Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jun 1947, p. 5

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Bnmday,7m* at, 1MT "} nfofeL^., .X »»,,*1,rfp yfefti jjf * AHwrtta this wh seen, at Starred gtieu is that, he is faction - tear of the Breweries. TO f,~% by EARL R. WALSH McHenry people like their sports news. We have heard plenty in the .last two weeks to let us know that this page belongs to the sports fans and, by hell, they want all branches of sports covered! There haVe been times when either, /lack of space or lack of time in the , "work" department of The Plaint dejrier to set up our reports have oau#pd a shrinkage in sports news. Good, "valid excuses, but they don't satisfyv the sports fans. They want a complete sports page"TV . and no foolin'! 8-5 VICTORY AT WOODSTOCK ' | M&rphy and Stilling Hit Homers as Bojs " Swing for Distance y ri _ PltAet* D» Hll! The tightt was a ftaB >th side, but pald off for the Irocks. Dean SMcCracken hit safely Eto center and scored ahead of Mtsr- hy when Hugh sent a tremendous omer into the right field weeds. Murphy issued three walks in the eighth but put his strikeout Ml to work on Michaelis to end the inning ahd leave three base runners stranded. Jim Larkin made the game look safer toy leading off the ninth with a three-bagger. A widfe pitch that bounced oft Johnson's glove let Jim cross the home plate with the final run of the game. ; . / \ Score McHenry "... Woodstock KALKR - Two-base Meyers, Harry BVeund. Thwt base hits--Sauceda, Smith. Honse na»^-W. Smith, Sauceda. Struck OOt by--Stettner. 2; Johnson, l; Trume, 1; B. Miller, 3. Bases on balls off--"Stettner, 2; Miller, 2. ~ fl/f Vk 4 * >'w . * • A T *•.' •JTT by Inningji .. 100 211 .001 400 02i--a v. ^ II »M i Local Tennis Team Loses Hatch to Rockford Players® A combined McHenry - Crystal Lake tennis team traveled to Rockford last Sunday to meet the top men players <rf that city's Fellowship league, one of the two tennis' clubs in Rockford; Seven matches, five singles and two doubles, were played. While all matches were close, the opponents- strong aggregarirm Fires It is estimated tiiat rural Htm destroy four farm buildings an hour and kill about 3,0ft.' people a year. ^~ . v 1' .2 I J 1 ^I floapital P-.tttoais • J an lZvpcr cent of this country's population -- 16,250,000 persons -- spent son-, ? time as patients in hospitals during the past year. * 000--5 tion proved superior on their home courts to .emerge with five winners. , The only focal victors were the first Home runs--Stilling, Murphy. Struck i and fjfth single players, out by--Murphy, 8; Boxleitner, 3- The McHenrv - Crvsta Two-ibase hits--Tom Bolgt?r. Jim Larkin. Three-base hits--Jim Larkin. McHenrv was well represented at . the Webdstock game last Sunday and ,v .. Vsaw the Shamrocks wade through to J", an 8 to 5 win. Sacrifice hits-- Miller, 2. E^ses on balls off--Murphy. ,(1; Boxleitner, 2. HEBRON WINS 6 TO 1 FFOM ALGONQUIN TO HOLD LEAGUE LEAD i r ^ While Murphy wa*n't a* sharp as he haF been in other games, he had " what it takes in, the pinches. Gene j .Wagner, who was Murphy's battery ' mate during the past high Bchooi * / -'season, teamed up nicely and contributed two important base hits. ;i:|i The ipfielders rfler plenty of gave mg for thrdWS at ftrst base, but ha** the boy who can stretch. "Sonny' stretching* fc There was joy in the Shamrock ranks along -toward evening last Sunday. The boys had just taken the measure of the Woodstock nine, 8 to 5. * V The game was played at Wood- ?t<ock ad part of a big celebration opening the new city park. Murphy and Boxleitner were the opposing pitchers and both had their Hebron held their first place spot anxious moments. The big difference in the county league by defeating being that Murphy held the Liters Algonquin 6 to 2 last Sunday in the to singles while both he and his only league game scheduled. i mates were going for distance Separate stories tell of McHenryagainst Boxjcitner. ; beating Woodstock and Johasburg You know the results.