Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jun 1947, p. 6

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aS&aisi notice Because ot the mat niiUftfti of classified ads which appear in the Plaindealer each w«eL^M»ve/ found i|t impoaaible towp bom an such small accounts. Therefore, in the future, only ads which •re P«d for before this section ef Un paper goes to press at 10 •Mlock oa Wednesday mornings will be printed. FOR SALE -- Garden tractor with 30-in. mower and cultivator attachment; $125. Inquire at Paul Har- j vey's, Lily Lake, on Rt. 120, next! \ Saturday. *4 FOR SALE -- 1947 red Indian mo- j torcycle, 3 mds. old; |pw mile ace; | reasonable. Call WfeucondA 3773. ! *4 FOR SALE -- 1936 2-door Plymouth, $175. Gregory Burg1, McCullom Lake, 1% blocks west of beach. "4 FOB SALE FOR SALE -- Four-deck electric Ichicken battery, 915; also sink witft I left-hand drain board, $5. Tel. Mc- | Henry 608-J-2. • *4 st FOR SALE--Venetian blinds; free -- estimates. W. A. Horns by Co.,; FOR SALE -r-Motorola Auto Radios, JwMj1 Chryttal Lake, 111. Phone 181-R. *4 j fit all cars. Gamble's Store, West •>J : | McHenry. 4 FOR SALE--I must sell immediate-' -- ly (have been transferred to Texas) | FOR SALE -- Year-round' modern beautiful year 'round ranch type 5-room house, 2 lUf* enclosed home, all stone construction. Lo- porches, hot water heater, electric cated close to McHenry; xjgej/rig^ts.! pump, side drive 2-car garage;-two Immediate possession. TeTifcHeniy blocks from Lily Lake, 111. Lota j 540-J.l *4 -47-48, Black 8, Route 120. Price -- ---- -- 1----- i $5,950.4 Lily Lake Subdivision, Mc- FOR SALE--We have just received; Henry, I1L *4 JW BXPERIENCE NteCE8SA*f TOP WAGES -PRODUCTION WORK INCENTIVE SYSTEM APPLY IN PERSON AT PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT ELECTRIC AUTQ-LITE GO. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS GOOD TRANSPORTATION 4-tf AVAILABLE* 1 1 1 Henkel. Tel. McH^nryi 681-M-l. ) 52-tf GET A ing and Frank -A FREE ESTIMATE on roof-> or siding; 'material or labor. STUBS St., Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 543-M 718-M. 42tf Electric Motor SeWiee, Waukegan Road. Phone Order your ruober stumps at tba Plaindealer. MUk Quality Milk quality is a term mean fine-quality milk. _ o.'.,800 Rlrera«Le floor SANDING -- RefinishW McHenry. Gill or write. Phone Mc- varnishing and waxing new and old Henry 109.W. Guaranteed by Sears, floors; also K*niile. a lifetime floor. Roebuck A Co.'Free delivery. 42tf Free estimate. Call evenings, McHenry 407-R. MISCELLANEOUS TUTORING SERVICE -- Available for tutoring grade school children in reed of extra work during June and July. Write Box "C," Tn care of Plaindealer. *4 CALL 691-R-l when fa or a new rbof, asbestos, or insulated brick siding* weather stripping, or combination screen and _ storm win E. KNOX--Phone1 need of Insulation WELLS 51-*3-tf Tel. Mc- *4 ft-i ; utt. Come in and look theiR over.! 24 over all. V ; WBkels Hardware, West McHenry. j 36&- Pb°"e 2. * j FOR SALE -- 1941 Hudson Commo- „ , * !dore-8, 4-door sedan; overdrive; free FO® T ho^se'_one^r wheeling; all-weather heater; radio; ** McCullom Lake, Fountain 8jx wheels; many extras; excellent Sf"® CbU I condition. Tel. McHenry 651-R-2. Henry 678-W-2 after 6 p. m. 2-tf *4 ' FOR SALE -- Motor Scooter frame In good condition. Tel. McHenry «*-f" FOB SALE -- 1935 Chevrolet truck T ' with rack; long wheel base. Clarence Wastphal. Phone McHenry 691-M-l. "NEWLY CONSTRUCTED MODBRN 4-ROOM insulated year-round it (Country Home, 2 bedrooms, pluvhing. fas, electric, lake rights. 