Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Aug 1947, p. 8

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(Obetiewd Tram Front Page) . Thonptoii, third; Mrs. C. J Dakar, honorable mention. IfamiM, High Container* ^Cr«. €«r in# Tr«fck Owntn ChrysUr ^Corporation MSPar Packaged Parts fir DODGE PLYMOUTH k DODGE /^TRUCKS IU III Mltl HIIMI roi ksflVIN MtVICI tnlAIMI HI Ml MCMII ' * x . : Waler Knp PoAogi - *"• ftston Ring Service fadta|M " Kydraific Brake Skviw grain tMng Sib mm MANff MM MCMMI AM MM. VWIM Mill AH At** AVAItAMI A. S. Blake Icier Sales Phone 1M t91 EL Pearl St, McHearjr W. GMM, lint Md netad; Mrs. LilliaivCOx, third. Zinnias, Low Osntiiners: Mrs. Nattie Fleming, first, second and third. Zinnias, Lilliput: Mrs. Zion Baker, first; Mrs. C. W. Goodcli, second; Mrs. William Pries, third; Mrs. Robert A. Thompson, honorable mention. Dahlias: Mrs. C. H. Dakar, first. Gladioli: Mrs. William Pries, first; Mrs. Robert Thompson, second Mrs. Zion Baker, third. In addition to the above ratings of flowers, fruits and vegetables, special tables and buffet settings were in evidence along two sides of the room to add greatly to the lovely appearance of the hall Ratings weae as folows: Table HiMhi Breakfast: Mrs; Herb Reihansperjfer first; Mrs. Robert "Thompson, second. Luncheon: Mrs. George H. Johnson, W. P. BROOKS ft SON Painting and Papering 1 AH Material At Cost TeL 1SI-R lit Washington St. McHenry, Illinois McHENRT FLORAL C& >V . Phone 494 • |r|; Otoe MO* Son tli of McHenry mi Rente tl flowers for all occasions! first; Mrs. Floyd Mrs. C. W. GooddL A. J. Wirts, hoeorsM* Miscellaneous: Mrs. Hugh third. Cocktails For Two: Mrs. Fred and Mrs. Robert Newkirk, Buffet: Mrs. Elisabeth Martin, first and special rating: Mrs. Robert Thompson, second; Mrs^ JG.«nW, Klonts, third. NOTICE I wish to announce publicly to friends and patrons, that contrary to rumors, I do not intend to give np my business or move from my kh cation on Green street at any time in the near future. IS ELIZABETH PFCH. PLAINDEALER DEADLINES Plaindealer deadlines for news and advertising are as follows: Display Ads: Tuesday Noon. Classified Ads: Wednesday at 10 a. m. News: Tuesday it 5 p.m. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mo- Henry. 8-tf A. P. FREUND SONS Ezcavattag Contractor Tracking, Hydranlic and Cnne Service --ROAD BUILDING-- TeL SB4-M McHenry, 01 FRANK E. WEILER PAINTING AND DB00RATIN6 Phone McHenry S9S-W-2 Painting, Paperhanging, Sprayiag ChssrfaBy Farnishsd t'C B&r -• - TEMPTATION" By Jo Staffed. DO DO DO LUS TO*•-- Bbg Creaby. 1SMOKE, SMOKE, SMOKW Tear Williams. " ^TALLAHASSEE" / Johnny Mercer. . ASTURE Jerry Colona. WALTER WINCHELL RHUMBA" Nora Morales. 4DMETHING NEW Of ALBUMS Jack Benny Eddie Castor Amos *n Andy j "Archie" of Daffy's Tavern Fiber McGee and Molly w > George Barns and Gracie Alieft •Igar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Complete Supply of Needles fi 19c to 919 -^knptj is and Other Sappttss Record JOHN F. BRDA ft SON Sheet Metal and Fnrnace Work Jltl N. Green St* McHenry, HL ftese 245-R Pheaie" McHenry 584-R-2 -- Basement Excavating -- NETTS SAND ft GRAVEL Bpscial Ratea on Rood Gravel and Lot Fffltag . . Black Dirt .. Power Leveling and Grading. J. El' NETT P. O.--McHsniy WELDING and CoMtraetk* Portable E^nipmsnt H. E. YANCE--McHenry 51-J tN Sonth Grsen St, McHenry, IIL WILSON'S RADIO SHOP - Records -- Appliances Repairs on All Makes Home ft Auto Radios 206 E. Elm St. McHenry, 111 Phono 469 Telephone No. 999 STOFFEL ft REIHANSPBRGBB agents for sll clssses of best companies. West McHenry, Illinois Insurance property in the >*.