'm » 1 „ * *J' "* t *•* " ' '. ^•s^^sS^ ^ +iU*J?r v-, ^ iff SPRING GROVE (ki Mr*. CWrlw Fmnd) 'flCr.' and Mrs. George A. May wit* ifessed a most impressive ceremony it St Franks Convent in Milwaukee ai Tuesday uten their daughter, arilyn, received her tail. Marilyn if n«* Sister Mary Ruth. F Parishioners of St. Peter's were hocked on Thursday night the news of the death of one of •una at the convent here. The sisters returned on Tuesday for tha school term. Sr. Mary Balbino, the house-keeper, died very suddenly while out in the garden. Her body was returned to It, Francis Convent in Milwaukee fur burial. Mrs. Joseph Brow* and Joseph Brown, Jr., spent aeveral days in Clinton, Iowa, laat weak- visiting her daughter, Louise, and husband. Mrs. George W. Hay anil'children ana Mrs. Charles Freund and children enjoyed a picnic in Sharon, Wis., on Wednesday with Mrs. Lucille Nelson and son, Bobby, Mrs. John Amborn and children and Mrs. Mae Mitchell and children. Charotte and Danny Freund return?' home, having spent several days in Sharon. "Quite*a few people from here attended. the carnival in Richmond on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday nights. There were water fights every night. Co. Excavating and Crane Service |Ma^|>irt -- Sand and Gravel Road Grading ' - •; . ^ jl'k? * CALL Mc 97 J7 j ' f x * TO. v 1*'>•>** mm: • >V5* n «•*»*" mm LOCAL PftXBftt ve oounor ;ON SEPT. T i w imwtmm tp with McHehry firetnen coming first and Sprinjg Grove second, Tommy Freund visited in Mc&anry on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben BUsch are enjoying a trip to .Wisconsin this week. Sandra Sanders suffered a broken collarbone when she fell while at play at her home. - Mr. and Mrs. George W. May and family Were dinner guests in the John Weter home near Antioch on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner of Chicago visited in the Frank Wagner home on Sunday. / Miss Emily Hewitt and Miss Dorothy Engel of Chicago were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent. »••»»»»»»»•••••»•»•* »••••« • • Mi .. BcHrmrd St Mary's tirssted to brata at a Sunday, former pital in post at St. The former local returned to Aurora friends of Rev. Father >ld, former pastor of church here, will bis inlearn that he will eele- Iden jubilee in Aurora mafts to be said on 7. Father Berthold, of St. Joseph's hosnow holds a similar rles hospital, Aurora, priest has just from a vacation Births >•<»>»»»>MI••»>•»»•»»••»« trip faito Wisconsin, at which time he disposed of his cottage at Lake' Court Oreilles. 'Father Berthold Will be remembered by a great many of the older parishioners of St. Mary's some of whom will probably attend the celebration of - his fiftieth year in the priesthood. Last Rites Held For Father of Anna Sand •HP Now--Easier than vverl A daughter was born at the Woodstock hospital On Thursday, August 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Blake arej ( the parents of a girl, born at the< Funeral services were held on Woodstock hospital on August 14. ! Wednesday, Aug. 13, 1947, at 2 p.m Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kamp are' from the, funeral home at 5701 W. the •parents of a daughter, born at Division street, Chicago, for Paul Sherman hospital Elgin, on Sun-! Abraham, father of Mrs. Anna Sand day, Aug. 17. i of McHenry. Interment was in Con- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sullivan of' cordia cemetery. Woodstock are the parents of their' Survivors besides Mrs. Sand are ! second child, a daughter, born ,at the the widow, Anna Gaarz Abraham; , Woodstock hospital on Monday *mor- two sons, Walter and Hans; two I ning, Aug. 18. The little girl has; daughters, Mrs. Louise Linka and i been named Ann Catherine. Besides Mrs. Marie Kelley; also one brother, I her parents, she has a brother, Ed-, Albert. j die, to welcome her entrance into j. ---'-- : : the family; Mrs. Sullivan is the| ' Vitamin in Cabbage former Miss Eleanor Bolger of Mc- Green cabbage leaves, although Henry. . _T i not so rich in vitamin C as the- Mr. and Mrs. M. Nielson of flon-i leaves of the more commonly-called der Lake are the parents of a son, | green vegetables, mustard, spinach born August 18 at the Woodstock, and turnip top8 do furnigh ^ppre. Adaughter was born to Mr. and "a*ble amounts because cabbage is Mrs. Clarence Adams of Rin^wood; tatei? in considerable • quantities. rot HAT X* DECEMBEB MAltho«ffc, the cation -eaaiMft ba conclusl vely tha for education is dollars «ml cents, emphatically staled Dr.'