4 TERMS. Phone McHenry 674-M-2 or &904U2, or stop at office, Tower / ^building, in Lily Lake. 50-tf FOat SALE -- 4% -room home, tcijlet and bath; basement with furnace ^kaat and garage. Inquire John, the Tailor, W-- estt McHle nry. 4-tf FOR SALE -- 420 rock-faced concrete blocks, steel reinforcing bars. Call. McHenry 137-R. *4 FOR SALE -- 350-gal. electric water pump, $65; large kitchen cabinet; coal stove; steel shower stall; spring and one mattress for double bed; miscellaneous screens. Tel. McHenry 675-R-l.. *4 FOB RENT ' r FOR RENT -- Three rooms, furnished apartment; shower; boat; located at McCullom Lake, for June and July. Tel. McHenry 665-J-l. WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Good used pickup truck, ' tt-ton site. Call Stanley Brown, McHenry 145-W. 2-tf IPOR SALE--Lot on Main St., Mc- See owner at 110 Waukegan upstairs, McHenry. *4-2 FOR SALJB~--^Registered Holstein toll calves--Carnation, Pabst, Cur- j WANTED TO BUY--House or cot- ^ttas, Ragapple and other leading tage located on or near river. Write Mood lines at farmers' prices. Hick- Box "VB," care Plaindealer. 52-tf «7 Creek Farms, Leo J. Smith, mgr. TH. McHenry 670-M-2. FOR 48-tf I WANTED TO BUY -- Used top Dri-gas stove and system. SALE -- New shallow well McHenry 136-R. with motor; immediate deliv- Gamble's Store, West McHen- 4 table TeL 4 ' FOR SALE--9x12 Royal Sarouk rug, fik like new. $350. Barry. Tel. McHenry Vv 4 'FOR SALE--Modern home, seven rooms, 2-car garage, five acres land : on Fox river, near McHenry, Jacob Frit*, realtor, Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 672-R-2 or Chicago, Lincoln ; 50-tf 'FOR SALE -- Slightly used vacuum 0 . cleaner, excellent condition; reasonftS J able. Tel. McHenry 442-R. 4 , - f FOR SALE -- 9x12 Royal Sarouk Vi- k : rug, like new. Barry. Tel. McHenry 630-R-l. " 4 :^|r WANTED FOR CASH Homes -- Farms -- Bnshii EDWARD M. LANNES Real Estate Route 2 McHenry, 111. McHenry 674-M-2 McHenry 667-R-2 Chicago Phone Keystone 2060 40-tf WANTE6 TO RENT FURNITURE GIVEN AWAY--Call Saturday, June 14. Mrs. A. Hinrkhs Mineral Springs subdivision, second house on left. *4 IRIS LOVERS -- My iris will be in bloom this week, many new variet: es. Pick your colors while you can see them in bloom. 733 Wheeler St., Wbodstock. Wm. Botts. "4 i&SMg OR DRIVEN, WATER 8YSTEM8--We sail, repair ftnd install pomps. Bill Bacon, SOS dews. Free animate*. Durfee Bros. Str*t» \ Tak»h«ie Roofing Col 43-tf 1 ; 10-tf LAND9C AND CBD TREE 8URBFRY AL --• INSURED ESTIMATES AFT. P. o. 1«S. I W. McHenry. IlL 40-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- La* us dispose «r garbs re each week, or oftenqr If desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round rovte. John E. 51, ' P. O. Box 274, McHenry. noiiiMl i -y • • • tf TYPEWRfltal SERVICEr--Typewriters and a<Umg machines repaired and 'el*nill Ribbons and carbon onper. Frank J. Immfkus, Jr., 108 Main St, McHenry. Phone McHenry 208-J 52-tf WHITEWASHING - Barns, basemants and chiekn booses: also •praying with Carbola DDT. A1 Phamienstai. TeL 488-R. 410 Park Rom where I sit...