Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Aug 1947, p. 1

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Jt /_.» j*te#'!^oi *?*?- •%. + .^.7 .-«• - . - .-,-?• f r. -1 v '•. ,z....; _•. • J r,-', ;.s-?yf^&*Ti * - *' /'. * »r.f ' ^ ^ f .41^-rr fdOM T5 HeHSMET, ILUN0I8, THUBSDAT, AUGUST 14, 1947 Ho. IS ' £. ," FFA ENTER KMK MM FMI V1 w. i-wvi. »- ; • -.;, r^;--.»•: "%:•:' •• Ban Weber'i Pobnd Ohinas Won Wihnot; Grand (Thampionshipt m .one loves a circus or a and this summer has been made ly pleasant for McHenry because of the creat number good old fashioned county lairs have been placed on a large again since the close of the Not only are local folks enjoying at such events, bat many , jna» fir AUTO, MOTORCYCLE C&ASB ' Cari Lundine of BL 2, Elgln, ^ year old, is in a serious condition in ^St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, as the result at a collision of a motorcycle- and an auto last Monday morning at 8:1S o'clock. The accident occured on the corner <rf Pearl street and Richmond road, McHenry, ^when the motorcyde, driven by Vernon Greve, 23, of Rt. 2, Elgin, driving north, struck the car of Mrs. Ken- DKscxmmm or KAXLY 8KTTUKS BBS onov RKUHIOH TBIS WXXK A reunion of descendants of pioneer McHenry settlers took place this week when three former Blake sisters and two former Stengal sisters, the later granddaughters of the late Joe Blake, met and enjoyed recalling old time*. All five entered the convent when young girls and are ELE6TIM Will DECIDE ratCHASE OF CRISTY HOME placesi Grade Board Hopes ^ To Remodel Building For New Kindergarten BUIOIDS BY" DROWHDTG VEBmOT Of DEATH OF CRYSTAL LAKE WOMAN Unusual circumstanced surrounded the death on Monday morning, Aug. 11, of Mrs. Wilflam Snyder, 67, who resided on Dole avenue, Crystal take. Her body was found floating in the lake abput 600 yeards from the main beech at 8:SO o'clock in the :«norning. Aecoming to Mr. Snyder, liis wife was in the house when he re- An election will be held between • morning he ibegan a search. It was now serving at various thoughout the country. , „ ^ „ , , i Th® first three mentioned are; neth Peterson of McCullom Lake as; sister Ildefons, who is . now at' the latter, southbound, made a left Camp Belle Port, Wis., after teach-! , .. turn onto Pearl. ing fifty years; Sister Arcadia and the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. on Tues-j during this time that he learned a The Greve vehicle was one of Sister Jeremia of St. Joseph's con-! day, August 26, at which time the j woman's body had been recovered three motorcycles enroute from I vent, Milwaukee, Wis. They are vu»it-' puplic wi'l deride by ballot on the j from the lake, and later he identi- Elsrin iijto Wisconsin. ing in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A advisability of the grade school ' fied it as that of his wife. Lundine, most serious injured, suf-1 P. Freund and were accompanied hoard of education purchasing the j Sterling Selx, another Crystal ferod a severe spine injury and] here by Sister Pika of Eubertis, Cristy house oA Waukegan street Lake resident, and a guest were knee wounds, while his comoanion Wis. j for use as a kindergarten. The 'board j taking a canoe ride when they no- Greve, was treated by m local phy- The former Stennl sisters now!submitted * P«^o«i to voters dur-!ticed the woman's body floating on sici_a n_ 1_f or a bruised left knee and sister Marcella and Sister Jovita !n* the pMt w**k a,n^ on Monday-the surface of the water. They A. 1.1 If.. ' ' . _ . • I i4 mm»mm limsui il tM Wl^k f Ka IIi"W n I If HOLD LAST RITES ON SATURDAY FOB JOHN WILLIAMS, 28 Friends of the Harvey B. Williams family' were saddened this week to learn of the death of Mr. Williams' oldest son, John W., 26 years old. who passed away at Oak Park hospital on TVieaday morning, Aug. 12, 1947. He had been in poor health for several years. The deceased had a great