* Now, let's; out-slugging the Elgin Ludwigs. 1 start from the beginning and see* Don Blanken shut out Hamnshire i how the final outcome came fikout, hi? Dundee mate had a field day! Dirk Conway dNt a past to open with 17 runs against the Hampshire j the game, "flatm** llilto laid down Merchants. (Dreymiller's old home a sacrifice bunt. Whfctt catcher John-:town.) ^ , son's throw bounced away from The Marines of Great Lakes landed j Schneidewind at ftrst base, the run- at Richmond but failed to get the ners advanced tp second and third.situation in hand. RichqMMtd Coniray scored a moment later when 14 to 6. Jhn The, McHenry - Crystal Lake team took the first five positions on the team as follows: Jack Colby, Adele sFroehlich, Walter Herrick, LaVerne Colby and Bruce Klontz. Order your rubber acuups at the Plaindealer. - • ' • f¥« Rdad the Want Adfe-- Complete line of Lee's remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mfc* Henry. : 43-tf-b» Read the Want Adi u> U JBASBBALL.^j ' Sunday, J«*e McHenry at Crystal Life Huntley at Johnsburg. . gritty, Jaty i Eltin A. vs McHenry at 2:90. The outfielders w both teams had •lots of leg work. Woodstock has a . , - ,. , . . fast outfield and those balls were' A** Larkin sent a long fly to center. tollin' a mile last Sunday . . . fast ( fie}i, , _ . „ _, . ..T track „ • Bill Funk led off for Woodstock in J . * • ' ithe llrit and placed a single into left) Jim Larkin hit the ball fcAfd. One;field. The Shamrock infield missed bk>w went smack into the third on two chances for douWe plays, sackerfc glove or it would be rollin' but flnaUy got the side out without •to next Stand.* "'w^Sitock ti. ft. «ore In th. the "Micks" have been away from th"* whf" heme three weeks a-runnm». They Miller palled his foot off the bag in J were all set to plav Crystal Lake reaching for a wide throw^ MilWr here next Sunday, but a last-minute ^sown caw ^"pument report tells us that we will travel to ^ Caching for the runner as Crystal Lake. > / Crystal Lake is sponsoring some sort of a big picnic and wants to make the celebration complete with a good ball game. Hebron McHenry Johnsburg ..... Algonquin ... Richmond Dundee Huntley Crystal Lake STANDINGS Wair -- 5 •».# t :::::::: r$. -- SOFTBALL -- ^ Lost . 1 2 2 2 2 I 6 No Chimes Scheduled for Tonight! , ** TRAPSHOOT -- Tharedsy, Jvte M / % McHenry Sportsmen's Club, Cham Grounds, at 6:00 p. m. Round FRIDAY, -'•> 8:30 yffl: '.v Rudy Kaf -: /vs. . ' - Jack Conlcy Lake Arena JUNE 27 P.M/'-- Morris Shapiro ^ vs. 1 While the Lakers haven't fared too well, they expect to have new pitching strength next Sunday. A /fellow named Larson, with minor ' league experience, will serve 'em up. I He's the same fellow the Shamrocks I beat 1 to 0 last year. he crossed the base. The base runners advanced while sin argument got under way, but eventually eve^body went back to work. StiUHig Shows Speed Farrv Stilling gave the crowd a thrill with his homer over Punk's head in the fourth. Funk made a food recovery and the relay came in fast but Ham' showed some real leg work. Tom Bolger followed with JOHNSBURG POUNDS - OUT 11 - 7 WIN OVER i ELGIN LUDWIG NINE . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin and daughter, Rita,* were visitors in the Glen Robison home in Woodstock on Sunday. Berwyn and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Zalek and son, Edward, of Chicago spent Sunday in the Albert Vales home j 'j The home boys expect to play be- V^/fbre a big crowd next Sunday and hope to put across more than one run against Larson this time. Having an open date from the league schedule last Sunday, the ^uuu Johnsburg baseball team played host th® Ludwig n»ne of Mr and Mrs prank Kempfer, Sr., Elgin. The game turned into a free- ; have as their guests this week Mr. scoring battle with Johnsburg com- and Mrs Fred Simon and daughters, ® n?.0?^®?. top' 11 to 7. ^ 'Kathleen and Barbara, of Chicago douible to left and Gene Wagner sent Bud Miller was *gain P him in with a screeching drive^along ™ound senrice and showed the left field line. '! Plenty of life left in that; Complete line of Lee's poultry While Murphy's "itching wasn't ^ 1 remedies at Watties Drug St^e.^Mc- ' gack ICalkov ^ ^; Australian Tag Taam Mmtrh Ned Taylor ft Johnny Silvi __ • *<. • Pet« Bartnft Joe Don^tti SAVE MONEY PREVENT TROUBLE i LET US BADLY WORN <i ^ BROKEN EXCRAN&E PARTS GlrmjlNE^^lEVTROLE'f EXCHANGE PARTS . . ^ Tj> get peak performance from you/ car, trade in those exchange parts which are not operating efficiently and replace with factorywarranted exchange parts. We make liberal allpwances on the old parts or assemblies. You'll • save money, ai\d enjoy more miles of trouble-free driving. ' ^ r : . S«e us for a' complete eheck<ii|)t* * s^jS*-c vp wtVvj CLARK CHEVROLET SACES McHenry, 111. -- Phone 277 Connecting EngineBlOek j ^4 /' - Brake ^Shees 'V-*. • .fl. 'Wr: . ¥ & m pressed into f that there' left in that < Mr. and Mrs. John Bartusek of air-tight variety, he showed , .Howie (Freund continued his three- Henry. The newly Sportsmen's Club .shoot for members and guests at their club grounds this (Thursday) evening at 6 Lots of interest of the £Sv,;;\hTfoS ;i^wsrss: r',Sauct,<i8,k wffo »n»bwly. He fanned the first -clouters of the aW last batter of the inning, buf j ----- . " plenty happened in fcetween.. Box- ' _ Score by Innings r^vinus occasions what hanpened hits-Per-game pace. Wally Smith | v in the fourth shouldn't hap- 6Jay K distance! in this club, the crowd. p. m. Better / get out and join I the; organized- McHenry P'^ hTs P harply to right after one Elgin Ludwigs ....320 001 001- 7 t, will hold a twilight !{™£r r ^LS out y Funk hit to Mur- Johnsburg .. ..........200 040 41x--11 rhy who threw to second. Conway: dropped the +hrow and both runners i wer* safe. Kuppe's short hit to left loaded the bases. Michaelis then p»nt a hot sinr-le to ris'ht that w^nt through Jerry Larkin. The ball rolled • r»nd rolled . . . and four tui1<* scored. That put quite a cloud over Mc- : Henry's hopes. Woodstock ;to s. Conwav led off witb another walk , in the fifth and raced across the ( •nlate with McHenry's fourth run on | Jim Larkin's two-base blow to left. > Gene Wagner got his second hit in the sixth--a single to right. He stole second and came home with the tvinflr run on Conwiy s nit to nfcnt. . Use Let ef Water Each member of the farrrt family averages using 35 gallons of water dav for kitchen, bathroom, laun- SPEEDY* MICK MILLER S MCHENRY GARAGE OOPS! SOPPY, MOM- > t WAS DPEAMJN6 I HAD AUfOMOaUE TROUBLE AND HAD TO GET _ OOT AHD 6ET UNDEQ". WEU, THE NEXT TIME >©U DREAM THAXOQCAM MOO CALLED BCCAUSC THEIR FAST REPAIR SERVICm WILL TO AMt •-'J /7/NATIONAL Hardly seems possible that American Legion's big Fourth of July carnival is just around the weekend. Looks like a gay old time in McHenry. The McHenry Post has a reputa- • - tion of doing things up right and this year will be no exception. Good, live