Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Aug 1947, p. 2

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Hull>»11 n f l»I i tliiH* By VUMN Sells _ nd Mfavori sfop %nw %|i, mop 4Wr trows and pnitinr ly My, "hut it hot?" This is that nice, midsammer weather we all - wanted so Ion{in|ly. This is the weather thato makes the corn grow and they say, if yon are just quiet at night, you can almost hear it *frow. Well, I wtts awake, bat several thousand other noises kept interfering with the sound of the corn. ) heard some frogs in the distance, and the buss of night insects, and small bumps as various bugs struck the house in their haste to somewhere. Then there were little creaks about the house, a board settling and various other strange snaps and groans as the building settled itself to rest after its hard day in * sound frqm the Also I heawi odog in the distance crying for the moon, which really it madeof how it sonnds. Dr. am) Mrs. E. C. Mortal of Wick- 1 line Bay are grandpartffcts to a little ! hoy, bom in Chicago. M, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moors. The baby was almost afcirthday preaent for Dr. Morln, missing it only ten hours doctor celebrated his natal •MM the ihr • two other child Kathy, 5. day on July SO. The Moores have "Iron, Barbara, 11, and Virginia Caley of Washington is visiting her sister, Mrs. Basel Ven- Bampos, in the Shore Hills subdivision. On Friday of last week, Mrs. VonBampus, Miss Caley and Ruth Kolar. also of Shore Mills, attended the International Seminar, now in session at Todd School. Mike lg-ratula Druml, who celebrated twentyv.- • if:'.-. v • Helen Weber Says: - „ v, ^ A. •» . „ ^ LIKfeTO OR «1W WSTeWMV but .when old ones keep doming back year after year _l_Jre swell with pride. This is Our way of knowing that 4 tmr service is "tops' y and your assurance of expert workmanship. Let us handla your dry cleaning needs •lug . . . We'd like to add your name to our Ibng list of satisfied costomers.^ McHENRY CLEANERS 103 ELM ST., XcHENRY, ILL. Phone 104-M Helen Wefter, Mgr. * / w:. Q DANCE SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 Sponsored by • ^ DICK HSUSEE'S ORCHESTRA Admission Wo * .JIN . .0 •r^' 'it *"• • $LUB ULYMOO& on xt. 120 ,v " • i n f r i.i • v' i •f"l I I ISteiiiK The, girlt'and this was their ftrst a far 1948 NiUi rtm vm •» STiSr a pwt of - memoratton of the occasion. Lou, their yoongest djw edm from young BUI beautiful solitaire. No plans haVo been made, as yet. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Foeakr of Deep Spring Woods returned wit week from a three woek motoring trip through the northwest and the west coast. A visitor in tho home of Mr,' and Mrs. Charles Pikh is Mrs. Howes of Chicago; daughter of Mri. PUeh. Mr. and Mia. Pileh just retuTMd last week from a Canada. ton day trip into At a mooting of the Wondfer Laka Business Men s association to the Repan home last week, Frank B. Deuster, executive secretary of tho Woodstock Chamber of Commerce, discussed "Working Together for a Better Community." Harold Beth, pag| president of tho Woodstock Ch^ntoer of Commerce, accompanied Mr. Deuster to Wonder Lake, victor Milbrandt, president of the local businessmen'? association, presented Mr." Duester to the group. „»ita in tho Item of * shortcake and coffee were ,• Mrs. Howorka and her aa well as » higshowoi caka UMplik with stork aadMritet In (bo gales which followed the fir* yriao was won by Omm rfcr* * hor mother, Mia. Francsa »•«•»•» Alto present at the shower was Mia. Cora Murdoch, orospedJte --» . mndmother of the «• tot. Both tho Pierson _the Murdock family have uaammer reaidents of Deep Jfoods, Country Club adfciviskMv Mth the young Murdecks * ' the Pierson home permanen" The McHenry Choral club met at the Monteleone home on Monday evening for a wiener foast and for an evening of singing,, Mrs. Lily H. Mosher of Apopka. Florida, is visiting in the home of hor daughter, Mrs. Lillian Karr, where iko will &V*y for several weeks. This is the first visit Mrs. Mosher has made