many friends in McHenry, for he had tired Sunday evening, but when she • spent the summer months in Shali* could not be found the following DEATH TAKES 10-YEAR OWNER OF VILLAGLUi^ ^ Stanley Wrobel, 59, Died Suddenly Aug. 9 After Short Wnedk Stanley Wrobel, for them are also enjoying partici-jabout the ankle. Mrs. Peterson) traveled from Texas with their was tun "iZ. 38Ufrered injUri6S 10 h<r ,6ft ..Mrl fZ^ ^1, fS ®® HvtCT JTTOUP *Y9 DlvOflMrS OI DnfL tkii mA^AMnMkla anil fha vicit wifVi Mla*ii»AA nn*l I The MtiBf Ikis latter group fee Future Farmers of America, six «f whom are planning on entering tWr animals in coapetltioa at the Kane county fair In Bgin, which Vffl km held from August 19 through Mpit 22. The bays will be enteral it both the open cIms and in the VIA, division. Hie probalbte entries will be as tS^8kui°TUnMl^oUtiir^^r1 we™ w Ifirimel Wiser, feotottin heifer; ®J_Court^ and Pearl streete last Bohegene Peterson, Milking abort signitures. . man, and he, with Paul iSchutt, re- Both the motorcycle and the'visit with relatives and friends.' The decision of the board to pur-| co*er®^ * . .. . Chevrolet driven by the local wo- Their grandfather, Joe Blake, left I chase the tailding (if the public Authorities behev^l at first that man were damaged. this community to settle in 'Texas expresses its affirmation) was first ^ Snyder suffered a heart attack The accident was investigated by Police Officer John McCarthy. Portion Of Boley Place Was Destroyed By Flames community more than forty years ago. Kane County 4-Day Fair To Be Held Aug. 19-22. horn; Bill Ymtc, hogs; and Dan Water, hogs ana Brown Swiss bull •ad heifer. WIm MM IMM One of the above. mentioned, Dan HUber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph Weber, a 1947 graduate of the local school, won eight firsts, one Charles S. Leech, president of the Kane County Fair, has announced from his headquaters at the Elgin Monday"morning about ~5:S0 o'clock! Association of Commerce that the to extinguish flames which! ?»*7 edition of the _annual Kane threatened to entirely deetroy the! Agricultural Fair will be .Boley place on that location. The building, which bad __ Maroon Field in Elgin on teen partially | August 19, 20, 21, and 22, and will tern down some time ago, had been ** the biggest ever held in Kane abandoned for many years. county. It will include the Kane One room on the second floor was' '_TJ^c c* brt wily . n miwi, wuii vifiiit vire | -m ± nnnairail -» 1 vuuniv r am, mr, b«fcn convinuni •eeend, two grand champions and1 SS "*"*§* M~f 'i u*r* a valuable asset to their re- •we reserve grand cchhaammpp:i ons at the rtgwP*n._rq?na _*.v.nv*t!rc?* spectivc communities, fostering as county fair held at Wilmot en Aug. 8, 9 nd 10. in the opening class with registered Poland China hogs, •merging as grand champions ••song all breeds were bis jwrior yearling boar and junior yeuiing yearling sow, while reserve grand were his jnnior boar andi . Other entries of Dan! : Best bairow, pacond / auf^Wr-tts boars, first; get-of-sire, first; |8t for market, first; junior boar, vat; junior yearling, first; junior ^ first; and junior yearling sow, Dan was an active member of the Jhrture Farmers of America through fcigh school and can be justly ptoud sf recent accomplishments. Vriends are wishing success for him his former classmates in the county fair next week. Survey Reveals Public ' flavors Hospital Expansion The majority of persons in Mc- Henry county questioned in a recent public opinion survey regarding hos- . Vitals' expressed the opinion that a modern medical center should offer •pseiafcaed surgery, research laboratories. maternity and infant care, v - treatment of contagious diseases, an •ot-patient department, special facilities for children and other |eilice* not found in the average v .