisons have one other child, Gtot#i which they recently par* also a daughter, Judy. 'chased. 3# Mr. and Mrs. Robert neslachor went surgery at St. Tnerei tal, Waukegan, la^t week. PLANE CRASH Allen Rollins, 21, and Thomas Diamond, 21, both of Chicago escaped injury recently when their small plane crashed into power lines near Genoa City and was badly damaged. KoOins, the pilot, and Diamond, his passenger, said' they had left Elmhurst, 111., in mid-afternoon and that the plane had developed motor trouble. They crashed while attempt- CIMSLNFF BD QadSro and injured 48,778 pednstiaasIn thia country in 1M8. Dent Jeywalk! have moved from the Claary on Waukegan strset to thenhome near toe golf course. Lindsay, who received degrees from; NOTtTB SU^ Trr*^1 The aty of McHsnrv »*? on J?ne a^ ordinhnce in line with Miss Elinor Pries, who will be a j rJ, li;i J ^ ^,u or awarded her Bachelor of Science degree from Northwestern University. NOTICE Many complaints have been received concerning dogs running at large. Action must be taken. Kmdly secure license immediately and asairt by complying with rules. 8tray dsge will be pfched apto aocaedance wWi 'SP?1 OF Me^EMRT. or exploshrsa governing fireworks dty Hmits. 4-^> CUT OF MsUOiBY. MARRIAGE LK^MW Eugene W. LaFentaino ;nd Ba lee King, McHenvyk RiAani D« Virginia 4-fp McGee's. Dad with a gift frees .HtJitu. L,*.JL •/.i.ifo .......; ih ' '.f • J1.i£Jv. 3

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