* PUBLIC HEARING HEREBY GIVEN by <rf Education of School 166 in the counjy of < * )Nldget and appropriation » #«r said School District yesr beginning July be on file and convenito public inspection |he Secretory from -and .m.. 15th day of 607 West Mainjfedrink district. further given hereby hearing on said budc oviea «me steci l|sr 0 m O'clock a. August. 1947, st t treet in tUl school got and appropriation ordinance will be held -at 8:00 o'clpck p.m., 26th day, August' 1947, at School* Board office in this school District No. 166. Dfcted this 4th day of August, 1047. Board of Education of School District No. 186 in tne County of Mc- 1$ Secretary. . lor Th6 Plaindealer HOUSEHOLD AUCTION JOHN E. IGOE, Auctioneer ART JACKSON Hauling Sand -- Black Dirt -- Cinders m (Trashed Gravel --- Limestone 3 Track for Hire .• Phone 685-W-2 ' McHenry, Illinois Telephone v All BraadMS Crystal Lake 1119 Of Sower Work McHENRT COu SEWER SERVICE Blocked Sewers Opened Withont Digging By Electric Motor-Molo and Cotter Crystal Lake, nHnoto L. Nelson Bn 199 --WUJH BUHHWB General Contractors gisllmllil Iadwtrial Financing Btaeprinta Woodstock 994 Washington St. U ~ 599-W Plow -WAHfMb #6 bUt- Wo pay 99 to 92S for Old Horses, less for down horses sns i MATT8 MINK lififCH CALL AT IOI Wo H944 ON DEAD HOGS. ^ CATTLE RETOOTH AND SHARPEN SAWS AND LAWN MOWERS By Machine Also Creating and Repairing 0Ha WILLIAM BUCHERT 691 Front St. McHenry ROTHERMEL ELBCTR1C 8HOP Electrical Contractors Radio Repairs Let us estimate that nest •lstUitBl Job of yonrs. LEO G. ROTHERMEL, Prop. . Phone McHenry 272-M 804 Riverside Drive wxfnmmn Fairbanks Morse Ziector and Pump typea. AH sisea. Complete snd Easy install. Samp pnmps. Tske old pomps in trade. ENGSTROM SALES AND SERVICE TeL McHenry 552-W-l (900 ft. from Neirs Ballroom) HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid fo» Dead and Crippled Horses, Csttlo snd Hogs -- Sanitary Power Loading -- Tankage and Moat Scraps Cor sale. Phones Arlington Hefghta 116 or McHenry 669-J-2. Reverse Charges. Pajatine Esndering' Sei »fco. McMAHON REFRIGERATIOW SALES AND SERVICE McHenry 41»x or Wosiis^ Lake 999 919 Main St, McHenry. of the • result of scientist ate clafcno to color plants. By gmtaf drink of vegeteMo djro s are about to die of turn them slmoot wants. It tains only a ftw minutes to turn a-pure-white daisy into a light-blue one and only a ttttlt longer to change it to navy Other colors take longef. To changt a daisy from white to yellowr take# about 24 hours. Order yoqr rnooer at vi Plaindealer. NAGY'S RESTAURANT Riverside Drive licHEItttYr ILLUTotf I" o o • o o • • • • • • » « o o a OPEN DAILY a.m. to 9 p.m. Week 11 &.m. to Midnight fetnrdays and Sundays (Closed Thuradayg) mmmm® Featuring Gennine Sonthem Hickory Smoked Barbecue Kitai 4 5' Ohjtokea-In-The Basket Tasty Hungarian Dishife 'I •RECN ST McHENRY, ILL. Because my employment takes me to California, I will sell all my household goods at auction at Wonder Lake. (V& mile south of Mil- Anrandt's Variety Store to Cedar Road. Then 1 block, west on Cedar.) «B|«nJRDAY, AUGUST 16a v at 2 p.m. (D.S.T.) Kelvinator Refrigerator Spindrier Washing Ma- Sot/ ' New Easy chine Bleached Oak - Bedroom Sewing Machine Piano 1986 Pontine Tudor Colonial Artificial Fireplace New Bridge Table and Chairs 12x12 Rose Beige Broadloom Ruff 8 Other Rugs and Rug CushioriV . 