{general hospital. When questioned as t£ the benefits ivbich they felt would result from ji iMdical center in Woodstock, threeiburths of those polled thought it and a corn eob uipe in another but wen naahls to say definitely how the Iton started. ^ •, We Of ER You CMgntvlatkms! to lbs. tivc ey do an improved trade relationship between the business people of the cities and the residents of the surrounding agricultural areas. Competition between the cities for county fairs is far keener than for many spec they other big-time industrial exhibits and business conventions. Agriculture is now recognised as never before as one 4 tap nation's largest porshasers of comnv gooda. BAlUUHQTON TOACT Or LAND TO Bl OSSD mar during his youth, coming here for the first time when 9 years old. He had spent a great part of laat i owner of the Villa Hotel Resort afc winter in the Williams home, on the! Pistakee Bay, died suddenly Set* river urday morning, August 9, 1947. KT. Survivors include tfte Widow/i Wrobel had been in poor health fog Joan Connelly WilUams; two chil- ^f P^t ^ree months but had dren, John W, Jr., and Susan; his!8**® ^ *l »" father, Harvey B. Williams; six father resident of the hotel Jbrothers, TNomarf of Chicago,! £,s room early Saturday mprmng^ turned in with the proper j notified (FVed Morgan, park polic^ ^Mkh^ror, mSKJJJ f' fWe^j faS^nd ^ununoned a phymkiu. ters, Mrs. Irene 'Lortie of Chicago, " Suzanne, Marita, Virginia and Mary Ann, McHenry; also his granfether,' discussed many months *go.~ with while walking near the lake or while Cap^ P^ck ^Ggeqr.^_1.gtired the number of youngsters who will on one of the piers, pomtuig out vl?r. « be entering the kindergarten now that inasmuch aa the body was foment and for many years a known to be in the neighborhood foundon the surf we the woman « McHenry*s sumof fifty, the action has become al-, P«>bfWy de*d she entered, vtsttow. « ^ moxt a nernMitv the lake. However, during testimony Mr. Williams was associated with tIT fnr •Mnijr!n> fv.' presented at the inquest, the bus- Ms father in the undertaking husinJSllv ^ 55! ^ ^Wht out the fact that his ness in Oak Park. Hoard. One is the f£t th^withi^i! AKnd®n] fej^ « the funerjl the c-reat increase in number of chi'l-itime. ?Ter L ^ .h.^th mnd home at Austin Blvd., and Lake ^ hVrSw t il i eyesight had failed to such an ex- * - - - - vEu 5n»« that »*>« wm» almost blind. * | i ' . ... int?\ He said that since they occupied a^hlilf-drv •?«"' a*P«»te rooms and because his hear- ^ 'fnll-tl>f^V»n^r ! inr imP«ired. **» unable to .g.alr tie'.ni ,^te?achh.err wwhhno ^w1i1u instrucrt tnhfei,i 'My w^»«ethveern inogr . nAot vshered ihcta do fr e"tisrueidiittle ones both morning and after- (^ by drowning" was returned by noon* M j -- | the coroner's jury. Playground E^eipaisat j, The body has rested at the Warner In places where the system of; foneral home until today (Thursseparating kindergarten from the day) when last rites are bein* con- and should be very beautiful this street, Oak Park, where services will be held on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock to St. Lucy's church. Interjjjnt^ jyie in Mount Carn^j^- LOTUS IN BLOOM * According to reports from w^fJST^Jtrsp^t ail AS OATHOUO RETRBAT except six month* of her eighty ~ Cars as a raaMsit of McHenry. rs. Tesdr*«|pmd her eightieth parating the kinderga other grades hae been carried out. this has been found to be the ideal situation. The surrounding grounds are to be equipped with playground entertainment designed for children of tbis age, such aa a Jungle Jim (climbing mase), small slides, etc. The recent innovation of boards, 6 to 8 feet in length, out of which the youngsters buUd iter houses for themselves have awo been found ideal for this J«e grewp. The second -important reason for securing the structure is to i the state's physical education requdrments for grade school students. The increased enrollment in the lothe Fox Lake and Grass Lake ncions the lotus are beginning to Moom ducted there. M8B. B. MAY TONTAK DIED OH SUNDAY IN ZION NUR8INO HOME Spring Grove residents were tkl week --owning the passing native of that communi Elisabeth May Tonyan. 