fW«: "' wwm to-lS V. S* lllMral Stein late URN MB «n|« Ifcna flavin in M *fll vend mum th»t in the ft* vwura. jsccordfaur to a In not Us* NB. aar»^f " flB3fffcp|3PBC5 r' 'JBPJBMS ^PwwWW * ' I*m tM, b»«t ton Tt* e**nt at CM effect of of muck speculation --ptcteUy wikii km aa effect ehtrgi of riM, toys Henry Total mineral production in tho United Statee has ftacreaaad tremendously sineo tho first census fit* ores became avallabietn 1W. rn a cftarge not, says ncnry ; rrom a value of $M? million to Davie of tho Remington Arms ; that year, production baa increase* but not ao mud) as ono | mora or leaa steadily, witt a p*w«r Naturally, it affects .. target to a much greater defree, aa the target la larger and is traveling at a much alower rate of •peed. Ounnera should, however, Hke the wind Into cpnsideratkm when estimating necessary leads. The drift of a shot charge due to B croas wind equals the product of (BM wind velocity times the difference between the actual time of flight and the time of flight in a vacuum, Davis said. Take a duck load for instance; the effect of a 30- mile cross wind on a charge of Number Sixes would be approximately 1% feet at 50 yards. In a 30-mile cross wind, the drift Would amount to about 2% feet at ft yards, while at 30 yards, the shot charge would be affected only about tt foot. These figures are, of course, only approximate, but show the necessity of taking the wind into consideration whether your "swing" 1s •gainst it or with it. When swinging gainst the wind, the gunner should take particular care to avoid stopping the swing of his gun. Under these conditions the follow-through on added importance. Storing Butter The best place to store butter Is • refrigerator where the temfcture is always below-10 degrees Fahrenheit, or better still, below Dover's Cliffs ,• Dover's cliffs have seen some the world's greatest dramas, from the approach of ^Caesar's invasion ' galleys, which landed north of Dover in 55 B. C. to the evacuation qf England's army from Dunkerque to 1940. England's protective moat, however, is of relatively recent formation as geologists rate time. Some thousands of years ago, before the old river gaps were qrictened into the English Channel and Dover Straits, the English coast was joined with the continent. Through fierce action of waves and wind, the sea is still attacking and atadily wearing down the Channel Shores. Erosion against the soft Dover chalk has brought about huge cliff falls siiH.% the Norman Conquest. high Of H.» billion in 1M0. In the 30s output was valued at an average of about $8 billion, hut In the ! early 3ta dropped to levels lower j than since before World War I, equalling $2.4 billion in 193S. It rose i again in the 30s, with a temporary i drop in 1988, and during the,war • years reached new highs of $7.5 bilj lion in IMS, $8 billion in 1943, and ( $8.5 billion in 1944. The ten chief mineral producing , states from 1940 to 1944 were Penn- ! sylvania, which In that period produced $25 billion worth of mineral j products; Texas, $14 billion; California, $13 billion; West Virginia, $10 billion; Oklahoma, $9.8 billion; Illinois, $8 billion; Ohio, $5.9 billion; Kentucky, $3.8 billion; Kansas, $3.7 billion, and Michigan, $3.7 billion. Pennsylvania contributed 18 per cent of the mineral output of the ! country in that period, and Texas, 110 per cent. Pereeive Color i ttohnal eyes can perceive about 1 160 different hues in the spectrum, 1 according to the Better Vision institute. But some men--about one out of every 20--are deficient in color vision. Such persons see the two basic colors, yellow and blue, but confuse red and green because these colors appear to their eyes to be shades of yellow. A red and a green necktie, for example, might appear to be exactly the same color. Very few women, however, are color blind--only about one oat of every 250. B*1MM4 fev smm mwwiMi OHMk By INESGKBBABD CLAUDIA MORGAN has given more than one taxi driver the surprise of his life. The star of "The Right to Happiness" frequently finds her time so crowded, between broadcasts and stage appearances, that she has to use a taxi for a dressing room. She jumps into the cab, draws the shades--and steps out at the theater, ready to appear behind the footlights. Daughter of Ralph Morgan, niece of Frank, she comes by her dramatic talent .natt* Milk Dishes