^iloward returned would like botk December and HOME PERMANENT tomd... Ribbed... Mew Minu Ml epyeer hair holf Mm tfmel Toni tVofeMonal Plastic Curlers 50% more curling and they're ribbed {treaded) all over, to keep hair at the Woodstock hospital on August 18. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Murdock. of Wonder Lake are the parents of a daughter Vyn on August 18 at the WoodstosSSbos'pital. Mr. ana Mrs. Harold Steffan's announce the birth of their third child, a boy, born on August 20 at the Woodstock hospital. Mr. Steffan is cwner of the Steffan Jewelry I store in Wtest McHenry. I Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hampton ofj Forest Grove, Pa., are the parents; of a daughter, bom in Emergency: hospital on Aug. 15. She hJls been named Donna (Louise. Mrs. Hampton i« the former Miss Virginia Sullivan of Chicago and McHenry. reateSfei Saves TnrkejiT"r~ Department of Agriculture experiments indicate that penicillin is highly effective in saving turkeys that have become infected with the swine-erysipelas organism. C O O L E D MILLER Woodstock, HI. "'•Msi mmmm§ ovary Mm you * JewToni Plastic Coders. For a mSa kk costs only ll.OO-contai# hitcurtea. BOLGER'S DRUG STORK" PHONE 4t McHEN^Y FRL and SAT. AUG. 22-21 "MY BROTHER TALKS TO HORSES" Jackie "Butch" Jenkins Peter Lawford PLUS-- "CODE OF THE WEST!* Janes War ran SUN. - MON. - TUES. - WED. Aug. 24-25-26-27 Clark Gable In THE HUCKSTERS" With DeBorah Kerr -- Keeaan Wyaa Sidney Greenatrest i' s4. i» •a•e•e•e•e•e•e•e•o r c « •o •e •o ao_ •a •a•e•o•o•o•o•o• • « .• • • • • • • • « r* • 4 • § • » • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••«••• V v• •.-v••.•w••" sVAS'A? W-XW u AAcGEE'S 3M4CNRY, ILL ? -tVv. TfflJRSw - FRI. . SAT. Aug. 28-29-S* "TRAIL STREET* Randolph SeeU -- Gabby PLUS-- , . "GHOST GOES WILD" Jaasea EUiaon -- Anne Gwynne Hayes Fresh from the garden to the table is the first requirement in saving cert a in ^of these vitamin values. But if tha cabbage needs to be freshened, do so before shredding. Wash and prepare the cabbage with as little cutting as possible and don't allow cut cabbage to stand either before or after cooking. Green leafed cabbage is a better source of calcium, too. Two-thirds of a cup of green cabbage supplies almost one-half of the day's need of calcium. To get the most out of cabbage eat it unbleached and raw. Dawson, director of rural service of the National Edaeation Aaaociation, at the countywide meeting of school directors held in the Woodstock Community High School recently. "The greatest national resource of any nation is its people. A well1 educated citizenry is essential ifc- a high standard of living is to be maintained," Dr. Dawson continued. "When I speak of rural education." Dr. Dawson pointed out, " I include all of McHenry county. You have no towns or cities here in this 'county which are not rural in the .sense that they are largely dependant upon the surrounding farms for their existence. The children attending school in those communities need to j understand rural life and problems ] as much as do the children living on the farms. There is no reason i for keeping them -seperate. ] Dr. Dawson also called attention j to the fact that there will be i great, need for a junior college m county the size of McHenry. "It will not -be long again," he said, be ' fore there will be no labor market ( for boys and girls under 18 years of age. The best place for them will he in school; provided that school can offer them the kind of a program which will meet their needs. Less than 40% need a liberal arts program. A junior college will need to offer many other types of training." At the conclusion of Dr. Dawson's address, he ably answered questions from the floor. One of the most significant questions was asked by a school board member from Fox River Grove who stated, "We believe in this re-organization, v but how are- we goine to educate the public to the need?" "That," Dr. Dawson, answered, "is thl. responsibility of you 'people who do understand the problem." Light Cords Electric light cords should not be placed where they will be stepped on or pushed Sgainsx, and they Should not be nailed to the wall. Loosening Sticky When pudding and other starchy foods stick to the pan but do not burn, th^y may be loosened by taking the pan off the fire and covering with a tight-fitting lid. Within a short while steam inside the eon. tainer loosens the pudding from the bottom. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. •?'" S-tf Colony KcHenry, Illinois AIR CONDITIONED Phone 254 FRI. - S^*. Barbara Stanwyck *• '-- Humphrey Bogart "THE TWO MRS. CARROLLS" PLUS--News and Cartoon. SUN*. - MON. -- August 24-^5 Dennis Morgan -- Jane Wyiaa® "CHEYENNE" PLUS--World News and Cartoon TUESDAY (One Day) Sydney Greenstreet -- -- Martha Vickers "THAT WAY WITH WOMEN* -- Debra AMen THE WEST" James Warren "COOB OF WED. THURS. A Buig Crosby Production "ABIE'S IRISH ROSE" PLAINDEALER DEADLINES Plaindealer deadlines for news and advertising are as follows: Display Ads: Tuesday Noon. Classified Ads: Wednesday at 10 a. m. News: Tuesday at 5*p.m. pOPUW SINGLES ~ "ANGRY" * Tiny Httl "KISS ME AGAIN" Frankie Lata* HAVE BUT ONE HEART" Vie DaaeM HOMES FOR SALE / - - WONDER LAKE * Well built modern 5 room home; full basement and garage, ojl and* air conditioner furnace, automatic hot water heater, full screens and storm windows, completely finished, ready to move into. Lot 100'xl25' about 300' from lake front. This home is a real buy at Lot 100'x400' on Goon Island. Prioed right _ J: PISTAKEE BAY Sportsman's Paradise, 6 room house, 2 porches, electric, electric pump and water system. Completely furiiihed for Have large listing of other choice homes and lota at Wonder Lake and McCullom Lake. S3THE ARM OF YOUR DREAMS 20 acres and independence -- 7 room house bath, L shaped screen porch, f n r n ace N»d hot. water heater, 1 car garage, barn witfc iflfl, brick silo, hoghouse, machine shed, corn crib. ^ Bose with deep well water system to house and houses, tool shed, 2 poultry houses 16'x75' each poultry equipment and range house. Hone drawn farm equipment included. Located black top road near T. P. MATHEWS* A real estate broker Wonder Center , Wonder Lake, 111. p. 0. Phone Wonder Lake 3Q6 / "YOU DO" Vie D. "WHEN 1 WRITE MY John Lawreas "I,WONDER WHO'S KISSING HER NOW?" Perry Cmm PhMM 12S-J OPEN SUNDAY MORNINGS. mimiiiHiMtiMMWHWiWmHu»mWHtneiJmHemHIMmwmHiJmeH It nay be June in January, according to the song writers, bt^ the National Safety Council wo to see it May in January The Council's 1947 edition of "Accident Fleets," its a statistical yearbook, shows the first and the laat months of the year' aa the onto in which most accidental deaths occurred in '46. May was the safest month,! u fewest deatha from accidents took place during that month. The total accidental deaths in December were 9,660, in January, 8,- 960 and in May, 7,600. Early nightfall and bad weather account for many traffic deaths during the winter seaeon and death# doe to falls and burns are at their highest than. - Railroad aecidents and poiaona show virtually no seasonal variation, according to "Accident Facta," hat drownings yreach their peek during JACnK«r (aM tZAK DIES Funeral services were bald a Catholic church in Chicago at 9:80 o'clock on WWnaeday morning, Aug. 20, for John Besak, 67, father of Mrs. EstoBe Hero, owner of the Vogue restaprant and tavern in L0y Lake. Mr. ^esak died Saturday morning following a year's illness. CcLj nnedic plete line of Lee's remedies at Wattles Drug Store. He- Henry. S-tf 1- for brifht*rr Jlghttf fthv$»k**pingi~ <r , foloirH plastic-finish SASV TO OlAMlYoa can Mi^pinkitf sew it, pleat it, paste itt Yoa en use it throughout the house--for table topi, valances, flbeefl68Sltiee, aa£ . docens of other purposei* list only decorative, Marvalon's practical, toot Ink, fruit acids, alcdiol wipe r%ht off with a damp cloth. And Marvalcm can't crack, peel, fray or fade! PLAIN OK PATTIRNSD--• M COiOtS. ham cheeks in red, Une, green. 42-in.wide--iScyd. 12 Plain colon--deep shades, pastels, white. 424a. wide--40e yd. t or 144a. wide--15o 21e " SONG JOHN J. VYOTAtiroWE. 132 South Green Street Phone McHenry 98-M Yoi'4 bt SURPRISED I Know Limo Sc aTot Corroiion Wator aro Costing Youl Proywils Limo Scale Ginlvob Corrosion ; Clears Rusty "Red" Wat# P»P« fi- Che ri^it is the fBfNiw fiBint oaly ooce a thl 'Mf< *• Yon need no longer tolerate idogged up coOs and Juies ... corrosive deayofywHrkter tank, heater, fxtures... udy, discolored water. . tKat us ft information on this rrmmrkabU nrw scientific awtft$d tf "faalrr correctiont thst costs onJy m Jem cents • dsyt PEEDER V * MjcRMnrr $SJM~THH _ mm- •••••••• -fr? 1* MICWMfBT. Deecriptive folder mailed on iinnyj -- DEALERS WANTED -- >16.60 iiJL E SUPPLY PLUMBER8 D DI8TRIBUT018 AT AL DISCOUNTS FRED F. PRELt CO. WATER CONSULTANTS CHICAGO OFFICE AND WiflUBOIMB -- 4SS W. KlnaW At -- AH BRANCH OFFICE -- Big Hellew Rd^ Lake ef the HoUow, Rt. , \ "