70 who died In Redel's Nursl 1 years ing. il . t in Zion, I1L, on Sunday. Aug. IM"K 1947. She had been confined to The purchase of a twenty-one and _ _ _ one-half acre tract one and one-half employment "of Y new teacher to incal public school has required the Kid bring improvement in public !th, a large number felt that tonsmercial benefits would accrue to entire area, and a still larger ; , ~ " --, , --- ,-- "uui'i mc n nounced last Saturday by the Chica-, condMions, it go Province of the Society of Jesus. ua# the wmr Under such necessary to rmnasium for teadiini of • •W, Home 10, the home for almost two years. Mrs. Tonyan spent her early life in Spring Grove but had resided in North Chicago with her children in later years. Survivors include two sons. Arthur snd Raymond, of North Chicago; Mildred Mar miles west of Barrington was an-1 struct the first gra<^ lions, it weald be Th» l.nd Will tm uMrf u . r*tr*at h* Cfmn"if u,n for te^7f Pur* one daughter, Mrs. f?r thp r«rhilir ord^T P°T* Th,8v®f *ourw- Pre: .hall, of Lfrertyville; three sisters 1 tkJ known In thm n..t V?nt HBln^ V1* for physical. Mr9. Nick Freund *nd Mrs. Fred education during the winter months Meverg of Spring Grove and Mrs. fFranT^Hwht ^meT^midBnt of ^" ,uch >n«^»»ftion cannot be car-! Arthur Hergott of Round Lake; one 'K^Lr.n'd gST JEXlT<£ "ff <3»rL^L2"tor purch.- .f i Pre,h!r' | Situiitwi on th. tract l« a j met. pubhc ^prmral ffhp ms in by her twenty-room Georgian type residence (tj,e structure will be completely re-! husband the late FranW Tonvan. •"Jfir'^traTions^le main houae' modf,ed to the nee5» °f Mra" ^e tdy resL at the Peter M. wilM* used for t'he retreatl unSrlF,oyd ^°?ley' kindergarten instruc- justen funeral home until Wednes- ! !T o* ^ I tor, and her classes. At the pres-j day morning *t 10 o'clock, when The^roSrty ^eavfly^roJdS ^id ent **!)?' "I1/ ^side of the bul,d- services w<ere held from St. Peter's i ESJESTl IcSS 'the in« w,» nee« to be in «~. |rhureh, Spring Greve. Burial w« -- - , m tjje church cemetery. weekend. The flowers are about three weeks late this year and because of high water are not so plentiful as in 1946. PRIZE RBBQNS AWARDED GARDEN SHOW WINNERS Choice items from McHenry gardens as will as select canned gMds from the fcitabans of local houswives were on w|iay last Thursday in the grade school gymnasium at what proved t» be the lovHeet Flower and Garden Show ever presented here. The show was given by the Mothers dub and is the third annual event. A surprise was afforded the ladies at the very beginning of the show when two state judges arrived in McHenry at 11 o'clock to appraise the various entries and atfix their MB& WILLIAM TS8CH Barrington Country Club. DAIRYMEN'S SUPPLY 00. NEW BUSINESS LOCATED IN CITY The ' Dairymen's Siwply business owned by I Bites Held Saturday For Mrs. Loretta O'Connor Last rites were held on Saturday, August 9, at 11 o'clock from St. Rita'i Foitv-flve Year Resident Of Emerald Park is Dead Funeral rites will be conducted s church, Chicago, for Mrs. jn Chicago on Friday for Mrs. Agnes Co., a j Loretta Sloey O'Connor of 6228 S. f»;ll of 2225 Campbell Parte. In new «y Lawrence j Maplewood avenue. Mra. O'Connor Chicago, for forty-five years a resi- Anderson of Shalimar, opened last'had many frienda in this community dent of Emerald Park. Mrs. Campweek, located in the former Worts! Who mourn her passing. bell, who was in her ninetieth year, place at 602 W. Waukegan street. I Survivors include the husband, John Pa««cd away on Tuesday, Aug. 12, Mr. Anderson, expects to carry aj S. ;one son, Dr. John O'Connor; and! i®47. Mrtion'believed that a lowering "of anniversary on Monday, Aug. 11, complete line of everything modern one ^ster and one_ brother, Agnes; The widow «f Dean A. HID, she o• •f ih osp! care wouilda .r.e.sMuult , 1 aa«n<d4 nAoAwW IjAoIi>nUs oamupr oMc>totAgMenfaiarriiaann club.; lor the milk house and barn when1 and Ernest Sloey. She was preceded;^ survived by one daughter Latin ' From the standpoint of the pa-| Johanna Nickels was bom in Dun- entir€l> ^ed » h,# new dea^h by her panmts, the late, Katemb-hl. and * ^n^rVJlS^LSSl!