To achieve a smooth consistency in some dishes made with milk, adding the ingredients in the right order is an important detail. If added at the wrong time it can cause separation or curdling, cookery scientists of the department of agriculture advise. When milk is to be combined with an acid food, the right order is: Acid food into milk. For example, in making cream of CLAUDIA MORGAN rally, but has won professional laurels by her own efforts. And between broadcasting on all the major networks and making stage appearances she raises pigs - and chickens on her New Jersey farm. Fifty, boys from the orphanage next door were allowed to enter the gounds of the old Banning estate in Wilmington, Calif., each day while fifty Screen Actors Guild actors, aged five to eight, worked with Evelyn Keyes and Glenn Ford in Columbia's "The Mating of Millie." They were pretty critical -- the young actors were playing orphans. --*-- An original rhapsody by Oscar salt to dry euro 109 nmed pork cuta. That teaUy too much. It al» ilsasnsst. Le*s salt wiD ait careful to feoke seme % and pat nfcst of the lean skin-free aukta meat And then -- be «o knock or rattle ttl , 4 you lay the meat away la a cold place. Six pounds of salt eaMM^ gfiped will cute 100 pounds of hams aid shoulders ao that they wiD keen fhteugh the summer even wbssr stored at home. Por 100 p ouads ofbeeon, 3 pounds of salt is enough to dry cure it. Bacon cured with efiiy f pounds of salt per 100 -pounds wOl be mild enough to slice and fry happily with the eggs. Moft curing mixtures also include sugar to Improve the flavor. Saltpeter far added to set the red color in the lean. But salt is the chief preafirvatlve. , , . dry, iron with a vary hot tron. The heat gWis the high gloss that a& so much to damask* Try vv ^ ' folding of both. doth and Repeated foldings In th* aa will cause tho fabric to wear ahm the creases. Fold in halves and Wood Dry seasoned wood kindles more quickly and is easier to tend and regulate than wet or green wood. Drying wood for a short time is better than not drying it at all. To hasten drying, split the green logs Into small sticks. Another disadvantage of green wood is that it leaves more creosote, s6ot and other deposits in the chimney than dry wood. Foresters say that if green must be used, it should be put on ^ hot fire. • > ' - Children's Toys Children of one to two will like pull and push toys, colored balls to roll, blocks of varying sizes and shapes with which to begin to build or Just to pile up and push over. They like to take things apart and put them back together as provided by a peg board with large pegs. They also will like small dolls and stuffed animals--preferably of washable material which may be kept clean. Picture books of material which does not tear easily are good. Avoid giving them any objects which can cause them harm. Many familiar objects within the home will provide variety and keep them busy. tomato soup, the hot thickened to- i Levant has been included in the s§ " ~ Development . ^ Wrth, a human skull comprises Say bones which are distinctly septed. Some of the bones, such aa those 011 the top and sides of the Anil, have saw-like edges (sutpres) which gradually grow together. At the age of 50 years. «U trace dl the sutures has usually disappeared and the dome of the skull leeks like one bone. The ends of the fgng bones of arms and leg* show a distinct division from the shafts % infancy, but generally these divihave disappeared before the 25 years. Teeth are often a ftble guide to age because there Eregular order at appearance, first to appear are the juvenile k) teeth. These are replaced la regular sequence by the adult ^permanent) teeth. The third mows (wisdom teeth) usually erupt at we age of 18 to 21 years, sometimes •ether later. With advancing age flks angle of the jaw grows wider. Tbath fall out and the margin of the becomes a thin, bony edge. mato should be added gradually to the cool milk. Then the mixture is • heated briefly and served immedij ately. Likewise in making milk ; sherbet with an acid fruit juice I such as lemon, the fruit feiice after j Sweetening is added gradually to i the milk. In all such mixtures the ibombining should be done gradu^ i ally with constant stirring to avoid ; separation. When the mixture must ] be heated- the heating should be as brief ss possible