//Joe Marsh Hert's to the Women-Folkl St., McHenry. 51-fcf C. J. H. DIEHL M'HENRY COUNTY PIANO TUNER _^^a|HINGTON OT- WOOD-J WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS STOCK. PHONE 208-W, Woodstock --CLARK dlEVROLET SALES. |McHemry, 111. Phone 277. 49-tf -- ~ --1~ - ~i~ r -i~ ' Woor Tile - Pennine Asphalt . TT Rnblwr 2 l^oor Banding and Rcftnishinf - RAYIRION J Phone Woodstock M9-M 512 Clay St. Woodstock , i • There's a line at the-haadlag ef esarfortaUe bat tao-wava cKafl ^the Woman's Column la my payer that wa cart bear to tyvw awayf v "'is Prom where I sit, thoee ^ "Womea thraagh the yesrs have satisfactions become mora ai ^ stood Keepers ef the 4aa».. .• more important in thia world Pretty easy to see what it means; ****** •od ehangw. Smoke Whether it's theflame on the hearth, Porting from a mdlowpipe; a, the candle in the window, or bssr; a comfortable ahafir kor: " feeling of warmth thift- tur- fore tka fire. And Td Rka a home. £ t- L/ 'I It's the woa^h who are gatrdisaa W the things we cherish about homelife--who are tolerant of ashes on the rug; the rfags a glass •f beer caa leave ea taMea; or the "tka hoosewivea--"keepers ef llam0"~ . } " v.' i 'J- :<,% v. (•'A • t Cwrigkt, nit, VmtoiStmtts Brumtfmmiarin WANTED TO RENT -- Cottape on nearty lake fqr week of July 12-19. C. ' James Downs. Tel. McHenrv 425. *4 WANTED CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. A. Lessard. Phone McHenry 634-R-2. 3-tf SA LE--Genera to ra, armatures, . ftf started, fuel pumps, distributors and | WANTED--Watches and jewelry to ignition^^o_r jind repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. ~ "" Grern street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beruty Shoppe.) 15-tf WANTED -- We bave cash buyers %'FOR SALE -- English type house;! for summer homes, city property and ,..ff hot water heat with oil turner; lot j farm?. List your property with us, 'i, 98x150 ft; near churches and i Jacob Fritz. Main St., Johnsburg. Rt. ^ 1 schools;10 min. walk to depot. H. 1_.. .McHenry or 2005 Shpffield Ave, ignition parts for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Sales ft Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 615-W-2 10-tf , J. Schaffer. "4-4 Phone McHenry 83-W. 't FOR SALE--Year- round comfort unn J-y» economy with fire-proof Johns-Mani ville Rock Wool Home Insulation^ Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1333-1384 tf. HELP_WANTED ~ ^ HELP WANTED -- Housekeeper, no laundry; go home nightt; trans- "Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call i portation if necessary; very liberal l-WJ J, STTn JN'i. Mclleniy 18. I s?.!ary- Cal1 Chicago Hudson 3275 36tf c'"ec^- Irving Zellman. 4-tf --pz WONDER LAKE-- HELu W,ANT J ED ~ Waitress; sal- rOR SALE WONLiCiK L^~ ^ .. aiy, board and room; uniforms fur- Year-round home; ready to move in.inished. Oak Park Hotel, McHcnrv, large living room, large kitchen, di- j jjj pj,one 175 "**•***» jr. rette, 2 lge. bdrms., bath; plenty --' ' i " closets; full finished bsmt; hot, cold running water; oil heat; price $11#» 475. Tonyan Construction, McHenry, 111. Phone 152 or Sunday, 113. 