^,LnhS,,or,Ju^.,t BSSSh'Oymn^tic T«m sr.. ^1. •nd more personal attention to.i^, she William ^^ He intends to Gliests at Camp Duncan »! y,'". n!mj! lifLl ^' work with Chicago and state health j title* If MaiiT' and ^reen departments and the health inspec- A Danish gymnastic team, w«- _______ _ _A_-- Births itLrtl ^Tas formSj ow5d hy htr tors in "curing the type of equip- posed of thirty-two men and women,, RECENT HEAT WAVE I ££& nj Lnu- •»«« in up-to^.U buM. .11 CAUSES COHCKR* TO% 1 mmtel ri«ntftanc. to ^,»ity lon*! VFW TftStlVal OpeM III • - - - ^e patient. limiiM pallbearer. (Burial will be in Rooehill cemetery. He passed away before the doctar arrived, death being attributed to a heart attack. Mr. Wrobel was nam In Poland fifty-nine yean age and cams to tfcia country nbsu a Mgr ^ It. Dm. yiaia ago mwed 'we frsea CMeage, ppuurictbhaaesiinngr tikteh e LLaacekheowwikkjj plaee en PIsMkee Bay, whess be opened the Villa Club. Four years sjro he to be known as the Villa Hotel Resort, Inc. It was at this time that Mr. Wrtfcel purchased the building, which hae dining room and bar. Amid beatitiful surroundings and offering the best in culinary art, the business continued to grow and become one of the most popular resorts in this sumsser resort region. , , v^_. | Mr. Wrobel continued to go to S. L,"utiK>ri«d .uuWj£±*s°,^("hirtlSkiM 'cir were Mrs. W. S. Srissenden and operation of his trucking business Mrs. H. C. Sulde of Crystal Lake, ssisted by Mrs. Zion Baker of Mcvarious ratings wpf as Henry. The, follow* Fruits • VegetaMse Kolrabi, Mrs. R. M. Fleming, nrst. Bermuda Onions, Mrs. R. M. Fleming, first; Mrs. Robert Thompson oocond. Broccoli, Mrs. Lillian Cox, first. Carrots, Mrs. R. M. Fleming, first; Mrs. Robert Thompson, second. Yellow Set Onions, Mrs. R. M. Finning first. Wax Banna, Mrs. Henry Freund^ first; Hn. R. M. Flunlng, Kentucky Wbnder Beans, Mrs. Freund, first. Squash: Mrm. P. ,W. KlonU, first. Cabbage: Mrs. Robert Thompson, first; Mra. C. W. Klonts, second. Canned berriss: Mra. Ziofi Baker, first. Vwetahle CsUotHsns: Mrs. R. M Fleming, --parlor; Mra. C. W. Klonts, An; Mra. Robert Newkirk and lbs. C. W. GoodsO, Henry A daughter, Elisabeth Ann, w«ft' «»«•^lesident of our community. j n at the Woodstock hoapital on' On March 1, 1W8, Mr. and Mn. (Jity Park Friday, Aug. 15 - -- -- . 1 --u -celebrated their golden wedmniversary and are no* forward to. the observanc r sixtieth anniversary nei maOta ago. ' y*ar- ^ daughter, Mrs. Agne : ' 28 tT liir. and MnTlferwin Tesel^ celebrated their golden wed- 1 mrStrever of Crystal Lake. The d«n£ wmve«.ry and "" "ow Renmnber t|MJJie h^^hts of the ly made their home looking forward^ to. the observance v p w festival beginning Friday, cHenry until a few ( ?L;heik.!1X^!Lt^niVM™aryA^S August 15, and* concluding^ Sunday! . A aon m fcwn lut «Mk at the l t^ewls-, rcB^f* *V ^F^'nU'Kv.Timr: Gnat l^kc «ixyy. j.tocl. hyoltel to Mr. *'• j vitj f?w pw)« over 21 ,W P'«f <i™m «d b«le com wfD Tesch . . • *f Elgin are the parents of their: proaching birthday, but Mrs. means M^us ic by Klemme. ^rst child, a son, born at St. I ]ooks ^orwardto hers, Sundiy Afternoon: Chicken race eph's hospital An August S. Mrs.: that on y three weeks remain until ^n«y at 2 p.m. the St. - "r MUsthe beginning of school. Ever since g, Bofs' band will Geneva, on August 26 at 7 p. m.l CORN CROP OF 1947 Tickets are now on sale at the McHenry Five and Ten Cents stors or at Vycital's Hardware. On August 25, the group will Jbe meets of Camp Duncan? leader, Peter Sorenson. CdHlNO EVENTS the erection school man] watched'" wit) of the present years ago she has interest as almost a gener folks made their Asdny Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Petsko of Sprin? • Grove are the parents of a •on, born on Friday, Aug. 8, at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Aalto of Mc- CuDoui Lake are the parents of « girl, bom at the Woodstock hospital «n Aug. 11. A 10 pound aon, to be called Ken-, - ;r Win4._ •eth Eugene, was born at the Wood-! munity go Mrs. Wullam ^ock hospital, on Aug. *12 to Mr.