2 Electric Fans 2 Floor Lamps 6 Boudoir and Table Lamps Chests of Drawers, Tables, Chairs Garden Tools, Dishes, Carpenter's Tools Now % H.P. Motor and Buffing Wheel Other Household Items too Numerous to Mention. Terms: Cash, unless other arrangements are made prior to the auction. FEANK L. LAM Tahie to 9H9JB9 QeuteUy Phone 129-J OPEN SUNDAY MORNING!. MILLER Woodstock, 111. C O 0L E D Track for Hire McHenry R-l McHenry K • > *• f ' • ; *:4- Jc. J. METERS ». |fi|pBcral Contractor Carpentry Now Work McHemry, 111. TeL Pistohse MMM Sand--Black Dirt Cinders -- AL'S WELDING AND REPAW SERVICB 991 Main Electric Acetylene Welding and Cuttlnff ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator 619-W-l or 494 TeL McHenry M9-J HAROLD H. BEUi But/mm diera a man wilfa soul sp dead he doean*t relish s little open admiration from the sidewalkf * M--- STARTS SUNDAY FOR S DAYS AUG. 17 - 18 - 19 Spencer Tracy in "THE SEA OF GRA88" Painting, Paperhanging, Old Wall Paper With 9 Painting E196 N. GREEN ST. McHENEY WED. mi THURS, AUGUST 20-21, 2 DAYS ONLY ABROAD SHOW ATTRACTION! • CONTINUOUS SHOWS WH>. ft THUR& / * ^ VEOM 2 -M ON - DOORS OPEN 2:15 FJf.. PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMEllT Adults 69c Pins Tax 2:15 to 5:80 V ' After, 9L00 Pins Tax To ClosiiiP Children 50c Anytime '• The ktiitni Award Pictwtl WiaMr tf 9 Acaduiy Awards! ^jjtiw THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES' TIMES r* ws -. v!"'v.•••> Colony KcHenry. Illinois AIR CONDmONED Phone 254 « FRI. - SAT. Zat&sry Scott . Alexis Smith "STALUON ROAIT . News and Cartoon Special Jlatinee Saturday * 1:45 SUN. - MON„ AUG. 17-18 flpsnsnr Tracy Katharine Hepburn "SEA OF GRASS" Plao - World News A Cartoon TUESDAY (One Day) fanl Kelly One Mason CI) "STRANGE JOURNEY" William Boyd - Andy Clyde (2) EOOtS* GOLD Tien. JaeoWyatt Can you name tts a ttiare, modbst though he otherwise be, who ails to get a secret bang out of public appearances with a creation as gorgeous as this oneP Well, you need only take eheige of this beauty lor a while to see how much, much more it does lor you titan flatter your masoto* fine ego. and feel die spirit of adventuro start welling up in your souL Head^out where you can match this Buiclc'a easy stride against die stretching miles. Route yoursell where ruts and gravel can pit themselves in vain against the flawless gendeness ol fluid, allcoil springing. Get die sweet fed of this light and easy wheel f sample the heft and size of this ever-steady traveler^ Jx \ <-1'4 • •1 - - '• In truth, here's the sort of playmate a man can qtend a lifetime Here's good friend, boon companion, lively, dependable, eager partner foKlny frolic or any traveling task. So why May lohger t when you can call one Reach a decision now long-range planning -- about getting your order in. Well take it, with or without a car to trade, and make equal effort in eitbe^~"cnse~~t<J make your dreams come true at iho -^^9J^kes^ moment in our power, Touch off the eager power fe OttY SOICK IAS ALL VKEMK ?&47W9§S itM eight big Fireball c^inders "™" «od see how your pulses start Mundini. v Swing back die top with a toueh on the handy control -- run up the door windows as windscreens -- Twm In HtHKf i. 1AYIO*, M*hml Nefww*, Ml id.,. OmT M*M ^ .4 " " • * " * ' " • t" Front St, Wflrt McHcnry, UL 222 N. Maiki St, Crystal Take. IIL ^ >' - * y*v»v \ "> » * 1. , • •* « . •' v •' A' * * V v IT1- ^ *-* ' * *• - •* ^ • " "" ' " " •

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