in Illinois for many years. I'll bet that she won't* oven like Florida after seeing Wander Lake--summers, that is! Visiting in the home of her parents, the A. J. Millers of Wonder Center, is Miss Marie of Nevada, Iowa..Miss Miller plans to spend two .weeks; here. , Mrs. Hlermrna Ahran, late of Germany, now of Chicago, is a housaffuest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Justus Kellney of Indian Ridge'. Known as "Tante", Mrs. Kellner and her son went to school in Germany together. . the Goapal Center not fiunday, August 1ft > The paator wiO speak at the mornfeijr worship service at 11 o-dodt on uio anhfaot: "The Groat sat Eaorgy in the World." Vocal solo by Mrs. Berntee Skooglund of Chieago. fa tho ovontag tM p«m ia dially invited to our seoond air goml sorvieo on tho lawn, men tojfk: in Worid." Special music by the Buntmerdale, Chicago Male Quartet and other talents. A free will offering wiU be received for the bailding fond. ' 3s? Tlhe King MiOakrn idays; 9 and 11. Our deerpest sympathy to Lloyd Benwell, who has been ill at his | home, EJdgewood. He spent a fewj days last week, under observation,! in the Woodstock hospital. Still un-| der the weather, Mr. Benwell may >go to Rochester, Minn., for further! medical observation. Congratulations to small ILeanna Sellek, who celebrated her very first birthday on July SI. A new permanent resident of Deep Spring Woods, Country Club subdivision, is Mrs. Helen Cecich, late of Chicago. ! The official breaking of ground for the new additions to Harrison school will start on Wednesday of this week. The contract, taken by the Tonyan Construction Co., is scheduled to be completed by the time school starts. The new additions will be of permanent construction and are designed to become a wellrounded part of the original building. Sorrv to hear that Harvey Biggera is getting^ . around painfully on crutches, after having crushed his foot a week or so ago. It will be some time before he will be able to resume his work. Mrs. Rose Murphy was pleasantly surprised last week when her coworkers of the Woodstock Typewriter Co. held a nice party in her honor at the Shore Hills beach. A very funny story connected with housing has just come my way. It happened a couple of weeks back when in Wonder Lake for himself and another officer, and their wives. Hearing of a -nice cottage that might be available they asked one of the Widen boys about the vacancy and he said that he thought he could take them through the cottage and would get in touch with the owner later if it proved satisfactory. Touring through the cottage, the ftavy officers thought it was ideal. Attractive, a good view, plenty of room and the price quoted not too steep. Even canoes pulled into the yard seemed just the final perfect touch for a dream house and a case of Coke irf the kitchen seemed to invito company in. Deciding to take the cottage, they telephoned the owner who came out' and turned over the keys and then] took them to the cottage--well beyond the dream ho^K they thought they were rentirtg. Now what they all wonder Is, whose beds did they punch and whose kitchen did they inspect on that original tour? No one seems to know, but they tell me it was a darling of a house! to aM femtea. . . . Vhnaers will gtvo toMiasta and «*"« tho TOST ana HUMS <- of thp Mar^iaB mnntnart Of~n fftw typw dt goods fci reported pi against qp oas partly. . . . Jast how iooc channels eaalw t , y wen-lnfonned permKs bel&ve tba camM Is being awproadisd. . . . It Is petoted out that "we cant oontribute M par ctnt of our national Income to the support or go»- gnments at hoaaa. and from 5 to is pto oent of oar ptMnettaa tor tho support of governments abroad without aomaone paying tfca MO." A dofot of assurance and Mcurlty Is fajdrind to Carman ttnwglif December, 1MB. by support legltfation.... But It Is noted that priMa of supported commodities would have to drop on an average of aboot 30 per cent below current levels before the program would be fully operative. . :. However, even tf farm prices should fall to the level where ftipports were necessary In the 1947-48 season, It Is estimated ^ that cash farm income would still be nearly as high as in 194S and*> 1944, when it was about 30 billion dollars. ... In 1946 ffjjy Christ Masses: ^un Confessions: Saturdays; 7 to 8 p.m. Firat Wedding On Monday evening at 45:30 o'clock, marriage vows were promised be' tween Ben Tonyan of Johnsbarg and Lillian Elizabeth do Bary of Wonder Lake in the basement of the mission church. This was the first marriage to take place in the new mission. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Simpson of Deep Spring Woods subdivision witnessed this simplf wedding ceremony, while the 'Rev. James A. Vanderpool of St. Patrick's church, McHenry, officiated. Benefit Party This coming Saturday evening, August 9, members of Christ the King Mission of Wonder Lake arei ,, . - - ,i.i„i,!n» hi. sponsoring a benefit party at St.! available at the door. Come and1 «1«hin« his troat with Mary's-St. Patrick's school nooir 3& billion and It probably will be greater la . THIS COLUMN 18 SPONSORED BY V . ? ? MCHENRY GO. FARMERS CO-OP, ASSK ^HONE 29 for all of this, members are very grateful. ' ^ % * j > 52S Waakegan Bd. COMMITS SUICIDE Theodore Nelson, 53, of Tickets for the party will be committed vukide last iweek ng , . i • „ ... . . , p..; razor blade while he was hall fori bring your friends to our benefit j from a minor illness in Garisr the new mission church. Everybody j party. We assure everybody of -- ~ has been working hard to make this! a affair a success, especially in view of the fact that the total proceeds are for the building fund. This party will consist of games and dancing, with refreshments and various hospital in Aurora. Nelson admitted to the hospital the pravi Saturday for medical treatment i L, - AIB f possible surgery hut his condB ALK AITUW was not regarded as serious. He got The nation's foremost aerial acro-{ out of bed Wednesday, Ma bats will perform hi the skies over nurse that he wanted telling " , •. , , - -- v»w wiu |icnviia oi uic sues vicr nunc uwii uc nonuvu to WSNL concessions being conducted by the. Elgin on Sunday afternoon, August When she returned to his room an Catholics of Wonder Lake. io, at 2 p. m., it was announced hour later, she found him dead a» Music for the dance from 8 to'by the Elgin Civil Air Patrol group, the floor, his throat severely eot-tgl 12 o clock will be furnished by i The air show will be presented at the razor blade. Death was don to Vince Adams of Wonder Lake and! Elgin airport located on Route 31, loss of blood. his" original Bronco Busters, £ five- a mile and a half north of Elgin. 1,1 piece hill-billy band, very popular; The show will feature stunt flying '...r.-.. in this vicinity. The music is being parachute jumping and aerial clown-j vtwr your rBboor nuopr as w donated by these local musicians, and insr. Plaindealar. iDoris Becker, niece of Mr. and Mrs. John Viola, was married on Sunday in Chicago to (Bernard "Bud" Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs., Ben Davis. ' .« A big gala evening is being planned for Saturday, August 28, ahd all cfky Sunday, August 24, at the North Beach in Indian Ridge, when the Indian Ridge Improvement association holds its annual picnic. A full program has been planned with motor boat races, swimming events, games for children of all ages and < the adults, hot refreshments and possibly dancing. The executive tanimittee members in charge of the picnic are, Anthopy Audino, chairman; Lyle Stensrud, Frank Corrado, O. Henneberg, Mr. Wissert, Joseph Riegel and D. Foldman. The Rod. and Gun Auxiliary ipet at Horn's, on Friday evening with twenty-six members present. The date for their ice cream social has been changed to August 16 on Saturday and will 'be held in Wonder Center next to Silk's new marine store. The 4-H girls will assist in serving ' at the social. There are plans to have either pie and ice cream or cake and ice cream. The public, is cordially invited to attend. • m • 4«H Newa •./'* At the county 4-H sh'ow held in Woodstock last Saturday, the girls of tl\e Busy. IQbmble. Bess club of Wonder Lake again came home with a nice fine majority of blue ribbons.