4-tf LOTS FOR SALE1--•'Lots, 50x350 ftu, en Route 31, about two block from depot. Inquire at 715 Ceater St. Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tfc "'If w FOR SALEi--80 ft. 1%-in. copptjr pipe with couplings. Ben Bleeker, Urbandale Farm, R-2, Box 441, McHenry. Phone McHenry 680-R-2. Call after 7 p.m. • 1-tf HELP WANTED WOMAN TO DO IRONING FOR FAMILY $j0 NOT CALL BEFORE SATURDAY f.- • • • ; , • : : ' h z i c t v , : . 4 Sunbeam Sandwiches Teste Setter ,3 TuW&y-'- Keep Fresh Longei* It isn't enough for food to look It hae to taste food, toqu Sunbeam sandwiches are creamywhite and even textured. And thejf have a homey, oven-fresh , flavor that's * perfect mato^ feerve Sunbeam tod&f. ' You'll agree that the bread that's "crumb protected" to stay, fresh.. .days longer rates a regular . lace on vour market list. TELEPHONE McHfiNRY fi^-W-1 l»Ss ; ' fyg. FOR SALE--Modern house, furnished; Venetian blinds; automatic oil furnace; air conditioned; electric hot water heater; tile bath, built-in tub and shower; cabinet kitchen; 2-car garage; asbestos shingles; full HELP WANTED---"Snuffy's" Hamstorm windows; copper sereins, burger Place wants a waitress, In-(. • Frank Reiss, Birch Drive. Phone "uire ®t 196 Riverside Prive, Mc- Wonder Lake 173. 52-tf He"ry. 51-tf i FOR SALE--Five purebred Hantp- , shire sows to farrow in Sept.; also ____ _ large Holstein cows to freshen soon RANTED -- WOMEN AND at good prices. See me before buy- GOOD OPPORing. See Mr. WolfF at Fran Flo XH JX T. .?E INTERESTFarm, Rt. 45, 2 miles west of Half pl^y ^RivwnciniP AP* D-v *3-2 RIVERSIDE MFG. CO.. 200 y -: I RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. FOR 8ALE--Biglow all wool rug,! PHONE 39. 20-tf 9x16 ft., also 2 runners; baby wash-' Hl?Ip WA VXI7„ .. -- 7 er. Tel. McHenry 563-R-2. 3 HT WANTED--Married man to, - -- - - ] work on dairy farm; living quar- BEES FOR SALE--3 frame nucleus ^®rs furnished. Thos. Thonneson, or full swarms; recently inspected;] R*2, McHenry. 2-tf a few extra hive and comb supers lupin urAVTPn , for «Ie._ R.» Pate, McHenry, III. A„ £ ^1° Tel. 130-J. 3-tf Drive. 2-tf HELP WANTED--Short order cook; north shore; modern Pl*C<' 5 i , . r J 1 - 4 FOR SALE--McCullom Lake--Sixroom furnished home; lake front, ern and complete* choice locat'on on like Shore Driv^f Phone McHenry 276-J Saturday and Sunday, or Riverside 3743. A. G. Elarton. 52-tf FOB SALE -- New 8-ft. Coronado immediate delivery, ra move, Weat McHenry. 4 FOR SALE -- New Perfection kerosene stove with five long chimney tawmrs and right side__oven;^ ^ood •IS eoadition. * Jfrs. Joaeph Klain, R«bhar Btomfftf Order at HELP WANTED--Young woman to take care of a home; good treatment; no objection to woman with small child. Address J. H. Ga Round Lake, 111. HfcLP WANTED--Middle-aged man to work in store. Al Krauae News Agency. v. 3.^ HELP WANTED--COUPLE EXTRA' MEN. HUNTER BOAT CO. 38-tf HELP WANTED--Girl to clerk la drug store and fountain work. Bol ger*a Drug Store, McHenry. 88-tf Freshness tender delicious Sunbeam TODAfl - f s V- •* PAYiLONeER'

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