|on anniversary. •mi Mrs. Eugene Frost. Mr*. Frost ---- h the former Miss Lorraine SAnitt Mr. and Mrs. Rkbard Fretl are tte parents of a daughter, born at the Woodstock hospital on Aug. 9. re program. Sunday Evening: Crystal Lake erations of McHenry's young Dram andl^le Cwpserall pan^s ui made their way daihr to tihis thrwchMdlenry udpreedifice of learning. Because the fall aant program at 7 o clock. RESIDENCE CHANOI The Clarence Ftennda have moved frt*n their home on Court street to' FUttville, Wis. Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Fike and family have moved from the Worts place in West McHenry to their «ew home on Rt. 31, aouth of Me- Henry. Dr. Film's eatinary offke la also located then. VACATION ON BAT -M tatal of ISO. boy* and girls loft Chicago the teat of the ta spend > ten-^y n«tijn H JnBv Boys •» at- UMiil* Sflr. season brings back her "family". vcw rlR nTftgir--"' each morning and noon, she is happy NBW CAB »iw ^ to see the advent of autumn. For the; convenient of bfa pa- The best wishes of the entire com- trons, Cecil Balkwwe of^the McHenry Ttrh Cab Co., announces that effective | immediately, a space on the north- I east corner of Elm and Green I streets has been designated as a eab stop. This location should trernelv handy, to thoeS need of taxi service. her birthday aUnj OROCEBSPERMITTED TO BOOST COST OF SUGAR TO CUSTOMERS prove ex- MILK PRICES Borden's receiving plants afc.Hebron, Marengo and Woodstock in Last Friday, August 8, when Meth « price of that commodity one cant! McFenry county paid a total of ner five-pound bag on new suppHee. \ «1.216,674.78 to dairy farmers de- % price «f sugar, only food-baskst' livering milk to these plants in the item s^ under price eentrol, waa second quarter of 1M7, according to raised ta beep the U. S. government] figures made available by W. W from losiftg money in its "middle- Waterstreet, General productioo man" sugar dealings with Cuba. {manager of Chicago milk division ef Tbe gbvernmenPs contract for. The Borden Camp any. •wAm. CMhan sugar eontaina an1 Ster dtan" teed on U. S. price iudenes. The ludana went o. August 14 East River Road Pinochle Club -- Mrs. IBruno Juergens. August 15 Circle 4 -- W. S. C. S. -- Mra. Howard Lockwood. August L5-1S-IT V. F. W. Summer Featlval--McHenry Auk. Aagust IS Choral Club -- Harry Barr home. August 21 St. Clafa'a Court C.O.F. -- Annual Pot-Lock Picnic -- City Part -- Noon. August 25 - IS High School Registration. August 29 Bake Sale--Sponsored by Ring wood Home Bureau. September 14 Public Party -- Sponsored tp AHar and Rosary Sodality. Last year, 90 per cant of all Americans killed in automobile accidents met death during the hours of darkneas Night and day--drive carefully! Apprehension over the 1947 corn crop outlook was felt last week when a heat wave sent prices soaring to the highest levels in history. According to txptrUi th® heat wwud ordinarily have been beneficial to .the crop, but becauae July Was a fdry month and the grain did not receive adequate moisture. As a result, prices of the gram have soared and corn for delivery in September hit $2.22 a tashel on the Chicago board of trade, highest paid for any future contracts in the history of the exchange, sola at *'rd* N O T I C E ! Burning ef garbage er refuse fa offensWe and is proUhited by city ordinance. Accumulation of la alee prohibitad. Folfbrce this PIT! .. l*-fp CUT OT M«N«Y. Coeley. ffarat; Hn.