committees are on the job. Everybody takes some part in helping the Legion. The records show that the Legion has taken a big part in helping McHenry. It takes a lot of wwk . a carnival of this slae. Bat, ers always have a lot of fan oat ef / their work. Then, there is the matter of that new Buick. Shall we keep it or sell it? Oar hoase is divided. Haw's yours? Don't know when b* Jim Downs MOVING OF THIS BEAUTIFUL , APARTMENT? WHAT'S COME OVE YOUf FAMILV OF Are your brakes as old as your car? You're looking for trouble, if they are not in good condition. For safety's sake, keep those young. Come in today and let our men reline those brakes if they need it. You'll then get quick, quiet and smooth stopping. DOWNS NASH SALES & SERVICE 405 ELM ST PHONE 484 MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Nickels Hdwe. /Home of Standard Brand Phone 2 McHenry JUST FQR FUN ROLLER McHenry, TU. 1 •v /jr FLAVORS FOR JUNE BRAL STRAWBERMF VANILLA fOASTHD HAZELNUT LACK BA8PBBRBY BOYALB HHNZ SPECIAI. BRICK EACH WEEK-END. CftCAM OP Tomato Sotp BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 3 ll-OZ. PHONE 40 McHENBY RED ROYAL NO. 2 3ANS HAZEL Salad Dressing 16-OL 27c OlIR BREAKFAST COFFEE SI 00 Built widi 22% noes H»- Dedsity cord! in a new type of body construction, these bigger, huskier new tires are the safest, longest wearing tires in Hood'e EVERIEST STRAWBERRY PRESEMES WIDKR. PLATTIR TRIAD Mote tabber oa the toad to thaie dte load tread wear -- let* tcnffiai -- aaximum traction. NEW HI-DENSITY CORD Has greater teatile Kreosth tha* ftyer before. Road shocks and hruises are cushioned. New extra kKavy, doub'c breaker strip givei additional protectioo against Wi'--• HORMEL'S SPAM FREUNUPIL 12-OZ. 35c CAN PHONE McHENBY, NEW LOWER PRICES OFFER ilO SAVINGS i "x ^ tying Conway Quality SpeOs Success In All Lines Of £ndeavor QUALITY i* * -word «o commonly used that sometimes we fail tb realize the true significance of it. Did you ever stop to think that quality ig the secret behind the success of not only the great people -who have; helpPd^iW/np tlhis country j but also of the great stores! which . mak" fiR : metropolisos?' • McHenry h just a thriving little city, but her people are modern and progressive citizens who are willing to pay a. reasonable price in return for quality. Ours is just one smaKT?t?>re in thif little city, but we have' made it a point to give local folk's what they want in quality by carrying all standard' brands. NSQMtK *JCXL 43e NC«. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE * 45* •u. i»wT • , * •4 >Of • u£ i «: KizobOil 69« QUART •onu ^berteaias St $ I Of v.. I •*> ~*l ti »;-'i> •"#' • e PER SOX $S;M U. CLASS GROWN--FINEST OUALITY HOT HOUSi TOMATOES CRIST-- «*SH ICEKRO ^ A HEAD LETTUCE . . * . ^ PASCAL CELERY CALIFORNIA--IUY FOR CANNING APRICOTS . CALIFORNIA--2?0 SIZE AND LARGER • _ VALENCIA ORANG& 5 GHC£N--FRCSH „ ~ 1 NEW CABBAGE . v . . « VINE RIPe CANTALOUPES WHOLE OR CUTS WATERMELON H0& SIX. LI. L». YOUR •16 SWEETS PEAS MUSSELMAM*S APPLE SAUCE NO. 1 CAN EVERY NIGHT •xcept Mon. and Thura. Doors open 8 p.m! Adm. 60c, inc. tax ^ < " Dorothy Weber at the Organ fitM Past Nwier 23c lax Flakes. . .. 33c Lax Saap......... 3£&27c Ufebaay Saap 3S&27C Rlasa ............ .. „J&tU Svaa Saap...;., ...jaiic Swaa Saap ...Jttllc Wary Seap Ivery Seap ....... Jssnc Ivery Saew 1m«:33C Ivery Flakes... ^33c Camay 3 SISs 27c Law* SMf.... 3 S&17C Lava Saap. 2 iSa 2Sc UMr.ha. Rakn ^ SU ... 0*Hal 0w«t . pm- SIc Aamr. FiaHy SMp.M 10€ Spit aM Spaa... 41C n»3U ^31c 6b^rilaa»tScaioV^22c SPRY...iSf«* SPRY...J<&'*IIS NATIONAL FOOD STORES . ,j?'-3ll il

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