and at a* low temperature. n mx«i £oi f h blc Mexico CKv Mexico City--cradled in the high i Inland Valley of Mexico--is rimmed [ by protective mountains, and favored by a pleasant* stimulating I climate. Geography, however, has ' played it e curious trick. Although 1 nearly 7,500 feet above sea level, (the city lies in a depression once | coveted by .a lake, which long made dikee and drainage as essential as ! in a Netherlands seaport, The canals have been filled in, and surj face floods are prevented by engi- ! nee ring works. But below the sur- ; face the swampy soil is gradually sinking, requiring constant repair j and strengthening of the big build- ! ings. I Complete ttne of Beebe livestock; Mr. and Mrs. George ies mt Wattles Drug Store, Mc-| son of Evanston spent So 8-tf j his parents. I * 1 tMm : •A Bando Fabric Skipper Samba Cloth* Luxuriously soft perfectly tailored! This Sktppff Sporbhirt by Wilson Brothers is made ot oodL oomfortable Samba Cloth--ra Crown-Tested Baxxfe Fabric that's easy to launder. Convertfbfe collar. White, naturals bhw. Grand far jour , Maura nomeatsi 1tShcMetS* McMENRY M ftlW 1 lit fa > >*1 <MI 11 >i> h 11 • t't I'ti'O'W' score of Warner Bros." "Romance in High C." Levant, who has a featured comedy role in the Technicolor musical, will play it in a night club sequence. --*-- Fitting out Broderiek Crawford for a policeman's uniform for "The Time of Tour Life" was quite an affair. Going into the rq|e in the William Cagney production on short notice, he borrowed Nat Pendleton's coat, Dfck Foran's trousers and Ward Bond's shoes. Broderiek says Pendletoa is holding out fat screen credit en the coat! Many. years ago one Sum net Getchell a had a principal role in which Clark' Gable. Charles Farrell. Janet Gljggp^, Gilbert Roland and George Lewis were bit and extra players. When the picture was done he quit; said there Was no future in that business. Recently he returned, for a character part ii "Ever the Beginning." think maybe I was mistaken," said he. Tohy Martin's really going to work this fan. HeU continue his CBS Sunday night show, and star in "Casbah," a musical version of "Pepe Le Moko" at Universal-International. HeHH also da a Might club stint. It's radio news that llBC hae let down the bar on transcriptions. AO these years Ralph Edward* has been putting on two complete "Truth or COnseqi eaeh week, one jfw the east eeast, one later for the west. The son follow that beginning October 4 the first win be transcribed later for the westooast. Though he's one of HoByweocTe best dancers, Rory Calhoun had to take lessons in teen-age terpsichore tor his role in "Mary Hagon Seems he'* fine at the tango, the rhumbs, etc.. but had'to learn to bounce. --*-- Bob (Believe It or Not) Ripley gave the most original of recent press porties; took about B0 newspaper and magazihe writers for a sail on New York's North River in his Chinese junk, the Mon Lei. --*-- Perry Como has signed *1 noncancellable, 24-month contract with the sponsor of his NBC "Supper Club" program, which returns to the air September 8. And will Hollywood producers please note that when Como made a personal appearance at the RKO Boston theater, members of his fan clubs paraded with signs saying "We Want More Como Films." ODDS AND ENDS--Tbtrfi m |m4 d*sl of risk kt writing U Lomis* BmmUy of Tb* Right, f Hmppimtu"--sk* don handwriting cb*r*ct*r MMfyrit.... Mtroditb Willson1* tour «** bit CBS radio tbow bat boom indefinitely pottpomod. StoUs Adlor't "baby," sbomt whom tho udkod and tMkod on toU of "Boor tbo Boginning," tmmod out to boom IB-yoo^old doMgbUr who'd put fmhbod bor fir* foor 0f rtfftfr . . . Lmcillo Boll omd Frontba* Torn* will moit o toriot •/ fUrfrnd oppooromtot ocrott tbo ttnntry, bo, in October, im roiootod tbit toll. Test New Wood Ptessms Pentachlorphenol is a new chemical wood preserver being tested by the University of Illinois depart* mont of forestry. Plumber's Torek Daagaroet Don't use a plumber's torch to that* pipes. In inexperienced hands, the torch may be a dangerous instrument. It may cause fire or an explosion of ice turned to steam in <^1^ ^ liOSBB FINGERS " James L. Dawson of rural Woodstock was the victim of a painful accident last week when he caught his hand in a pulley attached to a hay fork with which he was putting hay into a barn. So badly mangled was his right