- and reds for the dresses they had made. First prizes were awarded to Esther Martin. Joanne Resheske< Peggy Selsdorf, Barbara Sellek and Jean Hay. Seconds were brought home by Geraldine Cormier. Sharon Grace Sells and Joan Dornbush. E«ther Martin was chosen as one of the county representatives to at- SPEEDY" by NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE , «AY. MWt»R- MOM MUCH FAPTHBQ ^ iirrr TO TH- NOKT "TOWN* no «MUC MP CABBtr A OAOOUM6 CAN P RXS MH.B* coow FLICS IIM%? mmumm fwmmm i ANO HIS CiAfcOUN* AMP At.U HW OTHfcR ttADagm CHtCKID AND PUTT IM WW 608 FRONT STREET ROUTE 31 You'd be SURPRISED! Sixteen friends and neighbors of Alice Pierson Murdock gathered on Friday opening at the Herbert Howorka home to iionor young Mrs. Murdock with a stork snowor. Almost everything necessary for the now baby was among tho gifts. Outstanding was the adjustable highchair in maple and the crib with long skirts of pink and white. The little crib, painted and skirted by Mrs, Murdoch's mother, Mrs. Frances Pierson, is a family* heirloom and 3J HOMES FOR SALE , WONDER LAKE - Wcfl lmilt modeorn 5 room-home, full basement had garage, oil and air conditioner fnrnace, automatic hot water heater, fall screens and storm windows, completely fnnislued, ready to pSove into. Lot 100'xl25' atipnt 300' from lake front. This home is a at the price asked. PISTAKEE BAY Sportnnan's Paradise, 6 room house, 2 porches, electric, electric pump and water system. Completely furnished. Lot 100'x400' on Co6n Ldand. Priced right for quick sale. Have large listing of other* choice homes and lota at Wonder Lake and McCullom Lake. THE FARM OF YOUR DREAMS 20 acres and independence -- 7 room house and bath, L shaped screen porch, furnace heat and hot water heater, 1 car garage, barn with loft, brick silo, bogfoouse, machine shed, corn crib, pump house with deep well water system to house and poultry houses, tool shed, 2 poultry houses 16'x75' each with poultry equipment and range house. Horse drawn farm equipment included. Located black top road near Men emy. •» twenty babies have already slept in It. the second bdhy being Mrs. M"ddock herself. The Murdock baby will tike NlW I I H I I I I I i m H O I I I I H I I ;, •* ! | Spire Ascending To Know What Hint $ca\*, €ouoilm and "Rod" Walor aro Costing You I . 4b SOOI* ; O Controb Corrosioii O daois Rusty "tod" W0Kf >^ Symbolic of the very soul as it aspires heavenward. The spiritual value of our funeral service encompasses consideration and courtesy as we carry out your wishes. i • < » :: Jacob Justen Sons j • : FUNERAL DIRECTORS - Funeral Home Phone McHenry 1M-R Green, Cor. Elm, McHenry < • ! ' « Vol Mod no fencer toletat* . dotted *P crib and pipe .. corroeive decay of your wutt Uak pipa «a4 ixttticoV. .u^y, discolored water. _ M the right it *he efficient, inexpensive Microaiet feeder dtit «e<quires filling only once m month ) > us for informstton on this remark/Alt new scitntiJU m*$M •/ %*ur corrtction, that costs only mjtw ctnis « day I Descriptive folder mOled on -re«Biopt.rr.. • -- DEALERS WANTED -- " * " * WE SUPPLY PLUMBERS AND DISTRIBUTORS AT USUAL DISCOUNTS FEEDER >16.60 M1CROMET THE LA. UP TO seeo GALS, OF WATER PER MONTH CONDITIONED WITS % LB. MICROMLFC ' ' * FRED F. PRELL CO. ^ WATER CONSULTANTS , CHICAGO OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE -- 400 W. Kinxie St. -- All Phenee Delaware 5994 BRANCH OFFICE -- Big Hollow RiL, Lake «f the Hollow, Rt. l. Ingfeeide, HL, Fox Lake 52SI W IM\ IIP P!! 11" V li'IIBCu ET R ic ha rd J r MY MOMMY ALWAYS BUYS ALL OUR BAKERY GOODS AT II THLIIST TISL SA PICTURE, OP A nor. WKU >*cu I^AW UTTIUWB F TSOMVA WLLH ? WOKF?0 3 THIS A MAMMA. ME, WUKN T WAS SMALLER. PICTUCHI Riverside Bake Shop ffeintit-wurself for only $3.45 T. P. MATHEWS Ck'UAPD !Ar.FD i" ik'f.- ^ V ;-vv-vh:?. • • V

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