-C.J Mn Milt • 5?y > rVf Cash*corn"so3 mt a bushel,| three cents under the record peak tmru. »obert of August, 1W7. f , G<^feS3: According to grain experts, raln-l •®"»J®lrajj fall is the most important factor corn growth from this point on i which he had operated for about twenty-five years. During former years, when a resident of Chicago, he was active in politics, having been a candidate for alderman of the twenty-sixth ward and also for county commissioner. Since coming to McHenry,Mr. Wrobel's business furnished both his work and hobby, with occasional leisure times spent in traveling. The deceased was a member of the Polish National Alliance and tbe Elks clubs, both of Chicago. Survivors include the eridew, Caroline, and two sons, Eugene 8* and Stanley Jr. * Tbe body was at,reet at the chapel at 1006 N. Western avenue until Tuesday morning- at 9s80 owA, when last rites were conducted from St. Helen's church. Interment was in St Joseph's cemetery. Baring Program Headlines Walworth Fair Entertainment .. .. .A $15,000 horse raring program,, a honorry .yB* B M «•__{_ j! the largest in history, and th§ ime Assorted fhrite. Mra. R. K. Fleming,,^ new ^ efficient mobile n . u_ t nMm niJ| u_ i starting gate will headline the en- ^r?*: iBuf' Lilian Co*, first, Mrs., tertainment program at the 100tk Zion JBaker, second. ^ _ Walworth county fair which opens fi?' PntSt August 29 and continues, night and Lillian Cox, first, Mrs. Robert through Labor Day. • lfm ' The All American Tbrill Driven, Ttm» world's largest aggregation of aut»- ^ . mobile and motorcyde stmit man. Cox, second. haw been signed «y Secteuny Navy beans: Mra. Robert Thompson charlM Jo||r „ the feature attracseeond. > t;on in front of the grandstand nt Green beaM. Mm. R. M. Fleming th€ ^ M Monday evening only second. ___ Cam# j Mixed cucumbers: Mrs. R. M. Flem- Entrk» the 4-H Junior fidr 1n5S»?S» Kta, s*" ** **•" Jm: ur. (tan. BUI, rUr t» Mrs. c. w. K°BI« Open Aug. 16 for Nina Day* Thompson, Canned fruits and vegetable*: Mrs. R. M. Fleming, first Mrs. L Nine big days and nights ef en- Thompson. tertainment, with orer 1MM «- i hibits, wiB begin on Saturday, Augw. 16, mid doee Sunday, Aug. 24, wban *, Milwaukee Is host to the Wisconsin state fair. TTiere will be Mrs. Robert in eom urowtB irom •»» i Mn. for corn i. 1«. .nd . » ^ ^ temperature does little good unlMSj Fb»wers there is ample moisture around the ^ ^ BouqueU: Mrs. Robert ^ee^eAjbrts y SSJJSn. honJSSe mention. the ;ground and a $22^80 youth ***** ****** Plants: ^ ST^r highlights of the fair wiB s s ? ' r r * n-jst Henry Weber returned heme Ihe .last of the week from Victory M»-j Marigolds: Mrs. Oliver Ho; morial hospital, where be had been Mrs. Robert Tbompeon, confined for several days. He is fan- Mrs. C. H. Duker, third; proving nicely. Mrs. Nancy Hbersen of Ringwood was a medical patient in the, Woodstock hospitrl last week. Getorgia Stenger underwent an appendectomv at St. Therese boa-j pital, Waukegan, tbe first of the ^George Ostrander of Spring Grove Badid^" Buttons' Snapdragons: Mrs. William auto and m^oicyele races, arn a fiStTMrs. Rabert IbomnMn ; second; Mm! C. H. Duker, &W. : Mrs. Oliver Hoyt, first: and garden show. second; Mrs. C ... Goodelt, honorable mention. Single Zinnias: Mrs. Lillian Co* - - --- - . . . and Mrs. Nettie Fleming, fint; ^ that Nettie Fleming, SiiriTSid ' honi^i Rmmk S?°C. W. K^U. Mrs. William I tranee wna first forced a* T CONFE8S THEFTS Richard Frohlinc. 15, ef confessed to St •Tuly t and $S2 underwent surgery Victory Me- Martin, first; Mra. Clarence, by. A .*».""* * ^ •serial hoapital, Wianhngan, last! Anglsaa, oocond and Mra. C. H.[ |h{|y wesk. Duker, honoraMe sesntion. w** **•? Jff? "T Mrs. WHKan Wright has been! Aseorted Entriss: Mrs. C. .W. KleaAa ^ «*d IE tnhsfc. • ; A' ~/S •Mm :V-1- » • [Henry.

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