hand that it was necessary to remove three of his fingers, His Rector and the hospital have been fighting to save the , remaining fingers and the other hand. quarters one time and ia thirds the Cleaalag GlassWeia Never uae a scratchy cleanser, steel wool or dUier sharp cleanser on glassware. <ra_*^e*nove brown Stains, Soak in F quart of warm water plus 3 tablespoons baking aoda. To remote mineral deposits, boll half a dishful of water pifcs 1 tablespoon nf vinegar. Road the Want Ado Iim iMMmniwlHfimmiiHiUHHiMirtMMi iiiiinHiiiininiiiiiiiHifiiiniiitHiiuiiiiiii S1NGLS8 "DREAM. DKEAM, DREAM," By the Mills Bros. •TIM-T AYS HUM"; (Parody on "Temptation"), By Red Ingle; "KATE," • By Eddie HosrariL "APRIL SHOWERS," A By Gay Lombarda •>. ALBUMS !: i "PROM DATE," ' •) . By Benefce Mills Orch. Large Selection of Other Kasr- Albums Stmilaix Qmw&IAH Phone 12S-J SUNDAY MORNINGS. ^As a result of 'high ing the last few ss new homo construction and ia general farm improvements," said F. B. Ortman, chairmSn of the Bapid of illin five lavera0fesf»mttloa land was dsstomed residential construction committee. of rural °arei linoto is making possible the incorporation in new homes of electrification many labor-saving and comfort-proriding devices undreaihed of a "generation ago, according to Ortman. Rural Electrification Administoation estlmates disclose that more than 66 per cent of all farms in the state now receive central station electric service. Refrigerators, electric-washing machines and deep freezing plants, as well as plumbing' systems, will go into many new homes as a . * ./ Bead •the Want AdsC•' The color sdwiie of majr roem kr the form home should gira mi impteasfton of being composed mainly of warm colors with accenta of cool colors, or of being • cool scheme with warm touches of accent. Complete line of Lee's remedies at Wattles Drag Store, 8-tf m C O O L E D MILLER Woodstock* & THUR8. - FRI. AUG. 28 - 29 Randolph 8^ott in > "TRAIL STREET with "Gabby Hayes" - Pfcw "GHOST GOBS WILD" James Ellison Anne Gwyw SUN. - MON. - TUE& AUG. 31 - SEPT. 1 -2 - Continuous Shows Sunday - and Labor Day (Monday) From 2:30 on - Open 2ilS Vali Johnson in • "HIGH BARBAREE^ " with June Allyson Marilyn Maxwell ' Claude Jarman, Jr. WED. - THURS„ SEPT. t • 4 "DANIEL BOONE" - with • Geo. O'Brien - Heather Angel • pins - "THE WINDJAMMER" McHenry, Illinois AIR CONDTVIOm FBI. - SAT. Kaadalpli Seed - Anne JdYieji "TRAIL yiREKr* ' Added Attmctioa . . . 4iBEA«JTT POR 8ALB* Plus: ^ews and Cartoon SUN. - MON, AUG SI - SEPT. 1 Peter Lawford - "Batch" Jenkins Edward Arnold BROTHER TALK8 TO HORSES" Plus: World News and Cartoon Sunday Matinee 1:48 tmutimm Monday: Doors open 6:30 Program ' Starts 6:50 TUESDAY (One Day) Gary Cooper - Doris Davenport Dana Andrews - Walter Brenaaa "THE WESTERNER" Plus: Three Stooges and Sporte WED. - THURS. Leslie Brooks • Jimmy Lloyd (1!) "CIGARETTE GIRL" JoAnn Marlowe - Mate Crasser (2) "LITTLE IODINE" Stettin* MONDAY, SB , 4 Doors Open 6£| ^ Program starts-1 Smeriba tor The Flal&dealer _ Mm f \k^m t F CTJON'S what you bought, air -- and taut, and finger-tip responsive and amoothly satisfying When time finally does take its toll, we have genuine neered parts with which to make replacements. II it's just a case ol fi well-tuned ear apottipg what to jdo to keep your car in die (Milk, have mechanics who are Bttipk specialists and who knoW your Buick baby Irom theinside out. action's what we're prepared tf mmhh men know know hvw fe keafsyoturn mi lh give you when you drive a Buiclt. Whether it is spanking new or has thousands ol miles ol laithlul senp* ice on it, there's nothing liksp Buick care and Buick "savvy" #) keep your Buick baby delivering right up to die hilt. It*a a grand oar you've got there, so why risk miaalng' out on all it can deliver by giving it just ordinary service? Treat it to raid Buick care, made up ol aawy, Buick toola, Buick parts -- end get all the happinesaapd eat islaction you afaould be getting We know what your Buick can do -- ao we know when it's at its beai» We can aplit a second into hiufa dredths to get die timing ol your Fireball engine right on the nose - aensitive, Buick-approved bubble gleas gaugea help align your wheels to 1; I. Overtoil Motor Sales Front Sm West McHenry» 1U* 221N. Main Crystal Lake, Dl . ^ «.> i -tk\' i ssk; •. . • ., i. %%:•! ..VS.. -r,* J" ,4 • y